• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 2,696 Views, 48 Comments

Power Ponies Secret Origins - Grenazers

A trade Paperback containing six of the original Power Ponies origin stories, including one about a certain sidekick.

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Masked Matter-Horn




It was mid-afternoon in the bustling city of Maretropolis. A lone yellow stallion with blue hair and eyes was standing near the entrance of a public library. The stallion wore a light brown trench coat with a plain white shirt and black tie underneath.

Checking his watch, the stallion could see that it was way pass four. Grumbling, the stallion was getting tired of waiting for this pony to come and pick him up, so he decided to pass the time by going inside the library and look for something to read.

Upon entering the building, the first thing he noticed was the lighting. The lights in here did little to illuminate the entire place, as there were still pockets of dark spots around this library. As he went further in, he also noticed the lack of anypony here.

At first he though there was nopony around, that was until he trotted to the receptionist desk. There was a lone pink mare, sitting on a wooden stool. She had long purple hair and her cutie mark was a bunch of little silver stars. Getting a better view, he saw just how beautiful the earth mare was, her nicely smooth skin, her lovely lavender eyes.

“Can I help you?” And her heavenly voice.

At that moment, the stallion realized that he was staring at the mare and she was staring back. Breaking his gaze, he resume his usual self. “No, that's alright ma'am. Just looking around.” He explained to what he assume is the librarian.

“Anything particular you're looking for?” She asked.

“No no, just looking around.” He waved his hoof at the pink mare. The yellow stallion then went in a aisle and vanish from the mare.

He scoured the shelves until he found an interesting book. He took it out and brought it to the nearest table. He sat down and began flipping through the pages of the book. As he read, he was unaware of the pink mare trotting up to him.

“Equestrian Knights, eh?” The mare said, surprising the stallion.

“Jeez Ms, barely heard you coming over.”

“What can I say, I have been known to have very quiet steps.” She replied, then look back at the book with a picture of stallion in armor. “You don't seem to be the library type.”

“Well I use to go to the library a lot back in highschool.” He explained.

“Oh so you were a pony interested in Equestrian History?” She assumed.

“Well not exactly, I only went there to read the comics they put up.” He answered, getting a deadpan stare from the mare. What? I was a teenager, what did you expect from me?”

The pink mare smiled. “Fair enough.” She said.

The stallion couldn't help but feel his heart warming up from her friendly smile. She then extend her right hoof out. “Name's Silver Sparkle.” Saying her name.

The stallion then took Silver's hoof and shook it. “Name's Century, Detective Flass Century.”

“Detective? Are you a private eye or are you with the police?”

“I'm with the police.” Flass answered. “Just recently been transferred here.”

“Oh really, from where?”

The two then started to converse with each other. They both share their stories, their likes and dislikes and became fast friends. As much as they both enjoyed each others company, the stallion's escort entered the library.

“Detective Century, are you in here?” A fat green earth stallion with a beard questioned, calling out for the detective.

“Yeah I'm here!” Century answered and looked to the mare. “Sorry Silver, duty calls.” The pink mare nodded in understanding and watch the stallion leave the library with the green stallion.

“You're late.” Century said, scolding the other stallion.

“Sorry Detective, I was busy with something.” The green stallion explained. “By the way, name's Thumper.”

“Alright Officer Thumper, why were you late?” Century asked.

“Have to deal with something private, took longer then I thought.”

“What did you had to deal with?”

“None of your business, pal.” Thumper harshly responded.

Flass Century remain silent, taking note of his escort's sudden hostility towards him. “Where are we going anyways?” He questioned.

“Got a tip of a possible theft attempt at the history museum. The target: the infamous blood diamond.”

“The blood diamond?” Flass repeated, remembering the old tale. According to legend, the blood diamond was the cause of many bloodshed in the olden days. Countries wage war for this piece of gem, not caring for the lives they taken. “Thought it was just a myth.”

“Well some myth have some truth to them.” Thumper pointed. “The Glister & Shimmer company found the diamond in the badlands and brought it here.” He pointed to the large museum across from from them.

After crossing the street, the two stallion went through the front door and headed towards the room with the blood diamond. Flass looked around and notice many other police officers here as well. He spot a stallion talking a griffon woman. He didn't what they were talking about, but seeing them talk remind him of that pretty mare, Silver Sparkle.

“We're here.” Thumper announce, bringing the detective out of his thoughts.

