• Published 16th May 2015
  • 26,490 Views, 555 Comments

A Displaced Dragon - Prince_Zodiac

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villan in videogame histroy. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land?

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Chapter Thirty Five: RAGE

Chapter Thirty Five: RAGE

GRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRHHHH!!!” The giant red bipedal dragon roared, completely enraged. Ruby and the others stared in horror at the towering beast as it bellowed into the sky, filling the air with noise. The draconic monster looked out at the surrounding area before roaring once more, and then leveled its arm cannon at Ponyville. A massive shot of magical energy fired out into the center of town, building up into a ball before it exploded, the blast causing the very earth to rise up into a huge pillar of fire, a good section of it getting destroyed in the process. It roared once more and began stomping towards the town.

Sapphire and Lyric were shaking at the sight of their father, refusing to believe that anything they were seeing was true. Sapphire snapped out of her delusions and pulled out the RYNO 2 and aimed it at the back of Rage’s body. She pulled the trigger and multiple energy rockets were fired at the huge dragon-robot hybrid.

The blasts caused Rage to grunt in annoyance as he turned his attention towards the group and away from the damaged town of Ponyville. He leveled his cannon at the group and began to build up energy.

Ruby held up her hand and created a large red shield around the group as the blast was fired. The blast didn't make it through the shield but caused it to shatter on impact. Ruby gasped in pain as her magic was destroyed so suddenly.

Zane ran up to get and began pumping Nanotech into her body, healing her wounds. Lyric just fell on his rear as he watched his monster possessed father approaching with a bloodlust so deadly it made his skin crawl from even a mile away.

Sapphire and Ruby looked to each other and nodded, bring out their RYNO's and firing at the beast approaching. ”It's ok to shoot him! The damage won't affect Dad, only Epidemic!” Ruby yelled as she aimed for the head.

Rage charged the group, fire burning from his body as he sped towards them at an alarming rate. Most of the group were able just barely dodge except for Thane who ended up on the opposite end of a large burning steel foot, sending him flying into a mountain taking heavy damage. The group spread out and fired from multiple directions to distract Rage, who instinctively targeted the last person to attack him, but with the amount of attacks taking place he couldn't decide on a target.

His anger rose and he glowed a violent red, the ground shaking as his energy built up. He then released the energy in a huge blast that blew everyone away, damaging them as well as knocking the squad members of Phoenix offline, leaving Ruby, Sapphire and Lyric to deal with the threat.

Rage bellowed out in anger once more before setting his sights on Sapphire. Slightly remembering that she was related to the being that had given Rage so much anger, he attacked her first. He brought up his arm cannon and prepared to fire a blast that would have most definitely killed her had Ruby not intervened. She shot a blast of magic at the arm cannon, causing it to slightly shift to the left and barely miss Sapphire. Glaring at the one that messed up his attack, Rage let out another monstrous roar before aiming at her and firing. Ruby was just barely able to escape the blast radius of the giant beam that was fired outwards, taking a large section of the Everfree with it. Immediately she knew, one shot from this thing, and she could die.

”I need to find a weak point. There has to be some way for me to hurt him.” Ruby kept up her offence by blasting him with more magic. These attacks did fuck all to Rage, and mainly kept his focus on her. He raised his arm cannon again and fired. Ruby was once again barely able to dodge. Seeing that a lot of his powerful attacks were range based, the best strategy would be to get up close and personal.

Oh how wrong she was.

When she flew close to Rage, he would attempt to grab her, most likely to drain her of her power before he killed her. She dodged all of his swips, ensuring that her energy wasn’t stolen, as she tried to come up with some idea in order to beat Rage.

’Let me see. So he has Dad’s skill with ranged weapons, and Epidemic’s skill in close combat and magic.’ She thought over her predicament. ’I've certainly got my work cut out for me.’

‘Ruby, can you hear me?’ A voice spoke to her.

