• Published 10th May 2015
  • 1,080 Views, 37 Comments

A New Impetus - Zykov

From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end. Shaping our own destiny is what we’re meant to do, but sometimes you might find a path you didn’t think was possible for you.

  • ...

2. Hard Labor

Just a few blocks away at the Hotel Liákada of Canterlot, the top floor pool that is normally buzzing with excitement was closed due to rain, but one of the many entertainment rooms down on the lower floors was catering a party. There many fine, sophisticated mares and stallions were dining and filling the room with idle chit chat. The hotel was known as one of the best up and coming five star hotels in Equestria and after it’s grand opening has catered to some of the most important ponies in all of Equestria. Most ponies believe that anypony that enters its doors instantly becomes happier; though that is not the case for everypony. In the Northeast side of the hotel, in the employee service elevator stood a stallion. A tan furred, black maned and blue eyed stallion named Noble. He wore his usual red bellhop uniform and a frown upon his face with lowered, empty eyes.

The elevator reached the first floor, halting and opening it’s doors. Noble stepped out, turning as he exited but was cut off by his manager, Double Bit, a unicorn mare with a large build, orange fur and a dark red mane. Although the hotel had not been open very long Double Bit had been hired a few months ago, but all of the employees were still having a very hard time settling in to her style of leadership.

Noble stopped quickly, standing up straight and snapping to attention as soon as he saw her. “Hello manager Bit. What can I do for you now ma’am?” He knew he must be polite and quick in his replies or else his manager would become agitated again.

The mare stood with a scowl on her face and brow angled glaring at the employee, “Noble Poet! I have been searching for you. Great Equestria are you just getting back from taking Mr. Steel Wheel’s bags to his room?” Her loud shrill tone echoed through the halls as she scolded the earth pony.

Taking a step back and lowering his frame, Noble closed his eyes and opened them again, looking toward her. “No. I mean yes. Er… Yes ma’am. I am back from delivering his bags, though I was only gone for 10 minutes. His room was at the other end of the hotel and I had to wait for the elevator. I’m sorry ma’am,” he quickly spoke and shifted his weight to hide the bit Steel Wheel had given him for being so quick and delicate with his bags. The stallion knew that Double Bit had been enforcing a new rule where all tips go to the hotel instead of to the ponies they were given to.

“Never mind, it can’t be helped now.” Bit examined the stallions uniform, looking him over top to bottom, until something slightly shiny caught her eye hanging on Noble’s neck. “Noble! Put those dog tags away! Such a worthless bauble in not acceptable in a Liakada’s uniform, especially for somepony like you!”

Lowering his head and drooping his eyes further down, Noble let out a soft almost silent sigh before looking up with a stoic expression as he responded, “Yes ma’am. I will make sure you don’t have to see them again.” He quickly slid his tags up and into his shirt. “May I go now madam?”

The mare lowered her tone. “You may go, though we need you in catering for entertainment room C. We have a very important party there today, so be quick about it and I do not desire to hear about any more mishaps!” She leaned in toward Noble, raising her head and raising an eyebrow. After Noble gave her a nod, she before turned around and walked back toward the main lobby to interact with guests.

As the mare walked away, Noble’s body became more at ease, turning the other way and headed off toward the kitchen. “I hope Sharp Melody is there, I sure could use one of his stories today,” he murmured to himself as he walked through the gray corridors.

The side door opened and Noble stepped into the kitchen, closing it behind him. “Hi everypony. I was told you need some help here for the event. What exactly do you need help with?” He asked as he walked toward the order window peering in at the cooks and chefs awaiting a response.

All of them had been silently working, in repetitive manors. The pony at the stove top finally looked back over his shoulder. “Ehh, Noble! Could ya give Melody ah hand? Devil Bitter demanded he work and I think he’s havin’ some trouble with those sacks ah potatoes. Poor guy, how old he is again…? Don’t know why his playin’ the piano ain’t enough for that mare,” The stallion explained, leading into a short rant.

Noble chuckled at the clever nickname for his boss, but quickly came back, though this time his smile being a little softer and kinder. “Sure thing. Is there anything besides potatoes that you need from the pantry?” Noble turned his head and tilted making sure he could hear as he already turned toward the pantry.

