• Published 18th May 2015
  • 9,240 Views, 570 Comments

World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War - ShadowWalking18

Three years after fleeing Canterlot. Catus and his people soon find themselves in a war they are sorely unprepared for.

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Chapter 28 - Human/Pony: Peace's Price(Winters End 6)


Celestia took heavy breathes, her halberd acting as a pole on which she could keep herself upright as he legs were shaky and weak. Her long white gown was torn and ripped in many places, and the once pristine white was now stained with red and green. About her feet, lay the broken bodies of the changeling elite assassins; the green blood pooling upon the earth. But among the dead were also her loyal guards, cut down to the last. Celestia herself knew she had only secured victory by the tip of her hooves.

'These changelings were not like the others. These had been bred for this single purpose.' Celestia thought with some disgust. To bred life only for the sole purpose of having it take another? Even a changeling didn't deserve such an upbringing. It was something else to add to Chrysalis' list of crimes.

Celestia though let herself slide down the pole of her halberd, and took deep breathes as her legs finally felt like twelve ton weights. She just wanted to lie down and rest, but she knew that she could not. With a grit of her teeth, she clenched her halberd tight and used it to aid her up and walk towards the cave.

'I have to get to Luna. Then we need to get back to Canterlot. If the changelings infiltrated my guards, who knows where else they are.' She thought, worry for her sister coming at the forefront of all thoughts. Had she been attacked? Had changelings invaded her guards? Celestia had to see Luna, if just to reassure her of her sisters safety.

Leaving the cave, Celestia spread her wings, wincing slightly at the pain, and set up into the sky. She would need to fly fast in order to reach Luna. But before she could even get a higher altitude, her sights soon came upon a scene of horror. Smoke was rising from Ponyville, and as Celestia flew higher she caught sight of black chitin changelings swarming across the towns streets, and in its air space.

"NO!" Celestia shrieked, and ignoring all pain in her body or exhaustion she propelled herself towards the besieged town. Her worry replaced with anger.

Tightening her grip of her weapon, and feeling the sensation of magic building up in her horn, Celestia prepared herself to enter battle to defend her ponies. And to vaporize any changeling that got in her way.

The Princess of the Sun now flew to war. And her rage was that of the inferno.


"Send the third and fourth regiment to relieve the seventh and tenth. After that send orders to the air squadrons to put pressure on left flank sky space of the changeling hoard. Go now!" Luna commanded, the young Pegasus mare before her saluting and flying off.

Luna turned her attention now to the unicorns before her.

"Now, let us prepare the spell." Luna said.

"B-but P-princess Luna. Th-the c-c-components of th-this spell r-require at least th-thirty unicorns." One of the unicorns, Scholar Scroll, stuttered. The poor unicorn was not really combat material, and was only in the army due to his teacher serving a term in the military.

"And we are not even close to being strong enough." Another unicorn, a mare named Star Dancer, said.

Luna gritted her teeth, "I know that the requirements and I know you are not experienced, but I will be able to more then make up for it. As an Alicorn I have a greater reserve of magic then you can even dream of." Luna said, hoping to quell their protests.

Though even she wondered if they could pull this spell off. It was a high level spell, built especially for battle. And even with her own magic taking the front of the spell, Luna wondered if it would be enough. Power was not all that was required, but properly spinning and flowing the energies. That took skill that was built through time and practice and while she could try to take most of the burden herself, she questioned if her few mages would be up for the task.

'But we must do this. This spell could turn the tide of the battle.' Luna thought, looking towards the fight.

She would not admit it, but she felt that this was a battle they could not win. They could kill thousands of changelings, but the swarm would eventually overwhelm them. It was just a matter of time.

And so desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Princess Luna!"

Luna blinked, "that voice-" she knew that voice.

"Princess look out! Its the wanted criminal!" The other unicorn mare, Loresong, called out and pointed.

Luna turned, and saw that it was Castus, and surprisingly Fluttershy wrapped by one of his arms, approaching them.

Loresong, Star Dancer and Scholar Scroll both positioned themselves between her and Castus, and their horns glowed with magic.

"Wait!" Luna called, but the three unicorns were already attacking before the words left her lips.

Fortunately, if unfortunately for the three unicorns, Castus was not so easily over taken by three neophyte battle magi. The unicorns magic beams flew at him, and deflected into the ground as they collided with Castus Light Shield spell. Luna could feel the power of the Wind in him, filling his body. Even if she wanted too, she didn't think she could shield him from it.

But she wouldn't. For now, they were allies. Were they?

"Stand down you three." Luna called again, getting looks from the unicorns.

"B-but P-Princess-" Scholar stuttered.

"I said stand down. In case you have forgotten, the humans came to our side in this battle. We are allies.....for now." Luna said, looking at Castus with a hard look as she said the last part.

"For now, yes." Castus said, giving her an equal look.

"But how can we trust that murdering monster!" Star Dancer called, pointing at Castus.

"Please Princess Luna, Castus just wants to help." Fluttershy said, stepping up in front of Castus protectively.

Castus placed a hand on her shoulder, and pulled her back into his arm. Luna was surprised to see a slight smile on the shy Pegasus mare's lips.

But Luna put it aside and looked at Castus, "What is it you want?"

Castus looked at her, and then magi with her, "I'm guessing I disturbed a spell in the making?"

"Yes, we were about to begin the ritual when you arrived. If we wish to beat back the changelings we must act now." Luna said.

Castus nodded, "True. It will take a miracle for us to pull off a victory. But I know alicorns, and I know desperation. I can see it in you Luna. You were preparing a spell you didn't think would work well. And with three unicorn mages that frankly wouldn't give a baby trouble."

"Hey!" Star Dancer said.

Luna held up her hoof and silenced her, "And what is that too you?"

"Well I thought that instead of you possibly taking an unnecessary risk of a spell, we could try my own spell." Castus said.

Luna blinked, and looked at him critically, "What sort of spell is this?" She did not know much in the ways of the ancient Valhruan spells. But she knew that any of the higher spells would be powerful. But also devastating.

"It will wipe out a good chunk, maybe even half of the total changeling force. It might even buy us a chance at victory. Thing is, I can't do it alone," Castus said, "I need your help."

"Our help?" Luna said surprised.

"Yes. The amount of power required is far outside my ability to wield naturally. I could perform it alone, but I lack the proper Amplifiers to do such a task. And I don't think we have time to try and find one amongst that pile you have back in Canterlot." Castus said.

Luna felt slight anger at that, being reminded of the violation to her and her sisters private quarters by Castus not long ago. But she ignored it as he was right. They did not have much time.

'And if he thinks he can pull it off....' Luna thought.

It was risky. Dangerous. But as she had said, desperate times called for desperate measures.

"What do we need to do?" Luna asked.

"Princess you can't be serious!?" Loresong said in shock and disbelief.

