• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 4,658 Views, 178 Comments

The Twilight to a New Dawn - Zeroxdoom

Zero Gravity doesn't like the idea of putting aside his delinquent ways in order to stay in Canterlot High, but once he's assigned a certain egghead for a tutor he's starting to have second thoughts.

  • ...

First Impression

Canterlot, a peaceful town where new faces are common, smiles are made, and friendships are born. In a certain home, two new faces are getting ready for their first day at their new school.


….Once they get their act together.

In a dark room, two figures are glaring daggers at each other while standing on opposite of the room, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"It appears the game is over before it even begins," said a young feminine voice.

“This isn’t a game anymore, this is an all-out war,” said an older male voice.

“Very well, but just remember, war leads to bloodshed.”

“That’s the way I LIKE IT,”

After those words, the two figures chucked a giant object from their hands simultaneously only for the objects to bounce off each other and fly off in different directions. At that moment, the door to the room swung open and the figured at the doorway turned on the light.

“Are you two getting dressed or-



The now illuminated room revealed the two drenched figures; one was a yellow eyed young man with black spikey hair and gray skin wearing a black tank top and shorts. The other was a slightly younger girl with sky blue eyes, dark blue pig tails, and silver skin. She had a fang sticking out on the left side of her mouth and was wearing red panties and a bra. The dripping figure by the door was a orange eyed woman with long silver hair and gray skin, wearing an azure gored skirt and a yellow silk blouson.


“Sorry mom,” the young man laughed as he scratched the back of his head, “we were just finding a way to shower faster without waiting on one another and make it more exciting.”

“Oh that’s sounds like a genius idea, using water balloons to shower yourselves inside your room during a school morning when it’s freezing outside because you two were too lazy to take turns using the shower.”

“See Zero,” said the girl, “I told you she would understand,”

The woman’s left eye twitched before she closed her eyes and took deep breathes “Its ok White Star, just a couple more years of parenting and it will all be over,”

“So is it ok for me and Wind to continue our ‘shower’, please?” Zero asked with a wide smile.

“Sure,” said White Star. “Once you start getting good grades and stop showing off at school then you can have all the water balloons fights you want.”

“But that’s never gonna happen,”

“Then you see my point, now dry off and put some clothes on you two,”

As White Star left the room, Solar Wind chuckled at her mother’s retort only to be hit by another water balloon by her brother; she was ready to return fire only for White Star to come back.

“NOW!” she shouted.

After a few minutes, Zero was walking down the stairs wearing a black unzipped hoodie with a black undershirt with the Japanese character for 'wolf' on it along with dark green pants accustomed with a chain on the side and black strap boots, Solar wind followed behind him wearing purple jeans, black shoes, and a red T-shirt with the Japanese word 'ventus' on it. In the kitchen their father Sound Barrier was listening to a tape while standing in a heroic pose. He was a man with short black hair and skin along with red eyes while wearing a brown trench coat and gray pants.

“My name is Sound Barrier and I’M FINE, My name is Sound Barrier and I’M FINE, MY NAME IS SOUND BARRIER AND I’M FINE!!!” he shouted repeatedly.

“Morning dad,” said Zero, “what’re you doing.”

“Hey kiddo, I’m just listening to this self-confidence tape that my pal Onyx gave me before I left,”

“It’s sound like your trying to hide the fact that you have low self-esteem, which I know you don’t,”

“Well I’m not trying to build it up; I’m practicing for when I point my finger at the witness and shout OBJECTION in the court room today,”

“Well you sound fine,” said Wind slightly uninterested “can you drive us to school?”

“As long as I don’t get assaulted by water balloons while eating breakfast, sure,”

Once Zero and Wind sat down with their father, White Star served them all two pancakes.

“By the way, it’s your first day of high school right Wind,” asked Sound Barrier.

“Yeah, I hope it’s everything I dreamed; musicals, friendships, parties, and cute boys!”

“You’ve been watching too much high school shows lately haven’t you?” Said Zero.

“Ok, then what it’s like for you so far.”

“Well do you remember in The Lion King when Mufasa told Simba about the shadowy place?”


