• Published 10th May 2015
  • 1,080 Views, 37 Comments

A New Impetus - Zykov

From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end. Shaping our own destiny is what we’re meant to do, but sometimes you might find a path you didn’t think was possible for you.

  • ...

6. No-Bell Poet

Another day on the job for an average earth pony, another day as a bellhop. The sun was out and it had been an early morning. Noble’s day was almost at an end and he was sitting outside for a few minutes during his final break. He was watching the large clock tower, ensuring he wasn’t exceeding his break time.

It was times like this, when everything was peaceful and the only fuss was the gentle cry of a foul wanting it’s bottle, that Noble’s problems seemed to be non-existent. His struggle to make rent, the fact that he had to live in a tiny apartment on the other side of town to ensure he could pay rent while saving his money to one day leave Canterlot. All of his worries were washed away.

The peace was interrupted by the chime of the clock tower striking 1pm. The stallion took a final deep breath and turned to the entrance to the hotel, he could see his reflection in the mirror and seeing himself in his bellhop uniform reminded him where he was and caused his rare smile to vanish. He took another deep breath and looked up to the sky.

The shadow of a pegasus eclipsed the sun. Noble looked up seeing the shadow as he marveled at the flying being.

Noble had always enjoyed watching pegasi fly and envied the sense of freedom that was associated with being a pegasus. He had always wanted to be able to fly away and go anywhere he wanted to be. After the pegasi turned and flew out of eyesight Noble sighed and headed back inside.

As soon as Noble entered the main hall of the hotel he heard the chime from the speaker system and Double Bit’s voice, “Attention all Liakada employees. We are having a mandatory meeting in entertainment room A in 15 minutes. That is all.”

The intercom shut off, Noble along with the ponies at the front desk as well as a pony who was sweeping, all perked up, exchanging glances before heading over toward entertainment room A.

“I wonder what this is about?”

As Noble, along with the rest of the employees from the main room began walking down a hall to entertainment room A, a familiar voice caught Noble’s attention.

“Noble! Wait up!” The voice belonged to none other than Truffle. The mare trotted over to the stallion, lighting up the room with a bright smile as her white kitchen uniform jacket. “Hiya there! Let’s go together, I have a question.”

The stallion stopped and turned toward the mare, he waited until she caught up with him. “Oh? Ask away.”

She adjusted her hat with a hoof, ensuring it was properly on her head. She then swiftly brushed her hair away from her ears. “Do you think earrings would be fitting on me?”

“Huh…?” Taken aback for the sudden inquisition, Noble didn’t know what to answer. He tried to think for a moment while Truffle took a step closer, holding her hair back, ensuring Noble could see her ears. Noble stepped back and could see the glimmer in her eyes. “I’m… not sure, maybe? Why are you asking?”

Truffle looked at Noble and the distance between them and took a half step back giving a smile, showing her teeth as she did. “Sorry… That, it’s just because my partner is taking me to a recently opened restaurant and I thought that maybe I should try something new.”

Rubbing his chin Noble closed his eyes imagining different styles of earrings on Truffle with different dresses. He drifted back to the moment. “Oh, that’s nice. Though I’m not really the pony you should be asking.”

Truffle released her mane and shook her head allowing her ponytail to fall back into place before nodding. “Alrighty, If you say so. I was going to ask her first anyway. I don’t want to perforate my ears if she wouldn’t like it.” She reached up and rubbed her ear as she spoke.

“You are the one who knows best,” Noble smiled as he spoke lifting a hoof to get them moving once more. “Truffle, I have a question for you.”

The mare began walking next to the stallion, she beamed and began skipping. “Oh of course, you have a very special somepony and need my advice on what to do for a first date don’t you?”

Noble gave a chuckle, shaking his head. “Uhh no! Not really. Thank you though. Umm... the real thing; I was wondering if you happened to know what this meeting is about?”

“Nope, I’ve not the slightest idea. I really hope it’s something good. Who knows, maybe the whole staff will get a big pay rise? That would be splendid!” She brought a hoof up to her side and shook it smiling and staring off for a moment thinking about what she could do with a raise.

Noble looked over at his friend raising an eyebrow at her optimism, causing him to chuckle. Noble shook his head.“Something good? Uhh… This is Double Bit we’re talking about… the word ‘good’ seems to have a very different meaning around her. I would hate to see what she does for fun.” The earth pony shivered at the thought.

The mare elbowed Noble in the side. “Come on! Giver her a chance, she might surprise us.”

