• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 11,610 Views, 542 Comments

Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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Great and Powerful Legacy

Great and Powerful Legacy

The Harmony rain filtrated all the way down to an underground prison (sealed with the Princesses’ most powerful spells) turning into an irritating leak dripping right on the most forehead of the most dangerous pony of all times; awaking him from his long sleep.

“Oh come on! Not even in eternal prison can a pony rest in peace?”

The leak kept going forcing the demented pony to stretch his limbs, he was really numb after that long, long sleep.

“Humpf, whatever I slept over eighty five years; I better wake up now” he said walking to the other side of the room that was his cell and gently shook a magician hat completely decorated with sleigh bells. “Hatty! Wake up Hatty, you’ve been snoring over three thousand eight hundred ninety six years with two days, nine hours and twelve seconds! Wake up already!”

Obviously the hat remained silent but the wacko just put it on his head.

“Hay yeah! Of course I counted all your snores, is not like I have something better to do in this cell; but Hatty you better go see a doctor, sleep that much and that deep is not natural. I guess you didn’t even noticed when I escaped eighty five years ago! Of course I returned, why do you think I’m talking to you? Jeez, and when I left and came back you were still sleeping. What? If I got caught? Of course no! I wouldn’t escape for real without my best friend, I mean you. What a poor opinion of me you have Hatty”

He nodded to make the sleigh bells sound.

“No, I didn’t tried to wake you up because you seemed so happy in your sleep, besides I only went out for a little walk, it doesn’t worth to wake you up”

Another nod.

“What I did? Nothing out of the ordinary, I went to a pub (now they call them bars) and met a cute little mare, we connected and at the night I had some action. Several days after I met her again and told me that she got pregnant. I got very excited Hatty, it was going to be my first foal but I had to come back here; so I left her all my money to take care of the foal and I returned”

Another nod.

“Yes, I kept contact with my daughter and her mother on the Realm of Dreams, I’m not an irresponsible parent! And no, the blue alicorn never caught me; who do you think taught her how to move on that Realm? I’m invisible for that amateur. However I really loved my daughter.

Another nod.

“No, you can’t meet her Hatty; sadly she passed away even if I offered her the secret of immortal life but she was too afraid of the Princesses. I kind of understand her, she didn’t want to end up like me locked forever in a tiny cell. It was sad Hatty, nopony should bury his children”

Another nod.

“Thank you for your condolences Hatty, I really appreciate it. Now, let’s get out of here; I think we slept enough”

Another nod.

“Of course it’ll be a piece of cake! I just told you I went out for a walk, right? All I have to do is charge my power and, ATTACK!!”

The unicorn shoot a powerful beam to the walls, immediately breaking all the restriction spells on it and making it explode.
The hat didn’t say anything else and the demented pony simply walked out of the ‘eternal prison’ like nothing. He stretched one more time and walked to the nearest town, leaded by his horn. Strange pony he was: dark gray, almost black, with a long white beard and golden eyes; and an odd smile, a smile of pure craziness, the smile of a pony who already lost all contact with reality. He was wearing a long blue cape with stars embroidered and of course a magician hat with a similar design.
A soft breeze slightly made sound the bells.

“What was that? If I already know where are we staying? Oh, yeah, fool me! I haven’t told you that maybe my daughter is dead but I also have a granddaughter and she’s young and alive. We love each other really much but just as her mother she’s a little afraid the other ponies found we’re related. Why I wonder? However she’s a sweetness! She even calls herself Great and Powerful!”

At that time the wacko arrived to a small town, where he was received by a cheery Pegasus who greeted him with a big smile and a very marked accent:

“Welcome Comrrrrrrrade, is yourrrrr firrrrst time in Stalliongrrrado?”

The demented pony knocked down him and the entire village with a simple spell, with his enormous skill that wasn’t a problem at all. Then he levitated them all ready to begin with his plans.