“That’s High School; the only difference is we have to go there,”

“Oh yeah? Let’s have a bet; if the school’s nice and not as bad as you make it you owe me 30 bucks,”

“Alright you’re on,”

As they shook hands to seal the deal, Sound Barrier and White Star looked at each other and smiled knowing who was going to win the bet since they were the only ones who saw what the school looked like.

I am so winning this bet’ Zero thought to himself while eating the pancakes

I am so losing this bet

Zero and Wind were standing in awe at the school once they stepped out of their father’s car. It was a lot nice than Zero’s old school in Manehattan, it wasn’t gloomy looking or had a sense of hostility, in fact the school was radiant and full of life and most of the students going in were actually happy and full of spirit instead of angry or ready to pick a fight with the first person to walk by.

“Alright you two,” said White Star “I want you to have a great first day, Wind try to make some new friends okay?”

“Yes mom,” she nodded

“And Zero, stay out of trouble,”

“Aw come on, you know I’m a good kid,”

Sound started to chuckled to himself “I don’t need evidence to know that’s bullsh-“



“Anyways,” Continued White Star. “Enjoy yourselves and try to make a good first impression,”

Once Sound Barrier finish rubbing his cheek, the married couple drove off leaving Zero and Wind in front of the new school, once Zero finish looking at it, he turned his head and noticed Wind’s legs are shaking.

“Nervous much?” he asked

“M-maybe a little,”

“Is it because of what I said about high school?”


“listen, don’t worry about it, forget everything I said this morning and do what mom said,”

Wind’s legs stopped shaking and she gave a cocky smile. “Nice try, I’m not gonna forget about our bet, but I will take mom’s words to heart,” Wind then ran towards the entrance and got a couple of glares from the students nearby. “I’M GOING TO MAKE 100 FRIENDS!!!” She shouted before kicking the doors open and running inside.

Zero sighed and smiled “You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family,”

Zero took off his backpack and looked inside to check his ‘equipment’, once everything was in order, he smiled. “Mom did say to make a good first impression,” he said after putting back on his backpack and walked inside the building. Once inside he took out his schedule from his pocket and skimmed through it, he eventually got bored within seconds decided throw it away, behind him a girl with purple skin and strait hair purple with a pink streak saw this. She was wearing a buttoned blouse accustomed with a pink bow near the neck, a dark purple skirt with a pink star on it, and purple boots to match her outfit.

“Um, excuse me,” she called out.

“Yeah?” Zero replied while raising an eye brow

“You dropped your schedule,”

“I know, I don’t need it,”

“Then how are you supposed to know what classes you have?”

“I don’t see why it matters or why you care, back at home it didn’t matter what classes we were assigned, students usually end up in the wrong classrooms but the teacher don’t even do attendance and begin the lesson anyways.”

“Well you’re not at your old school anymore so maybe you should be more considerate about your classes,” the purple girl then picked up the schedule and looked at it briefly before giving it back to Zero. “Oh look, we have first period together,”

“Cool, anyways I…wait you have my first period?”

“Yeah, why?

“I need a favor,” he said with a serious look

“Um, I just met you so it really depends,”

“Ok first, what floor is the classroom on?”

“Second but-“

“What’s the classroom number?”

“058, wha-“

“Is there a window?”

“Yes, why do-“

“Ok, I just need you to open the window during attendance,” Zero then took a piece of paper out of his pocket and wrote down some numbers on it. “Text me when you open the window,”

“Hold on a minute, why do I need to open the window, and why do I have to do it, plus it’s against the rules to use your cell phone in class!”

“Please, I’ll make it up to you if you can do me this one favor,besides you can't get in trouble if you don't get caught”

“Ugh, fine,” She moaned as she took the paper and saved the number to her phone.

“Thanks, see you in class uh…”


“Got it, later” Zero said as he ran towards the stairway. Twilight sighed as she continued to walk towards her first period class, she passed by a couple of students on the way and got a couple of weird glares, some of the students waved at her and she gave a nervous wave back, some of the students even bowed to her but she continued waving and started walking faster.

