• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 4,658 Views, 178 Comments

The Twilight to a New Dawn - Zeroxdoom

Zero Gravity doesn't like the idea of putting aside his delinquent ways in order to stay in Canterlot High, but once he's assigned a certain egghead for a tutor he's starting to have second thoughts.

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Pass, Fail, or Die Trying: The Test from Hell!

After Discord had tricked everyone into a pointless chase, the students had entered their designated homeroom and sat in their assigned seats. The chase render half of the students tired and it didn’t help that they all had just finished lunch.

In all the classrooms, teachers were holding stacks of papers in their hands while waiting patiently for Discord announcement to hand them out. The entire school waited quiet as they were preparing themselves for what Discord had in store, as they were completely unaware of how hard the questions really were. Some of the students even looked like they were ready to crack at any second while others tried to keep a calm demeanor but were showing signs of nervousness like sweating or eye twitching. Finally, the P.A system turned on and Discord finally spoke once again, making half the School jump from the quiet and suspenseful atmosphere.

“Well now, I hope you all had a good and wonderful exercise,” Discord beamed. “And I know your all wondering why I did such a horrible thing in the first place. Well to put it simply, I wanted to see how badly you wanted to pass, I wanted to see how far your determination goes, how much you’ll willing to sacrifice in order to take the easy way out, what students like you would do on instinct after I enforced so many rules. Basically, I wanted to see your reactions.”




“QUIET!” Discord shouted as he silence the uproar the students were causing. “I’m still in charge here. Even though the exercise was pointless, the test is very real. Teachers, hand out the tests.”

All the teachers slowly handed out the test to all the students and laid them face down. Upon further inspection, the students noticed the test was in a packet as some of them expected it to be. Once the teachers finished handling it out Discord spoke once more.

“I’m sure I don’t have to tell you all how to take a test, but I’ll humor you and go over some things. You only have one hour to complete the test, the test itself contains a total of one hundred questions and none of them are multiple choice or matching. Most of the questions require you to show your work, if you answer the questions without an explanation as to how you arrive at that conclusion, you will not be score, even if it is correct. If you are talking to another person, you’ll fail. If you are caught looking up the answers on your phone, you’ll fail. And if your caught looking at another person paper, say it with me now.”

“We’ll fail,” everyone groaned in unison.

“That’s right,” Discord chirped. “And before I go, I wanted to say something to those who think they’re gonna get away with any cheating. Not only are the teachers gonna be watching you, but so will I. And this isn’t my first rodeo either. Way back in my good old days, I was actually trained to watch people like this, only more dangerous and life threatening. I won’t go into details otherwise we’ll lose track of time, but let me get to the point.”

The P.A system went quiet for a minute until Discord spoke up again with a more serious and intimidating voice than the one from before.

“I can see every breath you make, every muscle you move, I can even tell you how many times you’ve blinked. So don’t try anything funny, my eyes are very sharp and I don’t make mistakes.” He explained in a menacing voice. “Once the second hand reaches twelve you may begin your test. And remember……I’m always watching you.”

With his final statement, Discord managed to shift the atmosphere once again to the point most of the student body nearly became breathless. The students knew cheating would result in failure, but half of them didn’t really expect the test to be a hundred question filled with questions of who knows what, not to mention that there’s no multiple choice. Something like this wouldn’t be so bad if all their grades and chances to participate in school events didn’t hang in the balance, thinking about it all while waiting for a minute to finally pass almost felt like a life or death situation. The second hand came closer and closer to the twelve as everyone watched carefully.







The sound of paper being flipped over echoed throughout the school as every student began writing. Some of the students carefully analyzed the first question while others wasted no time answering it and moved on to the next one. In Ms. Roseluck’s class, Soul was the former. The first question seemed too ridiculously easy to be on a test like this, especially if Discord came up with it himself.

What’s one plus one?’ he thought to himself. ‘He’s kidding right?

Soul answered the question before moving on to the next one. The next question wasn’t as easy as the first but it’s not that hard to figure out.

Let’s see, Sixty five point forty one times seventy point sixty four.’ Soul patiently solved the problem step by step as he double checked his work before moving on to the next one. He was starting to think this test was another joke of Discord and that all the questions were as hard as he made it out to be, sadly his thoughts were interrupted as the next question flipped his theory on his head.

