• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 4,835 Views, 100 Comments

"Boia Dè!" or "Never Trust the Title of the Course." - Daxn

Set after "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks." Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy, in her quest for Credit Points, stumble upon a very peculiar plot.

  • ...

Ninth Chapter

The next day came, and morning at school passed like a breeze.

Sunset was now in her bedroom, stuffed with a nice meal composed of beans, paprika, hard tortillias and beef; her exercise books on the desk and the textbook open on the page where her assignment's version were.

"And so, if one feels unhappy and broken by a choice of Fate that does not confirm to one's desires, then patience above all must be practiced, for one's wits can hardly overcome the ills brought by the whims of Fate, rather than the whims of mortals." Sunset read in a low voice as she wrote down those words.

Gee, Khnebish Bokhirnokhoi is sooo hard to translate, Sunset thought, as she wrote the final word of the paragraph.

As she passed to do the last few lines of the text to translate, Sunset's phone, with the signature ring tone of a short bell tune. Sunset quickly grabbed it, clicked on the button and quickly tapped on the icon for the Incoming Messages feed of the chat. She saw Pinkie Pie's nickname pop up, the message's preview reading "Hiya Sunny! Can the Cake Twins com-"

Sunset tapped it, and, soon, her phone's screen showed the chat's logs and the current message, which now read "Hiya! Can the Cake Twins come 2 Daycare? Philosophy’s hard, can't keep them and can't cancel."

Well, technically, it's just for grown-ups, Sunset wrote "No," just before pausing then again, the Vice Principal has enough stuffs for toddlers too, so I don't think that would be a problem. Also, knowing Pinkie, she may forgot about this real soon.

"Yes, you can bring them to the Daycare at school, it's no problem, really," Sunset quickly wrote... before canceling it again.

Actually, I don't think that it'll be good for the kids, to stay in the same place where I and the others wear diapers. She wrote "Sorry, Pinkie, you can't, you should have called the administration before." She wrote, before sending the message, for then go back to translate the Mongolian version.

Around half and hour later, Sunset had finished her homework for the day and went to the school's entrance, ready for another afternoon spent at the Daycare along with her companions. As she stood in lookout ofr them at the door, Sunset fiddled with her phone around from time to time, reading old messages, checking other commitments.

After around ten minutes later, Sunset rose her head away from the phone. Looking at the gate, she saw Flameboy and Fluttershy walk side by side, with Flameboy, unusually wearing gray trousers and an orange sweatshirt, keeping his head down and Fluttershy patting his back at regular intervals.

"Hello there Shy and Flame!" Sunset said with a hand wave as she put her phone away.

"Hello Sunset!" Fluttershy said and Flameboy waved while saying "Um... hello."

"How are you two today?" Sunset asked, leaning against the wall while Flutterhsy and Flameboy walked up the stairs.

"Really good, thanks." Fluttershy said, and Flameboy shortly followed with "Um.. I've been good too, nothing interesting has happened..."

Before the conversation could go on further, the jaundice-colored janitor wearing a stained white tank top shirt and a red baseball cap arrived at the door, unlocking it silently.

Sunset walked in and gestured for the other two to follow her inside the corridors, Flameboy and Flutterhsy did so while still going side-by-side, exchanging quick glances and whispers along the way.

The walk to destination inside the empty building was fairly quiet, if still a bit unsettling and due this, Sunset felt almost tempted to try to overhear the whispered conversation between her two companions.

Then again, I think it would be better ask them first, Sunset thought, as she stopped briefly, allowing Flamboy and Flutterhsy to catch up on her, and thus allowing Sunset to be at Fluttershy's side, managing to understand fragments like "at the table," "kiss" and "cuddle."

"So, what are you talking about?" She asked, making both Flameboy and Fluttershy gasp.

"W-weell...." he said, looking away with a hint of blush "w-we..."

"We're talking about meeting... um, somewhere else. Y'know, at the resturant then at my place..." Fluttershy quickly added, also lookign down with her face red.

Caught them talking dirty riiight on the spot! Sunset thought as she giggled and shook her head, saying to the two "Oh, so, showing collections of butterflies?" before winking.

Flameboy heavily blushed, while Fluttershy looked at Sunset with a mixture of an embarrassed glare and pleading eyes, to which she answered "Oh, sorry Flutters if I'm too nosy aobut that."

Flutterhsy sighed in response, as she also went to lean against the door's wooden beam along with Flameboy Shy, her alleged boyfriend, and apparently looking a each other silently. Within the span of ten minutes, the clicking of heels on the floor came from afar and only got louder and, by conditioned reflex, Sunset turned around towards the source saying "Good day Vice Principal." Once her eyes were actually set on the Vice Principal, Sunset saw that she was carrying a small red baggage trolley along with the blue blags that she carried around up that point.

