• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 4,835 Views, 100 Comments

"Boia Dè!" or "Never Trust the Title of the Course." - Daxn

Set after "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks." Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy, in her quest for Credit Points, stumble upon a very peculiar plot.

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Second Chapter

"That's what I was talking about," Shy said to Sunset with a little blush on his face "since those are.... ummm..."

"They are what?" Sunset asked to him, but receiving only a little squeak in return, and the fact that Blueblood had come near didn't help the matters.

"What? What are those? Speak up!" He said, pressing on Shy's face and spraying some saliva over him, causing him to just cower some more and put his arms around his head and squeak like a mouse even more.

"Blueblood, stop it!" Sunset scolded, before giving a light jab with he elbow in Blueblood's ribs, causing him to stop looming on Shy for turn around to face Sunset. "I am sorry if I was wishing to satisfy my curiosity, by asking to him what he was trying to say;" he said in a simil-falsetto, while moving his arms around like snakes, clearly attempting to taunt Sunset.

Sunset groaned, as she lend to Shy a hand for get him back on his feet. "You could have asked politely, y'know?" She said, while Shy gave a whispered "Thank you" to her, before leaving for reach the nearby door.

"I judged politeness to be wasted for this case," Blueblood said while inflating his chest a bit and jerking up for get a more upright composure, to which Sunset sighed again. And, before the little argument between the two could go on, the Vice Principal cut it short by simply greeting the four students.

"Hello," she said while adjusting her bags.

Blueblood was the first one to greet back Luna, as he did a quick bow and said "Saikhan ödör, Principal."

"Good day, ma'am," was Sunset's greet, while Shy's was a chocked "Hello..." As for Fluttershy, there was no response but a completely unintelligible whisper. Not that Vice Principal Luna seemed to mind, since she simply made a waving greeting gesture and a pointing hand movement at the same time with her left hand and unlocking the door after extracting the keys with her right one.

The group of four students, understanding the silent command, immediately formed an horizontal line behind Luna and waited for her to open the door and, when that was done, they followed Luna inside the room.

Luna flipped a switch, turning on the light, and he four entered in the room, which had a green soft wall-to-wall carpeting , the walls decorated with paintings of colorful cartoon landscapes, a painted wooden bookcase-like piece of furniture keeping toys and books alike in the same place (the northern wall to be exact), and a changing table, whose size allowed to take care of multiple toddlers. There were also some training potties, in sizes that varied from proper to oddly big.

"Odd," Sunset murmured while looking at those things, and focusing especially on the size of the changing table and the potties "then again, who knows the kind of kids going in and out of here..."

"Very well," Luna said, while walking to the wooden stool standing in a corner of the room "I have a question for all you four."

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked after a rather long timid silence, shortly followed by the more emphatically Blueblood's counter-question. "What is that, bagsh?" to which Luna chuckled, while putting down the bags.

"Do you really know what the course is about?" Vice Principal Luna asked, causing Shy to squeak loudly and blush again and Fluttershy to rush to help Shy get up, while Sunset and Blueblood kept their attention on Luna.

"Of course I do!" Blueblood said after few thoughtful seconds passed in stroking his small beard and giving another look around the room "It's a course for learn how to treat and educate little children according to a certain method, be it Montessori's, Waldorf's, the Reggio Emilia Approach et cetera, while on-field, so to speak."

Luna shook her head sideways and made a clicking sound. "Any other guesses?"

Feeling brave, Sunset spoke up. "It's very simple, a course for lean how to take care of babies and little kids in general."

Luna made a "so-so" gesture with her left hand. "Not quite," she said "but you are near to it." The response caused Sunset to look at her right towards Blueblood with slightly widened eyes and a little frown, and he exchanged the courtesy by looking at Sunset the same way. Meanwhile, Shy walked forward, timidly rose his head, and, while raising his index finger, he said. "A-are we going to..." he blushed and gulped at the same time "you know... be babied..."

Blueblood, Fluttershy and Sunset immediately looked at Shy with sideway glances, accompanied by a frown of disgust, a head tilting and an eyebrow furrowing respectively.