Sitting in the middle of the room, on a stand, is a crimson diamond. Flass trotted up to gemstone and looked at it through the glass case. He finds it hard to believe that this little thing could cause so much trouble.

“So this is the infamous blood diamond?” Flass commented. “Thought it would be much bigger.”

“Don't let it looks fool you, ponies killed and died for this diamond.” Thumper stated. “Whatever magic this thing has, must be incredibly dangerous.”

“Oh you have no idea.” A dark menacing voice spoke from behind.

Both stallions turn and saw a stallion in red and black full body armor. He had spikes on each of his hooves, two horns on his helmet, and wielded a large menacing battleaxe.

“Warlord Strife!” Thumper shouted his name.

“So you have heard of me.” The heavily armored stallion said. “Then you know what will happened if you stand in my way.”

“What do you want with the blood diamond?” Flass questioned, getting into a combat stance.

“Isn't it obvious? I need the diamond so I can bring back conflict to this country.”

“Why would you do that?”

“I am the embodiment of war. I was born from the bloodshed you ponies did in the past. Back then your struggles kept me fed for years. But, now you're all too peaceful now and I am starving.” Strife then tighten his grip on his weapon. Flass stood his ground, not even thinking about running away.

“I got to give you credit, you're much more braver then that buddy of yours.” Flass then notice the absence of Thumper. His partner has ditched him, he was on his own now.

Strife raised his weapon up and brought it down upon the yellow stallion. Flass was about to move, but a beam came in and knock the axe out of the warlord's hoof.

“Who dares-”

“I dare!” Answered a feminine voice.

Both stallions looked up and saw a pink mare wearing a magenta suit. She also wore a mask with the same color as her suit and yellow goggles. The mare also has two pieces of cobalt armor: one on her back, the second on her horn.

“Masked Matter-Horn!” Warlord Strife shouted her name.

The costume mare then shot out another beam from her horn. The warlord barely dodge the attack, as her beam grazed his armor. The stallion tried reaching for his weapon, but Matter-Horn shot a freeze beam at his axe, encasing it in ice. Then warlord let out a battle cry and charges at the mare.

As the two battle it out with each other, Detective Flass Century dumbstruck at what he is seeing. This was something he never saw when he was in the previous city. He continue staring until he saw the mare about to get hit.

Quickly taking his coat off, he unfold his wings and flew in, tackling the armored stallion. Matter-Horn notices this and confronted the pegasus stallion. “Sir, please let me handle this stallion.”

“Listen ma'am, I don't who you are, but I'm sure as hay not letting you do my job!” He said as he punched the warlord in his face. His hoof reel back from pain of hitting the guys hard helmet. Strife took a swipe at him, but Matter-Horn jumped in and pushed him out of the way.

“Listen detective, you can't just use brute force on this guy. His armor is way too tough for that.” The mare explained.

“Alright what do you suggest?' Flass questioned.

“Something shocking.” She answered and shot out a beam of electricity at the armored stallion. The result was not what she expected. Instead of shocking the warlord, the electricity didn't seem to faze him.

“Ha! Not this time!” He shouted. “My armor has been enchanted, no longer will your electrical attack work on me!”

Flass watch as Matter-Horn charge in and resume her battle with the villain. The stallion stood there thinking of a way to defeat the heavily armored warlord. He then looked at warlord's axe in the ice and though of a solution.

He cracked the ice and broke the handle part of the axe off. Flass then sneak up on the warlord as he battle with the costume mare. The stallion then shove the metal handle in the open space between the warlord's armor plates and backed off.

“Quick! Use your electrical beam on this handle!” Flass pointed the metal rod stuck in the warlord's armor.

Seeing this, the mare charged up her horn and stream of electricity at the pole. The resulting attack, shocked the stallion, causing him to twitch around and blackening his skin. Matter-Horn kept up the attack until Strife was finally out. The large armor stallion then fell down hard, cracking the marble floor beneath him.

“Good work, detective.” The mare compliment the stallion, causing him to smile. He knew that the since Strife's armor block all outside attack, the only to hurt him is from the inside. So by sticking that metal handle into his armor, it will allow Matter-Horn's electrical attack an entry beyond his armor protection.

The sound the of many hooves steps came outside the room as the rest of the police force came in. “What's going on? What happened here?” They questioned.

“Don't worry, me and Matter-Horn took care of the this guy.” Flass answered.