Line B in the diagram indicates the trajectory of a javelin thrown at target C by person A on top of a building 9 meters tall, describe and formulate the trajectory required if target C were positioned at points D,E, and F. Also predict the farthest possible range of the javelin and explain how you arrived at your answer.

Soul started to become nervous as he tried to figure out the question. ‘This is nuts, I can’t solve this!’ he started to scratch his head before deciding to skip the question for now and move on to the next one. Two seats ahead of him Swift wasn’t doing so hot either, in fact he look like he was about to choke already.

How am I suppose to know all the elements of a human body, I’m no science expert?!’ Swift thought as he panicked. ‘Ok, just focus Swift. You can do this. Hopefully I remember this, I think it was Oxygen…Carbon….Hydrogen….Nitrogen…Calcium…Phosphorus…Potassium…Sulphur…Sodium…Chlorine….and Magnesium!’ Swift thought excitedly as he wrote down the question as he gave an internal sigh.

Alright, on to the next one. Let’s see….’ Swift carefully read the question as he newly found confidence was shattered once again.

Following the previous Question, what is the exact percentage in the human to each of the elements you’ve stated?

……I’m so screwed

Fifty minutes left

Meanwhile in Ms. Cheerilee’s class, Clyde wasn’t doing so bad himself. He was on the basketball team so it was important for him to keep his grades up. He managed to get through some of the question with easy but others proved to be a problem, like the one he’s on now.

Alright, if I remember correctly. Soccer is an abbreviation of the word association that’s found in the full title of the sport “Association football.” after the football association was founded in London in the year 1863.’ He thought as he wrote the question before stopping halfway. ‘…..or was it called Gaelic Football?’ he second guested. ‘Aww man, I can’t remember. I wish this question was about basketball instead, then I would have this in the bag.

As he took a moment to recap his memory on which one was right, he saw something in the corner of his eye that halted his thoughts. Pinkie Pie seemed to be working on something entirely different, instead of working on the test, she seemed to be coloring something. As Clyde looked closely he saw that she was wearing down the pink crayon a lot and had a determined look on her face.

What and why is she coloring during a test, did she finish or somethi-

“Young man in Ms. Cheerilee’s please keep your eyes on your own paper before I have to fail you,” said Discord on the P.A system. “You know who you are.”

Clyde flinched as he looked back on his paper and covered his face with his hand. ‘Oh yeah, I can’t get distracted. I need to focus and get back to work, but I wonder how everyone else is faring?’ He thought as he made a quick glance over by the window to see how Rivet, Rainbow, and Tyrone were doing before looking back at his paper so he won’t get in trouble again.

From what he saw, Rivet was biting his pencil out of sheer anxiety and was sweating a little. Rainbow on the other hand had an angry look on her face and her pencil was broken in half. And as for Tyrone, he had his head down and his hands were on top of his head, Clyde focused his hearing and could hear Tyrone breathing heavily in frustration.

Doesn’t seem like they’re having much luck either. I just hope we can all make it through this nightmare. Speaking of which, how much longer till this test is over?’

Clyde gave one last glance away from his test to look at the clock on the wall to check the time, He gave a surprised look at how much time had pass before putting all of his focus back on the test and hoped to complete it in time.

Thirty minutes left

While Soul and Swift were putting all of their focus in the test back in Ms. Roseluck’s class, Sunset had her mind on other things. To her this test wasn’t that much of a big deal, sure some of the questions were pretty difficult was a little unfamiliar with a few, especially the history questions. But she studied way harder stuff back in Equestria. Her main question is why did Discord give them such a difficult test in the first place?

It doesn’t make sense, why would Discord give us such a hard test near the beginning of the year? I highly doubt he cares about the next generation of the school, and I don’t believe he cares if other schools look down us.’ Sunset pondered as she looked around the classroom to see everyone still focused on the test until someone caught her eye.

Fluttershy was completely nervous and was shaking to the point that she could cause an earthquake if she tried hard enough. Sunset frowned at seeing her friend in such a state, until something click in her mind that made her look back at her test for a moment. Skipping a few questions, she looked at one of the questions that made her even more suspicious of Discord’s motivation.

