• Published 18th May 2015
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World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War - ShadowWalking18

Three years after fleeing Canterlot. Catus and his people soon find themselves in a war they are sorely unprepared for.

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Chapter 16 - Human: The First Strike


Valen found Marcus quickly after he had left the Fire Man's quarters. The Fire Man had gone off to the central chamber, where the other hunt masters were gathering with their forces. Marcus gave him a nod as he approached.

"Valen. Get your equipment. We will all have bows and arrows, but we will be using the weapons we also captured from ponies." Marcus said, pointing to the sets of pony weaponry they had stolen in their raids so long ago.

Valen nodded, and quickly acquired fresh arrows as he was already set with a bow and spear. But when it came to picking out the pony weapons, he was unsure.

He saw many humans held the large knives, or swords as the Fire Man had called them. But others held ones with thick flat heads on the edge of the shafts, and others with crescent moon like blades. Others had weapons with a simple short shaft and a thick spiked orb at the tip.

He finally chose a sword, though it didn't seem too different from his knife, if only just being a bit longer. He took a hide shield, and used the leather straps at his belt to hold the sword there as he joined the other hunters.

"Hunter. We will be moving to confront the ponies at a strategic point set by the Fire Man." Marcus said, once he joined the others.

Valen felt a steely resolve replace his former insecurity from the pony girls. War was something he could understand.

When he was ready, Marcus led them all to the main chamber, where all the other clan Huntmasters had gathered their hunters for battle. Valen frowned, noting several groups were much smaller then before, and that several Huntmasters were new to the position. It would be years before the clans fully recovered.

Valen spotted Rogan amongst the hunters, and the hunter gave him a deep glare of hate, as he fingered his knife. Valen glared back for a moment, before turning and ignoring the hunters.

Valen looked up as the Fire Man stood up on a rock, set below the Tree of Harmony. As always, Valen felt a calming sense coming from the tree. Though Valen found the sensation odd, he did admit that he also found it enjoyable. A bit of clear peace in this chaos. But it was forgotten as the Fire Man spoke.

"Warriors. In the next few hours, all our actions will spark the last flames in this war. We have lost many to the Equestrians, but now we must make them know that we will not be broken. Even now their forces gather, hoping to destroy us, but they will not find us on the lands we called our own. Now the tables have turned, and it will be us that invade their homes."

The Fire Man paused, as the hunters all gave cheers, or stomped their spear butts to the ground. He raised a hand for silence before continuing.

"Our attacks will be many, and spread out. Each of your Huntmasters knows their orders. I expect you all to obey their commands to the letter. I tell you now to be most careful, for I will be unable to be with any of you until I come to pick you up."

This caused a stir. Even Valen felt uneasy at this information, for the Fire Man had always been with them in attacks. A number of hunters voiced their concern and asked.

"Fire Man, if you will not be with us, where will you be?" One hunter asked.

"I too have a mission which I must complete. But I must go it alone. But do not be afraid, trust in yourselves and trust in your Huntmasters. Now, let us begin our attack." The Fire Man said, before a number of tears in the air opened up before them. And one by one, Valen watched as the different groups of hunters went through one tear, as he himself followed his group through one as well.

When he stepped out, he stood within a snowy field. Below he saw a town, with large wide buildings with strange pointed tops. As well, he saw some gleaming metal lines set in the ground.

Valen and the other hunters looked at the town and the metal lines confused, before turning to Marcus as he spoke.

"Hunters. Where we stand is a pony food storage center. In those towers hold much food that is spread out across the pony lands. Our objective is to burn these towers and the food within, just as the ponies burnt our food storages at the Moot." Marcus said.

"And leave their people dead." One hunter said.

"No. We are to not harm the ponies unless our lives depend on it." Marcus said.

Many hunters found this order distasteful, voicing their disapproval. Even Valen felt it was a difficult order to continue to follow after so much that had happened. Yet if they hurt ponies who were not warriors like them, would that make them no better then the ponies who had killed their women and children?