“Oh my god it’s her,”

“That girl from the video,”

“Oh yeah, the one who beat Sunset Shimmer,”

“Didn’t she beat The Dazzlings too?”

“Hey is that the princess?”

The students were whispering as Twilight walked by, causing her to become more nervous and uncomfortable, finally she made it to her classroom and sat at her desk. Some of the students came in the classroom giving the same reaction as everyone else she passed by.

Why are they all looking at me like that, did I do something wrong?’ she thought to herself. As everyone sat down, the school bell rang and the teacher walked in, ruining the students chance to start gossiping, this calmed Twilight’s nerves. She didn’t know what would happen if the bell didn’t ring sooner, and hopefully she wouldn’t find out. The teacher was a woman with blue eyes, yellow hair, and light brown skin. She was wearing a purple polo shirt accustomed with a pink scarf, gold and purple earrings, a gold necklace, and a long dark purple skirt.

“Good morning everyone, my name is Ms. Harshwhinny; I will be teaching social studies for the year, now before we begin are there any questions before I start attendance?”

“Are we going to do class introductions where we talk about ourselves to the class,” asked one of the students.”

“I don’t really care to know any of you unless you have something to offer, any other questions.”

Twilight begun to raise her hand slowly, “Is it ok if I open the window, it’s a little hot in here,”

Ms. Harshwhinny gave a wide smiled, “Why Ms. Sparkle, I had no idea you’d be joining us this semester, Of course you can,”

“Um, Thank…you?” she replied awkwardly, Twilight figured this was her chance to figure out what’s going on, but right now she just wanted to do the task she was given and get on with the lesson for the day. Once she opened the window she sat back in her seat and texted Zero that she’s done her part, after putting her phone away she noticed Ms. Harshwhinny was about to call her name for attendance.

“Trixie Lulamoon,”


“Twilight Sparkle,”


“Zero Gravity” There was an awkward silence in the room before Harshwhinny repeated herself, “Mr. Zero Gravity,” again, no response. “Alright, I guess that’s everyon-“


Everyone looked out the window to see the source of voice and saw Zero wearing sunglasses swung in through the window Twilight opened for him using a rope that was attached to the roof of the school. He landed perfectly and stood in a heroic pose as the class watched in awe.

“In the deepest darkness,” he began, “There will always be a light to shine the way, and I plan on being that light and my wings will protect those who need it. The enemy to bullies, the pinnacle of awesomeness, the name that will rock the heavens till they fall and build a new one right out its ashes, Zero Gravity, that’s me!”

Everyone in the classroom started to clap and whistle before Ms. Harshwhinny gave them all a dirty look, Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose and hit her head against the desk.

“Mr. Gravity,” Ms. Harshwhinny began. “Would you care to explain why you rudely interrupted the class with your barbaric, loud and unnecessary entrance?”

Zero then put his hands behind his head and gave a smile, “Just making a good first impression like my mom said Ms...”

“Harshwhinny, and I’m sure your parents wouldn’t mind if I told how you almost got suspended on your first day here, but since nothing is broken, I’m willing to overlook this incident now take your seat.”

“Yeah yeah,” he waved off as he walked towards his seat in the back row.

“Now if there are no more interruptions we can begin today’s lesson,”

Once Zero sat down he rested his chin on his hand and begun to drift off, he doesn’t really care much for the lessons in school unless it peak his interest, which it rarely does. The only reason he had for going to school was to hang out with friends or watch a fight happen, and being at this school for more than 5 minutes he can already tell one of his reasons has been diminished. Everything at the school seemed pretty relaxed and the atmosphere around it feels welcoming.

Maybe this school isn’t that bad’ he thought, only to get a tap on the shoulder by a girl next to him, the girl had long silver hair with purple star attached to it along with light blue skin and violet eyes. She was wearing a blue jacket and a purple skirt with a crescent moon and a wand.

“Do you honestly think just because you made a flashy entrance you can outshine The Great and Powerful Trixie?” she asked.

“Probably,” Zero smirked “So what makes you so ‘Great and Powerful'?”

