• Published 10th May 2015
  • 1,080 Views, 37 Comments

A New Impetus - Zykov

From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end. Shaping our own destiny is what we’re meant to do, but sometimes you might find a path you didn’t think was possible for you.

  • ...

1. You Got Company

If somepony has not heard about the city of Canterlot, he or she probably doesn’t live in Equestria at all. The great Canterlot (the capital of the even greater Equestria), where high society and quality shines under Celestia’s sun.

No matter where you go in that city, you can see that almost every store presents the name “Canterlot” within it’s title: Southern Canterlot Cafe, Canterlot Fashion, Northen Canterlot Grocery, Canterlot Sushi Resutoran, Canterlot Academy. The title Canterlot is abundant, and it may not be too outrageous to say that it has gone to some of the residents’ heads.

It is surely to no fault of their own, it is only common that ponies would take pride in their nations capital and its accomplishments. The fact that ponies there are directly under the supervision and protection of their fair Princesses further entitles them to uphold themselves to higher standards.

The city, as many may know, is made up mostly of rich entrepreneurs and creative designers, along with other fortunate, gifted, and well off ponies. Of course among the talented ponies are those who work hard and have pushed to get everything they have.

Among these many successful, hard working, design and fashion companies is a place called Canterlot Spectrum Ltd. One of the busiest and most ambitious agencies located in Eastern Canterlot, which has employed many talented designers, advertising managers, art directors etc. The company holds a record of being the oldest design companies in the history of Canterlot and its reputation is well honored among artists.

To a creative mind coffee is considered an essential beverage, it can even be considered to be a necessity. So of course, a fully stocked cafeteria with high quality coffee is a no-brainer for everypony who works at Canterlot Spectrum. When the clock hits 11:00, for most of the employers it meant lunch time. Even though the designers are free to pick break times for themselves, most would much rather use their company benefits for free lunch.

Two mares stood in line for the food counter holding their trays with their magic and placing them down as they began to move down the line. One brown coated with a blond, curly mane. The other one was a bit plumper, yellow coated with a long, thick and dark brown mane.

The thinner mare was presenting her left ankle to her friend, flaunting a golden bracelet covered with gems, with her head raised. “...and when I opened the present, awh the sun just hit these gems and; ahh Si! …it just dazzled my eyes! I’m telling you, Mineral, this present is the most spectacular gift anypony has ever given me!”

The other mare was pressing her hooves against her cheeks while still standing, a long squeak escaping her mouth “Oh my gosh Meadow! That must’ve cost a fortune! How did your special had so much heart to buy that?” she hyped and was smiling so widely that if her smile got any wider, her face would probably tear apart.

“Um, excuse me,” they heard a voice behind them, and turned around, and saw a white unicorn stallion with a tray, who was wearing a red collared shirt with a black shirt under it with his sleeves rolled up. “Can I get through?” he asked and looked over their shoulders, moving toward a table just past them.

“Oh, of course,” the yellow mare said and immediately gave way for him, though the other mare remained silent.

“Thanks.” The stallion nodded with a smile and slipped through the gap.

The yellow mare gave the stallion a joking grin, her eyebrow raising. “Are my eyes lying or am I really seeing the Wild Soul coming to dine in the cafeteria?” she noted following it up with a chuckle.

The stallion slowed his pace and turned to look at the mare, giving a short laugh, “For once they have food I actually like. Plus I have a meeting with a client,” he stated and glanced away, walking over to the empty table.

The the brown mare tilted her head, looking at her friend. “Mineràl, who es that?”

Mineral turned her attention away from her friend and used her magic to grab a coffee cup and from a display case, she took a big baguette, placing them on her plate. “Yes, that’s Wild Soul. He’s one of the designers in the East Wing like me. He’s quite the nice guy. He doesn’t start many conversations though.”

Meadow followed her friends example, taking a coffee cup, and a low fat sandwich. “So you know him?”

Mineral nodded and then shrugged, grabbing a coffee pan “Somehow. We have nice chit-chats every now and then, and we’ve worked on the same projects, but most of the time; it seems likes he would rather be alone.”

