• Published 10th May 2015
  • 1,081 Views, 37 Comments

A New Impetus - Zykov

From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end. Shaping our own destiny is what we’re meant to do, but sometimes you might find a path you didn’t think was possible for you.

  • ...

21. The Castle

As the horizon caressed the sun, the shadows climbed towards Fluttershy and Rarity who had just arrived within sight of the door of the castle and stood in it’s shadow. They took a moment to look back at the bridge they just crossed. The setting sun allowed for the natural scenery’s beauty to bloom before them where light and shadow intertwined. The sun’s flare shimmering behind the castle made it to look like a gorgeous, ancient piece of history that held many secrets and events inside it. The castle where the Royal Sisters used to live, where Princess Luna, the ruler of the night turned into Nightmare Moon. Where Celestia banished her sister to the moon and a thousand years later, the elements of harmony were reborn in a new image and Nightmare Moon was defeated, thus leading to arguably the most significant event, the Royal Sisters being united once more.

“Oh sweet Celestia! I can’t believe this happened to me! Of all the worst things that could happen this is, the, worst, possible, thing!” Rarity cried shrilly and stamped the ground crunching her eyes closed.

Fluttershy looked around the surrounding forest cautiously keeping close but calmed down when looking at Rarity. She placed a hoof on the unicorn’s back gently. “Oh don’t worry Rarity… I’m sure somepony at the farm will notice the bag and pick it up…”

Letting out a loud groan Rarity hung her head for a moment collecting herself. “I know darling, but I had some important things with me for this trip. And now I must make an unnecessary trip to the farm and it will be ever so late when I get home, then I still have important things to do this evening. I even had the most gorgeous ribbons to tie the tapestries with.”

Fluttershy held a hoof off the ground turning her body slightly toward the forest though her ears fell back at the sight of it. “Well… we could go back to get it now… That is, if you want to?”

“No thank you dear, that will take even more time and require two more trips through these woods in the dark; I will... simply improvise when it comes to tying,” Rarity said with a gentle wave of her hoof and smile.

“G-Good… I’d rather not spend more time here than I have to, the castle doesn’t look very safe from here. And it is star spider season after all; I’d rather not still be here after dark.” The pegasus moved closer to Rarity looking up at the castle as her eyes widened.

"Oh yes, those pesky creatures.” A cold shiver ran through Rarity’s spine. “As much as I detest those spiders, nothing is going to stop me from getting those tapestries from this castle tonight," she said raising her voice and stopped planting her hooves firmly on the ground.

“Y-Yes, of course, and I’m glad I can help, but…" Fluttershy fretted looking around the castle and trees once more while she stayed close to Rarity. "This castle just… spooks me…"

Rarity smiled and held of a giggle. "Fluttershy darling, it’s just a dusty old castle. Besides, getting those tapestries and restoring them from here is the most important reason I’ve ever had in my entire life!" She looked at the castle doors that were opened just a crack and cried, "Can you imagine that horrible tragedy? Those valuable and gorgeous tapestries rotting away in those ruins! I’m here to give them a new chance! …Besides I was hired to gather and restore them after all.”

Fluttershy tiled her head, still staying low to the ground sulking. "...Well… it does sound important when you say it like that..."

"Well..." Rarity stopped and cleared her throat, and turned around. "Maybe it’s not the most important thing in my entire life. But trust me when I say; it is important."

"Whatever you say… And of course I don’t want Angel to stay up too late, it could have terrible effects on his heal---" As Fluttershy reached over to pet the bunny’s head, she felt nothing but air. As she turned to see him she felt a piercing stab inside her when she saw the bunny was gone. "Wait… where is Angel?!" The pegasus looked around in a tizzy. Angel had ceased the opportunity to jump off her back when she wasn’t paying attention. They only caught a glimpse of a bunny tail entering the castle. “Angel, wait!" Fluttershy yelled and took flight soaring straight through the doors.

“Fluttershy, wait for me!” Rarity called and took off galloping in following the mare.

The main hall that they entered had not fared well against the test of time. Wild overgrowth clung to the floor and walls, which deteriorated the walls further leaving cracks and caused them to practically fall apart. The hall had seven different paths; three leading left, three leading right and one leading upstairs that went off into two different directions as well.

