• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 11,609 Views, 542 Comments

Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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Forever together in the future

Forever together in the future

A dead silence remained in the Palace of Friendship after Saint Michael’s revelation.
They all sat in their respective thrones looking at Twilight with reproach and hurt in their eyes. Only Rainbow dedicated her a sympathetic faint smile. Dang it! And the worst part was that Celestia and Spike retired saying she’ll be better by her own.
Finally Applejack looked at her sternly.

“Start talking Twi, why you didn’t tell us?”

“Darling, we’re giving you the opportunity to explain yourself so you better take it” sighed Rarity. “Please?”

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie just dedicated her a shy smile like encouraging her to tell them; like trying to say no matter why they’ll be there for her even if they get mad at first.
At the end Twilight just sighed sadly.

“Yes, you’re all right, I should tell you, but unlike that Saint Michael said, I didn’t know all this time, Celestia told me the truth but only after I became an alicorn. All this time, I’ve been trying to figure the best way to tell you, but being honest I was just afraid. I have no excuse but still, I betrayed your trust in me; I didn’t act as a friend should”

“Rainbow Dash, you knew it too?” Questioned Applejack. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Because Twilight tell me she’ll do it. Besides the one who told me was Spike and still Twilight convinced him she’ll be the one who tell us”

“At the beginning I was planning to tell you at the same time the agents of chaos reveal themselves… but I postposed it for too long and Spike and his team couldn’t wait any longer”

“And Twilight made me Pinkie-promise I won’t tell you, right after she Pinkie-promised she’ll be the one who tell you” sighed Rainbow. “I suppose this took too long since an Archangel, whatever that is, had to appear for you to know”

Again a dead silence remained in the room.

“How it happened?”

“When we teamed up to defeat Nightmare Moon” sighed Twilight. “For centuries Equestria have been protected by the power of Magic, Generosity, Laughter, Honesty, Kindness and Loyalty; but those Elements were too vulnerable as unanimated objects so in order to survive they had to fuse with a compatible soul. And since it was a onetime opportunity where the six soul came together, the Elements made sure we’ll prevail with them”

That was it, she just told what Celestia told her when she finally became an alicorn.

Applejack was frozen without know what to do. One by one the girls realized the reality of their situation. Pinkie just gasped and began to examine her body looking for a small sign for change, something that showed her that it wasn’t true. Fluttershy was just silently crying, but Rarity seemed just amused.

“Seriously? We haven’t aged since that day?”

“Yes, why are you so happy about it?” Asked Rainbow in bad mood.

“Come on, this is every girl’s dream! Forever stuck in my nineteens, always young and gorgeous. How could this be better?”

“Yeah, every girl’s dream” sighed Applejack. “Until you realize how bad is it when every single pony she knows passes away one by one while she’s still stuck in her nineteens without nothing she could do about it”

It was like a bucket of cold water for Rarity who finally could see the horror of her situation. Everypony she knew would left her except for her friends, her parents, her other friends… she saw herself assisting to Sweetie Belle’s funeral, surrounded by her aged classmates but her, Rarity, was still a young adult.

“NO!” Shouted the white unicorn when she began crying. “No, please don’t!”

Fluttershy also broke at that very moment and began to helplessly cry when she imagined her burying all her pets and her loved ones leaving her alone. She prepared for her pets leaving her one day, but being immortal was no part of her plan.
Pinkie Pie also imagined herself taking care of the elders Pumpkin and Pund, and their grandchildren, and the grandchildren of their grandchildren and… she finally realized that eventually everypony but her will pass away.

“What will happen to us now? I DON’T WANT TO SAY GOOD BYE TO MY FRIENDS!”

Applejack reacted violently taking Twilight by the neck and shake her.

“Who do you think you are hiding us something like this? Did you planned to tell us until we noticed that we haven’t change since we met you? WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?”

“Precisely I looked for the correct form for…”

“To make it easy to accept?” Protested Pinkie Pie turning to Twilight with a gloomy look in her eyes and her hair to one step to become straight. Then she turned to Rainbow with an almost homicidal rage. “YOU! Since when you know?”