The pony on the prep station shook his head. “No, we will be fine. Thank you for checking though,” the pony replied, looking up revealing a genuine smile that was a rarity, especially at the hotel.

“No problem, always happy to help.” Noble nodded, giving a small salute and flicking his wrist toward the ponies to show he was leaving. He galloped to the pantry, beginning to speak as he rounded the corner, “Hello Mr…. Oh my gosh…” Noble’s sentence was cut short as he saw the frail, blue furred pegasus with a thin white mane trapped underneath a large sack of potatoes. The young stallion quickly gripped the sack with his teeth and pulled it off of the old pegasus and tossed it aside with ease. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

Finally being saved, Sharp Melody slowly rolled over and lifted a hoof asking for assistance getting up from his younger co-worker. “I am far too old for this! Ohh I signed up to be a pianist, not carry groceries back and forth!” The gray pony stretched his back and caused several snaps and pops from it. He then turned to look at the worried young stallion before him. “Ah, thank you Noble. You are a nice fellow. I’m alright. I don’t think anything is broken.”

Giving a sigh and wiping his brow with the back of his hoof the young pony collected his thoughts before asking, “Why in Equestria did you try to take a sack of potatoes from the upper shelf when we could use some form the lower shelf and go through them just as fast?”

Melody looked up at the ceiling while rubbing his chin. “Oh I had just wanted to take the older potatoes so we could use em before they go bad,” the old pony said, while making a step toward the potato sack.

After hearing the reasoning, the Noble nodded and put a hoof out stopping his elder. “I’m relieved that you are alright. I guess it was at least a good idea to try to get these potatoes. I’ll carry them back though. No offense but I believe your place is in front of a piano, not back here,” he said before biting and tossing the sack onto his back, turning and making a motion that they should walk back to the kitchen.

The old pony nodded in agreement. He shook slightly and then turned his hoof shakily before putting it down to begin walking. “Oh, don’t worry, no offense is taken. I only took the job of being a piano steed, I didn’t sign up for manual labor that is suited for you strong young bucks.”

Noble stopped at the kitchen and gently set the sack of potatoes in the corner so the cooks and chefs could see it. He then looked toward Melody. “Please continue, I am listening, I’m just trying to work at the same time. Though if you are unhappy with what Bit asks you to do why don’t you leave?”

Sharp Melody had found a chair off to the side of the door that servers normally sat in during their breaks. Giving a nod he turned around and sat down in the chair, crossing his forelegs as he watched everypony work, a smile creeping on his face. “Don’t worry lad, I understand. I wouldn’t want to interrupt anypony’s work, I just enjoy sharing my thoughts with younger ponies. As far as why I don’t leave… well I still love playin’ the piano. And this job does let me play.” He gave a deep sigh. “I also do need the money, my career was good. But not good enough to last me through all ah my retirement. I still need this job to help cover my medical and living expenses.”

The earth pony stopped as he was pulling a tray of champagne glasses out of the serving window. He stared at his fellow employee. “I can relate with needing money… It truly is sad that you have to work for this manager. Of course I’ll continue to help you with any physical task she orders you to do. If I can help that is.”

“I would be very appreciative, though, of course I don’t want to get you in any trouble. I will do what I can to keep my job and do my fair share of the work,” spoke the old pegasus. He sat in silence, giving Noble his cue that he would wait to speak when he came back.

Noble picked up on the hint and quickly pushed open the exit door, picking up a tray and putting on a smile as he walked among the rich ponies, all whom were sipping drinks, eating small snacks, and talking without a care in the world. The earth pony actually heard one of the ponies who took a drink from his tray, complain that he had so much money he had no idea what to do with it. Noble could only wish he had that problem. He made two circles around the event, clearing his tray of full glasses and collecting empty ones before walking back into the kitchen.

Without missing a beat, the pegasus who still sat in the extra chair spoke to Noble each time Noble reentered the serving room, “Have I ever told you about my performance of Treble Clef’s op. 25 no. 1 at the Cloudsdale theater?” A glimmer shone over his eyes.

Noble put the tray of empty glasses in the dish washing window before tapping the side of the serving window, signaling that he needs another tray of drinks or samplers while listening to the pegasus. “I don’t believe I have, I have heard of it before though. My friend, Wild Soul showed me a video of it once.”

