• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 2,699 Views, 48 Comments

Power Ponies Secret Origins - Grenazers

A trade Paperback containing six of the original Power Ponies origin stories, including one about a certain sidekick.

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Power Ponies









On this day, six unique individuals with super powers will meet to confront a powerful common foe. The fate of Maretropolis and its citizens are in the hooves of these six heroes who are up against a terrifying deity. Strife, the God of War.

The time, very early in the morning.

The place, in the outskirts of Maretropolis.

The pony, Strife, the God of War.

Strife stood alone on the small hill facing the large city in the distance. The large stallion wore his heavy black and red armour that covered his entire body. Two large red horns stood out on his black helmet, giving him a almost devil like appearance.

Sitting on his back, was Strife's most trusty weapon, his battleaxe. The axe's handle was pitch black and the blade part was a brightly vibrant scarlet colour.

The large earth stallion turn his head around and saw his massive army arming themselves. They were a mix of all known sentient beings across the world. They are also his followers who worship him and offer their service t the God of War. With so many eager to join, Strife has already amass an army that can rival any other nation.

Suddenly a griffon wearing a black and red armour landed next to the large stallion and bowed his head. “M y lord, your troops are getting excited. Shouldn't we start the invasion?”

“Not yet Lieutenant Havoc.” Strife answered. “We'll attack by sunrise, I want to look at the surprise faces those weak ponies make when they see my army crush their pathetic lives.”

The large stallion then return his gaze to the city in the distance. “For too long these ponies have live a peaceful life, long forgotten of the chaotic war from the era before Equestria. I am going to remind these ponies of those days and will bring an end to their peaceful era.” He declared, gazing harder at the distance city. “Soon Equestria will be back to what it once was, a land of carnage and death.”

The sun rose above the city of Maretropolis. Already ponies were out of their homes and ready to start the day. However, all of sudden the morning skies were raining with large fiery rocks. They came down crashing down on the streets below, penetrating through some buildings along the way.

Ponies everywhere scream and galloped to safety. Finding whatever cover they can find and hope they aren't hit. Eventually the rain of flaming rocks ended and the ponies came out of hiding. When they did they bear witness to a sight even more terrifying then the fiery rocks.

A horde of black and red armoured invaders charged in to attack. The invaders consist of the three pony types, griffons, minotaurs, buffaloes, zebras and diamond dogs. All the fliers swarmed the skies, while the ground forces swoop the streets, causing as much destruction and mayhem as they can.

All over the cities there are attacks everywhere and the Maretropolis Police are stretched thin trying to fend off these attackers. With the police unable to help, ponies fell victim to the invaders.

One small group was cornered by five invaders, each one wielding a very sharp and menacing weapon. As they drew closer, the group of became more frightened. Then all of a sudden a lone mare trotted out and glared at the five attackers.

“Well well, look what we got here boys.” The unicorn invader mocked the grey pegasus mare with brown hair. “Look likes we got a brave little lady here.” He continue to taunt the mare.

“I advise not to taunt me any further sir.” The mare warned him. “I tend to lose control when I get angry.”

“Oh is that so?” The unicorn said before taking a swipe at her.

Amazingly she quickly block the attack with her hoof. It wasn't the fact that this mare blocked his attack, it's the fact that she done so with ease. She barely flinched when his weapon hit her hoof.

“You shouldn't have done that.” The mare said, her voice suddenly getting deeper. “You wouldn't like it when I get angry.” Her body then begins to change. The five invaders watch in stun shock as the small mare grew in size, becoming a large hulking figure.

The large mare let out a roar and smashed the unicorn to the ground. The other four reacted quickly and all attacked the giant monster. The mare however, swatted them away like flies. She grabbed one griffon and threw him at a building.

The griffon broke through the glass window and broke through another one in the back. He crashed landed on the street where another battle was taking place.

Mistress Mare-Velous was in a middle of battling a bunch of guys. Despite having numbers on their side, this mare was a one pony army as she took them all on with little problem. She punched, she bucked, and occasionally use her lasso to throw these armoured guys around.

Up in the sky, a storm was brewing. At the centre of this storm was another costume heroine, Zapp. Using the magic in her pendent, the pale blue pegasus mare called upon the awesome power of lightning to strike down any fliers that came for her.