Meadow scrunched her eyebrows together as she poured hot water into her cup. “Solitary Soul, eh?”

Mineral jokingly rolled her eyes, stopping at the cash register. “Aw, come on. That’s corny.” She turned her attention to the cashier, who had a big book opened at the counter. She placed her hoof on an empty page, and when she lifted her hoof, it had a hoof print on it which started to glow bright green for a brief moment, indicating that she was indeed one of the employees. “But yes, pretty much. I wonder if that stallion even has any friends, or does he even want any...”

The brown unicorn lifted a tea bag package from a box and placed it on her tray. “Ah, si. It only makes sense. Though it’s not our business to become friends with stallions if that’s what you had in mind,” she noted and raised her head high, stroking her hair. “Stallions and mares are just supposed to make one another look muy caliente. Appearance is everything after all. I would even call them our accesoras.”

Mineral’s brows immediately dropped and her smile was replaced by a deep frown, and she stomped her hoof down. “Your philosophy is still as horrible as ever...” She let out a long groan and shook her head, and then gave the other mare a not so friendly gaze. “Your special one just gave you an expensive bracelet for your birthday and you still think of him as your accessory?”

Meadow placed her hoof on the book, and spoke with the same calm voice. Even her heart rate failed to increase during Mineral’s slight outburst. “Well that’s what mi familia has taught me and I have no reason to question them.”

The yellow mare simply scrunched her eyebrows together and lowered her head. “Let us just stop this conversation before it escalates. I’m too hungry to argue with you.”

The mares lifted their trays with their magic and finally got through with the line and headed to their claimed table, passing Wild Soul who didn’t seem to have much food. Just a bowl of horseshoe fries, eggs, soda and an apple. Though Mineral’s attention was caught by a paper Soul had taken out from his folder, that was filled with different logo ideas. The mare stopped and took a few steps backwards.

“So that’s what you’ve been working on. Looks good, sis!” The yellow unicorn stated with a bright voice.

Soul immediately raised his head and turned to look at the mare behind him. “Oh, thanks,” he said with a smile, and turned to look at the paper again.

Mineral dipped her head to the side and raised her eyebrow. “What’s it for? No, wait!” She quickly raised her hoof. “I want to guess.”

“Or,” Soul stopped the mare before she got a chance to continue, and moved the paper so she could see it from a better angle. “You could just read the title,” he noted with a laugh.

“Or I could do that too,” Mineral said and gave some slightly forced, laughter. Her eyes bulged as she read the name on some of the typographic logos. “Faztable?!” she squeaked and turned to look at Soul. “You are making a new logo for the Faztable!? Oh my gosh, their chocolate is the best in all of Equestria!” she chanted with a huge smile upon her face, giving the paper back to Soul.

Soul put the paper back to his folder and nodded with a smile. “Gotta agree with that. Their white chocolate is my personal favorite.”

Mineral nodded back at him. “It’s very good, but mine is chili.” The blank expression that formed on Soul’s face from the word “chili”, made it impossible for the mare to prevent a chuckle from escaping her lips, though she quickly continued with her speech, raising her hoof and pulling herself together. “But why are they willing to change their logo?” she asked and tilted her head scrunching her nose as she tried to think, “The one they have now is almost too iconic to change in the first place.”

Soul leaned against his chair and let out a big, relaxed sigh. “Because I paid them pretty nicely.”

The answer caused the yellow unicorns eyes to bulge. “What?!”

Soul immediately raised his hoof and gave her a laugh. “Kidding. The reason I got this was that their chocolate is more popular in Manehattan than anywhere else in Equestria. They say that the logo they have right now is too Canterlot-ish, with all it’s curvy letters and such.” Soul showed the paper to Mineral again. “So my job is to make it appeal more to Manehattaners.”

Mineral dipppd her head to side. “By making it bolder and reduce the curves? Very nice! If you get free chocolate samples, you have to let me get a taste too!”

Meadow, who has just been standing idly by, interrupted the conversation, not giving Soul a chance to say anything. “You should trim up your waist first,” she noted and tapped Mineral’s hip and chuckled.