"I do!" Luna commanded, "And we will all do as he instructs. Our lives and the lives of all of Equestria ride on our victory here. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve victory. Whatever it takes, do you understand?"

Loresong, Scholar and Star Dancer bit their lips, but all nodded.

"Good. Then draw on your magic, but don't form a spell. Simply hold the energies in your horns." Castus began.

Luna and the others did so, and Castus continued.

"Good. Now hold still, and try not to scream too much." Castus said.

"Wait, what!?" Luna said, but Luna suddenly felt as if her whole body was on fire, and yet chilling to the bone. Castus hands extended, as white beams of rope like tendrils went from his hands to her and the others horns.

"It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop!" Loresong shouted, pulling at her mane as she fell to the ground, "I can't let go! I can't let go!"

Luna saw that despite the obvious pain and distress Loresong was suffering, her horn still stayed surrounded by her magical aura. Whatever Castus was doing was preventing her from releasing the energies. What else it was doing, she couldn't even imagine.

The burning chilling pain, became hotter and colder at the same time in greater force, and Luna sucked in a breath before releasing it all as if she was struck in her solar plexus. She fell to her knees, and tried to fill her lungs with oxygen again.

"I'm freezing! I'm melting! What is this!?" Scholar Scroll shouted.

"Its him! It's him! Faust! What is this power!? How can he bear it!?" Star Dancer shouted.

Luna turned to Castus, and then realized that the same burning cold feeling she could feel in her body she could also feel in him. And its pain grew as Luna sensed him draw more and more on the Wind. His body was full of it, and growing further. But even more shocking was that she could feel it in her as well.

It was then that she realized that some how Castus was using her as a sort of container of the Wind, her own body being filled by its power in a way that hurt in a way she never felt pain could exist. And yet, as the burning chill grew ever greater it also began sending pulses of pure ecstacy across her body.

"Ahh! Aahhhh!" Luna now screamed, feeling as if in three parts pain, two part pleasure.

Was this the Wind? The power of Valhrua in the past? Faust and any other gods above, how had the human mages not been torn apart or gone mad from it? It was like dipping herself into molten magma, or water from the highest point in the north. As if her very being was being torn apart, and yet through it all she felt a greater sense of life and pleasure she never knew till now.

Luna felt her sight glaze a bit as she felt a sudden wave of intense heat shot across her spine and down toward her nethers. Blood rushed to her face as she realized what had happened, and she tried to focus her sight to distract from it. Castus was working his hands and arms in strange patterns as Luna saw the faint outline of multi hue colored tendrils play about him, stretching out into the air. Finally he extended his hand into the arm, and brought it down as he clenched his fist and within seconds the pure pain and pleasure vanished, and Castus fell to his knees as the Wind left his body, and with a sigh of relief; hers as well.

Luna gasped, taking in gulps of air as she then noticed a parting in the clouds, and high above, descending fast, a burning ball of fire.

"Cover your eyes!" Castus shouted, pulling Fluttershy to the ground and placing himself over her as he set his face down to the ground.

Luna turned, feel a slight shiver run across her body as she lifted her wings over her eyes.

The next few seconds were soon filled with a loud bang that sent her ears ringing, and the earth shaking.

Luna couldn't hear anything for a few moments, but she then felt somepony shaking her, and over time the muffled noise soon became voice.

-una! princess Luna! Get up!" The voice of Loresong said.

Luna folded her wings, looking up.


"Oh thank Faust. I thought he had killed you too." Loresong said, tears in her eyes.

Luna blinked, and caught a slight scent from Loresong. She blushed slightly realizing the same thing had happened to Loresong during whatever it was that Castus had done to them.

But then Loresongs words caught hold in her head, "Too? What do you mean?"

"S-Star Dancer...sh-she...." Loresong bit her lip, and pointed.

Luna turned her head, and saw Castus kneeling beside Star Dancer's body. The mares eyes were wide, in an almost crazed way. Her mouth hang agape, drool leaking out. Her body, occasionally jerked about, but her chest didn't rise and fall with the motion of breathing.

Castus slowly slid his hand down Star's eyes, and closed them. He looked at her, his head hung a bit and he shook his head.

'Oh Faust.' Luna thought with horror. She wanted to be angry, but her body felt exhausted to even feel that.

"Was it worth it?" She demanded, her voice hard despite her exhaustion.

Castus nodded, and pointed toward the battlefield.

Luna turned her head, and saw the armies had all been blown off their feet from the impact. Warriors, pony and human alike, staggered to their feet, as did changelings. Beyond the changeling front lines however, Luna saw the sight of a crater. A large, deep crater which would become a large lake at one point in the future. A crater that had once been filled with millions of changelings.

"Now! Drive them back!" Castus shouted, as he approached her on shakey legs and offered his hand.

Luna looked from the crater to his hand, and slowly took it and with Castus' help, stood up.

She lifted her sword, and using the Canterlot Royal Voice she shouted,

"Onward soldiers of Equestria! Too Victory!"

The cry to battle was responded too, as Equestrian forces charged the still dazed changelings and began cutting them down.

The humans also followed after, and the changeling hordes began back tracking as the two forces drove them back.

Luna felt a surge of relief and triumph at the sight. Now they had a chance.

The feeling was so intense, that it was only till the last second that she saw the large hulking figure of a powerfully built changeling descend from the sky with a crash.

The changeling was huge, and roared with a screech, smacking aside Loresong away with its arm, and striking her next.

Luna gasped as she was sent flying from the powerful blow, and hit the ground hard. She gritted her teeth and stood. The changeling roared and then went after Castus, who put himself between it and Fluttershy. The changelings massive arms became like two hammers and began pounding away at Castus Light Shield, which he seemed to struggle to keep up as he was pushed back, and sent to his knees.

Luna acted then, charging with her blade ready. The fight was not over yet.


Valen released the arrow, its metal tip piercing through the hard black skin of the changeling's back. The changeling hissed before falling forward, just before its strange blade like arms could claim the life of the weird cross eyed Pegasus pony and unicorn with her.

"Go! Run!" Valen shouted at them, and the two ponies ran off. Though Valen wasn't sure if it was because he said so, or if they were running from him and the other hunters with him.


Valen turned to see Caius run to him. Valen was glad to know that his friends clan had not been one to leave during the Schism. But that did not mean that Caius was friendly towards ponies. Valen had sometimes seen his old friend give him a dirty look when he spent time with Scootaloo or Tiara. Valen worried their friendship was strained, but for now they both stood as fellow warriors in battle.

And in this battle, it was unsure if either of them would walk away alive.

"Dareen and Korick see another group of changelings approaching from the southwest down that street. They are herding a bunch of ponies this way." Caius said.

