• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 4,827 Views, 100 Comments

"Boia Dè!" or "Never Trust the Title of the Course." - Daxn

Set after "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks." Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy, in her quest for Credit Points, stumble upon a very peculiar plot.

  • ...

Third Chapter

Once Fluttershy and, a long time later, Blueblood were done drawing, and once they had given those to the Vice Principal, the latter started to shuffle them around while saying "Sit down in a circle around me." And the four did just that in a symphony of crinkles and a couple of sighs.

"The first one is..." Luna took a piece of paper in her right hand, and turned it around, showing off a very crude depiction of a cowering boy in orange clothes, a marsh and something somewhat resembling a dilapidated house in the background. "Who did this one?"

Shy timidly rose his hand, causing Luna to let out a little clap of approvation, and causing Blueblood to snicker a little.

"You are a very good drawer, Shy," she said, causing him to blush "wanna explain it to us?"

"Yeah," he said unusrely, as he took it in his hands, and emphatically pointed at each detail. "This is me in my favourite hoodie, and I'm standing in the middle of the park," he pointed to what it was supposed to be the marsh of the park, then to the house " the one in front of my house. I'm like that because, well... as you can see... I'm kinda shy around new people."

Luna made a quick gesture for encourage the three spectators to clap. Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy obeyed once they saw it, Blueblood crossed his arms and ignored it altogether. Once the weak clapping died down in the span of two seconds, Luna looked at Shy again.

"Anything else you want to say about yourself, Shy?" She asked, causing him to lower his hand and say "No" before going to sit down again. Luna put Shy's drawing at the bottom of the pile for pull out the second one and show it.

Sunset could clearly see it was made by Fluttershy, if anything else by the fact that the main figure was a distorted version of Fluttershy wearing only a skirt and a bra while having two birds on each one of her shoulders, and some shapes resembling a gray cat and a brown dog near her legs.

"This one is from... ?" Luna asked, holding up. Fluttershy rose her arm shakily and slowly like if she was trying to get out form a pile of rubble.

"Oh, it's you, Fluttershy," Vice Principal Luan said "Want to talk about it?" Fluttershy, naturally, shook her index finger for express her refusal, to which Luan reacted with a disappointed "Aaaw," before shuffling the drawings again for pick a new one.

"Uuummm... this is really pretty," Luna said, as she showed the picture to the four "Who made this?"

It was the sketch of a young man, dressed with a landsknecht dress and wearing a conquistador hat while leaning against a pole-lance flying a flag made by a yellow background an an oblique red stripe, flag that reminded Sunset of something she had seen in History Class.

Blueblood proudly got up and walked towards Luna, before preying it out from her hands. "Yes, indeed, this is me," he said extremely emphatically, as if he was making a speech to a large crowd of people, "dressed in the attire that, according to family legend, was worn by the men that gave their lives, commanded my ancestors for the kings that asked not the prize. The flag is Baden's, the last land to fall under the control of the Altan Ord, and the first one that broke free for form the nation that we know today as Swabia. My weapons here are the pike and the arquebus, as to be ready to fulfill either the pike or shot part of the namesake military formation, and they represent my eagerness to fight for what I wish. As you could have guessed, I'm a traditionalist, but also ready to accept change..."

Sunset, who had been snickering all the way through, wasted no time and rose her hand to say "Even diaper changes? Because you may need to get used to them today!"

Fluttershy and Shy burst into a barely-suppressed laugh, and Luna chuckled quite a bit, as Blueblood groaned and rolled his eyes before he said, "If that shall be done, I will accept it. If." With that said, he put his drawing in a visible position again, "I was saying, this drawing represents my ability to accept changes. Last but not least, I feel proud and deserving respect."

Chuckles, followed by forceful claps ensued, as Blueblood groaned again, handed the picture and went to sit down on the floor carpet again. Realizing it was her turn, Sunset immediately got up and took her creation from Luna's hands.

"Well, what can I say? This is me in front of my house," she said, pointing at herself in the drawing, then moving her finger slowly to the building "it's nothing special, but I think I should point it out. Well, I consider myself to be a friendly and open person, and, well, I think that the rest of myself can be discovered oly by staying with me, so... that's it. I'm done."

