• Published 18th May 2015
  • 9,240 Views, 570 Comments

World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War - ShadowWalking18

Three years after fleeing Canterlot. Catus and his people soon find themselves in a war they are sorely unprepared for.

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Chapter 27 - Human/Pony: Winters End(Winters End 5)

The Consort

The Consort looked down at the field of battle, as the hordes of the hive met with the Equestrian forces. Like a changeling, his chitin was black as a moonless night, but unlike a normal drone bore red colored markings that created an intricate pattern on his skin. More so he was larger then other male drones, and far more muscular. He was also the only High Male that was allowed to mate with the Queen, an honor he had earned not only for his physical prowess, but also by killing and eating any would be challengers. All other changelings were his offspring. His displeasure could be felt within the minds of his guards, minor High Males who had failed in showing their physical dominance to be Consort; some of them his own sons. The Consort was not nice when he was displeased.

The psychic message he had been sent by the Infiltrators had assured that the Equestrian unicorns were largely decimated, and key officers in their aerial brigades slain. This was the truth of course.

But, the key objective had not been successful. That of the assassination of the Equestrian Princesses. One was far, but had destroyed the assassins within her guard. The Consort only hoped the wound she had taken, would be enough to hold her off till the horde had eradicated the Equestrian army.

The other princess was a different matter. She too had been marked for death, but as the first the assassins had failed. The Consort was disappointed, as Scarlet Rose had been one of the Hive's best Infiltrators. If he had not sensed her death, he would go down and devour her on principal for failure.

But she was hurt as well. Not a severe blow, but what his soldiers sent to him through their connection to his will, it could prove an advantage in combat later. Besides, even with an alicorn to aid in the magical front, the horde still vastly outnumbered the Equestrians. They would have been overrun in time.

Would have.

What the Consort had not counted on, was the appearance of the humans on the field of battle. The Queens spies had reported the hostility and distrust between the two races. And the Infiltrators had worked hard to further that divide when their little war began. They had not many plans for the humans after merely increasing hostilities; other then to wipe them out after Equestria had been conquered.

But seeing them here, aiding the Equestrians? It took all predictions and threw them out.

And then the fire from the earth, and the churning rocks that ate at the front ranks of the horde, before that vast tear in which dozens of sweaty, burly, humans came rushing from with weapons swinging. Even with his will giving the horde their steel resolve, he had felt in the drones minds the smallest sliver of fear. But he quashed that fear, and with his connection to the horde sent them further into a frenzy of battle.

The humans though in numbers did not add anything significant to the total enemy force, and the Consort still felt secure that they would be over run eventually. But first, they had to remove the two most powerful enemies. Otherwise, if the lightning from the skies and the heavy blades of sudden ice that tore the fliers in half kept up, the horde would lose thousands of soldiers; maybe even enough to turn the tide of battle in the human and Equestrian favor.

That was not something the Consort wanted. If he failed, it would put his position in jeopardy. The Queen might decide to devour him for failure, or his lower High Male rivals might take it as a sign of weakness and move against him. This was a grim time indeed, especially considering his other reason for displeasure.

The Queen was close to laying again, and when the time came any High Male that could stand by her side alone when it was time for fertilization would be the new Consort. The Consort had for the past three years held that position, but now he worried for it. He did not like being so far away during this time, and it was why he brought as many of the lesser High Males with him; not for guards but to keep an eye on his rivals.

But he had not been able to bring all of them. He needed to finish this battle quickly and return to the Hive as soon as possible.

"Send in the War Beasts. Move them into the flank." He said, sending the words out with a psychic order to all of the Horde. He then turned, and looked out to the horizon, and in the distance a small town that sat overlooked by the Equestrian capital city. It would burn as a message to all of the Hives superiority.

After all, the Equestrians and humans could not successfully fight on two fronts, and his command was sent out to a large section of the Horde kept in reserve. The air was soon filled with the hissing and shrieking's of the drones as they began moving off toward the town.