“Trixie can do all sort of things, but my greatest talent is doing magic tricks.”

“Oh you can do magic,” he replied sarcastically “Show me.”

“I would but…I...uh“

“Let me guess, you’re don’t want to blind me with your mysterious powers and you want to focus on the lesson,” he mocked

“What does be the 'light in the deepest darkness' make you psychic or something.”

“No, but it does help me see bullshit.”

Trixie gritted her teeth then gave huff, “Well I don’t have to be great and powerful to help me see you’re nothing but a delinquent,”

“Pretty big talk coming from a phony,”

“For someone like you I’m surprised you know what the word phony means.”

“Oh it was easy; I’m looking at the definition right now.”


“Ms. Lulamoon and Mr. Gravity, should I stop the lesson so you two may continue your bickering?” Said Ms. Harshwhinny while giving an annoyed glare.

“No Ms. Harshwhinny,” they said in unison.

“Good,” she said as she turned her head and continue writing on the board, Zero and Trixie then stuck their tongues out at Harshwhinny simultaneously and noticed one another in the process and gave a chuckle then continued to glaring daggers at one another.

Later on that day in the cafeteria, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer were sitting down at the lunch table waiting for Pinkie Pie to show up.

“Ugh, where's Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash complained, “She said she has big news to tell us,”

“Relax Rainbow,” said Applejack “I’m sure she’ll be here any minute now.”

“But what could be so important.” said Sunset Shimmer as she checked her phone for the time, “lunch is almost over.”

“Do you think it has something to do with what happened in Ms.Harshwhinny's class this morning?” asked Rarity.

“You mean about that guy who swing in through the window on the second floor,” said Fluttershy.

“Oh please,” scoffed Rainbow “I know crazy and not even Pinkie would do something that crazy,”

“HEY GIRLS!!!” shouted Pinkie Pie from the cafeteria entrance speeding towards the group of friends.

“Speaking of the pink devil,” Smiled Rainbow. “Hey Pinkie, whats up?”

“Girls, you’re not gonna believe this, Twilight’s back!” Pinkie cheered.

“Really?” asked Sunset surprised,“she didn’t tell me she was coming for a visit.”

“Maybe she wanted to surprise us?” guessed Fluttershy.

“Did you talk to her at all Pinkie?” Asked Rarity

“I did but she acted like she didn’t know me,”

“Maybe, it’s not the Twilight we know,” explained Applejack “didn’t she mention that there’s an another version of us in her world, so this must be the Twilight of our world…or something like that,”

“You probably right,” Sunset pondered. “But just to make sure I’ll write to Twilight tonight when I get home,I would do it now but I left my book under my pillow.”

“Oh, before that” Fluttershy began, “I was wondering if you can help me at the animal shelter after school today.”

“Sorry Fluttershy, I got bombard with homework and I need to get started as soon as I get home,” replied Sunset.

“That’s ok, I’m sure Rarity wouldn’t mind helping me,”

“I’m terribly sorry darling, but I have to go to the homeless shelter with my mother and help out.”

“And I got to start practicing for the soccer team,” added Rainbow.

“And I have ta start preparing the farm for the winter, you saw how cold it was this morning,” noted Applejack.

“Oh, ok…Maybe I’ll just ask someone else if they’ll volunteer like I do on Wednesdays,” Fluttershy said as she sulked back into her chair, she knew every Wednesday when she hands out fliers for people to volunteer at the animal rescue center, nobody pays any attention to her. Suddenly the school bell rang and everyone began standing up and taking their food with them to the trash.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m sure someone will help you out,” Applejack said as she rest her hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder before leaving the cafeteria.

“I hope so…” Fluttershy sighed.

As the school day finally came to a close, everyone was either walking home, going to practice, or getting driven home by their parents. Finally, Zero and Wind came out of the front entrance preparing to head home themselves.

“Damn it!” shouted Solar Wind as she clenched both her fists in anger, “Those two girls really pissed me off, where do they get off treating me like that,”

“I told you it was going to be rough,” said Zero. “Besides, not everyone is going to accept you for who you are.”

