• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 4,827 Views, 100 Comments

"Boia Dè!" or "Never Trust the Title of the Course." - Daxn

Set after "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks." Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy, in her quest for Credit Points, stumble upon a very peculiar plot.

  • ...

Fifteenth Chapter

The galloping sound of the horses on the bare ground echoed across the whole stadium, forbidding Sunset to ever get distracted from the race. As the horses reached the half of the track, where the targets were apparently in range of the arquebuise, Appiano shot first.

The Thunderous roar of the firearm, accompanied by the loud thump made by the target falling down and a lots of white smoke coming out of the weapon's muzzle, made Sunset jolt into place and briefly quake at the loud sound. As the echoes of the gunshot dispersed, a more subtle whooshing sound and lighter thump signaled that Blueblood had released the arrow. Sunset looked closely, as the arrow went straight to the target.

Now both were galloping towards the targets, passing through them before slowing their steeds down, Appiano by violently pulling the rein and clashing the bit against the horse's denture, which made it whinny and nearly rear. Blueblood, instead, stopped his mount by patting his horse's back in a short rhythm. Sunset rose from her seat and walked even clsoer to the circuit, so to hear the conversation of the two even better.

"Dè." Appiano simply interjected, as he guided his horse towards a hook next to a water trodge, where he tied it by the bridles, allowing it to lower its head and drink.

"I must say, your marksmanship seems impressive," Blueblood said, as he also tied his horse next to the trodge "but your ability to ride a horse is appalling. Stop your mount in such a way tends to spook and make your horse rear."

"Dè, but it works, that's enough for me." Appiano said, shrugging, as he gestured to wipe the circuit's dust off his clothes "Now, are we going to check our targets or not?"

Blueblood groaned and nodded, as he started to walk towards the targets, his walking posture more rhythmical and coordinated than Appiano's, and his chest slightly inflated in a way that suggested a provocation to a hand-to-hand duel.

He looks really convinced he won, Sunset thought, frowning of worry as she limply sat down and bent inwards I hope he's wrong.

Sunset then looked up, at the circuit's other end, and saw Blueblood fist-pumping. Quickly, she got up and hurried to the other side, rushing between the green plastic seats and trying to not fall down the concrete steps of the bleachers.

Lemme see, oh Tengri, lemme see! Sunset thought, as she hopped over two seats, before sitting on one covered in vulgar graffiti, that however gave a perfect visual and hearing of the events. Sunset saw the target's bullseye pierced perfectly in the center by a short arrow, while, on another target, there was a scorch mark on the left part in the second innermost circle of the target.

"-fore that money-eating abomination that is called 'Daycare' is henceforth closed." Blueblood said, making a short bowing movement.

"Dè, so be it. But, do you mind if we go take a drink outside?" Appiano said, gesturing casually with his right hand and lookign around while leaning on the target's supports.

Uh-hu? Appiano isn't angry? This is interesting... I should follow him and see what he has in mind. Sunset thought, as she got up and walked away towards the exit.

"Very well. I will accept your offer of a drink for sanction this duel as proof it has been justly done." Blueblood said, walking towards where he and Appiano had left their horses drinking.

Meanwhile, Sunset walked out of the bleachers, passed through the revolving door. Seeing that the receptionist had left again, Sunset didn't bother herself to remain inside the shooting range's lobby, and instead directly walked out into the small square in front of the building.

"Alright, now, where do I go?" Sunset asked to herself, going at the dead center of the plaza, as she looked around her to find, aside from the street she had came from, other streets she may had missed in the fist place, and that contained a bar or somesuch. She saw another two streets, aside from the one she had walked throught for get here. One was at the right end of the square, the other was parallel to the one Sunset had walked throught.

There was the oh-so-beloved-by-Appiano Yokan de Auilnelistli, with its neon insignia currently shut off, right in front of the shooting rage, several apartment complexes with baroque architecture and Trascan-styled frescos in the empty spaces, there was even a Cuban laundry shop, but no bars to be seen.

"Nothing. Well, looks like I'll have to go and find the entrance for the ones on a horse," Sunset whispered to herself, as she moved back at the shooting range's external hedge, following it circular path starting from the left side of it, walking next to it. A few steps later, and Sunset saw Appiano walking next to Blueblood, who was riding his horse.