"Very good," Vice Principal Luan said, as she gestured towards Sunset's previous sitting post "now that everybody has showed off, it's time to start our first activity, which is..."

Sunset and Shy leaned slightly forwards in interest.

"A nice reading!" Luna said while she moved one of her bags near, and extracted a wide but not very high book with a red cover, then she got up only to sit down, legs crossed, on the floor near the four.

"Make yourself comfortable," she said, and, at this order, Sunset went at Luna's left side and lied down, while Shy occupied the other side and still lied down, while FLuttershy kept her sitting position. As for Blueblood, he crawled towards Luna, then took a seal-like position for look at the ceiling and not at the book's pages.

Now that it bothered Luna, since she opened the book on the first page anyway, and start to read the first words.

"Once upon a time, in the far away land of Çita, there it lived a boy..."

Once the reading was over, Luna delicately closed the book, and then asked, "Did you like it, my precious?"

"Simplicity may be the best tool to deal with the little ones," Blueblood answered rapidly "but, that is, for little ones. We're not, even if..."

Sunset gave him a playful elbow nudge in his lower ribs, before saying. "What are you talking about, Blue? Aren't we all little kids here?"

He glared to Sunset and basically scratched his mustaches with his lower teeth. However, before he could speak up, Shy had gotten the attention of everybody, by shrieking out "Kitty plushies!"

The four turned their heands, and saw him showing off triumphantly a stuffed cat with green buttons as eyes. Seeing this, Blueblood facepalmed and groaned, as Fluttershy let out an heartily laugh and Sunset smiled at Shy.

"Oh well, Shy kind of got me," Luan said with a chuckle "Yes, you can go play freely now."

Fluttershy and Sunset got up and rushed towards Shy, and Blueblood started to aimlessly walk around the room, his exposed diaper crinkling about like a newspaper moved by the wind in an empty street during the Fariae Augustae.

"Uumm.." Shy said with a blush, as she hugged the plush animal tightly and looked at Fluttershy unsurely "Wanna join me?" To which she kneeled down and pet his hair a little before saying. "But of course, you little cutie!"

Shy blushed again, as he hugged the plush animal even stronger, causing Fluttershy to get a little closer.

"Cute!" Sunset murmured to herself at the sight of Shy curling up and Fluttershy, cooing, petting his hair and giving him very brief hugs that he, without failure, answered with another one.

"Maybe, just maybe, I could join them? That looks like a wonderful way to relax and pass time." Susnet murmured to herself, before shrugging her shoudlers, and walk near them. Once she was near the two, Sunset attempted to hug them both, causing Shy's eyes to bug out and for Flutterhsy to blush heavily and let out a "Eeep."

"Eheh," sunset chuckled as she undid her embrace "Sorry, thought I could join you two in your snuggles." Shy's eyes went back to normal and he blushed after emitting a squeak, while Fluttershy turned as red as pepper and lowered her head. Once again, Sunset smiled and chuckled.

Once her soft laugh died down, Sunset asked "So, what do you want to do now?" And, at this question, Shy held up the plush cat with his right hand and pointed at the other stuffed animals with his left one, while Flutterhsy extracted from a box kept on a shelve of the bookcase some plastic teacups and a toy teapot.

Sunset, getting the clue, nodded as she sat on her knees. "Oooh, a tea party? I haven't done one in years," She said with a giggle as she took out a stuffed bear and a plush duck from the container, while Shy settled his plush down and Fluttershy unloaded the play set in front of Shy's face.

Once the three had set everything up, they started up their game.

"More, Ma'am?" Fluttershy made the stuffed duck say by moving its head.

"But of course!" Shy answered as he gripped onto the teapot, and moved it over the cup, filling the empty cup with invisible tea. "Thank you very much."

