• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 4,659 Views, 178 Comments

The Twilight to a New Dawn - Zeroxdoom

Zero Gravity doesn't like the idea of putting aside his delinquent ways in order to stay in Canterlot High, but once he's assigned a certain egghead for a tutor he's starting to have second thoughts.

  • ...

The Start of Something Interesting.

After the events of the dance yesterday, Canterlot was very quiet as everyone was taking the time to recuperate and spend the Sunday settling down and getting ready for school the next day. Surprisingly enough, Zero was in his room doing absolutely nothing as he was not in much of a mood to do anything. Anytime he tried to do something to cheer himself up, he found himself losing interest within five minutes: video games, TV, going on his desktop, reading, or texting his friends. He ended up just lying on his bed in a dark green tank top and shorts listening to music as he stared off into space.

Man, Zero thought to himself with a tired sigh. This weekend sucked. I practically blew it with Twilight and Trixie, yet here I was saying guys in these messes are dumb and need to make the obvious decisions and stop thinking too hard. Romance is such a pain.

Just then, there was a knock on his bedroom door before Wind bounced into the room with a gleeful smile on her face as she skipped over to her brother.

“What’s got you so happy?” Zero said as he sat up.

“Why do you think, silly?” Wind giggled as she sat down on the bed. “I’m still on cloud nine from the dance last night! Who knew they’d be so magical and astonishing! And Button looked so cute when he was nervous!”

“Did Mom happen to scar him for life by any chance?” Zero tapped his chin. “That might’ve been why.”

“Surprisingly, no. When we picked him up, his mom got along with ours pretty well and she actually admitted that she liked him,” Wind explained. “She said it’s because he’s adorkably innocent so she treated him nicely. At this rate, maybe I can tell Mom and Dad that we’re dating!”

“Maybe hold off on that so Dad doesn’t get the shotgun again,” Zero murmured. “But then again, who am I to give advice? Things usually manage to work out for you just fine anyways.”

“Nu-uh! You’ve been doing great given who your date was.” Wind gave a sly grin. “So how did things go between you and the Great and Powerful Trixie? You didn’t say much in the car ride home last night so I thought you were tired; now you gotta give me the juicy details! Did you two make out? Was it awesome? Oooh, I’m so jealous!”

“It—Wait, huh?” Zero stopped himself from the last comment. “Why jealous?”

Wind blushed a little as she let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I-I just thought that she looked super cute is all.”

“I almost forgot you play for both teams.” Zero shook his head. “Anyways, no, we didn’t do anything. She was coming onto me too strong and I just … wasn’t feeling it. It’s hard to explain.” He sighed.

Wind scooted closer before patting Zero’s back to comfort him. “Come ooooon, tell your little sister. It’s been a while since I helped you out of a funk.”

Zero took a deep breath. “So, the thing is … remember when you suggested that if I passed my test last week, I should do something for Twilight?”

Wind nodded wordlessly.

“Well, I ended up doing not so well and didn’t think I deserve to do something nice for her, or even ask her out. So then Trixie asked me at the end of the day and I went with her, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was being dishonest with myself and her and making things sour between us since. Then I discovered Trixie actually wanted to go with me since the beginning because she loved me and I felt put on the spot since my mind was on Twi. So yesterday during the slow dance, I … I ran away like an idiot. I couldn’t take it anymore! When I came back to the dance floor, Trixie up and vanished. Didn’t even send me a text. Neither did Twilight ever since that talk we had in the hall. So I just … feel too paralyzed to do anything,” Zero summarized as he gripped his fist. “My heart is just aching and—”

“It’s almost parallel to what happened between you and Fluttershy, only worse,” Wind interrupted. “But this time, Trixie has feelings for you and you’re the one feeling too indecisive on whether or not you want to reciprocate. But my question is, do you feel bad because you didn’t give Twilight what you want or because you actually like her now?”

“Truthfully … I’m not so sure.”

