• Published 16th May 2015
  • 26,490 Views, 555 Comments

A Displaced Dragon - Prince_Zodiac

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villan in videogame histroy. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land?

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Chapter Ten: A New Friend

Chapter Ten: A New Friend

{Jeffery's/Spiderman's POV}

I am sitting in my chair, thinking about what is going to happen in my world since I meet two different displaced after being dragged to their worlds. Celestia barely trusts me as far as she can throw me, so who knows when she will snap. I am grateful I only have to worry about cannon foes, like the changelings, Sombra,Tirek, and maybe a few weaker no name foes.

I am grateful I don't have to worry about Spiderman's rogues gallery coming after me. Right as the thoughts go through my brain I regret it instantly. Since, I have most likely jinxed myself to a foe from the gallery to show up, minus kmVenom since he is an ally, but Carnage is still a possibility and the whole annoying as hell clone saga could happen, or worse I meet an alternate self that is from an equestria where I'm dead and it’s basically ultimate spider man.

I then hear a portal open and something hit the ground behind me. I look and see out from my portal machine came a stone tablet with weird writing all over it. I pick it up and on the front side is a weird alphabet and on the back is a message, “Greetings, my name is Dan, or preferably, Alduiin. I am a displaced and if you ever need my help, me and my two children will be happy to help, as long as you are on the side of the ponies, or, if you are against them, but for a very, and I mean VERY, good reason.

A Displaced, well we don't need help at the moment, but we could end the the changeling threat early or at least get them to try a more peaceful method of getting food.’ Said Hybrid as one entity at the moment.

I say, "Agreed. We also do need other friends to talk with. Hell maybe he's friends with our friend Lee or Jason. If my memory is correct Alduiin is huge so going outside would be best in order to summon him."

With that I head out with Hybrid hidden inside of me to keep stealth. Once outside in everfree forest and a safe distance from our base of operations I then wonder how in the name of Doctor Steven Strange the Sorcerer Supreme am I going to use this thing to summon Alduiin. Suddenly, the words on the tablet spell out “Alduiin, I require your help.”

Once I notice that I say, "Alduiin, I would like to ask for your assistance please...if you're not too busy." The words on the tablet then spell, “Eh, close enough,” and a portal opens.

{Dan’s POV}

The party in Ponyville was going great! There was laughing and dancing and games! It was the best party that I had ever seen Pinkie throw! Suddenly, Plague and Amnesia came up to me.

Dad?” Plague asked.

“Yes Plague?” I asked back.

Some guy named Jeffery is asking for our help,” Amnesia said. “He’s a displaced, I think.

“Alright then,” I said. “Attention everypony!” I shouted to get the crowd’s attention. “Another being like me has requested the help of me and the twins, we will return soon.” Everypony just nodded and continued on with the party.

“Alright,” I said, “lets go.” The twins nodded, then merged with me and a portal opened below us. We fell in and soon arrived in another world.

{Displaced Spider world}

{Third POV}

Alduiin came out of the portal Jeffery had opened. Alduiin landed on the ground with a thud, then looked at Jeffery. Jeffery was slightly amazed at how big Alduiin actually was in real life. Alduiin then spoke.

“You called Jeffery?” Alduiin asked.

“Yes I, wait, how do you know my name?” Jeffery asked.

“My children found out who you were when you summoned me,” Alduiin replied.

“Your children?” Jeffery asked.

“Indeed,” Alduiin replied. “Come on out kids so I can introduce you two.” When Alduiin said this, black webs suddenly appeared on his body. The webs then began to gather in two separate spots on his body and turn into blobs of slime. One was black, but as you looked towards its outline, it started turning green. The same was happening for the other one, but this one was purple. Eventually the blobs hopped off, and turned into two baby versions of Alduiin, but they had Venom’s eyes. Once they were fully formed Alduiin spoke again.

“Jeffery, these are my two children, Plague and Amnesia,” Alduiin said.

Hello,” said Alduiin’s son, Plague.

Hi,” said Alduiin’s daughter, Amnesia.

Jeffery was about to reply when Hybrid spoke in his mind. ‘Are they, symbiotes?’ Jeffery then took a closer look, then realized that they were in fact symbiotes in the form of dragons!

“Wow, are they symbiotes?” Jeffery asked just to be sure. Alduiin nodded. “Wow,” Jeffery said. “Well, as you already know, my name is Jeffery, and I want you all to meet Hybrid!” As soon as Jeffery said this, Hybrid slipped off of Jeffery’s body, and formed their own.

Hello,” Hybrid said. Alduiin and the twins were surprised at this, but then Alduiin asked.

“Wait, he’s a symbiote too, did you get him from Lee?”