She stopped and her eyes widened in surprise. ”Symbol? Is that you?” She asked in surprise.

‘Yes, it is. I can't help but notice that you are trying to stick to MY fighting style when I had told you to use your own, and I have already instructed you on what to do in an event like this.’ The voice said with a hint of sarcasm. ‘I thought I taught you a few things that would allow you to win something like this, especially against Epidemic.’

Ruby barely dodged a large claw trying to grab her before she blasted it with magic. ”It's a little hard to get those techniques ready at the moment!”

‘You're forgetting that you aren't alone, there is your siblings and then there is Metal, start using that magnificent brain of yours and show me that my time on you wasn't wasted.’ Her teacher told her.

Ruby nodded and looked back to Sapphire, not happy to put her sister in danger but knew what had to be done. ”Sapphire! I need you to distract him for awhile!” Looking around she had saw that Lyric had disappeared, probably scared out of his mind.

Sapphire nodded and aimed the RYNO 2 at her possessed father. ”HEY!!!BIG FAT AND UGLY, OVER HERE!!!” She yelled before firing a small wave at him, causing him to turn his attention towards her. ”YOU DONT WANNA KEEP A GIRL WAITING DO YA?!?! HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!!!” She exclaimed in a mixture of rage, anger, joy and excitement.

Rage gave out another roar and began to fire rapid blasts at Sapphire who was too quick and agile to be hit, able to dodge much easier than her sister even while holding the RYNO.

As the attention was now off of her, Ruby pulled back and stood still, closing her eyes and relaxing herself.

She held one hand out and slowly raised it into the air, focusing a small fraction of her life force into the palm of her hand. ”Here we go…” As she focused her magic onto the piece of life force a small ball of light formed above her palm that began to grow and form the shape of a four pointed star before locking itself in the shape and turning into a red gem which she held in her hand. ”Reality Star...lend us your power.”

The gem glowed and was absorbed into Ruby's body, her power rising as the Stars energy began to become one with her own. With her power rising, she looked to see that Rage had returned his attention back to her, his eyes having a slight tinge of blue before they returned to normal. Ruby could only assume that her rising energy had attracted the Psychotic portion of Rage’s mind. She had power, power that he wanted.

Ruby was confident that she was more than a match for Rage now. She was proven horribly wrong when Rage charged at her with blinding speed, fire once again coating his body. She just barely dodged the attack and looked at Rage in shock.

’How in the hell does something that big move that fast?’ Ruby didn’t have time to think for an answer as Rage aimed his arm cannon at her before firing. Ruby dodged and fired her own attack. It hit Rage in the face, causing him to roar in pain. Now that she knew she could hurt him, Ruby fired off another attack. Rage however was ready for it this time, as he countered it with a blast of flame from his mouth. Ruby fired off more attacks, but Rage kept blocking them. Growing tired of this little game of theirs, Ruby rushed, summoned two blades of purple fire, and stabbed them right into Rage’s side. He roared in pain once again, his glare intensifying. He fired more shots from his arm cannon, but Ruby managed to dodged. She then flew away, putting quite the amount of distance between her, and Rage.

”Hope this works!” She then flew at Rage at high speeds, surrounding her body in purple fire. Rage tried to stop her, but every attack he sent her way was avoided. She kept increasing her speed, getting faster, and faster, and faster, until…

GRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRHHHH!!!” She went right through him. Rage had froze, a clean hole in his chest, creating a sizeable smoke cloud. He then slowly fell back, and collapsed. Ruby smirked as she threw up her arms in triumph.

”WHOO! That’s right! Nobody messes with my family bub!” She did a mini victory dance. failing to see something moving in the giant dust cloud. From the massive plume of smoke, came something big, and it was blood red. The massive object knocked her out of the sky and onto the ground. After a couple seconds, she slowly sat up to see what hit her.

Her eyes widened in shock. There before her, she saw Rage getting up, the hole in his chest repairing itself, and a massive blood red scythe in his right hand.