Over the balcony to the sides of the staircase hung two enormous tapestries. One on the left was dark blue and black with a darker blue alicorn on it with a crescent moon facing right, while the one on the right was a deep yellow and white displaying a white alicorn with a sun facing left. Rarity’s wiggled her hind legs while tucking in her forelegs containing her excitement as her eyes sparkled before the archaic, but beyond restoring masterpieces. Fluttershy on the other hoof was far more concerned about finding Angel whom a second later emerged from the second hallway on the right.

Fluttershy immediately galloped over to him and crouched. “Oh Angel, please don’t do that anymore! You made me very worried there!" she said and gasped, turning to glance back at Rarity. "Oh Rarity, do you really need me here…? A big scary castle isn’t a place for a small bunny. Angel could fall, stumble on a fallen rock or get hungry and we don’t even have food with us! I knew I should’ve been stronger and stayed home where he would be safe and cozy!" As she continued to fret, Rarity just closed her eyes dropping her head with a sigh, entering the hallway and motioning for Fluttershy to follow.

Angel also rolled his eyes, crossing his front paws as he glared at Fluttershy and tilted his head down and tapped his foot then motioned for her to follow.

“Sorry dear, but this isn’t a picnic, remember? I have a client to please,” Rarity said, she put the back of her hoof over her forehead tilting her head up in dramatic fashion. “Oh imagine if I returned without a single tapestry. That would be disastrous! Please Fluttershy, I need your help. I simply cannot allow my customer to be disappointed.”

“Why would it need to be Angel and me? I’m sure the others are much more qualified than I am. I mean, I’m probably the least qualified pony to help you here. Umm that is, unless you think otherwise.” She softly retracted her statement while rubbing her foreleg and turning away.

Rarity reached a hoof over turning Fluttershy’s head face to face with her own. “Of course I need you darling, I need your eyes and wings to help me getting the tapestries down. Besides, you are the only other friend here in Ponyville besides Soul that has an eye for aesthetics.”

“Well, maybe... Are you sure Rainbow or better yet Twilight couldn’t have done this? I’m sure she’s read books on it.” The mare gently slid Rarity’s hoof off her face placing it on the ground.

"Well even if she read a book that can’t match a true artistic eye. Besides, I simply had to get you out of your house for a change," Rarity added and giggled, raising her head and emitted a light on her horn since the hallways were getting pretty dark. “Though making a stop at the farm was just a last second decision thanks to Soul.”

"Y-Yes, u-um… That was a pretty embarrassing situation you brought me into… I-I’m sure you meant well though..." Fluttershy’s pitch in her voice grew higher and her cheeks gave off a pink hue like cherry blossoms on her cheeks.

Slowing down, Rarity’s lips curled and her head raised seeing the blush. "Darling, that was for your own good. Admit it, you felt much better after meeting that earth pony, did you not?” she inquired with a giggle and patted Fluttershy’s back tenderly.

"Not much...," Fluttershy whispered dragging her head down and closer to her body mimicking a turtle while peaking up at the unicorn.

Rarity leaned in with a soft voice and twinkle in her eye. “Oh, but it DID help? Even just a tinsey little bit?”

Fluttershy lifted her head slightly higher putting a hoof to edge of her lips. “...A bit I guess.”

“That is simply marvelous! I admit I was wrong believing that you two would hit it off. But see?! He had nothing but positive things to say about you. He even enjoyed your singing as I said he would. Now don’t you feel that we can put this entire fiasco behind us?” Rarity inquired, tilting her head to the side looking at the mare.

The pegasus sat still for a moment and looked up, doing anything possible to keep from staring into Rarity’s eyes that were locked on her, staring with hopeful sparkles. “S-So… who exactly is he other than one of Soul’s friends? Why did he move here?”

Rarity instantly started beaming at Fluttershy’s curiosity and already had her mouth open, ready to explain everything she knew about the earth pony. As much as every fiber of her being wanted to speak, the scene and talk back at Canterlot between Noble and Soul struck her which caused her to close her mouth and second guess herself, thinking it might not be wise for her to blabber about it. Instead she simply cleared her throat and flipped a hoof. “All I’m willing to say is that he moved here with Soul, looking for a fresh start. He wasn’t doing well in Canterlot…”

Fluttershy’s heart jumped to her throat and she practically jumped. “What do you mean? W-Was he in trouble?”