Could a coin fall off the top of the Kingdom City Building in Manehattan kill someone? Why or why not?

A question like this requires some thinking, especially if you want to get it right. But something like this would take up too much time.’ Sunset reckoned as she finally pieced it all together. ‘The test has to be a sham. We don’t have nearly enough time to answer one hundred question on a written test, and even if someone answered them all, they’d had to rush and risk the chance of getting some wrong, and looking at this test, those chances are pretty high. Plus the questions are too hard for most students, even someone with good grades like me had a bit of trouble answering these.

Sunset had even more reasons to believe this test was a fake, but she had already came to the conclusion that this couldn’t go on any longer. Plus if Discord has anything to counter her main reasons, she has more thoughts swirl her mind that she’s willing and ready to throw at him. As she was preparing to make a stand, an angry looking student beat her to it.

“This test is total bull man!” the young man shouted while pointing at the P.A system. “You can’t just pull something like this on us when the year just started, especially without any warnings! All these questions are too hard, I can understand a senior honors class doing this, but for every student to take it is overboard! What are you gonna do if we all fail, if you hold all of us back the school won’t have room for all the new students! And if you do hold us back, me and my mom will take it up with the school board and get you FIRED!”

The room was silent for a moment as Discord didn’t make a respond. Sunset exhaled as the young man pretty much said half of what she was going to say but in a more aggressive tone, nonetheless he still got the job done. A few more moments of silence passed as the young man gave a confident smile as he took Discord’s silence as a sign of defeat.

“What’s the matter Discord?” the young man smirked. “Cat got your tongue? Run out of bogus rules to enforce?”

Still no response.

“Then I guess it’s true. A guilty dog barks the loudest.” The young man gave a chuckle while picked up his things and began to walk out. Until a small chuckle could be heard from the P.A system, making the young man stop for a brief moment.

“You know what, you’re absolutely right.” Discord agreed. “But you did make some miscalculations, but that’s understandable coming from someone who has D’s in most of his class. Right, Mr. Ringo?”

“How do you-“

“Everything I need to know about you is in your files,” Discord explained. “I won’t reveal anything big, so you can relax. But for someone who has an explosive temper like you to call me out isn’t abnormal in the slightest. You’ve done it to a number of teachers during tests and have been caught cheating several times. Oh and by the way I can confirm that you looked at someone else’s paper at least twelve times and looked at your phone four times, so I knew it was a matter of time before you snapped, that why I haven’t failed you sooner. You’re in no position to call me out when you’re no better yourself.”

“Y-yeah?! Well, y-y-you still can’t do this to us!” Ringo shouted while looking around the room nervously. “When the school board hears what your doing they’re gonna get you good!”

Discord laughed even harder before he spoke in a sinister and calm voice. “The school board knows all too well about what’s going on at the school, I’m the one who convince them to let this happen in the first place. They loved my idea and I intend on giving them a full report after school. And as for the maximum capacity for the school, the newcomers will just have to go to Crystal Prep instead, but why stop there? Some of you could help make room by transferring to Crystal Prep yourselves. Sure your grade will be the same but at least you left room for a lucky new student to take your place.”

Ringo began to sweat even more as Discord continued to shatter his logic as each second passes. As if he was being judged in a courtroom.

“B-but-“ Ringo stuttered.

“And one last thing,” Discord interrupted. “I’ve had this test in the making for about a month now, the reason it took so long is because I took the liberty of calling all of your parents and explained the situation to them. So running home to mommy or daddy or whoever your guardians are isn’t going to help one little bit. So until this test is over, you’re all in my world now. But just because I let Ringo slip up a few times doesn’t mean I’m going easy on the rest of you, if I catch you with your phone or cheating you’re done! Speaking of Ringo, turn in your paper and sit back down until the test is over.”

Everyone in the school was gave a scared look. As the situation became more and more dire. Even the air around them started to feel heavy thanks to him. Ringo hung his head low in defeat as he turned his paper in to Ms. Roseluck and returned to his seat.