The weapon was huge! It was as big as Rage was, and definitely added to his terrifying appearance.

GRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRHHHH!!!” Rage roared into the sky, clearly ready for round two.


Huh? What happened?

Where are we?’ Plague and Amnesia woke up with huge headaches. They looked around the red emptiness that surrounded them, wondering where they were, and how they had gotten there. They were both in these weird, transparent orbs, both being held in the talons of a blood red two headed dragon, which looked exactly like Epidemic did when he went full dragon. They banged on the orbs, hoping to somehow break them, but it was all in vain. The two looked around and finally noticed three figures way in the distance. “Help!

We appreciate it if someone could get us out of here!

Hello?” Their calls landed on deaf ears, as the three figures didn’t seem to notice them. They looked around once more, trying to figure out what on earth had happened to them.

Suddenly, the strange world around them shook, and a monstrous roar broke through the silence. The Twins covered their ears at the deafening sound, desperately trying to find the source. Soon though, the roaring stopped.

What was that?” Amnesia shrugged, not knowing the answer. They looked around once more, trying to find any clue as to what they were doing there, or how to get out.

That’s when they saw him.

Far below Plague and Amnesia, was a giant robot in chains. It was big and blocky, had a cannon for a left arm, and a big orange oval which they assumed was its eye. The Twins slightly recognized this mechanism, but from where they were not sure.

Where have I seen him before?

I don’t know, but I get the feeling that Epidemic wouldn’t like him.” Then it hit her. “Of course!


He was the guy Epidemic was fighting when we went into that other universe!

Really? Weird. Well what’s he doing here? Last thing I remember, he and Epidemic were fighting!

Do you think Epidemic won?

I don’t know. Last thing I remember was Epidemic getting hit with this giant magical blast, before splitting back up into us.

Yeah, and then we went unconscious and woke up here.

So then that means that this place is...” The Twins froze as they looked at each other.

Oh no.” Plague and Amnesia, now knowing they were in their mindscape, look out to see what was happening. They saw that Epidemic was in some strange new form, and was fighting Ruby, another person Epidemic was fighting before. Ruby was clearly struggling and if that was any indication, then this battle wouldn’t last much longer.

We need to do something!

But what?” Plague thought for a moment before smiling as an idea hit him. “I got it! We just need to get that guy to either find the strength to break free or get this strange fusion weak enough so that we can forcefully separate it!

It’s better than anything I can come up with.

Plague nodded and took in a deep breath. “Wake up!

The robot seemed to move slightly in response but only by a few millimetres.

You have to wake up mister! You have to stop this!

He head seemed to jut slightly.

If you don't wake up then those people will die!

This got a bigger reaction out of the robot who hunched a little as it tug on its chains slightly.

You have to save them! Please! Don't let our brother do this! Stop him from killing everyone!

The robot tugged slightly harder. “S-Stop...fr-from...killing…” It spoke in a whispered voice. It tried to pull further but started panting and eventually gave up, falling limp in the chains.

The fusion’s hold is too strong! We need it to be weaker, we can't give him the motivation.”

Just as they were about to try to call out to him again they stopped as they heard a voice from the outside. ”DAD!!!” They both looked through Rages eyes and saw that Sapphire was standing in front of Ruby with her arms spread out defensively. ”DAD, PLEASE, STOP THIS!!!

They both looked down to the robot that had steadied itself again. “S...S-Sa...Sapphire?”


It was reaching the robot, but it wasn't giving him enough strength, Rage needed to be weakened, the fight still had to go on.

Ruby grabbed Sapphire and jumped to the right, avoiding a huge blast of fire. The two noticed that after Sapphire had called out to her father Rage had reacted, the orange eye on his chest flickered purple for a split second before returning to orange. Nodding to each other they both pulled out their RYNO 2s and broke off in different directions. Ruby charged her gun with the energy of the Reality Star, turning it red and causing red smoke to seep out of the many mussels on the end of the weapon. Sapphire took out her Tesla Claw and thought for a moment before smiling. She rapidly began taking the weapons apart and began combining them.