“Yea,” said Jeffery. “Wait, you know Lee?”

“Indeed we do, and if you got Hybrid from Lee, that means,” Alduiin started.

Cousin!” the twins cried with happiness. They then tackled Hybrid and were laughing the whole time. Hybrid was laughing too.

H-Hold on you two,” Hybrid said still laughing. “It’s great for us to find out that we have new cousins too.

"Well Alduiin the reason I called you was because I want to prevent an event from happening and also get rid of a foe that may or may not have just gotten free," Jeffery said letting Hybrid have his fun since it's a rare occurrence that a Klyntar is laughing and looking happy when not doing something violent. Alduiin was smiling at his children as they continued to laugh happily at the news of having a new cousin. He then turned to Jeffery.

“What event?” Alduiin asked.

"The changelings invasion of canterlot," said Jeffery. Alduiin took a moment to think on it.

“Will it be dangerous?” he asked.

“Nothing we can’t handle,” Jeffery said with a smile. Alduiin smiled back.

“Very well, what do we need to do?”

"Well it has come to my attention that the changelings are masters of hiding and they may already be ready to strike at Canterlot since I have no perception of time when I jump to help other Displaced. I think we should go to canterlot now...in stealth to make sure the invasion isn't going down" said Jeffery

“Right,” Alduiin said. “Hop on, we can get to Canterlot faster if I fly us there.” Jeffery hops onto Alduiin’s back. The twins fuse with Alduiin again in stealth mode, and Hybrid does the same with Jeffery. Alduiin then takes off, and heads towards Canterlot, using a shout to become ethereal and invisible to any sight, magic or otherwise.

In a few hours, they manage to arrive in Canterlot, and they both see that the wedding is already taking place.

“I’m going to find Twilight,” Jeffery says. “Come in when you think the time is right.” Alduiin nods at this and Jeffery jumps off. At first, Jeffery wonders how he’s going to find Twilight, then he hears Alduiin use another shout, a four worded one, and a portal opens up. Jeffery shrugs, then dives head first into the portal.

{Jeffery’s POV}

‘Gotta find them, gotta find them, gotta find them,’ I think as I race through the crystal catacombs.

Don’t worry, we’ll find them’ Hybrid says in my head. Suddenly, I hear singing off to my right. Found them. I rush to the source of the music, and I can see Cadence and Twilight. I also see three bridesmaids coming towards them. I shoot them with my webs and tie them to a wall. Cadence and Twilight look at me, surprised. Twilight’s about to say something, but I stop her.

“No time,” I say. “I’ll explain later. Right now, we need to stop Chrysalis.” They nod and we bolt out of the catacombs and down the hall. I break down the door and yell.

“STOP!” I cried. Everypony turns to look at me.

“Jeffery, what is the meaning of this?” Celestia asks me.

“That’s not Cadence,” I say pointing at the fake. “She is.” I then gesture to the real Cadence coming down the hall with Twilight. Everypony gasps, and turns to look at the fake.

“I-I don’t know what he’s talking about,” the fake says. “He’s obviously lying, I mean he’s a creature from another world, he could have just-”

DO NOT LIE CHRYSALIS!” says a booming voice. Suddenly, Alduiin breaks through the glass just above them, and lands right behind me. Everypony looks at him, terrified. He glares at the fake Cadence, then uses a shout that gets rid of her disguise. She looks around shocked, then she looks at Alduiin, and smirks.

“I don’t know how you managed to destroy my disguise, but it matters not,” Chrysalis says. “The sheild surrounding the city is already heavily damaged, and now my children will break it!” The moment she says that, a large crashing sound is heard, and I can see the shield outside has broken. Changelings start to flood into the city. Chrysalis laughs, then flies out to meet her children. I turn to Twilight.

“Twilight!” I say. “You and your friends need to get the elements right now! Alduiin and I will hold off the changelings for as long as we can!” Twilight nods, and she, as well as the rest of her friends, run off towards the elements.

Is it go time?’ Hybrid asks in my head.

I nod and say, “It’s go time.” Hybrid goes out of stealth mode and fully fuses with me. We hop out the window and start kicking ass. As I web up, punch, kick, and throw changelings, I can see Alduiin breathing fire on them, using shouts, biting them, and tail-whipping them. This goes on for awhile, and I start to think we might win, until Chrysalis flies up in front of us.

{Third POV}

Alduiin and Jeffery/Hybrid look to Chrysalis as she flies up into the air. She looks at both of them, and starts to laugh.

“AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” She laughs. “My, my, I have to say, you two are pretty powerful. I didn’t actually think that I would have to use my secret weapon.” As she says this, a pack of changelings appear, carrying a giant pod. The pod starts pulsing, almost like it’s alive. Chrysalis laughs again.