Wind sighed, “Maybe making new friends isn’t as easy as I thought,”

Zero smiled and rested his hand on her, “Don’t worry, knowing you I’m sure you’ll make a tons of friends before Christmas comes around.”

Wind smiled, “Yeah and when I find those jerks again I’ll show them whose boss!” she then gave three jabs to the air and attempted a spin kick until Zero caught her foot.

“Easy now, as much as I hate to say it you can’t go picking fights with bullies; mom and dad already said so, and I don’t want one of us to get expelled and move again.

Wind huffed and crossed her arms, “Fine I’ll ignore them, their probably all talk anyways. By the way how was your day?”

Zero gave a cocky smile, “Well if you want to know so badly I-“he paused and noticed a pink haired girl sitting down with her face buried in her knees next to a horse statue.

“Hey, do you think she’s ok?” asked Wind as she pointed her finger to the girl.

“No, she must be wonderful,” Zero said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

“Do me a favor and lose the sense of humor for once,” said Wind.

“Do us both a favor and buy one,” replied Zero. Wind then gave a serious look to Zero punched him in the shoulder, only for Zero to lightly chuckle, “I’m kidding, I’ll go see what’s up with her, you head home.” Wind nodded and started to walk away while Zero decided to approach the depressed girl. Getting a better look at her, he noticed she was wearing a white tank top and a light green skirt with butterflies on it and boots to match. “You ok?” he asked

The girl sniffed before speaking “Why do you care, you probably just going to ignore me like everyone else,”

“Well, it’s not considered ignoring if someone stops to ask you if you’re ok.” Zero replied while crouching down to her level.

“Well…I needed some help down at the animal shelter but all of my friends were busy and I tried asking other people but they didn’t even notice me.”

“Oh, well do you still need any help?”

“Yes, but everybody already left and I’m worried that I can’t handle this on my own,”

“Then I’ll help you,”

She lifted her head up with a surprised look on her face, “Really? You’d do that”

“Oh come on,” Zero grinned. “What kind of guy would I be if I left you here to cry,”

The girl then smiled and whipped the tears from her eyes “Oh, thank you so much.”

Zero stood up and offered her and hand up, once she accepted it Zero then used his thumb and pointed to himself, “My name is Zero Gravity,”

“Wait, your Zero?” the girl replied with a confused look.

“Oh, so you’ve heard of me,” he said while fixing up his jacket and giving a confident grin, “Is the school already spread the word of my awesomeness, are the bullies quaking in terror, or is the school staff already planning some event in my honor,”

“Actually…only very few people know you, I was across the hall from your class and hear you shouting, plus you…kinda scared me.”

Zero then got on his hands and knees and began sulking, “only…a few people,”

Fluttershy then felt awkward for a moment before breaking the silence, “I’m…Fluttershy by the way,”

Zero then stood and used his pinky finger to clean his left ear, “Sorry I was lamenting my crushed dreams, what was that?”

“I’m Fluttershy” she repeated slightly louder.

“Alright Fluttershy, lead the way,”

As Zero and Fluttershy walked inside the animal shelter, they were met with an uproar of dogs barking and birds chirping, causing Zero to flinch slightly but Fluttershy kept walking.

“Isn’t it a little noisy to you?” Zero shouted while trying to talk over the animals.

“No, I’m used to it, they're only like that to newcomers, I consider it a way of saying hello,” smiled Fluttershy.

“Gee, I’m Charmed,” he said sarcastically. “Anyways what do you need me for?”

“Well I need to clean the dog cages today and I need someone to watch the dogs for me,” she noted.

“….Dogs…” Zero gulped as he started to sweat. He doesn’t have a good history with dogs; he has a bit of an unlucky streak with stray dogs chasing him in Manehattan and hoped that it end after kicking a dog in its teeth when it corner him and keep the tooth as a lucky charm.

“Alright, everyone out,” Fluttershy said while unlocking the cage to all the dogs.

