• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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Harmony Vs. Chaos: Iron Pony competition

“Did you fall in your head or what, AJ?” Protested Rainbow. “You know what we’d being into because of him. You can’t be serious!”

The cowgirl shook her head, her decision was being made.

“A’ know Rainbow, but he’s still our friend. Besides, last time we had a great time, remember? And nopony can comment sports as him, just give a chance to the little fella’”

Rainbow sighed, but she had to admit it was true. If she thought about it, Spike still wasn’t Discord, his pranks were annoying but never more than that. No, in fact Rainbow had problems but with his agents of chaos, specifically the young Pegasus who dared to defy her as the best flyer in Equestria. She had to defeat Dark no matter what.
And the ponies arrived to Twilight’s palace and knocked.

“Morning girls, can I help you?” Asked Twilight opening the door.

“Ey Twi, is Spike in home? This Friday we have our annual Iron Pony competition and we’re wondering if he wants his old position as presenter. You know he loves it”

“And it’s much more coherent than Pinkie” mumbled Dash.

Twilight smiled relieved, at least her friends keep seeing Spike as always; not like a true enemy, so she guided them to the dragon’s room. When she opened the door, the three witnessed the weirdest of scenes:
Spike stretching his neck putting his face closer and closer to Black’s, who smiled.

“You can do it Black! I believe in you!” Cheered Spike.

The black unicorn concentrated her power appearing a white mustache, along with a long white beard. Their public (Dark, Shadow and a new one) began to cheer them banging their hooves to the floor.

“Excellent, Black! I knew you can do it!” Cheered the new one.

“You have an especial talent for magic, Spike was right!” Nodded Shadow excitedly.

“If we keep like this, we’ll be invincible! Not even the stupid chest will stop us!” Smiled Dark friendly slapping Black’s back.

The three adults didn’t know what to say. Twilight even felt a little hurt remembering the time when Spike offered her his help to practice new spells. And also felt unnerved knowing that was an advanced spell and that meant that Black was getting stronger. The team of chaos was becoming something really dangerous.
But she had to keep calm so she only said:

“Ehem, Spike you have a visit”

Spike turned to his friends.

“Ey Applejack, Rainbow Dash! What can I do for you?”

Applejack smiled gently to Spike.

“Howdy friend! You see: tomorrow Rainbow and A’ have our annual iron pony competition and A’ was wondering if you want to be our presenter again. You know, for the good times…”

Spike smiled excitedly but politely declined.

“Sorry girls but precisely I have plans tomorrow, but thank you for asking”

The adults nodded in understanding, but also suspecting what kind of ‘plans’ Spike had for them, when they noticed the fifth member of the Agents of Chaos.

“Ehem… who is she?”

The filly bowed smiling.

“Nice to meet you, your Highness and friends! My name is Night and I’m Pinkie Pie’s counterpart: I have her same abilities to bend reality at will, including an especial gift to predict the future called the ‘Night-Sense’. My job as an agent of chaos is to distort the laws of physics and such”

The three grown-ups gulped, this was getting worse for them.

“Spike, A’m gonna ask you this only once: how many of them do you need?” Asked a worried Applejack, not sure if she wanted to know.

“Only one more” explained Spike. “The idea is to be six versus six; you see: you have two earth ponies, two pegasi and a unicorn and an alicorn in your team. I have two earth ponies, one Pegasus, one unicorn and me who I suppose count as an alicorn, so I need a Pegasus to equalize forces”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack sighed and said a quickly good bye to Twilight, who seemed more worried than ever with this team of chaos. Perhaps they weren’t truly evil but having a complete team of chaos ready to face them any time seemed very disturbing.
But returning to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, when they were outside, the cyan Pegasus turned to the castle and frowned.

“He said he had plans. Applejack, I swear, if he dares to ruin of competition I’ll…”

“Calm down Rainbow Dash” tried to say Applejack. “He’s still our friend, only a little more annoying but Spike is still Spike, and knowing him he’ll use our competition to keep us distracted while he makes his move. Don’t worry, or look at the bright side: he’ll save you of your imminent defeat”

Both friends stared each other and moved to their e homes to prepare themselves for next morning:

As last time, Pinkie presented first ready to narrate the great competition between the best and most famous athletes of all Ponyville; that faced each other only once a year, on the competition they invented two years ago. Public began coming.
Smiling, Pinkie prepared her mic and began:

“Greetings mares and gentlecolts!” I’m your host Pinkie Pie and I welcome you to the annual Iron Pony competition!”