When she was done her RYNO 2 was now her shade of blue with a few gold plates on the sides, the mussels longer and seeping electricity. Ruby saw what her sister had done and smirked, knowing that Sapphire shared her father’s connection to weaponry.

Once they were on opposite sides of Rage they aimed and fired. Ruby’s projectiles were now violent red balls of energy while Sapphires shot the normal rockets but with a stream of blue lighting. ”I'm calling this the Lightning Storm...or RYNO 2.5.” Shrugging she continued bombarding Rage with streams of electricity and rockets.

Rage roared in anger and began wildly blasting the two, constantly switching targets. He began to get dizzy from constantly turning and every time he did he was blasted in the back and face with the modified ammunition. He started to slip slightly, his attacks slowing but still not being damaged enough that he couldn't keep fighting. As his opponents kept bombarding him with attacks, his eyes glowed red.

Things were just getting started.


Plague and Amnesia watched as the robot attempted to break himself free. However, his struggling was for not, as it did nothing to the chains that held him. As he continued to fight, more chains wrapped themselves around him and froze him in place, rendering him immobile.

At first Plague and Amnesia thought that the battle would wear Rage down, but he only seemed to be getting stronger, draining more and more power from the robot as he fought.

Nothing’s working! What do we do?

Well we have to do something. Hmm.” Amnesia tried to think. She then got an idea. “I’ve got it! All we have to do is fight fire with fire!

What do you mean?

Look, this thing is still connected to Epidemic right?” Plague nodded. “Then that means we’ve got a little bit of control over it. If we can separate a portion of it, we can control that portion and fuse with the others!

Plague smiled at his sister’s idea before nodding rapidly. They both pressed against their spherical prisons and focused. They called out across the red tinted world around them, trying to see if anything would respond. At first, nothing happened, and they began to lose hope.

But then, something called back.

With their newfound hope, the Twins called out once more before focusing their consciouses on that one spot that had responded. Gaining control of it, they split it off from Rage before splitting it in two.

It worked!

Now we can stop this!

Ruby was exhausted. At first when she fused a reality star with her weapon, she thought that the battle would finally turn around. Unfortunately, she was wrong. Infuriated by their attacks, Rage started using that scythe of his, causing him to become a hundred times more dangerous. Ruby and Sapphire tried to keep their distance, but whenever they got out of the rang of the scythe, Rage would speed towards them and attack, nearly killing them! They both had been forced to play on the defensive, and were getting tired of it.

”Come on! There has to be a way to bring him down!” Out of the corner of her eye, Ruby saw a piece of Rage come off before it split in two and made its way to Sapphire.

The two jumped out of the way before the two pieces landed between them. After the small cloud of smoke disappeared the two of them saw Plague and Amnesia laying there, looking weak and slightly injured.

”What the? I thought that you two couldn't be separated from the fusions...wait, this is fantastic! If we beat Epidemic out of dad we could end up giving you guys your own bodies!” Ruby helped Plague to his feet while Sapphire helped Amnesia. Amnesia shook her head.

These bodies are only temporary. Once we stop Epidemic we’ll have to go back.” Plague nodded along with her. As of now, they needed a minute to build up enough energy to fuse.

”If we're going to beat him we need to finish this now, I'm starting to get tired and these two are clearly too weak to even stand let alone fight.” Sapphires breathing was starting to become heavy, sweat visible on her forehead and her body slouched slightly.

Ruby herself was also beginning to feel the effects of the damage she had taken. She watched as the Reality Star floated out of her chest and disappeared, its energy used up. The two looked up to see Rage slowly walking towards them, his power only increasing.

”Well sis, it was nice knowing ya, looks like the future is only going to be more messed up.” Sapphire sighed and readied her gun.

