• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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All together vs. Spike!!

All together vs. Spike!!

Pirotecnia, Pina for her friends, smiled looking at Spike eating; he already had two pieces of puyazo, one of lomito and an entire order of intestines. Not to mention two baskets of bread and sides of gems! So at the end Spike burped a small smoke cloud of pure satisfaction and took a sip of his soda, to then chew the ice.

“Still hungry? I have more meat if you want, or more gems. Anything for my costumers” offered Pina kindly to the Lord of Chaos.

Spike gently shook his head.

“No, thank you Pina. I ate more than enough for the day… or several. Butt thank you anyway, I’ll come back any other day, as always your food is the best of Buenos Aires!” Smiled Spike as he placed the money on the table, but he was still hungry even if he didn’t want to admit it.

“Aw, thank you kid! You’re so sweet!” Smiled the dragoness. “Have a nice day Spike!”

Spike smiled to the older dragoness and was about to snap his fingers to teleport back to Equestria, but suddenly he trembled all over. It wasn’t pain, it was a feeling he didn’t felt before and it wasn’t unpleasant at all. He recovered only to notice all the costumers were staring at him.

“Stay here, I’ll bring you more meat!” Said Pina walking to the kitchen.

But Spike kindly refused.

“Don’t worry Pina, I don’t know what was that but I’ll worry about it later. So I have to go, see you!” He said and this time he actually teleported.

All the costumers just stared where Spike was a few moments ago and sighed at the unison thinking the exact same thing: this won’t end well… for the ponies of course. So Pina ripped a page of the notebook where she wrote the orders and made a quick note that she sent with her messenger breath. If there was someone who can help, that was him.

“And that’s why ponies shouldn’t hatch dragon eggs, they don’t know what they’re getting into” complained one of the costumers.

The rest of them groaned approvingly and kept eating and betting how that was going to end.

In the meantime Spike appeared back in the Chaos Headquarters, where his friends were already packing the enchanted board games and toys they were playing with.

“Hey Spike, how was your meal? Had enough meat?” Asked Apple Bloom happily.

“I hope so, but I’m still very hungry” said Spike trembling again.

“Seriously?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

Spike nodded shyly.

“Well, luckily for you is lunch time!” Said Rumble checking on the clock.

“It’s a chance, Twilight have been asking me why we haven’t eat together lately”

“Good luck!”

And he went to eat with the alicorn, who couldn’t believe how fast Spike was eating the spaghettis she just made, adding small diamonds to his as it was cheese and devoured plate after plate. But at the fifth serving, they ran out of food.

“Sorry I didn’t leave anything to you Twilight, but I swear I’m really hungry!” Apologized Spike.

“No, no, it’s okay Spike. You seemed very hungry, but why?”

Spike shrugged slowly and opened his jar of little diamonds and ate them all.

“Oh, thanks for he meal!”

“Glad you liked it Spike. Would you mind to take care of the dishes, please?”

Spike smiled and began to do the dishes, but as he was washing them, he trembled again and dropped one, that broke in several tiny pieces. Spike gulped and used his powers to turn it into a small gem and he ate it immediately. He unconsciously roared and that was when he realized something was wrong with him.
So he gulped and after using his powers to instantly wash all the dishes, he teleported to his room to eat all the gems he had. The trembling continued, but even if he knew it was the source of his problem, Spike let them be since it was a wonderful sensation.

But suddenly Sweetie knocked softly and entered to the room.

“Spike, are you here?”

“Oh, hi Sweetie Belle. What brings you here?”

“Oh, nothing really, I was wondering if you wanted to do something. Rarity is in the middle of an inspirational moment and is better to get out of the house during those”

Spike’s stomach roared much for their surprise.

“Are you still hungry? Seriously?”

“Forget it, wanna go to the park to see if we can join a quick soccer game?”

“Sounds great!”

They walked to the park and when the passed in front of Carousel Boutique, something moved inside Spike, in her creative frenzy Rarity didn’t notice she threw a gem out of the window, but Spike did and he swallowed in the air. He trembled again.
A second gem got out of the window and he swallowed as well.

“Oh, that’s what I call skill Spikey-Wikey” said Rarity looking through the window. “It’s a shame, I needed that jewel but…”

The dragon didn’t listen, in fact his eyes were blank and he took all of the gems she was carrying with his tongue.

“Spike!” Protested Rarity.

But when she looked the black and purple dragon to the eyes, she stepped backwards.