"Set up the hunters at the entrance. Wait for the ponies to pass, then fire at the changelings. Tell Gromgar, Noren and Gelt to charge them after. Their hammers should squash any of the bugs flat."

Caius nodded and rushed to tell the hunters. Valen looked around into the sky and saw dozens of changelings flying above. Two descended on him, but his arrows brought them to the ground with a crash. He then rushed to join the other hunters in the ambush, as they all prepared their bows and waited behind bush and home.

As expected, a wave of ponies rushed past. Behind them, the changelings rushed after them. But as they reached the opening into the square, the hunters all turned and fired a volley of arrows into their ranks. Changelings fell, from the first and second, and their charge was momentarily halted by the surprise.

"Now!" Valen shouted, as the hunters parted and three of them charged, each of the hunter wielding a large hammer, and both each large for their age. The changelings eventually turned and ran, as their numbers were brought down, and crushed under the heavy weapons.

Valen turned to see the ponies still running, and this time safe. But in the group he had not found any of the two ponies he hoped more then anything to find.

Scootaloo and Tiara. He had looked hard for the two, but had not found them yet.

He could only hope they were safe.

"Lets go, move!" Valen called to the hunters, and they all moved out. They had moved off a ways, before suddenly from the paths between the houses, dozens of changelings appeared in front of and behind them.

Valen leveled his spear, as did the other hunters in a circle, shields up. Valen knew they would all fight bravely, but this ambush had them out numbered. It looked like it was the end.

Or so he thought until a purple beam blasted down from the sky, and sent the front changelings hurling, smashing into the houses with loud cracks or turned into burnt crisps.

"Yeeeaaaah!" A voice shouted, and Valen turned to see a rainbow streak crash into the rear group of changelings, followed by an orange and pink pony.

"Take this! And that!" a cyan, rainbow maned pony said, as a purple pony with a horn and wings landed at the ground, beside a white unicorn.

"You won't find Ponyville ponies easy pickings ye darn vermin!" The orange pony said.

"Weee! Hehehe! This is fun!" The pink pony said, as she strangely bounced about amongst the changelings, her hooves striking them about.

It took Valen a moment to recognize the ponies as the ones that had appeared during the talks between the Fire Man and the pony princess.

The changelings were quickly dispatched, and Valen and his hunters turned to look at the five ponies now before them.

"Whoa! What are you doing here?" The rainbow haired pony said.

"We are allies," Valen said quickly, not wanting a fight, "The Fire Man sent us."

"Whoa! He talks?" The rainbow pony said.

"Of course. The Fire Man taught me to speak your tongue. No time to explain now. Changelings still about, we need to fight back."

The purple wing and horned pony stepped up, "He's right Rainbow Dash. We need to focus on saving as many ponies as possible."

"Right." The pony Rainbow Dash said, saluting with a hoof to her head. The purple pony then turned to him.

"I assume this Fire Man you speak of is Castus?" The purple pony said.

"Yes. We are here to help." Valen said.

The purple pony nodded, "Fine. I'm Twilight Sparkle. If you want to help, follow us."

Valen nodded, "Hunters, with them."

The hunters nodded, and they and the ponies began moving down the streets. Another horde of changelings appeared, and Valen and the hunters roared as they charged into close combat. Twilight and the other unicorn using their pony magic, as the orange pony, Rainbow Dash and the pink pony joined them in the fight.

"Princess Twilight!" A pony called when the last of the changelings was brought low.

Valen turned and saw a pony with a purple mane, wearing a gold necklace about her neck approach. Followed by a male pony with brown coat and black colored mane.

"Tiara! Have you seen my Tiara! She was at the spa, and now I can't find her! You have to find her!" The mare said.

Valen turned to her immediately, eyes wide.

"Where is the spa?" He said immediately.

The mare and stallion looked at him then and gasped, "Princess! What are these savages here!? Destroy them quickly!"

"Where is the spa?" Valen demanded again.

"Down that street there and to the left." The white pony with purple mane said.

Valen nodded and ran down the street shouting, "Caius. You lead. I will be back shortly."

"Valen wait!" Caius called, but Valen ignored him as he ran with all his worth.

He took the turn as instructed, and saw a wide large building before him. Was it the spa? He didn't know, but it was in the direction told, and he saw changelings breaking down the door.

Valen roared as he ran, drawing his bow and firing arrows before tossing his bow aside and drawing his sword as he closed in. It was perhaps foolish to engage what was perhaps ten changelings alone, but Valen ignored the danger as he fought his way into the building.

"Tiara! Tiara!" He called, dodging a changeling blade and stabbing its heart.

"Help!" A voice shouted, a voice Valen recognized.

"Tiara!" Valen called, and her charged through a door into a hall. He saw a door and it led into a wide room with a strange pool of water. Near the water, was Tiara and a bunch of other pony mares, with only clothes wrapped around their chests and manes. They were cornered by a number of changelings that slowly approached them.

"Valen!" Tiara shouted, seeing him.

Valen roared and charged the changelings, taking the first by surprise and cutting it down quickly. The others were not so easy, and their numbers and speed hard pressed Valen to fight. He ignored the pain of blade arms cutting him, and he pushed himself to cut down each changeling he saw.

Diving aside from a slash, Valen countered with a stab, before bringing his hide shield up to protect himself from an attack to the left. He felt a blade arm bite into his side, and another across his shoulder, but he kept up his attack till he cut down the last changeling. He gasped for air, as the feeling of battle dulled the pain he felt in his body. He brought a hand to his side, and felt warm blood on his hand. He looked at his shoulder and saw it red as well. But neither seemed serious.

"Valen!" Tiara shouted, and rushed to him. Before he could react, she threw her hooves around him and pressed her lips to his. Valen had to step back to catch himself, and bring his arms up to catch Tiara slightly. His weapons falling to the ground forgotten as his eyes widened from the sudden kiss.

For a moment, Valen forgot what was really happening. He also caught the faintest smell of berries coming from Tiara's mane, which was new. And he also realized now that she was right next to him in only strange fuzzy like cloth wrapped about her form, clinging to every curve and shape.

It was only till a crash of wood from beyond the room that Valen remembered he was in a warzone and he pushed Tiara back, still feeling the warm feel of her lips on his, grabbed up his sword and turned and rushed to the door, peering outside then back to Tiara and the ponies.

"Follow me. Stay close. We leave now." He said, getting gasps from the ponies.

"It can talk?" One said.

"We can't go out like this!" A pony called.

Valen blinked, then blushed we he remembered that perhaps yes the ponies were indeed a bit.....underdressed. He quickly looked away and said, "Uh...w-where are....your clothes?"

"In the changing room down the hall." Tiara said.

Valen turned, and jumped as from the roof, four changelings appeared into the hall and hissed.

"Forget clothes! Run now!" He shouted and jumped into the hall to block the path. Luckily it seems the ponies heard the commotion and Valen turned just a moment to see them and Tiara rushing out. Valen then followed, fighting back the changelings in the cramped hall.

