• Published 18th May 2015
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World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War - ShadowWalking18

Three years after fleeing Canterlot. Catus and his people soon find themselves in a war they are sorely unprepared for.

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Chapter 25 - Human/Pony: Deceptions and Meetings(Winters End 3)


Despite some of the harsh looks, Fluttershy had wanted to walk home today and enjoy the warmth of the sun as it finally began melting away the snow. Even most ponies were too busy focusing on the clear blue skies and celebrating to really notice her. It felt good to have the snow finally stop, though there was sure to be plenty of work scooping the snow out into safe locations to avoid flooding. She had even heard some earth ponies talking of digging a new reservoir and fill it with the snow.

It was a simple miracle, and but Fluttershy felt she couldn't enjoy it fully.

It was a wonder to see the sun end, but it felt hollow knowing what was coming soon.

Drawing closer to her cottage, Fluttershy looked to the Everfree, and felt a slight pang in her heart. Castus had been so close to her, and he never even bothered to visit? To say hi? To do anything? True, though Fluttershy didn't know what she would have done if he had.

'But still.' She thought, biting her lip.

Fluttershy sighed, and felt that it was perhaps best if he had stayed away. He had done so many horrible things, and he was a wanted criminal if he had revealed himself she would have had to tell Twilight-

-Even if it would have been difficult to do so.

"Oh, why did this all have to happen? Why can't things go back to the way they had been." She said.

But it was futile to think about what would, or should, have been. Fluttershy would have to accept that things were as they are, even if it tore her inside to do so.

As she took the final turn to her house, Fluttershy stopped in mid stride as she nearly collided with Scootaloo.

Wait? Scootaloo?

"Fluttershy! There you are, I was looking for you." Scootaloo said.

"S-scootaloo? How are-" Fluttershy started.

"Ugh, slow down you blank flank. You are not leaving me with those smell things." Fluttershy heard another recognizable voice. Diamond Tiara?

"Oh, so humans are smelly? Well I don't think Valen smelled." Scootaloo said, turning around.

Fluttershy looked from Scootaloo, to see Diamond Tiara come down the path from her cottage.

"W-well he is different!" Diamond Tiara said, her face flushing a bit as she gave Scootaloo a glare.

Fluttershy looked between the girls. Who was Valen? And how did they-Fluttershy stopped her thoughts as she looked from the girls over to her cottage and saw in the distance, standing around her cottage were humans.

A bunch of humans. The sight made Fluttershy worry, and she grabbed both girls to her and pulled them behind her.

"Girls? W-what are you doing here? Why are those humans here? Is Castus here? Where is he?" Fluttershy asked, looking from the girls to the humans.

"Fluttershy, take it easy." Scootaloo said, "Castus sent us too-"

Fluttersht turned on Scootaloo then and gripped her shoulders, "You know where Castus is? Where? Tell me! What is going on?!"

Fluttershy only just realized that she was shaking the poor filly and she stopped and stepped back, putting her hooves behind her back and blushing, "O-oh sorry." She said meekly.

"Whoa...." Scootaloo said, her eyes rolling around as she rocked a bit before shaking her head and regaining her focus.

"Whoa, here. He gave me this for you." Scootaloo said, handing her a scroll.

Fluttershy looked at the scroll, and took it gently.

"There, all done. Now I need to get to the spa, I need a serious hooficure and a hoof waxing, and hopefully they can do something with my mane. I'll not have my glorious home coming be remembered by me looking all disheveled." Tiara said, turning and walking off back to town.

"Yeah, I should go too. I gave you the scroll like he asked, but I really need to go see my mom. She is probably worried sick about me, I just hope she doesn't ground me. See ya." Scootaloo said, and ran off.

"Ah-w-wait I...oh, okay." Fluttershy said, before ending in a whisper when the girls were long gone.

And so here she stood now, with a scroll from a man she was conflicted over, and behind her a number of humans she didn't know or could be sure of their motives. And frankly a whole bunch of questions that she had no answers for.

Turning back to her cottage, Fluttershy looked at the scroll and slowly opened it.

