• Published 16th May 2015
  • 26,490 Views, 555 Comments

A Displaced Dragon - Prince_Zodiac

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villan in videogame histroy. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land?

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Chapter Thirty: Letting Them All Know, Twilight's Side

Chapter Thirty: Letting Them All Know, Twilight’s Side

{Alduin’s POV, Dragon Pony Form}

“Wat?” I was sitting in the throne room of Twilight’s castle, soon to be our castle, and Marx was floating right in front of me.

“I said, can you open a portal to Gale’s world so I can tell him I’m getting married to Twilight?”

“You’re… getting married.”



“Yes, to Twilight.”

“You’re getting… oh my god YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED!” Marx grabbed me in a bone crushing hug. “OH MY GOD I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS! YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED! THIS IS SO EXCITING! OH I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!”

“Um, Marx? Could you… let me… go now?”

“Huh? Oh yeah sure.” He ended the hug and I took a deep breath, trying to get air back into my lungs. “So what was it that you wanted?”

“Can you open a portal to Gale’s world so I can tell him?”

“Yeah sure. One moment.” Marx snapped his fingers and~….. nothing happened.

“Um, Marx?”

“What the hell?” Marc snapped his fingers again, getting the same result. “Something’s blocking my reception! Hang on I’ll be right back.”

Marx opened up a portal to the void this time and floated through. The portal quickly closed behind him before I could say anything.

“No luck with Gale?” I turned to see Twilight, my fiance, walking up to me.

“Nope. Marx tried to open a portal but it wouldn’t work, said something was blocking his reception, so I guess I have to wait till I tell Gale and the others.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll tell them soon. However, we still need to tell my friends and family, as well as Celestia and Luna, so how about we do that instead?”

“Might as well.”

“Alright I’ll have Spike send a letter to each of them. Oh and by the way, he doesn’t know yet, I was going to tell him when we revealed it to everyone.”

“Hmm, I’ll be sure not to tell him then. I’ll go and set up a room while you send the letters, sound good?”

“Sounds great.” Twilight smiled then kissed me before she left to find Spike. I turned around and looked at the throne room.

“Alright, time to find a few extra chairs.”

Time Skip Two Hours

“Ah don’t wanna sound rude Twi, but why’d ya call all of us ‘ere? Some of us have some important work ta get back to.”

“Like sleeping?” Applejack gave Rainbow Dash a glare for her comment. Rainbow on the other hoof, was trying not to laugh. Twilight and I were sitting right next to each other. I looked around at the gathered ponies. The rest of Twilight’s friends, Spike, and the Twins were here, as well as Shining Armor, Cadence, Twilight’s parents Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Celestia, and Luna. I didn’t know if I should be happy that we were going to tell them that we were getting married, or terrified. Either way, I knew that we had to do it.

“Alduin and I have called you all here for some, exciting news.” Twilight looked nervous, but I gave her a comforting smile which seemed to boost her confidence. “Ehem. As some of you know, Alduin and I have been dating for a while now and, well, we decided to move to the next stage in our relationship.”

“What do you mean by that sis?” I could clearly see the suspicion in Shining Armor’s voice. If Cadence hadn’t been there, I’m pretty sure he would have already pounced on me.

“Alduin and I, are engaged.”

“WHAT?!” There combined cry of surprise shook the whole room.

“Y-You two are gettin married?”

“Oh congrats Darling!”

“Nice going egghead.”

“I have the greatest party idea ever!”

“Oh wow. That’s great.”

“You’re getting married? Why wasn’t I told? Aw what the heck, congrats Twilight!” Twilight’s friends as well as Spike’s reactions were all positive. Good.

“Oh honey that’s great!”

“Getting married huh? Oh you’re making your father so proud.” Her parents were positive too. That was good, very good.

“Well it’s a good thing the Twins had asked me to prepare for this huh?”

“Thou is making a, unique choice in a stallion, but a good one all the same.”

“Oh Twilight that’s great! Love is a wonderful thing you know.” Even the princesses were happy. All that left was…

“WHAT?!” Everypony went silent as Shining Armor shouted the question. “WHEN?! HOW?! WHY?!”