Cheers from the public.

“And I’m your co-presenter Night” said a small black filly jumping from a barrel on Applejack’s orchard. “Pinkie, for the third time our favorite mares are ready to prove each other in competitions that will take them to their limit. As you remember, first Iron Pony competition was for Rainbow Dash, with a monstrous defeat over poor Applejack; but she recovered next year sweeping the floor with Rainbow. Are they ready to solve their draw?”

Pinkie just smiled to the interruption.

“Hiya! I don’t know you yet! Are you my new nemesis?”

“O hay yeah! As I said my name is Night”

“Nice to meet you Night, I hope we become great enemies”

“I hope so too Pinkie Pie, but now getting back to the competition, I have the honor to introduce you two new challengers!!”

The crowd exchanged an excited look and began mumbling. Applejack and Rainbow Dash frowned, this didn’t sound good, especially for Rainbow who still didn’t forgive Dark for defeating her.
And the problem were that everypony considered the new lord of Chaos as synonym of good fun; he wasn’t as bad as Discord and the last times they enjoyed themselves very much.
Finally they appeared, and as Rainbow and Applejack feared, their new challengers were Dark and Shadow. Dark winked an eye to the public and began to explain:

“As you should know, Dark and Shadow have the same abilities than their counterparts Rainbow Dash and Applejack; and as always, we the Agents of Chaos are ready to prove to everypony that Harmony can’t beat us”

Silence, just silence from the public… until they began to cheer ready to see the greatest Iron pony competition ever. Now it wasn’t only to see who was better between Rainbow Dash and Applejack were, but also it would be a competition between Harmony and Chaos. Which side was the strongest? They were about to find it out…
Rainbow grinded her teeth and walked to Dark.

“As you wish, challenge accepted. That time you won because I underestimated you Dark, but believe me: I won’t make that mistake again”

Applejack ran to her friend.

“Rainbow wait! Don’t let them bother you, remember that they’ll cheat! They’re agents of chaos”

Shadow Bloom smiled devilishly to Applejack.

“Come on, my friend, A’ promise I won’t use ma’ apples of chaos to give me an advantage. Cross my heart and hope to fly; insert a cupcake in my eye”

ScootaDark also bowed to Rainbow.

“And I, Dark, also Pinkie-promise you that I won’t use my edible weather to cheat in this competition: cross my eye and hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye”

Applejack stared to her new rivals.

“Ya’ both know what A’m talking about. Rainbow and A’ are true athlets, our strength came from years of hard training; you take your powers from Spike’s”

Shadow didn’t care. She knew her sister was right, but that wasn’t going to stop her to measure with her as equals. If she dared to challenge Applejack in her normal form she knew her sister would give her an advantage; but as Shadow she could defy Applejack being sure that she won’t let her win no matter what.

“Okay, understood. Geez! If you don’t want to show how weak you are compared to us in public, you just had to say that!” Smiled Shadow.

That was it, Applejack’s proud was hurt and she was going to defend her honor.

“Alright, we take the challenge, but only to show you our real strength”

“And put you back where you belong: before our hooves” added Rainbow.

The Agents of chaos grinned, also Pinkie Pie.

“So now it’s time to start our friendly competition between Harmony and Chaos! Representing Harmony, Applejack and Rainbow Dash; and challenging them in the name of Chaos, we introduce you to… Shadow and Dark!!”

“Are you ready?” Exclaimed Night excitedly.

More cheers, the competition has begun
On the tribunes, Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity began to scream trying to cheer the team of Harmony.

“Even if I want them to win, to lose before Shadow and Dark will humble Applejack and Rainbow Dash a little, a defeat is what they need!” Said Rarity.

“I bet six bits that Spike will stop the competition when his agents have the advantage” sighed Twilight.

But in the meantime, Spike and Sweetie Black were in Ponyville ready to their next move.

“Thank you for joining me Sweetie, I promise when this finish I’ll buy you anything you want”

“Don’t worry about it Spike, we’re friends! And what are friends for? You don’t have to buy me anything”

“But you’re missing the competition because of me” said Spike clacking his fingers to release an amount of chaotic energy for his plans.

“Again don’t worry about it” smiled Sweetie Belle. “I like when we stay alone to create chaos. What do I have to do, boss?”

“Sing and hypnotize anypony who stayed here to go see the competition. I need every Ponyville watching the competition; and if you spot somepony returning to the town, I need you to hypnotize him back to Sweet Apple Acres. We need to buy as much time as we could”

Sweetie Belle nodded happily.