“Oww.” Noble rubbed the side Truffle just jabbed him in. “...I doubt it. I’m sorry to say.”

The two friends walked through the doorway into Entertainment Room A, Noble found a little spot off to the side so he could scan the crowd and be away from the commotion as he normally did in large gatherings. Truffle continued to talk with him by his side, “Oh come now! She can’t always be out to get us and maybe she has realized just how poorly she has treated us and plans to rectify it!”

The stallion lifted his head up looking at the front of the room where a stage, a microphone and some speakers were set up. “Sorry, I would love for you to be right. I just don’t want to get my hopes up. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best is the saying. I’m just expecting the worst. This is a big set up though.”

Finally looking around in awe the mare was silent for a moment. “This is a pretty big set up. It does make me wish I had a sample taste of what we will be getting here.”

After another minute or two every employee had arrived and the doors finally closed. Double bit walked up on stage to the microphone with a rare smile on her face. A hush fell over the room as she began to speak, “Thank you all for coming. I have wonderful news.”

Whispers were heard throughout the crowd, “That’s never a good sign.”

“As you all know, summer is approaching quickly and this will be a very busy time for my, Hotel Liakada. Many young stallions and mares will be getting out of school and it was brought to my attention that the hotel will be able to save money if we were to replace some ponies with these new younger employees.”

As Double Bit spoke those words Noble’s eyes grew wide. Noble couldn’t believe his ears and began shaking his head side to side. He suddenly thought of Truffle and looked over at her.

The green unicorn was silent, her eyes peered forward but it was clear to all whom could see that the information had paralyzed her as the color drained from her face. She stood listening as her lips began to droop more with every word.

“I of course can not fire the entire staff as we need some employees to show these fillies and colts the ropes. I have hoof selected several ponies from the different areas of the hotel to stay. I have selected only the most loyal and best qualified ponies to stay.”

“What?!!” Almost everypony in the crowd yelled which quickly changed into a loud roar mixed with happy and unhappy employees throwing objections and even some insults while others who were confident that they would keep their jobs stood up, to applaud Double Bit.

Truffle heard a soft grumble coming from Noble, “Hmm... ‘Most loyal. Best qualified.’ more like just her own personal pawns and ponies that will obey everything she says without question....”

Truffle had perked up and held her mouth with her hoof. Her thoughts were swirling about; she knew that she has always tried to be obedient around her boss and did not recall any moments when she angered her. She stood a little taller, hoping that her efforts would be rewarded and that she would remain employed. Though, Noble’s comment among the uproar pierced her thoughts and brought in new doubt, she darted her eyes back and forth, her heart racing, hoping what he said was not true.

“Quiet!” Double Bit gave the microphone a loud thump, causing the room to go silent so she could continue speaking in an upbeat tone. “Now, you all must be wondering how you will know if you are staying or if your time here is done. Well I have plaques on the wall to my left, if your name is on it in your section then your job is safe. If your name is not on the wall then you are hereby fired. I expect all ponies who are fired to pack up their belongings, clear out their lockers and leave the building post heist!” As she finished she gave a huff and stepped back from the microphone smiling down at all the frightened ponies.

Noble could not believe his ears along with many of the other employees, how could Double Bit sound so cheerful as she informally fired most of the staff? His method of thought was interrupted as Truffle put her foreleg around his tightly squeezing it as her body shook.

Truffle had practically done a full one-eighty with her mood after the announcement. Her ears had drooped, her body was shaking slightly and her her mouth could barely form words, “N-No... Noble, we need to look at the board. We have to find our names. She can’t… she can’t possibly fire us. We didn’t do anything wrong!” Her voice shook as she spoke.

Noble could never stand by while a mare or foal cried. He reached up and patted Truffle’s side with his hoof. “She should keep you as an employee, you never got on her bad side. Let’s check.” While he was attempting to comfort the mare he could already feel a knot growing in his throat.

The room was in total chaos, filled with ponies objecting and complaining. Some of whom had already seen the list and were throwing their hats away and walking out of the room with their teeth clenched as tight as possible while others left leaving a trail of tears.

Noble walked with the mare over to the remainder of the group looking over the wall.

Once she was behind the crowd Truffle let go of Noble’s foreleg slowly and made her way, nudging through the crowd.

When a loud cry of Truffle reached Noble’s ears from the crowd a few moments later, he knew the worst had happened. Noble instantly froze in place, his heart rate accelerated and his eyes grew wide as he began to think about what he could possibly do to save his job but he knew it was pointless. Double Bit had finally gotten rid of every pony she had a problem with in one fowl swoop.