Dear Fluttershy, it is with a burdened heart that I write these words to you. I wish I could say them to you in person, but I am drawn by other matters that require my attention; and even if I was not, I do not think I could stand before you. I have done many things that would warrant distrust or hatred, and I would break if I saw such feelings in you to me, even if it is justified. However I can not go onward till I explain my path, and it is my hope that you will understand.

Know that I did not wish for this war. I never wished for war, but wishes and reality do not always connect. I had hoped to end the fighting as quickly and as painless as possible, but as in war things do not always go as planned; with the war dragging on for months and with it the winter. My desire to protect my people drove me to great stresses, and the chill of the winter I fear also began creeping into my soul. The combination of it all nearly tore my mind to pieces, and it was only in my darkest hour that I eventually found peace. More so, I also learned of why the winter was lasting as long as it had.

I do not know the full nature of its reasons, but somehow the fighting between your kind and mind brought those creatures from your Hearths Warming story back, the Windigos. If you believe me or not, know that it was they who were behind the never ending winter; but they are no more now. Though I wish I had known of their presence sooner, as I feel it was their unseen influence greatly affected my people, and perhaps yours as well.

Know something, that Equestria committed terrible crimes to my people and inflicted wounds which will not heal fast. But in kind, my own people inflicted harm towards yours. But I have learned that responding to blood with more blood will do nothing more then continue a chain of violence that will never end until we both are destroyed; and so I now march to meet with the Equestrian army to put an end to this war, and stop the chain.

I cannot say how it will end, though it is my wish that it will end peacefully. However, I do not think such will be the case. My people fought to preserve our independence and ability to decide our own fate. That is something I will not abandon, and if this war must end in a final battle I will fight it, for some things must be fought for; even if it means death. But if it does end with my and my warriors death, I hope that one day my people can still be free, and so it is why I have left you this message and remaining members of my peoples clans. Every human that stands before you is the clans children, younglings and elderly. They are not warriors, and though I do not have the right to ask of it, I hope that you will use whatever influence you have to at least keep them safe should this end badly.

I have instructed them to do no harm, and to obey any command you give. To aid in this, I have given a small list of commands in Valhrua that you can say to them. It is the best I can do with so little time; but I hope it is enough.

There is more I wish I could say. More I wish I had done. More I wish I could take back or do differently. More then ever, I wish I could see you one last time. I am sorry for everything I must have put you through, and I do not know if I could ever make it up to you. But, before I march to whatever fate awaits me I just want you to know one thing.

I love you Fluttershy, and whatever the outcome of this war, I always will even if I am not worthy of feeling such a thing for you.

Till all are one with the Wind again, Castus.

Fluttershy sat in her cottage on her couch, and looked intently at the scroll, as if perhaps if she looked hard enough there would be some new words or message found. Within, many of her animals and Angel were huddled close to her, as a number of humans walked around in her house.

Fluttershy looked from the note to the humans. Even though the snow was gone, it had still been cold outside and the elderly and younger children were freezing so she had brought them in; or as many as she could. Others, mostly the older children stayed outside, and even some of the elderly who seemed hesitant or unwilling to come inside.

The children inside mostly looked around with curious eyes at all the animal homes she had, or even at her books or kitchen items. The elderly merely sat, sometimes saying words she didn't understand to the children or looking at her. It made Fluttershy a bit uncomfortable.

It was certainly a strange thing though, to see humans acting like, like ponies. True she knew Castus was human, and wasn't a mindless animal, but he had been from a different world. But this humans were Equestrian humans, or they were. Could she still put them in the same category as the feral humans?

As Fluttershy thought on this, a sudden gasp from the humans and many stepping back brought Fluttershy's attention to the sudden appearance of a bright ethereal image of her cutie mark floating from her to the air and out the window.

"What? A friendship problem? Now?" Fluttershy said, standing. She felt she should follow her cutie mark, but she also didn't feel sure if she should leave the humans unattended. She took the note again, and looked through the commands that Castus had given her and used the one for stay inside, and then she noticed another one.

Don't eat the animals.