“Don’t feel bad Ringo, you were right about one thing.” Discord chuckled. “The guilty dog DID barks the loudest, and it was you.”

Discord laughed hysterically and the P.A system turned off. Sunset started to get a little nervous as she looked at Ringo who had his head down with his hands resting on his head.

Oh man, now what am we gonna do? He’s practically ruling with an iron fist now,’ Sunset thought. ‘Now I have nothing on him, and if I try something he’ll probably fail me too. This isn’t looking good at all.

Ten minutes left

Every student continued to work diligently to pass this test, some of them were sweating like pigs, some of them were confident and maintained their cool, and some of them looked like they were about to cry and give up. However, in Ms. Harshwhinny’s class there was one student who didn’t fall into any of the categories.

Zero Gravity was just sitting at his desk while staring out the window with a completely uninterested look on his face. His test was completely blank. In fact, he hasn’t even looked at it since he first received it and it remained face down on his desk. Zero didn’t care about the test in the slightest, and even if he did, what chance did he have of passing? Ok here’s a better question, why even try to pass? Sure, he could give it a shot and pat himself on the back for trying, but this isn’t something he would care to pat himself for.

Not that he will but if he does pass, it doesn’t guarantee that he’ll graduate. From the looks of things, his grade will just be safe for now until he forgets to turn in a project and watch it drop back down again, so the only upside to passing was that he could attend the school events with his friends. And besides hanging out with the Swift and the others, the pros to passing didn’t really motivate him. Plus he could always sneak in if he’s not allowed to attend, it’d probably be a piece of cake anyways.

If and once he fails, he’ll just be held back, big whoop. If all of his friends graduate he could always just drop out and continue to hang with them after he find some job in a super market or something, and not to long after that, he can make his big move on the world. In the end, only one thing came to his mind when he thought about the test and the school.

Both were completely pointless.

Ugh, this is boring.’ Zero thought. ‘It’s a beautiful day outside and I’m stuck doing a stupid test. Why can’t we do something more exciting? Like something competition that tests our determination or drive, or something philosophical that shows off our mortality or makes us question who we really are as a person. Or maybe a free for all brawl! I’d love to go toe to toe with Rainbow, or even Soul. I’d love to see how his Tae Kwon Do fairs against some of the Baguazhang moves I’ve learned. I just wanna do something cool and fun than take some dumb test. Speaking of the others, I wonder how everyone is doing.

Zero decided to look away from the window to check up on the others, regardless if he gets called out for cheating or not.

The first person he saw was Applejack who seems to be keeping her cool but is also having a bit off a hard time. She was sweating bullets while counting with her hands, obviously working on a hard math problem.

He then looked at Rarity who was in worse condition. Her hair was a little frizzy and had a worried look on her face. This test doesn’t look like it’s doing anyone any favor, especially her.

And as for Night, he looked just as stressed as the rest of the class. However, unlike the rest he quickly breathed in and out before looking back at his work with a focused and determined glare.

Knowing he couldn’t do much to help them, Zero just focused his gaze back out the window. As he continued to stare at the beautiful and clear sky something caught his attention. He looked down and saw three kids running down the sidewalk together, two boys and one girl. He was no genius, but he could clearly see from how young they looked that they were clearly playing hooky. Looking at the smiles on their faces, Zero himself smiled at this as it made him feel a little nostalgic from all the times he cut class with his friends.

Heh, that really takes me back…..’ Zero thought as he closed his eyes and began to reminisce about the past more.

Five years ago

A young Zero was sitting down in his math class as paper balls and pencils were being tossed around like it was some kind of warzone. The teacher sat down at his desk as he tried to calm the students down with little effort, almost as if he hardly care at all.

Normally Zero would love to participate in such an event and so would his friend, Hot Streak. But today, neither of them seemed interested in participating at all as they both sat at their desk quietly with a sad look. They occasionally looked at each other to see if one another was ok before staring back at the only empty seat in the classroom.

Suddenly, the classroom door opened and everyone ceased fire for a minute to see who it was. A girl with long snow white hair with a lime green shirt with the Japanese character for Fox on the front and a pink skirt walked in while covering her left eye.

“You’re late,” the teacher pointed out without looking at her.