“Oh? You have a friend whom is a pianist as well? Where is he boy? I’d like ta meet him and see if I can pass on any tricks to a younger pianist. Becoming a pianist is a wonderful dream to have,” Melody replied while leaning forward in his seat while the glimmer in his eyes shined even brighter.

Noble looked toward the serving window where the kitchen was busy frantically trying to make a tray giving him a small window of time to talk. “I don’t think he would call himself a pianist, he just does it as… more of a hobby.” He started rubbing his chin and lowered his gaze. “I guess the title he is aiming for is called art director… He’s a creative designer, you see.”

“Pardon me, lad! Ah suppose I jumped to conclusions too soon,” Melody said with a forced smile upon his face, though it quickly caused a glimmer in his eye. “But it’s such a wonderful hobby to have. To be able to play and fill every filly & colt’s hearts in the room with the same feeling you have… ah it is the most wonderful feeling of all.” His voice started becoming a little raspy.

“I don’t doubt it. It must be an amazing feeling.”

Melody gave Noble a nod before speaking up again, “So…” The old pegasus leaned forwards, locking his eyes on Noble. “Your fella has a big dream, I suppose, but what about you, lad? Working in a hotel doesn’t seem to fit your cutie mark at all.”

Noble immediately turned to look at his flank, though his magenta colored quill was concealed by his red pants, though it’s not like Melody has never seen Noble’s cutie mark before. There was a brief moment of silence before he let out a gloomy sigh and spoke up, “I suppose it doesn’t, but an earth pony can’t be picky about his job in Canterlot, and poetry isn’t the best way to earn… To be honest, I’m not really sure what I want. I haven’t even had time to write in a long time...”

“Noble, take some advice from your elder. That mark is on your flank for a reason. You can’t play with your destiny,” The old stallion’s voice growing raspier by the minute.

Noble’s ears folded back. “I know that, I know.”

One of the serving ponies finished a plate of lettuce wrapped, rice and asparagus rolls and placed it up in the window. She tapped the side, signaling that the order was up and as soon as she heard the cough from her elder, she filled a glass of water and gently placed it next to the tray.

Noble turned back to see the tray and water. “Thank you all!” he quickly lifted the glass with his hooves and balanced it on a single hoof, carrying it over to his fellow employee.

Sharp Melody gently took the glass from his associate, sipping at it before resting it in his lap. “Thank you. And pardon me, again. Ah didn’t mean to lower your mood. I think I should continue my story.” He cleared his throat and the old pegasus began to tell his tale. ”So, it was summer and we were in the Cloudsdale theater…”

Moving out the door with the platter, Noble knew Sharp Melody was going to continue talking even while he was not there, so he continued to circle the event, allowing ponies to take the morsels from the tray until he finished and again collected empty glasses.

While Noble and other servers were running in and out of the kitchen, Sharp Melody continued his story, “...I had just lost the pony of my dreams. I poured all of my emotion from that event into my piano…” The pegasus rose his forehooves, moving them through the air as if playing the grand instrument.

After about two hours of going back and forth between the event room and the kitchen, Noble stopped. The kitchen staff had ceased posting orders out when they should be sending out extra stuffed mushrooms which was the staffs’ specialty.

“What’s wrong? Is everything ok back there chef?” Noble called through the window.

One of the cooks, a green maned and yellow furred unicorn ran to the window in a flash. “Oh no! No no no! This is bad! We are out of mushrooms! We still have 10 dozen stuffed mushrooms to send out!”

The kitchen was in an uproar as more and more of the servers showed up and were only able to take out drinks. Eventually the lack of appetizers caught the attention of Double Bit. The doors leading from the event center to the kitchen flung open, revealing all the ponies manager, Double Bit.

“What in Equestria is the hold up?! We were supposed to have our famous stuffed mushrooms flying out those doors right now!” Double Bit yelled motioning a leg toward the doors she just came through toward the event.

The member of the cook staff looked through the serving window. Sweat was dripping off her face and she looked back toward her fellow cooks and the head chef before gulping to speak in a squeaky voice, “Ma’am… we… we don’t have any more mushrooms.”

Manager Bit stomped her hoof. “What?!!! What pony is in charge of ordering more mushrooms?!! Somepony is about to be out of a job!” Her voice shrieked and her eyes darted around the room.