Ruby gulped as she looked over to her possessed father, knowing that there was no chance of them defeating him by themselves. Plague and Amnesia looked to each other tiredly and hugged.

Meanwhile Lyric set the eggs down and safely buried them under a tree. ”There, that should keep you guys safe, at least for awhile.”

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned his head towards the direction of the battle.

”I should go see how my sisters are doing, I hope everyone is alright.” He looked to the spot that his unborn brothers and sisters were hidden and sighed before running off.

Running through the multiple vines and logs he eventually came to a bush that he hid behind as he got a good view of the battles progression. He gasped as he saw his sisters tired and injured, their attacker slowly progressing towards them. His sights fell on the twins, specifically, Amnesia.

It was the first time he had gotten a good look at her. He stood still for a moment, the whole world seemed to freeze as her eyes met his. The sun had shone through the clouds and showed her beautiful purple tipped black hair and her sparkling purple eyes. A soft blush appeared on Lyrics cheeks as time returned to normal.

He began to rapidly switch his gaze from his sisters, to Amnesia, and then to Rage. He saw them all, helpless, tired, injured and in need of saving. He took one last glance at Amnesia’s terrified face then glared up at Rage, clenching his fists before his body was enveloped in a bright light. A sense of courage washed over his body as it began to change slightly, feeling his power growing beyond anything he had ever felt before. ”I'm tired of being a wimp! They need me! I need to be brave...I need to be STRONGER!!!” The last word echoed out in a deeper voice and the ground shook slightly.

As Rage charged up a shot in his cannon and aimed it at the group he fired a devastating blast towards them that would surely finish them off for good. They all closed their eyes and braced themselves for their doom. But they felt nothing.

They opened their eyes to see that the blast was being deflected in multiple directions by some silhouette before them. As the blast vanished having exhausted its energy the group got a look at their saviour.

It was Lyric, except taller. His jacket had gone black with plates of golden metal going from the shoulders to the wrists on his arms. His hair was slightly longer and he wore sunglasses that pointed out at the sides. His jeans were now black as well, having golden metal boots that reached his knees. His teeth were slightly sharpened as he clenched them in anger. He stood with his arms bent outwards with his fists clenched, glaring at Rage. ”NO ONE HURTS MY FAMILY!!!

Ruby just looked to Lyric in shock. ’Woah...he's already unlocked his unique ability?’

Amnesia just looked to Lyric wide eyed. As she looked to him in his new form she somehow felt safe, like he would make everything better, that he would protect them. When she had first saw him she thought he was nothing but a coward, a shy innocent soul that didn't fight his own battles. But seeing him there, his power greater than anyone else present, other than Rage, she suddenly felt like there was someone other than her brothers and older sister that she could count on to protect her.

As Rage roared in anger, not appreciating the fact that his kill was interrupted, but also that there was someone present that could actually stand against him like this.

He charged forward at blinding speeds. Lyric drew one fist back and it turned to a golden metal. Plates of metal began growing out of his fist until a huge blocky arm of metal was fully grown.

He swung this huge metal limb forward and his Rage head on, causing a massive shockwave to shake the area violently. Rage was thrown backwards and and landed on his back, completely caught off guard by the force of the attack.

Lyric’s arm returned to normal and he dashed forward, speeding towards his enemy. As he grew near he jumped high in the air and held out his arms, the metal plates growing to form two huge block hammers. He drove them back before bringing them down on Rages head, causing a bigger shock wave. As he was thrown back into the air he retracted the hammers and grew a large metal boot on his left leg which he used to kick Rage in the face, sending him flying into a mountain.

”GO LYRIC!!!” Sapphire yelled in support. ”Since when is he this strong?”

”Even in my timeline, Lyric has always been the strongest of all of our family, even stronger than dad at one point. He's unlocked his unique ability, each of us have one. Mine is the ability to control fire, Lyrics is that form which is named Legendary Lyric...and I'm not gonna spoil yours.” Ruby explained.

