• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 11,610 Views, 542 Comments

Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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Spike’s ‘hard’ rival

Author's Note:

First of all, this chapter is very different from the rest of the fic, but again; I originally wanted to create a ‘boss-battle-like chapter like the Star Swirl’s ones, but this time I kind of forced the note in ridiculousness. It’s also a little more violent that the rest of the fic but because during that time I was trying to write different kind of genres. Still I promise the story will go back to normal after this two chapters, and I hope you enjoy it!

Spike’s ‘hard’ rival

Twilight was in very good mood, just as always she got a new shipment of books; and especially if it came from her mentor Princess Celestia. According with the Princess, she sent a book especially to help Twilight in her relationship with Spike.

“Wow, just wow” said Twilight examining the book.

“Yeah, another book” said Spike boringly. “What’s so especial about it?”

“First of all Princess Celestia wrote it on hoof” explained Twilight proudly. “Second, I think you should see this too. Seriously, it’s very interesting”

“Yeah, right, I’ll believe it when I saw it” said Spike getting his attention back to the pirates of the Large Line.

“It’s a journal Princess Celestia wrote about Discord’s first feats as an employee of Mr. Boss. All his early creations are written here, since his first chocolate rain to his… what’s this? His ‘rock of madness’.

“Rock of madness?” Asked Spike. “What’s that?”

“Yeah, it sounds more like you than Discord” said Twilight. “But it’s exactly what it sounds”

“Well, what happened?” Asked the dragon suddenly interested.

“It happened the first time Discord learnt that as a god he could create intelligent life” read Twilight. “According to this he got excited with his newfound powers and the first thing he did was taking a small rock from the ground and brought it to life with all his power, giving it a mission: wait for the right person to found it and turn it into the perfect being of chaos. The owner would get incredible powers like predict the future, teleporting without magic, defy the laws of physics and break the fourth wall whatever that is and much more. However whoever getting the power would lose his/her mind in the process. But after Discord created the rock, he kind of forgot about it”

“Well except for the Pinkie’s bite thingy I’m more careful with my creations” said Spike like nothing. “And what happened with the rock? Have anypony found it?”

“I have no idea” said Twilight. “But as I told you, you will love this book”

“I hate to admit it but this sounds kind of neat” said Spike taking the book. “It’s okay to change from comics from time to time. What else Discord had on the old days?”

And he began to read.

In the meantime far from there, in a secret location that was used by the terrorist organization Salvation, a dark-gray earth pony with grayish purple mane in a green dress was revising files while she sighed in frustration.
She turned to a rock on her desk.

“What what’s happening with me, Boulder?” Asked Maud Pie turning to her pet-rock. “The usual, I had the perfect plan, the most perfect I ever created and when I’m about to use it to achieve my goals somepony have to came at the last minute and spoils my fun”

The rock remained silent but Maud shrugged.

No, not the Secret Service, this time was Spike Lord of Chaos. He turned every lake in Equestria in Jell-O unwarily leaving my subaquatic explosives useless”

At this point the rock knew what was coming, Maud’s infuriated speech (but in a monotonic and bored voice):

“How can I stop this nonsense of the Kingdom of Equestria if I’m constantly interrupted like this, huh? The most they delay me the more damage they do to the races by forcing them to stay in this unnatural coexistence where the blood is stained that you have cases like my sister’s bosses who had a unicorn and a Pegasus being earth ponies the two of them. It’s an abomination!”

She turned and much to her surprise, Boulder wasn’t there anymore. She shrugged, after all the rock had been listening to her racist speech so many times that it was only logical to think he was sick of it. But where was him? She found it in the bottom of her liquor cabinet along with half glass of whisky, and looking at the bottle this was his second serving.

“Boulder, I don’t know what’s going on with you but alcohol is not a solution”

Maud raised her eyebrows even fi the rock didn’t made a sound.

“What you mean I know nothing about chemistry? How do you think I make my explosives? Oh, wait, I get it. Good one, good one” she said as boringly as usual. “But seriously, what’s going on with you?”