“If that’s the case,” Wind poked his chest, “instead of thinking with your brain, something you don’t normally do anyways, how does your heart feel about the matter? Ask yourself the real question: Who do you want to be with? What do you want more than anything?”

“My heart, huh?” Zero placed his hand over his heart and focused on how he felt deep down. He took a deep breath and stayed silent.

“Is it working?” Wind whispered.

“I know what I want most, but the issue is, I’m gonna hurt Trixie even more,” Zero admitted as he opened his eyes and gripped his chest. “And I hate getting my hands dirty. This isn’t like with Fluttershy. There’s no way to let her down easy. I’m not even sure if we can go back to being friends. Heh, it’s funny though. Before, I loved flirting with girls and getting their attention, maybe even the idea of them fighting over me so I could feel more loved. I just never knew it could be this rough. I just want some girl to ‘need me,’ but now it’s a whole different ball game.”

“Of course it’s gonna be rough if you're actually thinking about their feelings,” Wind informed. “Most girls like the idea of guys fighting over them and consider themselves lucky. Heck, I wished for it. It’s more of a curse than anything. Love triangles usually end badly because the one singled out suffers the most and has to deal with you spending time with someone else and—” Wind caught herself and noticed Zero looked frustrated. “I-I-I said too much, didn’t I?”

“A little bit, yeah. I didn’t think that far into it. But the longer I take to tell Trixie, the more painful it’s gonna be, not to mention I don’t know if Twilight’s fully ready to be more than … this,” Zero said as he stood up and put on some pants. “Might as well be a man and get this over with.”

“I-I-I’m sorry if I didn’t help much,” Wind lamented. “I just wanted to get you out of a funk. You haven’t been yourself recently.”

Zero smirked at Wind and gave her a noogie with a small smile. “You kidding? You at least told me what I needed to hear and got me out of bed. That’s more than enough, you little squirt.”

Wind giggled and tried to wiggle out of it. “I may be the squirt, but don’t forget which one of us has the better grades!”

“Hey, I’ve gotten smarter!” Zero yelled as he dropped her.

“What year did World War 2 start?” Wind crossed her arms and smirked confidentiality.

“Nineteen thirty nine on September first, and lasted for six years and one day. So, ha!” Zero grinned as he grabbed a pillow and knocked Wind off the bed.

“AAAH! LUCKY!” Wind pouted.

“I’ve got a lot smarter since our previous encounter,” Zero announced proudly. “Next time, I’ll be coming home with straight A’s!”

Wind crossed her arms with an annoyed huff. “Yeah, yeah. Just go fix your harem problems.”

Zero chuckled as he left his room feeling a little better. He went out his front door before looking next door at Trixie’s house. The brief exchange with Wind did cheer him up, but remembering the task at hand brought the guilt and heartache back. He didn’t waste another second thinking or dwelling on it; doing that yesterday cost him the Fall Formal. Now was the time to resolve all of this. Once he arrived at her front door, he took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

Trixie quickly came to open the door and looked upon him with a sad smile. “So you did come after all.”

“Of course I would. I wanted to talk about last night,” Zero began as he looked away. “Listen, I—”

“I messed up. I know,” Trixie stated as she cut him off. Instead of being surprised, Zero just stayed quiet and listened. “I was trying too hard to make you have fun and enjoy ourselves. I didn’t want anything to get in the way of our perfect night. I just wanted all of your attention on me...but I didn’t think about your feelings enough and kept pulling you away from your friends. It wasn’t right.”

“Trixie, it’s okay. It's not—”

“No, it wasn’t okay. I pushed myself onto you and wanted to make you love me as much as I love you,” Trixie admitted as she gripped her fists a little. “But I’ll see to it that I’ll do better. Things started out rocky, but it can get better, right?”