Human Forces

When Castus had gone through the Waygate, and rejoined his army, he had been unsure of what course of action he would take. Even with all that he strove for now, a small part of him told him to run. The sheer size of the Changeling Horde was beyond his imagining. He didn't think anything could stand against that.

But he crushed that thinking. He couldn't say what the changelings wanted, but they were for sure not going to be friendly to him or his people. They had made that fact clear when they had crippled Mogrim and wounded Camus. He would have to fight them, and Fluttershy's face when she had looked at him, pleading to help, was firmly in his mind.

He would lead his people to help beat back the changelings. Partly out of a need for survival. Partly because his heart told him so. And partly because his mind told him that, if successful it would be a good negotiating tool.

Frankly he preferred to listen to his heart in this.

And so it was, he stood amongst the troops, and the Huntmasters, save for Camus and Mogrim who were with the healers in a small glade for safety. Their forces would be under Theodric and Marcus command respectively, a plan he had discussed with them before marching. Now he needed to convince his people, to an action they would not like.

"My people. You followed me here on a quest to seek peace. I know it was not a course of action many would agree with, but I thank you for trusting me. But that course has been lost to us." He said.

The warriors stirred, looking at each other but made no sound. They all looked to him.

"In that distance, you see a massive horde of dark creatures known as changelings. They had somehow come amongst the pony escort of their leader and tried to kill both her and me and the Huntmasters. Huntmaster Camus and Mogrim both were severely wounded by these deceptive creatures." He said, pointing out to the horde. It was growing closer to the pony army; who were rushing to meet them.

"The Equestrians go to face this threat, and though their hearts are brave I fear that they will be overrun." He said with a frown.

A few small cheers went up, but Castus shook his head and shouted, "No!"

This silenced any warriors cheers, and Castus continued, "No. We must not cheer for this news. For if the Equestrians are defeated, what will happen to us when the changelings turn their gaze our way."

The warriors, and a few of the Huntmasters looked off at the horde and fidgeted. Nervous.

"If we are too survive, we must aid the Equestrians." He said, and many warriors shouted in protest.

"We can't!"



"Will you look past your anger and think on the larger picture!" Castus shouted, "Our survival may depend upon the outcome of this war. Of this battle. the changelings have already shown that they will mean us harm! And even I cannot successfully fight off such a horde, no matter how great my power."

This made the warriors pause, though their faces showed they were not happy.

"The choice is simple, the enemy we know. or the enemy we do not." Castus said, "You have followed me this far. Follow me just a bit more."

The warriors grew silent, many looking toward where the armies grew closer. Others away or at each other in hushed conversation. Castus feared that he was pushing his peoples tolerance too far, as some of the Huntmasters seemed unsure. But then something...surprising occurred.

Theodric stepped up, and looked at him with hard eyes.

"You ask us to fight with the ponies. After all they have done. All they have hurt and killed." Theodric said, his fists clenching his axe tightly.

Castus took a slow breath, and clenched his hands into tight fists behind his back. Theodrics words caused slight mummers among the warriors. It was obvious that Theodric's next words would probably determine the outcome of this whole battle. Either keeping the tribes whole, or breaking them once again.

"The ponies can't be trusted. They will try to kill us all when our backs are turned," Theodric said, as he took a slow breath.

Castus felt as if the air was very heavy now, and he feared the next words from Theodrics mouth.

"But those bug ponies....they will try to kill us now. Have tried. They nearly killed Camus, and crippled Mogrim." Theodric said, looking back to the warriors and the other Huntmasters.

"I don't like ponies.....but I hate bugs more." Theodric said, turning back to Castus. Theodric then knelt on one knee and said, "I will fight. If only to show to the ponies that we are greater in war then they think."

Castus had to fight the urge to sigh deeply in relief, but seeing Theodric give his support, if only in his own way, lifted a mountain like weight on his shoulders.

Marcus then next stepped up and bowed, and Castus and he shared a quick glance and nod. He knew he could always count on Marcus. Then the other remaining Huntmasters, and Valen both stepped up and bowed, before standing again.