Rarity had turned her horn trying to examine the path they should take. She looked back and raised a hoof in front of the pegasus. “I don’t believe it is my place to speak for him any further. If you want to know more I’m afraid that is something you have to ask him yourself.”

“Oh… I-I understand.” Fluttershy nodded and stood up taking a step forward as Rarity lead the way into the castle.

A little time later behind the mares, the stallions finally emerged from the forest unharmed. Noble’s tracking skills came through for them after all, along with a little luck as they found the path by following the three fresher tracks from the mares and then followed other indicators, feathers and broken twigs left by the groups.

Once out of the forest Noble sat down for a moment to close his eyes, giving his head a break and drank some water, while Soul tested the strength of the bridge leading to the castle.

“Unbelievable... I can hardly believe how easily you actually tracked Rarity and Fluttershy’s trail all the way out here,” Soul said his eyes wide open as he stared at the castle. “Though it’s odd we never saw a glimpse of Rainbow and Applejack…”

“Thank you... Though it’s not that great. A lot of ponies could track somepony, I just looked for their fresh hoofprints in the dirt along with how deep the tracks were for each pony and any of Fluttershy or Rainbow’s feathers, not to mention broken branches or twigs,” Noble said, taking another big gulp from his bottle and taking in a deep breath as his lips popped off the bottle.

Soul let out a sigh and shrugged, slightly shaking his head. “Noble, I don’t know a single pony who knows how to track. You navigated through the Everfree Forest. That is definitely something worthy of getting praise for.” He put a hoof on Noble’s shoulder and looked him in the eyes before looking over at the castle. “And we’re alive so… that’s a plus.”

“Well… Out of all the ponies in the world, you only know three...” Noble chuckled and gave a soft smile as he scrunched his head in toward his shoulders, looking down after he spoke.

The unicorn turned his head with an eyebrow raised. “Family and relatives don’t count?”

“Oh right, yes. I didn’t think of that,” Noble said tapping his chin then set his water back in his pack and rose, turning towards the bridge.

Soul nodded and took a deep breath and gulped before stepping on the bridge. His steps were gentle as a falling leaf. “AAnd none of them can track, so trust me when I say you are talented.”

“Thanks pal…” Noble’s lips curled up slightly with somber eyes as he walked and tried not to look down at the canyon below.

Soul nodded and kept walking slowly behind Noble keeping his eyes strict on the castle as if his life depended on it, cold sweat slowly starting to drip down his forehead. His heart pulsed more rapidly with every single step they took. Even if they had already reached the hallway, the bridge just seemed to get longer and longer, and he couldn’t shake the thought of what if he stepped on a board that would fail and send him to his doom. The anxiety became immense that Soul went and gave a small inaudible prayer too.

As they finally made it all the way through the bridge to the other side, Soul immediately dropped his flank on the ground and put a hoof on his chest and checked his heart rate. “So after we find them and tell everypony everything, and give Rarity her bag, do you promise to leave without a second thought?”

“Yes, of course…” Noble paused for a moment looking at Soul who stood there calming back down after they had both grown a little tense after the bridge walk.

As a minute passed Soul’s hoof dropped and he simply stared ahead at the castle.

Noble looks at Soul questioningly. “Soul… are you even remotely scared or worried about what could be inside this castle? I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a Shadow Pony or more likely something happening and the remains of the castle crashing down on top of us.”

“It’s an old castle, anything can happen.” Soul turned to look at the castle again and sighed. “That bridge walk was easily the scariest part so far… And now it’s just my allergies that are gonna give me hard time, I know I’m gonna scratch myself for days after this."

Noble’s shoulders dropped as that realization struck him, he moved closer and gently patted Soul’s back. “Oh dang, right; sorry I completely forgot about that…” He trailed off in silence as he drew a blank as to how to help this situation other than patting Soul’s back.

Soul jumped a little upon contact, he tensed up and slowly moved his back out of reach of Noble’s hoof. “It’s fine, I’ll be fine. It could be worse. Mineral’s lungs would probably fail the very second she stepped into this castle.”

Noble nodded and gave a small forced chuckle. “I don’t doubt it,” he said and made another move towards the castle. He looked at Soul who passed him, by how Soul was walking Noble could tell his skin was bothering him. He frowned and gave a morose sigh. He knew he needed to help Soul somehow, just like that a gear clicked in his head. “Oh, speaking of Mineral! Have you two been in touch?”