“You think things very well Spike, I think Discord made a great job choosing you for being his replacement”

They would blushed but since they were both black, only giggled uncomfortably. But then the black unicorn began to sing making everypony to march to see the competition.
When the town emptied, Spike made his move.

“This one is a little silly but it’s only to give the girls the opportunity to compete with their sisters; how could I say no?”

“Very considerate if you ask me. Now let’s go! I really want to see how they’re going”

And they ran to Sweet Apple Acres, where Pinkie and Night were really excited commenting the third event of the day:

“And now with both teams tied with three points each one; the next event will determine the supremacy” smiled Pinkie. “First the ponyshoe throwing competition ended in a draw between Shadow and Rainbow Dash; next in the pumpkin-catapult also ended in a draw with ten points for each contestant”

“That’s correct Pinkie” agreed Night. “And let me add that this event is the hardest of the iron pony contest; where we evaluate both strength and skill. We’re going to roll on barrels! Are you ready ponies?!”

Both teams Harmony and Chaos positioned in front of the enormous empty barrels that Big Mac just brought and at his sign they jumped on it beginning to roll all over the field while their public began to bet who would fall first. It was awesome!

“See, Shadow?” Provoked Applejack jumping on her back legs controlling the barrel as nothing. “There’s nothing better than the hard and constant training!”

Shadow shrugged and jumped on a single foreleg to control her barrel.

“What about some chaos-powers?”

Applejack grinded her teeth and imitated Shadow’s move; both of them were sweating and staring each other in an attempt to intimidate their rival.

“Ey Dark! We could use a little of your special sports-drink rain!” Shouted Shadow.

“Not now pal!” Said Dark. She was too busy having another competition with Rainbow Dash, both of them using only their forelegs on the barrel. It was intense.

But then, guided by divine inspiration, Dark jumped making a magnificent backflip landing on the barrel with her giant bat-like wings. Since her chaotic powers concentrated on the wings, those were the most resistant part of her body. And the fact that her wings were bigger and most resistant than the average pegasi wings, helped too.

“Whoa!” Said Pinkie. “The chaos team is dominating the battlefield! Thanks Celestia this is a resistance competition and not an ability one or the Harmony team would be disqualified at this point!”

Dark grinned hearing that.

“See? Just as the last time, I win!”

“Using your enormous wings is cheating!” Protested Dash, who could barely follow Dark when she increased her speed.

Three of the four contestants were tiring; but Dark was still rolling her barrel as nothing, it was obvious that she was going to win. No, Rainbow couldn’t accept that, she was the best Pegasus in the world; there was no way she could lose to Dark.
The worst part was when Dark made a double back-flip and landed on her back legs to not to waste her wings’ energy. That was it, Rainbow tried to jump and land on a single foreleg like Applejack and Shadow but she miscalculated and landed on her head.

“Rainbow Dash is disqualified!” Announced Night Seed.

“I warned you Rainbow, those two were going to cheat!” Shouted Applejack using her triumph card: she jumped and landed on her tail still having perfect control of her barrel. “Shadow, you’re a very powerful rival but as I said before, without your powers you’re nothing. Rainbow is disqualified but A’m still here!”

“Oh no!” Said Night Seed. “The chaos team have to do something very impressive to beat this! Like Pinkie said, thanks Celestia this is a resistance and not an ability contest!”

“It seems like the good guys are leading again” giggled Pinkie Pie.

“We still have two members” remembered Night Seed.

Pinkie Pie made a raspberry to Night. Back to the competition Shadow groaned.

“If you can, I can too!”

Shadow tried to mimic Applejack’s move, but as Rainbow, she miscalculated and landed on her butt losing the competition. She grinded her teeth, now it was onto Dark, who still maintained her almost perfect balance.

“Both teams are tied with a contestant for each one!” Said Night. “Now as an official member of the team of chaos I just have to say: COME ON DARK, BEAT APPLEJACK FOR ONCE!”

Applejack stared to Night but she had to keep going, unfortunately she was at her limit; she knew it and also Dark so at the end Applejack jumped out of the barrel admitting her defeat.

“Okay, ya’ win this; let’s move to the next event, but first let me rest a little”

Dark laughed happily and jumped away from her barrel to a cloud that she kicked producing a refreshing sports-drink rain for her rivals and friends.

“Thank you” sighed Rainbow. “Damn it, the first one to lose! I won’t forget this Dark!”

