• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 4,654 Views, 178 Comments

The Twilight to a New Dawn - Zeroxdoom

Zero Gravity doesn't like the idea of putting aside his delinquent ways in order to stay in Canterlot High, but once he's assigned a certain egghead for a tutor he's starting to have second thoughts.

  • ...

Confessed feelings

Zero looked at his secret admirer in complete disbelief as he stared back at the poem and then at Trixie and rinsed and repeated a few more times, still both confused and surprised at what was going on until he was finally able to form words.

“What the … you … but … you actually wrote this for me?” Zero asked as he held out the letter.

“Indeed,” Trixie confirmed with a nod. “Trixie heard you’ve been having trouble searching for a date. So she decided why not do something spectacular and kind as to not only write you a poem, but to get you a gift I’ve been working on?”

Zero looked back at his locker and noticed the present placed neatly inside and picked it up. “How you’d get this in here anyways?”

“Your sister told Trixie the combination.” Trixie smiled. “Now hurry up and open it!”

Zero slowly opened the box and pulled out what was inside. He gasped as he pulled out a curved dragon teeth necklace, orange armbands, and a blood red medieval fur cape. Completely mesmerized by the outfit, he had a huge, yet goofy grin on his face before looking at Trixie.

“Holy shit! It looks so amazing! And you made this for me?” Zero asked in disbelief as he put on the necklace.

“You are the vice president of the Role Playing Club,” Trixie stated. “We must have the best costumes. And take it as a lovely present from yours truly, your secret admirer.” She winked.

Zero was still in awe about his costume until he shook his head to snap out of it and looked at her. “Speaking of that … you actually like me? And how’d you find out about my lack of a date? And what about your date?”

“Well, to start things off, Trixie definitely found you interesting the more we talked, chatted, and bickered,” Trixie confessed. “Trixie … I felt like we got closer and I started to see you as more of a friend as we’re very alike. Someone I can really let my guard down around and who didn’t write me off as a phony magician with a bad attitude. As I mentioned, you’re someone I completely trust and I honestly feel happy being around and seeing every day, so … I grew to like you more and more after you joined my club. I overheard you talking to your friends at lunch about having trouble getting a date and doing badly on your math test, so I decided to do something nice and asked one of my bandmates to finish your role playing design for you to cheer you up and decided why not ask you out to the dance?”

“Oh … wow. That’s … so sweet of you.” Zero blushed heavily and a thought came to mind. “So, this morning … you didn’t speak up about planning to ask me because you weren’t sure if I had plans to ask anyone yet and didn’t wanna risk making things awkward. Am I right?”

Trixie nodded. “To be honest, you were my first choice … my only choice. I wanted my last Fall Formal to be with someone I care about. Not Snips, not Snails, and … well, Big Mac was a passing thought, but I decided against it. I feel like this would be a dance to remember if I went with you. I know it’s a lot to take in, but I wanna know what your feelings are.”

“I’ll be honest…” Zero began with an unsure expression. “It’s a bit to take in. Today has been rocky for the most part and suddenly I find out you feel this way about me….it’s been an eventful monday to say to least so I can’t complain too much...but…”

“But what?” Trixie wondered in an almost worried tone.

“But…” Zero smiled a little as he looked up at her. “This is seriously cool of you to do. I mean, a love poem and a cool costume. Not to mention trying to really break my gloomy mood like this. Who knew the Sweet and Generous Trixie could be this awesome?”

“Trixie is only awesome to those who truly deserve it.” Trixie winked at him with a blush. Zero quickly returned said blush.

“Well, with all of this, how can I say no?” Zero smiled brightly. “I’d love to go to the dance with you, Trixie. And I appreciate the love letter so much that I’m gonna keep it! Thank you!”

“But of course. The Cool and Amazing Zero deserves a date to the Fall Formal. And who else could fit that role better than yours truly?” Trixie smiled genuinely. “Anyways, we’d better get going to the club before the boys get curious. By any chance, did you get Soul or Pinkie interested in our club?”

Zero nodded as he grabbed his backpack and started walking with her to the library. “Soul was definitely on board. But Pinkie can only pop in every now and then since she has her Party Planning Committee. But after the dance she should be more available. But I just hope she doesn’t get on your nerves. Pinkie is wonderful in all sorts of way, but she can be a little much at times.”

“Well, Trixie tolerate Snips and Snails, so she can definitely manage her.” Trixie waved off. “And Trixie is way more wonderful than her,” she huffed.

Zero only chuckled as they headed off. But completely unknown to them, Twilight and Rarity were by the stairwell near Zero’s locker and had heard the majority of what happened. Twilight looked down in defeat as she was planning on talking to Zero first in the hopes of asking him out to the dance, but got there moments after Zero read Trixie’s poem. She’d still hoped to at least offer him a chance to do something special, but she lost her confidence after hearing everything and couldn’t even approach them. Rarity was along to lend her support and watch over everything, but after what transpired she was a little shocked and tried to ponder the next move.