The warriors did not look happy, but they all bowed. Castus nodded, and gripping the Amplifiers he held had brought with him, he drew upon the Wind and looked out toward the battle. The changelings and Equestrians were almost upon each other, with the Equestirans taking a phalanx position. A respectable strategy, one that had one many battles in many ancient battles in ancient history of Equestria and his own world.

But against that horde, it wouldn't do anything. The changeling charged needed to be broken. And raising a hand, Castus wove the Wind into spells that tore apart the ground from beneath the changelings tide, and gushing lava from beneath the surface out and forward. The spell had the desired effect, with the changeling charge faltering. Castus released the weaves, and taking a deep breath he opened the largest Waygate he could muster; right in the flank of the changeling horde.

"Warriors of Valhrua! Forward!" Castus shouted, and with a roar Theodric and Marcus both rushed forward. Valen and the other Huntmasters remaining followed, and after them rushed forward the warriors. Castus followed suit, closing the gate behind him as he did and he felt memories of another life reminding him of thousands of battles he had marched into. And the weaves of power that he had developed for such battles.

Weaving the Wind, Castus sent the weaves out across the battle and touched the inner beastly part of his warriors mind. He used the weave to fill their thoughts and emotions of glory and battle, and giving them strength and endurance by using weaves to stimulate and enhance their muscles and respiratory system.

Then, raising his hands he gathered the clouds into swirling masses, and with a roar as he built up the energies of the lightning and the heavens, he brought his hands down and with them columns of thunder into the inner ranks of the changeling tide. He kept up the rain of electrical energy before releasing the weaves. He took deep breathes of air, as he felt the exhaustion of the weavings.

But he could not let up yet, the battle was only just beginning. He looked back in the direction of the Equestrians, and caught sight of Luna. He gave a brief nod, before weaving another spell.

This one was a bit more reckless, but with his forces now engaging the Changelings he couldn't risk using spells with a wide area of effect least he injury or kill his own troops. Weaving weaves of wind, Castus felt his body rising as he then wove weaves of fire within the weaves of air. Soon his body was surrounded by swirling streams of fire, even as air pushed against the heat to send it outwards and keep him from cooking his own hide.

"Time to cook some bug." He said, and wove blasts of air to propel him forward and into the changeling tide, his Flame Wheel spell burning as he went through.


Discord sat upon his couch in his house, or well lounged would be the better word. His belly was extended and bloated, covered only by a large shirt with a 3 3/4 on it. His goat beard was a bit longer, and unkempt and on his head he wore a drink hat with chocolate milk bottles in place of soda. A bucket of popcorn was in his grip, and the coffee table was littered with candy, more popcorn, chips and other assorted drinks as well.

As he scratched his belly, he looked at his t.v. screen and rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, what a horrible line. Come on Castus, can't you think of anything cooler." He said. He reached for the remote, which was unfortunately on the table. It took some work, but eventually he managed to change the channel. The t.v. now showed Twilight and her friends.

"Hmmm, wonder what this scene is?" He said, as he reached for a bag of Cheese Doodles.

Mane Six

Rainbow Dash was not in a happy mood, as she paced in the air above her friends, looking out to the battle field.

"Gah, come on we have to do something!" Rainbow Dash yelled, throwing her hooves up in both annoyance and exclamation.

"Dash, I know how ya feel. But we can't just go a runnin' inta a battlefield," Applejack said, trying to calm her, "We ain't got any armor or nothin' ta defend ourselves."

"I must say I agree Rainbow Dash. We would only cause more trouble then aid, besides battles are simply filthy, and would destroy my dress." Rarity said, looking down at her latest ensemble for today.

"Ugh! Twilight, you can't say you're just gonna sit here and watch while Luna and the army fighting off Chrysalis' changelings. Your magic could totally blast them apart with the rest of the unicorns." Dash said.

Twilight looked at the battle, and she frowned, "Rainbow Dash, I don't think there are any other unicorns."

"What?" Dash asked, "But what about that fire? What about that lightning?"

"That was Castus' magic. I could feel it, but if the army had all its mages, then I would have sense it with my Sense spell," Twilights horn glowed slightly, "But all I can sense are three, maybe four. Luna is one of them. If the army did have all of its unicorn troops, then we should be seeing a lot more spells being used against the farther ranks of the changeling horde."