“Come at me villainous and face my wrath!” Zapp shouted, goading them to try and attack her.
While she was dealing with the airborne invaders. Down below, the police force were dealing with the ground forces. At the Purple Heart Hospital, a large group of police officers were outside, fighting off the invaders. They were assign here to protect the hospital from these attackers.

Among the many officers stationed here, Detective Flass Century was currently battling one of these invaders. The black and red armoured stallion swung his sword down, but the detective dodge it the attack and struck him in the expose gaps in his armour.

After taking him down, Flass went and assist another officer who being pinned by a large minotaur. Flass jumped on the guys back and tried to headlock him. He managed to get the minotaur off his buddy, but now the minotaur is focused on him now.

The minotaur pulled Flass off his back and threw him hard onto the ground. Reeling from the pain, the detective was left vulnerable to the large bipedal bull creature. Just before the Minotaur could do anything, he was suddenly blasted away by a magical beam.

That beam came from Masked Matter-Horn, who came onto the scene. Using her magic, the costumed mare shot out a rapid stream of beams at the invaders, knocking them all out. When the dust settled, Flass stood up and saw the mare approaching him.

“Good thing you showed up Matter-Horn.” Flass said, nursing his bruise. “If you haven't come, we'll all been overrrun.”

“Glad to be any assistance, detective” She smiled. Suddenly her smile dropped and her face got serious. “Detective, do you know whats going on?” She asked. “Who are these guys? And why are they attacking?”

“We don't know Matter-Horn. They just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started attacking us, caught all of us in complete surprise.” He explained.

“I see.” Matter-Horn said as she turn her head away and saw another group of armoured attackers approaching. “Sorry, detective, looks we'll have to continue our conversation later. Now prepare for combat!”

As the two opposing side battled outside the hospital, a small group of invaders climb on top of a nearby building. Armed with their bows, the invaders aimed their arrows at the police below. Before they could let go of the arrow, something came flashing in and knocked all them out.

The cause of this was another costume heroine, Fili-Second. The young teenage filly used her super fast speed power and move all over the city, taking down any invaders she came across. This method has already saved the lives of numerous ponies who needed help.

On one of her runs, Fili-Second passed under an road overhead, where Radiance was single-hoofedly taking on three armour wearing manticores. The mare conjured up some shields to block off the invader's warbeast. Behind her there was a turned over bus with ponies she is protecting. Once they all safely evacuated, she dropped the shield and went on the offensive.

Radiance creates a large pink battering ram and charge through the three beast and into the small army behind them. She cuts through like a hot knife through butter as her weapon battered all the unlucky foes caught in her attack.

As the battle rages on across the city of Maretropolis, the War God, Strife, stood on the roof of the tallest building and watched the battlefield below. First army perform well at the beginning of the attack, but are now halted by these six unique mares.

“These mares are quite formidable.” Strife complimented them. “I wasn't aware that Equestria still has champions.” He then gripped his battleaxe and moved to the edge of the building. “No matter, they will all fall and I shall be the one to do so, personally!” Strife jumped down to face the first of the six champions, Saddle Rager.

The large hulking mare swung her fist upwards, upper cutting a minotaur. Saddle Rager punching the invaders, left and right with ease. It also helps when you have some large metallic boxing gloves created from crushed metal chariots and carriages.

As she continue bashing her foes, she heard a loud thump behind her, as if somepony just crash landed. Turning around, Rager saw a large armoured stallion wielding terrifying battleaxe. She assume him to be just another soldier and charged in, both fist raised up, totally unaware that she was up against the God of War.

She swung her left right hoof at the stallion, but to her surprise he blocked with only one hoof. This had never happened before. So surprised by this, Strife took the opportunity to swing his battleaxe, intending to chop her arm off. Luckily she pulled back and the axe only chop her metal boxing glove off.

Saddle Rager, swung her other hoof at him, but he punched back. Their hooves collided, creating a loud sonic boom that shattered all glass in the area. Then all of a sudden, her metal boxing glove shattered into pieces.

“You are strong beast.” Strife praised the hulking mare. He then proceed to punch her hard in the stomach. “But, I am stronger.” The stallion then grab the large mare and threw her at a building. She breaks through the front of the building, pass some walls, and exiting through the back wall.

Strife was about to go after her, but was stopped when several lightning struck the ground around him. He looked up and saw a pegasus mare in a blue outfit, staring down at him.

