• Published 10th May 2015
  • 1,081 Views, 37 Comments

A New Impetus - Zykov

From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end. Shaping our own destiny is what we’re meant to do, but sometimes you might find a path you didn’t think was possible for you.

  • ...

7. Out Of Order

Soul’s heart raced as he finished his long-winded explanation. His forehead was still sweating some, as his heart was beating out of his chest. “... So that’s why.”

Mineral threw her hind legs up on the couch she had been sitting on, laying back and letting out a sigh before grumbling, “You chose an interesting twist for yourself, sis. I never expected you of all ponies would want to be a... ugh; fashion designer.”

Soul’s face was still red and sweaty as he tried to control his breathing to slow his heart rate down. “Mineral, like I explained, I’ve been interested in clothing for a long time and I just want to follow my interest… I by no means am planning to become an ‘only appearance matters’ type of pony.”

“Soul, calm down,” Mineral said and gave Soul a serious look but slowly easing into a sincere one. “I’m not gonna judge you. I mean to be honest, I think it’s a bit of an odd choice but if it’s what you want, then you do have my support for it.”

“Oh...” Souls face was becoming it’s natural white again, his eyes darting from side to side as he rubbed his neck. “Well, that’s... reassuring... Did I get the wrong idea back in your room with Meadow, did I…?”

Mineral sighed, moving her legs to the side and sitting up again. “Sis, I can’t honestly say I approve of what fashion designers do or think at all. But I support you. Even if what you are doing is a bit stupid and I think you should never strive to become like them. I still will support you in expanding your knowledge.”

“You mean your comment about how they push for overly thin and ‘only appearance matters’ -philosophy? I already explained that I am absolutely not going to become like that half of them. I just want to make clothing ponies will admire.” Soul’s heart was almost beating normally again and he had a more confident tone as he sat up straight.

Twirling the tips of her hooves around one another Mineral looked down. “We will just have to wait and see what happens, sis. I’ll be your friend and I know I can trust you not to turn into one of those vultures. Or if you do, well.. I won’t answer for the consequences,” she said the last part with rather joking tone.

“Deep.” Soul gave a small grin and stood up walking over to the couch and putting a hoof on the side of it. “Do you really think I’d turn into a vulture? I’m too picky of an eater to become one of them.” He laughed though it quickly changed into more awkward one, slowly fading as he looek elsewhere. “Okay, corny.” He turned to look back at his friend again. “Anyway, so I guess that explains why you were like that around Meadow too.”

Mineral let out a little laugh and sat up on the couch, giving a gentle smile at Soul. “Meadow and I are always like that. She’s kinda like that snobby ambiguous little sister you always have to bring back down to the ground, whiiiiiiich I never had.” She scrunched her eyebrows together and drew her neck back, looking up. “Wait, didn’t I already mention that earlier?” The mare shook her head and continued, “Anyway, she’s the type of person who would’ve definitely take a bad path.”

“So, you don’t look down upon me because of my decision?” The stallion’s eyebrows raised.

Mineral’s smile grew ear to ear.“Of course not!” She bounce up from the couch and went to sit on a chair in front of Soul’s desk and swiped her hair jokingly. “It’s not usually my style. Besides, Without my sunshiny attitude the team spirit of our company, or at least our wing would be nothing but awkward looks and an echo of dropping dust.” She stopped playing with her hair and just smiled toward Soul who was still next to the couch. The mare raised her hoof and shook her head. “Naw, kidding. Every single one of us holds the atmosphere whole, naye.”

Letting out a laugh, then moved forward around the arm of the couch, sitting down before he said anything. “Don’t act modest now, you’re the key reason why we have such a great atmosphere here,” he stated with a joking tone, even though his compliment was sincere.

That caused Mineral to chuckle and smile brightly at Soul. “Thanks, sis! I’m glad you think so. I’m just a natural in groups.” The mare grabbed the pen on Soul’s table and started rotating it slowly with her magic as she leaned towards the stallion with a bit of a more serious face. “Anyway, I don’t want you to feel guilty or anything because of that little talk with Meadow. Besides, why should you care? Your decision isn’t exactly what I would recommend but… I’m not willing to bring you down either. If you didn’t have a mind of your own, that’s when I would start beating you down, sis.” Easing her serious look, she gave a friendly laugh and leaned back on her chair.

Soul stared at his friend with a rather terrified look, but he couldn’t hold back a smirk before he burst out laughing. “I’m not sure if I want to know how that would feel.”

Mineral gave the stallion an amused smile. “I recommend avoiding it. And sorry, it’s not like me to be this… well you could say this harsh.” Turning to look out the window as she wiggled her legs for a moment as the room was silent. She finally broke it asking, “Anyway, want coffee? I still haven’t shown you any of my min---”

And again, another interruption appeared when a sound of a buzzer cut off Mineral’s speech mid sentence, causing her to let out a soft toned but long groan.