Fluttershy gulped and paled a bit, before saying it to the humans. The humans looked at her, some confused and others, mostly the children seemed to giggle at her. Fluttershy then looked to Angel.

"Angel, can you keep an eye on everyone? I-I should be back soon." She said.

The bunny gave her a look, but saluted and then turned to glare at the humans. Fluttershy still didn't feel sure, but when she saw her cutie mark image appear back inside and then go out she figured that whatever the map was calling her for was important and she took off to the castle as quickly as she could.

What could the map want now at such a time?


Celestia moved fast, perhaps too fast. Her Royal Guards were just barely keeping up, but she needed to move fast. She wasn't sure where Castus might move next, if he had already done so. But more so, she needed answers and she was going to get them from the cause of all of this. Even if that cause was a mystery to her.

The Tree of Harmony.

The Tree was suppose, at least she thought, to be a protector for Equestria. It had given her and Luna the Elements ages ago to defeat Discord. it had saved Equestria from the Plunder Roots and had aided Twilight and the other Bearers to defeat Tirek. So why, why for whatever reason was it seemingly to aid Castus and the humans, despite the threat they posed to Equestria.

Landing near the entrance to the cave she silently signaled for her guards to scan the perimeter, while a few followed her in. She gripped her halberd tight, and slowly entered into the cave. And into the radient light of the Tree of Harmony.

The cave looked the same, but Celestia saw several openings in the cave wall to show an expansion of sort that did not look natural, but the main chamber seemed empty.

"Check those passages, but keep your guard up." She ordered, watching as the guards moved to obey. She waited, keeping her eyes focused on her surroundings; expecting an ambush. But when the guards began to return, and both within and without, Celestia was given confirmation to her fears.

"Your Highness, we have scanned the other cave passages and have found only evidence of inhabitants once living here but no signs that they are still here." One guard said.

"It is the same outside. We saw no signs that they left into the forest. They are gone."

"Darn it. Then they have already moved." Celestia said.

"Should we move out your highness? Perhaps return to the town or the capital?" One guard asked.

Celestia shook her head, "No. I have some business here first before anything else."

Celestia then looked to the Tree and walked towards it till she stood directly under its branches. The Tree of Harmony was perhaps the most beautiful thing in all of Equestria, perhaps the world. Just being near it, seemed to sooth her. In times past, before Nightmare Moon, she and Luna would spend hours under these branches after long days of ruling.

So why, why was it aiding the humans? Why?

To Break the Chain.

Celestia took in a breath, and looked at the Tree with wide eyes.

Had it...talked?

No. It wasn't talking. At least, not in anyway one could call talking. But it was communicating. In a way. A feeling, that gave a message and an image. An image of a chain, snapping and breaking. the broken pieces of chain then reconnecting into a single straight line. What did it mean? Break what chain?

Celestia gasped as her mind was then assaulted by images of death. Ponies killing ponies. Griffons killing griffons. Ponies killing griffons, and vice versa. Of minotaurs. Saddle Arabian horses. Zebras. Boars. And even humans, Valhruan humans. Images upon images of wars, atrocities, and destruction ever acted out by every nation in the present and the past. Was that the chain the Tree wished to break? The chain of war? Could such a thing be even possible?

Celestia was then given another image, an image of a broken, rock littered and spike road. Thorn bushes blocked paths, and Celestia felt like she was walking that path. It was painful, and it hurt. Yet, with each painful step, with each step feeling like she couldn't go on, Celestia found that the path was only growing easier, more settled and less rocky, eventually becoming a pristine marble road and the pain seemed to finally end.

The First Step, is always the hardest. But it is the most important.

Celestia stood there, gaping at the Tree. It was almost impossible to think that this is what it wanted. And yet, standing under its branches, in its presence, Celestia felt a slight feeling in her mind. It could be possible. And it would even be better. But, to make peace with humans? She supposed she could, but what of Castus? He was dangerous. He was a killer. He had killed hundreds of ponies, and his own power could one day be a threat to all of Equestria.

Golden Light.