“Now, you all must be wondering what this is right?” she asks. “Well, I think you like meeting my finest child yet. He’ll certainly enjoy meeting his newest meal. Boys, I want you to meet, the Changeling Dragon!” The pod then began to crack, and then it broke open. A giant dragon flew out, bellowing in rage. It was a giant black dragon, with the eyes of a changeling, and holes were on random parts of it’s body, especially on its four legs. It’s wings were different too, because where there would normally be leather for the wings so the dragon could fly, the stuff the makes up the wings of a bug were there in it’s place. The beast charged at Alduiin, and slammed into him, taking them both out of the sky. Jeffery tried to follow, but Chrysalis shot a beam of magic at him. Jeffery turned to her, and started web-slinging.

Back on the ground, Alduiin shoved the Changeling Dragon off of him. The two dragons stood, glaring at each other, then they charged. Alduiin blasted the Changeling Dragon with fire, but it shot back with its own green fire. The dragons clashed, and bit at eachother. They butted heads, and shot fire again, then roared in anger at eachother.

“I am Alduiin, the king of the dragons, and you dare defy me?” Alduiin asked furiously. The Changeling Dragon just roared in response. Alduiin closed his eyes and used his power to look into the mental state of the dragon. He saw that the dragon had no will of its own, it was born to serve the changelings and do nothing else. Now Alduiin understood why this dragon sided with the changelings. It was forced to. He opened his eyes, only to see the dragon charging him. Alduiin used the unrelenting force shout and blew the dragon back. He took to the skies and blasted the dragon with fire, then turned to leave so he could deal with Chrysalis. However, the Changeling dragon wasn’t done yet, as it too, took to the skies. It then tackled Alduiin from behind and bit his neck while also blasting him with fire. It made Aduiin crash head first into Canterlot castle. It then turned over and started to beat Alduiin viciously.

Daddy!” Plague cried from inside Alduiin’s mind.

No!” Amnesia cried afterwards, also from inside Alduiin’s head. Alduiin wanted to reply to his children, but the Changeling Dragon was beating him so badly that he couldn’t get a word out. Eventually, Alduiin went unconscious, and the dragon stopped. It turned away, and went to help Chrysalis. The twins unfused from Alduiin and started to shake him.

Daddy?” Plague asked worriedly. “Daddy!

Daddy, please wake up,” Amnesia said. Alduiin however, did not reply. The twins began to think he was dead, and they began to cry.

“Aw, did someone hurt your daddy?” The twins looked up, It was Chrysalis.

Y-You killed him!” Plague cried.

“Well, he was ruining my plans,” Chrysalis said. “It was the only fitting punishment.”

Y-You killed him,” Amnesia said. “So now, we’re going to kill you.” Chrysalis was a little surprised at their words, but she became even more so when the twins started to turn into black blobs with outlines that were their respective colors. The two blobs formed together into one blob, and then started to grow. It grew and grew till it was the size of Alduiin, then it began taking shape. After a couple seconds, it became what appeared to be Alduiin, but it had two heads, two tails, and its scales were black. It opened its red eyes and looked straight at Chrysalis. It then spoke.

WE ARE EPIDEMIC!” It shouted. “YOU HAVE KILLED ONE WHO IS CLOSE TO US! FOR THAT, YOU MUST PAY!” Epidemic then leaped at Chrysalis, and bit at her. It caught her in its jaws and flew up. It bit down on her, hard, before it threw her as hard as it could at the Changeling Dragon, which was currently fighting Jeffery.

{Jeffery’s POV}

This was really annoying. As I was fighting Chrysalis, her huge ass dragon had come up and started fighting me, letting Chrysalis escape. I could only assume that either one, Alduiin was dealing with other changelings, or two, he was unconscious. The dragon was about to breath fire down onto me, when suddenly it got slammed in the chest by Chrysalis, and they both flew into the mountainside.

Is Chrysalis helping us?’ Hybrid asked in my mind.

“I don’t think so, look,” I replied, pointing to where they had crashed. When the dust cleared, I could see that the Changeling dragon had already got itself off of the mountainside. Chrysalis was standing on top of it, and she looked bad. She was covered in her own green blood, and her face was twisted with pain. I then heard a massive roar, and looked toward its source. A black, two headed Alduiin was flying towards us at high speeds. It blasted the Changeling Dragon with blood red fire, then slammed it back into the mountain side. It started to rip apart the dragon, and soon the Changeling Dragon had a huge gash across its underside, with its innards sticking out. It, was dead. The new dragon let the Changeling Dragon drop, then it caught Chrysalis in its mouth. It bit down, then threw her at Canterlot castle. When she hit the ground, she made a little crater. The new dragon then charged down at her, but I jumped in front of her.