Emerging from the crowd Truffle lept at Noble. “Oh Noble! It’s awful!” Her eyes began to water and her vision began blurring rapidly. “N-Neither of our names are on the lists. We are both jobless!” Those words seemed to be her limit, for as soon as they left her mouth her tears began to flow.

There it was… The paralyzing outcome… Noble could do nothing more but stand there and wrap his shaking hooves around the mare as the voices of the crowd started growing dimmer and dimmer and his vision was getting blurry too.“T-Truffle… There there... I-I’m sure it will be for the best... in the end,” he stammered for words but couldn’t even think clearly. Noble tried to comfort her as she wept on his shoulder, he patted her on the back, glaring as a few tears trickled down his face.

Noble moved, slowly carrying Truffle toward the spot they were in before, out of the way, shifting through the flow of mares and stallions all crying and hanging their heads low after seeing their termination.

When they got to their secluded area Truffle fell to the ground crying then sat up just enough to hug Noble while crying and pressing her cheek against his. “Wha… Wha.. what will I do?! Wha.. what.. wi.. will I tell… my pa.. pa.. pa.. partner?! She will hate me for getting fired, I’m sure!”

Biting his lip and darting his eyes around thinking of what to do all the earth pony could muster to do was sit and rub the mare’s back, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth trying to hold back his own tears and frustration. “There there, you know she won’t hate you. This is not your fault... you… you will find a new, better job... you still have room to shine.” He tried to cheer her up, the best he could given the situation, but he had to wonder if they would really work and if his words would even reach her now.

After crying for five minutes, and a lot of, “There there, let it all out”s from her friend Truffle began to pick herself up, still sniffling and teary eyed, she pulled her head back from Noble’s shoulder. “Th.. thank you... I’m,” she sniffled. “..a little better after that.”

After whipping the tears off his coat, Noble put a hoof on the mare’s shoulder. “It’s alright, you have every right to be sad and angry. We were all wrongfully fired.” He looked down at his hooves, letting go of Truffle. “We should get our things, we can finally leave this place and never have to return.”

The green unicorn whipped her eyes with her hoof and looked up into Noble’s eyes before nodding. “Alright, I’ll go pack my knives and meet you in the main hall in fifteen minutes… for the last time.” She began tearing up again but shook her head trying to fight it and began walking slowly.

Putting a hoof over his heart as Noble felt a great weight forming, as his own sorrow poured over him along with along with a rush of anger as he stood up to leave but looked up unable to help glaring at the stage and the few remaining ponies.

The only ponies that remained were all smiling and clomping their hooves together as they were the few that were still employed.

Noble gritted his teeth and walked out the door shaking his head, unable to stand another second with Double Bit’s lackeys.

Noble walked into the back corridors for staff only and went to the locker room. He opened his locker and pulled out his saddle bags and began cleaning out his locker, filling the bag up.

As he looked over his empty locker among all the others and gave a heavy sigh, he had always wanted to leave but now that he was leaving for good he realized how much he will miss hearing Sharp Melodies stories and music as well as talking to Truffle at work. He shook his head realizing that he has met Truffle outside of work and most likely will continue to do so. But missing the little good things was the smallest of his problems now. Giving another sigh he put the saddle bag on and looked at the clock, 15 minutes had passed and Truffle was probably saying goodbye as well before meeting him.

About seven minutes after the time the two ponies planned to meet in the main hall Truffle appeared, moving slowly, her eyes being red from where she had been crying more. Her fancy orange saddle bag was laying over her back.

Truffle hopelessly tried to keep her lips curved upward slightly, but the lump in her throat made her lower her head and she just stared at the red carpet they stood on; rubbing her hoof in circles on the fur she spoke, “This will be the last time we’ll ever standing on this carpet...”

”Yeah… It’s almost hard to believe this used to be the same, great workplace before Double Bit got here…” Noble replied walking over to stand next to the mare, offering his foreleg a little reluctantly.

At that instant, before Noble even realized it Truffle had wrapped her hooves around the stallion’s neck and hugged him tightly for a few seconds before letting go. “Things change…”

Noble gave Truffle a soft pat on the back before she released him. He gave a deep sigh as his ears drooped again. “They do, even flowers begin as a gentle seed, once it finds it's place it may bud, finally it blossoms and thrives in the light, alas one day it will wither and die, becoming one with the soil again.”