“Curse that Trixie. I wasn’t expecting her to interfere,” Rarity hissed in frustration before she looked at Twilight and patted her shoulder gently. “Darling?”

Twilight only sighed and gripped her fist tightly. “I’m … I’m fine, Rarity.” She loosened her grip and turned to Rarity. “I would just ask him if he wants to go out to eat and get whatever he wants, but I think I’ll just leave him be. I don’t want to make things awkward for him right now. Besides, he was still bothered by his test until Trixie came along, and seeing me now would more than likely bother him all over again. Either way, I think I’m just going to go home.”

“I see.” Rarity nodded in understanding. “But don’t let it get you down. We can still find you a date. Just give it time and let Rarity do the searching. And as for Zero, just talk to him tomorrow, whenever it is that you’re ready. Do you want me to take you home?”

Twilight shook her head. “No thanks. I’m good. Just enjoy yourself today in the science club.”

“Very well. If you’re sure, text me once you’re home,” Rarity said before the two walked downstairs and went opposites ways. “Ta-ta!”

Twilight returned the wave as she started walking home by herself. During her walk home, she took a minute to contemplate her feelings, as for the most part, she felt a sense of heartache and disappointment.

Looks like Zero’s bad luck is rubbing off on me too, Twilight thought to herself. Just as I got the confidence to do something, this happens and brings me back down. I should’ve never waited until the last minute. Now look where you’re at, Sparkle. But it makes sense for him to go with Trixie after all. She’s closer to him than I am. And it’s not too bad. I can still do something nice for him, I suppose. No, it still isn’t enough. It’s like what Trixie said, I want my own experience at the dance to be memorable. I want … wait a second.’

Twilight felt a raindrop hit her head. Then another, and another. She quickly pulled out her umbrella and it soon began pouring. “Shoot! Of all the rotten luck! I knew I was forgetting about something today.”

Twilight knew her house was a bit of a ways away and it was getting difficult to see as the rain was coming down hard. She couldn’t find a bus stop right away, nor could she turn back and take shelter in the school as she was already a quarter mile away. She took out her phone and got ready to text Rarity for a ride, but while she was in the middle of texting, she saw a car pull over and honk its horn at her. She immediately became wary of this and glanced at the car. She saw it was black and had a symbol of a blue shield with a yellow lightning bolt on the hood. The driver’s window rolled down and Twilight saw an old, yet familiar face. It was Flash Sentry.

“Yo Twilight! Don’t just stand there like a deer in the headlights, get in!” Flash rushed her as he unlocked the door.

Twilight looked at him before quickly hopping into the passenger's seat. She had been hoping to get in contact with Rarity, but this was a better option than staying in the rain. “Thanks Flash.”

“No problemo Twilight.” Flash gave a thumbs up as he locked the door and started driving. “What are you doing out here? Did your car break down or something?”

“Sort of. I just complained that anytime I use my car it starts shaking, and my brother decided to take a look at it today for me. He’s not just a good cop, but a good auto mechanic, too. And I was going to take the bus, but unfortunately I can’t really find it out here.”

“Oh, I see.” Flash nodded. “So, what’s your address? My GPS will take us there,” he explained before taking out his phone.

“It’s 9428 Treehouse Lane,” Twilight said. Flash quickly put the address in and began driving down the street as he listened to the GPS’s directions. As they drove, the rain outside was pouring almost as if there was a hurricane coming in. But thankfully, it was becoming easier to see as time went on. But during the ride, Flash would occasionally glance at Twilight as there was an awkward silence between them. Twilight was just looking out the window on her side and staring off into space.

“So … it’s really coming down hard out there, huh?” Flash said in attempt to get a conversation in.

“Mmhmm,” Twilight replied nonchalantly. “According the weather report, it’s going to rain up until eleven o'clock tonight.”

“Seriously? Darn. I was gonna go to the park with the dudes for a bike ride. Guess we’ll have to settle with bowling instead.”

“Bowling is pretty fun,” Twilight added without facing Flash.

Flash bit his tongue as he tensed up a little, unsure of how to continue the chatter. He could continue with the topic at hand, but she didn’t really seem all that interested. So he decided to switch it up. “Yeah, it is pretty fun. Hey, you enjoying yourself at Canterlot High, by the way? At first you seemed like you wanted to keep to yourself, but it looks like all you had to do was find your crowd.”

“I really do like the school, thanks for asking,” Twilight said as she turned to him, finally giving him some attention. “It’s so lively and comforting. Unlike Crystal Prep, I actually have something to look forward to at school besides the education, and that’s seeing everyone there.”