Soul followed with a deep sigh, and scratched the side of his face. “Darn it. Sorry, it has to wait, again.”

Rolling her eyes and giving a huff, the mare crossed her forelegs and gave her friend a nod. “Well, it can’t be helped.”

“I’ll deal with this as quickly as possible.” Soul pressed a button on his speaker. “Yes?”

A voice came out of the speaker. “Um, is this Soul?”

“...Noble?” Soul immediately snapped out of his frustrated mood and sat straight, his eyes widening slightly. He gave Mineral a quick look as her eyebrow rose and she uncrossed her hind legs sitting up and hopping off the chair onto all fours with her mouth slightly open while she remained silent. Soul turned his attention back to the speaker and pressed the button again. “Um, shouldn’t you be at work?”

“No, I had an early morning, but…” For a short moment, not a single word came from the speaker, which made both Soul and Mineral feel a bit uneasy as they exchanged glances. They could tell something was wrong judging by the tone of Noble’s voice. It definetly wasn’t the usual friendly and kind tone, but rather dull and emotionless. Eventually, his voice came through again. “Look, can I come up there…? I need to talk to you...”

“Call him in,” Mineral said instantly and gave Soul a sharp look that pierced through him.

The stallion gave her a nod and responded to Noble, “Yes, just a second.” He pressed another button on the side the speaker. “Flare, it’s Wild Soul from East Wing. Can you open the door and direct the tan stallion waiting there to my room?”

A simple answer came from the speaker. “On it.”

“Great,” Soul responded and let go of the button, lightly starting to tap his chin while keeping his stare on the table while all the possible things started rushing through his mind.

Staring at Soul while biting her lip, Mineral leaned backwards against the desk, “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t visit you often here, or am I wrong?”

“No, he doesn’t. He’s been here just a couple times. I know he wouldn’t come here if it wasn’t important and judging by the sound of his voice, I doubt he just wants to have a chit-chat.”

Mineral lifted herself onto the table and started to rub her legs. “Would you... like me to leave? He might feel uncomfortable if I’m around.”

The stallion nodded with an apologetic look upon his face. “Probably, if you don’t mind.”

Hopping off the desk back to her fours again, Mineral put on a smile. “Don’t worry about it, sis. I just hope nothing too bad is going on with him.” She walked over to the door and gave Soul a final glance with gentle look. “Come to see me whenever you can. And tell Noble I’m sorry if it something critical after all.”

After Soul agreed, Mineral left the room, leaving Soul to wait for his friend. As he glanced around his room, he noticed it wasn’t exactly that tidy. It didn’t really bother him, but he has gotten noted by Ink a few times about it. It wouldn’t hurt to gather up papers a bit, it would probably make Noble feel more welcome too. Quickly triggering his magic, Soul levitated all the papers he could spot around his room to his table and made a clean pile. Fresh air couldn’t hurt either, so he slightly opened a window of his office.

After just a few minutes, he heard a knock on his door. Soul immediately opened it with his magic and saw his friend, whose eyes were tightly locked on the ground, his ears folded back.

The earth pony walked into Soul’s office in his red bellhop uniform but without his hat. His eyes transfixed at a spot on the ground but it could be seen that he wasn’t truly taking in the information, as his eyes rose to meet Soul’s they were cloudy and dim.

Soul could only make a frown and slouch in front of his morose friend. His posture was beginning to mimic Nobles as his ears began to draw back without having any clue what’s going on.

Noble broke the silence, looking back at the hallway. “I... saw Mineral in the hall. She... patted me on the shoulder as we passed.” His voice was dull and monotoned. It was clear that Noble seemed to be a shell of what he normally is.

Attempting to be as cheery as he could be Soul said, “Oh yes, she had just been here a moment ago, before you got a hold of me.” He gave a smile then extended a hoof out to the side. “Also welcome to my office.”

“Thank you...” The tan stallion’s eyes drooped. “And I see... If you had been talking with her I shouldn’t interrupt. I can talk to you later if you want. Just message me in our I.M. books.” Noble turned around slowly about to go back out the door.

As Noble took his first step Soul used his magic and quickly closed the door, slowing it down before it hit to lock so it wouldn’t slam. “Noble, you’re not going anywhere now.”

Startled, bringing his head up Noble quickly spun around. “What was that for? You could have hit me.”

“Don't worry, I knew I wouldn't hit you.” Soul smiled and took a step closer to his distraught friend. “You wouldn’t come here if it wasn’t important, and I could see from kilometers away you are not alright.” Reaching over with his front left leg he patted his couch indicating that Noble should sit. “Buddy, what’s wrong?”

Turning his head, having second thoughts about coming there Noble finally let out a deep sigh and walked over to the couch laying out on it. Laying on his stomach so his head arched over the side looking down at the floor. His mouth was twitching as if he were about to speak.