Valen parried aside a strike, kicked the changeling back. He then brought his shield up to block another blow, and stepped to the side to avoid a stab toward his gut. But with force, one changeling charged and plowed right into him, slamming him up against the wall. Its mouth snapped and snarled at him as it tried to bring its sharp teeth to his neck. The breath smelled horrible, and Valen struggled to push it back.

The changeling snapped its mouth again, and Valen felt its teeth graze his neck, and then new pain as its blade arm sank into his arm. He screamed in pain, and brought a hand to the beasts chest to push away. In his struggle then felt a sudden new searing pain in the back of his head that washed over is whole body and then great exhaustion as the changelings body went stiff, and then slumped into him lose and lifeless.

Valen also went limp a bit as his legs gave out, and his arm weakly pushed the changeling off of him. He grunted as he felt its blade arm slide out of his arm, and he looked down to see that it had pierced through the shield into the lower part of his arm above his hand. It hurt, but he found that he could still use his hand. But what confused him most, was the smoking hole that was now in the changelings chest.

And where were the others? Valen looked up and saw a number of smoking holes in the walls, and floor, but also in the changelings that now lay dead, holes in their chests as well.

Valen didn't give it much thought now though, as he struggled to his feet, picking up his sword and staggered out to follow Tiara. He joined her and the other ponies outside. Tiara saw him and rushed to him, one hoof on the cloth around her body tightly.

"Valen, what happened you look so pale." She said, placing a hoof to his face.

Valen didn't say anything, only looking at her silently. Though Tiara only seemed to grow worried from this silence and finally he said, "I-I'm fine. We need to get you out of the town. Now."

Tiara nodded, and Valen directed them towards a path out of the town that he and his hunters had set up for other ponies to flee. The path was mostly clear, and as they reached the edge Valen stopped, and turned to go back.

"Valen, where are you going?" Tiara called, grabbing his hand.

"My hunters are still fighting. I need to find them. Keep running to the woods. You should be able to hide there. Go." Valen said, and pushing her back.

Tiara looked at him with a worried look, but Valen gave her a look telling her this was not something he would falter on and she nodded and ran to join the other ponies, pointing to the woods.

Once they were a safe distance, Valen took a deep breath and ran back into town. The exhaustion in his body was starting to fade a bit, but he still felt as if he was wearing stones on his arms and legs. But he forced himself to keep going, that was until six changelings jumped out and down from behind and above the houses and surrounded him.

"Ah look, little monkey all alone." One hissed and chuckled.

Valen held his shield up, turning so to not have his back turned to a changeling for more then a second. The changelings all laughed and closed in.

"Valen! Duck!"

Valen turned, as did the changelings, and Valen was glad for the heaviness of his legs as he dropped and a large wooden cart flew just inches over him and plowing into the changelings. Valen got back up, as the cart crashed into a strange water filled stone circle, someone screaming and then a splash. The changelings either crushed between the cart and the stone, or left lying on the ground; their bodies mangled from the impact.

Valen blinked and moved toward the water stone circle, and saw a familiar figure pulling herself out of the water, her mane and clothes wet.

"Whoa! What a ride. You okay?" Scootaloo asked, as she stepped out of the water and shook herself dry.

Sadly for Valen, her shaking sent the water at him and he was left dripping and wet.

"Oh...oops." Scootaloo said.

"Scootaloo," Valen said, ignoring it," How...what....You're okay!" He said, and pulled her into a hug.

"Ah hey, I just got dry." Scootaloo complained, but Valen felt her hooves wrap around him.

"Geez, come on, somepony might see." She said, letting him go, and Valen did the same.

"I tried to find you. Are you okay?" Valen asked.

"I-" Scootaloo began, till another voice called out.


"Oh geez, I'm okay mom." Scootaloo then said, stepping in front of Valen and looking toward the path her cart weapon had come from.

Valen turned and saw two ponies approaching. One a unicorn and the other a pony that made him take in a sharp breath as memories of a terrible event came back. She didn't have a helmet on, and her armor was tattered and broken in places. But Valen recognized her for the same pony.

The same pony that had nearly killed him once after he had killed Scootaloo's father. A pony that had been in the locket Scootaloo's father had of his family.

The pony also recognized him, and she pushed the unicorn back and shouted, "Scootaloo get away from that monster! Now!" And with that the mare hefted up a large hammer and rushed forward.

"Auntie wait!" Scootaloo called, but the pony pushed her aside, and Valen jumped back, almost tripping over himself as the pony's hammer came down hard near where he had once been. But the pony was faster and not weighed down by exhaustion, and she tackled him back to the water in the circle and Valen felt his head going under the water and hooves grabbing at his neck. He struggled, grabbing at the hooves to pry them off his neck and get his head out of the water. But the grip was iron tight, and a knee to his gut forced his mouth and what little air he had open and out.

Valen felt for sure he was going to die then and there, until the hooves released his neck and Valen brought himself up with a loud gasp and coughing fit as he tried to breath in air and get the water out as well.

"Scootaloo, what are you doing!? Get off! Ouch!" The pony shouted, trying to pull Scootaloo off her back as she bit down on her shoulder, and yanked on her mane.

"Scootaloo dear get off of her!" The other pony called, trying to pull her off.

"Valen, run. Just run!" Scootaloo called, as she stopped biting, "I'll be fine. Just go!"

Valen didn't waste time, coughing and running. Only just remembering as he turned a corner that he had forgotten his sword. But he wasn't going to go back for it. He just ran.


Once Valen was well away, Scootaloo released her grip on her aunt Flying Brick. Her mother looked at with a confused and shocked expression, and when her aunt turned her gaze to her, Scootaoo winced deeply at seeing the mixture of confusion and anger seeming ready to bubble over.

"Scootaloo, why did you do that!?" Aunt Flying Brick said, "Do you have any idea of what that monster even did!? He murdered your father! Took him away from us!"

Scootaloo's mother gasped, and Scootaloo winced again, and felt the wound in hear heart from that knowledge open again. She bit her lip as she looked down and said, "I know."

"Then why did you attack me like that? Why did you stop me from killing him!? Why?!" Flying Brick shouted.

Scootaloo bit her lip harder, drawing blood as she shook. She knew the answer, a number of answers, but could she tell her mother? Her aunt? They would flip.

"Scooty dear. Please....why?" Scootaloo heard her mother say, her voice soft, trembling slightly, but firm. She wanted an answer as well.

Scootaloo clenched her eyes tight before opening them and saying, "Because killing him won't bring dad back. And even if it did, then someone else would lose someone they care about. Valen has friends. He has family. What do they do if you kill him? All killing him will do is just cause more pain."