The mare covered her mouth with her hoof, almost hiding her gentle smile. “Oh my gosh! What beautiful metaphors! I---”

“What are you two still doing here?!” Double Bit’s voice echoed towards the duo, who instantly froze and turned to look at the approaching ex-manager. “You are not paying customers, so I must ask that you leave; post heist!

There was a intense silent moment, which ended by Truffle speaking up with scorning look. “You certainly don’t have to ‘ask’ twice. We were just leaving,” Her voice was sounding less raspy. She flipped her head up, her eyes still noticeably red but she didn’t want to look at her ex-employer. “Noble? Coming?”

Noble wasn’t moving a foot. He just stared at Bit with scorning eyes, having so many thoughts bottled up that he want to say to her. This was probably the last chance to let it all out and tell her what he thinks. “You’re the worst, most uncivilized, narcissistic vulture who sucks the pleasure out of everything just by your presence.” Oh that would feel so good to say, but all that came out was, “I… You didn’t have any right to fire us! We were all very hard working employees that have done our jobs well even under your command.” Just saying that caused Noble’s heart to beat faster and brought a sliver of a smile to his face as he held his head up for the first time around Double Bit.

The ex-manager’s eyes widened a bit and a scowl formed on her lips. “Are you quite done? Your whining just hurts my ears.” Double Bit didn’t seem to care that she was around richer ponies anymore and scrunched up her nose. “You really think a bellhop like you is somehow important? Your thoughts are downright laughable! Bellhops like you are the most replaceable workers within any hotel business, meaning your so called ‘effort’ means nothing and I don’t even want to hide the fact that you were the first employee I put on my ‘to fire’ list.” The mare took a step toward Noble getting right in his face, standing over him, forcing him to lower his head. “You can’t even imagine how grand it feels to finally get rid of a lowly earth pony like you! I don’t have to see your lazy mopey face around here at all anymore.”

“Double Bit! You witch! You have no right to say any of that! Noble…” Truffle was shaking and sniffling while glaring at Double Bit. The three were causing a scene, gaining attention from everypony in the hall but even Double Bit didn’t seem to care.

Turning her head and shifting her body slightly Double Bit looked back at Truffle. “Don’t stand up for an Earth Pony; they are beneath us. Especially this poor excuse for a pony. Also don’t speak to me, you are nothing more than a bottom class cook. We do not need you here either.”

Noble had grown silent, Double Bit’s words echoing in his head. His body began to shake and lips began quivering. “No…” Noble’s voice was barely audible.

The ex-manager turned back to the stallion. “What was that?”

“I said NO!” Noble’s voice echoed through the halls, taking both mares by surprise. “You are the worst manager I have ever had! You have no leadership qualities, no redeeming qualities, no respect for others and only try to trick high class ponies into believing that you are sophisticated yourself. I hope I never have to see you again and I will never set foot in this hotel under your management again!” The stallion had snapped to attention, standing tall and marched past Double Bit. His heart practically beating out of his chest.

Truffle was frozen in her spot near the open door, her eyes wide and watching her friend. She had never seen him blow up like that before. As he passed Double Bit and passed her as well she could hear him breathing heavily and she slowly turned and began following him silently, watching his every step.

Double Bit simply stood there in shock, her eyebrows had fallen and were locked in a stern glare. She shook and turned around. “Both of you get out of here before I call the Royal Guard!” Her face was bright red and everypony could practically see the fire in her eyes. Once both ponies had walked out the door Bit let out a screech and stomped off to her office only twirling her hoof indicating that the pony at the front desk should gather the staff to help apologize and make up for the scene.

Outside Noble walked for a few blocks, being followed by his friend. Finally he stopped and sat at a bench by a large fountain. Double Bit’s words still swirled in his head but he let the sound of rushing water ease his mood and help him relax though his body was still shaking.

Truffle was relieved that Noble stopped and she sat down next to him, watching him in silence. Once she noticed his body relax she also relaxed though she still noticed that he was shaking. “Noble?”

The stallion took a few deep breaths with his eyes closed, no matter what he did he couldn’t stop thinking about how Bit called him replaceable, a ‘lowly earth pony’ and insulted him saying he had a lazy, mopey face. “I… I’m sorry Truffle,” his voice began to squeak.

Truffle shook her head and patted Noble’s shoulder. “You don’t need to be. She was the one that was extremely out of line by saying all those things!”

Once again Noble felt the all too familiar lump in his throat. “I’m… I’m just sorry you had to see that. If isn’t the side I like to show to anypony… I just worry… that she may be right…” He lowered his eyes, staring at the ground as his tears began to drip onto the ground.