'Would it make me no better then the ones that killed my mother?' He thought, finding the idea bitter.

"I know it is difficult. But we must trust the Fire Man's wisdom. Now, let us move and be done with this business. Once we have finished, we will retreat to a specified location and wait for pick up." Marcus said, motioning them to follow.

Valen nodded, and followed with the other hunters as they made their way to the town.

"Marcus. What is the Fire Man doing?" One hunter asked.

Marucs stopped and gave Valen a sad, and irritated look.

"I don't know." Marcus said, sounding annoyed and worried.


Castus walked slowly, careful to avoid crowds and sticking to alley ways and empty streets if he could help it. Around him upper crust ponies, all unicorns, walked without a care, and a large number of them were wearing a similar style dress. Though a few other mares had other types of dresses.

One unicorn mare in particular had a dress that made Castus think of Luna by its design. It suited the mare in his opinion with her dark mane and gothic like appearance. A sharp contrast to the mare beside her with a wild yellow mane and pink fur, and she wore a dress that made him think of Celestia strangely.

'Now those are some weird sisters.' He thought as he turned down an alley.

It felt odd walking through the streets of the capitol of his enemy. But then again, no pony could see him so he didn't need to worry about causing a stir.

Using the Wind, he had woven a thread of shadows and illusion around himself, allowing him to easily blend in the background and surroundings, as long as he avoided close contact with ponies or bumping into anyone he was safe.

'Not like they could stop me even if they did see me. The only ponies who could be a threat are miles away, and by the time they get back I'll have what I need.' He thought, smirking as he finally stood before his target.

The Canterlot Castle. Celestia and Luna's seat of power, and if he was correct, the storage place of his peoples ancient artifacts. Castus smiled and began strolling up into the castle. He passed a number of guards easily, though he still had to keep a distance. Even if under the Shade Cloak, if he got to close even an unprepared eye might make out something.

Ever since acquire Karsus memories, Castus had wondered where Valhruan artifacts might be found. Even after millions of years since the Empires fall, many Valhruan relics could and should have survived. The defective Amplifier he had acquired for the briefest moments back in Manehatten three years ago was testament to that.

It was thus safe to assume that others might have survived, and if so, Celestia would have wanted to keep them safe from the general public. Or any pony beside her and her sister. So if he was correct, that would mean that she would keep them somewhere in the castle.

'All I have to do is find them.' He thought, looking around.

It wouldn't be difficult. Valhruan crafted artifacts gave off a sort of feeling that only a Wind user, could sense. Once he got close enough that he could feel their presence, it would be a simple matter of tracking it.

All he had to do was......walk till he felt it.

'This might be awhile.' Castus thought, turning a hall and seeing it stretch for lengths and lengths, with other halls leading out from the sides.

Why did castles have to be built like mazes?

"Hmmm...they made Twilight too fat." Castus muttered to himself, looking up at the stain glass window dedicating her ascension to Alicornhood.

He had plenty of time to examine each one...considering he had passed the hall six times.

'This isn't getting anywhere....and I really need to go to the bathroom.' He thought, crossing his legs a bit.

He had been walking up and down these halls for hours, and he had yet to pick up even the barest hint of Valhruan Wind craft. He slumped against the wall, feeling both irritation....and depression.

'Maybe all Celestia has is memories of my kind...maybe there isn't anything left of the Valhrua then memories...memories which will one day fade to dust...just like we did.' He thought, feeling a great sense of inner loathing.

It was after all, in the strange sense, his own fault. By his, or Karsus, actions he had confined his own peoples history to the sands of time. A whole civilization that had spanned for nearly thirty five thousand years....all gone now.

Castus sat there slumped and depressed before sighing, and standing up.

'I'm gonna find a bathroom.' He thought, and began walking down a hall that he knew led to the royal apartments. It was the closest place, and he was sure that either Luna or Celestia would have a bathroom near or in their rooms.