“Three days before the Gala, right after I discovered Scoots was Dark. Spike told me” gulped the cyan mare.

“And why Spike haven’t told us?” Asked Applejack.

“I forbid him to do so when we first knew… and then he trusted me to do it by myself”

Everypony but the two pegasi stared at Twilight with anger.
But at the end Pinkie Pie just walked to the door.

“Pinkie Pie!” Called Rainbow.

“I understand why you haven’t say anything Dashie, I don’t like it but I understand. I also know why Princess Celestia didn’t told us as well. She’s an idiot who never says anything to anypony… but I don’t understand why Twilight haven’t told us. And don’t you dare to make excuses Twilight, you didn’t wanted to tell us”

Then she just shouted the door with anger.
Rarity just looked at her friends and without a single word she left as well followed by Fluttershy.

“If you excuse me, I’ll spend time with my pets now while I still can. You know, before they pass away”

Only Applejack and Rainbow stayed.

“Aren’t you leaving too AJ?” Asked Rainbow.

“No, if I’m honest I’m really pissed off with Twilight, but the true responsible is another one. Do you realize it’s always the same with her? As Pinkie said, she’s an idiot who always does the same to us. Every time we think everything is alright, POOF! A new threat or situation comes out of nowhere, and surprise-surprise, she knew all this time. I mean, she supposed to tell us but instead she gives the task to you. If there’s a pony who should answer for this that’s Princess Celestia!”

Twilight looked at Applejack and nodded.

“You know what? You’re right!”

“Yeah, she was the one who forced us to go against Nightmare Moon in the first place!” Added Rainbow. “She forced us to become immortal!”

“I’m sure she had her reasons…” mumbled Twilight.

“Yes: she knew that if we learn the truth we would never agree to look for the Elements of Harmony on the first place” said Applejack. “Why you even bother to defend her? She’s an asshole”

Twilight sighed.

“I guess you’re right. That’s all her fault”

“Shall we tell the others?”

“No, we better let them chill out” suggested Applejack. “Now if you excuse me, I must go back to work. See you later girls”

“See you AJ”

Rainbow just made a nod and flew to her cloud castle leaving Twilight alone with her thoughts.

Rarity was devastated, lost in her thoughts reimagining over and over Sweetie’s funeral; so instead of going home she took the first train to Canterlot and walked to her favorite piano-bar. She couldn’t deal with that horrid future. So everypony would leave her? Everypony who meant something for her will leave while she would stay forever and ever? If she knew before she wouldn’t be so selfish with her friends. Every moment she was bad with her friends came back to her, even with Spike.
Without noticing she sat on her favorite table with a blank stare on her eyes. Being a recognized fashion designer suddenly didn’t matter anymore; why should it if nopony shared that happiness with her?

And suddenly a pony gently placed a cup of tea in front of her and sat on the table. Rarity just stared at the visitor and shrugged.

“Hi Blue Blood”

The most secret agent of Celestia’s most secret service took a sip of his own cup of tea.

“Evening Miss Rarity Belle. You were about to be kicked out but I managed to convince the waiter you were waiting for me. However, are you feeling alright?”

“Do I look alright to you?” Asked Rarity with annoyance.

“Sorry, bad choice of words. What I meant was if you were drunk and needed assistance to get back to your home safe”

Rarity couldn’t help but smile. The real Blue was such a charming prince, perhaps a little too formal from time to time but still a good friend.

“No, I haven’t touched alcohol, thank you for your concern. I’m just a little depressed, sorry for worrying you”

Blue Blood nodded and took another sip.

“Glad to hear it”

They drank in silence for a few minutes when Rarity finally spoke.

“Want me to tell you?”

“Only if you want to, a true gentelcolt wouldn’t question a lady against her will”

Again he was too formal to Rarity’s taste but this time it helped her to relax a bit.

“As a matter of fact I appreciate somepony to listen. It’s complicated and I don’t know if you’ll understand Blue Blood but still… I need somepony to listen to me. How can I explain? Oh, tell me Blue Blood: have you imagined that one day almost all your friends begin to leave you until you stay with only a small group of people to share your life but you still miss the others because you know that the bonds you lost you won’t be able to recover”

Blue Blood sighed.