The girls all looked at the battle now, feeling a sense of dread. But a sudden pillar of fire, made them all jump.

"What was that?!" Dash shouted, watching as the pillar of flames fade.

"That was Castus. I can practically feel his power from here. He must be using everything he can." Twilight said, feeling Castus strength in the strange magic called the Wind. Even after three years, she understood next to nothing about it other then what Celestia and Luna had instructed her in; which had not been much by their own admission.

"Well, so what if the army doesn't have all its mages. With Luna and Castus I bet they don't even need them." Dash said.

"No, Luna was hurt remember. A physical wound can really disrupt a unicorns concentration, as well as an alicorns. And even Luna has her limits, and she wouldn't dare use large spells with a wide area if the armies are engaged; the same for Castus. He has his limits too, and those are a lot of changelings." Twilight said.

"Well, once we get air superiority we should-wait what are they? Oh come on, that is such an amateur mistake. I could pull off that evasion better back during the academy!" Dash shouted, pointing toward the aerial battle; particularly a unit of pegasi as they maneuvered into a changeling swarm of fliers.

The maneuver however seemed to have failed, with the changelings getting into better angles of flight and attack. Twilight didn't know much in terms of military strategy, but she could tell that whoever was leading that unit was not the most skilled or experienced.

"The Equestrian Air forces are suppose to be overseen by Commander Steel Wings, a former Wonderbolt and best flier in all of Equestria, alongside Tornado Blitz and Sky Thunder." Rainbow Dash said, watching another aerial maneuver be countered by the changelings.

Twilight observed as the battle went on. Even with the human aid, the changelings were still largely superior. Yet in an ordinary battle, that should not have played a major factor. Equestria has fought many battles against superior forces, but the combined might of pegasi, unicorn and earth pony had always what brought them victory. Yet now it seemed like that uniform tactic of unity seemed broken, and poorly led.

'Changelings had managed to sneak into Luna's guard, and no doubt into the army camp as well,' Twilight though, 'if the changelings had planned this attack, then they would have gone after the key advantages of the Equestrian army. If so that would mean-'

"Oh no." Twilight said, realizing to her horror the full complexity of the changeling plan.

"Whats wrong sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Think about it, we saw the smoke rising from the Equestrian army after those changelings tried to assassinate Luna and us. Well if they had been trying to kill one of the princesses, whats to say that weren't also going after the magical and aerial support of the army as well before they attacked. Its the only explanation for the lack of extensive magical support and the poor maneuverability of the aerial units." Twilight said, looking back to the battle with wide eyes.

The girls all looked out to the battle, the changeling forces pushing harder into the combined forces of man and pony, despite the number of losses they suffered. A column of changelings were cut off by the charge of the Equestrian cavalry, From the human side, flanking the changelings and pushing in, a hail of arrows flew off like a dark cloud, diving into the heart of the horde; a few bringing low changelings that fought in the sky.

It was in the course of the fight, that a small group of fliers broke off from the main battle line and began making a bee line in a direction away from the main changeling front. On the ground following them, road a unit of Knights Terra; elite earth pony fighters who wielded massive two hooved warhammers.

"Hey where are they going?" Pinkie asked.

The girls all looked to the breaking off forces. Deserter? Had the battle gone south?

"Sweet Faust, look!" Rarity gasped, and pointed off in the horizon in the direction of the forces march.

In the distance, smoke was rising into the sky. A direction that the girls knew well, having come from that direction to here.

"Ponyville is in danger. That's it, you girls can stay here if you want but I'm going!" Rainbow Dash said and took off at top speed toward her endangered home.

"We ain't gonna let her go alone are we?" Applejack asked, watching her impulsive friend already get out of shouting range.

"Of course not. Stay together girls, this will be dangerous." Twilight said, as she charged a teleport spell.

But before she could fully complet the spell, Fluttershy took off and began flying toward the main battle.

