• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 2,699 Views, 48 Comments

Power Ponies Secret Origins - Grenazers

A trade Paperback containing six of the original Power Ponies origin stories, including one about a certain sidekick.

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The Mighty

It was a silent night for the barren road on a equally barren landscape. There was nothing out here except dust and dry land. The only vegetation out here are the ones on the verge of dying of dehydration.

Suddenly, the scene was interrupted by the arrival of a very pale blue pegasus staggering through the land. The mare looked like a total mess. Her coat was smudge with dirt, her purple mane was all messy and there was a bit of red in her blue eyes.

And this wasn't the worse of it, the mare has no memories of who she is and why she is out here. The only possession she had was the golden lighting shape pendent she wears around her neck. She has no idea what this thing was, but for reasons unknown she felt that the pendant was really important to her.

She glanced at it quickly and resume her stare ahead, continuing her trot through this barren land. She then spots a sign in the distance and checked it out. On this sign it shows a list of all the nearest towns.

“Wellsprings.” The mare read out loud, seeing that it was the closes by a few miles. She trot pass the sign, heading in the direction where the town of Wellspring is.

By the time she reached the town, the sun was already rising. The bright yellow orb rise above the horizon, shining its rays and casting the darkness away. Ponies were up and early, opening up shops and going to work. All of them unaware of the haggard mare entering the town.

The mare spots what looks like a diner and trots towards it. Inside the diner, a young green earth stallion was busy setting the place when he heard the bell at the top the door ringing, signalling that a customer has entered the building.

“Sorry, but we're not open until another hour if you jus-OH MY GOODNESS!” The stallion yelped in in shock upon seeing the weakly looking mare.

“Help me.” Was all she said before collapsing on the floor.

After that, the young stallion took the unconscious mare to the town's doctor, Dr. Soft Touch. After he was done explaining everything to her, the stallion then had to leave so that he can get back to work, leaving the doctor with the unknown mare.

Dr. Soft Touch tended to the mysterious mare and fixed her up. Now all she had to was wait for her to wake up.

Time passes and the Doctor sat by her desk, waiting for any signs of movement. While reading the newspaper, she heard soft groans and put the paper down. She spots the mystery mare moving on her bed.

As the doctor approached her, the mare sat straight up and looked around. “Where am I?” The pale blue mare questioned.

“You're in a town called Wellsprings, I'm Dr Soft Touch and you're currently in my clinic.” She answered.

“How did I get here?”

“Snack Cake said you barge into the diner and collapse right in front of him. He then took you to my clinic where I fixed you up.”

“No, what I meant to say is what is this place.” The mare questioned. “Not this town, but this whole area.”

“Do you mean Equestria?”

“Is that the name of this land?” She asked and the doctor nodded. “I see.”

“If I may be blunt, but shouldn't you already know this?”

“My apologies doctor, but I seem to have no memories of who I am.” She explained. “The only memories I have are the one of today. Found myself in the barren land and trotted all the way here.”

“You trotted all the way here!” Dr. Soft Touch repeated what she said. “No wonder you were such a mess, why didn't you flew here?”

“Flew?” The mystery mare said, looking confused.

“You're a pegasus pony, you have wings on your back.” The doctor explained and pointed to the pair of feathery wings on her back.

The pale blue mare twist her head around and eyed the pair of wings. “So that's what these things are.” She commented as she lift one up with her hoof. “How do they work?”

Dr. Soft Touch was baffled by this. Sure there some pegasus who had problems flying, but they at least knew to how to use them. After all a pegasus's wings is a part of them, it should come natural. “Just uh..imagine the wings to be an extra appendage, just move them like you did with your arms.”

The mare did what the doctor said and concentrated on the pair of wings on her back. She struggled for a bit, but managed to make one of her wings, twitch a bit.

“Well that's good enough I guess.” Dr. Soft Touch then softly push the mare back down on her bed. “Just lie there and relax, I'll be out for a bit.”

“Where are you going?” The mare curiously asked.

“Got to inform the local police, they'll help find out who you are.” Dr. Soft Touch answered. Just as she was about to leave, she remembered she forgot something. “By the why what should I call you? Can keep calling the mystery mare.”

The pale blue pegasus tried to think of a name, but all she drew was blanks. Suddenly the image of the lightning shaped pendant appeared in her mind. “Lightning.” She answered. “Call me Lightning.”

“Very well Lightning, I'll be back, so don't go anywhere.” The doctor ordered and left the clinic. Lightning laid down on the bed, closed her eyes and relaxed.