Everypony lowered their heads or turned their head as not to make eye contact with her.

Being nudged by the head chef, the lowly cook quietly spoke up, “Y… yyyyo… yyyyou
are ma’am. Remember, you took that responsibility after you thought the head chef ordered too many eggs for our last brunch event.” Upon saying those words, she sank until only her eyes were visible through the window.

As soon as the words registered in the manager’s ears, she stood still; an eerie silence filling the room. “Well I will require more notice next time when we are running low on an item. I expect somepony to come up with a new appetizer that can be made, and can be made post heist! If we don’t get another star appetizer out there soon, I will be looking for new ponies to hire who can! Sharp Melody! Go out there and play for the crowd!”

The old pony rose from his chair, stepping through the open door quietly disappearing into the room full of rich bustling ponies. This was followed by Double Bit herself stepping back through the doors and closing them as she returned to the party.

“Oh no… what can we do?” One of the cooks in the kitchen shrieked.

“Quiet I’m trying to think!” The head chef ordered in response.

Different pony voices rang from the kitchen. The place was becoming extremely hot with almost all of the hotel staff being contained there, the only breeze coming from the opening of the doors as servers continued to keep drink orders flowing.

Noble, whom still had his head down from Manager Bit’s rant, lifted his head up. He stood for a moment watching everypony sit, argue or hastily work in attempts to keep their jobs. He walked back to the storage unit looking at the cabbage, potatoes, eggplant, and bananas along with many other foods they had. Thinking for a moment, he clapped his hooves together, turning to run back to the kitchen window.

“Why would we suddenly serve deviled eggs again?!! We have to think of something more creative than that!” Arguing still ensuing from the kitchen making other staff members rub their legs and continue to keep their heads low.

“Excuse me, Chef.” The voice from the window belonged to Noble. “I have an idea for a dish. Or.. well two dishes… they will sound odd but they may work. If myself and other ponies bring you the ingredients.”

The chefs immediately turned to look at the bellhop with blank looks on their faces.

Noble’s voice trembled. “Do you think you could cut the bananas into slices, pan grill potato slices, then put the banana on top and grate just a little aged swiss on top? That will be one appetizer. The other could be slices of fried banana on a piece of toast with cocoa spread.” The bellhop clenched his teeth together, watching the kitchen staff's’ reactions.

The staff looked at one another, widening their eyes and nodding. “Those actually don’t sound like bad ideas. They would mix savory and sweet then transition to a sweet filling dessert. Exquisite idea! Yes please hurry.” The green maned cook flipped her hoof toward Noble.

Noble smiled and galloped to the storage room, followed by other employees. Together they gathered the necessary ingredients and placed them beside the kitchen. Within fifteen minutes, trays were being made and could be taken out to hungry guests.

As trays were finished, the staff members carried their entrees out to the hungry guests. The green maned cook in the back looked through the window at Noble as he stepped up to get a tray himself. “Wow! That was some great thinking Noble. You really saved the day.” She gave a genuine smiled pushing the tray closer.

Noble leaned his head down, giving himself a small grin. “Thank you... Truffle? I... didn’t mess up the names again, did I? You know just how bad my memory is, especially when we haven’t talked in, what feels like ages.” Noble looked up making eye contact as he balanced the tray on a hoof.

“Nope.” Truffle nodded biting her bottom lip, holding in a giggle, before she slid down out of sight.

After getting praised, Noble took a deep breath, walking through the doors standing tall a little easier. He delivered all of the food on his tray and went back getting his second tray and while looking at the clock on the wall, he realized that there were just eighteen more minutes before Double Bit would give a speech and bring the event to a close.

Some of the staff were already gathering cleaning materials so they could clean up the event and conclude their work day immediately afterward.

The rich ponies picked the delights off the tray. Unknown to Noble, one of the high class ponies took a sip of one of the drink samples. She turned her head, gagging as the liquid hit her lips. She looked at it once more and noticing that no pony was looking at her and not wishing to wait for a server to come to relieve her of her glass, she released her magic, dropping it to the ground.

Finishing his round, looking about for other ponies who could finish the try, Noble did not see the new spill on the ground. As his front hoof touched it, he was already putting weight on it and had no time to save himself. His hoof slipped under him and the tray flew up in the air; kicking off with his hind hooves, the stallion slid forward catching the platter with a hoof, but although most of the treats fell on the tray, two fell and splattered on his head.