Giving a nod Soul walked around to his desk and used his magic to scoot his chair back, sitting down and moving up so he could put his hooves together and rest on them at his desk. “Want anything? I could get you coffee or something if you’d like,” he said, raising his eyebrow.

Looking up and over at his friend before returning his field of vision to the ground Noble finally spoke, “No thank you…. Umm, well… it’s a work related issue.” He rolled over on the couch, twiddling his hooves.

Sitting upright, the unicorn rose his head and perked up his ears. “Do I even have to guess the possible source of this issue...?”

Shaking his head Noble confirmed the hunch. “Though this is a lot worse than you are thinking. She…” His voice was leaving him and he had to close his eyes, taking another deep breath and shook his head trying to clear it.

Pushing himself off his desk, the unicorn rolled over toward the alarmed earth pony. “...Noble, go on. Tell me what’s going on.” His voice was calm but quick as his body began getting warmer and he focused solely on Noble.

“She… well it’s not just me... “ Noble sighed and sat up a bit looking into Soul’s eyes. “She fired us. Almost everyone in the entire hotel. Me, Truffle; anyone who didn’t blindly obey her or weren’t absolutely needed was fired so she could replace us with younger stallions that are getting out of school for the summer. And the reason for this was to simply save money.”

Soul’s eyes grew wide and his forelegs dropped into his lap. “I… uh… what? WHAT? “ All the concern had vanished and started to turn into uproar.

“Yes, though I did have a final conversation with her… We were in the main hall and… I let her have it.” Noble shook a bit in his seat, now sitting upright leaning forward face in his hooves, holding his temples.

The room became completely silent. Soul just sat there thinking for a moment while staring at Noble, he tried to speak but could only open his mouth and close it once more. He lifted a hoof as if he were going to place it on the stallion’s shoulder but let it fall.

Not expecting this much silence Noble looked over to see just as Soul’s hoof fell and it was clear by the wide eyed expression on the unicorn’s face that he couldn’t comprehend what had just been explained to him. Fidgeting and dropping his shoulders after he realized how the news hit Soul, Noble gave a shiver then put on a wide open tooth smile and forced his eyes closed. “Oh don’t be like that. Look at the bright side, I never have to go work for Double Bit for as long as I live.”

Soul turned his head down, closing his eyes. The silence for him lasted another host moment more till the unicorn finally managed to open his mouth, “Noble… you don’t have to act breezy for me. I mean…” He opened his eyes and looked up. “Yeah, it’s great your service under Double Bit is over, but, don’t put on a fake smile around me.”

The fake smile quickly melted away, the smiley pony being replaced by a stallion gritting his teeth. There was a moment of silence before the earth pony spoke again, “...Thanks… I... being completely honest, I will miss working with Truffle, with Sharp Melody, whom I didn’t get to say goodbye to. I’m glad I finally gave her a piece of my mind and made her snap, ruining her good name with the ponies in the lobby.”

Breathing a sigh of relief after his friend finally expressed his true feelings Soul sat, trying to figure out what he should do next. He scratched his neck looking around the room, hoping Noble would explain more.

Looking up Noble eased his jaw and shoulders. “I finally let her have it. Telling her everything I thought of her. From her being a horrible manager to just pretending to be nice so the high class ponies would like her. I yelled and made a huge scene.”

Soul reared his head back. “Wow, she must have really aggravated you if you went and yelled at her like that. Was that just from her firing you or was there something else? And did she say anything in return to that?” Soul leaned forward, fully focused on his friend and with a small frown and front hooves resting on his hind knees while he sat close to Noble.

“Well she actually said something after I told her she had no right to fire us… She… she told me that I was worthless and replaceable. That nothing I did there at the hotel mattered. Then… she called me, a lowly earth pony, claiming she will be glad to have my moppy face out of there and that I was the first pony she wanted to fire. Then when Truffle tried to help, Bit said I was beneath them.” Noble’s forelegs tightened as he spoke, reliving those moments.

Soul almost couldn’t believe the things that he heard. Part of him wanted to believe it was just some kind of huge misunderstanding or a thing Noble would just be making a bigger deal out of than it actually was. But no, Noble would never slurred any ponies name. The white unicorn instantly slammed his hoof on his table, his heart ramming against his chest while the anger inside him could clearly been seen through his eyes. “Oh my gosh that witch should be burned! I mean just… wow! Is that pony actually from ancient times where earth ponies were seen as a lowly race? Because if I didn’t know better, I would seriously claim that is the case with that nutcase.”

Closing his eyes Noble sat in silence before nodding. It was all he could do as he sat, his heart was still heavy with Double Bit’s words. “I can’t lie to you and tell you that everything is ok or that I have heard that before. I… I never expected to have been fired because I was an earth pony. I… I know it is horrible to think that there are still ponies that think like that in our day and time.” Noble put his hooves together and brought his hind legs back as he was shrinking on the couch.