Hmmm, maybe he could take a leak on Celestia's bed. He chuckled a bit at the thought. That be kinda funny.

He turned, now walking slightly like a bird as his body made it known of its biological desires to relief; and he had a whole flight of stairs to go up.

"I hate stairs." Castus said, as he began the climb up.

It was only half way up, and feeling ready to explode, that he began to feel a sensation on his skin and mind.

Castus froze, and looked up the stairs.

"It couldn't be...." He said, and began running. Each step making the sensation stronger. He soon began leaping steps, his bladder pain forgotten only barely as he felt excitement.

Reaching the top, Castus stopped as he stood before a small hall that ended with a fork. To the left was a room with golden yellow and aurora coloring at the door, with a sun over it. The other was midnight blue, with a strange star design patter and had a crescent moon over the door.

"You're kidding me." Castus said, slapping himself in the face.

Of course. He should have guessed that Celestia, and Luna would have kept anything of Valhruan nature close where they could keep an eye on it. He felt stupid not thinking at the start.

He could feel a presence from both rooms, but decided to check Celestia's first. He made a brief check for any magical traps, before slowly pushing the door open. He stepped carefully into the room, looking around carefully.

There were a number of crystals kept in candle holders that glowed with an inner light. A shelf of books, and surprisingly...posters. Some Wonderbolt posters, but also a number of old alicorn posters for bands and events. There was a large bed, with a sun design and a vanity desk and mirror with a number of bottles and jars.

There was also a door to the left side, which Castus rushed to first and sighed in relief when it went into what he thought it did. A bathroom.

'At last. A real bathroom.' He thought as he went straight for the toilet.

Once he had finished his business, Castus went back to his task. Finding the artifacts. He could feel them, but not their location. So Castus only had one choice.

Turn the whole room upside down. A thought that maybe Castus was....too excited over.

He upturned the bed first, expecting to find a trap door or something. Sadly nothing, but he did find a diary that fell from the pillows. He ignored it for now and began weaving wind brushes against the walls and floors, to seek out and possible hidden doors. It was then that he felt the wind streams he was making slip through a crack in the walls. He stopped and rushed to the area of the wall and began inspecting it.

"Nothing...where is the....wait..." Castus stopped, thinking. There were holes for air to slip through, but it didn't seem to be connected to a door....so...did that mean.

Taking a deep breath, he began pulling more of the Wind in to open a small Waygate. He felt his heart beat quicken and felt sweat on his brow as the power of the Wind made his whole body feel hot. He needed rest, and to stop using the Wind for a time, but he had to ignore it...just for a little longer.

'Come on body...just....hold out a little bit more....then we can rest for months.' He thought, opening a big enough Waygate to crawl through.

As he expected, as he crawled through the Waygate, he entered into a sectioned off storage room, built within the walls and left without any opening door. Only minor air pockets to allow air within. Castus closed his Waygate and lay on the ground a bit as he let his body rest a few moments. He wiped at his brow, taking deep breathes.

"I hope this has something I can use....or ...I don't think I'm going to last the end of this war." He said, before getting up and making a small orb of light, an easy and stress less weave.

What the light revealed a wide circular room, with boxes and chests stacked around there and here. Old rolled up rugs and scrolls lay amongst the various objects, some small orbs or statues, and others large statues of beasts or people the size of carts. One in particular was in the shape of a giant stone man, carved armor and weapons adorning the stone body and sat in a crouched position. But even crouched the statue's head brushed the roof of the room.

"Now that we could use....though I can't move it right now..." He said, and began looking for more easily transported artifacts.

It was a perpetual treasure trove of history and objects of power. Castus found dozens of Amplifiers, Wells and dozens of Wind crafted weapons and armor. Castus began filling a small leather sack he had brought with as much as he could. He took several Amplifiers, though they were weak ones they would make his channeling easier and allow him to use a little more of the Wind he could use safely. He took a bronze plated and steel chained belt Well, each plate adorned with a simple large carved round quartz crystal.

