• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 4,834 Views, 100 Comments

"Boia Dè!" or "Never Trust the Title of the Course." - Daxn

Set after "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks." Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy, in her quest for Credit Points, stumble upon a very peculiar plot.

  • ...

Eight Chapter

Once Sunset Shimmer reached her home, she went in her bedroom, lied down, and untapped her diaper away, before taking the panties from the same spot on the bed where she had left them, and pulling them up her legs over her lower parts, and, ocne this was done, Sunset walked down into the kitchen, but saw nobody in there.

"Mom?" Sunset called, as she walked inside the room, before noticing a note on the table. Shee picked it up and read it outloud.

"I'll be at a house party 'till late, take care of your own dinner." Ocne she read that, Sunset shrugged and walked the stairs back to her room, murmuring "Guess I will just call Tripe Express and order some tartarian tripe for dinner..." once she was inside her room, she started to look on the shelves dedicated to schools books, picking out the Mongol Literature book "But I have two hours before it will be a reasonable time to eat. In the meanwhile, let's study some verses of Jangar's Epic."

And, with that said, she opened up the book, and, focusing her hands on the original text, she took the book by the sides, and then she started to read out loud.

"Ujung Aldar avakhluy-a shirkheg ni khas tsagaan süü shig..."

"...And thus Menhbayar set off for his journey, with Jangar resting on his back, his small hands pointed towards the rampaged-throguth town, desperately crying for a comfort that only his mother could give. Alas, that was not be, as his mother remained with his husband for defend Bomba from Goljing's foul attackers."

When Sunset finished to repeat this piece, she sighed as she put the Literature book down on the table. "Hopefully the teacher will not ask me how to analyze it all, or I'm screwed," she sighed again, as she started to look around her table, moving some doodled loose papers away and scattering them on the floor "Mongolian script is just too complicated for me to understand... then again, who am I to talk about that? I'm Tarascan... and next to nobody can read the hieroglyphs if they are not native speakers, while Mongolian script is used more widely..."

As she muttered that, she finally found her phone under a small stack of discarded sticky notes, which she swept aside. With that doen, she took the phone in her hands. She made the screen come to life with the pressing of one button and she brought out the on-screen numeric keyboard, and she pressed the keys of the phone, number before putting her phone near the ear, hopping on her bed as she waited for an answer on the phone.

After a short waiting in line accompanied with a very distorted and botched rendition of the Turkish March, a deep and screeching male voice answered "Trippa Express, je debbo porta' qualcosa?" to which Sunset sighed and said "Speak Anglian or Nahuatl please."

The voice on the other side of the line let ut a groan and said. "Tripe Express, want delivered something?" "Yeah, some tartarian tripe with a side of salad please." The voice then said "Minute," then he shouted "Antoniè, c' abbiamo er barattelo dela salsa tartara?" A voice in the dtisnce replied, and the voice on the phone muttered "Il terzo jiorno de fila senza la salsa tartara alla sera... all' anima de li mortacci di quell fijio de una mignotta der regazzino delle consegne."

Sunset, with her eyes blankly fixed on the wall, simply said "What." "Sorry, sauce is finished. Want other tripe?" Sunset nodded by reflex and said unsurely "Uumm... Florentine tripe with parmesan at the top?" "We have it. It'll be there in twenty minutes." Then the call was closed by the other side, leaving Sunset with her phone still hanging in her hand. When she got over the confusion, Sunset put the phone down, muttering. "They hire the weirdest people," she said to herself, as she went to extract the money from a drawer of her desk, taking out two banknotes of twenty cacahuatls each, putting them in her skirt's pockets. This done, she went back to her bed, took her phone, and pressed upon a icon of a slightly rounded-out "p" on black field on her phone, saying "Let's see what happened on the chat while I was away."

Once she entered in the app and in the group labeled as "Cedar Creek's Classical High School 'Monteczuma I' General Student Chat." As soon as Sunset started to view it, her phone's screen was flooded with lines upon lines of Mongolian Script, the username of the sender begin "Blueblood Von Bamberg d' Ivrea Felipoglu." She sighed, as she turned the phone up-side down, only to have the phone automatically re-adjust the screen, at which Sunset bent her neck by the sides, so that she could try to read it properly, but, alas, her neck wasn't as elastic as she wanted it to be. Frustrated, she decided to go on and write inside the chat.