“Trixie, listen—”

“We can be a great couple, just trust me!” Trixie cried out as her composure broke and she began tearing up. “I just wanna hold onto this feeling we have—that I cherish. I don’t wanna lose it just over something silly. I’ll do whatever I can if you give me time, so long as you just stay with me, oka—”

“Stop!” Zero shouted, making Trixie gasp. He sighed before calming down. “I thought I felt the same way, but after last night, and thinking more about it this morning, I realized that I don’t feel the same way as you do at all. I like you a lot, but I’m not in love with you. To me, loving someone is wanting to learn more and more about them, like you’re almost addicted to them and every moment with them is something … indescribable, yet wonderful at the same time. Even looking at them makes you go … ‘wow.’ With Fluttershy, I love being around her and helping her, and she’s great too. But now, if I’m hanging around her or someone else, there’s a nagging feeling in my heart that wants me to be somewhere else, more specifically with someone else … and when I think of that person, it’s not you at all … and I hate to admit that more than anything. I’m really sorry.”

Trixie looked down as tears fell down her cheek. Zero frowned as he was about to say something to comfort her or give her a hug, but froze when he saw Trixie’s expression turn from one of sorrow to complete rage, making Zero’s heart skip a beat in fear.

“Why?” Trixie asked quietly as she gritted her teeth and glared daggers at Zero, tears streaming down her face. “Why isn’t it me? We were meant for each other! We walk to school together, we have so much fun in the Roleplay Club, we’re cut from the same cloth, and you’re the first person I felt like I can open up to! I thought after all this time with people not taking the time to understand my feelings, rolling their eyes at me, or not using a single brain cell to see the real me, I found the one person in this damn town that could love me and make me feel whole! So why must I continue to endure this sense of loneliness? Does anyone really care about me?”

“Trixie….” Zero mumbled as he actually teared up a little.

“Am I truly so unloveable Zero?” Trixie sobbed as she covered her eyes so she didn’t have to look at him. “Is this why my own father would rather leave me and pursue his career than having to deal with a brat such as me? Because he knew I wasn’t worth much? Or how my own mother barely makes time for me anymore? I mean, it’s no wonder why I never really made any friends. So—”

Zero pulled Trixie into a tight hug and held her. Trixie gasped a little and didn’t move, but it didn’t take long for her to hug him back as she cried a little on his shoulder.

“You’re not worthless. This isn’t like you at all,” Zero insisted. “Just because I don’t love you the same way you do me doesn’t mean I don’t want you in my life. I like the club. Hanging out with you is fun, and I would even love to go to one of your magic shows in the future. We can still be friends and I’ll do whatever I can to be there for you. Trixie, you’re still important to me, girlfriend or not. Okay?”

“B-But I still don’t wanna give you up,” Trixie bawled as she gripped him tightly. “It’s not fair.”

“I know how you feel,” Zero stated as he pulled away from her. “I thought Fluttershy was the one for me and when she turned me down, I felt like I had the worst luck ever. But it’s just like you said: we’re cut from the same cloth. That means if I can get back on my feet, so can you. I mean, come on, you’re the Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon, one of the coolest girls in Canterlot.” Zero pulled away and smiled at her. “Don’t let this bring you down. I’ll always be there for you, along with Wind, Snips and Snails, and maybe even your bandmates. You just gotta show everyone the Trixie I know and you’ll be surrounded by people who love you. Then you probably won’t need me as much.”

“You’re wrong about two things though,” Trixie said as she wiped her tears away. “First off, Trixie is not one of the coolest girls. She is the coolest girl in Canterlot! From now until the rest of time, Trixie will see to it that her name is etched into history. You got that?” She gave a sad smile before giving Zero a kiss on the cheek. “Secondly, you’re my first real friend, no matter what, so I’ll always need you.”

Zero blushed a little from the kiss on the cheek.

“But, as head of the Roleplaying Club, I hereby ban you for the rest of the month.”

“W-What? Bu—”

“I think it’d be better if we don’t see each other for the time being, for both our sakes,” Trixie admitted. “Besides, you should spend some more time with whoever your heart’s set on. That way you won’t be confused anymore. And you should start walking to school with them or let them drive you.”