“You look like the leader of this army.” Zapp stated. “If I defeat you, your forces will fall apart.”

“You're welcome to try mare.” Strife challenged.

“I accept thee challenge!” Zapp responded and conjure up some more storm clouds. Strife then leap at the flying mare, aiming his battleaxe at her.

On the other side of the street, Saddle Rager was slowly recovering from being thrown through a building. Beneath her were some invaders that were crushed when she broke through the wall and landed on them. Apparently the mare interrupted a fight between these armoured goons and Mistress Mare-Velous.

“Whoa, thanks for the assist my large friend.” Mare-Velous said to Saddle Rager. “Hey wait aren't you that big monster thing everypony keeps talking about, Saddle Rager?”

“Yeah, what if I am?” Rager asked in very angry and threatening tone in her voice.

“No need to be a angry, Rager, I know you're not a monster.”

This surprises the grey pegasus mare. “How do you know that?”

“Simple, my large friend. I know that the military fabricate all their stories about you. You never destroyed that town, that town was destroyed because the military were trying to capture you. You only wanted to live in peace.”

The large mare was speechless. Never before has she encountered anther pony that wasn't scared of her.

“So are hurt or can you still move?”

“Yeah I'm fine.” Rager assured her and got up. She flicked a armoured pony off her back and looked at the red costumed mare.

“So what brought you to my neighbourhood?” Mare-Velous asked.

The large mare pointed to the sky where both Zapp and Strife were in a middle of fight with one another. “See that one in the black and red armour?”

“You mean the guy with those two big red devil horns?”

“Yeah.” Rager verified.”That one blocked my attack and through me through the building.”

“Holy smokes! That stallion must be crazy strong.” Mare-Velous stated. “Who is this guy?”

“His name is Strife, the God of War.” Answered a young mare's voice, next to the two mares.

The two heroines yelp in surprise by the sudden appearance of the young teenage filly in her white suit with a purple line arrow detail.

“Who are you?”

Fili-Second smiled and introduced herself. “Name's Fili-Second, the fastest mare alive!” She said with a lot of energy.

“The speedster?” Mare-Velous commented. “How do you know this guy's name?”

“I overheard it from some of his minions.” Fili-Second explained. “He is the pony that lead the invasion and is apparently the God of War.”

“God of War, eh?” Saddle Rager repeated. “Well god or no god, nopony messes with our city!” She was about to go after the War God, but was stopped by Mistress Mare-Velous.

“Hold on there partner, no offence but that guy totally whooped you.” She pointed out.
“So what?”

“So, seeing how this Strife guy managed to throw you through a building so easily and is taking on Zapp with little difficulty, then I suggest we get some back up.”

“Back up, huh?” Fili-Second spoke up. “On my numerous runs across this city, I saw both the Masked Matter-Horn and Radiance.”

“Well just our luck, Fili-Seconfd go get those two and bring them here.” Mare-Velous told the teenage filly. “If we're going to beat this guy, then we're gonna need the combine power of all six of us.”

The speedster nodded her head and in a blink of an eye, she was gone. Both Mistress Mare-Velous and Saddle Rager turned their attention to Strife, who had his metal hoof on top the fallen pegasus.

“You fought well champion.” Strife said the mare beneath his boot. “It will be such a shame to end your life.” He raises his battleaxe up high and was about to bring it down.

Suddenly he heard the loud thumping sound that grew louder from the side. He turn his head and saw the rampaging, hulking mare charging at him. Before he could even defend himself, Saddle Rager tackled the War God off the pegasus and slammed onto the hard ground. The large mare then got up, picked him up and threw him through a building.

When Strife landed on the other side, he recovered quickly and went to pick up his weapon. Just as his hoof was about to touch the weapon, a lasso flew in and pulled his battleaxe away. The War God saw Mare-Velous, mockingly holding his weapon.

Before he could anything, Saddle Rager charged in and ram the stallion into a wall. She then went to him and started pummelling him with her fist. She got in a couple of good hits, before he grabs her head and headbutted her.

Reeling back, the War God saw an opportunity and began striking against her chest. Due to her large size, the mare was not able to shield herself from his assault.

As he continued doing this, a felt a lasso around his arm. He smiled under his helmet, fully expecting the other mare to do this. He grip the rope and swung the mare over to her friend, slamming into her.

