• Published 16th May 2015
  • 26,491 Views, 555 Comments

A Displaced Dragon - Prince_Zodiac

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villan in videogame histroy. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land?

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Bonus Chapter: Halloween Special

Metals POV

"I really don't get why we had to drive to the party Lisa, we could have just teleported there." I complained as I sat in the driver's seat of my new blue Land Rover. "I mean seriously, why are we even going to this thing? Couldn't we have just had our own party back in our universe?" Lisa looked at me from the passenger seat.

"Would you stop complaining Metal? Marx told us no teleportation in this universe, so we had to drive."

"And why exactly should I listen to Marx? He's not my displacer, hell, Author is going to this party and he already teleported there."

"Yes but I can't drive, I never learned how. And Gale is..."

"Speaking of Gale, you alright back their buddy?" I looked back to see Gale passed out in the back seat. "Eh he's fine."

"I still don't know how a robot that can travel faster than the speed of sound gets nauseous in a car." Lisa looked worriedly at her boyfriend.

"At least he threw up so much he passed out before we got on the freeway."

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask. What did you do with the bucket that had all of his sick in it?"

"Oh you know..."

A man in a fancy suit was walking down the street waving his cane when a bucket full of puke was thrown on him.

"...I did the community a favour." Lisa just frowned at me. "Ok, ground rules for the party-"

"You're setting rules?"

"Hey, I don't wanna have to drag yours and Gale’s drunk asses outta this party, not unless you're paying for new seats." Lisa just froze and grunted.

"First off, I don’t drink. I don’t know if Gale does, but I don’t. Anyways what’re your rules mister authority?"

"First off, no getting drunk and making out with strangers or Gale for a full hour, you'll regret it the moment you turn sober."


"No drugs."

"I’m offended that you’d even think that. I got displaced because I almost died in a accident with those things you know."

"No mad mode."

"Not even if some random dude hits on me?"


"You're no fun."

"One of us three has to be responsible, it's not Gale and you are literally hell walking, so it has to be me. So say I'm no fun, I'm fine being the fucking father figure in your life." Lisa just sighed and looked out the window.


"No drunken mishaps, that includes vomiting, unprotected sex, taking a shit in the sink and trying to hit on me."

"Why would I try and hit on you?"

"You're attracted to Gale, I'm a sleeker model, you may just mistake me for Gale if you're drunk." Lisa just punched my shoulder. "I turned off my pain receptors Lisa, you can't hurt me right now."

"Damn robot logic."

We pulled up outside a huge mansion that belonged to Marx, we could already hear the music blasting. "We should probably wake Gale up now." Lisa said as she got out of my car.

"I'm on it." I walked to the back over the car and pulled Gale out of the back seat. "Might wanna cover your ears Lisa, this is gonna result in a lot of cursing." She did as instructed and put her fingers in where her ears should be. I brought my foot up and let it hover above Gales crotch before I brought it down with great force.

Several minutes of Gale cursing and wriggling in pain later

Gale had changed to his costume, Silver Sonic. Not the best costume choice I've seen but not the worst. Lisa had changed her dress to one with pumpkin patterns on it, I figured she didn't really have a variety of costumes to chose from, oh well it made her look cute.

"Metal where's your costume?" Lisa asked.

"I'm saving that for later." I rubbed my hands together in anticipation.

"What're you planning Metal?" Asked Gale.

"Something awesome."


Auldin’s POV

I sat in my dragon-human form staring down the giant robot before me.

We both put our arms on a huge crate that had been brought in for us by one of the displaced at the party. We were in the middle of an intense arm wrestle at that moment, neither of us budging as our equal strengths pushed against each other. A large portion of the party had turned their attention to us and had started placing bets on who would win.

"I will admit, you're the first being to give me a real challenge Nathan." I said as I tried to put more strength into my push.

"I could say the same to you Auldin." The robot said as he too tried to put more strength into his ram. "I'm surprised we haven't crossed paths beforehand, I'm sure Sapphire and Lyric would get along great with Plague and Amnesia."

"Who did you say your displacer was again?"

"Roden Godswell, it was meant to be Author but Roden lost a bet and had to displace me."

"Is that so?"


Nightmare’s POV

I just looked at the strange creature before me. "The hell are you?"

"Im... A Rake." I just took a sip of my drink and looked at him with an unamused expression.

"Eh, you don't seem like much of a threat."

"What? There are hundreds of me waiting in the Everfree Forest just waiting to strike! I literally eat magic! How am I not a threat?"

"Please, there are hundreds of me actually striking and destroying multiple displaced and displacers, I don't hide in a bullshit forest like a little bitch."

"Says the one that was beaten multiple times by a fucking teenager that wasn't even out of puberty!”

"Oh that's it mother fucker let's go!" I threw my drink in his face and talked him to the ground, many of the displaced yelling 'Fight, Fight, Fight' as we went.


Symbol’s POV

I looked over to where Nightmare had started brawling with a Rake. "That's my arch enemy over there, and he's getting butt hurt over a comment from a fucking creepypasta." I didn't have a costume so I just went in my Demon State.

"Wait, I thought Xram was your arch enemy." Ashley said as she took a bite out of her hallowe'en themed cupcake. Her costume being a zombie nurse, typical.

"Eh... He's more of a recurring villain than anything else... Where the hell did you get a bottle of vodka?" I asked pointing to the bottle in her hand.

"That's for me to know and for you to eventually find out." She took a full swing of the drink and sighed in contempt. "Oh yeah that's the stuff."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Hey, it's a hallowe'en party! Someone's gotta get drunk at this kinda thing."

"Give me that." I took the bottle from her and started downing the contents. Once it was empty I threw it at the ground. "Let's fucking do this."

"Now yer gettin it!" I am gonna regret this when we get home.


Author’s POV

"Who invited Nightmare?" I looked to Marx and Roden who just shrugged.

"At least he isn't trying to kill anyone."

"He's certainly trying to kill that Rake."

"Oh my god are Epidemic and Symbol having a fucking dance off?!" Marx shot over to the dance floor where, sure enough, Symbol and Epidemic were having a dancing showdown.

"That I did not expect to see."

"Ladies and gentlemen... the saviour of the multiverse."


Lisa's POV

"So Metal, when are you actually going to get into costume?" I asked as he chugged down a bottle of beer.

"When someone asks me where my costume is, but when it happens the party will end."

"Why do you say that?"

Suddenly a Bowser Jr displaced walked up to him. "Where's your costume?" Metal just smirked and walked to a back room.

A few minutes later

"AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAH!!!" We all watched from the ruined building that once housed the party we were attending as Metal rampaged through the nearby city as the Metal Overlord.

I turned around and waved to the audience. "Happy hallowe'en everyone... can't be worse than ours."

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween everyone! Mwahahahahahahaha!

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