“The story of my life”

There was a very noticeable trace of sadness anyone could notice in Blue’s voice an eyes. Like a very old pain he just got used to.

“However I just found out I am immortal” said Rarity. “And not only me, but all my friends who are bonded by the Elements of Harmony. At the beginning I acted as an spoiled brat and concentrated only in my eternal youth and beauty; until they made me realize what ir really meant. My family, friends who aren’t Bearers of Harmony will pass away leaving me alone. Don’t misunderstand me, I love my five friends, but I cannot stay only with them forever and ever. What should I do when I see them aging and dying while I’m still here Blue Blood? How can I deal with something like this?”

“You know children use to outlive their parents, is the natural order of life”

“You know what I mean Blue Blood. Do you imagine how it would be to go to funeral after funeral seeing everypony growing up; everypony but you, who are condemned to stay young and alive forever. It’s hideous, it’s…”

“What I think is that you’re thinking too far in the future. Okay, I know you just got the news and that’s what drove you to your current state, but it only means that you should enjoy the company of others while you can. Isn’t that better than cry their deaths in advance? Maybe they’ll leave but again, that’s the natural order of life. And who says this immortality stuff isn’t reversible? There’s always hope miss Belle”

Rarity was about to shout him but she couldn’t. after all he was just trying to understand her situation, it wasn’t like it was his fault.
Then the prince asked again.

“Tell me, there’s an especial somepony you don’t want to lose?”

Rarity smiled.

“My sister Sweetie Belle of course. She’s a major nuisance when she wants to but it’s because I’ve been unfair with her. even if she’s the joy of my life”

Blue nodded.

“So I understand she’s your counterpart Black, right?”

“How do you know?”

“It’s practically common knowledge by now, but also I was the one who discovered their secret identities for Princess Sparkle”

Rarity frowned.

“And Twilight didn’t told us anything? That’s another reason why I’m furious! She knew about our immortality since she became a Princess and waits until that Archangel thing appears to tell us! Why is she always keeping secrets from us?”

“Because Princess Celestia intercepted the information about the agents of chaos that I collected for Princess Sparkle, and if you think about it… she didn’t know about your immortality until she became a Princess as well so is she really the one keeping secrets or somepony else?”

“Princess Celestia…” mumbled Rarity.

Blue nodded.

“I love my aunt but also dislike how she keeps secrets from the ponies closest to her, even her sister. Why do you think the Lunar Guard is so independent and disrespectful to her? Because Princess Luna got tired of the situation and decided to do something about it, why do you think they’re almost all reformed criminals? She knows that her sister is not trustworthy because she’s constantly usingthe excuse to not to worry everypony… but I think she’s afraid to accept reality. It’s kind of annoying”

Rarity sighed.

“I think you’re right”

“And for Princess Sparkle, I’ve been very close to her family since Military Academy and I can tell she never questioned her teacher even she’s horribly wrong”

Finally Rarity understood.

“She didn’t told us because she was afraid to admit it herself! Of course, how I couldn’t see it? Thank you Blue Blood”

“Whenever you need miss Rarity Belle. What are friends for?”

Rarity took Blue Blood’s hoof.

“Speaking of which, Blue Blood, I know you’re just being polite but do you mind to call me just Rarity, please? You don’t have to be so formal all the time”

“Of course Rarity, but only if you just call me Blue”

“Deal Blue. Now, do you mind walk with me in my way home? It’s kind of late you know…”

“Of course Rarity”

They took a midnight train and kept quiet for half way but then Rarity turned to Blue Blood with concern.

“Blue, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what you want to know Rarity?”

“What happened to you that you lost almost all your friends?”

The prince sighed with pain in his eyes once again.

“I suppose I should tell you after you shared your pain with me. Everything started when I became a spy, as soon I began working my friends began to leave me behind. And I cannot blame them, I suddenly transformed from a good dude to the jerk you met at the Gala. My friends thought something was wrong with me at first, but the most I behaved as a selfish brat, the least friends stayed with me. Only my best friend stayed with me, but not for long. Shine also abandoned me… until he was ascended to Solar Captain and Celestia told him the truth about my role as a spy and the importance I keep the brattish mask. Still the whole thing devastated me, and I started drinking”

Rarity placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder,

“And is it worth it? I suppose you make good money, but at the cost of your friends?”