"No problem ma'am." Shy said, as she moved the stuffed cat's right paw towards the cup and moved said cup near the aforementioned stuffed animal's mouth. Meanwhile, Sunset was shifting the light pink plastic teacup in her fingers, as she thought to a good moment for break into the game. In the meanwhile, she observed how Fluttershy and Shy played with the stuffed animals and the playstet, and how Shy was switching back and forth from blushing to cooling down and smile.

In a moment of lull during the game, there was a loud toot followed by a bad smell, as Shy suddenly turned beet red and curled up a bit; and, in return, Fluttershy asked "What happened Shy?" He squeaked, before getting up and walk backwards like a crab towards Vice Principal Luna.

"What he's doing?" Sunset murmured to Fluttershy, before noticing that, once he had tapped Luna's shoulders and once her eyes were on him, he pointed to his bottom, at which point Sunset facepalmed.

"Oh, right, the poor guy's incontinent." She murmured to herself, as Shy went near the table, lowered his trousers, revealing his messy diaper, then climbed onto the changing table. There, Luna went near, took the wipes and a pack of diapers from underneath the table.

Sunset, at first unsure whether keep looking or give him privacy, quickly decided to go with the latter, and turned her head around to Fluttershy, who had been putting the toys back in the meanwhile.

"Well, that was fun," Sunset said with a shrug to Fluttershy, to which Fluttershy answered with "Yeah. Shy was..." She took a moment for let out a small sigh and look at the ceiling briefly "a cutie patootie." Said comment made Sunset chuckle a little and think "Sure she loves him after only two hours since they met for the first time."

As she said that, she turned around briefly, only to see that Shy had jumped down the changing table, and that he was putting his trousers back on. Susnet could notice glimpses of the diaper's colorful designs, which were very alike to the one worn by babies and actual toddlers, and that he was seemingly struggling to fit his trousers over it. Six tries later, noticing it didn't work, he sighed, as he let the pants drop off his padded crotch and walked back to the two girls while slightly blushing.

Sunset suppressed a chuckle, before asking. "So, what now, Shy?"

"I-I don't know, actually... your choice I guess..." He said as he sat down again, as he tired to hide his face from Fluttershy's gaze. There was silence, as FLuttershy and Shy idly played a game of "I see you- I can't see you" by standing still, and Susnet bobbed her head while watching the only truly moving person in the room: Blueblood.

Despite Luna's invitation to join his companions, Blueblood had been walking in circles around the room for a long time by now, his neatly-shaved legs and the diaper in plain sight, muttering something to himself all the way. By now, Susnet could notice the presence of a small depression in the area of floor stomped by Blueblood.

"Well," Sunset thought as she put her left hand under her chin in a thoughtful way "he has been doing this for a while now. Maybe I could..." her eyes glittered a bit "annoy him a bit!" She immediately turned around to the other two and said "Hey, wanna bother Bluey a bit?"

Fluttershy looked at Shy and Shy looked at Fluttershy's legs, and did this for around a minute, at which point Fluttershy rose her index before nodding and Shy failed to suppress a giggle before saying. "Yeah, let's do it!"

With that said, Sunset put herself in Blueblood's path, causing him to bump on her and, with a grunt, bounce off both him and her.

"Watch your step!" Blueblood said annoyed as he got up again; and sunset quickly replied "No, you should have watched your step, because this is my territory!"

"Your territory?" He said hastily and letting out some spit "What are you talking about?" sunset, attempting to keep her face straight while Shy sneaked behind Blueblood. "You will have to pay a toll for get through my domain!"

Blueblood looked sideways at Sunset before facepalming "Why? Why did I had to be stuck with people of the lik-" He was cut short by Shy, who had put his left hand briefly in his diaper. Due to this, Blueblood turned sharply around with a roar, and Shy ran away giggling, in turn spreading the giggling to Sunset and Fluttershy.

"Shy, jijig chötgör! This isn't funny, this is unspeakably uncouth!" Blueblood said pointing at Shy who was still going in his laugh. Then Blueblood noticed that the two girls were also laughing, causing him to turn slightly red and huff before murmuring "These ladies..."

Sunset's giggled turned in a full-blown laugh, at Blueblood's murmur.

Author's Note:

I swear I don't know why did I make Fluttershy so creepy.