The two of them had a strange interaction, but were really close at the end. Now, Maud wasn’t Boulder’s original owner, no, it previously belonged to Pinkie Pie but when she decided to leave home to see the world and become a baker she asked Maud to look after the rock. Maud accepted, but only for not hurting Pinkie’s feelings, because at that time she thought Pinkie insisted in keep speaking to that rock because of loneliness. But as soon as Maud became the new owner, she found that the rock was sentient and could communicate but only with its legitimate owner that since that moment was Maud.

Now moving back to the present:

“What you mean you got pissed off when I mentioned the Lord of Chaos? I don’t get it”

Maud listened and nodded.

“Yes, I also believe that your creator should keep his promise and name you his replacement instead of the kid, but what can I do about it? Huh, at least you wouldn’t be interfering with my plans like him, not even by accident”

Maud lowered her sight and noticed the rock had served himself a third glass of whisky.

“Again regretting you didn’t gave that abilities me instead my sister? No Boulder that would mean I go insane as well and I’m happy keeping my sanity, I need it to achieve my goals and I think you had enough of this”

Said that she took the bottle away from Boulder.

“Don’t look at me like that, enough is enough. Now, what if you keep that aside and I do my best to help you”

Then she took boulder himself.

“Ey that really hurts my feelings. Such lack of confidence in your only friend”

The rock trembled a little on her hoof.

“Yes I do have my own plans, who do you think I am? But that doesn’t mean I can’t help you as well, let’s face it: we only have each other”

So Maud began to walk and before she noticed she felt a small weight inside her pocket.
It wouldn’t be easy, to defy a god but precisely that was why this was going to be really interesting.

Back in Ponyville the girls arrived to Twilight’s Palace after another afternoon of fighting the Team of Chaos. Apparently turning all the water in Equestria into Jell-O was a distraction while a bunch of chaotically altered parasprites ate almost all the soil under the cities and as a result a lot of ponies ended up underground.

“A’ swear, this kid is getting more skillful with the time” said Applejack. “He makes us sweat when he wants”

“Spike can be quite a challenge but at least he tries to avoid hurting people” said Twilight. “However that’s why I installed something we can use to relax when he gets too annoying”

And then she opened a door revealing a Japony-styled bathroom complete with small individual showers and a huge tub made to look like natural thermal-waters. This was amazing, and just what they needed to relax after a long afternoon fighting chaos.

“Oh Twilight, great idea installing this bath!” Said Rarity excitedly.

“What are you waiting for? Get in!!” Said Twilight.

So the girls got into the showers and then to the tub to relax and have some fun, when suddenly the door opened again letting pass the team of chaos.

“What yer’ doing here?” Asked Applejack defensively.

“Nothing bad, we swear!” Said Sweetie. “Just relax after the match, we didn’t know you were already here”

“You know what? No problem, get in too!” Invited Twilight. “There’s enough room for everypony!”

So at the end everypony were in the tub relaxing and having a good time after their small confrontation. The calm after inevitable storm, (the usual chaos). Nopony expected what was really coming.

Once they finished they went to their respective homes and Twilight and Spike to their rooms.

“Good night Spike!” Said Twilight holding a tower of books and walking to her room.

“Night Twi” said Spike about to open his room’s door calmly.

But right at that time one of Twilight’s books fell from the tower and Spike ran to help her as he used to… when suddenly a huge explosion coming from his room sent them both down. If it weren’t because they activated a magic-field at the same time, the explosion could seriously injure them.

The other girls ran to the Palace when they saw an entire tower exploding out of nowhere.

“Spike!” Shrieked Twilight looking for the dragon in the middle of the debris. “Spike where are you?!”

“Here!” Said Spike using his power to clean the dust. “Are you alright Twi?”

“Yes, thank you” said Twilight looking around. “What happened? One of your chaotic experiments went out of control?”

“What? No! I swear!”

It was when the rest of the girls and the team of chaos entered to the Palace.

“What happened in here?!” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Do we look like we know?” Asked a much altered Spike.

They all exchanged concerned looks.

“Do you think somepony tried to kill Spike?” Asked Rumble doubtful.

“What? But why?!” Asked Spike.

“I don’t know, being annoying?” Said Dash.

Spike couldn’t believe this.