"You are correct! Yes, in this course, you'll be treated like little children, so that you will learn," the winked at the four "or, should I say 're-learn,' how to do actions have thoughts you lost during your process of growing up."

There was a tense silence, silence that the Vice Principal used for take out a clipboard and a pen from one of her bags. Then she said to the four, clearly dazzled, students. "Sit down on the floor please."

The four students complied and, with that done, Luna flipped the first page of the clipboard, then asked. "Before telling the rules, I want to know your names," Luna pointed with her pen towards Shy "Your name?"

"Flameboy Shy, Ma'am." He said quickly. After scribbling his name down, Luna pointed Fluttershy, Blueblood and Sunset, in this order, and, as soon as Sunset's name was written down, Luna put the pen back in a bag, and flipped the page again.

"The second step, before we start, are the rules of this course." She said, raising her head briefly "Pay close attention."

Naturally, the four passed from looking either to the floor, the roof or each other for keep their eyes on Luna.

"Number one, you may chat between yourselves, during the times I allow you to do so. Number two, respect me and your fellow classmates." Blueblood let out a "psch," while the rest nodded affirmatively to those rules. Then the third rule rolled around.

"Number three, you are not allowed to use the bathroom without my supervision, and, for avoid undesirable situation, you shall wear diapers until the end."

As soon as those words arrived to the ears of the four listeners, there was a sudden overall shift in mood. For starters, Fluttershy went back to blush, and Sunset herself reclined her head, let her jaw loose a little, and looked with squinted eyes towards Luna.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but..." Blueblood made a fake cough while he got up, before releasing up his concerns. "What?!"

"I told you Blueblood!" Shy said, while slightly inflating his chest, to Blueblood, "But you didn't listen to me!"

"I would have listened to you, if you hadn't been too busy in doing your best impression of a broken-down radio!" Blueblood said, making a jerking movement towards Shy and extending his arms out, causing the Vice Principal to intervene.

"Don't fight," she said sternly "And, Blueblood, go back to your position." The two opponents stopped arguing and Blueblood went to sit down again with a groan.

"Now, where was I?" Luna asked to herself with a mumble that was however audible by her small audience. "Third rule," sunset Shimmer said, before adding a blush, at the idea of what diapering and escorted bathroom breaks implied "the one about getting diapers."

"Oh, alright, thank you Sunset," Luna said, as she returned her head on the clipboard. "Number four, do not speak ill of this activity, least receive a punishment back in school proper."

"I would say this is madness," Blueblood whispered with scorn to Sunset. "but I fear that she will kick me in a well that has suddenly appeared behind me."

"Yeah," Sunset whispered back with a nervous chuckle "that would be a big day-ruiner." Then Luna asked all of sudden, interrupting the conversation of the two students. "Who goes first?"

Taken aback by the question, Sunset recoiled a bit before turning towards her to ask. "Goes first for what?" Luna briefly looked at the ceiling while opening a bag, as she said. "The diapering."

Silence ensued in the room, as Fluttershy, Sunset and Blueblood exchanged stares (Shy was too busy in begin his name for look and be looked in the eyes) for several minutes.

"You got first!" Blueblood exclaimed, extending his arms to the extreme while pointing with the index to Fluttershy. "Me? Uuummm... could you please go first, Sunset? That is, if you don't mind..." Fluttershy asked with a blush, while pointing to Sunset, and the latter quickly reacted "Blueblood should go first!" At which point Blueblood, after another recoil, pointed back to Fluttershy. "Her first."

"No... I'd prefer Sunset..."

"Blueblood is a better choice!"

"Fluttershy is the finest choice in this room!"

"No... I'm not... Sunset is..."

"What about Shy?" Sunset said, breaking the cycle for point to Shy, who had been sitting in a corner all this time. "I'm sure he's gonna go first."

Hearing this, he got up and said. "Uuummm... I'm not the best one for that because..." He squeaked and blushed "See for yourself."