The yellow unicorn immediately, turned to look at Meadow as those words entered her ears, her eyes widening as she leaned towards her friend. “But there’ll be nothing left of me anymore if I do that!” she noted with a high pitched, overdone voice, like a drama queen and then swiped her left leg across her body as if she were presenting it. “I couldn’t be more proud of this wholeness and the day when somepony changes my bodific image is the day Princess Celestia stops rising the sun,” she stated with her head raised, followed by a bright chuckle.

“Admirable attitude. I respect that,” Soul noted with a nod, Mineral giving him a glance with a thankful smile. Though Soul turned to gaze at the brown mare with quite the disapproving look upon his face. He didn’t say anything, he just gazed at her. Meadow barely paid any attention to Soul, but she did notice the gaze, though when she turned to look at the stallion, she immediately turned her head away not able to meet his gaze.

“Alright, sorry I even mentioned it,” Meadow laughed and rolled her eyes.

Soul started to scratch his chin. “Sooooo… This is just my opinion…” he spoke with a very slow pace, putting his hooves together. “...but that food would probably be much easier and more comfortable to eat if you sit down.”

Mineral immediately flinched and braced up. “Oh! Sorry, we won’t bother you anymore. Bring it all home with the logo,” she chanted with a smile and turned away from the stallion, and started walking away with her friend.

Though before they managed to take even a couple steps, Soul stopped them. “No, I meant you could sit down here,” he quickly corrected himself as he pointed at the two seats next to him. “I’m supposed to have a meeting here with the Faztable salespony soon, and I could use two additional pairs of eyes to give their pre-judgements before the actual meeting.” He paused for a moment. “Or… if some group is waiting for you, then just fuggedaboutit.”

The yellow unicorn along with Meadow stopped as if they hit a wall, turning to look at the stallion again.

“Oh!” Mineral exclaimed and gave Meadow a glance, who clearly wasn’t willing to stay, but this only put a smirk on Mineral’s face. “Well; gotta help a comrade designer when he asks for it, naye?” she said with a chuckle and pulled the chair back next to Soul, she put her tray on the table and sat down.

The brown mare sneered and peered at the table on the other side of the cafeteria. “Well, I want to sit next to a window,” she stated with a firm tone. “My latest masterpiece is up on the other side of the street.”

Mineral looked at her friend and jokingly put on a serious face, having a brief moment of silence as she made strong eye contact with the mare. “And I’d like to keep my flank right here,” she stated and place her forelegs on the table and leaned against it, a grin raising upon her face. “Come now sis, just sit down. You can “admire” it later.”

Soul quickly cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. “We can of course, move over to the window if you want?”

The yellow unicorn gave Soul a short glare. “No, she’s gonna sit down here,” the mare stated and turned back to look at Meadow, and then suddenly grabbed Meadow’s tray and put it next to hers. “Right?” she said with her eyebrow raised before giving a chuckle.

“Alright, fine. Gosh...” A big groan escaped Meadow’s mouth as she sat down next to the grinning mare, and seeing Soul lightly shaking his head which caused her to frown further.

Mineral gave the mare a bright chuckle and tapped her back. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”

Meadow rolled her eyes without saying a word and swiped over the spot on her back where Mineral had tapped her.

Mineral just shook her head and levitated her baguette, and unwrapped the plastic on it. “Besides, those seats wouldn’t have been any warmer since it’s raining, and the windows here are poor insulators, ” she noted with a chuckle, and then turned to look at Soul, who had already turned his attention elsewhere, and had spread a few papers on the table.

“Oh! I didn’t introduce you two at all!” Mineral flinched and turned to look at the mare on her left, raising her hoof. “Soul, this is Meadow from the North Wing. Meadow, this is Wild Soul from the same wing as me, like I just told you.”

Soul turned his attention to the brown unicorn, tilting his head. “From the wing for painters?”

Meadow was just barely looking at Soul, she rubbed her hoof against her chest and then stretched it out, looking at her hoof’s shine with a smirk on her face, “One of the greatest ones there,” she announced and chuckled.

Mineral rolled her eyes then turned looking toward her fellow mare. “You are so humble,” she noted with a sarcastic tone. “Also you could be polite and shake his hoof.” She looked at her friend while resting her head on her hoof.