“Um, a few times yeah,” Soul said and looked around further. The scene was surprisingly pleasant to him, seeing the light shining dimly through the trees.

Noble’s eyebrows raised as he persisted further, taking a step forward as he wanted to get Soul speaking more. “Nice, how is she? Anything interesting going on?”

Soul raised an eyebrow for the question for a bit but then paused to think for a moment and tried to gather everything worth of mentioning. “Well nothing too radical,” he said eventually and shrugged. “She’s started to promote her company more actively and when it comes to Spectrum, well it’s the same as always. Designing and organizing and such. She still keeps offering me to be a part of her projects even if I’m this far away.”

Noble nodded and felt his heart melt a little as his posture shrank, he put a hoof over his heart. “D’aww, she’s just making sure you aren’t forgotten. She’s another perfect friend for you, crafted just for your personality.”

Taken aback by the statement Soul tilted his head. “What is that supposed to mean?” he asked with a lower tone, a hint of defensiveness could be heard and his eyebrows scrunched together.

The earth pony shrank a bit, rubbing his foreleg and dove into his thoughts. “I-I mean… Well, I don’t mean it in a bad way, so please don’t be offended. Just… Aside from me and Rarity, she’s the only other pony you’ve been able to befriend. And why is that? Just like me, she put in the initiative toward you and eventually asked to be your friend. And now she’s even staying in touch with you even if you aren’t around her daily. She probably sees the same great friend I know.” He gave a cowering smile as if begging for approval.

Soul’s full attention snaps back to the stallion and he glares a little more. “How can you know I don’t stay in touch with her?”

“Well have you initiated any of those conversations?” Noble crossed his hooves and lifted an eyebrow with a flat drawn mouth, he turned his head and perked an ear up listening carefully.

“I uh…” Flying though his thoughts and all the times he and Mineral messaged one another, Soul reluctantly had to shake his head. “Not really...”

“See? Don’t worry buddy, if anyone understands you, it’s me. That’s why I’m just glad Mineral understands your mindset too and is socially initiative towards you. She’s not a pony to be taken for granted, especially in Canterlot. Though it wouldn’t hurt if you messaged her every now and then.” Noble quickly reached out and snatched the medallion before Soul could react; he knew Soul wouldn’t jump back and risk breaking the gift. “She even made that medallion for you as a farewell gift.”

Soul swatted Noble’s hoof away, taking his medallion back with squinted eyes towards the earth pony. Looking down at his medallion he gave a small smile but then instantly stopped and blocked Noble’s way with his hoof, turning to look at him with strict eyes. “Noble, what’s up with you? Why are you suddenly pushing to have this deep analysis of my friendship with Mineral? That’s a little out of place, don’t you think?”

“S-Sorry, I just don’t know what else to do to distract you from scratching your skin… I mean it’s me and my poor memory’s fault I dragged you here and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.... I'm really sorry you are going through this but I just know I can’t do this alone. If there was somepony else I trusted enough for this here I would ask them and save you this. I’m really sorry Soul.” Noble looked down, preventing eye contact as his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows sharpened while he grew angry with himself.

Soul tilted his head. “You think I feel uncomfortable..?” He waited for a moment for the answer and Noble eventually eased and gave a timid nod and as he did Soul couldn’t help but sigh softly. “Look buddy, don't worry, I wouldn't be here if I didn’t want to do to this. I'm just a little itchy. Let’s simply get this over with and you can just let me have the shower for a while when we get back home. Okay? No need to beat yourself up.”

The stallion lifted his head nodding again. “Of course, and if the itching persists I will go get you ointment and any medicine you need.”

Soul gave Noble a small smile and he motioned for him to come toward the castle. The looked at his friends face that bothered him and he knew he had to do something to make it even a little brighter. He cleared his throat and spoke, “But yeah, about Mineral. She’s been fun to be around and as a co-worker she’s ideal. She’s the only one I actually like working with when working alone is not an option. Mineral is so relaxed and passionate about every task she gets and never slacks.”

Noble’s expression leveled off with each additional word Soul added. Once he finished Noble couldn’t help but facehoof and shake his head. “Back to talking about work huh?”