Meanwhile, Dr. Soft Touch trotted across town. She passed some many friendly faces and greeted most of them. She spots the police station and made a beeline there. Upon entering the station, the doctor saw all the officer rushing around. Papers were flying, ponies were shouting, it was absolute chaos.

Trotting to the front desk, Dr. Soft Touch spoke to the stallion on the other side. “Excuse what's going on here?”

“Sorry ma'am, but I don't know.” He answered. “One moment everything was fine, then all of sudden everypony went crazy.”

“Can I see to Captain Pinewood?”

“Sorry, but Capt Pinewood is extremely business and is not to be dist-”

“Doc, is that you?” Said a masculine voice from behind.

Both ponies turn and saw a tall grey stallion with black mane standing before them. The stallion was wearing his basic blue officer uniform.

“Dr. Soft Touch, it's good to see you.” He then turn his to the stallion behind the desk. “I'll be taking her off your hoof, officer. Resume your work.” The stallion nodded to his captain and went back to his work.

Meanwhile, both Soft Touch and Pinewood were making their way to his office. He opened the door for her and she trotted in, Pinewood followed afterwards, shutting the door behind.

“Aright, what's going on, Pinewood?” Soft questioned. “I never seen this place so chaotic since that Great Fire Incident a decade ago.”

“It's terrible news, Doc.” The stallion face dropped upon saying it. “It's Longhorn, he's coming.”

The mare felt a sense of dread crawling down her spine upon hearing that name. “Impossible.” She said in disbelief. “I though he was busy fighting a war with the Griffon, Sharp to come to us.”

“That was before Longhorn confronted Sharp and broke his back. He then assimilated Sharp's gang into his own and is now out to establish his dominance over this land.”

“Oh no.” The mare said as she the end has come for their town.

The story behind Longhorn can be considered a tragic story, depending on your point of view. Longhorn was a minotaur who served in his Kingdom's army. A promising soldier, he rose through the ranks and became an amazing commander.

As good as he had it, his ambition got the better of him and wanted more. He attempted to assassinate his superior, hoping to rise up and take his place. However, he was caught and arrested.

After his trial, Longhorn was disgraced and banish from his homeland. It is unknown why he came here, but when he did, he changed everything.

His first act was defeating a gang leader and taking over his gang. With the small band of criminals, Longhorn lead a spree of victory against other rival gangs. He defeated their leader and assimilate the rest of them into his own gang.

With each victory, his army grow in sizes. The remaining gangs either fled for their lives or joined his gang. With the griffon gone, Longhorn now stand unopposed. His army stand behind him, ready to obey their next order.

It was afternoon when a police scout spotted something in the distance. It was large and was heading in their direction. Everypony of Wellspring stood outside, waiting for the arrival of Longhorn and his gang.

Dr. Soft Touch, Capt Pinewood and the Mayor stood outside the town hall, anxiously awaiting for the gang to arrive. They knew that they can't defeat Longhorn and his army, so it was better to just submit to his will.

Longhorn's gang entered the town, the citizen looked in sheer terror at the gallery of menacing looking creatures. The gang was made up of ponies with a few griffons and even diamond dogs in the mix. Standing in the middle of this large army was tall, muscular brown minotaur. He stood on a chariot as his ponies pulled him to the town hall.

When they got there, Longhorn got off his ride and walk towards the three ponies. His large size dwarf these three, giving him a very intimidating appearance/

“You know why I am here?” Longhorn asked in very menacing tone.

“Yes.” The mayor nodded.

“Then I can take it that you all surrendered and will not put up a fight?” The minotaur asked again.


Longhorn smirked. “Smart decision.” He then turn to his gaze on the rest of the ponies of Wellspring. “Listen up everypony! You will give us all your valuable possessions! Do it and nopony will get hurt!”

Longhorn's gang then took out a bunch of large bags and opened it up for the ponies to drop in the stuff. The ponies gave their bits, watches, gems, rings, necklaces and many more precious jeweleries.

While this was happening, Lightning woke up from all the commotion outside. She went out to investigate and saw a bunch ponies dropping valuables down a bag. The mare was so confused by this that she did not see a gang member approaching her.

“That's a pretty pendant you got there.” He complimented. “Hoofed it over.”

Lightning glared at the stallion and back up a bit. “No.”

“No? Lady do you not know who we are?”

“Why? Should I know?” She mocked.

“Tch, gonna be like that eh?” The stallion then forcefully grab the pendent with his hoof and tried to pull it off.

The mare quickly held onto her pendent and tried to fight off the thug. The two struggled, both unaware of the dark cloud forming above them. Then all of a sudden the cloud shout down a thunder and struck the two. While the stallion was electrocuted, the mare came out unscathed, but is now wearing a strange dark blue outfit with headgear.