Celestia stopped her thoughts, and felt her heart go cold.

Had she really been-been thinking as Golden Light?

In her years of understanding ancient history of the first fall of the Alicorn Kingdom, she had always judged Golden Light. Believing that the matter of Valhrua could have been dealt with differently, even peacefully. She had certainly felt that, in a way, the Valhruan had been justified in waging war after such a betrayal.

But, had in the years she ruled and strove to protect her people and her nation, that she had begun to think as he had? Had she let her own fears control her like that? When Celestia thought on it, she realized that she had; and that thought...

...that thought filled her with a shame.

"What do I need to do?" She asked. The sound of hoof steps came from behind her, but Celestia ignored her guards. This was important.

Celestia had an image of the Equestrian army, in a large field area. They stood ready for battle, with humans also ready to fight. But the two armies soon grew small as a great black mass began surrounding them. From the black mass opened to red eyes, eyes that looked greatly like that of a changelings eyes.

Deception. Danger approaching. Beware. Behind.

'Behind?' Celestia thought.

"Your highness!"

Celestia turned, and just barely brought her halberd up to block the black chiten blade of a changeling arm from cutting her in two. The blade arm was attached to the body of one of her Royal guards, who glared at her with red eyes.

Celestia snarled and thrust the changeling away and ran him through with the blade of her weapon. She opened her mouth to call her guards to attention, when other guards soon revealed their changeling nature and killed several of her guards before they could act.

"Deception! Protect the Princess!" A guard called as he fought off a changeling guard, who now disposed of its disguise to show a large, thickly muscled build of a changeling elite.

At least half of her guards were changelings, and Celestia had to work hard to fight off several as they attacked her.

'Changelings! But how? Chrysalis is locked up tight along with her hive!' Celestia thought, as she parried a strike, delivering another fatal blow to one of the changelings.

Worse, if changelings had managed to infiltrate her elite guard, where else were they?


Luna looked out on the horizon, watching as the sun shone on the mountain tops beyond. It was a sight that she had almost forgotten. Not just from her exile on the moon, but from the near constant clouds that had for so long recently been in the sky; making it impossible for her to see her beautiful moon.

But now they were gone, and with them a slight feeling of oppression. It felt good.

Luna was of course disturbed from her view, by the approach of a soldier.

"Your highness. I was sent to you by General Stonewall. Our scouts have spotted a group of humans out in the plains to the south-west. They-" The guard paused and seemed to be trying to decide if the next words he was going to say were logical or not.

"But they want soldier?" Luna asked, turning and placing a hoof to her hip.

"-They uh," The soldier said, "They are flying a white flag. A scout went to investigate, and when he returned he told the general that the leader of the humans is in the group and uh....asking to speak with the commander of the army. General Stonewall told me to seek you out and meet with him to consult this recent news."

Luna blinked, and also felt her heart tighten. Castus was here? So close? Luna felt both worried, and excited. After so long looking for him, they had him in their sights. But a flag of peace? Or was this surrender? Or a carefully disguised trap?

One thing was for sure, if Castus was here then she would need to becareful. The mass teleport had been more draining then thought, and while she felt confident she could take Castus in a fight if needed, it would be a close thing in her state. And she could only guess how much his strength had grown in the three years.

Still, if he was going to attack, he would have done so. And the rules of war dictated that any enemy coming under a flag of peace and wishing for discussion be unharmed and met with. But after all he had done, did he deserve such treatment?

Luna sighed, "Job well done soldier. Run ahead and tell the general I will meet with him shortly."

The soldier bowed and ran off, leaving Luna time to think. In the end however, she knew that even to go against what divided civilized societies from the more primitive ones, should would have to respect those rules of war.

With a sigh, Luna began her walk to the command tent to see with General Stonewall.

Later in the tent, Luna met with her general and advisors; to decide how they would proceed with these strange events.

"We should strike him now." One young mare said.

"Indeed," another mare said, "He is here alone, with only just a few guards. He would be easily taken by the combined might of our mages and the humans left without a leader."

Luna sighed at the bravado of the young, and looked to the older advisors and officers.