Scootaloo's mom and aunt looked at her with wide eyes, her aunts mouth slightly agap. Scootaloo steeled herself for the next words she would say, as they would be the most difficult.

"And because....because...." She started, clenching her hooves tight, "Because Valen saved my life. He kept me safe when I was a prisoner. He protected me, and even he feels regret for what he did. And because....I love him."

"What!?" Her aunt shouted, and Scootaloo gasped as she felt her lift her up by her hooves and look at her with wide, hurt, and angry eyes.

"FB!" Her mother gasped, placing a hoof on her aunt's shoulder.

Her aunt looked at her hard, before setting her down and pushing her into her mothers arms.

"Go. Get out of here. The path is clear. I have to return to the fight." Her aunt said, before looking at her, "How could you betray your own father like that?"

Scootaloo felt an intense pain in her heart in those words, but her aunt was already rushing off, in the path in which Valen had gone. She wanted to go after her, knowing in her heart what she was going to do, but her mother's grip was tight as she pulled her along.

Her mother did not say anything, but a look at her eyes told Scootaloo even she was pained by her words. It was to be expected.

They turned a corner, and in the distance, past a row of burning buildings, Scootaloo saw Equestrian soldiers leading another group of Ponies away from the town. Her mother pulled her along to join them when pieces of one of the burning homes began falling over them.

"Mother! Look out!" Scootaloo shouted, and pushed her mother forward past the line of impact of the falling debris as she jumped back and covered her head. She heard the pound of the burning rubble falling and landing, and once it was done she looked up. Her first sight was of her mother standing up, just barely made out past the burning rubble.

"Scootaloo, are you okay!?" Her mother shouted, worried.

"I'm fine!" She shouted back, and noted that the house rubble had made a blockage to her path.

"Dear, if you go down that street you can get across. Hurry! I will meet you there." Her mother shouted, pointing down a road.

Scootaloo looked in the direction her mother pointed, seeing a clear path to go around. But then she looked back, in the direction of her aunts path.

"Scootaloo, hurry!" Her mother shouted again.

Scootaloo clenched her hooves, and looked to her mother.

"I'm sorry mom. But I have to stop her. I have to stop the chain." She said, before turning and running after her aunt.

"Scootaloo! No! Come back! Come back!" Her mother shouted, but was lost as Scootaloo grew further away.


Luna felt her self slam into Castus, as the giant Changeling tossed her into him. They both landed into the ground with impact, and luna felt pain in her wings with the sensation of bone snapping. Her left hoof was also neatly broken, and she was sure she was suffering some form of concussion. Blood running down her left eye made it difficult to see out of it, and her wounds from her attempted assassination had reopened.

Castus did not look any good either. Blood ran down the side of his face, and nose looked broken. One of his legs looked bent in a way it was not meant to go. But they both grunted and worked to stand, with Castus using her for balance.

"Castus, Princess Luna. I ..oh dear, oh dear." Fluttershy said, rushing to them from the side.

"Shy, get out of here." Castus said, coughing.

"Yes, you must flee. Before," Luna coughed and spat out some blood, "before that monster harms you."

Fluttershy looked from them to the changeling, who slowly approached them with its arms shifted into a sharp blade and the other a heavy bludgeon. Fluttershy gave a shiver, but stood firm and stepped in front of them, hooves out.

"No, I won't leave you two. I...I will fight." She said, her voice firm.

Fluttershy stood firm, even as the massive changeling stood before her. But as it raised its arms to deliver a blow, it stopped and seemed, confused for a moment. Then, to her shock it stepped back. Flutteshy took a step forward, and the changeling stepped back.

Luna was sure that Fluttershy was doing her famous Stare, and for a moment she felt sure it would drive this monster of a changeling back.

Or so she thought, until with a roar and a shake of its head, it swung its blundeon arm about and struck Fluttershy, sending her flying to the side.

"NO!" Castus shouted, and Luna found herself shoved aside as Castus stepped forward, a blast of fire firing from a swing of his hand and staggering the changeling back as it tore through its side. It hissed in pain, but another bolt followed. Then another. Then to her surprise a hammer of flame the size of a tree appeared in Castus hand, which he swung with wrath, and despite its burning substance, Luna heard the sound of impact.

The changeling roared as it fell back from a blow, and Castus stepped forward, hammer lifted, before he shuddered and fell to the ground as he placed weight upon his injured leg, and the hammer of fire vanished in a puff. Castus caught his fall with his hands, but he soon vomited upon the ground and his arms gave out and he was left laying upon the ground in a puddle of his own vomit.

Luna felt the Wind leave Castus body, and knew that he must have passed out. Or pushed himself too hard and killed himself. But she could not worry as she struggled up, and went to his defense as the giant changeling stood and walked towards him. Despite her bravery, the changeling's arm shifted to a claw and snatched her up before brutally slamming her into the ground.

Luna coughed, and looked up as she grabbed the changelings claw and stared up as it lifted its other arm, now in the form of a giant spiked mace; ready to slam it down upon her and Castus both.

Luna struggled, but her injuries and exhaustion from the spell that Castus had weaved, made any fight impossible. She looked up at her possible death, and instinct took control as she fired one last spell. The spell took the changeling by surprise, forcing it to let go and step back as a bright blue orb shot to the sky, and exploded like a flare.

"Sister...." Luna said, before falling into the void of unconsciousness.


Valen clutched the knife in his hand tightly. It wasn't exactly a perfect weapon, even with its iron blade. He would have preferred the blade he had before, but he did not want to risk fighting Scootaloo's family just to retrieve a blade. His arrows were all used up, and a changeling had smashed his bow; but he still had his shield. Besides the sword had been an Equestrian blade, this knife had been made for him by Arvak , one of the first smiths of the clans. There was a certain feeling of pride in holding such a weapon made by his kind.

Valen ducked behind a building and waited as a two changelings rushed past his position. He had had to avoid combat when he could, only attacking in ambush. At least till he reunited with his hunters. He just hoped they were okay.

He was nearing where they had last been, but had to take several different paths due to collapsed buildings or too many changelings. He had also had to go around one battle between pony and changeling forces. But now he had a clear path, and he could only hope they had not gone far, and if they had had left a clue.

Once his path was clear, Valen turned and ran down the path. He ran faster when he heard the sound of battle, and as he turned a corner, he saw his hunters and the ponies Twilight and her friends, along with a number of other pony warriors, engaging in battle with a group of Changelings. But what shook him to his core, was the sight of a number of his hunters laying dead on the ground.

Howling a war cry, Valen charged into the battle, leaping at the exposed back of a changeling and plowing it into the ground as he stabbed at it with his knife, the blade slowly being coated green. He then rolled off of it and swung his shield to take a changeling across the head and knocking it off its feet.


Valen ducked as a sword swung past him, striking across a changeling coming at him from behind. He turned to see Caius, pulling the blade from the now dead changeling, and gave him a nod.