The citizens and gang stared in complete shock at what transpired. Lightning checked herself out and then look at her pendent. As she stare at the pendent, she tore her eyes off it and glared daggers at the group of thugs before her, she knows what she gotta do.

Back at the town hall, Soft Touch watched Longhorn and his gang stealing everything from the ponies of this town. Suddenly the sound of lightning interrupted the scene, getting the attention of the large minotaur. He saw the dark clouds forming above this town, shooting down thunder at his army.

Longhorn turned and glared angrily at the frighten mayor. “What is the meaning of this?” He pointed the dark clouds, demanding an answer.

Before the mayor could answered. One of Longhorn's minion shouted something to him. “Boss, look out!”

The minotaur turn and saw a large wooden carriage flying towards him. Instead of dodging it, he stood his ground and punch the carriage into a thousand pieces.

“Most impressive, thou is stronger then I though.” Said a mare voice from above.

All looking up, they spot the a pale blue pegasus mare in a dark blue suit, wielding her lightning shape pendent in her hoof. “Haply next time I shouldst throw a more heavier objects at thou.”

The mayor and Pinewood mouths drop upon seeing the costume mare. Soft Touch however, was even more shocked cause she knows who she is.

“Who do you think you are?” Longhorn questioned, furiously staring at the flying mare.

“Who I am is not important, I'm just here to put a end to thy's reign of terror!” Lightning answered.

“Ha! You know nothing of my terror!” Longhorn responded mockingly.

“And thou don't know about my wrath!” Lightning retorted and used her pendent to cast down a thunder come down upon him. Her attack hits the minotaur, but it did not put him down.

“Is that all you got!” Longhorn shouted and charged at the mare.

Lightning flick her pendent again and summon a gust of powerful wind to blow him to the ground. “Foolish beast! Thou think thy brute force is enough to challenge me? I control the most powerful forces of nature itself! Thy strength means nothing to me!” To prove he point, she summons a small whirlwind that sucked the minotaur up and flung him away in the distance, to parts unknown.

With him dealt with, Lightning focuses her attention to the rest of Longhorn's gang. Seeing their boss so easily defeated, the gang immediately dropped everything and galloped out there with their tails behind their backs.

Once they were all gone, everypony cheered. The day was saved, all thanks to the mysterious mare. They all gathered around her, showering her with their cheers and praises.

“Ma'am I don't who you are, but thank you for saving our town!” Pinewood said.

“Yes, as mayor you have our total gratitude!”

The three talked some more and when they were done, Dr. Soft Touch went up to the pale blue mare. “Guess your memories have returned huh?”

“Nay Dr. Soft Touch, my memories have not returned. Only bits and pieces of it came back.” Lightning answered. The mare then begin trotting away.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to find answers, answers to who I am and what this pendent is. I need to go out there and find myself.” She then lifted her wings and took flight, just as she was about to leave, Soft Touch stopped her.

“Wait! Before you go, did you at least remembered your name?” The doctor asked.

“The name's Zapp.” Was all the pegasus said before she flew off, disappearing into the sunset.


Masked Matter-Horn VS The Expirer

At the local Twinkie eating contest hosted by renown bakery company Hostess, Masked Matter-Horn stood on guard, staying ever vigilant. Apparently somepony has called in a possible, there is pony that is going to ruin this eating contest.

As the costume mare scanned the crowd, her eyes passed a pony wearing some heavy light brown trench coat with hat and thick sunglasses. When the pony the announcement of the contest starting soon, the strange pony moved in closer.

With the staff preparing for the table for the contest, they brought out a lot of Twinkies of storage and place on the stage for everypony to see. Once they unloaded the last batch of twinkies out, the strange pony took off the coat, revealing himself to be a costumed villain.

“It the Expirer!” One pony shouted his name.
“Yes, it is I the Expirer!” He said his name. “Now prepare as expire these twinkies before your very eyes!” Using his magic, he shot out a expiring ray at the mountain of twinkies.

However, instead of rotting away, the twinkies remain where they are, unchanged by his rays.

“What! How can this be?” The stallion questioned before being blasted by Matter-Horn's beam.

“Haven't you heard? Twinkies don't go bad, they can last for a very long time.” The mare answered and watched as the defeated villain being dragged away by the police.

You Get Big Delight in Every Bite Of Hostess Twinkies

Author's Note:

And with that the six power ponies are finished. But, it's not over yet, we still got little Humdrum left and maybe one extra one.

Note: Twinkies do not last a long time. They have a shelf life of 25 days.