• Published 16th May 2015
  • 26,490 Views, 555 Comments

A Displaced Dragon - Prince_Zodiac

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villan in videogame histroy. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land?

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Chapter Thirty Seven: Eternal Suffering

Chapter Twelve: Eternal Suffering

{Alduin’s POV}

”FUS RO DAH!” I bellowed. My unrelenting force shout fired off and hit the group of monster that surrounded Metal and Lisa. I grabbed Metal in my mouth as he sailed through the air and took off, hoping to put some distance between Lisa and myself.

Once I was far enough I landed behind a mountain and set Metal Sonic down. He fell onto his hands and knees, sparks of electricity coming from his joints.

“Are you alright Metal?” I asked as I lowered my head down to meet him.

“N-No...just...need a minute for...self repair to kick in.”

“You've got a hole in your chest and you're full of a darkness that is quickly spreading.” I stated, it seemed as if he was trying to downplay his injuries.

“I've been stabbed…in the chest all day today...the corruption is nothing new either, I'll be fine.” The sparks ceased and the hole in his chest began to fill up again as he got to his feet. “I've got to go back.”

“Wait.” I stopped him from taking off by blocking the way with one of my wings. “Don't just fly off without a plan. Do that and you’re as good as dead.”

“I don't care if I die! My sister is out there, broken, suffering and tearing the world apart with her pain. I'll be damned if I just leave her for even a second, I'll gladly give myself up to make her better.” He responded readily, floating up to my head and staring me dead in the eye with determination.

‘He's so young yet so brave, either that or incredibly stubborn. Clearly he’s willing to lay down his life to make others happy.’ I thought to myself. “Metal Sonic, let me ask you a question. What is it that you promised yourself when you came to Equestria?” I asked with interest.

He just clenched his fists and glared. “I promised that I'd protect everyone with my life, I promised to be a hero to those that couldn't fight for themselves. I'm a selfish bastard most of the time, but I know what needs to be done.” He answered darkly while pounding his fists together.

‘Hmm, something must have happened to him in the past for him to have a want to protect others like this.’ I thought for a moment before deciding that I wouldn’t be able to stop him. “Alright, then I’ll help you obtain that goal. But we need a plan first. We also need to find Gale.”

“That won’t help.” He said simply.


“Gales dead, a Nightmare stabbed him in the back and kicked his head off...he didn't survive long, that's why Lisa is like this.” He explained. “Although with what he explained to me earlier it's kinda hard to think of the consequences of death if it can easily be reversed.”

“Hmm, I knew something was wrong with him, I couldn’t sense his energy. Very well, then we need to find his body and return it to his repair capsule.”

“I suppose that could work. But, if we both leave Lisa will just follow us and her terror will be unleashed onto whatever universe we travel to.” I brought a wing to my chin and thought for a moment.

“Hmm, so we can’t get Gale’s assistance with this right now, else we risk unleashing Lisa to the multiverse. However, she is incredibly powerful and has an army of monsters at command, so fighting her should be a last resort. Do you have any ideas?”

Metal flew over to the edge of the cliffside we were on and looked over the side. “Maybe, I can try to reach out to the real her if I can get close enough. I don't know if I'll be able to reach her or not, but it's all I can come up with.”

“Right. Well considering what she’s going through, it won’t be easy. Hmm, if only there was a more direct way of reaching her.” Metal thought for a moment before snapping his fingers.

“I’ve got it! There isn’t a more direct way of talking to someone than going into their mind. If I do that, I just might be able to get through to her.” I nodded.

“Very well, but how are you going to get there? After all, you don’t have the ability to enter someone’s mind do you?”

“No, I don’t. But Lisa does.”

“Hmm, and how do you propose to gain that ability? You have to see it first right?”

“I can scan my memories.”

“Yes, but even then she may have a way to block. With how experienced in the mind she is, she has to have a way to block intruders.”

“Then what do you think we should do?” I stopped and thought for a moment, before a grin appeared on my face.

“I believe I have a plan.”

{Third POV}

“Where did those two go?” Lisa looked around, trying to find Alduin and Metal. “Alduin will pay for what he’s done. I won’t let him take Metal away from me!”

She turned to her army of Proxies.

“Find them! And bring Metal Sonic to me, I don't care if you have to kill Auldin to do it, just bring him back to me!” With affirmative growls, her Proxies ran off, willing to search every corner of the world if it meant pleasing their master. Lisa watched them go, confident that her pets would find them easily enough. As they left, more Proxies leapt out of the cracks in reality, either spreading themselves around to act as lookouts, or placing themselves around her to act as a living shield. Either way, there were all readily welcomed into the growing pack. “Soon, I’ll have an unstoppable army. Then I’ll hunt down every Nightmare in the multiverse, and make everyone know my suffering.”

She giggled like a mad women. Then, she noticed something, odd. A large number, nearly half, of the Proxies she sent out to search for Alduin and Metal were gathering in one area, and that number was growing.

’They must have found them. I guess I can make my way there and see if they need any help. After all, Alduin and Metal are no pushovers.’ With her decision made, Lisa made her way to the gathering of Proxies, the ones she had with her following right behind her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with them though, but she didn’t know what. It took her a while, but eventually she arrived. They were all lined up and facing her, as if forming some sort of defensive line against her. She began to wonder why, but then notice a difference.

They all had glowing yellow eyes, with a yellow mist seeping out of them.

Lisa then knew, these Proxies weren’t hers to command anymore.

“What in the? Who dares to take control of MY Proxies?”

“That would be me.” Lisa watched the proxies part, to make way for their new master, Alduin. He stood tall in front of his little army, ready to take on any challenge.

“How? My pets only listen to me.”

“It’s called the bend will shout. I can make anything or anyone obey my every command with that shout.”

“And why not use it on me?”

“Like the dovahkiin, displaced seem to have a resistance to it.” Lisa huffed.

“And why take over my Proxies anyways? While you have a limited supply, I gain more every minute.”

“War tactics, something I am very familiar with, and you have never used before. I will bring both you and your Proxies down before the end of the day.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“It’s a promise.” Metal flew down and landed next to Alduin. “From us, to you.”

Lisa growled in anger, before swiping her hand, sending her Proxies off to battle.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter is a little short. It was cut off from another. Anyways, if you want to know what's going on, read up on A Displaced Monster And Machine.

Also, little announcement. To celebrate my 1 Year anniversary on this site, I'm going to have another Q&A! You can ask me, or my displaced, anything, and I'll answer as best I can. Until then everyone!

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