"We shouldn't rush, he has evaded us for a long time, and we know of the debacle of Bluebloods attack." An older officer, one of the few stallions in the meeting, spoke up.

Everypony went silent at that, recalling the news of several regiments of Equestria's finest being cut down that only by combining their remaining forces did they have enough to make one regiment.

"He must have a limit. He is but one man, and even he should face the exhaustion of over using his magic." One officer said.

Luna nodded, "He comes under a flag of peace though. The rules of war dictate that we meet with him."

"Pfft, the rules of war. What do we need for such in dealing with creatures like that. Better we wipe them out before they spread like a plague." One officer said.

"The Rules of War were set down by the Grand Council, they exist for a reason and apply to all matters of conflict." General Stonewall said.

"Even to savages like that? They must have broken several by now. The slaughter of Sunbrook is more then a violation, its a war crime!" One officer shouted, bringing up the village that had been devastated by the humans.

"Perhaps, but throwing aside things merely because somepony has already broken them makes us no better then them." Stonewall said.

Luna nodded, sharing the thought. She trusted for Stonewall to be the more reasonable of all those gathered.

"He is asking to speak with the general of the army. I shall go and speak with this Castus. See what he wants." Stonewall said.

"No General. He asked for the leader. By all accounts, that would mean he must speak with me." Luna said.

General Stonewall looked at her with wide eyes, "B-but your highness, it may be a trap. Surely it will be safer if I went in your stead. It might even be advantageous if he doesn't know of your presence; should things go bad."

Luna shook her head, "No. My mind is made up. I will need to face Castus eventually. It is the reason I came here, and I will not hide now that he is in my sights. Besides general, I need you here to prepare the troops if this is ideed a trap. I will need your experience, and if this is a trap I am the best equip to meet it head on."

"But-" Stonewall began, trying to persuade her against her course.

"No buts. This is final. I will go and meet with Castus. Till I return, have the troops ready for battle and watching our flanks." Luna said, standing and heading out of the tent.

Officers and advisors nodded, and everypony began setting out to their tasks. Only Stonewall followed after her.

"YOur highness, I must protest the foolishness of this course. Forgive my frankness." Stonewall said

"Foolish or not, I still must go. Castus is clever, and his magic devious and deceptive. You might return unharmed general, but not without possibly compromising our position or plans." Luna said.

Stonewall grumbled, "I am not so easily deceived your highness."

"You have not seen what this magic can do general. Only an alicorn could possibly resist it." Luna said.

It was true, at least in part. Luna was sure that Castus would attempt some sort of mental attack. It was not an uncommon ability for Valhruan mages in the past from what little she and Celestia knew of them.

"I suppose I can't convince you otherwise. Then at the very least, allow me to send with you an honor guard. If this Castus does have his own, it is only right to have some soldiers with you to aid you in case of deception." Stonewall said.

"Very well. But only a few." Luna said.

"Of course, allow me a few moments to gather them and they will meet you at the edge of the camp." Stonewall said.

Luna nodded, and the general went off to gather her honor guard. Luna walked to the edge of the camp, and looked out onto the plains.

Using a spell, she saw the faint sight of Castus standing out in the middle of the field. Beside him stood seven humans, all wearing what looked like hide leather armor and holding swords, axes, spears and one a giant hammer. Expanding the spell, Luna also saw not far behind Castus was a large gathering of humans. They stood in spread out clusters, and Luna knew then that must be the human army. It was not very big, and she saw both men and women mixed in.

That was an interesting sight, for as far as she knew the humans had none of their females in their fighting ranks. An odd thing for ponies, but then again the ratio between males and females in humans was more equal then for Equestrians. But why the change now?

Luna felt there was more going on then she could see, but she ended her Far Sight spell as she heard hoofsteps behind her.

"Your highness, your honor guard." Stonwall said, present her with ten ponies. Three were Earth Ponies, and wore the thick plated armor and held the massive warhammers of the Knights Terra; elite fighting force of Earth Ponies. Three were Pegasus, and held the sharp sabres and insignia of the Wonderbolts military branch. And the last were three unicorns. Luna smirked.