Strife then picked up his battleaxe and turned to face the two champions. However, he is instead met with the mare from before, Zapp.

“I'm not done yet, villain!” Zapp use her pendent to call down a powerful thunder strike and struck the War God. The attack was brutal, but wasn't enough to take him down. He still stood up, scorched from the thunder strike.

Zapp however, was not deterred by this and glare at the large stallion. She was then met with the two other heroines that stood by her side. They gave each other a glance and nod, acknowledging that they were on the same team.

With that settled, the three mares charged in, ready to face the War God.

Mare-Velous attacked first, she launched a dozen hoofarangs at him. Strife deflected them away with his battleaxe, but one of them exploded in a very bright light, blinding him.

With his vision temporary gone, Saddle Rager picked up a carriage and smack him up in the air. Zapp then shocked him with more thunder strikes, which is then followed by Mare-Velous bringing him down hard with her lasso.

Strife, crashed onto the concrete road, where Rager then starts punching him. Each hit, pushes the War God down deeper into the ground, until he was fully buried.

Saddle Rager halted her attack and took a long, deep breath. When she thought it was over, the ground beneath her burst and the War God came out and upper cutted the large grey mare. He sent her flying to another building.

Once he was out of the ground he targeted the two shocked mares. Zapp used her pendent to summon a hail storm to stop him. In response Strife threw his battleaxe. The pale blue mare barely dodge the weapon, almost crazing her. She was then sucker punched by the large stallion, sending her to a wall.

Mistress Mare-Velous threw a explosive hoofarang, but the War God grabbed it and crushed with his hoof, exploding the little device in the process. The sand colored mare gulped and readied herself for combat.

Luckily for her she won't be fighting him alone.

Out of nowhere a magical beam came pass her and struck the large armour stallion. He stammered back a bit, but still hold his ground. Mare-Velous turn and saw Masked Matter-Horn trotting up her.”

“Fili-Second got you?”

“Yeah, explained everything to me a long the way.” The pink mare answered. Matter-Horn shot out another beam at the War God, this time sending him flying back against a wall.

Strife tried to get up, but Mistress Mare-Velous threw a smoke hoofarang into his helmet. The device activated and soon the stallion was coughing from the smoke. Matter-Horn shot a freeze beam at his hooves, trapping him in place. Mare-Velous then planted several explosive devices in the gaps between his armour plating. Once she and her partner were in a safe distance, the mare set off the bomb, blowing the War God up.

Once the smoke cleared, both mare were in shock to see the stallion still standing. Most of his armour has been blown off, revealing the dark grey coat beneath. The only piece that stayed were his metal boots, gauntlet, and helmet.

The War God's eyes glowed brightly underneath his helmet. “Foolish champion, you think your little toys can harm me!” As soon as he finished saying that a large pink anvil dropped on him.

“Now just because something is little doesn't it mean can give you big results.” Said a very elegant voice from above.

Up in the air, Radiance had a pink around her, allowing the yellow mare to float. She got rid of the anvil and the War God got up. He was then immediately assaulted by something that was moving fast and hard.

“Try and attack me sucker!” Fili-Second said in between smacking the stallion.

“Lets see run with no flat ground for you to run on!” Strife stab his battleaxe in the ground, shattering everything around him.

With the ground no longer smooth, the young speedster trip and fell face first on the ground. Strife then threw his battleaxe at Radiance, swinging in a circular motion. Thankfully, the mare had her shield on, otherwise that axe would of sliced her in half. Instead the impact knocked the mare out of the sky and down onto the ground.

When his battleaxe came back, he was soon blasted by yet another magic beam from the pink mare. Mistress Mare-Velous toss in a glue hoofarang that covered his face. While he was attempting to get the sticky substance off the front of his helmet, the Saddle Rager came up from behind and smash him to the ground.

Strife took a swipe to the back with his weapon and the large mare jumped back to evade it. He was then electrocuted when Zapp called down the thunder on him.

As he stood back up, Mare-Velous that he was more weaker now. No longer did his legs stood straight and firm, the stallion could barely stand up. Seeing that he is almost beaten, she shared this news with everypony else.

“Girls, this guy is weakening, we need to keep up the assault!” She shouted. “Everypony attack at once!”