Soul sulked too and looked around his office, he wished Mineral would come through the door as he was sure she would be able to cheer. Though after letting that thought sink in, he immediately shook that thought off. A thought that shouldn’t have come to him in a first place, he was Noble’s friend and it was his duty to make his best friend to feel more at ease. He started to think of every possible way to do so, and after a bit, he came up with something. Not the most creative or mind blowing thing, but it would hopefully direct his friends thoughts elsewhere. Soul got up from his chair and sat next to his friend patting him on the back. “Noble. I have an offer for you.”

The poet exhaled turning his head, looking at Soul, his eyes were deep and red. Soul could tell just how much his ex-manager’s words ruffled him. “Oh...? What would that be?” His eyebrows raised and he lifted his head a little.

Dropping his hoof and leaning back, Soul crossed his forelegs. “Well actually, more of a demand than an offer.” The unicorn gave put on a grin. “Tonight, we’re gonna meet at the Cider Cycle, and I’m gonna provide your drinks the whole evening. We will come up with every possible joke and insult about Double Bit, laugh, and forget about all the bad things tonight.”

The offer made Noble to slightly wince as his eye widened. His jaw dropped and quivered. He wasn’t sure what to say to that, untill the words started coming out of his mouth again, “I… Thank you buddy, I really appreciate it, but… I can’t possibly ask you to do that.”

The unicorn lifted his hoof dismissing the earth ponies concerns. “It would be easier if you just said yes.” He brought his forelegs back and crossed them placing his hooves in his lap with a determined grin. “Don’t even consider stepping out of this room before you agree.” He then immediately turned a lock on his door with his magic.

Turning to see the door lock and closing his eyes shaking his head Noble explained himself, “I’m just concerned about your financial situation. I’m sure you have more important things to put your bits into than me, and I know you like to spend time alone, so...”

Soul replied shaking his head and giving a pleasant smile, “Besides food, no. And I simply can’t let you just go home and mash your head against a pillow.”

Noble let out a deep breath of air as he turned from looking at his friend to looking out the window. He couldn’t help but shed a sliver of a smile as he thought about it and watched the clouds drift after a pegasus probably gave a breeze for them. “Well, this is one of the rare times when you are the one of us who asks me to hang out, so…”

Raising an eyebrow and turning to see the clouds slowly drifting, and the sliver of a smile on Noble’s lips Soul became more at ease. He smiled a little wider and chuckled at the comment. “I, uh… Take that as a compliment. So it’s a deal then?” He extended a hoof.

“Yes, it’s a deal. And… thank you. You know, for this and the pep talk.” Turning his attention back to Soul, Noble clopped his hoof together with Soul’s and shook. Finally Noble seemed to have a true smile on his lips.

“Don’t mention it buddy, I’m glad you came to tell me instead of just going home and torturing yourself with the thought.” Soul sat up and walked over to sit down on his chair. “Anyway, if you want to hang around here, be my quest. I’m just starting to work on a poster but that’s about it.”

“That will be fine… not like I have anything else to do now. I guess the only thing i should do now is to start planning new job applications...” Noble’s eyes moved up from the window to a clock on the wall. His mind buzzed with things he had to do and places he has worked as well as new places that may need new employees.

As Soul heard the word ‘application’ escape Noble’s lips his ears twitched getting Noble’s attention. “Oh! Speaking of applications! I did something rather interesting today.” A grin crawled on Soul’s lips as he lifted his hooves and laid his chin on them, looking at his friend with rather mystically. “I applied to get lessons in fashion design and just put in my application before you came here.”

Perking up and opening his eyes widely, below his eyes were still a little red but he formed a smile. “Oh?! Umm… well this is news to me.” A light but slightly forced chuckle escaped Noble’s mouth. “I hope you get chosen for it. Though… I never really remember you saying anything about wanting to be a fashion designer.” Noble gave off a big laugh as he rubbed the back of his head.

Soul joined in the laugh. “I’m used to that already.” He rolled his eyes then smiled, raising a hoof as he opened his mouth to explain, “But anyway, yeah, your friend is into clothes if you haven’t happened to notice.” He gave another joking laugh as he slightly pulled at his red jacket. “I just… well I just haven’t generally brought it up with anypony because… Well the last time I had a real passion for clothes was when I was a colt and this interest has just recently kinda popped up again.”

The earth pony leaned back, his eyes lowering and he placed his left hoof in his lap and raised his right up with his foreleg bent. “Oh, any reason? Or, did it just ‘pop up’ just like that?”