“I guess that’s a good point.” Zero frowned. “I just hope you’re gonna be okay.”

“It’s like you said, I’ll bounce back eventually. But you can’t always be the white knight, Zero,” Trixie explained a bit more confidently. “You just gotta let people stand on their own and trust them. And right now is that time for me.”

Thinking about it, Zero slowly nodded. “If you’re sure.”

“I am. Now then, isn’t there somewhere you oughta be?”

“Yeah,” Zero said with a sad smile. “I’ll see you around, Trixie,” he said before turning away and heading off. As Trixie watched him go, she gave a long sigh before closing the door. Zero never really expected to be someone to turn down a girl who was infatuated with him. The idea alone felt ludicrous unless something was seriously wrong with the girl. But in this case, it had to be done.

And he knows where he has to be from now on.

After wrapping up her homework, Twilight was lying on her bed looking at the group photo from last night, fixated on hers and Zero’s fake smiles. She kept thinking about the conversation the two of them had in the hallway as if it was playing on loop in her brain. She could feel in the pit of her stomach that there were things left unsaid, yet she felt almost too nervous to confront the situation.

I want to ask him, but is now really the best time? Twilight thought as she opened her phone and went to her contacts. I could call him or text him, but what if I’m reading too much into it?

Twilight kept staring at her phone while her thumbs slowly inched their way to the call button, but her phone suddenly went off and received a text from Sunset, making her jump a bit before opening the message.

Sunset: Open the front door.

Twilight took a quick peek out her window and saw Sunset’s car parked out front, proving she was definitely here. She soon went down to the front door and opened it. Sunset was standing by the doorway and gave her friend a small wave.

“Hey Twilight, sorry for dropping by unannounced like this. I would’ve come by sooner, but Soul didn’t wanna stop cuddling back at my place … until his mom came and dragged him home—literally, mind you,” Sunset disclosed with a small giggle.

“Heh, I’m surprised she didn’t spy on you guys during the dance.” Twilight chuckled before a thought crossed her mind. “She actually did, didn’t she?”

“Eeyup,” Sunset confirmed while trying her best to mimic Big Mac. “And here I thought she and I actually bonded enough last week for her to trust me, but I guess moms will be moms.”

“It think it’s kinda sweet, though my mom is more overzealous than overprotective,” Twilight added before getting her mind on track. “But we’re getting sidetracked. You’re probably here because of last night, right? How’d you know something was up?”

Sunset took out the group photo from last night and pointed to Twilight’s and Zero’s smiles. “When you’re the school’s bad girl for a year or so, like me, you know how to make and tell the difference between a real smile and a fake one. It was pretty obvious you both did not look happy at all.”

Twilight frowned before closing the door and sitting down on the steps. “You might want to sit down for this,” she said as Sunset sat next to her and patted her shoulder. Once Twilight wrapped up her story, Sunset wasted no time getting to the meat of the issue.

“Sounds to me like this goes a bit deeper than picking which guy you wanted to dance with,” Sunset addressed. “Though if I’m being honest, I’m not surprised this happened. You two have been studying together almost every weekday, and you don’t talk to any other guys that often.”

“I’m almost sure he feels the same way as I do now. But….” Twilight looked down. “I feel like we might be incompatible. So things might not work out.”

“You think you two are incompatible?” Sunset cocked an eyebrow before laughing. ”Twilight, have you seen our circle of friends lately and who they’re dating? Clyde’s more stoic, calm, and down-to-earth while Rarity’s more chatty, lively, and prone to fantasizing, yet they work well together as a couple. Pinkie’s outgoing, the life of the party, and wild while Swift is awkward, nerdy, and reserved, but they’re still so cute together!

“None of those differences necessarily mean that it can’t work out. You’ve got to give it a try,” Sunset argued. “When I got the hints … okay, obvious implications—that Soul had feelings for me, I wasn’t sure how to take it since my first relationship with Flash wasn’t great. I was a bit uncomfortable with the idea at first.”