“Um, I asked her last night over a romantic dinner.” Probably shouldn’t have answered that question. Shining Armor got out of his seat and stomped right up to me.

“And what makes you’re worthy of my little sister?”

“Well, we’ve been dating for a while, and have gone on many adventures together. I’ve saved her life once, and she mine. And…”


“And…” I didn’t know what else to say. There was no way I could speak when Shining was giving me that stare. It was like the stare Fluttershy had, but hers strongly suggested her commands to you. Shining’s on the other hand, frightened it’s victim into following those orders. I couldn’t even think under those eyes. Luckily, Twilight came to my rescue.

“And I love him.”


“I love him. With every fiber of my being. He’s been there for me, helped me, and saved my life once before. He’s a kind and compassionate dragon, and he’s my special somepony. I wouldn’t want to marry anyone else.” Twilight stood in front of me and stared her brother down. He tried to resist, but he wilted under her glare.

“O-Okay okay! I-I approve I approve! Just please stop giving me that look!” Twilight stopped and smiled, releasing Shining from his glare prison.

“Thank you.” Shining nodded and hurried back to seat, sweat dripping down his face. Cadence giggled at his misfortune before putting a comforting hoof on his shoulder. Shining seemed to calm down a bit, but not too much.

“So when did it happen sweety? Tell us everything!”

“Well…” Twilight began retelling what happened, not leaving out a single detail. When she mentioned how long the sunset had lasted, Celestia admitted that, per the Twins request and telling her what was going on, she made the sunset last quite a bit longer. Luna had, had no problem with it since, when she asked why her sister wouldn’t bring the sun down, she had replied saying that this was required for a very special moment in a certain somepony's life. She continued telling the story, with me adding bits of detail from my perspective every once in awhile.

“And then, he stood up and recited the most beautiful speech I had ever heard. It was so romantic and meaningful that, when he pulled out the ring, I didn’t even need to think. I already knew my answer.”

“Aww.” Everpony, well except for Dash, who made gagging noises, and Shining, who said nothing at all, had that same reaction.

“By the way, did you practice all of that?”

“Nope. Just spoke from the heart.” Twilight smiled and nuzzled me, which I returned, before she kissed me.

“Anything else?”

“Well, after he said all of that and I said yes we of course kissed. Then straight after that the Twins came jumping out of a bush all excited. I’m assuming they helped?”

“Um, maybe just a little.” Everypony laughed at that. Then we all got up and everypony congratulated us. Even Shining did, though albeit a little grudgingly. The rest of the day was spent with everypony as we went around town and did things. We went out to lunch, had some ice cream at sugarcube corner, and then the girls dragged us to Quills and Sofas, the one place where the false advertising was a good thing, considering they sold everything! Clothing, beds, food, you name it, they had it. While the girls looked around for things to buy, Night Light, Shining Armor, and I all sat on a bench just outside of the area they were in.

“Shopping.” My comment received replies from Night and Shining, in that order.

“One of the worst parts about being married.”

“The literal hell hole for the stallion in the house.”

“Thankfully, I know Twilight, and the most shopping she’ll do, is when she’s shopping for books.”

“You lucky bastard.”

“One of the perks of being married to my daughter.”

“Indeed.” We sat there for another hour or so before Rarity suggested they go to her place so she can get everypony’s measurements. It didn’t take very long, and once she had them, she shoved Shining, Night, and me out.

“The groom can’t see the bride in her dress before the wedding. It’s bad luck if you do!” She then promptly slammed the door in our faces.

“Well, what should we do until then?” Night Light thought for a moment.

“Hoofball?” Shining and I looked at each other for a moment before nodding.


“I got it, I got it!” Shining galloped as fast as he could while watching the ball, trying to catch my pass. He jumped up, and caught it in his hooves before sticking it under his arm and running forward. Big Mac attempted to block him, but Shining used to be Captain of the Royal guard, and now lead the Crystal guard. He knew how to use an opponent's weight against them. When he got close to Big Mac, he went low before shooting back up and hitting Big Mac’s underside, causing him to fall back. Shining kept running until he passed the touchdown line, and threw the ball straight at the ground.