Soul scratched his cheek with his hoof. “Well not exactly just pop up. I guess that it was during the time when I hadn’t gotten any interesting commissions and was kinda growing fed up with them, so I was trying to get some variety by drawing something else, which lead from drawing basic shapes to simple cloth sketches.” He stopped scratching and instead began gently tapping his lips with his hoof as he looked up at the ceiling, his eyebrows lowered as he sat still for a moment. “I guess that’s the point where the spark ignited, so to speak.”

“I wonder why I haven’t noticed anything… I mean, you’ve always worn at least some kind of neat looking collar. Then again, I don’t have an eye for this things so um...” The stallion’s face was becoming red and he had begun to slur his words slightly. He shook his head and had come up with a question. “So… is there a place where you can study?”

“No, not yet anyway. The AD still needs to give me a list of contacts…” The unicorn shook his head and trailed off as he didn’t want to go into too much detail. “I’m sure we’ll find a great one. Or well, hopefully. I get to select my own after all so it won’t be just anypony.”

Noble put on a smile. “Well I hope you get the best fashion designer that Canterlot has to offer.” His voice was becoming much cheerier.

Soul kept his mouth closed, biting his tongue as he knew he couldn’t tell Noble the truth currently. No, it would be too much after what’s happened to him. Instead, Soul put on fake smile and gave a simple nod. “Indeed.” As soon as he answered he immediately changed the subject as he grabbed the pack of pastilles off of his table and levitated them over to Noble after taking one himself. “Anyway, Mineral’s been wanting to show me her mineral art today, and I wondered if you would like to see it too? She won’t mind.”

Noble didn’t notice Soul’s fake smile as he was gathering his thoughts. He nodded as he commonly did to thank his friend as he took a lemon pastille and popped it in his mouth. “Hmm, I’d love to see them, though… I’m not taking up too much of your time am I? I know you have to work and I don’t want to get you behind or get you in trouble.”

Placing the candy back on his desk the pale stallion shook his head. “Naw, don’t worry. As long as the job will be done before deadline, it’s all good.” He stood up and pushed in his chair before he walked around his desk. He unlocked the door and bend a foreleg indicating for Noble to go first.

Noble sat up and stepped off the couch and through the door. “Well, you need to lead the way.” He stepped to the side letting Soul walk past him and guide him over to Mineral’s office.

Turning a key and pressing the handle, Noble stepped into a hallway of his apartment building. It was dead silent like always. Only an occasional sneeze or snore every now and then but that’s about it. Though it’s not rare in a block where mostly older ponies live. At least the hallway was pleasantly colored. Regardless, he still had a small smile on his face. He was still thinking about the art he just saw by Mineral and the upcoming outgoing with Soul. The stallion took the stairs to the next floor, but when he reached the end of them, he saw something that was breaking the usual empty atmosphere.

Sitting, leaning against the door to his apartment sat a tall, thin, light purple furred unicorn mare with a blond mane and a strand of lime green running through it. As the mare heard hoof taps she turned, looking at the tan stallion. “Oh, yes! It’s finally you!” She leapt up catching herself with her hooves and wobbling a bit until she caught her balance.

“Umm, hi…” Noble stood there for a moment, squinting his eyes, trying to recognize the mare. “You are… I have a feeling I’ve seen you before.” The stallion began sweating, not just because he couldn’t remember this mare’s name but also because of her beauty and how he must be looking like an idiot in her eyes.

The mare could see the struggle in the stallion's face and began to giggle. “Would you like a hint, dear?” She turned her eyes and brushed her hair with her hooves, holding the lime green strands of hair up for the stallion to see.

Jumping a bit, it hit him. “O-Oh! You are Truffle’s girlfriend aren’t you? I-I…! I’m very sorry I didn’t recognize you at first... Though… I, well I still can’t remember your name.” His cheeks grew bright red as he sunk his head down a bit, allowing the few inches height difference between them to increase.

Giggling again and extending a hoof, she gently turned Noble’s head up. “You don’t need to worry. I was sick last time you saw me. Hair a mess, in sweatpants and a large blanket wrapped around me. Then again, you also saw me after I got home and changed out of my work suit.” She brought the hoof aways from Noble’s chin and to her own as she remembered the only other time they met. “Anyway, my name. It’s Olivia.” She gave Noble a curtsey and smiled, closing her eyes.

“Olivia,” Noble repeated with a nod and gave a small bow of his head. “Well, it is nice meeting you, again.” Rubbing his neck, the stallion walked over to his door. “Would you like to come inside and we can discuss what brings you all the way out here?” Noble lifted a hoof tapping his door.

Olivia cut her eyes looking up at the ceiling for a moment. “Well, I guess waiting about half an hour, I can stay for just a few minutes,” she said with a giggle. “I have been wanting to meet you on better circumstances for a while. Could we please go inside to chat?” She stepped back from the door shuffling what appeared to be a large box behind her that she was attempting to hide with her tail which she had groomed to make it bushy and fuller.