"Fluttershy, wait! Come back!" Twilight shouted, her spell already beginning to complete and the energies now out of her direct control. Eventually in a flash, Twilight and her remaining friends soon were teleported to stand at the base Castle Friendship; and Fluttershy left behind at the main battlefield.

But they could not focus on that for long, as they soon found themselves in the middle of a new battlefield. All around, ponies were running for cover; fleeing for their lives. Changelings rushed about, pouncing upon ponies and covering them in a green sticky substance, or otherwise cutting them down with their scythe like arms. A few flew above, spitting some sort of chemical from their horns which caused the thatch roofs to burst into flames.

It was here now that Twilight felt a fire in her stomach, as she began casting beam blasts at the changelings, knocking them from the sky or to the ground. An almost instinctive need to protect the ponies of Ponyville, that went deeper then anything she had felt before. These changelings were attacking her home, her friends. She would not allow it.

Equestrian Forces - Main Battle

Luna parried and took down a changeling warrior, then blocked three strikes from three enemies. She stepped and swung her blade in an arc, taking them across the necks. Her movements and motions soon became a whirlwind dance of steel, and minor magics of ethereal blades joining her in her dance. Adrenaline making the pain of her wound a dull throbbing, but it was not the only one she had now. The changelings fought like creatures possessed, uncaring of their lives and willing to throw them away.

The battle was going hard, with the horde pushing against the main line. The air was a chaotic mess, with untested officers now trying to lead their troops to a victory against a tough opponent. It would take strong hearts to see the day through, and the death toll would be high. Yet if every soldier had to give their life to keep this horde of love draining demons from pushing further into Equestria then it would be so. Luna herself was prepared to make that sacrifice.

Her blade swung out in an upper cut, and cutting a changeling in two clean halves. Luna soon found herself in a moments calm in the battle, and she took it to enter the sky and scan upon the battle. The humans fought with no formation or extensive unity, fighting almost in separate battle groups. It was a messy, and by the few sights of dead humans on the field, a costly way to make war. One human though seemed to be trying to maintain some order, directing his group to aid other groups that were being pushed back by the changelings. Luna looked from those humans and sought out Castus, and saw him with a group of his warriors.

The human was in the midst of a strong spell, which upon release created multiple loud booms of air that both made Luna cover her ears and have a slight ringing for several seconds, and sending changelings in the back ranks flying.

"Your highness, look!" A Pegasus shouted, pointing to the horizon.

Luna turned her head, and gasped in horror as she saw smoke rising from the horizon. She knew of only one settlement that lay in that direction, next to Canterlot. Ponyville was under attack!

Luna didn't waste time, diving down towards a group of her cavalry as they moved around at the flanks for a charge.

"Commander Gravel, a civilian target is under attack. Take your Knights Terra and go to aid the citizens." Luna shouted, pointing in the direction of the smoke.

The commander saluted and mounted his Clefthoof, as he shouted for his contingent of knights to follow him. They rode hard, but Luna feared that they would not arrive in time to prevent any damage. It was risky, but as a princess of Equestria it was her duty to protect her little ponies. She flew up and found an officer of the pegasi regiments, and sent a small unit towards Ponyville to support the Knights Terra unit, and try to head off whatever the changelings were doing until the knights could arrive.

A roar from the battlefield, brought Luna's attention back to the battle, and she felt her heart grow cold as she saw the large hulking forms of strange tusk like monstrosities of changelings plowing through the battlelines. These strange war beasts, perhaps as large as a two story cottage, willfully crushed changelings as they charged, before swinging their heavy tusks side to side as they plowed through her battle line, sending soldiers flying; or worse impaling them on its tusk spikes.

Luna drew upon her magic, and angled herself before launching forward like a bolt from a crossbow, sword angled toward the head of one of the changeling war beasts. She struck it, with a spray of green gore and blood following in her wake.

Human Forces - Main Battle

The battle was not going well, at least not as well as it could be. Castus was with Marcus group, using spells to aid his warriors in forgetting their exhaustion. It was a dangerous spell, for it did not truly take away the exhaustion the body was feeling, only made it easier to ignore. If he did it too much, let his warriors fight to long without falling back for rest, they would just drop over dead without any idea that they were working their body to death.