“But… but… It’s my job! I’m a god of Chaos for Boss’ sake!” Protested Spike.

“Still, who would even dare trying to blow up a god?” Asked somepony.

Again they exchanged concerned looks when they heard hoofsteps coming closer to them. They turned ready to fight only to realize they were just Vinyl Scratch, Lyra Heartstrings and Octavia Melody.

“There’s the possibility that Spike wasn’t the target but you Princess Sparkle” suggested Vinyl.

“Girls…” mumbled Twilight.

The three newcomers stood firm and made a military salute to the Princess.

“Your Majesty of Friendship, the members of the Secret Service’s Ponyville division report to you!” They said at the unison.

Twilight smiled a little relieved, if somepony could tell what happened for sure, those were the members of the Secret Service.
So the Bearers of Harmony and Team of Chaos stood aside while the three girls began to examine debris looking for clues. And they did found something, it was a strange substance in a piece of wall, but it made them frown and turn to the scared group.

“It isn’t safe here! Everypony move, we’re going to Canterlot!” Ordered Octavia.

And they obeyed unsure what was going on.
Nopony said anything in their way to the train station neither in the train itself, too nervous to speak… and the three spies were awfully serious about what just happened. Twilight gulped, she had a feeling where this was going and she didn’t like it at all; mostly for Pinkie Pie’s feelings than herself.

Once in the city they took a cab, whose driver was also a member of the Secret Service, and following Lyra’s instructions he moved to an abandoned building of apartments confirming Twilight’s concerns.

“Oh no…” the purple alicorn mumbled.

“Oh no what, Twilight? Do you have any idea who did that in your Palace?” Asked Pinkie Pie concerned.

“Yes Pinkie, and whatever you hear tonight, remember we’re all your friends and we’re here for you” whispered Twilight.

“What? This has something to do with Pinkie or something?” Asked Fluttershy.

Before Twilight could answer, they arrived to an elevator where Lyra placed her eye. A magic light scanned the minty unicorn’s pupil followed by a beeping sound confirming authorization.
At the three spies’ sign they got in the elevator and it descended it to an underground hallway with several ponies locked in tiny cells at the sides.

“Welcome to the most secret prison of the most secret service” introduced Vinyl. “Here’s where we lock the worse and most dangerous criminals of pony history, but for the protection of the public only authorized ponies know about their true crimes and explain their disappearances with excuses everypony can understand”

“That doesn’t sound very nice” scolded Fluttershy.

“Welcome to the world of espionage” sighed Octavia. “You cannot know the true colors of some ponies, take for example my parents-in-law”

“Who are your parents-in-law?” Asked Rarity suddenly interested.

“No need to tell, we’re here” announced Octavia opening the door of an isolated cellblock.

Everypony except for the spies and Twilight gasped because of the surprise when they saw the ponies locked in there: Fleur de Liz, Fancy Pants (who shared a cell) along with Spit Fire.

“Wait, what?” Asked Rainbow Dash. “Spit Fire? What are you doing here?”

Twilight sighed.

“Welcome girls. These three ponies are the former leaders of a terrorist organization known as Salvation that intended to separate the three races like in the old times”

Fancy Pants and Fleur stared directly to Vinyl.

“Fancy Vanilla” said Fancy Pants coldly. “Are you here to show us how you disrespect the family ideals?”

“Such a shame” said Fleur.

Vinyl grinded her teeth and walked out of the cellblock.

“I’ll wait for you outside guys, sorry but I can’t stand my parents”

Ignoring the family drama, Fleur smirked.

“What a nice surprise! The team of Chaos and the Bearers of Harmony decided to pay us a visit. What we did to deserve such an honor?”

“Like you have to ask” said Lyra glaring at the unicorn. “No more than half an hour ago your missing partner Maud Pie almost kills the Princess of Friendship and the Lord of Chaos with a hidden bomb in her Palace. I know you know something!”

Pinkie turned to Lyra.

“Stop! Maud? What you mean with Maud?” She asked very scared.

Spit Fire just laughed at this.

“What? You didn’t knew? Your older sister is a freaking psycho! The scariest pony I ever met”

Fleur and Fancy just shivered at this.

