• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 4,654 Views, 178 Comments

The Twilight to a New Dawn - Zeroxdoom

Zero Gravity doesn't like the idea of putting aside his delinquent ways in order to stay in Canterlot High, but once he's assigned a certain egghead for a tutor he's starting to have second thoughts.

  • ...

The Big Dance

It was a rather rambunctious Saturday night in the Gravity household as White Star and Sound Barrier were making sure Zero and Wind were properly dressed for the Fall Formal, which was beginning within the next hour. It was the first time in a long while that the family had to be properly dressed for an event like this. Zero hadn’t attended a dance since the end of Elementary school back in Manehattan and had lost interest in them, preferring to spend the night hanging around the arcade with his friends. Meanwhile, Wind had been too shy to go due to the bullying she went through and her lack of friends. Now, it was time they showed off their classy sides and made good impressions.

In his parents’ room, Zero finished putting on his suit that Rarity made for him and groaned, quickly recalling the reason he didn’t like going to dances or fancy outings as he disliked getting fancied up like this. Whether it was a uniform or a suit, nothing felt more comfortable and cool than normal clothes with a dash of style.

“Gotta admit though,” Zero said as he looked in the mirror. He was wearing a classic fit suit with a black unbuttoned jacket and matching pants, a gray vest with a white buttoned up shirt underneath, a blue striped tie in shades of ocean blue and midnight, and black derby shoes. “Rarity sure knows how to make a guy look fresh. I actually kinda like this.”

“Well, she did tell me that classic suits would be better for you since they’re very comfortable,” Sound Barrier said as he was getting dressed. He wore a dark blue trench coat with a white buttoned up shirt and a dark yellow tie. He smiled at his son. “Besides, it beats buying a three hundred buck suit you’d hate. Either way, getting you into a suit is already a milestone.”

“And the fact I did so without arguing already puts mom is a cheery mood.” Zero chuckles. “Still, I’d better thank Rarity properly when I see her. But what I’m wondering is why are you getting dressed?”

“Simple, I wanna go to the dance with you.” Sound Barrier smirked.


“I can’t let you have all the swagger. I gotta get down on that dance floor and show you kids what a man with true game is really like,” Sound Barrier said as he started doing the moonwalk while doing the peace sign over his eyes. “Look at me with my bad self!”

Zero face palmed before laughing and Sound Barrier also joined in on the laughter as well before stopping and explaining himself. “No, but in all seriousness, I’m gonna drive you and Trixie to the dance and your mother is gonna take Wind to pick up her date. Also I wanna meet Trixie’s family for myself since we’re neighbors and all.”

“Well, that’s probably for the best. If you went to pick up Button Mash with Wind, you’d probably take the shotgun,” Zero jested.

“I didn’t mean to scare you and Twilight like that, I’m sorry!” Barrier argued before groaning. “Plus, I’m very cautious of who Wind spends her time with.”

“Button’s a good kid,” reassured Zero. “Just imagine me but more of a hardcore gamer and a bit introverted.”

Barrier just looked at Zero for a moment. “That … makes me even more worried.”

Zero stuck his tongue out at him. “Oh don’t be so critical. I know the kid and he’s a good sport. And he’s not gonna even think about pulling anything. Remember, Mom’s gonna meet him too.”

“Good point.”

Zero and Sound Barrier soon went downstairs after they finished putting on cologne and freshening up and waited for the girls in the living room. Not long afterwards, the girls came downstairs. Wind was wearing a long dark blue lace dress and matching black high heels that she was having a bit of trouble walking in. She also had her hair brushed and let it flow down her back. White Star had a long asymmetrical black dress with black high heels to show off her legs. Her hair was done a bit wavy and she wore red lipstick. Both girls had mascara and black eyeshadow. As they walked towards the boys, White Star winked at Sound Barrier, making him completely speechless.

“So, boys. How do we look?” White Star smirked as she giggled.

“Well, I’m pretty sure you blew Dad’s mind. So that’s a win.” Zero chuckled as he waved his hand in front of Sound Barrier’s face, who quickly snapped out of his trance.

“H-H-Huh? I mean, yeah, absolutely!” Barrier admitted a bit too excitedly before clearing his throat. “I mean, you look astonishing honey,” he flattered her as he blushed.