“I was about to do that; I am a proper lady after all,” The dark coated mare declared before raising her hoof in Soul’s direction, hoof facing down and wrist bent. Her head was tilted away and in her pleasant spanish accent she uttered, “I’m sure the pleasure is all yours.”

The stallion could not help but feel a bit disgraced by those words but took a final look in Mineral’s direction where she wore a frown but shook her head, indicating that it was not worth making a scene over. Not that Soul was about to make one in the first place. Without further delay Soul took her hoof, turning it and shaking. “It is... nice to meet you, Meadow.”

Meadow gave the stallion a slight nod. “It’s not too unbearable to meet you either,” she said with a chuckle and pulled her hoof back to herself, and then grabbed her own sandwich and unwrapped it from the plastic.

Mineral cleared his throat and put her hooves together. “Alrighty, now that we’ve got this `pleasant´ introduction out of the way, why don’t you show us the designs you’ve got so far?”

Soul gave her a nod. “Works for me.” He took the paper on the right and passed it over to the mares. “The ones I’ve chosen for final are these two.” The stallion pointed at two logos, one being blue, stretched hexagon with white Faztable text on it, and it had a chocolate trail under it. The other one was a bit simpler, golden Faztable text also with a chocolate trail under it as well.

Mineral immediately leaned towards the paper and started to analyze the logos in her mind, a brief moment of silence landing upon them. Or not really a proper silence since the Cafeteria was full of folks and Mineral couldn’t stop tapping her hooves on the ground. Though Meadow just gave the paper a quick peak and then pulled his head back and continued eating her food, constantly glancing at the window.

After a brief moment, Mineral started nodding and turned to look at Soul with a smile. “My, not bad at all sis! It seems like you kept the iconic color blue in most of these. Good choice, though I really love this golden one too! The colors are in better harmony in it.”

A light but bright smile rose upon Soul’s lips, fixing his posture. “Thank you. I’m really proud of them, even though I say it myself.”

The yellow mare nodded and took a small bite of her baguette before responding. “Definitely not your worst work in history.”

The stallion shook his head lightly. “Nope. I’m still not quite sure which one I should recommend for him as my number one choice”

Mineral leaned back against her chair and started tapping her chin. “Hmm… The blue one would be slightly better if you ask me. It has the iconic colors and it’s elegant but not curvy.”

“Yes, I’ve kinda waved to the blue logo’s side too, Maybe that golden one seems a bit… silly for such a big company like Faztable.”

Mineral put her hooves together and spoke with professional tone. “My thoughts exactly.” She turned to her mare friend. “Come on, aren’t you going to say anything?”

“Huh?” Meadow immediately snapped back to reality again, turning her attention to Soul, and then quickly darted to look at the paper. Though she just gave a simple shrug and swiped her mane “It’s nice I guess.”

A big sigh escaped Mineral’s mouth as her eyebrows dropped halfway.

Soul lifted the paper he had. “So the blue logo it is?”

Mineral turned her attention toward Soul once more and nodded, lifting her coffee cup and took a sip before answering. “The blue logo it is. But of course the final decision is made by the client.”

“Of course.” Soul piled up the papers with his magic and put them aside, and then lifted his fork and grabbed a piece of the egg, dipping it to mayonnaise.

Mineral also shifted her attention back to her food and the three ponies continued eating. Silence once again engulfed them and none of them spoke a word, though Mineral constantly tapping her hoof against the ground while her hind legs were crossed didn’t exactly indicate that she was comfortable with the silence. Her eyes constantly darted from side to side at the two ponies beside her.

The mare was about to start biting her hoof, though before it reached her teeth, she lightly brought it down bumping it against the table. “Anything that anypony would wish to share?”

Both of the ponies beside her just gave a simple shrug.

Soul looked up at the clock above the door to the cafeteria, “Well, I should finish eating and be ready to present these designs to Faztable’s marketing director.” Beginning to take a final look over his work while quickly finishing his meal. Except for the apple.