“Detective, you're here by yourself.” One officer corrected. The yellow stallion then turn and saw the mare missing from his side.

For the next hour, the detective had to write up a report of today's event. Including the whole battle between the warlord and heroine. After that he decided to take a break from his hard work and wanted to end the day by going back to the library.

When he entered the building, he spots the pink sitting behind the counter. He made himself known, causing the mare to look up from her book and look at the stallion.

“What happened to you?” She asked, taking note of how much of a mess the stallion was.

“Rough first day, Silver.” He explained. “Very rough first day.”

“Well then tell me all about it then.”

Taking a seat next to her, Flass went on to telling her his day. As he told his story, he was not aware of the mares's back pack behind the counter. If he did, then he'll would've seen the Masked Matter-Horn outfit. The stallion is unknowingly sitting next the super heroine: Masked Matter-Horn!




Featuring: Her secret origin story.

The Masked Matter-Horn, a well known hero known for her arsenal of various beam type weapons. She has type for every situation. Whether it be a freeze beam, incendiary beam, or even a concussive beam, the mare knows them.

However, where did this mare came from? We all know her as Silver Sparkle, but other then that nothing else. Well dear readers it is your lucky day for the Masked Matter-Horn Origin's will be told right here!

Silver Sparkle was born from noble unicorn family. However, upon being born, her parents were disappointed that the child was a earth pony and not a unicorn. They later abandoned her at a orphanage without a second though.

While at the orphanage, Silver Sparkle learned to appreciate the things she had. While the more privilege foals have toys for entertainment, all the pink filly had were old books. She read everyone of them and re-read them again as well. From this her love for literature developed.

Upon becoming an adult, Silver got a job at the library. She started off as clerk, simply organizing and cleaning up the place. During her breaks, she would take out a book and read it.

She read many books there, but the one that she read more times then she could count was the book about the Equestrian Knights. The book detailed all the different variation of the knights and have illustrated pictures of their outfits.

Silver was simply astound at all the different armor and uniform they wore in those days. Out of all of them, there was one outfit she loved the most. It was from the time just after the formation of the E.U.P. (Earth, Unicorn and Pegasus.) Guards. The knight's outfit consist of a magenta uniform with cobalt colored armor. While the earth and pegasus used traditional weapons, the unicorns however, were various degrees of combat magic. Most prominently, the beam magic.

Fascinated, Silver Sparkle used several engineering books to help her construct a metal horn shape device that allows her to fire different beams from it. After many testing, the mare finally tinker with it enough to reach perfection.

Silver eventually put the device to good use when while watching TV, the news report of a robbery at the national bank. Several armed ponies have barricaded the building and have taken hostages.

Believing that she was needed, Silver created an outfit based on the Knights she liked, using books about tailoring for aid. Donning the outfit, Silver made her way to the national bank.

Outside the building, the police had the place surrounded. Stallions and mares covered every corner, making sure that these crooks won't sneak pass them.

Silver knew that she needed to freed the hostages, so that the police can storm the building. The problem was those robbers completely closed off everything.

"Well almost everything.”

The mare spotted a small broken hole in a window. Silver though about using a teleportation beam to get inside the building. Concentrating hard, Silver aimed her metal horn at the hole and fired a beam. In a second, the mare found herself transported inside the building.

After this success, the mare quietly sneaked around. She eavesdrop on two guys talking about the hostages, revealing their location to her. She found the room where they were located and unlocked the door.

Silver then ordered them all to follow her towards the exit. As they all headed for the emergency exit, a couple of crooks saw them escaping and tried to get them. Silver, spotted them and test out a few offensive spells her horn can do.

She froze one in their place, blast another one to a wall, and made another one lose his gravity and float away.

The emergency door burst opened and a horde of ponies came pouring out. The police saw this and knew that they were the hostages. With them secured, the rest of the police force storm the building, apprehending the robbers.

Outside, Silver was congratulated for saving the hostages by the police commissioner. When he asked for her name, Silver had only one thing in mind.

“You may call me, The Masked Matter-Horn!”

From that, Masked Matter-Horn would later becoming the greatest hero of her time. Her origin will live on through the ages, becoming an iconic story.


Author's Note:

That is until she was retcon in the later years, making her an actual unicorn. She lived with her racist parents, but spend most of her time in the library where she would get the inspiration for her Masked Matter-Horn outfit.

Four down, two left.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.