“But you both do look good either way!” Zero agreed with a smile. He turned to Wind. “When Button sees you, he’s gonna lose his mind!”

White Star’s expression quickly changed to a fierce one as she cracked his knuckles. “He’d better treat you like a goddamn princess and know some self control. Otherwise, this is gonna be his last dance! And I’ll be sure to let him know that!”

Wind gave an annoyed sighed. “Mom, I don’t want you to scare off any boy that I meet! How come you don’t do that with Zero?!”

“Because he’s old enough to know if he doesn’t find the right girl, me and him are gonna throw down.”

Zero nodded. “It’s true.”

“Just … try to be a little nicer and go easy on him, please?” Wind begged with a worried expression. “I don’t want him to stop liking me because he’s gotta worry about getting past the mom who can probably tear a mountain to pieces and the dad who works with the law and has a booming voice.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll try to behave in front of Button and his folks,” White Star replied as she almost huffed.

I’m pretty sure the kid is supposed to say they’ll behave, not the parent in these cases,Zero thought to himself with a small chuckle until he got flicked in the nose by his mother. “Ow!!”

“I saw that look on your face! You thought I was acting like a kid just because I said I’d behave!” raged White Star as she gripped her fist tightly.

“As a lawyer, I can confidently say there’s a plethora of evidence to support the claim that you do act like a child and sometimes even a little immaturely, right now being a prime example,” Barrier argued before smirking a little.

“Unlike most adults, I choose to keep my inner child for the sake of positivity and having fun. But I’m not immature … jerk.” She turned her head away.

Wind and Zero only rolled their eyes with a small chuckle before Wind fixed her hair a little. “Anyways, we’d better get going. I’ll see you at the dance, bro. Maybe then I can get used to wearing these heels.”

“Why wear them anyways?” Zero asked curiously. “Do you wanna impress Button that badly?”

“N-no! I’m just trying to look nice for a change!” Wind admitted as she covered her face and hid her blush.

“Alright you two, enough teasing.” Barrier waved off the argument. “It’s our first fancy outing and we don’t want your partners waiting too long.”

“Yeah, then once we drop you kiddos off, me and your father will go and have our own fun tonight,” White Star explained before wrapping an arm around Sound Barrier with a playful grin.

“Oh, I bet.” Barrier smirked.

“Yep, a good ol’ fashioned game of chess!” White Star announced before pulling out the board game nearby. “It’s about time I finally kick your ass in it!”

“Oh … chess … that kind of fun…. Great.” Barrier said in an almost gloomy tone, which the kids noticed and chuckled at, but to which White Star remained oblivious.

The Gravity family soon headed out with White Star taking the family minivan and driving Wind to Button’s house while Sound Barrier and Zero walked next door to the Lulamoon residence. Once they were sure they looked completely proper one last time, Zero rang the doorbell and waited patiently. A few second later, the door opened up and they saw an older-looking woman standing in the doorway. She had dark brown eyes and dark gold hair that extended past her shoulders and down the upper part of her back in a style very similar to Trixie’s. She wore a dark yellow dress with a white shirt underneath, a white jacket-like blouse over her dress, dark blue leggings, brown high-heeled shoes and a sunflower hair pin. She looked at both Zero and Sound Barrier before pushing up her glasses. “No flowers from either of you? Can’t say I’m surprised from a rambunctious family such as yourselves. Although, at least you both look rather delicious,” she said with a small grin.

“Sorry, I thought about buying flowers or picking some,” Zero confessed with an unsure expression and blushed from the last comment. “But I’m sorta new to being formal and fancy. Probably should’ve asked Clyde and Rarity all about this stuff.”

“And I had already spent money on these suits.” Barrier chuckled awkwardly with a blush. “But um … t-thanks for the compliment. But … d-did you just call us delicious?”

“Oh, I just like to tease is all,” the woman said before motioning them to come inside. “My name is Spectacle Lulamoon. Make yourselves at home, neighbors.”

Zero and Sound Barrier looked at each other as they felt a bit uneasy of Spectacle before deciding to walk inside. The interior of the home looked rather pleasant and similar to their own home, though nicer—clear white walls, potted plants, a flat screen TV, a chandelier, fancier looking furniture, and a fireplace, which their house didn’t have. Sound Barrier looked heavily interested in all of it due to his background in architecture.