"Well, there they are," Sunset said, as she sprung forward onto the sidwalk, until she was at few meters from the two guys, at which point she just walked wherever they went.

Around five minutes of walking later, Appiano gestured towards a place with a blue and white striped tent, several steel chairs and matching tables in a style resembling the one of early years of the past century, plus ten wooden mini-stables, of which only two were occupied currently.

Blueblood hopped off his horse and brought it inside one of the small stables, while Appiano went under the tent, sitting down at one of the available tables, crossing his legs and arms while he waited for Blueblood to be done with his horse. Sunset checked her skirt's pocket, extracting two bills.

"Twenty cacahuatls. Should be enough to get a drink and a snack," Sunset whisperedto herself, as she casually went under the tent, sitting down at the table, grabbing the menu and putting it directly in front of her face for look as inconspicuous as possible to Appiano and Blueblood.

"What would the lady like?"

Sunset put down her menu to see the waiter, a thin man in black coat and white shirt, who spoke in a slight German accent, in frotn of her. Sunset quickly scanned the menu, looking for somethign she could drink legally and that was also of her liking, until she found a item she liked.

"I'd like to have a contradiction on terms." Sunset said.

"A Haiti Degagè?" The waiter said with a small smile, and Sunset nodded, chuckling at herself.

"Anything else?" Teh wiater said, signing up the drink on his block notes.

"No that will be all, thanks," Susnet said, moving her left hand up and down, makign the waiter leave immediately. Sunset then crossed her legs, looekd at her right where Appiano and Blueblood were sitting, and waited to see what it was going to happen.

However, for now, there was complete tense silence, awkward stares and some twitches, but nothing major.

Half an hour later, Susnet had already drunk two of her cocktails, while Blueblood was downing the last drops of his airag and Appiano had just started his can of fizzy soda by opening ti with a quick snap. Soon, the can was emptied in one swift sip, done by setting the can just above his mouth and tipping it foward slightly, so to make the blue liquid to drop in his mouth.

When he was done with that, Appiano wiped his mouth clear with his right sleeve and then burped, which made Blueblood groan slightly.

"Dè, that was really good. What about the airag?" Appiano asked, as he released the can on the table, making it roll onto the surface before hitting the ground with a soft jingle.


Appiano nodded and turned around, smirking. Sunset also turned around, and saw both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walking towards them, wearing brown fur coats over their usual clothes. Principal Celestia was carrying a plain black cloth bag, while Luan had one made of jute.

What are they doing here? Why are they... Sunset then recollected all the events that happened beforehand. Appiano had stayed in the Principal's office for a long time, nobody knew about Blueblood leaking the photos...

Susnet smirked and rubbed her hands together, as Principal Celestia walked next to Blueblood, her right hand fiddling aroudn in her bag.

"Good day, Mr. Blueblood and Mr. Appiano" Principal Celestia said, as she extracted her tablet and turned it on by the pressure of the three buttons on one of the sides.

"Dè, good day." Appiano said dryly, pulling soem of his hair away to immitate an hat tip while still sitting.

"Good day, bagsh, what brings you and your sister here?" Blueblood said, getting up and bowing a little, before sitting down again.

Sunset smirked, as she saw Principal Celestia fiddling around with her tablet, and then showing off one of the captioned images that Blueblood had posted in the past days, which made Blueblood recoil, and made Appiano smirk and rub his hands together.

"I have one, single, solitary, pressing question for you, about these pictures." Principal Celestia said slowly and with a lower pitch than her usual voice, her face showing a slight frown, the wrinkles on her face begin highlighted by her expression.

"And that would be?" Blueblood asked, keeping his demeanor, seemingly not intimidated at all by the Principal's expression or by the question that could follow up.

"Did you ask them permission, before making these?"

Sunset covered her mouth to stifle a giggle, Appiano chuckled evilly, and Blueblood pointed at his chest with his left hand.

"Me?! Asking permission to them for take photos? Why would I do that? They're just perverts!" Blueblood said, sounding surprised by that question, as if Principal Celestia had asked him if the Earth was round or not. Vice Principal Luna glared at him and frowned harder, while Principal Celestia sighed and put her right hand over her chest.