The mares looked at one another before Mineral spoke up, “Soul, what does this pony look like?” asking with a raised eyebrow looking out the glass doors past Soul, just outside the building at a tan furred stallion, in a suit with a blond mane parted in the middle, blue eyes and a small pair of glasses who was splitting his attention between his watch, some papers he had and the company sign.

Soul thought for a moment trying to recall exactly how the stallion described himself. “He said he would be in a suit, would have his hair parted, he’s a unicorn… tan fur and glasses...” The stallion flinched and his heart started pounding slightly faster, “Why? Is he around here?” Soul asked sitting upright and looking left and right scanning the crowd for the associate.

Meadow finished the last bite of her sandwich and once again cleaned her mouth by dabbing it with her napkin then placed it on her tray. “Oh! Could he be the muy guapo gentlecolt who just come inside?” The mare pulled a small makeup mirror out and quickly fluffed her hair and ensured nothing was in her teeth, obviously ready to make a good impression.

A loud smack came from the other mare who face hoofed at the very sight of Meadow freshening up. “You have a very special somepony who bought you a very expensive diamond bracelet sis! You do not need to be freshening up for other stallions!” The unicorn’s tone had become very strict and shrill as she glared at mare but quickly turned to smile at the stallion that Soul was waving down, she only gave her friend a final jab in the ribs before scooting a few seats further so they wouldn’t cause any distractions for Soul’s unveiling.

Mineral leaned towards Soul and whispered loud enough for him to hear. “We’ll be over here. You bring it all home.”

Soul gave the mare a nod before he walked over to the stallion that was approaching him.

“Mr. Wild Soul! It’s a pleasure to meet in person,” the brown coated stallion spoke up with an elegant tone like most of the Canterlot ponies have while offering his hoof to shake.

“Likewise Mr. Golden Gavel,” Soul responded and shook hooves with the stallion.. “I have everything ready, so if you are ready to see the logos I’ve come up with, then please take a seat.” Soul pointed at the seat opposite of his.

The tan stallion tilted his head slightly. “Getting right to business it seems. That’s good, I like that kind of attitude,” he stated and put his soaking wet umbrella onto the table, though far enough away so it doesn’t soil Soul’s work. “What a horrible weather out there I must say.”

Both of the stallions got settled in their seats, Soul nodding to Golden Gavel’s statement. “Definitely not the best if you have to go outside a lot. Otherwise it’s kinda relaxing,” he said and looked out of the window further. “Anyway, let’s take a look at the logos, shall we?” The white unicorn turned his attention back at the thin paper pile he had.

Gavel removed his glasses and blew on them, using his magic to polish them with his white cotton pocket square. “With pleasure. I’m thrilled to see what you’ve come up with, sir. I have high expectations of course,” he said putting his glasses back on his muzzle.

“That’s why contacting our company was a smart move,” Soul stated with a smile, receiving a pleased nod from the customer. Though the smile Soul had wasn’t exactly a sincere one, just a forced and frozen business smile which is of course required to make a good impression with the customer. Soul slid the paper on top of the pile to Golden Gavel, rotating it to face the tan unicorn.

Gavel pushed his glasses higher on his muzzle and took a good look at the logos.

Soul used a pencil and pointed out the two logos that he showed to Mineral and Meadow earlier. “So, while this paper is full of logos, these two are the ones I have personally picked as my top two.”

A slight but controlled smile appeared upon Golden Gavel’s face. “I see,” he said and started tapping his chin. “I like what I am seeing here. Would you mind telling a bit more about these logos that are your top two?”

Soul cleared his throat before speaking up, “Absolutely.” He pulled his chair closer to the table and leaned in towards his document, first pointing at the blue one. “So in a nutshell, this one right here is more loyal to the Faztable brand with it’s iconic colors. But like you ordered, I made the design much simpler and clearer. Just like something you would see in Manehattan.“

Golden Gavel was simply nodding through Soul’s presentation, though his eyes were constantly glancing at the other, golden logo Soul had picked for his top two. After Soul had finished presenting the first logo, Golden Gavel raised his head looking at Soul and crossing his hooves one over the other.

“Yes, yes. Very fascinating. It’s highly appreciated that you considered the classic colors,” the tan unicorn boasted with a rather indifferent pace, already glancing at the other logo without giving any further opinions on the first one. “Although, this second one really speaks to me. Mind telling me more about it?”