“S-sorry….” The girl replied softly. “I’ll be on time tomorrow.”

“Yeah yeah, just go take a seat or something,” the teacher waved off in the direction of where the other kids were sitting.


The girl slowly walked towards the empty seat next to Zero and sat down while staring at the ground and continued to cover her eye, making Zero worried.

“Now that you all have quiet down, maybe we can finally get something done for once,” The teacher said with an uninterested look. “Maybe…..I don’t know, I don’t care.”

As the teacher turned around and started writing something on the board, some of the kids in the row behind Zero were whispering to each other with sly grins. Zero didn’t pay any mind to them or the teacher as he quickly wrote a note and passed it to his white haired friend. She picked it up and read it

What’s wrong with your eye?

She quickly wrote down a reply and passed it back to him.

Don’t Worry, It’s nothing.

Zero looked at her as she gave a fake smile try and erase his worries, he smiled back and looked back at the teacher with a frown. He knew she was lying but he didn’t have the heart to move her arm by force.

Just then, a backpack came flying at the girl from behind and moved the arm she used to cover her eye, revealing a black eye. Zero gasped at her eye as he looked at the back row with a furious look, all of the boys were high five each and said things like “Bull’s-eye” or “Right on target”, Pissing off both Zero and Streak even more. As they were about to get up and teach them a lesson or two, the girl grabbed Zero’s arm and held up her other arm at Hot Streak to halt him. She gave an upset look at the both of them and shook her head, making them drop their angry looks and sat back down with a sigh.

The teacher finally turned around to see what the ruckus was about and saw the backpack.

“Whoever threw their backpack, could they please pick it up and keep the noise down. I’m trying to teach,” The teacher shrugged off.

“Sorry teach, it slipped out of my hand after I tried to pick it up.” One of the boys behind Zero lied with a smirk as he went to pick it up. Turning back to his desk he gave a cocky smile at Zero and the white haired girl before sitting back down.

Zero huffed before looking back at his friend with a worried look as she went back to looking at the ground with a sad look, not attempting to hide her eye anymore but was instead try to hold back her tears. He took out another piece of paper and was prepared to write another note to his friend. He wanted to ask her a bunch of things. Why’d she stop him and Hot Streak, even if he wouldn’t do anything why didn’t she tell the teacher, why’d she hide her black eye from him?

But one important question came to his mind for a millisecond but completely dismissed it. He didn’t need to know how she got the black eye, he was well aware of who’s responsible, and it made his stomach turn just from thinking about it.

So Zero thought about asking her something that she’s not only going to agree with, but something that will make her feel better. Once he wrote down his note and passed it to her, the girl looked back at him with an honest smile and nodded before passing the note to Hot Streak, he also nodded in agreement.

“Hey, I need to use the bathroom.” Hot Streak asked while raising his hand.

“Go ahead,” the teacher said without looking away from the board.

“And I need to get a drink of water,” Zero beamed.

“Drink as much as you like,”

“A-and I need to go to the nurse’s office.” The white haired girl also asked with a smile.

“Don’t get lost on the way,”

And with that note, all three of them ran out the classroom together with their backpacks and booked it to one of the side exits of the school with smiles spread across their face whole time as they headed towards the nearest park without a care in the world.

“You have three minutes left!” Discord announced. Waking Zero up from his trip down memory lane.

Zero shook his head for moment before looking out the window once more and noticed the kids from earlier were walking back the way they came while eating ice cream and laughing together. He went back to staring off into space as one last thought crossed his mind and made him smile once more.

Nostalgia is a pretty cool thing.....even if the memories are a little painful.

Two minutes and thirty seconds left

While everyone but Zero was on edge of the lack of time they had left, Twilight Sparkle wasn’t having any trouble what so ever. In fact, she was breezing through the test with ease. She didn’t participate in the chase for the book and was probably the only one too. She didn’t need a cheat sheet as she had confidence that her own intellectual knowledge was enough to complete the test, plus it was more challenge this way.

Ok, let’s see….’ Twilight thought as she tried to answer one of the last questions. ‘According to his church records, William Shakespeare was baptized on April twenty six. And three days was the customary amount of time to wait before baptizing a newborn. So it’s safe to say that he was born in between the twenty third and the twenty six.