“I enjoy working, can’t help it.” The unicorn shrugged and looked at the castle again, he shook his head slightly in disapproval.

“I know buddy. I know.” Noble got up and stretched out his legs and back, then finished by cracking his neck to each side.

They finally walked up the steps and entered the castle’s main hall. Unknown to them it was the same room Fluttershy and Rarity entered into a while ago. Just the size of the room made their heart throb in awe. They both sat for a moment looking around thinking about all of the historic events that unfolded within this hall. Guards back then, walking through it every morning and night, standing by the entrance ensuring no strangers entered the castle without permission.

The unicorn’s eyes swung from one tapestry to the next and he walked toward them. "Huh... no wonder somepony is so eager to get some of these. Those sure aren’t tapestries you see on every wall."

Noble looked from one tapestry to the other and looked around the room. “Seems fairly similar to what I’ve seen…” His eyes went back to the tapestries and then looked over to see how Soul reacted to them and another gear clicked in his head. “By the way, has work gotten any harder here? Do you get fewer jobs because of your teachings? I’m sure you'll to be able to make tapestries like that one day.”

Soul’s eyes scanned over the fabrics, admiring the details and his mind raced as he thought of the styles that he read about being used here. “It’s stayed pretty much the same. I get tasks at the same rate as before, though of course meetings with clients is handled by somepony else.” He turned his head and looked at the earth pony. “Though what about you? How has working at the farm been?”

With lowered eyes the sparkle of a troubled smile was on Noble’s lips while he looked down at the ground a few feet away. “Heavenly compared to Liakada. Applejack’s gotta be the fairest boss I’ve ever had through all of my jobs. It’s physically challenging but by no means overwhelming, I actually enjoy that part a lot.” His eyes rose to meet Soul’s. “Moving to Ponyville was the best choice I’ve managed to do in a long time and I still can’t thank you and Rarity enough for it…”

“You don’t need to thank us at this point anymore. I’m just glad this this town has started to drive Canterlot away from you,” Soul said with a smile recalling the scene back at the farm.

“Yes… I wouldn’t move back there even if the offer was to become an alicorn princess.” He let out a huffing snicker and slowly walked in a circle around the room, going to darker areas in order to let his eyes adjust to the dark more. “What about you, how have you been adapting to your studies and everything in general here?”

Soul followed Noble with his eyes and perked up his ears, turning about just to ensure nothing had been around them. “It’s been surprisingly easy, though that’s partly thanks to Rarity since she’s been introducing me to the ways of Ponyville bit by bit. Though the most challenging part has been ponies…”

“Ponies?” Noble scrunched up his face, puzzled by the response.

With a lower, agitated town Soul waved a hoof as his brows narrowed. “Yes, no matter where I go there’s at least one pony saying hi or asking how am I doing. Like, why do the ponies here have to be so intrusive?! I have no idea who they are.”

“Of course, I should’ve known…” Noble chuckled with a shake of his head and a friendly eye roll.

Soul nodded as he opened his muzzle, “But yeah, mostly it’s been rather easy. I feel a bit closer to home with Rarity since she has that certain Canterlot vibe in her. Plus she definitely isn’t the kind of ‘spoiled’ fashion designer Mineral suggested they are.“

At the mention of Rarity’s Canterlot vibe Noble gave an abrupt scoff, his eyebrows turning down for a moment but slowly rose back upright as he prevented eye contact; he did however look over to ask a question, “Mineral has a grudge for fashion designers?”

“I don’t know what her deal is. But I got no complaints at all. Rarity definitely knows what she’s doing and as a tutor she’s really nice. Though she tends to drift off into her own world and causes scenes that could be straight from an over the top theater act…” Soul looked around the room, focusing on all the dark paths they could take which could hold the mares or some dark mysteries. “So um… How are we gonna go on from here?”

“That should be pretty easy,” Noble said with a smile and sniffed the air, near the right doorway. “Come smell this.”

Soul walked over to the doorway beside Noble and had a few sniffs too, and it immediately clicked to him as he clacked his hoof on the ground. “Huh, do doubt who that perfume smell belongs to.”

Noble stood up a little taller than before. “We’ll just follow it and we’ll find them in no time.”