“I think it’s kind of cute to be honest.” Twilight smiled. “Your relationship with each other is like something out of a romantic comedy.”

“Feels like it, yeah.” Sunset giggled at the thought. “But after hanging out with him here and there, I realized I had a lot of fun being around him, more than I expected. And when you really get down to it, he’s really open-minded and such a dork half the time that I can’t help but smile. At first, when he asked me to the dance and to be his girlfriend, I felt unsure and nervous, but happy that he asked me. So I decided to say yes, and I couldn’t be any happier. While he doesn’t know it yet, he taught me something I ought to pass onto you.”

“And what’s that?”

“That we shouldn’t think too much on the what-ifs, the negatives, or apprehensions that come up. Just follow your heart and take a chance,” Sunset explained. “Knowing you, I think you definitely need to keep that in mind. Did you even talk to Zero today or were you still debating with yourself?”

Twilight pouted and crossed her arms. “No! You just interrupted me before I could … decide…. Okay, I guess you really do know me.”

“You aren’t exactly an enigma, Ms. Einstein,” Sunset teased with a smirk. “Especially when you geek out. No wonder Zero’s more than likely fallen for you.”

Twilight looked back at her. “I’d question that train of thought, but … Zero did say something to me that no guy has before,” she said as her cheeks turned red.

“Mr. Casanova does have his way of words,” Sunset recalled before nudging Twilight. “But don’t keep me in the dark, tell me!”

“Okay, okay!” Twilight laughed as she nudged Sunset back. “I noticed him watching me at the dance for the most part, and when I asked why, he said, ‘It’s hard not to look at the prettiest girl in the room.’” She mumbled the last bit quietly as her face got more and more red.

“Awwww! That’s so sweet of him!” Sunset beamed. “At this point, I don’t have any doubt that he likes you. But now we can cycle back to you and your thoughts. Are you interested enough to give it a try?”

Twilight thought for only a brief moment, but given how all the pieces fell into place, coupled with what Sunset and Cadance had told her, she already had her mind made up. “First and foremost, I have to talk to him.”

“Sure thing, I’ll step away so you can call him in pri—”

Twilight shook her head. “Not by phone, in person. At this moment, a call or text wouldn’t be appropriate. This is the kind of moment in which I must see him face to face in order to get everything between us across.”

Giving her friend a confident grin, Sunset nodded at her. “Understood. Now go get ‘em, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled at her and gave Sunset a hug. “Thanks for coming by to check on me. I really appreciate it.”

Sunset hugged her back. “What are best friends for? Just be sure to call me later. I wanna hear all the juicy details!”

Twilight pulled away from the hug and gave her a cheeky grin. “Oh, I’ll make sure to tell you all about it if you promise to tell me some stories between you and Soul.”

“You have got yourself a deal Ms. Sparkle,” Sunset agreed before heading back to her car. Twilight in return went to go change before taking a walk in the direction of Zero’s house. Before, it felt as if whenever she took a step forward in putting herself out there, it was always a shaky one.

This time, she felt nothing but conviction in her step.

On his way to find Twilight, Zero made a quick stop and picked up some ice cream. He carried them in a bag while eating one of his own in order to calm his nerves. He wasn’t sure how the encounter would go or what he’d say exactly, but at the same time, he felt at peace. The sky was turning orange as the sun set and the day approached its end. The neighborhood was quiet—unsurprising, given that everyone was preparing for work or school the next day. The final remnants of Autumn leaves were blowing by as October was nearly over and winter was drawing near.

“Man, this takes me back,” Zero said to himself as he approached the bridge over the riverbank, his usual downtime spot. He couldn’t help but stop to stare off at the sunset for a moment as the sky was completely clear and the river sparkled like crystals. He leaned on the edge and took a moment to admire it. “Been way too long since I’ve chilled here for a bit. Heh, then again, whenever I do, all I do is think about the past. Kinda wonder how Manehatten’s holding up.”