It was not a spell one did recklessly, or without consent among the troops, but this was a desperate battle and his warriors needed every advantage. Especially since they lacked any tactical advantage. Which was what Castus had feared.

His warriors had never engaged in a full military engagement, and given time, location, and ability he had never properly taught them how to fight as a whole unit. Each clan was split into groups of warriors, each fighting their own fronts; with only partial aid being given when it was able. It meant his warriors were beset on all sides, and at risk of being overrun.

All but the group he was in, Marcus' group. Marcus had seen the disorganization and had skillfully led his troops through the battle, sending his soldiers to aid the other clans when they needed the aid. Castus was impressed by the instinctive skill of his most trusted Huntmaster. He had joined up to give his own help, and tactical advise, as well as to give him time to rest after his spell work.

"Marcus, Theodric's group is being pushed hard by changeling elite warriors." Castus shouted to Marcus, as the Huntmaster pulled out from a battle of changelings.

Marcus nodded and shouted to some of his warriors in reserve, who moved to aid Theodrics warriors. Castus drew on the Wind, and with a spell ignited the steel blades of the warriors, causing them to burn with a bright hot flame along the blade and yet not melt. It took his warriors by surprise, but they adjusted at a nod from him. The true fear came from the changelings, as blades now both cut and burnt the wounds they made. Nothing made even the most ruthless of beasts fall back then watching its fellows being burnt alive by heated steel.

Marcus approached him, his armor covered in changeling gore of green blood, mixed among the cuts and wounds that leaked his own red blood. Castus did his best to attend to the more serious wounds, but he was tiring himself quickly. If he had other mages, he would send them up while he went back to rest; but he had no other mages. Just him, and this battle needed every advantage possible.

"They are too many. Can we even win this?" Marcus said to him, looking out to the battle.

Castus blinked, and looked out to the battle. He didn't want to admit it, but...he knew that Marcus was right. There was just too many changelings, for every one they killed two came to take its place. They were like ants, swarming over them till they finally managed to get their mandibles into them and rip them to pieces; or eat them from the inside out.

'I should not have watched that documentary.' Castus thought.

"Probably. Maybe. I don't know." Castus said, unable to lie to his friend. Not that he could, Marcus had a way of knowing when someone was lying that would make Applejack envious.

Marcus looked at him, then nodded, "What do we do?"

Castus bit his lip. That was a good question; what exactly did they do. In the documentary the ants usually always won.

'But these things aren't ants, there has to be something that we can do. But what?' Castus thought.

As Castus thought of a strategy, he thought he heard something over the roar of the battle. Turning his head, and using the Wind to aid in his hearing, Castus then heard what he thought he had.


Castus felt his eyes widen, and he turned toward the source of the voice. It couldn't have been...

...it was.


Castus saw the shy Pegasus mare flying toward him from the Equestrian ranks. If he had coffee he would have spat it out. He watched as Fluttershy approached, and nearly screamed in horror as several changelings broke from the battle above and dove towards her.

"Stay away from her!" He shouted, and wove threads of flame, sending forth Flame Seeker Arrows towards the changelings as they neared Fluttershy, and pierced through them before bursting their bodies into flames and dropping them to the ground.

Castus ran, meeting Fluttershy as she landed and threw his arms around her and held her close.

"C-Castus-" Fluttershy gasped.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Castus shouted, clutching Fluttershy tighter before letting her go.

Fluttershy seemed a bit flustered, fixing her mane before looking at him.

"I-I had to find you. Castus please, Ponyville is under attack. Look." She said and pointed toward the horizon.

"What?" Castus said and looked toward the direction Fluttershy pointed. In his horror he saw smoke rising, and all in the direction of where Ponyville would be if his geography of the location was correct.

"Valen!" Castus shouted to the young warrior.

Valen turned and rushed to him, "Fire Man?"

"Go down to the back rear and take a unit of archers, twenty at least. The equestrian village is under attack and I need you to go and give them support." Castus said.