Noble, attempted to look over the mare before entering his apartment but she leaned to the sides, obstructing his view of it. Realizing that the mare was not going to let him see the box easily Noble instead reached up and touched the knob to his apartment which began to glow white then turned to rose matching Noble’s cutiemark. There was a small click before Noble turned the knob and pushed the door open.

His apartment was small, it had a bed, a small couch with a hoof made wood table in front of it and a small kitchen with two doors leading to a bathroom and a closet. As he looked around he quickly galloped over to the window where he slid the curtains open, allowing some natural light to fill the room.

Olivia was looking around the apartment, himming and hawing. “You have a wonderful home here. It is very tidy for a stallion.” As she entered she carried the box with her magic behind her.

As he turned around seeing the mare enter, Noble extended a hoof. “Thank you, feel free to take a seat if you’d like. I can offer you some water or sweet tea.”

The mare continued looking over everything with a pleasant smile across her face. “No thank you dear. I had planned on just being here for a moment to give you something. I appreciate the hospitality though.” She stepped in through the kitchen at the entrance and into the main room.

Noble gave a nod and moved closer to Olivia and leaned against the wall, giving a curious but gentle look. “Well I have been curious to figure out what that is behind your back that you are determined to keep hidden from me.” The stallion craned his neck trying to look around Olivia.

“Well…” The mare lowered her eyes for a moment and then looked at the box she’s been hiding, finally presenting it to Noble with a small smile. She opened the box. “From what I’ve understood, you know about Truffle’s ‘sad cookies’, or am I mistaken?” As she opened the box she exposed an ocean of chocolate chip cookies.

Noble’s eyes glistened as he saw the cookies. His hoof almost automatically dashed to reach one, but at the last moment, he pulled away as a very light blush grew to his face, and he rubbed his neck as he slowly nodded. “I do… I am sorry, she was appearently still upset after our talk. I am very glad she has come up with a positive outlet for her emotions though. Turning sorrow into something sweet isn’t something everypony can do after losing their job… Or well… in general.” Saying that, his ears dropped and he looked elsewhere when the fact of losing his job came back to him.

Olivia gasped and tapped her hooves together, putting the cookies down on a table near them. “Oh yes! She was very emotional and; I wanted to talk to you about that. My apologies, I heard about that and what you said to your boss... You… well, you sounded…” Olivia gritted her teeth while her lips sulked, she brought up and held her chest with a hoof.

Giving a sigh and nodding Noble held up a hoof. “Yes... Umm sorry, I just got back from a friend who helped me with that and I’d rather not think about that again if I could. But yes… I don’t mind losing my job if there was a good reason. But her reasons... Not to mention what she said...”

Jumping forward, letting the cookies fall on the coffee table she put a hoof over Noble’s mouth. “Don’t say another word. Truffle told me all about that. You were right in what you said. She was very out of line and… I’m sorry there are still ponies like that. Though trust me, some of us unicorns know just how difficult it can be for earth ponies. I’m very inspired by you pushing to work here in Canterlot. You always keep trying.” She smiled while looking Noble in the eyes.

Slowly closing his eyes Noble gave a small nod. “Thank you, I really appreciate that and, I hope all the best for Truffle too and that she is alright.”

“I’m happy to tell that she is. She made well over 1000 cookies before I got back home and is still baking. Meaning you should come over and get more,” she spoke quickly and let out a cough, about Noble getting more not wanting to ruin the severity of what she has to say. “When I arrived home she was distraught and, after some questioning, she told me everything. Maybe... you should just read her note.” She levitated the note off the box and gave it to Noble.

He stepped back, taking it out of the air and began to read it to himself. “Hey Noble, I told Cuddles about what happened today. :( But she was very sympathetic comforted me just like you told she would :3 She made me feel so much better again ^^ Thank you oh so much for being there for me. I got home and began baking and… you can have some cookies. Cuddles said she would take them to you and I hope you enjoy these my friend ^.^.
PS I made this just incase she doesn’t catch you. She says hi there, btw! x3 PPS. I will get the earring after all! ^u^
<3 Truffle”

“Aww,” Noble blushed and looked up. “I’m guessing your nickname is Cuddles. This is very cute and I’m glad you were as sympathetic as I thought you’d be.” Noble shifted his balance from hoof to hoof.

Olivia giggled, covering her face with a hoof. “Yes, just a cute name she made for me, and I appreciate that compliment and concern. We will surely be fine. I am worried about you though, I know things are harder for you…” She placed a hoof on Noble’s shoulder. “Just know, we are here for you and that I have heard about how you are a great, hard worker.” She lifted her hooves and wrapped them around Noble hugging him.

Taken aback for Olivia’s sudden hug, Noble just stood there for a moment, but eventually a smile rose upon his face and he hugged Olivia back. “Thank you, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I really appreciate your concern and support. I’m glad I have a friend like Truffle and that she has you.” He patted her on the back and smiled.