As he took several minutes to take in the view, a familiar voice spoke up right by him and his heart started to stir.

“Fluttershy did mention that you always had a fondness for nature and nice views,” said Twilight as she approached Zero with a warm smile. “But I never really took you for a nature guy. Then again, you never cease to amaze me.”

“Oh, Twilight!” Zero blurted out a bit happier than he expected. “I was just looking for you,” he said before offering her the ice cream from his bag. “Wanna talk over ice cream?”

Twilight smiled. “Sure thing. What flavors do you have?”

“Just Sea-Salt Ice Cream!” Zero said before handing her a popsicle and sitting down on the ledge of the bridge.

“Sea-Salt Ice Cream?” Twilight said before sitting down next to him and taking the wrapper off the ice-cream before putting it in the bag so she didn’t litter. She raised an eyebrow before taking a bite out of the ice cream. “Hmm … tastes pretty good!”

“Salty, yet sweet, huh?” Zero grinned as he took a bite out of his. “I got these from Button Mash on the way here. He made them just like how my friends used to back in Manehattan.”

“You and your friends used to make these?” Twilight tilted her head curiously.

“Yup!” Zero confirmed with a bit of a sad smile. “We kinda got the idea from a video game series all three of us loved playing. In one of them, the characters in the game love to eat this ice cream all the time and watch the sunset like this, so we found out how to make the ice cream ourselves and tried it out while sitting on the roof of the apartment building. It was one of the most peaceful and beautiful moments I’ve ever felt. So watching the sunset nowadays makes me feel nostalgic and forget all my problems.”

“Wow.” Twilight thought about what he said before looking out at the sunset. “I do see what you mean. Watching the sunset does feel really nice and soothing.”

“I always thought of the sunset as kinda sad though since it’s usually seen as the end of one day and getting ready to call it in, especially on Sundays since you know school is tomorrow. But at the same time,” Zero looked at Twilight, “I actually feel happier when I watch it here since I can look forward to what tomorrow brings. Every day feels like an adventure in this town. Each day makes me think of what the next one is gonna be like, whether it’s a simple day or something grand. Either way, I really love Canterlot and all the friends I’ve made.”

Smiling, Twilight looked back at him. “That’s a perspective I can get behind since I actually started to feel the same as well.”

“Oh yeah?” Zero wondered as he took a bite out of his ice cream.

“I never was good with people, as you already know,” Twilight stated. “But when I read stories like Daring Do, I felt as a reader, I was part of the adventure myself or part of the group—getting to know the characters, laughing with them, being there during the good and bad times, it felt amazing. Unlike reality, it wasn't that hard to get to know people, and you didn’t have to worry about whether they like you or not, so I never really felt lonely as long as I had a good book close by. But as I got older, I did start to crave actually experiencing it for myself, to have the same kind of wonderful friends inside those stories. Until I attended Crystal Prep, it felt like having friends was only a fantasy, that something that beautiful wasn’t real or a necessity, so I pushed it all away ...”

“Till you started to open up, right?” Zero speculated.

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. Now that I’ve made such amazing friends, I look forward to the future in the same way as you … but I want to experience every day by your side, if you don’t mind,” she said with a blush.

Zero blushed as he stared at Twilight. “You really … mean that?”

“Y-Yeah. I learn a lot from being around you, and you give me the drive to try new things each day,” Twilight admitted. “I admire your courage, your carefree attitude, your charisma, all of it. Overall, it feels like I’ve barely scratched the surface of something wonderful about you that I can feel. Since you see something in me that I’ve yet to see in myself, I want to know why someone like you thinks I’m worth your time. And I … I want to know more and more about you,” she confessed.