"Where is your sword?" Caius asked, looking at him with confusion.

"I....lost it." Valen said, not sure how to best answer.

"Lost it? No matter. We need to move. When you left another group of changelings attacked. The winged horn pony helped with her strange pony magic, but I lost four hunters in the fighting and more are coming. You need to talk to that wing horned pony. She seems to not understand that we need to go. And that group of ponies keeps yelling something." Caius said.

Valen frowned, hearing the loss of hunters, but nodded, "Right. Get the hunters ready. We leave with or without them."

Caius nodded and ran to a group of hunters finishing off a changeling. Valen turned to the ponies, seeing still Twilight and her friends. And that same group of ponies before, the two most prominent were, if he was correct now, Tiara's parents.

“Twilight.” Valen said, approaching. Twilight turned from the conversation with Tiara’s parents, who looked at him with a mixture of surprise and disgust.

“It’s you?” Twilight said in surprise.

“Yes,” Valen said, “Now we must go. More changelings come and my hunters have lost too many. We need to leave and get out of town if we want to survive before more changelings come.”

“I know, but-“ Twilight started, but soon Tiara’s mother interrupted.

“Princess Twilight, will you stop talking to this….thing, and focus on finding my daughter!” She shouted, looking frantic.

Valen directed a glare, making the pony step back before saying, “Your daughter is safe. She and others have already gotten out of town. Now get off your butts and move!”

Twilight looked at him with surprise, and Tiara’s parents, surprise and shock. But before anything else could be said, Valen felt a rumbling beneath his feet and as he jumped back, two black blades closed about where he had been standing. Twilight flew up, and her horn glowed to push Tiara’s parents back as more such blades shot from the ground and following them, changelings.

Around them, more changelings burst from the ground. They hissed, and Valen saw that they were surrounded. Slowly, he and his hunters, Twilight and her friends, and the pony citizens soon were slowly encircled by the changelings, and by the numbers Valen did not think they would not last long in a fight. But perhaps some sort of providence was on their side, for not a few moments as the changelings moved in for the kill, beams of bright shining light shot down from the sky, and each changeling soon became blacker, if that was possible, and also much more crispy; before falling over dead.

Valen looked up to the sky, and he had to cover his eyes as a bright ball of light slowly descended. All around him others, human and pony alike, looked up with shielded eyes as slowly the light descended and stood at the center of them all. As it faded, Valen saw a figure stand before them all. Dressed in white, though stained now with red and green, and with a long flowing mane of strange multi hued aurora like color, and she was a pony. Another winged and horned pony, only she stood taller than him by a few inches. Though no doubt at eye length with Hunt Master Theodric.

But the most striking part of this pony was the air of authority she seemed to radiate. Valen had only ever felt such an air from the Fire Man himself. But he could not gaze for long before he felt a sudden pressure upon his body as a golden aura surrounded his body and slammed him into the ground. He saw his hunters too were also dragged down, and his eyes looked at the regal wing horned pony, whose horn was now glowing gold as well.

"Twilight, are you all alright? is anypony hurt? And why are these humans here?" The white wing horned pony said.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight called, running over, "We are okay. These humans helped us."

"What?" Princess Celestia said, and Valen stared right at her as she looked down at him and his hunters. Celestia seemed to think for a moment before her horn stopped glowing, and Valen felt the pressure on his body fade away. With a grunt, he and the rest of his hunters stood back up and moved to stand by each other.

Princess Celestia looked at them, "Forgive me, but I am curious of why?"

"The bug ponies are dangerous to us as well as you. They wounded our Huntmasters, and tried to kill the Fire Man," Valen said, looking at this Princess Celestia with some unease, "The Fire Man knows that if we want to survive we need to beat them, and if that means joining sides with you ponies then we will."

"I see. Then thank you. But the situation is handled now. The changelings in town have either run off now, or been slain. The army forces of Equestria are establishing control again. This battle is over." Celestia said, exhaustion becoming apparent now.

"The main battle is still being fought. Both our forces still fight the main changeling horde." Valen said.

"Look!" A hunter shouted behind them.

Valen turned, and looked up at the sky where the hunter was pointing, and he stared in shock as a flaming ball tore down from the sky in the distance, and slammed into the horizon of where the main battle was fought. The impact of whatever it was, sent a blinding light up and near deafening roar, that Valen had to cover his eyes and look away from, and tried to cover his ears.

When Valen looked up, his vision was a bit blurry. The light from that ball of fire from the sky had momentarily blinded him partially. And the roar had been enough to make his hearing a bit fuzzy. He rubbed at his ears, trying to clear away the fuzzy and as he did so, he thought for a moment he could hear the sound of screaming.

"Die you murdering bastard!"

Valen turned his head and he saw the fast moving head of a large hammer swinging straight for him. Impulse came to play, and he brought the shield on his arm up, but the blunt force of the impact sent shock running up his arm, and a pain of breaking bones as he sent flying off his feet and to the ground, sliding across it.

"Die!" Scootaloo's aunt shouted as she charged, hammer raised to slam down on his chest and crush his ribs and body.

The world seemed to slow down, and Valen felt as if things got a clearer view. He saw Twilight and Celestia, both still disoriented from the ball of fire from above, their horns just starting to glow. His hunters moved to intercept, but she plowed right through them, slamming them aside with one of her hooves while she kept her hammer lifted with the other. Valen got a feeling of lifting himself up as he got a closer look into the eyes of Scoot's Aunt. The hatred in her eyes seemed wild, and without control. Valen recognized it in the same look the Outcast Clans had.

Valen knew watched as his assured death came close. He knew that if that hammer connected, it would crush his bones with ease. Like a rock on bone, like how he and the hunters had crushed the bones of the Hoofbeast with boulders. But what took him by surprised the most, was the sight of Scootaloo rushing from the side toward him. Eyes wide with fear.

"Auntie stop!" She shouted, and Valen felt her body slam into his and push him away from his original position.

Valen watched in horror as the hammer blow, once meant for him, now struck across Scootaloo's body. It sent her flying, her body falling towards him and he caught her in his arms, looking down in sheer panic. She was limp, and out of fear he placed his fingers to her neck.

A pulse. He felt relief, but then white hot anger. Scootaloo now lay in his arms, body no doubt broken in ways he couldn't understand, by that blow. By her own aunt! He felt his anger building as he looked up at the now pony magic glow surrounded pony. Scootaloo's aunt stood still, body unmoving and unable to move. But her eyes were wide with horror, locked on Scootaloo.

"Oh Faust no." She gasped.

"Twilight, see to the child." Celestia said, stepping up. Twilight nodded and ran over. Valen didn't want to let her go, but knew that he couldn't do anything. He gently placed Scootaloo on the ground, and watched for a time as Twilights horn glow surrounded Scootaloo's body.