“Are you ready, Hatty? It’s time to resume our investigation on the resistance of the pony body; so where we were before they imprisoned us? Oh right, extreme temperatures. We already know exactly how much heat can kill, burn, fry, scorch and even melt a pony! It’s time to prove our theories with extreme cold; how much cold do you need for a pony to die, deep-freeze, finish the process of crystallization of all the water in the body and finally fusion in cold. Remember when we first published our discoveries on all scientific magazines about exactly how much pressure causes a pony to break his bones, organs to crush and finally end as flat a paper. Oh, one of the revisers even vomited in excitement after read my detailed inform of how I experimented on other ponies to get to my conclusions. Like that time I had an entire town to prove pony science and even if the town doesn’t exist anymore the ponies must be happy for being part of a new contribution to pony knowledge”

He chuckled delighted and the wind made the hat’s bells to sound again.

“But of course I have enough test subjects! An entire town, more than enough ponies to collect exact data: from elders to young children; there’s nothing more important than knowledge Hatty”

A growl from the demented pony’s stomach called for attention.

“How fool of me!” He giggled. “You haven’t eaten yet, right Hatty? Let’s go with my granddaughter, I guess she have a warm meal and a bed ready for her grandpa and Hatty”

Celestia woke up startled, just like at Lord Tirek’s retun her dreams warned her about the incoming danger for her little ponies. And just like that time, Luna arrived in a hurry after seeing her dreams.

“Luna, please tell me that was only a dream!” Cried Celestia really scared.

Luna shook her head as scared as her sister.

“Sorry Tia, but that was no dream. I’m afraid the lunatic is back”


Luna also let her panic took the best from her and she ran calling for her Guard:


The mad pony keep walking through countless town; and each pony he saw filled his sick mind with more and more ideas of weird scientific experiments that would kill them but that didn’t matter since they were helping to build general knowledge. Yes, that was a worth death: in the search of knowledge and future generations would thank their sacrifice forever.
And by the way, the mad pony weren’t just moving randomly; he was following his granddaughter’s aura that strangely enough lead him to the center of Canterlot, the Princesses’ Palace to be precise.

“Finally!” Celebrated the craziest pony of all times. “My granddaughter is with the Princesses, I wonder why… well, that doesn’t matter I also have to speak with my faithful students so it’s okay”

Another breeze between the sleigh bells made the hat ‘talk’

“What? Of course not Hatty! I’m not planning to have vengeance on them; no, I’m convinced that they locked us because they didn’t understood the true nature of my experiments; so I’ll offer them to become my test subjects to make them understand the importance of it. What do you think? Isn’t that a great plan? I think they would love the idea! Oh look, that pony has a sweeping broom! So coooooool…”

In the meantime, Celestia just formed a war council formed by the four Princesses of Equestria, the Elements of Harmony and all the military leaders: Black Swordsman, Master Sword, Shining Armor, Lighting Flash, Blue Blood and Trixie. And it was more than clear that the two sisters were really disturbed but the rest were mostly annoyed.

“I guess you’re wondering why we called you all here” said Celestia. “You see: a grave danger threatens our little ponies and…”

“Again?” Sighed the Black Swordsman. “Come on, is always the same story with you: suddenly a random villain from a long forgotten past comes back out of nowhere and now we have to figure how to use the Magic of Friendship against him or her. Is kind of annoying you know?”

“I’m with the Aincrad psycho” intervened Shining Armor. “Wouldn’t be easier to have a list of possible threats? With all respect that would give us the time to prepare”

“I’m with Shine” sighed Blue Blood. “It would be a great relief for everypony. Who votes to have things clear from the very beginning?”

Everypony (including Twilight) raised their hooves making an irritation vain appear on Celestia’s temple. Normally Luna would laugh at this but the situation was too grave.

“So what?” Asked Applejack tiredly. “Can we know who’s attacking us and which lesson of Friendship would save us from him or her by using the Power of Harmony?”

Celestia sighed.