“All of this is pretty pricey looking,” Zero acknowledged in surprise. “You must be loaded.”

“In truth, I work as both a nurse and a pyrotechnic,” Spectacle admitted with a bit of pride. “So I make a plethora of money.”

“Interesting. But with jobs like those, you must have a lot of hours on your back,” Sound Barrier worried as he looked at her. “I hope you’re not—”

“Overworked? Stressed? Please, I’ve outgrown such weakness and can handle each job like a pro,” Spectacle replied confidently until she frowned a little. “Though I’ll admit that it is rather difficult for me to get quality time with my daughter, but she does seem happier lately for some reason,” she said before smirking at Zero. “She has told me a lot about a certain young man, after all.”

“Hehe, well, we’ve been hanging out a lot this week,” Zero commented with a small blush. “The club, walking to school together, hanging out at my place. S-So I’m not surprised.”

“But of course, though I won’t hold you boys up. Trixie should be down any moment now. I’ll get you boys some soda in the meantime,” Spectacle said as she headed into the kitchen.

While Sound Barrier kept admiring the place, Zero was about to sit down until he noticed all of the family photos on the fireplace. He smiled. Some of them were just pictures of Trixie enjoying Christmas, performing what seemed to be her first magic show, and in a variety of Halloween costumes.

Looks like she loves Halloween just as much as I do, Zero chuckled before taking notice of something in all of the pictures. Wait … I see a lot of Trixie either by herself or with her mom. But it doesn’t seem like her dad is in any of these. Then again, why would her mom need two jobs?....Never mind, now I get it, he realized as he recalled some key things Trixie said to him in the past. But since he wanted the night to be fun and memorable, he decided to drop the subject.

Still, he thought once more before glancing outside into the night. I hope you’ll have a good time too, Twilight.

Just then, a door on the second floor opened and Zero looked over to the stairs. He was completely speechless and his jaw dropped at the sight of Trixie slowly exiting her room and coming down the stairs. She was wearing a bright, ring detail, one-shoulder, blue and purple dress with dark blue high heels. She also wore white opera gloves with two faux gold bracelets on her left arm and shiny new star earrings. As a nice change of pace, she made part of her hair into a ponytail. As she descended the stairs, Sound Barrier and Spectacle only smiled at the two of them as Zero couldn’t find the words to describe how Trixie looked.

Once Trixie got to the bottom step, she walked over to her date and smirked in pure delight as she gently stroked his chest, making him shiver a bit. “Very dashing. You look more amazing than I could’ve imagined.”

“T-T-Thanks, um … wow. Like … sweet Jiminy Christmas you look like … like….” Zero stumbled on his words.

“A movie star? A model? The girl of your dreams?” Trixie said with pride as she winked at Zero. “I know, I want to look my absolute best for you and only you. You deserve this.”

“Quite so,” Spectacle said as she took out a camera. “Before you two set out, let’s commit this moment to memory and get a picture in.”

Zero slowly nodded and took Trixie’s hand. They stood by the wall and faced the camera as they gave a nice smile. But just before they were fully prepared, Trixie gave a warmer smile and scooted closer to Zero while forcing him to put his arm around her waist. Not wanting the picture to get messed up and risking taking more than needed, he just went along with it. Spectacle took the picture and smiled in satisfaction before taking at least two more along with Sound Barrier.

“Aaaand done,” Sound Barrier confirmed before checking his watch. “Okay you two lovebirds, time to hit the dance floor.”

“Oh, and before you go Zero, come get your soda in the kitchen,” Spectacle said before leading Zero into the kitchen as Trixie followed Sound Barrier outside to the car. Once Spectacle handed him the drink she tapped her chin as she analyzed him. “You know, I’m happy my daughter found someone like you to share her time with,” she said before her tone grew a little worrisome. “Listen, be straight with me. Do you like my daughter? Manners or not, you’re not as energetic as I’ve heard.”