He found a spell ring and amulet, slipping both on immediately before grabbing for a statue of a man in a wide robe and holding up two unrolled scrolls. Once his hand touched the statue, big enough to fit in the palm of his hand, Castus froze and fingered the figurine.

"It can't be...." He said, lifting the statue up and looking at it with wide eyes.

He knew this statue. Though he could not believe it...it seemed too....too coincidental. But if it was....he had to know.

Drawing on some of the Wind, using a small disc Amplifier to help make it easier, he slowly began recharging the statues magic. It began to glow a light blue in the eyes and the runes on the scrolls coming into view.

"Knowledge is Strength." Castus said, and gasped as the runes turned from blue to silver and the eyes of the statue sent out a stream of silver light, which formed a wide orb from the stream. A blurry book image appeared in the light stream, alongside arrows that pointed left and right. Castus took the blurry book with a shaky hand and as he pulled it from the light, he felt it regain weight and another book appeared in the empty light stream.

Castus ignored it as he gazed upon the golden Valhruan runes upon the book.

He knew this book. It had been his...or Karsus....so very long ago.

"My Repository." Castus breathed in awe, putting the book back into the light stream and cutting off the Wind stream. With the power of the magic gone, the runes went back to their blue color and the light stream and the book disappeared back into the statue. Castus shoved the Repository into the bag and tightened the clasp.

Karsus Repository. A Valhruan device that allowed a mage to hold an endless supply of books or scrolls they wished to keep within. It was like a personal library at hand, or having an Iphone with a book app. But this was Karsus' and if Castus came out with anything from this, it had to be the Repository.

If anything it was the most powerful and most dangerous artifact here.


Castus jumped and turned, blasting with a Light blast toward the source of the voice, and saw a Light Shield go up and deflect the blast into the walls.

"You!" Castus said, now seeing who it was that stood before him.

It was Celestia.

"What are you doing here?!" Castus said, taking a step back.

"Stopping a thief. And catching a criminal." Celestia said with a glare.

"You weren't even suppose to be here." Castus growled. Damn Blueblood. He should have broken off his horn and sent it to Celestia instead.

"I suppose you expected me to be with the army, hunting you and your forces down." Celestia said, beginning to circle him.

Castus circled in turn, never taking his gaze off the alicorn mare. He regripped the disc Amplifier tightly, slowly using it to draw further into the power and lessen its strenuous impact.

"Kinda yes...that was the whole point." Castus said as he noted Celestia's horn glow brighter.

"Believe me...I wanted to go. To hunt you down and make you pay for every crime you have committed against my ponies and now my family. You have a lot of blood on your hands." Celestia hissed, "But my sister convinced me to stay. I am glad she did."

"You are one to talk about blood on hands. My people have suffered terrible wounds from your forces. I'd like you say that infront of the eyes of the dozens of orphans you created when your army attacked defenseless women and children." Castus spat. He shivered a bit.

'Is it getting cold in here?' He thought momentarily.

"And what of the orphans you made. How many families did you destroy with your slaughters? The reports even claim you took their scalps. It is disgusting!" Celestia said, her breathing deep but controlled.

"I don't remember that." Castus muttered.

Celestia didn't hear him, continuing to speak, but with a softer tone as she spoke.

"Yes...my general sent a report of my nephews....actions. I would never have ordered such a thing. But that gave you no right to take him prisoner and mutilate him as you did. Blood won't wash away blood." Celestia said, her voice pained.

Castus huffed, "And what would you suggest I do? Turn myself in? Let my people be killed off or made into pets or slaves?"

"I would never do that! But if you truly care for your people, then let me cut you off from the Wind. I will then work to give your people autonomy within Equestria and be made equal citizens. I will not do what Valhrua did to mine."

"So I am to die in order for my people to live. Sorry but I'm not a martyr." Castus said.