"Good day, Vice Principal Luna!" Fluttershy and Flameboy said at the unison and Luna greeted back with a wave and a "Hello."

A baggage? Sunset walked inside the Daycare room, sitting at the center of the room near the usual stool, Fluttershy and Flameboy doing the same a few seconds later That's curious, and knowing Vice Principal Luna, it'll be interesting for sure.

"I see that the usual three little ones are here," Vice Principal Luna said, as she laid the bags down "Let's start up then. Who goes first?"

Flameboy, while he was blushing, swiftly touched the front part of his trousers, making the diaper underneath make the unmistakable squishing sound. Once he had put his pacifier in his mouth, got up with his right hand raised saying "Me," while he walked to the table, where Vice Principal Luna, after pulling his trousers down, lifted him on the table.

As Flameboy fidgeted around a little with a red face, Sunset turned the other way and turned back around only when Flameboy had let out a loud squeak; what Sunset saw made her look sideways.

Flameboy Shy? In a pink diaper? She thought, as he jumped down the table, extraction his pacifier from one of the trousers' pockets and putting said pacifier in his mouth. As he suckled, he started to walk (or better yet, waddle) towards Fluttershy, his slow movement allowing a clear sight on the flower and butterflies patterns on light pink background with noticeable purple frills in the rear part that was Flameboy's current garment. Sunset's small frown turned into a small smile over the span of seconds He looks so adorably silly in one...

Fluttershy went on to the changing table, allowing the Vice Principal to change her from her white granny panties to likewise white diaper with purple swirls designs on the front, before helping Flutterhsy to jump down the table and adjust her skirt over her diaper. Meanwhile, Susnet had went to the table. removed her purple panties, and jumped onto it, waiting for the Vice Principal to be done with Fluttershy.

Once Flutterhsy had left for join Flameboy, Luna took a diaper from the diaper box used for Fluttershy, unfolded it, then quickly lifted Sunset’s skirt for slide it under her bottom.

Sunset blushed at her touch over her lower area, as Luna taped it up securely on her. When this was done, Sunset jumped down the changing table and rushed towards Flutterhsy and Flameboy.

Vice Principal Luna took the baggage and went to sit on the stool,and she said "Today it's a special day..."

The three leaned forward and looked at the Vice Principal carefully.

"Because, today, I brought something for you to dress up with!" She said, opening the baggage slowly, and revealing several folded clothes.

There was silence.

So, clothes in the baggage? Why did I expect something different? Sunset thought, as Luna took out a light blue teen-sized romper with a yellow sun stitched around what was, supposedly, the navel area. I like that thingy, I'll take that, actually.

"Can I have that?" Sunset asked, and the Vice Principal threw it to her, making her catch mid-fligt and put it at her side, while Luna revealed a bird-themed plastic diaper cover and a white t-shirt with the words "Little adorable girl" stamped in red letters. Fluttershy rose her hand, blushing heavily as Vice Principal Luna gave it to her. The last item combination was a brihgt pink onesie with a built-in tutu, poofy sleeves, a white hearth printed on the chest area, plus frills aroudn the lower hems. The other items were a pink-trasparent diaper cover and a red hair bow.

Vice Principal Luna clearly eyed at Flameboy, and he looked back at Luna, fiddling his fingers while biting his lower lip, blushing and looking down. The tense silence was broken by a suppressed giggle and Flameboy walking to Luna for get those clothes.

"Oooh, you're dressing up, pretty girly?" Fluttershy cooed, as Flameboy blushed, hugging those clothes tightly and whispering "I'm not that girly..." ensuing that Vice Principal Luna, Fluttershy and Sunset could chuckle all together at his reaction, which in turn made him cower and squeak.

Once the chuckles died down, Fluttershy immediately took the diaper cover and sldied it over her legs to the diaper, as Flameboy unusrely took the bow and gathered a lock of his dark orange hair to tie the bow. Sunset looked at her romper, then at her clothes, and she quickly realized that, in order to fit that on her, she had to take off most of her clothing.

Well... let's try to be quick with this, then, Sunset thought, blushing a little, as she unbuttoned her skirt to take it off and fold into a a square shape, setting the fodled skirt under her left armpit and the romper udner right one before walking in a free corner of the room.

Sunset put the folded skirt and romper on the floor, took a deep breath, she took off her shirt, briefly flashing her dark red bra holding up her not-quite-developed breasts.

Now, now, now! She thought, grabbing the romper and unbuttoning it, before fitting her head inside the garment, until she peeked her head out form the romper's neck. Now the hardest part.