He unbuttoned and then unzipped his trousers, before slowly lowering them, revealing a white diaper. Vice Principal Luna said calmly "It's fine, really." Meanwhile, Fluttershy, after yet another cycling between frown and smile, she settled onto a small smile and squish her left cheek against her hands joined together in a small fist, while letting out a whispered "Aaaww."

Naturally, not everybody's reaction was as relaxed as Luna's and Fluttershy's. Sunset recoiled her head and frowned at the sight, unsure about what to do, but show her surprise at the situation. Blueblood's eyes widened, as he moved his arms behind his back, before quickly regaining composure, and started to adjust the neck of his shirt. "Shy," he said "I have the strong feeling that this whole situation was your doing..."

"N-no..." he said, as he zipped his trousers back up quickly and blushed even more "I mean... I thought this was something else... sure, kinda guessed where this was going after I peeked a name in the Vice Principal's bags, but still..."

"I'd call you a liar," Blueblood said scorned "But you are seemingly too ashamed and weak-minded for to do so." The answer caused Shy to look away and cower ashamed, and made Luna get up and say.

"For this pretty mean comment, Blueblood, you are going to get diapered first AND will not get to use the bathroom at all."

The expression on Blueblood's face expressed an emotion that no human mind can describe properly without extensive study and loss of sanity, as he shook a bit and growled, clearly wishing to swear about his most prized body possessions, but barely restraining himself from doing so. He walked slowly towards Luna with his fists clenches shut near his hips and the aforementioned expression plastered on his face, while Luna shrugged and extracted the necessary for put the diaper upon him.

The surreal sight made Shy smile and Sunset chuckle lightly. However, the latter's chuckle died down when she realized that, sooner or later, it was her turn.

"Well, I didn't think about that. " Sunset whispered to herself while blushing slightly and lookin at the floor. "Sure, I lived a good part of my life in a place that doesn't mind nudity, but I feel somewhat uncomfortable in doing it again... hopefully she will not stare to them."

As soon as Sunset rose her eyes, she saw that Blueblood's black boxers briefs were left on the floor limply, his crotch was covered by a pretty thick light blue diaper now, and Blueblood was struggling in closing his trousers over it murmuring something, most likely curses directed to the size of the trousers, the diaper and Vice Principal Luna.

As Luna patted Blueblood's backside for get him to move away from the changing table, casuing Blueblood to walk away in another corner, and keep up his attempts to close the zip upon his diaper. Luna then pointed to Fluttershy with her right hand and said "Next!"

Fluttershy unsurely got up from her sitting position and walked to the changing table, where Luna prepared a new diaper and the powder. Once Fluttershy had climbed onto the table and laid down, Luna proceeded to slightly raise Fluttershy's skirt, slide Flutteshy's yellow butterfly panties off, and quickly raise, not without a great deal of blushing from the above girl, the skit for powder up and tape the diaper above Fluttershy's lower area. With that done, Fluttershy jumped down the table and went back to her previous position, where now Shy was blushing with her head turned around and a drop of nosebleed staining his bare upper lip. And, of course, where Sunset had been watching reluctantly all along.

"My turn I guess..." Sunset said, as she saw the Vice Principal pointing the finger at her and saying "And you, Sunset Shimmer, are the last!"

"My guess was correct," she snickered nervously at herself "How lucky I was!" That begin said, she walked to the changing table and lied down on the top of it while Luna took yet another diaper from the boxes. Luna then moved her arms underneath Susnet's purple and black skirt, and reached for the azure lacey panties she wore.

"Uuum," Sunset thought, as she felt her underwear slide down her legs, pulled out by Luna's hands, thusly causing some cold air to blow over there, causing her to blush slightly "wearing a skirt but no underwear... how long has it been since I did this? Must have been during the Cretaceous..."

But, before Sunset could finish her thought, Luna had already lifted her skirt for tape up the diaper over her crotch. "Done," Luna said in a low voice, at which point Sunset noticed how the diaper felt over her lower parts.

The diaper slightly warmed her groin, and spread her legs a bit, and, as she walked, it made an imperceptible crinkling sound, sound that repeated itself once she sat down on her padded butt.