"I am not trying to kill you!" Celestia shouted, "I am trying to help you. You don't understand the delicate balance your power threatens to overturn. If any knowledge of the Valhruan Wind were to ever reach the public ear...there are many elements even today that would seek any sort of power to overthrow the peace that I, my sister and many others who have given their lives to accomplish. Once you are severed you will be safe, and free to live out your life as you wish. Don't you miss your friends in Ponyville? What about Fluttershy? I know you were close to her. She has suffered a great deal because of your actions."

Castus clenched his fists, and felt his heart throb in pain at those last few words. He bit his lips, feeling regret.

'Fluttershy.....I'm sorry.' he thought. Yet despite this pain, he couldn't let Celestia have her way.

No matter what the cost, he would not lose the Wind. He would rather die.

"You really...don't know what you ask of me." Castus said, smirking, "Its almost funny how wise and yet innocently stupid you still are. I will not give up the Wind...and if you want to try you will have to do it over my cold dead body."

Celestia glared at him, her hooves clenching tightly. He could see her breath flaring from her nostrils as she breathed. Castus glared back, also noting he could see his breath as he breathed out. Was it really that cold in here?

"Then I have no choice. Forgive me." Celestia said, her voice hard as she blasted a powerful beam at him.

Castus pulled on the Wind, clenching the Amplifier disk hard as he leaped back as the stone floor shot up to shield him from the blast. The blast tore the stones apart, and from the dust Celestia flew at him.

Castus reacted fast, sending a blast of wind to send up scrolls and to throw off Celestia's flight pattern as she moved to avoid a number of scrolls and artifacts his wind blast sent up. Castus then opened a Waygate and jumped through and appearing into a snow covered field. He gasped for air, even with the amplifier such a jump was exhausting. He looked back to close the Waygate, seeing Celestia charging for the opening.

Castus hoped that it closed before she got close to pass through. If it closed when Celestia was still half way through.....well it wouldn't be pretty.

Luckily it snapped shut without hurting Celestia. Bad news though she was out the other side and tackling him as it shut.

"Agh!" Castus screamed, the disk flying from his hand as he went back to hit the ground, Celestia's wings psuhing them forward and dragging him across the snow. Castus groaned as he felt the loss of the Amplifier take hold, releasing the excess Wind before it did serious damage to him. He was sweating now as he wrapped his arms around Celestia and channeling a weave of the Beast to give him greater strength he began to squeeze Celestia as he brought his legs up to dig into the ground and stop their motion.

His bones and muscles ached as he fought against Celestia's speed. But she gasped and struggled to remove his arms from her body as he began trying to crush the life out of her. With a grunt she brought her leg up and kneed him in the gut.

Castus coughed, spitting up as the impact caused him to less his grip and Celestia slippd a hoof out and punched him across the face, sending him to the ground with a vicious impact. He heard the sound of something cracking, and felt sharp pain in his shoulder as he struggled to get up. He pulled deeply on the Wind now, filling his body to the break point. One to power his strongest spells, and another for the numbing ignorance of bodily pain that the Wind could give. He needed focus, even if it risked his life.

Celestia looked at him, surprised to see him still standing. Castus was going to give her more surprises as he lifted his fist and wove the Wind to create a giant arm and fist of snow from the snow around him and formed it into ice. He brought his fist down to crush Celestia, but she blasted it with a concentrated sun blast, melting the ice and splashing water all over her.

Celestia yelped at the cold water splashing her, and making her white dress see through. Her arms went instinctively around her chest, and Castus used this moment weave a spell on the water and Celestia gasped as she found herself being encased in ice. She struggled, beginning to weave a spell with her horn glowing, but Castus worked fast to use snow to turn to ice to cover her entire body.

He smirked as he finished, looking at the ice covered Celestia, frozen in time. His victory was short lived though as the ice suddenly broke apart, razor shards flying towards him and he brought up a snow wall to shield him from it. He lowered the shield to see Celestia, shaking and cold, but defiant and angry.

Her horn glowed brightly as Celestia began her own ice spell, bringing up thousands of ice shards around her and with a wave of her hooves, shot them toward him.

