• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 2,696 Views, 48 Comments

Power Ponies Secret Origins - Grenazers

A trade Paperback containing six of the original Power Ponies origin stories, including one about a certain sidekick.

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Hum Drum


Presents the sensational


Colt Wonder

At the Crimson Coast Elementary School, it was recess and a bunch of colts and fillies were preparing to play a game.

“Alright everypony split into two groups.” A red colt ordered. “One group is with me, the other one is with Waterfall.” He pointed to the blue colt.

After they all split and picked a side, they were about to start the game when suddenly one colt spoke out. “Hey guys can I play?” Asked a greyish green colt with brown hair and eyes.

“Pffft no way Hum Drum.” The red colt mockingly responded. “You can join Waterfall's team.”

“What? No way we're taking clumsy Hum Drum there!” The blue colt replied.

“Never mind then!” Hum Drum angrily said and left. As soon he was far away from them, Hum Drum's expression changed from anger to sadness as he sat sombrely on a bench.

The little colt was known around the school as the most clumsy pony ever. When ever he participate in something, he somehow mess everything up, ruining it for everypony. Because of his infamy, all the colts and fillies treated him like an outcast.

Hum Drum hates being the outcast, he tried to stop being such a clumsy pony, but this always backfires and messes things up even more.

As he sat there on the bench, a newspaper came flying by and smack him on his face. Hum Drum was startled by this, but immediately calmed down upon realizing it was just a newspaper. On the front cover of the paper, it displayed the Power Ponies triumphantly apprehending a group of train robbers. The six heroines stood together in the middle of the photo, with the robbers on the left side.

“It must be amazing to be a super hero.” Hum Drum said. “Having awesome powers, having everypony loving you and praising you for your good deed, I wish I had that, a chance to prove myself and become a hero.”

Suddenly the school bell ranged, signalling the end of recess. Hum Drum then hopped off the bench and toss the newspaper into the garbage bin. As he trots back to the school, the little colt didn't realize that his wish was about to come true.

Outside on the school ground, a tall thin unicorn stallion wearing a purple and black suit with mask was panting heavily. The stallion has just recently escape from the Power Ponies, but knew that they'll catch up. He spot the school and though of a ingenious idea.

Back to Hum Drum, the colt was in his class, sitting quietly as the rest of the class talked. The colt was position in the back left corner of the room, on the side with the windows. He waited patiently for his teacher to arrive so they can start the class.

Suddenly the door opened and in came a brown unicorn stallion. The stallion's red eyes scanned the room, looking at each of the young foals faces. Clearing his throat, the stallion spoke.

“Greetings my little ponies, I'll be your substitute teacher for the day.”

“What happened to Miss. Sweet Honey?” One white filly asked.

“Miss. Honey was sick, so I was called in to take over her place.” The stallion answered, while inside his head he remembered knocking that mare out and stuffing her into a locker.

“That's strange, she was fine before recess.” A yellow colt commented.

“Um well she ate something bad and had to call in sick.” The stallion lied.

Everypony accepted this and remained quiet. “Alright then.” He trots up to the black board and picked up a white chalk with his magic. “The name is Mr. Cutter.” He wrote his name on the board in big capitalized bold letters.

“Turn to page ten of your math books and we'll do some math problems.” Cutter ordered and every foal took out their math books and papers.

While they all focused on their work, Hum Drum couldn't help but stare at the stallion. “Hmm I think I recognize him.” He said to himself. He then pulled a out a Power Ponies Guide book from his desk and flip to the pages with all the villains. He flipped through a couple more and found what he was looking for.

The page features a tall, thin unicorn stallion, wearing a purple and black suit with mask. The stallion is called Charade. Hum Drum compared the picture to the stallion and can see the similarities, while not wearing his costume he does have the same build. Not only that, but the red eyes and white hair were the same.

He read more of Charade's profile and discovered that the name 'Cutter' is one of many aliases Charade uses in his criminal career.

The evidence was substantial, but what really sealed the deal is what happened next. “Hey look! Is that Zapp out there?” One foal shouted and pointed out the window. The entire class got up from their desk and rushed over to the window.

Outside, the super hero Zapp was flying around looking for somepony. While everypony stared at the mare, Hum Drum stared at Mr. Cutter and noticed the nervous look he had on his face.

“No doubt about it, Mr. Cutter is Charade.” The little green colt said to himself. “I must find a way to inform Power Ponies about this without letting Charade know I'm onto him.” Hum Drum then raised his hoof up. “Excuse me, Mr. Cutter, may I use the washroom?”