The music stopped as Sharp Melody had seen the incident and a high class mare caught the view out of the corner of her eye and began to laugh, her outburst bringing attention to the scene.

Noble pulled himself up, slowly regaining his balance and hearing the mocking laughter of the fancy crowd. Any trace of his smile had vanished as the stallion looked around, seeing the empty faces laughing at him. He covered his face, wiping the food off as his body shook and he felt an unswallowable lump forming in his throat.

The high class ponies continued to laugh, drowning out the sound of the piano and some placed their glasses down from a lack of concentration.

Clenching his teeth and holding back the moisture forming on his eyes, the stallion continued to shake but sniffled holding himself back before picking up the tray and dashing for the kitchen door.

As he disappeared through the doors, his manager Double Bit laughed with the other ponies, but much harder, a more broken laugh as she looked around herself. When the laughter began to die down when Noble ran through the doors, she flicked her hoof indicating that one of the staff ponies should gather the plates to wrap up the brunch event.

When the doors flung open on the kitchen side, Noble tossed his tray in the washing bay. He took some paper towels from a side table of extras and wiped the remaining food off of his face and using another began attempting to clean his uniform. The laughter from those ponies still rang in his ears and he lifted one more napkin which he quickly blew his nose into, giving a little sigh. Most ponies paid no mind and simply prepared for clean up.

Once his uniform was clean, the kitchen door swung open once more. Double Bit stepped in glaring more harshly than usual. “NOBLE POET!” Her voice caused the kitchen staff to jump and the crashing of pans that could be heard throughout the back. “What was that hilariously pathetic scene?! Why did you do something so foolish just before the event ended?” Her voice was shrill and continued to cause stairs.

Noble’s heart jumped to his throat once he saw his boss. The stallion pushed the used napkins in the nearest trashcan. He could do nothing but stand and prevent making eye contact as he was scolded while listening to his own, rapid heartbeat. When his boss stopped and continued to glare Noble thought over what he could say. The ball in his throat was gone and now his body began to grow warmer. His body shook while he closed his eyes and felt his muscles tighten in his forehooves as he wished to strike her.

One of the long term workers at the hotel looked on while she held a broom waiting for her manager’s que to go. Although she was witnessing her fellow employee being yelled at, she stood there with a hollow smile gazing at her leader.

Noble knew he had to calm down and could not cause a fuss since he needed his job. Explaining the situation would do nothing, so he was left with simply taking a deep breaths and apologizing. “I am sorry ma’am. I will be more careful and aware next time.” His voice was fading as he clenched his teeth together.

“Very well, see that it doesn’t and that you are! That goes for all of you!” Bit looked over the other staff before turning abruptly, stomping her hoof and walking out the door with her nose up in the air.

A slight murmur came from staff members with equipment to clean up.

Noble looked in their direction, finally able to glare while he held his head down.

“Yeah! Be more careful No-bell Poet!” The mare with a broom chanted before letting out an irregular laugh, which a few other long term ponies joined in on.

Noble’s eyes peered up, piercing through the pony. Noble lifted a hoof and flung it into the nearby cement wall with an echoing thud and a rumble. Noble simply stood there breathing slowly, his hoof shaking from pain and anger.

All the laughing stopped in the back halls. Sitting quiet for a moment, watching the earth pony regain his composure before a small voice, belonging to Truffle, came from the kitchen. “Noble? Are... are you alright...? We... have something for you.” Truffle slid one of Noble’s fried banana samplers on toast with cocoa spread into the window. “You can relax, I’m sure the others can clean up in a moment.”

Rubbing the forehoof of the leg he punched the wall with, Noble looked up at the kind offering. He turned his focus to the other staff, some of them looking on blankly at the clock and doorway while holding mops and brooms.

He breathed deeply again and gave a deep sigh. A small smile rose upon his face though. “Thank you, Truffle…” He spoke softly as his eyes lowered and he looked up at the window as he took the sampler.

As he took a bite, he smirked slightly. Noble had not expected the flavors to mix as well as they had, it was nice that he had some associates at work that were willing to help one another.