Blue Blood sighed.

“I keep telling to myself that is for the greater good and Equestria needs me in this role, for example that idiot of Fancy Pants and his organization lowered the guard with me allowing the Secret Service to arrest him and his wife; and also Spit Fire but… yes, I’m lonely and depressed, is that you wanted to hear? That’s why I treasure the friendship between us even if I kind of forced it”

Rarity nodded.

“Blue Blood, I had no idea”

“Is not as dramatic as realize you cannot die but like I said, I do know how it feels to lose most of your friends”

The two unicorns arrived to Ponyville and Rarity finally offered a gentle smile to Blue Blood.

“Blue, would you like to stay in my guestroom for tonight? It’s pretty late and this is the last train”

“I would love to Rarity”

“What are friends for?”

They smiled to each other and walked to Rarity’s home where they noticed Sweetie’s room still had the light on.

“Come on in Blue Blood, in the meantime I’ll put Sweetie Belle to bed. What’s she doing up this late?”

“Good night Rarity. If you excuse me…”

Rarity nodded and went upstairs to Sweetie’s room.

“Sweetie? Sweetie, what you’re doing awake this late?”

She opened the door to find Sweetie reading a comic.

“Rarity, what can I do for you at this hours?”

“Go to sleep already, it’s too late!”

“Sorry Rarity, but this comic I borrowed from Spike is so interesting that I can’t stop reading!”

Rarity shook her head but suddenly she embraced her little sister with love.

“Forget it, oh Sweetie Belle, I want you to know you’re the best sister ever and makes me very happy to have you. Oh, I don’t know how to demonstrate it but believe me when I say I really love you and even if I’m unfair with you sometimes I’ll always love you. And I’m glad you’re still awake because I want to spend the most time with you while I can and from now on I’ll be the best sister you can think of”

Sweetie sighed.

“Let me guess: this is about the immortality stuff”

“Yes Sweetie Belle. So that’s why we must forget about our differences from now, while we still have time together.

Sweetie smiled and winked an eye to her.

“Rarity, I’ll become immortal as well. When the right time comes, Spike will stop my time I’ll be at his side until he quits his job as a god”

“WHAT? SWEETIE DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU’RE ASKING FOR? No, that dragon will listen to me, you’re just a child and he cannot take that kind of decisions for you!”

“Calm down Rarity, as I told you it haven’t happen yet; don’t worry about it, I was thinking to stop aging at my twenty fours or something but I can still change my mind so don’t worry about it”

“Don’t worry about it?” Asked Rarity. “Sweetie, you’re saying that you’re considering becoming immortal, so don’t ask me to not to worry”

At the end Rarity hugged her sister, who sighed with sadness.

“I really hope you change your mind”

Rarity hugged Sweetie, she wasn’t on the mood to discuss this.

“Okay, and what should we do to punish Twilight?”

Rarity shook her head.

“Sweetie, don’t say such things, you can’t take revenge on everypony who make you mad”

“Well, I’m a villain and doing the right thing is not my style”

At the end the older sister just sighed and began to think about all this, considering all this, she did wanted a little revenge.

“Anyway, somepony needs to be punished but it’s not Twilight, she’s a victim too. Who knew this from the beginning? Who sent us fight Nightmare Moon turning us immortal on the first place? Yes, she needs to be punished and really badly, PRINCESS CELESTIA HAVES TO PAY!!”

Sweetie Belle grinned and made appear a long black cape.


“What now?”

“Well, you’re in a view of a humble vaudevillian, veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox pupuly now vacant and vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition”


“Sorry, this comic I borrowed from Spike is kind of addictive”

Rarity made a face-hoof.

“However, can you help us?”

Sweetie grinned.

“When we finish with her she’ll be wishing to be facing Discord instead of us”

Author's Note:

So this is it, finally the chapter where they speak about the immortality thing. And also with a little bit of shipping but I’ll deal with it later. Next chapter Princess Celestia vs. Team of Chaos.

Read ya’ later!!

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