Castus responded with a large gout of flame to melt the shards. He then used more flame, sending a powerful stream of fire toward Celestia, which he then broke into spate streams to attack her from different angles. He gave as much power as he could, making the flames turn blue as they burned hotter.

Celestia responded with a shield around her, keeping the flames at bay. Castus kept up the blasts though, as he saw Celestia begin to sweat.

"You can stop the fire Celestia, but you can't stop the heat." He said, adding more power and feeling his legs shake as the flames went from blue to bright white.

Celestia screamed, before her horn glowed brighter and her shield burst and sent the flames out in wide arcs. Castus screamed as he dodged one arc of flame that went for him; and screamed as he felt the searing hit blister his skin. He let himself fall into the snow to cool the blistered skin.

He grunted as he got up, leaning on a knee was he breathed deeply. His grip on the Wind was weak and he was starting to feel the pain of his injury. But worse, he was having a hard time keeping clear vision as he looked up and began seeing two Celestias.

'I've pushed myself to my limits....I...I have to...escape.' He thought, struggling to pull together enough of the Wind to open a Waygate to drag himself through.

Celestia was on him though in a minute and grabbed him by his shirt and hauled him into the air.

"It is over Castus. I can tell you have pushed yourself too hard. Now this ends." Celestia said, placing a hoof to his head.

Castus went wild, struggling to get free. She was going to do it! She was going to do it!

"NO!!!" Castus screamed.

Suddenly he felt himself flying from Celestia, and she from him. They both screamed and landed on the ground with grunts.

Castus lay there, shocked and surprised. He reached for the Wind, and felt excited as he could still feel it and draw upon it. He took in a small sliver, despite it making his vision swirl, just to taste it.

He then noticed the warm sensation on his chest, and with his good arm, pulled the Amulet of Harmony from under his shirt.

It glowed brightly, and Castus felt joy seeing it. The Amulet had saved him.

"Where did you get that?"

Castus stood up slowly, still holding the Amulet, and he saw Celestia looking at him with wide eyes of shock. Or looking at the Amulet with wide eyes of shock.

Castus didn't answer, trying to draw upon some of the Wind to finish Celestia while she was distracted, but the Amulet grew hotter and it nearly made him fall over as it suddenly gained several pounds of weight. He let go of the Wind and looked at it confused as it became light again.

'What? Why won't you let me fight her? I can finish her! End this war!' He thought, angry that the Tree seemed intent on hindering him from what he had to do. He glared at the Amulet, but spat as he drew on the Wind again; only this time creating a Waygate to leave.

"Castus! Wait!" He heard Celestia say. He turned back to glare at her.

"The Tree of Harmony gave it to me." Was all he said, before snapping the Waygate shut.

He looked around, and saw that he was now in the meeting place of one of the hunter groups he was suppose to pick up once he had finished his mission. He hoped that they had all accomplished their missions.

"I...I will have to....to get the others....can't...leave them....out here.." He said to himself, his pain and exhaustion now becoming apparent as he collapsed onto the snow, and stared up at the sky. Within the snow falling clouds....he thought he caught the sight of ghostly horses, moaning in the wind.

He felt tired, and decided that...a little rest would be good. He closed his eyes, and let himself fall asleep. The hunters would wake him when they arrived. He hoped it wasn't Marcus group or he would never hear the end of it. Or maybe Fluttershy would find him....that would be nice.


Valen looked about the pony town as he finished setting the wood around the last food tower, and setting the burning torch to the wood. He stepped back and watched as the last tower joined the others in the fire.

A part of him told him that the fires might risk spreading to the other houses, but he ignored it. He wouldn't kill the ponies, but they could rebuild houses.

'Besides...they burnt ours. They deserve the same at least.' He thought bitterly, and turned to walk back tot he center of town with other hunters who had helped him in the burning. At the center of town, hunters stood beside a group of ponies. Many had fled when they attacked, but others had resisted. A few hunters had killed a number of ponies, all looked like self defense, but Valen felt sure it only seemed that way. None of these ponies had been fighters, and so shouldn't have threatened their lives.