“Wait! You’re taking them all out, why not one by one?!” he objected

“I think it would be faster, plus it’s not often they get to play with newcomers,” She smiled. Fluttershy then lead the dogs and a nervous Zero into the play room filled with toys. “Now I want you all to play nice, oh and be careful Zero, some of them like to play rough,” with that note, Fluttershy closed the door behind her. Once closed, all the dogs started to growl at Zero.

“N-n-nice doggies,” he said nervously while backing up into a wall, he then closed his eyes and grabbed the nearest object on the shelf next to him and used it as a shield.

“ By the way,” Fluttershy said while peeking in the room. “Oh you found it,”

“Found what?” he asked as he opened his eyes to see a chewed up toy bone in his hand and all the dogs glaring daggers at him.

“Their favorite chew toy, try to make them share it ok?” she said as she closed the door behind her, leaving Zero alone with the angry dogs.

“Sharing is caring” he chuckled nervously.

30 minutes later

After she was finished cleaning the dog cages, Fluttershy patched up Zero wounds and constantly apologized with tears in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry; I don’t know why the dogs would do something like this, they’re usually so nice to me,” she said.

“Well to them, you’re like a goddess and I’m considered fresh meat,” he noted while rubbing his bite marks. “But I’m glad I helped honestly, anyways I gonna go,”

“Wait there’s still one more cage I need to clean,” she halted “do you think you can watch this one,”

“Well after attempting to balance myself on a shelf only to be knocked off by a pit bull and getting attacked by 20 or so dogs. I don’t see why not,” he said as he got into a crane fighting stance to brace himself for the final dog to come out. Once Fluttershy released him, the small purple and green dog walked up to him and gave an awkward stare before rubbing himself on Zero’s leg.

“Who’s this guy,” he asked while picking up the dog.

“I found him hiding in a box in an alley,” explained Fluttershy, “but he didn’t have a name at the time so I decided to call him Spike for now,”

“Spike? That’s pretty boring don’t you think, why not something like Lancelot, or Eragon, or Dragneel or some more original than Spike.”

“Well, I suppose you could name him if you want, but you would have to adopt him.” She said as she finished cleaning the cage. Spike then started to lick Zero, causing him to giggle. “Aww, he likes you,” she smiled while clapping her hands together.

“Well I would buy him,” Zero said while putting Spike back in his cage, causing Spike to pout and whimper. “But my mom doesn’t want another reason to give her a headache, but I’m sure I can convince my dad with some persuasion and guilt tripping,”

“I understand, but you’ll be back to visit him right?” she asked

Zero crouched down and scratched Spike’s ear as he smiled and wagged his tail. “As long as the other dogs don’t kill me over a chew toy, sure,” he smiled back. “Anyways I better head back; I’ll see you around school I guess.” Zero said as he waved to Fluttershy who, in return, waved back. As Zero started to walk home, he looked up to the sunset and smiled, he was happy to know that the day was finally coming to a close. Even though he might lose the bet he made with his sister, he’s happy to find a more peaceful town than the one in Manehattan, hoping to forget most of his memories from there.

At least I can go home and finally sleep in peace’ he thought to himself.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!” shouted White Star. Zero was sitting at the kitchen table eating meatloaf with his family, he forgot during dinner time his family talks about their day and their future plans.

“I….fell down some stairs,” he lied.

“No you didn’t,” objected Solar Wind, “Weren’t you-“

“Shut up before I throw you down a flight,” he retorted.

“It was a dog wasn’t it,” asked Sound Barrier without look up from his food.

Zero sighed, “There were at least 20,”

“20?! What were you doing to provoke at least 20 dogs?” White Star asked.

“It’s kind of a long story,” he replied.

“Does it have something to do with why your teacher called me today about you swing into the class via window?” Commented Sound Barrier.

“No that’s…another story,” chuckled Zero nervously.

After explaining the day he had and getting a long lecture, Zero finally got to take a shower and went to bed. Looking back on his eventful day, he felt like he made quite the impression in Ms. Harshwhinny's class, and to Fluttershy for helping her out at the Shelter, despite being attacked by dogs. All in all, he was looking forward to the rest of the year and the friends he was going to make.

“Not bad for a first day,” he yawned before fall asleep. “Not bad at all.”