All the mares did as she said and readied their attack. Matter-Horn charged up her horn, increasing its power. While she was doing that, Rager grab a large chunk from the ground and smash it on the stallion. Zapp once again used her thunder attack and struck him. Mare-Velous threw in a few explosive hoofarangs and blew him up. Fili-Second used her super speed and momentum to to dish out some heavy damage. Radiance created a pink train and have dropped on the War God. Finally it was Matter-Horn left and her horn was sparkling. She aimed it the stallion and unleashed her charged up beam. It was so bright and large that it blinded everypony in the vicinity.

After all their combined attacks, they were met with the sight of Strife, on his knees, struggling to get up. The six heroine surrounded him as he vainly tried to make his hooves get up.

“Stand down Strife, you're defeated.” Mare-Velou told the War God. “We beaten enough, don't make us harm you anymore.”

To this the dark grey stallion chuckled. “You're I am defeated.” He then lifted his head and stared at them. “But, I would rather die then to surrender to you!” He swung his axe on himself and the result action created a huge explosion.

Mask Matter-Horn shield Mare-Velous and herself in a dome shield. Radiance, used the power of her diamond to generate a forcefield around herself. Saddle Rager grab both Zapp and Fili-Second, using herself as shield to protect the two.
After the explosion, the heroine came out of it unscathed. They inspect the spot where Strife was, but only found a blacken crater where he was.

“Can't believe that guy did that himself.” Matter-Horn said, commenting about the War God's fate.

“Prideful god, rather do that himself instead of yielding.” Zapp said, looking down at the crater.

In the aftermath of what is later called, the Battle of Maretropolis. The fighting was over and the now rebuilding process can begin. After the defeat of their God, all the invaders immediately bolted, scattering into the unknown.

While everypony were busy rebuilding, six certain heroines met up in a semi destroyed tower. Five mares entered a room, all the while greeting one another. Standing in the alone was Mistress Mare-Velous.

“Girls, I'm so glad you all came to this meeting.”

“OK, we're here, so what do you want?” Matter-Horn questioned.

“Yeah, we need to help the ponies rebuild the city.” Fili-Second added.

“Don't worry this won't take long.” Mare-Velous's face then drop the smile and got all serious. “Do you girls remembered the battle with Strife a few days?”

“Of course we do dear.” Radiance answered. “Some of us still have the bruises from that battle.”

“Yeah that battle was tough on all of us, but that battle with Strife got me thinking. Can it happened again? Will we be able to stop this time? Or will we even be their when it happens?” She then turn to face each of the mares in the room. “What I'm suggesting we do is to form a team, a team that is organized and ever ready to fight against evil.”

“That's not a bad idea, Mare-Velous.” Radiance responded.

“Sure, I'm down with that.” Said Matter-Horn.

“I agree, we are some of the most powerful ponies around, nopony will dare strike against us.” Zapp stated.

“Sure why not, I'm in.” Said Saddle Rager.

“Cool, we're going to be best team ever!” Fili-Second excitingly said. “Whoa hold on a second, what do we call ourselves?”

A small smile appeared on Mare-Velous's face. “I think Zapp had the right idea for a name.” She answered. “From this day forth, we are the Power Ponies!”

On that day the legendary team is born. Six unique individuals joined together against a common foe, each one offering a unique ability to the team. Saddle Rager with her strength, Fili-Second with her speed, Radiance with magic constructs, Zapp with weather control, Masked Matter-Horn with her magical beam, and last Mare-Velous with her lasso and various gadgets. Together, the six have formed a unstoppable team that will never lose against the forces of evil.


Author's Note:

And thus conclude this story. It was a wild ride and hoped you all enjoyed this chapter and the previous ones as well. I thank you all for taking the time to read this story and even commenting about it as well.

Comments ( 7 )





CONFETTI EVERYWHERE! :pinkiehappy::twilightoops:

Now you have a fave and a follow.

YEAH! So cool :D Though the way it is, I think Humdrum came after that.

Wow. I like how this story is formatted. It tells the tales without referring to stuff in other comics (stories) that don't exist. It even has some old-style cartoon ads in them. Have a like.:twilightsmile:


No, she is a unicorn.

Okay. I am finally done. I have to say, I like how this story was done. A story for each and how they became a team. I hope to read more about this, but I know it's been awhile. In any case,


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