“Yeah sure, Kid, go ahead.” Cutter allowed.

As soon Hum Drum left the room, he quickly galloped to the nearest exit. The little colt was attempting to get Zapp's attention so that she could apprehend the villain. However, upon opening the door and looking to the sky, the little colt was too late. Zapp has already left.

“Darn it Hum Drum, that was your only chance.” He scolded himself. The colt sighs and though of something else. “Guess I have to go to plan B then.” The colt then headed for the principle's office.

After telling him of the whole story, Hum Drum was kicked out of his office. “Seriously boy, a villain pretending be a teacher. You read too many comic books.” The elderly stallion slammed the door.

“Guess it's up to me now.” Hum Drum worryingly said before heading back to class.

Upon returning, he learned that his class is going to the gym next. He smiled, knowing exactly what to do.

At the gym, the class was split up into two teams. The game they're playing is dodge ball, throw the ball, hit a pony, the first to get rid of all the players on the opposing team wins.

Hum Drum chose a side and watch closely where Mr. Cutter was positioned. When the game start, all his team mates rushed in to get a ball. The only one who didn't go for the ball is Hum Drum. In order for his plan to work, all o his team mates has to be eliminated so that he's the only one of the field.

For now, he'll continue to dodge balls and wait as his team mates gets taken down one by one. After a couple of minutes passed by, Hum Drum was the only pony left on his team.

As the opposing team smiled at their almost victory, the little colt himself was smiling that his plan was working. Now that he is alone, the other team will focus all their attack on him. All he had to do now was get into position in front of Mr. Cutter.

Once the opposing locked in on him, they all raise their ball and toss it at him. Hum Drum saw the storm of balls flying at him. He instinctively dropped down, evading the balls as they flew overhead and went for the stallion behind him.

The barrage of balls struck the teacher, each one hitting its mark. It wasn't until a ball smash him in the face, is what finally knocked him out.

As the students looked at their fallen teacher with worries, Hum Drum silently congratulated himself.

Times passes and Cutter started waking up from his unconsciousness. He found himself comfortably laying on a bed, but he also found himself with a pair of hoofcuff.

“Nice to see awake Mr. Cutter.” Said Mare-Velous from the side. “Or should I say Charade?”

“What? But, how can this be? How did you know who I was?” Charade questioned.

“It wasn't me Charade.” The mare explained. “The credit goes to this kid.” She points her hoof at the little green colt. “He saw through your disguise and cleverly put you out of commission long enough for us to me to track you here.” She then turn to the two police officers. “Take him away boys.” The two officers nodded and drag the villain away, leaving the mare and the colt in the room.

“You did a great job kid.” Mare-Velous complimented the colt. “You knew who he was, didn't alert him of your knowing and impressively took him down.”

“Well shucks ma'am, I would do anything to protect everypony from that villain.” Hum Drum responded.

“That's really a admirable trait.” She then got an idea in her head. “Say kid are interested in being a sidekick?”

The little colt gasped. “A sidekick? You mean I can get fight along side with you and the five other Power Ponies?”

“That's right kid, we can use somepony with your smarts on the field. So are you in?”

Hum Drum didn't hesitated and answered immediately. “Sign me up!”

And thus Hum Drum, a little colt would become the most amazing sidekick to help out the Power Ponies in their never ending battle against villainy.


Masked Matter-Horn in The Hunger Games

In the outskirts of the town, Red Sun. Masked Matter-Horn laid on flat on the ground with a binocular in her hoof. She heard rumors that this town has been taken over by a bandit lord and is forcing the inhabitants to play some kind of death game against each other.

Looking through her binocular, the mare can see the bandit lord sitting on his throne. He was currently watching two starving ponies battling each other. The prize, a delicious chocolatey hostess cupcake.

“Those poor ponies, starved to the point that they'll kill each other for that sugary treat. That fiend will pay!” She angrily declared. “But, first lets help these poor hungry ponies.”

Using her unicorn magic she conjured up some more cupcakes and let it rain down on the starving ponies below.

“Look guys!” One stallion pointed to the sky.

“Cupcakes falling from the sky!” Another stallion shouted.

The bandit lord watch as his slaves dropped their weapons and began eating the cupcakes. He was a about to stop them, but was blasted away by a powerful magical beam.

“Take that evil doer! No longer shall you force these ponies in your hunger games.” She said to the defeated bandit lord.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite Of Hostess Cupcakes

Author's Note:

Before being a comic relief, Hum Drum was actually a very helpful and competent pony until he was later changed for the modern readers.

And thus all the Power Ponies are done, but it's not over yet. There is still one more to go.