"Can you heal her?" He asked, fist tight that he could feel his nails biting into his palm. It was all he could do to not rush over and strangle Scootaloo's aunt; but in his heart he knew that would not solve anything. Except maybe make him feel better.

"I can try. There isn't a lot of magical healing spells, we need to get her to a doctor. But I can at least help her recovery." Twilight said, voice slightly uncertain.

Valen didn't feel comfortable with that. Pony magic could not heal? The Fire Man had been able to heal others; though he had said he was not the best at it. Still, if she could do anything he would have to accept it. As Twilight worked, the rainbow maned pony and Twilights other friends all came over. The rainbow maned pony seemed especially distraught as she kneeled besides Scootaloo.

"Hey come on squirt. You can't give out on me, I still gotta teach you to fly." The rainbow maned pony said.

He looked back to Scootaloo's aunt, who now was no longer held by pony magic, but on her knees before Celestia, and seemed to be crying as she tried to speak.

He could not hear what she said as his hunters came up to him.

"Valen are you well? Your arm!" Caius asked.

Valen looked at his arm, the one that had taken the blow of the hammer with his shield. It was then he noted that the arm was not fully straight, and he then felt the pain as he realized that his arm was broken and his mind was now apparent of the injury. He gritted his teeth as he gripped the bicep of his arm and clenched it tight to fight off the pain.

"She attacked you!" A hunter said, pointing toward Scootaloo's aunt.

"Enough," Valen said, "I'm fine. Just, agh, banged up. As for her....there are reasons. But those are mine to deal with."

None of his hunters looked convinced, but nodded. One of the hunters, a young student of a clan healer named Adel, came up and said, "We need to bind the arm. Take the shield off."

Valen nodded, and with some effort and help of Caius, he managed to get the shield off his broken arm and he sat down as Adel knelt down and opened a pack at his belt. Taking out some wrapping and a piece of wood which he broke in two he then passed a thick leather cord to him, which Valen took and bit down hard.

"Hold him still. This should help till the Fire Man can heal it properly." Adel said.

Valen only looked away and bit the cord harder as two hunters gripped him and his arm to hold it still. He had seen some clan healers set straight broken bones when the Fire Man was among the other clans. It had looked painful, and he had promised himself to never have to feel that sort of pain.

It was as painful as he thought, as he felt Adel work to set the bone straight. He screamed, muffled by the cord which he bit further, before finally he felt Adel tying the splints around his arm. He felt the cord fall out of his mouth as he took deep breathes of air and wiped away at the tears in his eyes with his good arm.

"It will do. Try not to damage it further." Adel said, finishing the last tie.

"Trust me. This is the last thing I want to do again." Valen said, sucking in another breath as he stood up.

"Look!" Caius called out, pointing to the sky again.

'What now?' Valen thought, looking up to the sky with hesitation. Another fire ball? He didn't think his ears could handle another.

It was another light, and again over the area of the main battle. But this light was not of fire, but just a bright like. Like a star. Valen didn't recognize it as anything important. But it seemed that Celestia did.

"Luna!" Celestia gasped, and before anything could be asked, she shot from the ground and was soon flying off toward the light.

"Where is she going?" One of Twilight's friends said. A pink pony.

"That is where the changeling army is." The blue rainbow maned pony said.

"I don't know. But I don't think Princess Celestia would fly so fast if it was good." Twilight said, focusing again on Scootaloo. Her horn finally stopped glowing and she carefully picked the girl up. Valen could see heavy bruises appearing on her body, but she seemed to be breathing easier.

"Rainbow Dash, take Scootaloo to the hospital. The rest of you go with her and see to your families." Twilight said.

"But what about you sugarcube?" The orange pony said.

Twilight didn't look sure but she looked toward the shining light in the sky, "I don't know what that light means. But if its bad, then as a princess of Equestria I have to do my part to help. Whatever the problem is. Go, I will be fine. Scootaloo needs a doctor now. I did what I could, but she needs proper medical attention."

Valen could see Rainbow Dash looked conflicted as she held Scootaloo in her arms. But she nodded and took to the sky. Twilight's friends looked at her, but all nodded and followed after Rainbow Dash.

Valen watched them go, and a part of him wanted to follow. To stay near Scootaloo. But a part of him told that, whatever that light meant, he needed to go to it. This pony town was safe, but the war was still being fought.

"Take us." He said to Twilight.

Twilight looked at him in surprise, "What?"

"My people fight the bug ponies still. If you go to join the battle, we want to join you." He said.

"Their changelings not, never mind." Twilight began with a sigh, "Fine. I can take you there. Just don't move too much okay."

Valen nodded and he called his hunters to get close as Twilight's horn glowed. It took all his will to not panic when he saw a strange circle of light and strange symbols surround them all, and he had to shout at his hunters to keep still as they were soon surrounded by a deep flash of light. Valen felt as if his whole body was being twisted about, before the flash finally faded and he feel to his knees onto the grassy field and hurled up his stomach. Around him his hunters were all doing the same.

"Sorry. I guess that was the first time you were teleported." Twilight said, stepping back a bit.

Valen groaned, wiping at his mouth as he stood. He looked about and saw that they stood on a hill overlooking the battle. He saw the changeling horde, and his and the pony army in battle. But what surprised him was the giant hole that stretched far in the back of the changeling horde. It was a good surprise, as whatever had caused it had cut the changeling forces nearly in half.

'Was it that fire ball?' Valen thought. It seemed to make sense.

"Valen! The Fire Man is in danger!" A hunter called.

"Fluttershy! Princess Luna!" Twilight shouted.

Valen turned toward and saw not far from the hill was the Fire Man, a yellow and pink maned winged pony, and another horn and winged pony, with midnight coat and hair that reminded Valen of a night sky. And, standing above these three with a huge arm shaped like a spiked ball, stood perhaps the largest changeling that Valen had ever seen.

"Hunters! Charge!" Valen shouted, and even though he lacked a weapon, he ran to the aid of the Fire Man. His hunters all shouted and roared and ran with him.

"Valen! Here!" Caius called, tossing him a sword. Valen caught it and shouted his war cry as he charged the changeling.

From the sky, a streak of white fell and Valen saw Celestia once more, standing between the changeling and its almost victims. In her hooves she held a golden weapon that reminded Valen of a spear, but the blade was longer and angled down the shaft some. With strength that Valen hadn't expected, Celestia pushed back against the changing and sent it skidding on its feet across the ground.

It roared, and waved a claw and from the sky, fell several changelings. The changelings all charged at Celestia, but he and his hunters met them half way and joined the battle. Valen directed three hunters to drag the Fire Man and the two ponies away. While he and the rest fought. Celestia joined the battle, even as the large changeling rejoined, charging to meet her. And above them, Twlight joined as she cast beams of magic at changelings that dove down at them from the sky.