She put her arms inside, scrambling blindly and madly to find the short sleeves to fit her arms throught the romper, muttering swar under her breath.

When, finally, her left hand peeked form the sleeve, Sunset pushed it throguth while cheering silently to herself. Once the garment was on her, she snapped the buttons of the hatch over her diaper, fittingly on her snugly.

Feels really warm... she looked at herself and it kinda highlights my curves too! If it wasn't a romper owned by the Vice Principal, I'd used this as winterwear. She gave it another thought look, noticing that her bra was somewhat visible form under the romper's fabric.

Not gonna remove it. She thought, before raising her head to look at what her compasiosn were doing. She saw Flameboy, dressed up in the onesie-tutu (whose fabric only partially covered his diaper) and the diaper cover given to him before, now hugging tightly a big fish plush while suckling on his green pacifier. Nearby, Fluttershy, also dressed with the clothes given by the Vice Principal, plus a white bonnet, was laying on her back while gesturing to the ceiling, a white pacifier installed on a pacifier clip on her shirt.

Uumm... they look... I don't know... a bit funky? Sunset frowned as she watched I don't know, seeing Fluttershy in that outfit feels weirder than her playing while wearing just a diaper... okay, maybe it's because it's new, so I'll see.

Sunset shrugged as she took her clothes, fodled them and placed them next to the changing table and reaching her two friends, sitting next to Flameboy and poking his left arm. He jumped away startled, looking at Sunset while hugging his stuffed fish even tighter before looseing the grip.

"Y-you scared me there, Sunset!" He exclaimed blushing and pouting, causing her to giggle lightly before ruffling his hair, prompting even more blushing.

With this done, Vice Principal Luna clapped her hands together. Susnet and flameboy immediately took positions again, just like Fluttershy did. Vice Principal Luna sat on the stool and, with an able move with her feet, she brought a baf in front of her, then she bent over to take out three small colouring books, a stack of blank papers and two crayon boxes, before setting them near her stool.

Oooh, colouring books! Susnet thought, as she mindlessly crawled towards the stool and taking one of the books in the process Rarity says that they are relaxing. Okay, she colours stuffs that look like rose windows, but I think it'll work anyway.

Crawling back to another spot, Sunset settled down, waiting for Flutterhsy and Flaemboy to come near and, sure enough they did, bringing the crayons with them. After sneakily taking away the orange and red crayon, Sunset opened the colouring book to a random page, landing a page with a cartoon urban landscape awaiting to be filled with colours.

Sunset took the red crayon, slowly colouring the brick of the houses on the forefront of the picture, slowly letting herself get adsorbed by the colour filling.

Some time passed very quitely, and Sunset was near to fill the picture completely, by completing the sky and covering the last uncoloured spots left in the drawing. As she moved the light blue crayon up and down in the blank spaces, she felt her lwoer body achin and ready to expel the liquid wastes.

Uhuh, forgot to use the bathroom before, Sunset slowed down I know, could ask Luna if she can bring me to the bathroom, but, um...

Sunset blushed, at the thought projected in her mind, of Vice Principal Luna standing tall in a bathroom stall and watching closely as she did her buisness on the toilet, and, on top of that, dressed up in a romper.

That'd be so embarassing, but my other option is using my diaper... She thought, as she stopped colouring for put her left hand udner her chin and look up at the ceiling. Well, never did it, so why not try?

No point in it plus an incontinent guy jsut next to you? Susnet turned towards Flameboy, who was drawing a version of himself with cat ears, and, apparently, a knack for showing off his (perfectly normal) underwear. As for Fluttershy, she was cooing over him, her sheet begin the rapresentation of her hugging Flamboy while Appiano watched.

Guess that's a normal fantasy for the poor guy... and Fluttershy surely has odd likings. Ssunet thought. But the need to pee didn't go away for long, as Sunset felt the pressure build up in her bladder yet again, thusly prompting Ssunet to grab the front part of her diaper with a crinkling sound.

C'mon, choose! Vice Principal in the bahtrom or diaper change? Sunset toyed with the crayon in her right hand nervously. Which? Which?

As the dilemma continued, the pressure kept getting higher.

"You okay, Sunny?" Flutterhsy asked, putting a hand on Susnet's shoudler.

"Yes, I am, just... uum, unsue if use the diaper or aks the vice Principal to escort me to the bathroom..." Susnet said, droppign the crayon and facing Fluttershy, who replied with a slight blush, pointing at her diaper.

"UUmm... can't help you... I'd use it,if I were you." Fluttershy said lookign down. Sunset sighed, as she squinted her eyes and psuhed.