Truffle gasped, “No! You are nothing like what she said! Don’t believe her for a second, you were the hardest worker there! I couldn’t believe that there are still ponies like that. I thought the days of breed hating was over. … It was pretty amazing how you stood up to her like that though.”

The stallion brought a hoof up wiping his eyes and nose while sniffling. “Oh, well yes I’m just glad those ideas are dying. I know I worked hard, I don’t know about hardest worker there,” he gave a forced laugh and clearly fake open mouth smile. “Thank you though.”

Truffle huffed and rubbed Noble’s shoulder. “You are an amazing worker, and have always been supportive and. Well you were more of a leader than Bit ever was.” She paused for a brief moment before speaking again, “Come here Noble.” She hugged the earth pony tightly pressing her cheek against his still feeling like she could cry.

The earth pony hugged his friend back not minding her cheek pressed against his. He could tell she was trying to breath deeply so she wouldn’t cry again. “Thank you Truffle. You are a good friend, and you don’t need to hold back. I will be alright now.”

She released the hug and rubbed her eyes. “Thanks though I will be alright now. I have cried enough for now.” Her voice was still shakey. “I still don’t know how I will break this to my very special somepony.”

“If you want me to, I will walk you home and help you break the news if you’d like. I will always vouch for you and help when I can. I… I guess I need to find a new job… again.” Noble pushed off the bench standing up, looking up toward the sky with a somber look on his face.

Truffle did the same, hopping off the bench and beginning to slowly walk with Noble on route to her home, stopping on the bridge that she crossed over daily to get to and from work to her home. “Thanks for walking with me. I think I have it now. Also thanks for comforting me, I am glad I have a friend like you Noble. We will keep in touch, we can still eat together every now and then.”

Noble nodded. “Of course, I’m happy to help a friend and you helped me as well, and of course we will stay in touch and stay friends. I enjoy our chats and dinners with the two of you. Please take care of yourself and tell me how she takes this. I’m sure she will comfort you.”

Truffle smiled. “It’s a deal. Once more thank you Noble, I hope things start going your way soon too.” Truffle gave a gentle wave and turned around, walking a few paces before stopping and turning back. “Oh and Noble. Your face is cute already, but I’m sure you’ll look even better when you find somepony that can make you smile.” She gave a heartfelt smile, one which resembled the rarity of a diamond before making a move to walk away.

Noble stood there for a moment, shaken by the smile and those words. A tear rolled down his cheek again but this time with a small smile on his lips. Before Truffle was out of earshot he shouted, “Thank you Truffle. Good luck and write soon.”

Noble finally had a moment alone with his racing thoughts. He looked out on the river under the bridge, thinking about all that had happened and all that was said and what he could do now. He’s now a pony out of job, not to mention how it won’t take him too long for him to be out of money too. Every single burden was like a pile of weights building on his heart the more he thought about it. After a while of walking again, Noble stopped to sit on a bench once more. After all, where would he hurry off to? He spent a good moment just watching the ponies go by and overhearing some conversations about minor problems like what would they eat tonight.

“My families mushroom spaghetti would be great,” Noble thought to himself as an answer. He leaned back on the bench and let out a deep sight. Something behind the bench caught his attention though, a group of flowers, but especially what caught his attention was the one that was withering. Noble’s ears dropped at the sight and he then slowly reached for the brown flower and picked it up. For a moment, he just kept staring at the flower. “I know how you feel…” he said quietly.

When he was about to throw the flower away, he noticed a yellow dandelion. Unlike the one he was holding, the yellow one was blooming gorgeously and reaching for the sun above. Noble felt a slight ignition inside him when he looked at the flower. Picking it up, he placed it next to the brown flower he had and a picture of what these two flowers symbolized started to form in his mind.

Giving a sigh, still with damp eyes he wipes them and leaned over the bridge. “Well little flower, it looks like neither of us can live here.” He turned to look at the dandelion. “Yet you must stay and spread your glory, dandelion.” Noble turned over the hoof that held the dying flower, allowing it to floated off, down into the river below and be washed away. He turned, gently reaching back and placing the golden flower in his saddle bag. He then turn, looking up at the castle where he could just barely see the highest towers. Moving his gaze down to the rest of the buildings he took a deep breath and began going for a walk. As he looked at the big row of buildings, a thought came to him, “I wonder if I should…”

Author's Note:

Like we promised, two new chapters are now up :)