"Could you please psot the message in Latin alphabet? I can't read it."

"I dislike when my displays of scholarship and knowledge are castrated like that, but, as you will..." When this was written, somebody with the name "TengriRoadkill AKA Appiano Appiani" wrote "Blueblood, that brought disturbing image to my mind, you know?"

"Appiano, not everything is always about genitalia," wrote a certain "Rarity De Bretagne," and Appiano answered "It's still from the root of 'castration,' besides, you can't blame me for begin a bit horny."

"If you call satyrs 'a bit horny,' then sure."

Sunset let out a little laugh at this exchange, which got interrupted by Blueblood's next post.

"Oh veritable scum of this land, oh mechanic of San Paolo, oh wench of Baden, oh dung-gatherer of Austin, oh old harpy of St. Gallen, oh brewer of Uaxacac, oh Babylonian scullion, oh wheelwright of Tenochtitlan; your usage of your disgusting cravings as punishment for the ones having done faults in school is most despicable form your part. The Principal shall be notified as soon as she will return form her leave, and you, Vice Principal, shall be deposed at once for this!"

"Oh my," Sunset quickly wrote down "you sure look angry." "I am so, and beyond words too. Vice Principal Luna has to shut down that 'Daycare' of hers, or, at very least, stop using scholastic structures for improper usage like that!" Blueblood answered, and Appiano answered "Nah, it's a lot of fun, as long as you have somebody to taunt in the meanwhile. That, or a female partner, like Flitter! :P Also, what's the point of writing this here?"

"I hate you so much at times, Appiano. It's a message that I've copied-and-pasted in all groups, since I'm in all of them as School Representative and highest member of the Students' Council." Blueblood said "Still, my point has been shown. Expect proportionate reactions in the upcoming days."

"As you will, Blueblood." Appiano commented back, before adding "Well, since my phone will ide in a few seconds, see you all tomorrow morning."

"Cya Appiano," sunset quickly typed, and soon all the others did so. After a moment of silence in which Sunset idly watched the chat's history and check if anything amusing happened in the meanwhile, Pinkie Pie, under the guise of "P1nki3 Piiee," asked "Hey, wass'up?"

"You have not missed anything meaningful," Pinkie" Rarity typed "Blueblood has simply ranted about something that he deems 'disgusting' and he doesn't like, but only Tengri knows what he was referring to. Oh, and Appiano made the usual fescennine jokes."

"Okie." Pinkie simply answered "How're u all?" "Fine." was Rarity's answer. "Good," Sunset typed "had a nice day with Fluttershy and a certain boy called Shy Flames." "Oooh, kewl. Where? What did you do?" She typed back to Sunset. "In school, during an afternoon project," sunset typed, blushing a little at the thought of the Daycare "we kinda took care of babies." "Babysitting service? Like mine with the Cakes' twins?"

Sunset blushed a little more, as she slowly wrote and sent "Yeah, we could say that they are similar." "Kewl! Anything funny happened during it?" "Well..." Sunset typed, as she thought "Don't tell her, don't tell her, don't tell her!"

"No, nothing interesting happened." Susnet finally typed, and Pinkie said "Oh, shame."

As soon as Pinkie typed that, Susnet's doorbell rang, and he quickly typed "BRB, dinner," before going down at the door, where a burly man basically throw a white plastic box with a tasparent lid of the same material, which Sunset roiled for take up and not make it spill.

"Ten cacahuatls." He said, to which Sunset answered with "Just a moment..." as she put the box on the floor and extracted one of the banknotes form her skirt's pockets, which she gave to the man, and he brought out two five cacahuatls banknotes he gave to Sunset, before rushing away towards his scooter parked bovinically on the lawn.

Sunset, after a moment of confusion at the sight of the guy speeding off furiously, shrugged and went in the kitchen, and, taking off the lid and taking a fork from a drawer, she started to eat the tripe slowly, each sporkful resulting in a little moan of pleasure. When she was oden with the tripe, she wnet back upstairs, changed into her purple pjs, and returned to the chat, uuntil she fell asleep onto her phone.

Author's Note:

I know, I know, this sucks really hard. Shedules gotta be respected, thought.