"Fire Man, that would cut our ranged support in half." Marcus said.

"We don't have a choice. Our young and elderly are not far from that village, and are in danger." Castus said.

"What!?" Marcus shouted, his eyes widening in fear as he looked toward the smoke.

"I'll go." Valen said.

"Good go. Gather the archers, tell them it is by my command that they follow your lead and get back here. I will open a Waygate. Go! Now!" Castus shouted.

Valen nodded and rushed to the back ranks. Castus turned back to Fluttershy, and he grabbed her hoof and pulled her close.

"You stay with me. You understand?" He said to her.

Fluttershy looked at him, but nodded and moved closer to him, placing her hoofs on his shoulder.

Castus nodded and turned to the battle. He then focused his power onto the Spell Rings, deciding to use their prepared power and save his exhausted strength to open the Waygate for Valen when he came back. He thus used the prepared Flame Gust spells within the rings he had taken from Celestia's secret vault and ignited the air into swirling hell in the back ranks of the changelings.

He kept it up, exhausting the power of the Spell rings and the amulet he had, with the last dropping a razor shard storm of ice which tore anything in its path, far in the back of the changeling horde, to pieces and swiss cheese.

When Valen returned, with twenty archers, Castus turned to them and drew on the Wind, using the amplifiers, to open a Waygate.

"Go!" He shouted, and Valen and the archers rushed through the Waygate, which Castus closed when the last was through.

Castus didn't know if Valen and his warriors could do much, but it was all he could give. He just hoped it was enough.

For now, he needed to focus on the battle he fought, and try to win what he could only call an impossible fight.

He looked back to the Equestrian forces, and saw Luna in the air directing her forces. And then an idea came.

'She is an alicorn, only one, but one is all I need.' He thought.

"Marcus, see to the troops. I have a plan." He said.

Marcus nodded, and turned back to the battle. Castus took Fluttershy's hoof and she followed as he began running in the back ranks towards the Equestrians, and to Luna.

The Consort

The Consort smiled, a disturbing and animal smile to any other creature who saw it. Despite the small set backs, the battle went well. The Hive would soon surround and swarm over the human and Equestrian forces alike. It would be a great victory for the Hive, and cement once again his place by his Queens side.

But then something seemed wrong, and he felt an almost instinct to look up take over, He looked up towards the sky and to his horror saw something falling. The sky object fell with great speed, and was of a great size that seemed to grow larger as it grew closer to the ground. Flames surrounded it as he grew closer to the ranks of the Swarm and with an explosion and roar the sent him falling to the ground and causing a buzzing in his ears he knew that whatever it was had crashed to the ground.

The Consort laid upon the ground for a time, dizzy and disoriented. But he slowly stood back up, and quickly looked down toward the battlefield.

What he saw sent his blood into a rage.

A great hole, lay in rear of the Swarm, and nearly half of the entire force he could sense was dead. So many warriors, just cut down by something from the sky? The Consort roared, and he sent a mental order to his guards. He knew that it was the princess or the human magic user that was behind this. He would find both and slaughter them both personally for this embarrassment! To lose half of the Swarm, even if he attained victory the Queen would not be happy. It had taken three years of constant laying to build that Swarm and the Queen would not be happy to know all her pain and work had so easily been cut in half.

He would need to save face, and bringing the broken bodies of the culprits might save his position; and hopefully his life.

Author's Note:

I think I need to make a group concerning this universe, what do you think?

Kudos to Sipioc for the awesome art that now adorns my fic :). Who is awesome? You are awesome!

I know I have said it before, and I will keep saying it but we are almost done. I wanted to finish with this chapter, but there was a lot of point of views and things to tie up so I decided to cut it into two more chapters. Also....I love leaving you with intense cliffhangers out of sheer enjoyment :P I am so ebil*get the reference? Anyone?*

Also I just want to say, ants are freaky creatures. I saw that BBC Ants Attack documentary, and I gotta say nothing makes you creeped out then watching ants swarm over things and eat a crab from the inside. *shivers*

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