"Even if the subjects in the pictures -- who, by the way, are some peers of yours that, according to my sources, have met multiple times already -- were the worst perverts of all the nation, which I highly doubt-"

"But-" Blueblood interrupted, bending his torso forward, before getting counter-interrupted by Principal Celestia.

"Let me finish first, mr. Blueblood, and then you will be able to counter-argument." She said without any emotional inflexion, before clearing her throat "I was saying, even if they were the worst perverts in the entire nation, that still doesn't make it right to photograph them and post their pictures on social medias without their consent in part part of it. You should be quite ashamed of yourself."

Appiano took a dramatic sip from his drink, still looking at Blueblood with eyes that clearly expressed that he had enjoyed of each and every second of the Principal's small speech. Sunset felt that justice served now, which lightened her heart, made her sight and caused her to slump on her chair for smile and look at Blueblood, who was inflating his chest once again.

"Me? Feeling ashamed? I did not commit felony, they were the ones that could arguably be charged with Indecent Exposure." Blueblood said, his cockiness regained but not completely restored in his tone, which was only a reason that brought Celestia to dig deeper in the wound.

"They were in a public place, yes, and they aren't completely in the right. But you photographed them in compromising positions and sent it all around. That is a felony as well. It's called 'Violation of Privacy,' with penalties ranging from fines from five hundreds to one thousand cacahuatls, to a one-year prison sentence."

Blueblood faked a couple of coughs, re-asseted himself, then took a deep breath.

"So be it, then. I will face the Law." Blueblood said, keeping composure and cold blood, which disappointed Sunset slightly, as she expected him to blow up instead. "So, who has pressed the charges on me?"

Appiano pointed at his chest with his right thumb, inflating his chest a bit and smirking, while the Principal kept looking at Blueblood with the same expression she had used during the entire course of her lecture, while Vice Principal Luna was sipping on a Bloody Mary ordered in the meanwhile.

"Dè, I don't know if she did yet, but I think I convinced Fluttershy to do it." Appiano said, turning his head to the right and pointing his chin up, speaking in a voice matching to his expression " If she didn't, Flameboy Shy will do it tomorrow."

Blueblood glared at Appiano. Principal Celestia also glared at Appiano, but added a slight frown to her expression, which Sunset and, seemingly, also Appiano, understood the meaning.

"Dè, I chase skirts, but I don't usually rip panties off or beat somebody to pulp." Appiano said, which immediately soothed Principal Celestia, but not Blueblood. A few seconds of silence ensued.

Should I get in? Maybe I can still be useful, Sunset thought Maybe I can convince Principal Celestia to restore the Daycare now.

"Dè, my job is done and so is justice. I'm off to pay for my drink at the bar." Appiano said, as he got up from his chair, adjusting his clothes' poofy sleeves, before walking towards the bar's inside with a rhythmic movement based on a melody unknown to Sunset and, likely, everybody else. As for Blueblood, he started to quake and froth a little, until, all of the sudden, he flipped the table off, throwing his empty glass onto the floor but not shattering it and, before Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna -- or anyone, for that matter -- could stop him, Blueblood stomped off enraged, untying his horse and galloping away in the streets.

Sunset Shimmer chuckled at this sight, while Principal Ceelestia shrugged and put her tables back in her black bag and vice Principal turned around and started to leave.

Gotta act fast! Sunset said, as she took her cash, left the five cacahuatls banknote on the table, and quickly got up, following the two women into the secondary street they were going in.

"Excuse me, Ma'am..." Sunset said, raising her left index up, and Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna stopped their walk to turn around towards Sunset.

"What is it?" Principal Celestia said, sounding vaguely uninterested "Speak quick, please, I don't have much time."

Sunset felt her hearth begin gripped by fear, as she nearly curled up. However, she felt the need to ask it, to try to ask to reinstall the "Daycare," to re-allow Vice Principal Luna to exercise her wishes freely. So she took a deep breath and asked.

"Can you please put the Daycare up as Afternoon Activity? There's somebody interested..." Sunset said quickly, panting and looking up at Celestia afterward. Principal Celestia adjusted her tie under the coat, humphing, while Vice Principal Luna smiled weakly at Sunset.