Twilight wrote down the answer along with the explanation before looking over her work ‘I’m sure that answer is satisfying enough, she nodded as she turned the page. ‘On to the final ones.

“You have one minute left, the clock is ticking!” Discord sang, making most of the students panic and began writing down anything that came to their mind at full speed.

NO, I’m only on question fifty five!’ Clyde fretted. ‘Plus I skipped some of them for the time being, I’ll never make it!

“All done!” shouted a familiar voice, causing half of the students in Ms. Cheerilee’s to whip their heads at the source of the voice. Pinkie Pie was clapping as she finished making a pony version of herself out of paper, making all of the students tilt their head in confusion before looking back at their test.

“You better watch out!” Pinkie exclaimed while pointing towards the pony with a determined look. “There can only be one Pinkie Pie in this world, and that one is me!”

That’s…pretty incredible that she made a pony out of complete paper,’ Clyde acknowledged. ‘And it’s the size of the desk. But why did-

“Thirty seconds left!” Discord informed. Making Clyde stop thinking about Pinkie and focused back on the test.

The clock was ticking, Students were losing their minds, and some of the teachers looked away in distress as they couldn’t stand to see their students tear themselves apart. As the end came near, the ticking of the clock echoed through the classrooms and everyone’s ears. It was all or nothing, pass or fail, do or die!

And then….it finally came to an end.

“TIME!” Discord shouted. “All pencils down!”

Most of the students complied and did what he said, while some of the others wrote down a last minute answer before doing so. Over in Ms. Cheerilee’s, Pinkie was too busy wrestling the paper pony she made in front of everyone.

“Now Students, I’m positive you all want to know your grades as soon as possible.” Discord bet, “Luckily for all of you, I’m going to tell you all within the next hour who passed and who failed. As of right now, I’ll be coming by each classroom to collect your papers and return to my office. While I’m grading them I want all of you to remain seated until I give another announcement. that is all.”

Everyone raised an eyebrow at his statement, he couldn’t possible grade the entire student body with an hour, especially since each test is a written response with a hundred questions. It wasn’t humanly possible.

Eventually, Discord visited the classroom one by one to collect the papers. Upon entering some of them he was met with a few outburst from some of the students who cursed him out and insulted him, even damming him to hell for putting them through all of the stress. And in return, Discord just smiled and laughed at their words.

However, stopping by Ms. Cheerilee’s class. He gave a curious look towards Pinkie as she just finishing tearing the paper pony into shreds. He saw her working on it during the test but was a little entertain by her work, so he just gave a shrug and went about his merry way.

And so, an hour finally passed as everyone waited patiently for the results. No one dared to say a peep, as they were too focused to hear the announcement. Suddenly, the P.A system turned on and nearly everyone began sweating.

“Students……grab your belongings and report to the auditorium,” Discord ordered in a sinister tone.

Nobody questioned him as they all did as they were told. Even as everyone walked there, the only sound that could be heard in the hallways were everyone’s footsteps and small mumbling, as half of them had a feeling of dread and fear. Not long after, they entered the auditorium and sat down on the bleachers and teachers and staff stood by the entrances. Once everyone was seated, the lights turned off and a small one shined on Discord as he stood on the stage with a microphone.

“Hello everyone, how are we all doing after that fantastic test, hmmm?” Discord smiled while looking at all the faces of the students, most of which were angry and nervous.

“Burn in hell you dick!” Shouted one of the students.

“Oh, I love you guys too,” Discord waved off. “But anyways, the reason why I called you all here is because I wanted to personally see each and every one of your faces as I pass or fail you one by one. Once I tell one of you if you made the cut or not, you can leave and go on home for the day. But for some of you I’m willing to bet that you won’t be coming back.”

Some of the students gulped, as if it wasn’t bad enough, he was going to shame some of the students in front of the entire school like a public humiliation. Before anyone could protest against the idea, Discord continued.

“Without further ado. It’s time to begin,” Discord pulled out a sheet of paper and cleared his throat. Everyone listened carefully and waited for the first name. He took out some reading glasses and looked at the sheet of paper carefully, then he slowly looked up and stared at the students with a menacing glare before going up to a microphone and took a deep breathe.