The dragon extended his claw and made all the gems Rarity had come straight to him and ate them all in one bite, but he was still really hungry and roared as his body grew slightly larger. He looked at a rock right behind him and turned it into a large diamond that he ate as well, but he was so hungry he could barely concentrate to do it. Of course Spike had a very clear idea of what he really wanted to eat, but he didn’t want to freak out ponies; however his mind was getting blurry and didn’t know how long he could control himself. But in a flash of lucidity he saw how scared Rarity and Sweetie Belle were and escaped.

“What’s happening with him?” Asked Rarity.

“I have no idea, but I must get the others!”

And before Rarity could stop her by saying it was dangerous, Sweetie was already on the way.

“And I thought today was going to be quiet!” Sighed Rarity running for he friends as well.

In the meantime Spike was wandering all over the town, when he stumbles into a rock and fell, noticing he had arrived to Fluttershy’s garden. All the animals turned to see the dragon and welcomed him gladly, almost all of them liked the dragon, especially certain Fenix who made a cheerful caw and placed over his head… but as soon as he did it, Pee-Wee flew away and same for the rest of the animals when they noticed something was wrong.

“Did something happened, dears?” Asked Fluttershy. “Oh Spike! Are you going to make your prank here? Please don’t bother my pets!”

And suddenly all the animals hide behind Fluttershy, something that the yellow Pegasus found strange since they never reacted like this unless they were in front of a predator. And precisely Spike showed his fangs and roared furiously. Everyone around, including the yellow Pegasus, recognized the roar of a predator when they found a prey. And of course Spike have found a lot of potential meals: ducks, chickens, bunnies, pigs! So delicious, so juicy.

The animals started a stampede running for their lives and Spike was about to chase them when he noticed Fluttershy looking at him, shacking in fear. That gave the dragon enough sanity to realize what he was doing and ran to the Everfree Forest.

“Spike?” Mumbled Fluttershy.

In the deeps of the forest, the dragon finally gave up to the strange sensations he had and grew to full size. All he wanted was to let himself go with the sensation of power and his hunger, but what was left of his conscious stopped him. He did what he could to control his increasing appetite, using his powers to transform trees and rocks into gems; but he needed meat and he knew it!

Fluttershy ran to find her friends, who luckily were already on their way.

“Girls! Something is happening with Spike, he’s not acting normally”

Twilight nodded.

“Rarity already told us. Where is… GOOD BOSS, IS THAT SPIKE?”

They all turned to the gigantic black and purple dragon towering over the Everfree Forest ripping up trees straight from the root and turning them into gems to then eat them entirely. A squeal full of terror called the dragon’s attention, it was a poor boar to terrify to move. With a grin, Spike used his own fire to make a big campfire, then made appear a frying pan and took the poor animal.
That was enough to make Fluttershy to go against common sense and flew straight to the Lord of Chaos with her Stare at full strength, and again gave Spike a small moment of lucidity.


Spike trembled, and for a moment he thought in using his especial Stare-proof glasses but instead he released the boar, still fighting against his instincts.

“That’s more like it! Now what is your excuse mister?”

Spike trembled, feeling how his sanity was abandon him once again.

“I’m hungry” he managed to say.

“And you were going to eat an animal? But we don’t eat animals!” Said the Pegasus horrified of what she heard. What was happening with her friend Spike?

Then Spike lost control again and smashed the ground, ripping more trees transforming them into gems and ate them all. He looked at his friends, and again, he fought against what was happening to him and escaped as fast as he could.

“Spike wait!” Called Rainbow Dash following him.

But Spike turned to her with a powerful roar that made her stop. Then the dragon continued with his escape, even creating a fire wall to prevent them to follow him.
The fire scared all the wild animals: deer, more boars, even monsters like timberwolves and manticores; even a lost hydra. When he saw them, the dragon trembled again but for his friends’ sake he just ate another artificial gem. But he knew he couldn’t keep control for too long.

“I AM HUNGRY!” He roared again.

The girls looked at him at the distance.

“Spike, what’s happening with you?” Mumbled Twilight worried.

By their way the Team of Chaos have reunited at the Chaos Headquarters deciding what to do to stop their boss. As the Lord of Disharmony and Chaos, Spike was well-aware that he could lost control at some point so he asked his friends to prepare a plan to stop him in case of emergency. And apparently the moment had come.

“So he ate all of Rarity’s gems at once?” Asked Mist. “She surely pissed him off or something”

Sweetie shook her head.

“You didn’t saw him, he was like lost… do you remember when he turned into a greedy monster?”
“Don’t remind me that, he took my first helmet, what a deuce!” said Scootaloo.

“And my skateboard” reminded Rumble.

“The thing is he lost control entirely and we must stop him” said Sweetie turning into Black.

“I hope we can help him” said the other Agents turning into their forms of Chaos as well.