“You know, I hate bird-brains and earth-worms and it’s very difficult to praise one of them (inferior races) but Maud is the smartest and the most dangerous of the four of us” said Fleur.

“Genius-level intelligence, no remorse, no mercy” confirmed Fancy Pants. “We all directed Salvation on one day, but she was always our true leader”

Spike shook his head still processing this and made and step forward.

“And what she haves against me?”

“Against you?” Mocked Spit Fire. “You’re mistaken youngster, if I know her well she was aiming to your sister. Consider this: as long there’s an alicorn in the throne, our races will never separate; and since Candace, Celestia and Luna are too well protected, she obviously tried to get rid of the weaker”

“I’m not weak!” Shouted Twilight.

“Let me rephrase that, not the weakest, the most exposed” said the former Wonder Bolt leader apologetically. "You don’t even have a Royal Guard your Majesty, what do you expect? Compared with the others you’re an easy target”

“But the bomb was in my room!” Insisted Spike.

“It’s close enough to her room I guess” said Fancy Pants aiming Twilight with his head. “Or not?”

Spike stopped arguing, now that he thought about it, Fancy Pants was right.

“But when Maud acts, she is more careful” said Octavia, “That’s why we haven’t stopped her yet, she’s just too smart”

“Then she’s creating a distraction, come on! Aren’t you supposed to be the finest of Equestria’s army?” Asked Fleur de Liz. “Darling, you have fought the psycho before, you know this is only the beginning”

The three members of Salvation smirked and the others just shivered, everypony except for Pinkie Pie who was too shocked to move. Maud, her dear sister Maud a terrorist? But why? What happened with her?

Then the door opened and Blue Blood walked inside the cellblock.

“Blue Blood!” Greeted Rarity happily. “What are you doing here?”

“Rarity, you know I’m the leader of the Secret Service. And everything about Salvation and especially Maud Pie concerns me” explained the Prince.

“Then it’s true?!” Cried Pinkie Pie.

Blue Blood sighed.

“I’m terribly sorry Miss Pie, but she’s by far the most dangerous pony in the world”

“In history!” Shouted Spit Fire.

Blue Blood glared at the Pegasus and then turned back to the girls.
Pinkie began to cry on Rarity’s chest, who unsure what to do began to stroke her mane.
The prince let them cry and turned to his agents.

“I just sent agent Scratch to re-equip herself, same for you girls. I need the whole Ponyville division ready for anything. We cannot allow the psycho to hurt Princess Sparkle.

“Are you helping us personally Blue Blood?” Asked Rarity.

“Unfortunately not, auntie Celestia just assigned me a mission, besides my designated area is Canterlot. But I assure you Rarity, this girls know what they do, and my second in command will be leading them. Lieutenant Hooves!”

Derpy entered to the cellblock at her boss’ command.

“Derpy?!” Asked Rainbow.

“Ey, nopony can be that clumsy, Dash; every secret agent needs and alibi” explained the gray Pegasus. “And don’t worry, I promis nothing will happen to anypony under my watch”

“Lieutenant Hooves is my best agent” assured Blue Blood. “This time Maud caught us out of guard but there will be no next time. The psycho is going down, with all respect of course”

Pinkie sobbed again but nodded sadly.

And for Spike he hugged Twilight protectively.

“And don’t worry Twilight, just like with Mr. Swirl I’ll be here to protect you”

Twilight returned the hug.

“Thank you Spike, but this time let’s leave this to the professionals”

At next day the girls went back to their respective business but this time under the watch of the Secret Service. But everypony were more concerned about Pinkie’s feelings. She was awfully down since she found out the kind of pony Maud really was; and there was no use to deny it, Blue Blood even gave her Maud’s complete expedient.

And in the meantime Maud was calmly laying in the bed of her hotel room, disguised with mane and fur dye (no magic, she would never use something invented by an inferior race like the ‘hornies’).

“They think that yesterday’s bomb was for the alicorn, just as I planned. Now we can only wait”

She turned to Boulder and nodded.

“Yes, it’s boring but there’s nothing we can do about it”

Then Maud slowly walked to the window guided by her instincts and just as she thought she saw Pinkie Pie along with her friends; and just by sight she knew there was something wrong with her sister.