The Consort

The consort roared with rage as he swung his pommel arm, striking one of his minions and three humans. He felt their bodies be impaled on the skies, and with a quick reshaping of the arm he flung them at others. He sent out commands to more changelings to arrive as he closed the distance with the cursed Celestia. He would cement his position for eternity with both Equestrian princesses and the human leader.

He was somewhat angered that his assassins had failed both times, but it was obvious that they had at least weakened Celestia. Her movements were slow, and by the lack of magical attacks, it was clear she was exhausted magically. It would make the battle easier. He struck hard and fast, his weapon arms moving to cut and strike his prey.

Despite the exhaustion, Celestia proved her experience in blocking his attacks and making repose attacks in kind. The Consort hissed in pain as he felt the halberd bite across his chitin, even breaking it and cutting into his flesh beneath. But he had learned and focused his development in his younger days to ignore pain in battle. He shrugged off the blows and kept up his assault.

The sudden arrival of the new princess was a surprise, and so he had to direct dozens of fliers to keep her busy in the air; least she turn her magic on him. And the humans, while not a threat, had been surprising. This whole battle had given him too many surprises.

He did not like surprises.

It was then in the battle he saw his chance, as Celestia's step took a slight stumble, and with quick speed he swung a hammer fist across her body and sent her flying to the ground.


From above, the new equestrian princess now dove toward him, beams of magic blasting at him. The Consort had to move quick to dodge, but one took him across the chest and sent him to the ground. He felt searing pain and saw smoke rising from a slight home in his chitin. Luckily it had not penetrated deep, and he roared as he stood up and struck three humans that attempted to attack him while he was down.

It was in this then that the new equestrian princess learned the foolishness of her hasty attack as she was brought down to the ground by a tackling flier. The Consort sent a command to not kill her, as he would save that honor for himself. The changeling obeyed the psychic command and merely pinned the princess down, biting her shoulder to inject some venom into her system. It would keep her paralyzed for a time. Time enough to finish the job.

Now all that remained were the humans, but he could leave that to his warriors as he turned toward Celestia. The sun princess groaned as she tried to stand, but the Consort kicked her and then planted his foot onto her chest to pin her down.

"Now Celestia. Die knowing your lands belong to the Hive!" He said with a laugh as he raised an arm, shaping it into a blade. He would make a clean cut, so as to not damage her head. It would be his gift to his queen.

As he prepared to make the blow, he then felt a stabbing pain in his side and he staggered back, kicking at the source of the pain. One of his claws went to his side, and came back with green blood. His blood.

The Consort snarled, and looked to the creature that had so dared wound him. it must have stabbed into a damage in his chitin. It was a human! A furless monkey! Worse, the consort saw it had a splint about its arm, and only a blade.

'A wounded primate dare injury me!' The consort thought with pure hatred and outrage.

"You have caused me pain. And I do not like that." The Consort said, and began to approach the human, giving a hard kick to Celestia's head to keep her down.

He would kill her later. This was a personal matter now, one he was going to correct.

The human stood, rubbing his chest, and looked at him with defiance. The Consort growled at this posture, and with a quick dash he closed the gap and swung hard with his blade arm. The human blocked, the force of his blade arm easily cut through the steel of the humans sword, and severed it near the hilt. The humans eyes widened with shock, and the Consort only smiled as he kicked the human back and to the ground.

The Consort could have easily killed the pesky human, but the injury to his person was too great a crime. No. He would make this human die slowly. Painfully.

"I'll crush the life from your very skull." He said, grabbing the human's head in his claw and began to slowly tighten his grip. He watched with glee, waiting for the moment when the humans skull would crack, and then break like an egg.

The human's screams made it all the more enjoyable.


Valen screamed in pain as he felt the massive changelings claw tighten about his head. He could feel his head feeling crushed under the slow tightening grip. He knew that if he didn't get out of this grip, he would die in a most painful way. He kicked at the changeling and hit at its arm, but it was like hitting a rock.

'No! No! Not like this! I don't want to die like this!' He thought, hitting hard with the hilt of his broken blade. If he had a weapon he could perhaps get free. Cut the arm off. Or something.

He just needed a weapon!

'I don't want to die!' He felt his mind scream, and in that scream he found new pain.

But in that pain, new life.

A burning feeling of power seemed to feel his body, and as his eyes snapped open in the midst of the sudden burning feeling of pain and ecstasy of pleasure all mixed into one, he saw that the hilt of his broken blade now heled a bright blue burning blade of light and fire.

Without thinking, he brought the blade up and like a hot knife through butter, it cut through the changelings black armor like skin and severed its arm at the elbow.

The pain in his head vanished, as the severed arm released his head and fell lifeless on the ground. Valen hit the ground with a grunt, and found the pain in his head was just a pale fuzzy sense in comprehison to the pain feeling his body. And yet he did not want to lose that pain.

He looked at the burning blade of his sword with wonder and confusion. And then looked around him, wonder filling his mind as everything around him looked so much more....lively. Colorful. He could practically taste the sweetness in the air.

He then remembered where he was, and refocused on the changeling. It howled in pain, arm gripping the stump of its severed limb. Looking to where he felt its heart was, Valen stood up and with a scream, he stabbed his sword into the changelings chest.

The blade tore through its chest and burst out the other side. The changeling went stiff, before blue flames and light burst from its eyes and mouth. It screamed before falling to the ground as Valen tore the blade out from the side, tearing a wide open gash into the changelings body, and sending gore about the grass.

Then a new scream came to his senses. it was amazingly clear, clearer then Valen thought a noise could be. He turned and saw the changelings about him had stopped attacking his hunters, and now either gripped their heads in pain as they screamed, or swung their arms about wildly as they ran around. And even more shocking, turning on each other and ripping each other apart.

Valen watched it all, before finally the searing pain in his body seemed to vanish and he gasped as if being drained of air. The flaming light of his blade vanished, and Valen soon felt as if his whole body was filled with rocks. He fell to the ground, and stared up at the sky, as his vision went black.

But even as his vision faded, and his hearing seemed to go fuzzy, he did hear one thing.

A gentle ringing of tiny bells. Just dancing across his hearing in the wind.

Across the field of battle, the changeling hordes fell back. The united armies of humanity and Equestrian driving them off, back to the tunnels which they appeared from. Though victory had been won, there were no cheers, or cries of victory.

What joy could be found in victory, when all across the field of war, the bodies of the dead stretched as far as the eye could see. And where the once green grass, now shone red with blood.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. New Years. School, and then I got sick. All made it hard to focus and write.

I think maybe I should change the last chapters name. What do you think?

Epilouge after, then we are finished. Tie up loose ends and set the stage for the next fic.

Sorry it took so long, but this needed lots of thought.

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