Then they ran to action, but as soon as they went outside the clubhouse, first thing they saw the giant dragon roaring and breathing warning flames to those who approached him in the middle of the forest. That was a good sign, proved that Spike didn’t wanted to hurt anypony.

Rainbow Dash was flying around, when she suddenly a black figure approaching to the dragon.


But the filly ignored her older sister and bravely approached to the rampaging dragon and landed on his nose.

“What’s up dude? What’s going on with you today?”

Spike grinded his teeth trying to control himself.

“Go away!”

“But I’ve never been in the nose of a full grown dragon!” Mocked Scoots.

Said that she jumped from the nose to the forehead and then used his back and tail as a giant slide.

“Cool, I want to do it again!” Cheered the chaotic filly flying back to Spike’s nose.

Spike was not in the mood for playing and tried to smash her with his claw, but instead of that he punched his own nose.


Dark laughed and at full speed she flew to the group of the Bearers of Harmony.

“Hey, what are you doing standing there? Go find some help!”

Rainbow Dash then landed aside her little sister.

“Scootaloo! What were you thinking! He could…”

“No he doesn’t want to hurt us, he did it on purpose” said Scootaloo.

“We don’t know how long he would be able to control himself” scolded Twilight.

“More reason to go find some support while we distract him” said Dark.

“Are you crazy Scootaloo? Face Star Swirl was one thing, but this is the God of Chaos!”

“And our friend, that’s why we are the ones who must stop Spike” said Shadow Bloom joining.

“And that’s why we prepared an emergency plan to stop him in case something like this happen” explained Sweetie Black coming behind Shadow.

Twilight couldn’t believe this.

“Wait, do you have a plan to stop him?” She asked astonished.

“Yes, Spike asked us to prepare one in case something like this happened to him” explained Sweetie. “Being his closest friends, we know him enough to stop him definitely”

Showdow prepared herself.

“But we can’t do this alone, can ya’ go for yer’ Grenades or yer’ Harmony Chest?”

Applejack removed her hat completely surprised.

“Did he seriously asked ya’ that?”

“He knows what he’s capable of” explained Dark.

The Bearers of Harmony exchanged a look and nodded.

“Fine, I guess you can hold it for longer than us, but take care, if this gets dangerous run as fast as you can” said Twilight.

The Agents of Chaos nodded and charged to their friend.

“We’ll send you support as fast as we can” said Pinkie Pie.

Then Twilight created a magic window to communicate with her soldiers.

“Hello? Derpy? Derpy, I need the Guard of Friendship immediately! I need you to help the Agents of Chaos while to keep Spike busy while we go for our Harmony Grenades, our top priority is to keep Spike away from any population”

“But it seems like he’s doing on his own” guessed Night Seed.

Yes, Spike was going deeper and deeper into the forest in order to keep himself away from the ponies, he spotted a delicious animal from time to time but at the end he let them go. What was this hunger? Why was this happening?

Celestia was about to have a relaxing time drinking tea next to her personal garden, when the table suddenly was knock over by when a part of the floor moved to let pass Mist.

“So this is where the Crazy Door led, cool”

Celestia took what was left of her broken tea cup.

“Hello there Mist, are you planning to prank me today?” She asked in a very good mood.

“No, today I need some help!”

“Oh, from me?”

“Again no” the colt said turning to the garden. “Hey guys! This is your friend Mist, remember me? I need some claws, paws, whatever you have. Spike is out of control and we need all the help we can get to put him in line. Would you mind? I’ll give you powers of course!”

Several animals came to his call, but he focused in a hedgehog and a fox.

“Oh, you two! I was waiting for you the most! Are you ready?”

The animals came towards Mist ready for action, but Celestia stopped the colt.

“Spike is out of control? Something tells me I better join you!”

“I knew I could count on you Princess!”

So Celestia extended her wings as well and ran to action.

In the deeps of the Everfree Forest, Spike was sick both of his friends and the Guard of Friendship. Why didn’t they leave him alone? He was barely in control, and he was losing it gradually; it was getting harder to not to harm them. Still he tried to smash Derpy, who was the nearest one and the gray mare threw a few letters from her mailbag to the floor. The spell on the fake letters froze the surface making Spike to inevitably slip and fall on his back. He was about to get up when the trees moved on their own and immobilized him.

“Spike, chill out!” Said Shadow waling on his belly and preparing another apple of Chaos.

“YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND, STAY AWAY FROM ME!” Roared Spike transforming the trees into diamonds so he could eat them and escape.

“Spike!” Called Shadow.


Dark attacked from behind landing on Spike’s back and unleashed a storm of soda and ice-cream on him. Spike sent a tower of flames towards her, this time really trying to hurt her; but she was able to elude it.