“This got pleasantly easy,” said Soul as they enter the hallway and he ignited a light on his horn. There was a small silence while Noble lead the way. “By the way Noble, I’ve been wondering... How are things with your poetry? Has Ponyville given you any motivation or inspiration?”

“Right… poetry…” The bit of pride the earth pony had crumbled as his lips wrinkled and he took a large silent gulp. “I… I haven’t really had any time to sit down and recover from all these changes, much less adapt...”

Soul’s ears drooped and he moved next to the earth pony and he softened his tone, speaking slower and more thought out. “I really hope you start working on that aspect. I don’t wanna sound like a broken record but it’s your special talent and you should nurture it. I know a lot of big changes have happened, but that won’t work as an excuse for long.”

Noble’s ears dropped and he sighed, his eyes slid away, not wishing to be seen. “I know and I really want to. I just want to focus on getting back up on my hooves fully first, that’s my main priority for now.”

“Of course, I understand that. It’s just that the longer you keep dragging it out, the harder picking up the pen becomes. A small break can do wonders but a longer one…” Soul shook his head and pointed at himself. “Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.”

“Yes of course. To be honest it’s just been getting harder to come up with anything. Back at Canterlot, I at least felt extreme emotions, mostly negative, but still, that gave me inspiration every now and then… Here… I don’t feel like i’m being pulled in any direction. I mean… I’m a lot happier than in Canterlot, but...” He sighed dropping his flank to the ground and looking blankly through the floor.

Soul stopped with Noble, turning his head to look at him. He knew that look on Noble’s face and he had to do something. “I see… What about… Well before Hotel Liakada? I know you wrote more actively before Double Bit, before even working at the hotel, you’ve told me you used to participate in events and contests. Where did the inspiration come from?”

“Uh… It was the environment in general, ponies I worked with and one special pony… Well I’ve told you all about it.” The tan stallion refused to look Soul in the eyes as his tone became colder and quicker. “Maybe we should talk about this another time, we have things to do.”

“Yes you told me...” Frowning and with a wrinkled forehead Soul took a breath to push on for Noble’s own good. “Do you… ever miss your old life and job way before you even met me?" he asked cautiously, trying to make it sound like an innocent, random question.

Noble raised his head and looked up to the sky, letting out deep shaky sigh. “Well, to be completely honest I do… I made several close friends, was taught many valuable things and had a stable path… but things change. Everything goes away and withers with time." His eyes narrowed and his head lowered, his expression was stoic and he looked at Soul.

The unicorn looked into those still eyes, he couldn’t stand seeing Noble like this, those eyes almost caused him pain. “... I don’t.” There was a pause between the two before Soul spoke again. “I’m sorry I brought this up. I should have just let this be.”

"Oh, no it’s fine… I’m sorry." Noble spoke blinking and lowering his eyes. "I know you just want to help, but I would rather leave that be… Thank you.” He got up, pulled his water out of his bag having another drink and took one step then looked back at his friend. “You know, no matter what, I’d endure it all again just to make sure I met you.”

In that moment Soul saw a little curl of Noble’s lips, a true smile which made it impossible for him not to smile. He stepped forward and threw his hoof around Noble, giving him a hug and even let Noble pat him on the back without a shake. He let go and stood smiling at Noble then looked down the hallway.

As they were examining the dark dreary hall, Soul had noticed how he had started to scratch his skin far more frequently than usual. “Dang… my skin is already getting itchy…”

Noble watched on as Soul scratched his back, rubbing his hoof wildly then put it down, he was obviously trying to ignore it. Noble wanted to say something but even apologizing seemed useless, his ears folded down, drooping as he began moving forward again to get this over as fast as possible. “...This castle sure has suffered from the test of time.”

Moving forward as he put his discomfort aside Soul replied while looking at each statue or stand they passed, “You can say that again, though look at all this neat stuff here. No pony has touched any of this in centuries, it’s like a trip to the past.”

“It’s strangely like I imagined it. I don’t know, it looks somehow similar to modern appearance… Much greyer though,” Noble said, looking around and up at the holes in the ceiling and walls, at the pieces that somehow stayed intact throughout the ages.

Soul stopped in front of a dusty glass box that held spears in it and took a closer look at it without touching it. “I can’t believe all this was just left here. This stuff belongs in a museum.” He then noticed an old suit of armor and walked next to it. It was a dark, grim, set of battle armor covered with dust and rust. It looked like it could cut somepony even if they touched the smoother pieces. Soul tilted his head and grinned. “You know, I’ve always wondered if you can you actually wear these or are they just for the show,” he stated and laughed.