“The power of Harmony is great but it’s efficient only against evil or on its opposite, chaos. But I’m afraid this pony isn’t evil at all, on the contrary, he has a noble spirit that only wants to help ponies by bring them knowledge. But…”

“He’s a total lunatic, a complete wacko” explained Luna. “According to him he isn’t doing anything bad but he hurts ponies; being mentally ill, he doesn’t distinguish between good and evil anymore”

“So haven’t you locked him or something?” Asked Dash.

“We did, but is too powerful that he freed without any difficulties”

“So he is stronger than an alicorn?” Asked twilight.

Both Royal Sisters shook their heads.

“To be more precise, isn’t that he’s stronger than us; is that all his life he’s being looking for knowledge; and he knows so many things that we’re unable to face him. Being super smart is like his super power”

Trixie felt a horrible shiver when she understood.

“Please don’t tell me is Star Swirl…”

Everypony turned to the captain of the Undercover Police who suddenly was as agitated as the Princesses.
Twilight slowly shook her head in disapproval.

“Star Swirl the Bearded? Come on Trixie! How can you believe that the most brilliant unicorn of all times is a crazy pony?”

Ignoring her student, Celestia advanced towards Trixie.

“How do you know Beatrix Lulamoon?”

Trixie gulped.

“Ehem… a super smart unicorn who is a total wacko; it wasn’t too hard to guess, besides”

Luna stared at her,

“We never mentioned he was a unicorn Trixie. In fact, to protect the collective psyche of all ponies we kept as a secret that the greatest unicorn of all times was a dangerous mad pony. So, how do you know?”

Trixie wanted to disappear, why did she had to speak?

“So wait a minute, Twilight’s hero is a little insane?” Asked Pinkie.

“Not a little insane Miss Pie; totally demented; but yes”

“However, Trixie it would be good if you tell us how did you guessed that the new enemy is Star Swirl” said Fluttershy softly. “Please?”

Trixie gulped and sighed looking down.

“Ehehehe… you see, Trixie was researching something about magic to achieve her new responsibilities as commander in chief of the Undercover Guard and I found and old investigation of him about finding the square root of the orange juice”

Twilight face-hoofed.

“Trixie that was pathetic. Star Swirl would never do something as stupid as that”

Celestia placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder.

“In fact he did, when he began to lose contact with reality”

“Before or after he tried to get to the moon with a tower of chairs?” Asked Luna trying to remember.

“After but before he began to speak with his hat” confirmed Celestia. “However, I burned that manuscript and all its copies myself. How did you know that even existed Beatrix Lulamoon?”

Trixie gave up, she couldn’t keep lying.

“Eighty five years ago he escaped without you noticed, only for a little walk as he said and had an adventure with a mare he casually met. That mare was my grandmother and got pregnant… she never lose contact with him and they met at the Realm of Dreams. Then my grandma gave birth to my mom, Star Swirl’s daughter. You see… the reason I use this outfit is because of him… Star Swirl is… my grandpa”

Celestia was shocked.


“Do you think I’m proud of being the granddaughter of a dangerous pony who doesn’t distinguish between good and evil?” Protested Trixie. “Besides I’m not like him. Alright? I’ve made mistakes on the past but I speaking of knowledges I know when is enough. Yes, I love grandpa Swirl who I see on my dreams but I’m also the first to admit he is a danger for the ponykind!”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing. First Trixie was the last descendant of her idol, Star Swirl the Bearded… and second, Star Swirl was a dangerous pony not because he was evil but because he was crazy.

“But I don’t understand? How can be knowledge a bad thing?”

Luna smiled to her sadly.

“The truth that is Star Swirl is obsessed with know everything and all that matters to him is to know more and more; leaving aside the true joys in life only to keep researching. He reached a point that his mortal brain couldn’t storage more information but since he kept trying, he completely lost his mind”

“And you were about to end like him Twilight” said Celestia. “That’s why I sent you to Ponyville to force you to make friends. I couldn’t forgive myself if you got crazy as Star Swirl”

A powerful thunder resounded all over the Palace.
The doors of the conference room opened violently and two unconscious guards appeared, surrounded by a magic aura of great power and all their bodies covered with countless needles that got deeper on them because of the impact. The two of them were mares of the Lunar Guard: Leafa of the clan of Sylf, Black Swordsman’s younger sister; and Sinon, the Cold-Hearted Sniper; a powerful archer at Lighting’s command.