“STOP!” I yelled. The new dragon stopped and looked at me.

OUT OF OUR WAY JEFFERY!” It shouted. It’s voice sounded like the voices of the twins, speaking at the same time. I then realized, it was the twins. “SHE KILLED OUR FATHER!” I looked to where Alduiin was.

He’s not dead, just unconscious.’ Hybrid said.

“No he’s not,” I yelled at the twin’s new form. “He’s just unconscious.” The twins then looked to Alduiin, who was beginning to stir. The twins then separated.

Daddy!” they cried as they rushed over to him.

I relax and realized that during this whole thing I could have used my Iron Spider suit. I then shrug and just follow the energetic twins.

Those two when merged can be scary. Also, we should keep these three as allies,since the inheritors are bound to come after you since you do fall under the spider totem area.'

I roll my eyes at my symbiote's comment. As I finally arrive at Alduiin's body, "Man he is in bad shape." I commented off handedly.

"Shut up!" The twins said in unison.

"I was just saying." I said flately

Alduiin groans as he sits up right. Once fully upright he said, "He’s right,” Alduiin said. “That dragon did a number on me. Guess I shouldn’t have turned my back on him.”

"Well hindsight is 20/20" I then clap my hands together and say, "Well we saved canterlot from the changelings...kinda, we did more damage in this then the cannon of the TV show. So maybe us intervening might have been a bad idea. I'm not sure if I have enough stuff to patch you up."

"Perhaps, but too late to do anything about it now," said Alduiin “Besides, one of the main reasons we did this was to make everypony see you as more of a hero then before. And don’t worry about patching me up, I have a shout that can fix this.”

"I guess it worked, but I can guarantee Celestia will not want to see my masked face for a while since that fight destroyed a good part of her castle." I said as I let Hybrid take over.

"It was also a great cardio workout and a chance to see our cousins or would it be brother and sister since we are both spawn of Lee aka Venom...hmm. Nevermind that, it doesn't feel right in relation to any sense of normal continuity that the multiverse record keepers use.” Hybrid said.

I then smirk under my black mask and under the face of the Hybrid since my perception of reality is rubbing off on Hybrid. We then look to the trio from a different displaced verse to see if they’re as confused as a normal person would be. Alduiin looks completely unphased since it would appear as if he understood what we said. The twins look like they did not understand what we said at all.

(Elsewhere with Celestia)

Celestia's eyes are twitching since the damage done to canterlot is an insane amount. It’ll most likely cost billions of gold bits to repair all of the damage and hundreds of thousands in pony hours in labor. Spiderman is so going to be paying for this for an eternity by being stoned or something much worse. Probably the later since she wants to give him a chance at living in this new modern Equestria and since he also did help save the wedding. Yes, she would probably make pay for the damage, or make him repair it all, by himself. Yes, something like that would do just fine.

(Back with the ones who really matter.)

"Alduiin I don't recall if I did this yet, but I would like to give you a copy of my token,” I said. “The reason being is if you ever need me you can call me up on speed dial. Also, my other allies that you don't know of are on there. Ok it's just one since you know Lee already. That other Displaced I know of is Ironman, aka Jacob. I'm not sure if the numbers will work when you call them, but hey its good to know if your meeting a friend of your friend." I then go into my belt to search for my token to give it to one of the twins since Alduiin would snap it like a matchstick, whether by sheer bulk weight down on it, or by strength being too much for it to handle.

After a bit of searching I pull out my token from my utility belt and toss it to one of the twins. I did this so who ever gets it first can't blame me or Hybrid on favoritism or something like that. Plague catches it. It splits into two, and he hands the new one to Amnesia. They both absorb my token, then their eyes shimmer.

Okay, your token is officially added to our store of tokens,” Plague said trying to sound smart. I chuckle, finding it funny.

What so funny?” he asks.

“Nothing, I think that’ll be all since I can Tierk handle on my own and inheritors have not yet shown their ugly mugs around here and the empire hasn’t appeared yet,” I said. “Just remember you can call me for help anytime as long as I'm not with another person."

Alduiin nodded at this. A portal then opened up behind him and the twins. We said our goodbyes then the twins fused with Alduiin before jumping into the void. I sighed and was about to head home when I heard Princess Sunbutt shouting my name.

‘Oh no,’ I thought.

‘Should we run?’ Hybrid asked in my mind.

“Yes, running would be good,” I said, then bolted towards the Everfree forest and towards home.

Author's Note:

This chapter was a crossover between me and Dragon363 and his story Displaced Spider.

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