"That is the last Marcus." Valen said.

The Huntmaster, who stood to watch the prisoners to make sure no one else was....self defensed...nodded.

"Good. We leave now." He said, motioning for the hunters to follow.

The ponies began shouting stuff, struggling with their bonds. No hunter stopped to untie them. Valen ignored them and followed his group. The bonds were not too difficult. Even a pony could get them off after awhile. Besides, they didn't want any rear attacks.

"We now go to the designated spot which the Fire Man will pick us up. He should be an hour or so as he must also gather Krul and a few others before us." Marcus said.

Valen and the other hunters nodded as they began the long trek through the heavy snow. It was near evening, with the sun beginning to lower over the horizon when they reached their spot....

...and saw the Fire Man sprawled on the ground.

"Fire Man!" All the hunters shouted as they rushed toward him.

"Fire Man. Fire Man." Marucs said, kneeling beside their leader and gently lifting his head off the ground.

The Fire Man groaned, and opened his eyes to gaze at them with unclear and unfocused eyes.

"Marucs....I'm off schedule...gotta....get the others..." The Fire Man said, before closing his eyes and mumbling to himself.

"Damn it." Marcus said, Valen surprised by the words. The huntmaster rarely swore it meant that things were very serious.

"There Fire Man is hurt!" One hunter called.

"It was the ponies! They killed him!" Another cried.

Hunters began wailing and moaning, others crying for blood.

"Enough!" Marcus yelled.

Everyone went quiet.

"The FIre Man is not dead. But he is hurt. We must get him back to the Sanctuary." Marcus said.

"But how? Only the Fire Man's magic can bring us back." Valen said.

Marcus scowled, and looked around as if trying to find something.

"We must....we must...." Marcus said, lost for words as Valen watched him try to figure out what to say.

Valen looked at the Fire Man, worried, and spotted the Tree Amulet.

"The necklace. The Fire Man used it to clear us of the Darkness. Perhaps it can bring us back to the Sanctuary!" Valen said, grabbing it immeidalty and pulling it from the Fire Man's neck.

All the hunters gathered around, looking at him. Valen held the necklace, but realized that while it seemd a good idea, he had no idea what to do to make it work. Or if he could.

'No...No I can't give up. We need the Fire Man. We can't let him die out here. Please...please work. Work!' He thought, clenching the amulet tightly in his grip as he tried to will whatever magic it had to work.

Nothing. Nothing was happening.

THe Fire Man groaned again, and started to shiver.

"Blankets, Now!" Marcus yelled, and hunters began tearing off their fur clothes, standing only in their pants, and placed their cloaks and fur shirts around the Fire Man to keep him warm. It seemed to work, but only barely as the Fire Man began thrashing about. Marcus lay on top of him to keep him still.

Valen closed his eyes and tried again. Begging for the amulet to work.

'Please! Please! We can't lose him! He has led us so far! Given us so much! We can't let him die! So please! Work!' He thought.

"Work!" Valen screamed, and felt his whole mind suddenly spark on fire. He felt as if burning molten ore was being poured into his body, washing across his body. Burning ice entering his blood. Pain unlike anything he could imagine, and yet through it all pleasure unlike anything he had yet to experience. He had not even yet lay with a woman, but this feeling...he was sure it was better.

But then it was gone, as he saw that familiar tear appear, and beyond it the glittering light of the tree in the Sanctuary.

"Quick. Gently lift him and get him through." Marcus said, helping to carefully lift the Fire Man."

The hunters did so, some cheering as they took the Fire Man through. Valen stood, legs shaky as he followed. The tear in the air suddenly closed, and Valen stood in the Sanctuary, watching as the Fire Man was taken to his room and all around people making a fuss.

"Thank you..." He said to the tree, before falling over and passing out. His hand gripped the amulet tightly.

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