“Leafa! Sinon!” Shouted Black Swordsman taking his younger sister on hooves. “Hold on Leafa”

“Onii-chan… be careful please… he’s too strong”

Lighting also took Sinon on hooves, the young archer just saw at her eyes weakly.

“Sinon, please don’t die Sinon!” Cried Lighting Flash trying to save the poor green mare of the sky-blue mane and eyes.

Luna and Celestia jumped in front of the surprised group and shoot a beam with all their strength even if they knew it was useless against him.

“How is that he arrived that soon? We’re not ready yet!”

“He probably is looking for Trixie, blood is thicker than water”

Slowly and happily, the crazed sorcerer appeared with a giant smile.
Everypony, especially Twilight, shivered horribly when the look at his expression; pure madness. As Trixie and the Princesses assured, this was the face of a complete wacko.

“Oh is a pleasure to see you again my faithful students and main sponsors! Have you seen my last experiment? I was investigating the effect of ten thousand tiny needles on a pony’s body; following the basics of Asian acupuncture of course! Yey, those two would lose exactly two litters of blood but a pony can function without it, and once they recover they’ll be healthier than ever! Yes, is the good thing about military test-subjects; they resist more than the average pony, anypony else wouldn’t survive. By the way Hatty, did you wrote that down?”

On a corner, the famous hat was on top of paper and quill.

“Oh Hatty, the only thing I asked you to do and…”

The hat didn’t answered but Star Swirl shrugged and looked back to the confused Princesses, soldiers and Bearers of Harmony

“An excellent friend but pretty bad research companion, don’t you think?”

Even knowing that pony was insane, Black Swordsman wouldn’t forgive what he did to his little sister.
He slowly took his famous two swords: Elucidator and Dark Repulser; and flew to Star Swirl ready for his mightiest attack:


But the mad pony easily putted him aside with his magic and noticed one of the Castle’s janitors.

“Oh look! That pony has a mop!”

And he ran to the confused and scared janitor.
Lighting Flash mentally thanked Mr. Boss for her husband not being hurt that much and prepared her own sword: Lambent Light, forged by her friend Lizbeth. Then she prepared the move that her mentor Zekken taught her before she died:


But she was held on the air by the power of Star Swirl.

“Sorry, did you wanted something? I was thinking about that mop!”

And she threw Lighting away right, crashing her on the walls so hard that it cracked. Then the unicorn landed right on his husband’s back.
It was when Trixie confronted her grandfather, protecting her best friends from the crazy pony.

“Grandpa! Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, Trixie!”

Star Swirl’s eyes widened in delight and hugged the blue mare

“Oh my cute little granddaughter! How are you my dear? As Great and Powerful as always? Oh, you’re so cute my dear; you look like your mother, very beautiful. Oh, this is the first time I see you on reality; I’m so glad to be finally able to hug you with my own hooves”

Celestia took her chance to attack Star Swirl, who limited to make appear a mirror that redirected the attack against Candace; who was saved by Shining.

“A little more respect, please? I’m having a moment with my granddaughter, my faithful student!”


“How? But my faithful student, I taught you everything you know; so it wasn’t that hard. But however, it’s good you’re in here already. We have to discuss about the experiments for my investigations”

This time was Candace who attacked him, but he simply teleported out of her reach appearing behind her and attacked himself.
The pink alicorn rolled all over the floor while Shining charged against the demented sorcerer.
Blue Blood joined too after exchange a quick look with Shine and both of them shoot powerful beams from their horns to Star Swirl, but he simply created a shield and shrugged.
Celestia stared at her mentor.

“Wait, there’s nothing you two can do against this lunatic. Don’t sacrifice in vain”

“Me a lunatic?” Laughed Star Swirl immobilizing the white alicorn with his power. “No, please Celestia, you must understand I’m a misunderstood genius! Precisely I was thinking back when you locked me you did it because you never truly understood the true meaning of my experiments. So in order to make you realize the importance of this investigations I’ll experiment on you! What do you think? Isn’t that great?”