The door opened again as Double Bit leaned in and waved her hoof in a circle, signaling to the staff that the event is over and they can come out and begin cleaning up.

Noble’s fellow employees disappeared through the doors, paying him no mind. Noble figured he could sit back and finish his snack and help the kitchen staff once he was finished.

Truffle walked around into the main room sitting down beside Noble. “Are you alright now? You seemed pretty angry before. Luckily you don’t seem to have any glass in your hooves.” She reached out patting her associate on the shoulder giving him a big smile.

The stallion gave a light chuckle. “Thank you... You are always very kind. How are you always so happy even when you work here for… her?” Noble shuttered and slightly tilted his head toward the door where Double Bit was last seen.

Her smile shrank but remained on her face. She simply raised an eyebrow. “Oh… her! Well, luckily in the kitchen, being a lower level cook, I don’t have to see her as much. Today was the first time I had to talk to her directly in the past three days. The head chef tends to take care of most of the interactions with her.” Truffle looked around the ground where she sat and gripped the sides of her chair and began bouncing until she made a complete turn to face Noble.

Noble chuckled at the odd method of turning around. “True, though, is there some other reason why you are always so happy and cheerful?” he asked as he ate the last bite of his fried banana.

The mare rubbed the side of her cheek, thinking. “Well, I don’t know. I guess it helps that I have a very special somepony waiting for me when I get home. Thinking about how I will get to go back to her at the end of each day really brings a smile to this yellow face,” she spoke softly and giggled, although she was looking in Noble’s direction, it was clear that she was looking through him. Her smile told it all.

Giving a smile of his own, Noble broke her fantasy. “You must really love her. I’m happy for you, I have yet to find somepony like that. Hopefully I will be ready when the time comes. By the way, thank you for the sampler, I really needed it.” He rubbed his stomach as he leaned back stretching out his back.

Twiddling her hooves, Truffle leaned forward thinking after hearing that.“I’m sure you will be ready for her when you two meet. We all are just baking till we are just right.” She jumped off her seat and started heading towards the side table, starting to organize it by setting stacks of napkins back together and throwing away any used ones. “By the way, you were brilliant enough to come up with two new dishes from scratch; our chef was racking his brain trying to think of something.”

Getting up as well, Noble shuffled over to help, he began throwing out some of the used plastic cups around a pitcher of water and made larger stacks. “Thank you, Truffle. I appreciate those kind words… I’m just glad I could help and that those flavors came together so well. All of you in the kitchen did a wonderful job.” He lifted his head up and raised his voice, attempting to be loud enough for the other kitchen staff to hear his praise.

The mare giggled at Noble’s attempt at praising the staff. “Wow, even when you try to raise your voice you are soft spoken. Don’t worry, I’ll give your regards to the rest of the staff.”

Truffle wiped down the table while Noble took the pitcher of water over to the cleaning window, leaving it for the kitchen staff to clean.

“Noble,“ Truffle broke the silence. “I don’t know if you have any plans this evening, but... Would you like to come have dinner with me and my very special somepony?” Truffle tilted her head toward Noble so she could see him out of the corner of her eye as she finished cleaning off the table.

Shocked by the sudden and rather odd offer, the stallion turned around pausing for a moment. “Well, uh…” closing his eyes he placed his hoof to his head as he always does when he is thinking. “Thank you for the offer; though I must refuse. I actually had plans to go with another friend of mine for cider after work.” Noble looked up again this time looking at the clock. “It’s still just two in the afternoon.”

“Alright, no problem!” Truffle chanted. “Ah yes, we are finally done prepping and can simmer for the rest of the day.” Her voice chimed as she caught a glimpse of the the stallion checking the clock. “If you’d rather not go out in the entertainment room we can always use a hoof in the kitchen. Chef rarely cleans anything other than his knives.” She laughed as soon as she finished her sentence knowing how absurd it sounds.

Shifting his attention back to the task at hand, the pony turned and nodded toward the mare. “Sorry but I can’t. I’m sure Double Bit will be coming back to check over our progress. I should go clean and be ready for whatever else she forces us to do. Thank you for the food and the pleasant conversation.” Rolling up his sleeves Noble bowed then pushed open the doors leading to entertainment room C.

Truffle waved and returned to the kitchen herself in order to do her part in cleaning.