Lyric charged forward once more, the metal plate on his right arm turning into a giant sword. With a cry of anger, he thrust it forward, intending to end this battle. However, his blade was stopped by a giant, yellow, dome shield. Lyric was surprised at this, and could only watch as Rage swung his weapon, cutting off the shield just before he hit it. The massive scythe nailed Lyric and sent him flying back. He recovered quickly and charged at Rage once more to attack. He swung his giant sword at Rage with the intent to kill.

However, Rage was no longer there.

”WHAT THE?” Suddenly, Rage was behind Lyric, his scythe at the ready. He swung once more, landing a devastating hit on Lyric. Lyric was sent flying into a building before Rage lifted up his arm cannon and fired, causing a massive explosion.

Lyric managed to dash quickly out of the blast radius and landed in front of the group. Angered even further Rage gave out a mighty roar that shook the earth, multiple salvos of rockets began to flow out of his body, all aimed at the group. ”Great, he would have dad's weapon systems…”

As hundreds upon hundreds of rockets were fired into the air the group looked up to the oncoming swarm of explosives, the sky filled with glowing red dots that were getting closer with each passing second.

”NO WAY I’M LETTING THOSE THINGS LAND!!!” Lyric held his arms up and the metal began to form. Once they finished building the next weapons Lyric slammed them into the ground. What was built were two large eight barrelled guns that were both bigger than Lyric and he had to set them on the ground. The barrels were made of a silver metal and were each the size of a small pillar and began spinning violently.

Lyric pointed both of the Gatling Cannons at the oncoming swarm of missiles and began to fire. The bullets were twice as large as one of the missiles, hundreds of them being fired into the air each second. The ground shook each time a bucket was fired, the group covering their ears as to protect their hearing from the loud bangs created from the weapons.

The sky became filled with explosions as not one huge bullet missed a target, some missiles even causing a chain reaction of multiple explosions. Once the final rocket was destroyed Lyric retracted the guns and smirked. ”NOW THOSE WERE HAND CANNONS!!!”

He looked at Rage, still keeping his smirk, only to see that through all of that, Rage had taken the time to charge up a massive attack.

”UH OH.” Rage fired off the attack, with Lyric just barely dodging. Turning the metal on his arms back into those gatling guns, he open fired. Rage however put up a yellow dome shield to block every shot. He let the shield down and shot fire from his mouth. Lyric was enveloped by the flames, getting hurt pretty bad in the process. He managed to escape the flames and came at Rage, having the metal on his right arm turn into a giant sword once more, but kept his left as the gatling gun. He rushed in and impaled Rage.

This only seemed to piss Rage off.

Rage brought up his scythe and slashed Lyric with it, knocking him away. He now had a gash in his chest, and he was breathing heavily. He grunted, aimed the the gatling gun at Rage and opened fired again. As he fired he closed the distance in between them, only to to get stopped once more by a yellow dome shield. He continuously fired away at the shield, trying to wear it down, but it had no effect!

Groaning Lyric retracted the guns and charged forward. He jumped into the air and formed a metal fist that began glowing with golden energy. Rage saw this and began building up energy in his arm cannon, a ball of red energy beginning to grow just in front of the guns mussel.

The two continued charging for a moment before Rage fired off a huge blast in Lyrics direction. Lyric threw his fist forward and met the blast head on, slowly approaching Rage as the fist blocked the blast sending it in multiple directions into the sky.

The two pushed against each other, Rage putting as much energy as he could into killing his enemy while Lyric was able to match the same amount of energy as he slowly flew towards the forced fusion, determined to free his father and save the others. That plan however, wouldn’t come to fruition.