Luna screamed and ran to save her sister but only got caught by the power of Star Swirl too.

“No, GRANDPA STOP THIS PLEASE!” Cried Trixie. “Don’t hurt them please, they’re our rulers and…”

“Oh my cute little granddaughter, I won’t hurt them, I’ll just give them a new perspective of me by making them watch my experiments over and over; and then they’ll understand my vision and beg me to include them on the experiment. Everypony wins!”

Both Princesses widened their eyes in horror and tried to fight the magic aura that was holding them but it was useless, it was too well made to be defeated by pure strength. Star Swirl made an small nod and used a shrinking spell to make Luna and Celestia no bigger than bugs so he could keep them on a crystal ball he brought for the occasion.

“PRINCESS CELESTIA!” Shouted Twilight running to Star Swirl, along with her friends.

Star Swirl shrugged and made appear a wall where they crashed and fell. Star Swirl then examined them and shrank them too.

“Unbelievable, simply unbelievable! I never thought I would ever meet the Bearers of Harmony but look, here they are! Do you know how much Cell, Lulu and I waited for you to show up? It was an eternity… but since we’re immortals we had all the time in the world!”

Then he locked them in his crystal ball too.

“Twily!” Shouted Shining charging again to Star Swirl along with Candace.

The result was the same, they were locked on the crystal ball as well. Only Trixie was still on her four hooves but she was too terrified to act, since always she knew her grandpa was totally crazy but never thought he would do something like this.

“You know Bearer of Magic?” He said to Twilight. “I would had your job but according to Celestia I never understood the magic of friendship so I couldn’t be a Bearer”

“And you still don’t get it!” Complained the tiny Celestia.

“But of course I understand it! Haven’t me and Hatty being best friends for thousands of years? If that’s not a magical friendship I don’t know what it is. Right Hatty?”

The hat of course didn’t answer.

“See? He remains silent because you offended him!”

Celestia took a deep breath to recover her patience, like always discuss with this guy was exasperating.
However Trixie looked at him innocently and pointed to the window.

“Grandpa look! A pony is making cotton candy!”

“Cotton candy? You said cotton candy?” He smiled keeping the crystal ball full of tiny ponies under his Hatty. “Oh that’s so great my cute little granddaughter! Let’s go for cotton candy first and then to make history! We have four alicorns plus five Bearers of Harmony and a young prince to experiment! More than enough to make amazing discoveries!”

Trixie nodded nervously, and her grandpa lead the way out of the conference room. Once he was far enough she ran to Black and Lighting to quickly give them a healing potion.

“Go out from the backdoor and run for Spike, please! If someone can stop my grandpa that’s the lord of chaos! Hurry, I don’t know how much time I can keep him distracted!”

The two Lunar captains nodded and Trixie ran after Star Swirl, she was scared but still she would distract him as much as she could to give Spike enough time to act. Nopony were able to stop Star Swirl, but perhaps the dragon would succeed.

Little did she knew that the entire scene was looked by the agents of chaos on their clubhouse thanks to a magical orb Spike created. They were shocked not believeing what they just witnessed, a pony powerful enough to defeat all of them so easily.
They all looked to Spike who was terrified but determined to act.

“What do you suggest Spike?” Asked Black.

“We’re agents of chaos” he said finally. “Our mission is to mess with the ponies, to drive them crazy. Any pony we want”

“What do you mean?”

“I wonder what could happen if we drive a pony who is crazy already even crazier. Let’s show him how annoying we can be”

Author's Note:

This is it, a reader called The Pony Spartan mentioned that the only way Star Swirl can become a villain is that he corrupted himself with dark magic; well, what do you think pal? Is madness a good excuse too?
However, is the second time I use Star Swirl as an antagonist, the first time was in my Hellsing Crossover the Rise of Seras Victoria; but in that version he is truly a villain.

I hope you liked and as always Read ya’ later!!

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