Then….he smiled.

“You all passed!” he said as he torn the paper in his hand. Suddenly, the lights turned on and balloons and confetti started raining down from the ceiling as a banner opened up in above him that said ‘Congratulations’. All the students gave looks of shock, confusion, and complete happiness.

“What?!” Sunset Shimmer questioned as she shoot up from her seat. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple really,” Discord began. “Like Ringo said, the test was shame right from the get go. Your grades weren't on the line at all!”

“Well if our grades weren’t in any real danger, then why’d you put us through all of that!?” Rainbow Dash argued. “Some of us nearly had heart attacks!”

“Well long story short,” Discord began to explain. “Today is my birthday and I wanted to do something special. So thanks to some of my old friends Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna , they allowed me to have a little fun with you guys. So you could say that….oh what’s that phrase you kids use now a days...oh I remember now.” Discord gave a cheeky smile and shrugged his shoulders.

“You’ve all been trolled!”

All the students gap at his words as they looked towards Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna who gave sheepish smiles and waves.

“So it was all pointless?!”

“I don’t care if it is your birthday, I almost cried on that test?!”

“How could you be so cruel?!”

“Now Now,” Discord said as he tried to simmer down and calm everyone down. “While the whole ordeal may be my idea entirely, Principal Celestia made me agree to one condition in order to do all of this, and that is to add two points to you current grades for each question you got correct on the test. For example, if you got five math questions right then you got ten points added to you current math grade. Of course I didn’t want to make things too easy so I made the questions challenging by making them all written response questions and gave you such a short time.”

“But what about those who were caught cheating?” Asked Rivet.

“Those who cheated won’t receive points for any of the hard questions. I can understand why they did it since I used to be a little cheat back in my school years so I put some easy questions that I’m sure anyone could solve.”

Like the first question…’ Soul thought. "So then what were you really doing the for the past hour if you weren't looking over the test, cause even you can't grade all of them in such a short period of them, especially a written test?"

"Oh that," Discord remembered "I was actually eating a cake the Principals went to go pick for me from the Sweet Shoppe while all of you were doing the chase I came up with."

"Hold on a second!" Pinkie objected as she stormed onto the stage and gave Discord the stink eye while getting in his face. "What kind of cake?"

"The Black Forrest cake," Discord answered while give Pinkie the same look she was giving him.

"Red Cherries or Black?"


"What tradition did you do?"


"And what tradition is that

"Eat it while drinking rum."

"And what's the real name of the cake?"

"Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte"

Pinkie offered Discord a hand shake and he accepted as they continue to stare at each other.

"Well played Birthday man," Pinkie said as he released his hand and backed away slowly while she continued to keep her eyes on him. "Well played indeed."

“Anyways, let me summarize all of this,” Discord started as he looked back towards the students. “None of you have failed the test. This was merely just a little event I’ve decided to come up with. I did not call you parents about this, and the school board doesn’t know about this either. And I apologize for any of the stress I put you through. If you want to know what your grades are, report to your homeroom teacher next Friday, they should be updated by then. As long as you all continue to behave yourselves and have good grades you can all participate in the school dances and clubs without any issues. And finally, I wanted to thank all of you personally for making this a wonderful birthday for me and I hope to see you all very soon…….FOR THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF WHAT I’M COMING UP WITH!”

Nobody flinched at Discord’s threat as they knew it was meaningless, finally causing him to frown and sigh.

“Hmph, it’s not fun if you don’t play along.” Discord pouted. “You’re all dismissed, have a good rest of the day.”

Everyone got up and started exiting the auditorium heading towards their lockers to grab some thing and head home for the day, as they were glad that the day was finally over. Although Discord’s trial was nerve wreaking, most of them though it paid off in the end. But some still felt some resent towards him for putting them through so much anxiety. Just as students were about to exit the school, the P.A System turned on and Principal Celestia’s voice was finally being heard once again to make the finally announcement for the day….except this time she didn’t sound so pleasant while doing so.

“Please excuse the interruption. Zero Gravity and Twilight Sparkle, report to my office immediately.”