Let's do this then.

At first, Ssuent coudl feel only a trickle of urine coming out and getting adsobed by the diaper's padding. However, as the time went on, the stream got bigger, and ssuent srted to feel relieved. Once she felt that her bladder was completely empty, Sunset turned herslef arund to look at her lwoer area, where she saw that her diaper had gotten warmer and had expanded as result of she peeing in it.

"Feel nice actually," she muttered to herself, trying to clsoe her legs but failing (with a squish) to do so properly due to the newfound thickness of her diaper. Curious she touched it, and the wet padding brushed off agianst her lower areas, over to warm her skin a little more, casuing Sunset to moan very slightly.

I wasn't expecting this, like, at all. Guess that peeing diapers has its advantages then. She giggled, as the rest of her mind grumbled annoyed at herself.

Vice Principal Luna clapped her hands together, asking for the drawings to be given to her to be evalutated, Susnet, Flutterhsy and Flameboy did so, and, naturally, Vice Principal Luna foudn all of them to be well-done.

"As reward, I'll bring you to the park for a stroll and soem fresh air!"

Flameboy bowed his head down blushing and making the hems of his tutu flap with his hands, as Fluttershy did, but with an added whimper and without the clothing-flapping, replaced by a more nervous suckling on the dummy. As for Sunset, she recoiled a bit, warm padding squishing agaisnt her lower parts, frowning just beofre raising her hand.

"Can we wear our normal clothes over... you know... these?" Sunset meekly aksed, pointing to her onesie and thento the pile of her discarded clothes. Vice Principal Luna smiled.

"Yes, you can." Vice Principal Luan turned towards Flutterhsy and Flameboy "Anyone else wants their old clothes back on?" Both the boy in a pink onesie and the girl in a gag shirt shook their head in refusal.

"Perfect then, I'll go to take the necessary for the stroll. Meanwhile, suit oyurself, Susnet." And Vice Principal Luna srated to gather her bags.

Sunset went to take her clothes and put them back. However, she noticed that her romper was somewhat visible from under the skirt, no little part thansk to the fact that the diaper had swollen up by then. Also, her romper was somewhat visible under her shirt.

Man, I hate when my skrit doesn't fit anymore, she thought, trying to pull the skirt down enough to cover up the hatch of her clothing, but failing to do so.

Oh Tengri, please, let that nobody I know will ever see me like this... She thought, blushing as she kept trying, until she stopped doing so sighing. She got up and saw Vice Principal Luna, now with three of the five bags on her shoulders, smilining towards Flameboy as she unbuttoned the hatch of his onesie to touch it.

"You're dry and clean," she said, passing her hand against Flameboy's diapered rump, just before patting it "You're good to go!"

He blushed a bit harder as he unbuttoned the pink hatch back up and made the diaper underneath crinkle. Meanwhile, Fluttershy laid down and pulled the cover off, waiting for Lune to check the status of her diaper, and Sunset quickly understanding that she was next, went next to the changing table and lied atop of it.

"You're also fine, Fluttershy!" The Vice Principal said before pinching Fluttershy's left cheeck, leaving a slight pink mark on the delciate skin of the girl and making said sign of pinching quickly disappear under a light blush.

"Yo- Oh, I see you've already put yourself in position!"

Sunset chuckled weakly at the Vice Principal's small laugh, also watching as Luna took a pack of nappies, got near the table and unbuttoned away the hatch of Sunset's light blue onesie, just before movign her finger up to untape the yellowed diaper with signs of the faded swirls previously visible on the diaper.

Sunset bit her lip and shivered a little as she felt the wet diaper begin slided away from her lower parts, thusly causing some cold air to blow over her private areas. Said cold grew in its intensity, as the wipes were moved carefully aroudn Sunset's privates, but Susnet twitched a little, closed her eyes and suffucated a moan when the Vice Principal started to get nearer to Sunset's private. Shortly after, a generosu sprinklng of baby powder came down on Susnet's neathr regions, and they were quickly sealed by a white diaper.

Uh-hu. It's thicker than the previosu one. Susnet mentally noted, as she noticed that the hatch had difficulties in closing and that, when she tired to join her les together, she could not do it properly. The thickness became evnem ore apparent when Susnet found herself waddling, once she had been helped off the table by Vice Principal Luna.

I don't know.. feels awkard and nice at the same time, she thought as the Vice Principal clapped her hands together.

"Let's move up now, shall we?" She said, wlaking out of the door followed by Fluttershy and a waddling Flameboy, and, shortly after, Sunset.