“That’s great!” Flash stated with a smile. “Honestly, being there has been the best three years of my life. Here’s hoping our fourth and final year goes out with a bang! If we’re lucky, most of us will probably go to the same college or university together.”

“Probably,” Twilight guessed before she tapped her chin and pondered something. “Say Flash, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask.”

“Sure thing, ask away.”

“When we first met, you seemed very excited to see me. Even more than the girls were at first until everyone realized I was a different Twilight,” Twilight explained as she tilted her head at him. “It’s … technically not my business, but did you have an … interest in the Twilight from the other world?”

“W-why do you ask?” Flash wondered.

“Well, Sunset told me you kept asking about her every now and then and anytime you tried talking to me in the past, you’ve acted … odd,” Twilight said with a puzzled expression. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to hear the story from you now that I’ve got the chance to clear the air about this.”

Flash sighed. “No, no, no. It’s cool. Long story short, when Princess Twilight came here, I was … kinda into her. And it looked like she was into me. Plus, we even danced at the Fall Formal together. And we even hung out for a bit the next time she came over to our world after she beat the Dazzlings. So … I kinda fell for her.”

“I see.” Twilight nodded.

“And after that, I haven’t seen her since.” Flash frowned. “I asked Sunset every so often when she’d come back again. But Sunset told me she’s been super busy with being a princess, so she wasn’t sure. She even told me that I was being super clingy about her and I shouldn’t get my hopes up for anything between me and her actually happening. The more I thought about it, the more I realized she had a really good point.”

“Of course, she’s a pony princess from a whole different world and you’re a high schooler,” Twilight disclosed. “I’m not one for romance, but … though making it work might be possible, it’d be incredibly difficult.”

“Exactly,” Flash agreed. “So I thought the best thing would be to just move on and—” He suddenly clammed up for a brief moment. “....I found myself wondering how I’d fare with the Twilight on our side. But quickly realized that unlike the other Twilight, I don’t really know what to talk to you about or anything. And you didn’t really seem interested in interacting with me either, so….”

Twilight quickly understood what he was going on about. It looks like he wants to form a connection with me but doesn’t want to force it, nor does he want to pressure me into it, she thought to herself. I didn’t find him interesting beforehand, but since I am more open-minded now, I ought to give him a chance. He’s still a sweet guy overall. Twilight nodded before speaking up. “Well, I didn’t really give you a chance beforehand. But I’m willing to give things a try now. And besides, we’re in the chemistry club together, so we can talk more science too. Which reminds me, why aren’t you in club today?”

“Well, I’m really behind on my homework and I need all the time in the world to finish it,” Flash explained with a groan. “Cranky Doodle can be such as ass sometimes.”

“Sounds like a certain someone I know,” Twilight giggled. “But if you want, I can help you with it tomorrow if I get the chance.”

“Really? That’d be really helpful Twilight, thanks!” Flash smiled before pulling up to Twilight’s house. “And here’s your stop. Sparkle residence. Thank you for riding with the Flash, your total comes up to zero dollars and zero cents.”

Twilight shakes her head with a smile. “Thank you Flash, both for being honest with me and clearing the air about all of this.”

“Not a problem. I’m glad we talked this out. And um … out of curiosity, I heard from Microchips that you don’t have a date to the Fall Formal this Saturday,” Flash wondered.

“Yeah,” Twilight confirmed as she lamented the thought that she had almost forgotten about until now. “I take it Microchips isn’t really interested either?”

“It’s not that he isn’t interested. He’d love to go, but he has to work the night shift at GameStop and his boss reaaaally needs him,” Flash explained. “But I could take you if you want.”

Twilight blushed faintly and played with her hair a little. “O-Oh, well, um … I guess if you really want to, then sure. Besides, this will help us get along much more quickly.”

“Yeah! It’ll be a blast!” Flash smiled brightly. “But anyways, I’d better get home. I’ll make sure you have a great time on Saturday.”

“I’m sure you will.” Twilight returned the smile. “See you tomorrow.”

Twilight hopped out of the car and shut the door before rushing inside the house. Once she was inside, Flash drove away. Not wasting a moment, Twilight went upstairs to let Rarity know that she’d found a date. While she was happy at the thought, she was still a bit sour about not being able to ask Zero. Thinking back to what happened with Trixie, she felt like the words she told Zero resonated with her own feelings.

I got a date at last and I can worry about asking Zero what he wants another time. But I still feel like…. Twilight thought for a moment as she entered her room and sat down by her dresser. Like I only wanted to go with Zero. I still do, but I’m sure I’ll have a good time with Flash. Zero and I can hang out some other time. It’s okay.

Twilight heard her phone go off and saw Rarity had texted her back and bombarded her with questions and some excited reactions. Twilight smiled at this and started texting her back.

Yeah, it’ll be a great dance. And I hope you have a good time too, Zero.