“WOOOOO!!!” My team, which consisted of me, Shining, Thunderlane, and surprisingly Doctor Whooves, ran up to Shining with shouts of victory. We all patted Shining on the back before, and this really shocked me, he high hoofed me. Looks like he was warming up to me. The other team, which had Big Mac, Night Light, Spike, and Snowflake, sighed in loss.

“Alright let’s line up the kick off!”

“We’re back!” We all turned to the sound of Rarity’s voice, seeing the girls coming down the path.

“Well, looks like the others are back. See you later guys.”

“Later Shining! See ya Alduin!”

“So long Thunderlane!” The rest left as well, Big Mac taking the hoofball with him. We turned our attention back to the girls.

“So, how’d it go?”

“Oh the dress is amazing! It’s the-” Rarity covered Twilight’s mouth before she could finish.

“Ah ah ah darling. No spoilers.” Twilight rolled her eyes as Rarity removed her hoof.

“So, when’s the wedding going to be held?”

“We’re still deciding on that. We’ll figure it out once Alduin tells his side of the family.”

“So now we’re going to be related to a family of dragons huh? How exciting.”

‘Well, not exactly.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, my brother’s not a pony, he’s a machine.”

“A, machine?”

“Yes. Um, let me explain it like this. Have you heard of multiverse theory?”


“Well, the multiverse theory is actually true, and my brother and I can travel across the multiverse to meet others just like us. When we first gained these abilities, we were transformed. I became a dragon pony, and my brother became a machine. We live in separate universes and right now Marx, the one who gave us this ability and these forms, is trying to open a portal to my brother’s world, but something’s stopping him for now so until it’s gone he has to try and find a way around it.”

“Oh. So my daughter is getting married to a multiverse traveler?”

“Yes, and we’re also called displaced. People like Marx, the ones that give this ability, are known as displacers.”

“I GOT IT!” Suddenly, a portal opened up above me and Marx fell out, landing right in front of me. “I finally was able to get around that stupid fucking seal!”

“AAAAAAHHHH!” Velvet leaped into her husband’s forearms in fear while Shining took a fighting stance. “W-W-What is that?”

“Hmm? Oh well that’s rather rude now isn’t it?”

“You have no need to be afraid Mrs. Velvet. This is Marx, the one I was talking about earlier.”

“T-That’s Marx?”

“That’s my name! And although I have met many different yous in many different universes, this is the first time I’m meeting you specifically so allow me to say it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Um… you too.”

“Well anyway, I finally got through Alduin. For some reason a seal had been put on it and it looked slightly messed up so it didn’t disperse when it was supposed too. It was going to stay for way longer, but I got rid of it. Now we can alert your brother about your wedding. Just tell me when you’re good to go, and we’ll leave.”

“Alright then.” I turn to Twilight. “I’ll be back in a bit alright?”

“Okay, don’t take too long. Oh, and see if you can take a picture of Gale when he hears the news.”

“Will do.” I turned to Marx. “Ready.”

“Then let’s go!” With a snap of his fingers, a portal opened up and I jumped through.

{Twilight’s POV}

I smiled as Alduin left, excitedly waiting for him to tell me how Gale reacted.

“Does he always just up and leave like that?” I turn to Shining.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean does he always just disappear like that?”

“Well yeah I mean, it’s kind of his job.”

“And what’s his job exactly?”

“To go about the multiverse and help those in need. Sometimes people will come here and they’ll help us with any problems we have. Other times they just come in randomly and hang out. It’s an amazing way to make new friends. Besides, if he really wants to he can ignore a summons and he can also keep people out of this universe, so there’s no need to worry about things like that.”

“If you say so.” Even though Shining acted like he was going to leave the subject alone, I knew he would try and pressure me with worries about that to try and have me break up with Alduin. I mean, Shining was sweet, but way too overprotective. I wasn’t a kid anymore, but sometimes he just didn’t see that. But, I had nothing to worry about. After all, I needed to focus on my upcoming wedding.

Author's Note:

Yay! Build up for the wedding!

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