Noble looked over at the suits of armor then down at himself for measure. “Yeah. I mean, they look right and I’m pretty sure they are wearable if the pony is the right size.” His eye stuck on it for a moment, he found it difficult but he pulled away.

A sudden loud scream and shake quaked through the halls, the castle walls rumbled and the rattling of stone and steel filled the hall, Noble jumped on Soul pushing him down and standing over him. They sat there looking at the ceiling and walls for any stones that may fall.

Recognizing the quake was over Noble still tried to keep Soul down to watch for anything that may fall but still spoke out loud. “H-Holy…! What the hay was that?!”

Feeling safe Soul gently pushed Noble back and dusted off his belly that now had dust on it and his skin felt like it was crawling. “Sounded like the mares... Maybe they got possessed?” he said with a faint laugh.

“D-Don’t even joke like that!” Noble stood up and brushed himself off after stepping away from Soul. He took a look at him and recognized where his reactions pushed him. His ears fell again. “I’m sorry I pushed you into the dust there. My body reacted faster than my mind and… it’s just an instinct to protect your friends---”

“It’s fine it’s fine!” Soul said waving his hoof and looked up with gritted teeth forcing himself not to scratch. “Thanks but let’s save explaining yourself for later.”

Noble immediately waved his hoof feverishly as his eyes bulged. “Y-Yes, sorry! Let’s find the source of all that, who knows what happened to them!”

Soul nodded and he started the gallop which forced Noble to race on after him rushing through the abyss as he desperately looked for rare item markers to come up with some lay out of this castle in his head.

Armors flashed by in a blur as they ran as fast as they could, though keeping close eye at everything around them so they wouldn’t run straight under a falling rock or into any displays or suits of armor. After a few curves and a turn they finally got to a point where they thought they heard the sound, but there was absolutely nothing at sight. The smell of perfume was intoxicating but not a single glimpse of anypony was seen in the hallway.

“R-Rarity? Fluttershy? Applejack? Rainbow Dash?” Noble called but received nothing more than an echo through the corridors.

Soul looked around, gritting his teeth and swallowing. “Okay, yeah… I gotta admit, I’m getting chills.”

Noble galloped ahead of Soul trying to find if the perfume trail continued further, but no, as he now got further and further, the trail grew weaker. Suddenly, he heard a rusty click and something pushing down beneath his hoof. The whole hallway started trembling the same way it did before, though much harder this time. He had accidentally stepped on a trap switch which opened a door just beneath Soul. There was nothing he could do at that point, the unicorn fell straight down to the trap giving a yell of his own.

The moment the ground opened below him, nothing but horrifying thoughts rushed through his head for what could await him in the bottom of the pit. What if he landed in a pit full of rusty spikes? Snakes? Spiders? Poison gas? There were so many possibilities that worried him, though he was hardly able to scratch the surface before he landed on something the oddly enough cushioned his blow but filled the pit with screams.

The object Soul landed on flung and squirmed violently underneath him. “Get off! Get off! Get off! GET OFF ME whatever you are!!!”

As Soul’s vision and head was piecing itself back together a solid strike to the muzzle shook his head and he saw just what broke his fall. In a flash he jumped off feverishly pressing against a wall on his hind legs, holding out his hooves in defense and surrender as Rarity still blindly swung at her supposed attacker. “That wasn’t meant to be harassment, I swear!!!”

“Soul!?” Rarity yelled, opening her eyes to see the stallion, her mouth agape as she got to her hooves. “W-Wha… Why are you here?!”

Still holding his muzzle the stallion slightly rose his glare at Rarity. “R-Right now I’m probably wondering that same thing even more than you are.” His attention drew to Fluttershy who held her wing, holding it tenderly in her shaking forelegs. He was about to speak but suddenly they felt shaking from above and the trap door opened again

The earth pony leaned forward, trying to catch the lever with a back hoof and praying that Soul would be okay, his heart had begun to feel like an anvil in his chest. With clenched teeth he screamed down. “Soul are you ok?!”

Soul looked up and turned around putting his hooves on the wall, pushing down realizing that there was no traction but caught himself before he fell. “I’m fine, nothing is broken!”