Zero’s heart started to race and he couldn’t help but look away bashfully. “C’mon now, I’m cool, but not that cool. I’m just some hooligan who hates seeing people getting sad or lonely and doesn’t like getting bored. You’re a beautiful girl with just as beautiful a brain and the potential to be the world's next Da Vinci or Isaac Newton. If anything, you’re the one who’s incredible. Heck, you just beat me into making a confession!” he pouted.

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Well, you know what they say: ladies first.”

“Fair point.” Zero huffed before taking another bite of his ice cream as he gazed into Twilight’s eyes. “But … I am glad you feel the same way as I do, ‘cause when I look at you, you’re not the typical nerdy girl. You’re adorkable, fun to talk to, and I already feel drawn to you. I don’t wanna leave your side, not for another second. So yeah, I’d love to learn more about you too.”

The two of them looked into each other’s eyes and gave one another a warm smile. Zero slid closer to Twilight and she in return rested her head on his shoulder as they continued to watch the sunset in complete peace while holding each other’s hand.

“So … are the Daring Do books just as good as the movies?” Zero wondered.

Twilight’s pupils shrank at the question. “Are the Daring Do bo— Are you telling me you’re one of the people that only watches the movies instead of reading the books?”

“I only saw the movie a few years ago and thought it looked cool! I never read the book because I thought it was kinda lame.”

Twilight gave Zero a stern glare before speaking the next word. “Tomorrow, after school, your house. We’re reading Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone. No ifs, ands, or buts!”

“But I—”


Zero flinched a little from the stern glare as he was almost afraid to argue with her, though a thought crossed his mind and he smirked. “Do I get a reward for complying now that we’re an item? Nobody’s gonna be home for a while tomorrow, sooo ...”

Twilight’s whole face turned red at this as she started to think about what exactly he was implying. “W-W-WHAT?”

Zero burst out laughing as he held his stomach, taking complete delight in Twilight’s reaction. “Hehehe, I’m kidding! God, I love seeing your face like that. It’s so precious.”

Twilight pouted before leaning in and taking a huge bite out of Zero’s ice cream, making his pupils shrink as he looked at his ice cream in shock and distress. He slowly looked back at Twilight who had a cheeky grin plastered across her face. “You did not just do that,” Zero hissed half-jokingly.

“Oh, relax.” Twilight giggled. “We have more anyways!”

“But I gotta savor every bite!” Zero argued. “It’s not every day Button or I make these!”

“Then I—” Twilight was about to make a counter-argument but held the sides of her head suddenly. “ACK! Ice cream headache!”

Zero stuck his tongue out at her as he took a bite out of her ice cream while she was distracted by her brain freeze. “An eye for an eye, and a bite for a bite!”

Twilight glared at him with a small smile. “Hey!”

“You started it!” Zero teased with a laugh as the two engaged in playful banter and soon just normal conversation while they watched the sunset together. It was just a calming moment, much happier than the one they experienced at the Fall Formal.

Now that they’d resolved everything, they could put it all behind them and prepare for the days to come, knowing fully well that they’d face what’s next together as a fresh new couple.

Comments ( 6 )

Stop. My heart... to much fluff. dies from fluffy romance.

Also this didnt even show up in my feed thank Luna i looked in my bookmarks!

Before I read this, I must know: How does "just" getting bad grades in school automatically make you a delinquent? Maybe it's just me, but when I think "delinquent", I think the Gangreen Gang from The Powerpuff Girls, not someone who gets bad grades.

Well it's not typically about getting bad grades. (Though some people still call them delinquents.) Zero's a delinquent since he has a habit of breaking rules in school and causing trouble like in the earlier chapters. Though you can argue he's not much of a delinquent as things go on, but you'll have to see for yourself

Oh Trixie I love you and aww Zero and Sci-Twi moments adorable. So glad to see this story continue, really hood to hear from you Zero.

And finally Cupid's Arrow has struck! So cute to see these two finally together.

Now I wanna go for some Sea-salt ice cream... and play some Kingdom Hearts! :pinkiehappy:

That artwork makes me think of Kingdom Hearts.

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