"Well thought out Stonewall. Now, I must go." Luna said.

Stonewall nodded, "Take care princess. You watch her back now." Stonewall said, directing his last words to one of the pegasi.

The pegasi mare nodded, and gave a wink and sultry smile to Stonewall. Luna did not miss the look and she blinked in surprise. She thought Stonewall too old to find a lover. Guess things had changed a lot in the thousand years she was gone.

Getting into line, Luna began marching to meet with Castus. On the way she turned to the pegasi mare.

"You seem to be familiar with the general." She said, "Though I trust your assignment to my guard has more to do with skill then....companionship."

The mare smiled, "Oh, do not worry your highness. I was top rank in my classes and despite my affiliation with the general, I am more then qualified for the task given to me."

Luna nodded, "I see. Well that is good. Tell me, what is your name?"

"Scarlet Rose your highness." Scarlet Rose said, bowing her head.

Luna nodded, and turned back to focus on the meeting ahead.

Eventually, Castus and his guards were in sight, and Luna stopped a slight distance away. She decided to make Castus come to her the rest of the way.

Castus seemed to recognize her move, and he and his guards began walking over. Luna was then able to get a good look at the man.

His face was lined with deep bags, a sign of a lack of sleep. She could feel a small bit of familiarity with such a look. Being a leader, especially in times of war, was not an easy thing. But beside that, Luna also saw a number of items on his person that Luna had only ever seen once. Back in Canterlot in her and Tia's secret archive.

"How did you get those?" Luna said immediately, eyes wide.

Castu smirked and placed his hand on the buckle, then a few rings and an amulet. The other hand gripped the shape of a statue of a man that Luna could just barely see sitting in Lotus position.

"Oh, just take back what is rightfully mine." Castus said, smirking.

Luna glared, but she held herself in check.

"If this is what you wanted, then this meeting will end quickly." Luna said with a huff as she slide a hoof to her sword.

Castus held up a hand, "Peace Luna. I am not here to fight."

Luna looked at the armed guards, then to Castus.

"Not wanting, and expecting a fight are two different things." Castus said, his smirk gone and his face taking a serious look.

Luna didn't feel so sure, but nodded, "Then speak. What is it that you want?"

"This war has dragged on for a long time, and both of our people have suffered greatly." Castus said.

Luna nodded, and felt that perhaps Castus was here to surrender. She wouldn't be surprised, his kind did not have the resources that Equestria had. A prolonged engagement was not to their advantage.

"If you are here to surrender, know that I can't guarantee that you or your warriors will not be held to court for your actions. But I will try to see that things are fair." Luna said, and slowly tempted to see if she could place a shielding around Castus.

She was blocked however, and in that brief moment could tell that Castus was holding the Wind. And as much as he could, and she could also sense that the statue he held was aiding him in his task. Luna was worried, and slowly pulled back. Castus for his part acted as if nothing happened as he continued.

"I am not here to surrender. I am here to sue for Status quo ante bellum." Castus said.

Stonewall/Orchid Wings

Orchid Wings paced back and forth in her tent. She had not counted on the humans arriving in this location. They were not needed here, the Consort would arrive in any moment. She didn't like sudden changes in her careful plans. Luckily, she found ways to make it go to her advantage.

With Luna gone to meet with the human leader, and hopefully start a fight, she had more free reign to get her agents ready. When the army arrived, the Equestrians would be weakened greatly. But as for Luna...

'I just hope Scarlet Rose does her job.' She thought. Watch the back. It was after all the weakest in defense. Perfect for a knife.

Orchid felt a sudden brushing against her mind, and the sweet lyrical voice of the Consort. He was here. It was time.

With a smirk, Orchid sent out the call to her agents. The sudden screams that came from the army and camp only made her laugh.

Nothing would stop the Hive. All would bow to the Queen.

Author's Note:

The scroll part was difficult. I had an idea, but the words just kept getting jumbled up in my head. I guess I should have drank more coffee.

I need to think of a better title.

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