Rarity had been getting up and was brushing herself off, when she heard the familiar voice she jumped and looked up as well and illuminated the trap with a spell. “Noble, you are here too?!”

Taking a step forward Noble placed one of his hind hooves on the stone switch and carefully moved to the edge, looking down just enough to see inside.“Yes, I’m safe up here. Fluttershy, Rarity! What about you are you both alright?”

“I’m fine too but I can’t say the same thing about Fluttershy here!” She turned her head so the light was more directly on Fluttershy who was leaning against a wall.

The tan stallion’s eyes widened and his voice became frantic and his eyes darted looking for a rope, or something to bring them up with. “What’s wrong? Can she move? Can she fly?”

Fluttershy shook her head and looked sadly upwards at Noble, her voice cracked as she spoke, "N-No… I hurt my wing… I-I don’t think I can fly with it anymore..."

Nobles ears sagged. "Oh, so flying here certainly doesn’t work..." he stood and closed his eyes for a moment, touching his forehead with a hoof. When he lowered his hoof and opened his eyes he held a much more serious look then he normal. “Listen, try to look around the walls and floor for any kind of switch that may get you out of there.”

“What?” Rarity said tilting her head with wide eyes that frantically spun around the walls.

“Please, just… just trust me. You can question me later,” Noble said and waved a hoof. “Those places always have a way out. If we’re lucky, it might get you to somewhere on that lower level. I’ll try to find a way down there.”

“W-Wait, Noble!” Fluttershy fretted and struggled to sit up and look up at the stallion with trembling eyes. “D-Do you see Angel anywhere? He didn’t fall down here with us.”

Noble blunk and looked up, squinting to search through the hall but saw nothing that resembled the little white rabbit. “N-No, sorry I don’t…” His tone lowered fading out with his posture dropping.

Fluttershy hunkered “O-Oh no…” She turned to look at Soul hoping he may have some answer of reassurance but was instead met by a shrug and shaking head.

“So, a switch,” Rarity said moving closer to the wall near a hole she had spotted. “This is the only opening down here. Maybe I can…” She looked at her hoof and carefully tried to slide it through, she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes in terrified anticipation of what may be on the other side.

“Do you feel air?” Noble asked hunkered down as he peered over the edge, ears up.

“Yes, yes I do!” Rarity chanted. “Let’s see if I can find anything here…” She started tapping around the wall on the other side and eventually felt something solid. Without a second thought she tried to pull it and immediately the wall spun around taking Rarity with it.

All three ponies winced and jumped back, Soul and Fluttershy exchanged glances with one another and looking up at Noble who held his breath as his eyes practically burned a hole in the wall.

After a moment of silence Fluttershy’s heart jumped to her throat and she rushed to the hole with her fur standing on end as she begged through it. “Rarity! Oh goodness, are you alright? Please be alright.”

“Don’t worry darling, I’m perfectly fine. I ended up in a hallway and it looks safe.” Rarity sighed and brushed her fur then continued speaking into the hole. “It was the torch on the right that works as a switch. Simply pull it downwards. Do be careful though, I would simply die if you got hurt any further because of me. I am dreadfully sorry once again, please let’s just get you out of there quickly.”

Wild Soul called up as he backed away from the wall. “Hey pal, you think you can find a way down here?”

A simple second look around was all Noble needed and he nodded. “I see a staircase over there. I’ll see where that leads and will try to meet all of you down there. You go ahead and flip the wall with Fluttershy; I’ll be fine.”

The earth pony’s entire demeanor had changed, his eyes glared a bit, his posture more solid and even if he was afraid from this distance he seemed calm and vigilant.

Soul couldn’t help but stare for a moment before nodding. “You do that, be careful.” He walked next to the torch by the hole, placing a hoof on it and looked at Fluttershy, tilting his head. “Are you ready?”

Fluttershy slid against the wall and took a breath pressing her hooves and underbody tight against it and turning to protect her injured wing. “R-Ready…”

Soul’s horn glew to hold Fluttershy’s wings in and attempt to help her if need be. “Coming!” With a deep breath he pulled the lever and the wall spun, swinging them into the hall where Rarity was ready to help support Fluttershy and greet them. Seeing the successful flip Noble let go of the lever, closing the trap and traveled to the stairs.