Pinkie took a deep breath and then shouted to her microphone:

“Come one girls! We can’t let them win! CHAOS ISN’T SUPPOSE TO WIN!”

Next contest: to transport baby chickens from a wooden stake to another through a muddy quagmire. Just as the last time, the chickens on Applejack’s back jumped to Rainbow’s once who used her wings to protect them from the splashes of mud produced by their hooves; but again the chicks noticed that there was more space on Dark’s wings so they jumped to her; Shadow’s too but she didn’t mind.
Rainbow couldn’t believe it.

“Damn cheaters!”

“A’ felt the same way when we competed last time” said Applejack. “But don’t let this take the best of ya’ alright? Remember: harmony always defeats chaos”

Between the public a pony felt the cold autumn breeze and walked back to the town for a sweater, but once he reached the limits of Sweet Apple Acres a beautiful melody captivated him and walked back.

“Ey, didn’t you say you were going for a sweater?”


They didn’t mind and kept watching the competition while the autumn breeze kept blowing leaves all over the place; it was beautiful. Practically all the field was covered with leaves of all colors but the ponies simply didn’t mind.
The events kept going: on the cider-drinking competition Applejack and Rainbow Dash practically smashed their competitors just as in the apple-eating contest. Considering the agents of chaos were still fillies that was only logical, they had the smallest stomachs.

“There’s only one more event” announced Night. “One more time tied, this will determine which team is better: the Harmony or the Chaos”

“Tug war!” Cheered Pinkie. “Last time Rainbow’s wing gave her the advantage but this year we stablished the rule that is forbidden to use wings to elevate from the floor. You can use them to impulse yourself but if you elevate more than two centimeters that would meant instant defeat for your team”

“Applejack’s strength vs. Shadow’s; Rainbow’s wings vs. Dark’s. Who would win? Only for this network, the event of the century! Don’t change the channel!”

But teams stared each other and began.
Immediately both Pegasus extended their wings and began to use the wind’s strength to help their teammates’ strength. It was more than a simple competition, it was the final battle between Guardians of Harmony and Agents of Chaos; and secretly the struggle of two young fillies wanting to prove themselves in front of their eldest sisters.

In the meantime the wind kept blowing leaves all over the place accumulating a natural rug of all kind of colors that already covered half of the ponies’ hooves; but they were too concentrated watching the competition. Several suddenly walked back to the town for a sweater but immediately came back like hypnotized and without the sweater. Twilight was the first one to notice it.

“This isn’t normal, we should go back to Ponyville to see what’s going on” said the purple alicorn.

Rarity and Fluttershy exchanged a look but the shy Pegasus looked back at the competition.

“Shall we warn them?”

“That the whole Harmony vs. Chaos stuff was probably only a distraction from Spike? I don’t think so darling, besides they’re about to finish” said Rarity walking calmly.

Effectively the two teams were using all they had to demonstrate each other that they were the best no matter what. The mass of dead leaves were growing by seconds but that didn’t bothered none the public nor the competitors.
Twilight’s group noticed that the mass of leaves were denser while they came closer to Ponyville, reaching the point they literally had to swim between them to advance. And just at Sweet Apple Acres’ entrance the mass of leaves was so tall that almost covered the top of the trees.

“Oh my! Don’t tell me all Equestria is like that!” Said a very scared Fluttershy from the air.

Twilight, caring Rarity, nodded.

“Unbelievable, all Equestria is drowning in leaves but we were too concentrated watching a stupid competition!”

“Shadow and Dark didn’t give me so much time to think in something better” explained Spike materializing in front of them eating a gem on his floating throne along with Black who was eating an apple. “They’re desperate to face Rainbow Dash and Applejack face-to-face”

“And when they heard about the Iron Pony competition they couldn’t resist” shrugged Black. “This is only a favor for them, you see, they admire their counterparts a lot and this was an only chance to show them who they really are. But this plan is a waste of time and power if you ask me”

Spike pouted.

“Come on! They are too busy watching them compete; I couldn’t lose the opportunity to create a disaster; after all I’m the lord of Disharmony and Chaos, I have to make a prank for time to time”

Rarity stared at Black.

“What you mean with admire Rainbow Dash and Applejack? Don’t tell me you admire us!”