The walk from the Daycare room to the school's yard and then outside school altogether towards Vcie Principal Luna's public park of choice went without any issues arising in the meanwhile.

Now Sunset and Fluttershy were sitting on a stone bench near the park's fountain.

"It's weird, such a nice day on the weekend and almost no one is around," Sunset said, as she shifted aroudn with a crinkle, lookign both at the green gentle small hills nearby and at the three bronze statues representing heads of plumed snakes that were at the base of the fountain's statuary complex.

"Actually... I think it's a good thing," flutterhsy blushed, as she re-adjsuted the pacifier pin on her shirt.

"How so, Flutters?"

"Nobody can see me dressed like this..." Fluttershy said, lowering her head and blushing as she pointed to both the shirt and her diaper cover. Sunset suppressed a chuckle, before pointing to Flameboy, who was kneeling in the sandbox in the fenced playgroudn not very far from the fountain.

"I think that he'll agree with you on that," Sunset said smiling "I mean, he's almost more shy than you."

Fluttershy looked at flameboy and giggled a little, before saying "Well, maybe he doesn't mind begin seen liek this. Maybe he woudl be more comfortable begin seen like this..."

"I doubt that, but it's a nice thought," Sunset said, as she shifted around again with a crinkle. Fluttershy shrugged, leavign silence behind for several minutes, before getting up with a loud crinkling sound.

"I'll join Flameboy now, wanna come?"

Sunset went form her lyign position to a sitting one as she said "Yeah, why not?" jsut before also getting up to walk towards him.

Fluttershy surely doesn't ever get tired of him. Sunset thought as she walked behind a hopping Fluttershy Then again, if I understood their words before we started correctly, they're lovers. Still makes little sense, but whatever.

Sunset returned to watch in fornt of her to see Fluttershy kneeling in the sandbox as she filled a blue plastic bucket with sand, while Flameboy was sitting on a nearby see-saw, clearly waiting for somebody to join him. Well, migth as well join. Susnet thought, walking to the see-saw to ask Flameboy "Can I hop on?"

"Sure!" He pusehd himself down to lower the plank, allowing susnet to get on, and start the simpel game up.

Once the novelty of the see-saw ended, Flameboy had jumped off and joined Fluttershy in usign the monkey bars. Meanwhile, Sunset had been thinking abotu her buisness near the park's fountain. By the time her train of thought was broken, she realzied that seh had been standign there for a while now.

Wow, was i so absorbed in my thoughts? Seems so. sunset thought, as she got up and looked aroudn her for see if anythign new was going on right now. Ssunet saw Vice Principal Luna changing Fameboy'd diaepr on the paved path and Fluttershy quitely sitting nearby, she saw some crowds flyign around, and she saw Blueblood sitting on a bench atop of a slope and reading something.

Well, I have nothing to do right now, She said, getting up slowly due to the diaper's bulk and makign the first few steps to destination Might as well mess aroudn with him.

That thought, Sunset took the longer path to reach the hill's top, isntead of directly climign it from the front. Walking (or, better yet, waddling) at full gallop onto the stone-paved path surronded by poplars and oaks, Sunset Shimmer reached the top, wehre the path kept going on down the hill, and where Blueblood's benc was, which was just next to a metal round trashcan and a Victorian-styled green lamp post. Susnet now could see that Blueblood was reading and, judging by the headlines written in Mongol alphabet and with translation like "Joyful Happening at Local Nosocomium" and "The Crying Wolf: Why the Italian Federation failed to propagate its economic model," it was clear that it was not a publication for the average newspaper reader.

What did I expect? He's so pretentious... Sunset thought But could keep him line with juuusstt a pat on his head.

That begin said, Sunset started to walk-waddle towards destination, looking absently at the sky for not attract suspiciousness from him. As she passed besides him while he flipped a page, Sunset brushed her left hand against his blonde hair.

Blueblood slowly looked up. He saw Sunset, and he groaned. Then he seemingly noticed the onesie, and he looked sideways, thren frowned and made an "Eugh" sound.

Susnet then smiled widely and pointed in the distance, where Vice Princpal Luna coudl be see clearly snapping a photo of Flutterhsy and Flameboy hugging together.

Blueblood's frown remaiend fixed on his face ofr a few seconds, before starting to shake his hand whiel gripping firmly on his newspaper. Shortly after, a soudn of grindign teeth came as hsi frown of digust turned in a frown of rage and as his pupisl shrunk and the veians started to spread around in the white of his eyes.

"What. Is. That. Awful. Sigh. Of. Wated. Money. And. Perversion. Down. There!" He roared, as he ripped the newspapersin two parts.

Author's Note:

Took me a lot to write this, but thanfully it's done now.