Soul drew his neck back and slightly scrunched his eyebrows together. “Well, of course…” He leaned against the table again with a taken aback look on his face, since he was sure the customer would be more interested with his first choice. Acting quickly Soul explained everything he went through with Mineral and Meadow. How it’s a simple design, colors match better together and it seems more like a logo of a chocolate factory.

The marketing director seemed to pay far more attention to this one. His eyes were concentrated and steady as they examined the logo. After Soul’s second quick presentation, the tan stallion spoke up, “Yes, you’ve done a very good job with both of these Mr. Soul.”

“Thank you. I assume you have decided your favorite already?”

“Indeed, I do. But if you don’t mind, I would like to have a moment to think. I must be absolutely certain of my choice” Golden Gavel crossed his forehooves before raising one to begin rubbing his chin.

“Of course, take your time. Though if you want my opinion, I would suggest---” Before Soul even had a chance to finish, he was cut off mid-sentence by a loud crack of thunder erupting from outside, and that was followed by a loud squeak and thud not too far from him, causing his and Gavel’s hearts to jump to their throats.

Soul and many others immediately turned their attention to where the sound came from, seeing Mineral who had fallen from her chair and was gasping heavily for air, holding her chest. Meadow though, was nowhere to be seen anymore.

Soul instantly sat up from his place and turned to look Gavel who had blank look upon his face. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back,” he said with a quick pace and immediately galloped over to the yellow unicorn, who was practically shaking while being unable to get up.

Soul who trotted over to her, squatted down with a worried look upon his face . “Hey Mineral, what’s wrong?”

The yellow mare’s coughing had gone even worse. She was barely even able to speak anymore. “A-Asthma attack. I-- need my inhaler-- from my bag-- or I’m gonna choke!” She pointed at her bag she had lying down on the other chair, her eyes practically shedding tears.

Soul nodded, he immediately lifted the bag with his magic and brought it over to Mineral, he started digging up the inhalator, though his vision was getting slightly blurry from the adrenaline since the situation was very acute. He quickly managed to find the inhalator and immediately placed it in her mouth, and pressed the button on it. A soft whoosh could be heard from the inhalator as it released the medicine. It started to take effect quickly. Mineral’s blurry vision started to become clear again, her gasping and coughing calmed down and the wheezy breathing was becoming normal again.

Soul put the inhalator back into the bag before he helped his friend up, whom’s breathing had become steady again. She took a deep breath before turning her attention back to the white unicorn with a light smile. “Thank you Soul… This was an unusually harsh attack…” she groaned and sat down on her chair.

“Mineral!” A shout could be heard in the distance and soon they saw Meadow trotting from the bathroom over to them, placing both of her hooves on Mineral’s shoulders. “Oh my gosh Mineral, are you alright?”

Mineral drew her neck back, and gave her friend a nod. “Yeah… Just an unusually bad attack…”

Meadow let out a sigh and sat down on her chair, clearing her throat as she returned to her typical attitued. “Well, that’s a relief. Not that I was worried or anything.”

Mineral took a deep breath and shook her head with a small grin upon her lips. “Of course you weren’t…”

Soul placed Mineral’s bag back onto the chair he took it from, he tilted his head while raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you have asthma.”

Mineral grabbed her coffee with her magic and took a sip. “Well, sis... It’s not like we’ve ever talked about it or that you’ve seen me taking my medicine.”

Soul gave the mare a nod. “Ah, true.” His attention though, was caught by the ponies around them who had their attention locked on the three. “Well, we’re being watched...”

Mineral peeked over her shoulder at the ponies, and a light but forced chuckle escaped her mouth. “I just had an attack. No wonder, I might get a few looks.” Her attention was drawn away from the ponies by the dark sky and rain hitting the window. A cold shiver ran through her body and she took a big, bothered gulp, and then stood up, picking up her tray. “W-Well, I think I could use a little laying down time. I’ll head back to my office.”

Meadow lifted her tray and stood up as well. “I suppose I need to take you there. ”

A grin, even though it was a forced grin, rose upon Mineral’s face. “Thank you, but I’ll be fine.”