“I guess she knows” sighed Maud.

Boulder didn’t say anything, or at least anything anypony but Maud could heard.

“You know I can’t go there, do you think she would forgive me after what I’ve done? Yes, I know I got involved with bird-brains, a horny and an alicorn just to make her happy but it’s too late now. You know? The only one I could get along with was the farmer, she’s slightly related to us so there’s a chance she’s a pure-blooded earth pony like us”

She looked at the window again and felt Boulder’s weight getting into her pocket.

“Well, I suppose you’re right, sooner or later I’ll have to face her. In the meantime, why do you insist in confront him personally?”

Maud listened and face-hoofed.

“As you wish. I promised I will help, and I will but I highly recommend you to reconsider your plans”

Spike was really worried for Twilight, he knew she counted on the Secret Service and she was very powerful by herself, but for what he learnt from Maud, he couldn’t rest easily; so he decided to gather his friends to plan something in case Maud attacked and of course they agreed; after all their sisters were in great danger.

“And what’s the plan, Spike?” Asked Scoots.

“I seriously don’t know, we need a prank powerful enough to keep her under control, the problem is I have no idea where to start!”

“Still it isn’t safe here, I suggest we move to the headquarters” suggested Sweetie Belle.

Good idea, so they ran to the clubhouse when they were stopped by Derpy.

“Kids, wait!” Asked the jolly mailmare. “Are you going to Sweet Apple Acres?

“Yes, yes we are” sighed Rumble. “What do you want anyway, Derpy?”

“Yeah, we kind of have something serious between hooves” said Apple Bloom.

The mailmare frowned and after check if there were anypony listening, she faced the filly.

“I know, I’m supposed to be your escort. Secret Service, remember?”

“But this problem is with Twilight, it has nothing to do with us!” Protested Spike. “In fact we can do something to help”

“I’m sure you can, but try to understand: you’re still just children and this is very serious business. At least let me walk you to your headquarters, it’s all I ask. Don’t do it for me, for your sisters; they’ll be more comfortable if a trained soldier goes with you”

The agents of chaos exchanged uncomfortable looks but sighed defeated and agreed. At the end the walk was just awkward but short.

“Okay, we’re here!” Said Spike when they arrived to the clubhouse.

“Yeah, thank you Derpy” smiled Sweetie Belle.

“Whenever you need” smiled back the mailmare.

The agents of chaos then were about to enter when Derpy noticed something, it was some kind of blue dust under the tree where the clubhouse were built.

“Oh hay no!”

And she flew at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash get envious; and tackled the kids just in time because half of a second later, the house exploded in a million pieces as violently as Twilight’s tower did.

“WHAT? WHY?” Cried Sweetie Belle creating a force-field to protect her friends along with Spike.

Spike used his powers to clean the dust and then Derpy got closer to examine what was left from the chaos headquarters. And she didn’t like what she found: several pieces of paper with the message GREETINGS FROM SALVATION AND THE ROCK OF MADNESS.

“I’ve heard about Salvation, but what on Equestria is the Rock of Madness?” Asked Rumble.

“I don’t understand, I simply don’t understand” mumbled Apple Bloom.

Spike scratched his head.

“I think I heard that name before but I just don’t remember where”

“We’ll think about that later” said Derpy firmly. “But right now we’re going back to Ponyville immediately. This was clearly meant for you guys; and as a member of the Secret Service I must keep you safe”

The agents of chaos nodded slowly and began to follow Derpy, who was frowning in concern. Damn it, what was going on with Maud? Why would she attack the Lord of Chaos? Defy alicorns was one thing, but defy a god? No, there was something else here.
But what?

In the meantime, the explosion was so big that everypony in Ponyville witnessed it; including certain guest in certain hotel and her pet-rock.

“The threat is done” said Maud boringly. “Now let’s move to phase two”

She turned when she noticed the rock wasn’t in her pocket. Where was he? Oh, there he was, sitting in the small table along with an empty glass and a bottle of whisky.

“I know I paid for all-included, but don’t you think it’s a little too early to celebrate, Boulder?”

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