“Spike?” Asked Dark.

“See? I can barely control myself… RUN WHILE YOU CAN!” Roared Spike trembling all over.

But then he heard the sound of a beautiful song and he turned to Sweetie on top of a tree singing.

“How does it feel to be on the other side, Spike?” Asked Sweetie.

“That doesn’t affect me and you know it”

“That was never my intention”

Vinyl and Lyra ran towards him at full speed and the next thing Spike knew was that he received a laser beam straight from Vinyl’s laser glasses and a sonic wave from Lyra’s lyre on his ears. That didn’t actually hurt him but it was kind of uncomfortable and he fell on his knees while he covered his ears. Spike then try to stood but the ground was covered with round candies coming from a cloud summoned by Scootaloo and he fell on his back again.


“I hypnotized to not to be afraid of you anymore. Spike wake up!!”


“Then let us help you Spike! Tell us what’s wrong!”

“I’M HUNGRY!” Shouted Spike.

Using his powers to get rid of the candies he stood, when a zoom called his attention.

“What the hell?”

A blue hedgehog was rolling at insane speed around him proving to be the fastest animal in the world, helped by a fox who used his tail as an helicopter to fly around Spike.


Several birds turned gigantic began to fly around Spike in order to make him lose his balance, but the dragon lost control again and seeing the birds he got hungrier that he already was and tried to catch them to swallow them. The birds kept fighting at first, but then the conservation instinct was stronger than their will to fight and ran away from the dangerous predator.

Mist raised an eyebrow.

“Is just me or this didn’t work as it should?”

The animals ran trying to escape the dragon who tried to eat them, when suddenly Celestia came in looking at Spike completely shocked.


The dragon roared and ignoring the alicorn he tried to chase the animals Mist summoned, he was hungry, really hungry, and truly needed to eat them.


Again, this reaction make him recover consciousness for a little while.

“Princess Celestia?”

“Spike, what’s wrong with you?”

The dragon trembled again, roaring in anger.


Then he jumped to the animals, who ran away from him; his friends looked at him rally scared but he didn’t care anymore, he had to eat… meat! He run towards the animals, but Celestia turned the dirt into mud making Spike slip and fall.


“Leave my pets alone Spike, I warn you” said Celeestia, trying to sound angry but really she was scared, really scared, what was happening with Spike.

“Spike, please stop!” Said Twilight joining Celestia along with her friends. “I don’t know what’s going on but you must stop, please!”

Spike didn’t listened, he stood and tried to charge against his pray again, he couldn’t create new diamonds anymore; he needed to eat now. Then Sweetie came in too and used her magic to make appear some soap making Spike slip and fall again.

“Sorry about this Spike” said Sweetie using her magic to hold him.

Spike was stronger than her fillyfriend of course, but then Celestia and Twilight joined her. spike struggled, he was hungry, he couldn’t concentrate in using his powers anymore, so he was pretty much a savage dragon trying to escape from two alicorns and a unicorn, too much for him.

“Spike please, tell us what’s wrong with you!” Begged Twilight and Sweetie at the unison.

Nothing, he kept struggling trying to get free, he had no mind, he was like a wild animal getting caught; but to make thing worse, more trees began to move and immobilized the Lord of Chaos.

“Spike, don’t make us hurt you, tell us what’s wrong!” Insisted Celestia.

Spike roared,


“Spike, be more clear, if you don’t, we can’t help you!” Cried Twilight.

And then, the sky turned stormy and out of nowhere a voice ten times stronger than the Royal Voice suddenly shouted:


Celestia froze in horror.

“King Flames?”

“Who is King Flames?” Asked Fluttersy.

“The Dragon King” mumbled Celestia gulping, there were a few being who truly scared her, and one of those were the King of all Dragons, tremendously powerful and strong, but she feared him because of his wisdom.

Flames was the last one of the original beings, those who saw the world born; and all this years only made him wiser and more powerful. Also he was Chrysalis’ godfather and the one who defeated Celestia’s and Luna’s parents in battle.

He was a serpent-kind dragon with black scales, red belly and red vermilion spikes on his back with ruby-colored eyes; carried by several winged dragons who deposited gently in front of the ponies, along with another flying dragoness, with metallic-blue scales and red eyes.

“Hey, I remember you, you are the owner of that restaurant Spike goes!” Said Apple Bloom to the blue dragoness.

The dragoness smiled.

“Pina, nice to meet you!”

Twilight turned to Pina.

“The restaurant Spike goes? What do you mean?”

But the dragons ignored Twilight and at their King’s sign, more of the flying dragons deposited a giant container in front of Spike, who roared louder when he smelled the content.