Meadow shook her head, letting out a sigh and lightly nudged her flank against Mineral’s. “Sure you will. Come now.” She started walking towards the tray cart, holding her head high.

Mineral gave a slight smile and followed Meadow’s example, though she gave the stallion a quick look. “And Soul, get back to your client.”

Soul nodded as he turned around. “Of course. Try to manage now.”

Mineral gave the stallion a nod with a smile, and started walking away rather quickly. Soul finally returned to Golden Gavel who was watching the clock on the Cafeteria wall rather impatiently, though he quickly snapped back to reality as he heard the sound of a chair dragging on the ground.

Soul sat on the chair and dragged himself closer to the table, letting out a sigh. “Really sorry about that.”

The tan unicorn let out a chuckle and raised his hoof. “It’s quite alright. You can’t leave a lady in trouble, right?”

A forced grin rose upon Soul’s face as he scratched his neck. “Definitely not.” He quickly cleared his throat and turned his attention toward the logo paper. “So, have you made up your mind?”

Golden Gavel gave Soul a nod and leaned against the table, putting his hooves together. “Indeed, I have.” He lowered his gaze, focusing on the paper and pointed at the golden logo. “This one is the one I’ve decided upon. It might not have the iconic colors but it’s fresh, gold represents being number one and the logo clearly shows the company is a pure chocolate company.”

Soul was digging through his coat pocket and pulled out a package of lemon pastilles, he then raised his gaze back to the client. “Well, the customer is always right.” He leaned back in his chair and placed a pastille into his mouth then raising his eyebrow. “So is there anything you wish to change?”

The tan unicorn simply shook his head in response.

“Well then, the only thing that’s left to do is give you the rights and the bill.” Soul started browsing the thin pile of papers next to him and took the one on the bottom, handing it over to the client. “So all I need is your hoofwriting and name in block letters down there.”

Golden Gavel was already digging for a pen in his pocket, but he still read the whole contract before writing his name under it. Finally, the contract was signed and the deal was final.

Soul used his magic taking the paper for himself again and signed it too. He then took a closer look at the corner of the papers, and split it into two copies.The other one was the original and the bottom one had everything copied through onto it. Soul handed over the copy to his client, and then dug up a bill from the pile, handing it over too. “Here you go Mr. Gavel. Faztable now has the right to use this logo and have full rights after the payment is complete. The full prints will be sent to your company as soon as possible.”

Golden Gavel stood up from his seat. “Fantastic! I shall go and inform our manager immediately.” He folded the papers and put them into his coat pocket, he then offered his hoof for an official shake. “It’s been a pleasure to do business with you.”

Soul followed his example and stretched out his hoof, shaking it with his client. “Likewise Mr. Gavel. I wish all the best for your company.”

“One quick thing before I go.” The unicorn turned to look at his bag he had on his back, digging up a collection container. “I was wondering if you would be interested in donating a few bits for charity. It’s going to the Children’s Hospital in North Manehattan which desperately needs to be expanded.”

Soul slightly tilted his head. “A Children’s Hospital? Well…” He started to dig through his pockets. “I happen to have five bits with me.” He showed the bits to Golden Gavel and dropped them into the container. “Hopefully the hospital will be alright.”

A wide smile rose upon Golden Gavel’s face. “Thank you so much, sir! Every bit counts.” The unicorn put the container back into his bag and turned around. “I shall take my leave now. Have a pleasant day now.”

“You too.” Soul simply gave him a nod and wave, he wiped his forehead as the tan stallion walked towards the exit.

Soul gathered the papers and put them into his folder and put it on his tray, lifting it with his magic and heading towards the dish cart. As he put the tray in it, he took his folder and headed towards a staircase, though before he proceeded further he stopped at the window and for a moment, just staring and listened to the raindrops hitting the window. The sound and the rain made his muscles relax and brought a small smile to his face. Soul’s attention was soon drawn to a tall, white building a few blocks away, which made his smile fade. On top of it, it had a big sign presenting its name; Hotel Liakada of Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Mineral calling even stallions "sis" is not a mistake, it's intensional characterstic in her :)