"Uhu, it feels... nice," she murmured to herself while shifting around a bit. "It's like a pillow on my lower body." She blushed, at the thought of comparing diapers to something like pillows puts on the crouch and how it felt good. "No, this can't be right... it's a diaper. I shouldn't be wearing this."

Then she looked at Blueblood (still bottomless) and Fluttershy again and seeing their garments again, before murmuring. "Well, okay, it's only me, Fluttershy and Blueblood supposed to not wear them. But, hey, it's only me and them, so I guess it's fine, as long nobody says anything about it outside this room."

As soon as Sunset finished muttering those words, Luna clapped her hands tighter, attracting everybody's eyes, before flipping one of the clipboard's pages again. "First activity of this lesson: talk about ourselves with drawings." She said, as she pointed to the vast quantity of crayon and markers boxes stored on one of the shelves of the bookcase look-alike.

"Is it an order, or an invitation, bagsh?" Blueblood asked, as he idly pointed at the bookcase, clearly attempting to stall. As Sunset got up from the carpeted floor, she decided to have fun with him and turned around to say. "Well, it's a permission actually, since we are little kids. Little kids love drawing, after all." Then she stick out her tounge, causing Blueblood to groan loudly.

"I would state I am not one, but something tells me that this," He said, pointing at his fully-visible diaper "Disqualifies me from negating it, at least in this context." Then he got up with a loud crinkle and started to walk towards the stash of drawing supplies.

"Also, you're getting a 'special treatment,' Bluey," Shy said with a weak giggles as he kneeled down and started to sketch something up, "after all, you don't get to use the potty like a big boy."

Blueblood groaned again, as he took some pieces of paper and a box of markers. "My badly-wounded pride would lead me to assault you and feast upon you like Count Ugolino with Archbishop Ruggieri's head," He said "But I am afraid it would only lead to more issues."

"Blueblood... do you make these on the spot, or did you learn them from a magazine?" Sunset asked, her eyebrows furrowed due to the obscure reference made by Blueblood. "What?" He asked after letting out a little groan, clearly of frustration, "You mean my quotes and references? Well, I happen to read something else than the material that is presented to us in our English anthology, is that a problem?"

"No, just askin'." Sunset answered while lying down on her belly and taking out a black crayon. Left without anybody to talk with, Blueblood sighed, and went on to carefully draw onto the sheet of blank paper.

Ten minutes of relatively silent drawing later, there was a crinkling sound, followed by the sound of a plastic cap popping.

"I'm done." Shy said, as he got up and handed his drawing to Luna, who examined it with exaggeratedly widened eyes, before putting it in a pile. "So, who has their drawing ready?"

Sunset, who up at that point had been half actually drawing herself and her home crudely, half doodling, sped up, and, while holding red, yellow and black crayon in the spaces between her fingers like if she had them as implant, then she started to color up the sketch at a fast pace. Once she was done, Sunset looked at her work, only to see that she had a good reason for making the sketch.

"Well, it looks like crap, but, hey, what did I expect, when I decided to put the crayons that way?" She murmured to herself, while looking back and forth from drawing to the Vice Principal, until she shrugged, saying "Eh, whatever, it adds itself to the 'regression' factor she wants, and it's not a contest anyway." That said, she took the piece of paper, got up, and quickly walked to Luna before dropping it in her hands hurriedly, causing Luna to chuckle very lightly while Sunset sat back near Blueblood, whom was delicately moving a yellow marker on the paper.

"What'ca doing?" She asked, to which Blueblood turned his head around, still moving it. "Drawing. What else do you think am I doing?" He said with a small shower of saliva and a frown. the sigh caused Sunset to cover her mouth with her left hand while chuckling.

"Stop laughing," Blueblood said while rolling his eyes and groaning "because this isn't very funny."

"Sure I don't find this very serious," she said "I mean, we're in diapers, in a Daycare room, with the Vice Principal overlooking us and already showing where she wants to head to... okay, kinda, I'm not really sure, but still..."

Author's Note:

Well, second chapter, enjoy/ leave comments how to keep improving all of this.