“Release him” ordered Flames

Celestia, Sweetie and Twilight obeyed, so Spike jumped over the container and began to devour in an uncontrollable frenzy. It had roasted chicken, pork chops, all kinds of beef cuts, cold meats, bacon and organs. It was unbelievable how much he could eat; and in less than five minutes, he emptied the container.


King Flames nodded and more of his servants deposited a second container, and then a third one, and finally at the fourth one Spike shrank back to normal size.

“Whoa, that was intense! What just happened?”

King Flames smiled gently to him.

“It’s called ‘Hunger Attack’. Happens to all of us, but don’t worry, it only happens once in a life-time”

Spike looked at his friends, who were confused and scared; and apart from the rest of the ponies, Fluttershy was puking behind some trees, much to Flame’s annoyance.

“Ninety percent of draconic diet is pure meat you idiot, now that make me ask…”

He turned to Twilight and Celestia.

“What kind of idiot raises a dragon without knowing something as basic as that?”

Celestia and Twilight lowered their heads in shame, but they weren’t the only ones. Spike lowered his head as well when he felt the disapproval look of the Dragon King over him.

“Do you realized this situation scaled to this level because all this time you were trying to hold back, kid? Do you realize that you could actually hurt someone you love?”

“I’m so sorry King Flames” said Spike.

Then Pina placed a gentle claw on his shoulder.

“I tried to warn you Spike, but you teleported before I could say something. You see: I recognized the early symptoms back at my restaurant, so as the other costumers; so sorry I didn’t react sooner”

“So this means something?” Asked Spike.

“Of course. Welcome to puberty kid!” Smiled Pina.

Spike smiled much to Sweetie’s disgust, but then Flames interrupted before the filly could say something.

“But at least you friend was smart enough to write me. Anyway, I have to ask, why you were holding back? Why didn’t you eat when you knew what your body was asking you for?”

Spike sighed.

“I was ashamed, King Flames. You see: I saw my friends and…”

Flames rolled his eyes.

“Tell me kid, do you have a mane?”

“”What? Of course not!”

“Then, what about fur?”


“I get it, what do you have are hooves! I am right?”


“Then what are you so ashamed about? You are a dragon, a carnivore; and anyone who calls themselves your friends must understand that”

The older ones exchanged some guilty looks, except for Fluttershy of course who was still puking.

“At least this is over, right?” Asked Spike.

Pina laughed happily.

“Come on! Didn’t you heard me? You just hit puberty, there’s still a long way for you to go like your first heat. I don’t know how ponies would deal with it!”

Spike gulped, same for the others; but Flames calmed him down.

“Don’t worry, this situation happened because you had very little knowledge about your own kind kid, so this doesn’t have to repeat. I foolishly thought that certain dumbass alicorn I trusted the care of the abandoned eggs from our migrations knew better about our species, but apparently I overestimated her capacities. So I think I have no choice but recover the other eggs and taking you with me to Reptilia”

Spike shook his head

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me, you must come to Reptila with me”

“But I like to live among ponies!” Protested Spike.

“I know, I’m not saying you have to stay, no, was thinking more in a vacation. Come with me just for a few weeks to learn about dragons, it should be fun, right?”

Spike looked at his friends confused but then he turned back to Flames and smiled.

“You know what? It sounds great!”

“Then let’s go, my soldiers will carry you”

Spike nodded but then Sweetie gently touched the Dragon King.

“Ehem, mister Flames…”


“Can we join Spike? A vacation in the Dragon Kingdom sounds really interesting! Please?”

“Yeah, can we go, please?” Asked Scoots.

“After all Spike is our boss and best friend!” Assured Rumble.

Flames looked at their older sisters.

“What do you say? Are you okay with this?”

Applejack simply shrugged and winked to the King.

“Ya’ know? A’ think we can take a rest from the Team of Chaos!”

“As long as you’re willing to stand their powers, I don’t see why not” said Sweetie Belle.

Flames nodded.

“So it is decided, you’ll join Spike in this vacation, but I must warn you: even if I’ll try to fix a vegetarian menu for you, I don’t want any complain at seeing us eating. Am I clear?”

“Of course King Flames!” The Agents of Chaos said at the unison.

So it was decided, they’ll spend a few weeks living in Reptilia, the Dragon Kingdom.

Author's Note:

So hello! This chapter was a little different from the usual since the Bearers of Harmony joined the Team of Chaos to defeat not the Lord of Chaos but a dragon completely out of control. I hope you liked it and well, this story is about to end soon so I hope you liked it and:

Read ya’ later!!” ta-cool

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