The mare released her hug and smiled looking the stallion in the eyes. “Those words fill my heart with delight,” she chanted as the smile on her face got wider. “Please, I insist you come and have dinner with us some time. You and Truffle can look for jobs together.”

Noble gave a nod and a fake smile. “Of course, we will need to meet and can job hunt some time soon. I do plan on looking a little tonight though.” His mind began to race as he wondered what kind of job he should even apply for or what job he can even find left in Canterlot. Not to mention there was the earth pony fact...

Noble’s stream of thoughts was cut by Olivia’s voice, ”My gosh, is it really that late already?” Her heart jumped to her throat as she finally noticed the time and put a hoof on her forehead. A slight blush grew on the mares cheeks as she realized she had other places to be, she slowly starting to take baby steps towards the door. “I apologize, but I really must leave now. There is a certain pony waiting me for dinner at home, or hopefully she has stopped baking cookies and cooked dinner.” She rubbed her hoof across the ground, as she questioned what her girlfriend was up to but could not help but stare off dreamily as the thought of Truffle.

Noble looked over at the clock and out the window. “I understand, it’s late and I won’t keep you any longer. Please, make sure Truffle knows how grateful I am for the cookies. Also thank you for delivering them and talking with me. I’ll message her with what I think about them.” He patted the box and eyed a cookie but shook his head and walked over to the door, opening it for his guest.

Giving a curtsy, lowering her forelegs before the stallion. “That will be delightful, she will be happy to hear your input on them. Good night and take care of yourself Noble Poet.”

Noble chuckled as he saw the curtsy but gave a bow of his own. “Of course, good night and you are both welcome to come visit. Have a safe trip back.”

Olivia gave Noble one last wave which he returned before she trotted off trying to get back to her special somepony as quickly as she could.

As she disappeared out the door Noble closed it and let out a deep sigh and shiver. All the happiness, mostly faked happiness that Noble had just moments ago when Olivia was there had vanished and was replaced by the chaos that was his thoughts “What in Equestria do I do now? How long can I live off the money I have left? What if I can’t find a job?” All kinds of questions swirled through his head and only raised more questions. “What if I can’t find a job? What if I had to leave? I’d disappoint everyone. It would mean that I can’t make it here in Canterlot. What if I can’t make it anywhere. I’m going to let everyone down!”

His mind was practically screaming at him and his heart rate was rising rapidly. His body shook and his vision became fuzzy for a moment and his eyes darted around his apartment. He was breathing heavily and rapidly and was only able to go lay down on his couch. “I-I just need to find a start; I need to find a place to start. My friends won’t hate me, right? … My friends...”

As soon as he began thinking about his friends he could feel his throat closing as that familiar lump formed within it. Noble sat there wrapping his hooves around himself and closing his eyes for minutes which felt like hours to him until he collected his thoughts.

Once he was calmer he went to his bathroom, rinsing off his face with cold water and drying it before moving back to his living room. He had a plan now. He had today’s paper sitting on his coffee table, opened to the job section and he rummaged around under his bed until he found his small safe that he used his hoof print to unlock so he could gather his money.

It was not a large amount but did seem to be a decent size for something he has been saving for a few months now only taking money from it when he was in dire need. He had always liked keeping enough money to get home if he ever absolutely needed to do so and also liked keeping enough to keep him on his feet if he ever got hurt or lost his job. Although he had it he hoped he’d never need to use it for it’s primary purpose.

“Noble? Noble!” Soul said as he nudged and shook his friend, giving a small laugh.

“Huh! Wha…?” The tan stallion immediately snapped out of his thoughts, almost stumbling on a stick on the path.

Soul leapt forward as Noble stumbled, getting out of his way but looking back at him with a half frown and eyebrow raised. “You’ve been zoning out almost every five minutes now.” He stopped in front of Noble forcing him to stop.

Stopping in front of the unicorn he regained his footing. “Oh, I… Sorry… I just… I have a lot on my mind and… well I suppose explaining why isn’t necessary…” Rubbing the back of his head while preventing eye contact after he said the word ‘sorry’.

Giving a reassuring smile and turning to begin walking again while still looking back Soul spoke, “Remember what we agreed buddy? That we would forget every single bad thought for this night and focus purely on lightening up your mood.” He began walking once more, crossing a bridge.

Noble stopped midway on a bridge they were crossing, after a moment of silence his eyes dropping and he let out a sigh. “Sorry, I guess I just had a little more thinking to do on this than I originally thought. Just getting hung up on it a bit.” Once he spoke he tapped his hoof on the bridge.

The pale stallion froze suddenly, chuckling as he sulked his head. He took a few steps back and looked back at Noble. “It’s fine, it’s not like I can just tap my hooves together and make it go away by just saying so.”