With a shout of fury, Lyric shot towards Rage, aiming to plow his fist straight through Rage's arm cannon. However, Rage had enough foresight to blast Lyric with extremely concentrated fire, plowing Lyric into the ground. He swiped Lyric with his tail, sending him up into the air, and lifted up his gun muzzle once more. He charged up a shot, and fired. Lyric watched as the oncoming shot drew ever closer.

Thinking quickly Lyric used the shifting metal plates to coat his whole body in armour, protecting him from the blast that would have surely killed him. As the flames stopped Lyric growled and summoned two large metal fists while he dived towards Rage who was charging another shot.

As it was about to fire Lyric punched the cannon away causing the built up explosion to fire close to Rages feet, damaging him greatly. Lyric landed on the group and jumped up into the air until he reached the height of Rages chest. He then began to swing his fists forward one at a time, building up speed as he began to rapidly punch the beast.

He just kept going, sweat dripping from his forehead as he used every ounce of his energy in the barrage of metal fists that was causing Rage to walk backwards. Lyric stopped his onslaught only to charge up one of the fists and uppercut Rage right in the jaw, causing him to fly upwards for a second before hitting the ground.

As Lyric landed a bright light enveloped him and he returned to normal, falling on his rear in the process, feeling dizzy from the sudden transformation.

The group ran up to him, Sapphire hugging him while Ruby made sure he was ok energywise while Plague and Amnesia just looked at him wide eyed, a small blush appearing on Amnesia’s face.

A blood curdling roar caused the group to slowly look over to Rage who was getting to his feet, regenerating the damage done to him at a rapid speed. However, Rage seemed to be struggling to keep himself together, clearly showing that the fusion’s connection was growing weak. Ruby looked to everyone present before getting an idea. ”Plague, Amnesia! Fuse with them!” They looked at her confused. ”Rage is almost defeated, if you fuse with Sapphire and Lyric you will have enough strength to end this.”

The Twins considered the idea, and agreed that it would be the best option. With a nod they turned all black and leaped at the other twins, Amnesia fusing with Lyric, and Plague with Sapphire. Both took on the forms of people in their late teens, possibly around Epidemic’s age.

The fusion that Amnesia and Lyric formed gained long silver hair and eyes. He wore a gray cloak held together by a gem in the shape of a music note, silver gauntlets, and a simple grey shirt. He had grey boots that reached up to his knees, and grey jeans. Finally, he had grey glowing crystal-like wings.

Plague’s and Sapphire’s fusion had long dark blue hair and eyes. She wore a blue chest plate with a lapis drop in the center. She wore a blue jacket over that, and her right arm was robotic. She also had metal boots and dark blue jeans. She also had dark blue glowing crystal-like wings.

”Well well, is it my time to fight so soon?” The female fusion had a cheery voice. She looked to the male fusion with a grin. ”Oh, you’re here too Melo? Well then this must be serious.”

”We don’t have time to fool around Lapis. We have an important job to do.”

”You’re no fun.” She then noticed Ruby staring at them and smiled. ”Oh why hello Ruby. Good to see you for the first time.”

”I’m sorry. Who are you?”

”My name is Lapis, and I’m the fusion of Plague and Sapphire. This silent warrior over here is my brother Melodrain, the fusion of Lyric and Amnesia.”

”So wait, the four of them made two knew fusion beings?”

”Erm… not exactly.”

”What do you mean not exactly?”

”A fusion being would permanently link the two required to make the fusion. However, we will not.”

”Think of us more as a temporary super form for the four of them.” While still incredibly confused, Ruby knew that was the best answer she would get from these two. Taking her silence as a cue to do what they came here for, both of the new fusions turned towards their mighty older brother, Rage, who was staring at them intently.

”So, our first fight is with our older brother huh? Hmm… seems like we’ve got our work cut out for us.”

Author's Note:

Welp, turns out this is going to take four chapters. But hey, I wanted to provide all out combat goodness to you guys and this is what you get. Also sorry that I haven't updated in a while, school's been keeping me busy. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed!

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