Knowing the thing were about to escalate a point that Sweetie was going to regret, Spike changed the subject:

“Ehem… let’s just hope that the four of them finish before this gets out of control. I don’t know any other way to stop my pranks aside you using your Harmony Powers”

“SPIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Shouted Twilight almost dropping the poor Rarity. “Are you telling me that you don’t have any emergency mechanism or can’t stop this for your own?”

Spike shook his head.

“Sorry Twi, as part of my regulations as a god of chaos I can’t fix anything; I only create disasters but I’m not allowed to stop them by my own. Mr.Boss’ rules”

“Great, we have to stop them!” sighed Rarity.

“I know” said Twilight flying back to Sweet Apple Acres, where the mass of leaves were almost at the high of the ponies’ chins.

But the four contestants haven’t gave up. In fact they were fighting harder than ever since this wasn’t a strength but a willing competition. The title of Iron Pony will be for Harmony; of will be for Chaos perhaps? None of them wanted to give up, any doubt would end in a humiliating defeat. That’s why they kept going; the grown ups wanted to prove they were still the bests of Ponyville, the fillies wanted to show their sisters who they really were. This wasn’t going to end soon and Spike knew it so he clacked his fingers creating a huge avalanche brutally interrupting the game.

“Spike!!” Protested Rainbow. “We were about to win!!”

“In your dreams” said Shadow. “The team of chaos would kept the victory!”

“Oh come on, your boss only interfered because he knew a draw as the only thing you could get from us” snarled Applejack.

They were about to start a fight for real but they were stopped by their respective leaders:

“Stop it!” Protested Twilight. “All Equestria is about to drown in leaves unless we finish this now! Let’s do something alright!”

“Quickly because we’re about to lose the floor here!” Said Pinkie Pie swimming in leaves. “I don’t want to draw! I’m too young to become compost”

“Now what?” Asked Night Seed. “Shall we fight now?”

“Not today” explained Spike. “This prank was very simple but it’s out of control; next time you compete remind me not to use anything potentially dangerous. Next time you can measure with Pinkie but now we should let them do their work”

Night Seed nodded, then the dragon turned to Shadow and Dark.

“Sorry girl, I really wanted you to win”

“Don’t worry Spike” smiled Shadow. “It’s a little annoying but we understand; this competition won’t end until it ends”

“Next time we’ll beat them without mercy” assured Dark.

Moved by the true friendship before them, but still with their pride wounded Applejack and Rainbow Dahs smirked.

“You better be ready because we won’t ever let you win; not now not tomorrow, never” said Rainbow Dash.

“We’re the bests of the bests so you better watch who you’re dealing with” added Applejack.

Twilight facehoofed and…


It was true so the five lords of chaos watched their rivals and elder sisters (cousin in Babs’ case) swim to Twilight’s castle in order to restore Equestria.

“Okay, I better go back to Manehattan” said the filly turning back to normal. “See you on the next disaster cuz!”

“See you Babs” smiled Apple Bloom. “Thank you for being our commentarist for today”

Babs winked an eye and Spike teleported her back to her home and the rest to the team to Apple Bloom’s room.

“I’m thinking” mumbled Spike.

“Into what?”

“Who can be our sixth member? We should equalize forces with the Harmony in order to become the strongest, any ideas who can be Fluttershy’s counterpart?”

“Well, I really can’t tell”

“Me neither”

“Does it have to be a girl or boys count too?”

“I only know it has to be a Pegasus” said Spike. “But who…?”

Anyway, the Rainbow Powers do their work restoring Equestria and everypony spent the rest of the day commenting about the amazing competition.

“I’m telling you bro, it was the best thing ever” said young Rumble to his pet bunny. “But the lord of chaos came just in the best part and interrupted the game. I know Equestria was in danger and all but I really wanted to see who would win”

The black bunny moved his nose so Rumble took a celery stick and gave it to him.

“I wish you were there too but you know my brother Thunder: ‘No Rumble don’t take Demon out of the house, he’ll lose or else’; he doesn’t understand our especial connection”

Demon the bunny sighed but nodded in silence, a very few ponies could communicate with animals as well as his master but those ponies weren’t fully understand for the rest of them. Anyway he was happy to have this talks with Rumble, like he said they had an especial connection.

“Whatever, I really hoped that the chaos win” smiled Rumble. Leaving aside the dangerous leaves, it was a really good day.

Author's Note:

Ey guys! Sorry for the delay, but this is one of my longest stories and I really had to think before start translating. Anyway I hope you liked it and I don't know if you noticed but the leaves thing was based on an episode of Card Captor Sakura. So I can only say now:

Read ya' later!!

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