Noble sat up and leaned over the bridge, reaching his hooves over the side. “That’s true… We should just go and try to have a good time at the Cycle tonight. I’m sure after we start having a drink together everything will start feeling better for a moment.” Noble’s eyes wandered and he noticed a bench under a light. Perking up at the sight of it and hearing running water he looked around at the buildings.

Soul noticed the earth pony looking about. He stepped forward looking about himself squinting as he looked further off in the darkness. “What’s wrong buddy? Looking for something?”
“No, it’s just…” Noble’s attention shifted from the bench to a flowerbed near it, which brought back the talk with Truffle in his mind and what he had picked from that bed. He then quickly started patting his chest pocket and felt how it was still there. He was about to dig it up but pulled his hoof back before he did, quickly wrapping it around Soul giving him a tight hug. “I just want to say thank you… I’m just so grateful we became best friends...”

Soul froze immediately, his eyes growing wide. It was just a small one legged hug, but it was still way out of his comfort zone and way too far into his personal space. He slowly lifted his hoof and awkwardly tapped his friend on the back, a rather awkward smile rising upon his face. “I… am also glad we are best friends. Noble, u-um… remember what we’ve talked about? Remember my personal space range?” He was constantly glancing around them to see if anypony was around.

Noble gave an amused chuckle while he dug up the flower from his chest pocket, knowing Soul wouldn’t notice in that state. He quickly slid the dandelion into Soul’s chest pocket and pulled his hoof back as he pulled back from the hug too, going to lean back against the bridge with a gentle smile, looking down at the river. “Sorry, all this has just… made me look into things more deeply than usually. Like you; you are building a great career here and reach for sun within it.”

The pale stallion breathed a sigh of relief as the tan pony released him. He straightened his collar as he regained his composure. “I... understand, and get what you are saying, but um…” As he patted his clothes he felt something in his front shirt pocket. He reached in pulling out the gold flower and looked over it, tilting his head. “Why did you slide a dandelion into my pocket?” He lifted the dandelion while it was flat in his hoof, turning to look at Noble with his eyebrows scrunched and a small grin upon his lips. “First you hug me out of blue and then this… Noble, we should get drunk first you know.”

Noble hunkers down a little and gives an open tooth, cheesy smile and he tried to think of how to come back from this embarrassing scenario. But both stallions just shared a laugh for a few moments and as Soul extended his hoof as he tried to offer the dandelion back to Noble.

Shaking his head and holding up a hoof, denying Soul the relief of taking back the flower. “Please I want you to have it. I am giving it to you because of all the flower there that one seemed to be the brightest, to reach for the sun and be in full bloom.” Touching the Unicorn’s hoof he pushed the hoof back toward Soul.

Grimacing a bit as he looked down at the dandelion Soul was realizing this was one of the few times Noble wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Well, why do you want me to have this so badly? I’d like at least hear that. I mean… dandelions are everywhere.” His expression softened as he awaited a response.

“Of course. It’s because of those reasons I just explained that I want you to have it. It’s a silly sentimental idea but… just please keep it.” He sighed, looking at the flower again and remembering the withering flower that was picked along with it, and which he ended up dropping to the river. His heart felt heavy as he thought of the possibility that the similar fate may fall upon him too... But it was something he had to prevent all they ways he could.

Giving a nod Soul smiled. “I see. Well I guess this will be easier if I’ll just hang onto it then.” He gave a joking but friendly laugh, bringing the flower closer and hiding it in his light jacket while it was still in his hoof.

Noble gave off a sigh of relief and replied, “Thank you buddy. I know this may be a little uncomforting to get a flower from your best stallion friend. But thank you for accepting it.” He patted the pale pony on his side and began to walk again, passing him and walking to the edge of the bridge. “Now, you said something about going and getting drunk a minute ago.” He chuckled and turned, beginning walking.

Soul gave a small grin and laughed. “Yes, the core purpose of this night.” he joked, but then looked back at the flower again, lifting it up as the earth pony began walking away. As he was about to reach down and put the flower in his pocket again a gust of wind sparked up.

The gust blew the dandelion out of Soul’s hoof, Soul attempted to catch it clapping his hooves together and trying to catch it with his magic but as it twisted in the air in an inconsistent pattern there was nothing Soul could do. It fell into the river and began slowly drifting down stream.

Sulking for a moment at the loss of a thoughtful gift the pale steed stood watching the dandelion drift down the river into the night. “Dang it!” he said quietly and lightly slammed his hoof on the edge, clenching his teeth together. “Just my luck…” he murmured to himself and let out a sigh.

“Soul! Are you coming?” Noble yelled, the voice being much more light hearted this time.

Shifting to look back at his friend, Soul leaned back, looking at where the dandelion had been before moving back to all fours, getting off the railing. “Yes, right behind you.” He trotted off the bridge catching Noble, who gave him a friendly nudge with his elbow and started to make their way to the pub again.