“Well … I’m a little indecisive,” Zero said before looking a little unsure. “I’m a little nervous since this is my first dance in years and Trixie being so … whoa around me. Don’t get me wrong, it feels nice to get so much love from her. She’s so awesome and pretty and … gosh, it’s hard finding the right words to explain how cool she is. But at the same time, I have a feeling in my gut. I guess it’s just a lot to take in since I’ve never had a girl treat me the way she does, so it’s a little weird. So it’s either that or I’m super hungry and can’t think straight. Probably both, hehe.”

“Maybe so, heh. Just make sure both you and my daughter have a good time.” Spectacle pats his shoulder. “And please keep an eye on her for me.”

“I promise! ” Zero affirmed a bit forcefully before taking the sodas and heading out to his father's car and getting in the back seat with Trixie. Not wasting another moment, they quickly headed off to Canterlot High.

While Trixie looked absolutely ecstatic, Zero couldn’t help but feel a bit lukewarm. He thought it might be the dance since it was out of his comfort zone. Or maybe it was his new dynamic with Trixie. As far as he was aware, they weren’t officially together. Or probably he was just really hungry and that was it.

Regardless, something didn’t feel right.

Standing in front of her mirror, Twilight examined herself nervously as the dance approached ever closer. She wore a short bright teal empire waist dress with constellation patterns all over. The color grew slightly darker into more of a turquoise color as it went up to her chest, and she completed the look with matching teal-colored kitten heels. She tied her hair into a bun while two hair strands stook out on each side of her face. She also decided to wear contacts instead of her glasses as she decided it’d probably make her look more attractive.

“Y-You sure I look okay?” Twilight stuttered as she turned towards her mother, Twilight Velvet. She had purple and gray hair straits and her hair styled very similarly to her daughter, clipped with a three star hairpin. She had light blue eyes, gray skin and wore a dark blue blouse with a pink skirt.

“Honey, you look fantabulous!” Velvet assured as she patted her shoulders with a grin. “Your friend Rarity really knows how to make a good dress. It really does show off your beauty, inward and outward!”

“D-Didn’t really think I had much of either, to be honest,” Twilight mumbled to herself before she started to panic a little. “B-But I do want to look decent. Do I have enough makeup on? I am pretty enough without my glasses on, or should I put them back on? What if I didn’t practice my dance moves enough? You know I have the worst dance moves! Or what if Flash doesn’t have a good time, then what do I—”

“Sweetheart, remember what Cadance said. Breathe in.” Velvet did the hand motioned at her chest as she inhaled. Her daughter watched as she did the same. “And out.” She exhaled with a smile. Twilight copied her actions and felt herself relaxing a little.

“Thanks Mom. Since this is my first dance in who knows how long, you can imagine that I’m a bit of a … worrywart,” Twilight said with a small chuckle.

“Believe me, I’m well aware. But I can’t help but feel so excited for you! My baby is going to her big high school dance, and with a boy no less!” Velvet pranced in place as she giggled. “I can’t help but feel excited for you! I’m just surprised you're not going with that boy who came to check on you that one time. Cadance said he seemed sweet.”

“Someone else … managed to get to him first.” Twilight glanced away and looked disheartened for a moment. “But it’s not that big of a deal.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll get to spend some time with him at the dance at the least. But this Flash boy seems like he won the grand prize of going with you if you want my opinion.” Velvet smiled. “And I’m sure you’ll have a good time with him and all your friends. Just don’t think about it too much and have fun.”

Twilight smiled and nodded at her mother before leaving her room and going downstairs. She went into her living room where her father, Nightlight, was currently focused on a sudoku book and looked completely immersed. He had amber eyes, dark blue combed hair and light blue skin. He was wearing a black button down shirt and khakis while wearing pink bunny slippers. Spike slept next to him, curled up against the fuzzy slippers.

Twilight could only roll her eyes and smirk before clearing her throat to try and get his attention. “Dad?” She saw he still wasn’t looking before tapping her chin and hatching an idea. “Oh no, the pictures on the wall are all crooked!”

“They are?!” Nightlight jumped up before looking over at the family photos on the wall and saw they were still at a perfect ninety degrees. He sighed in relief before glaring at Twilight. “I’d rather you at least get my attention without giving me a heart attack, please and thank you.”

“Sorry Dad,” Twilight chuckled. “But I thought it was the best way given how you get so absorbed in playing sudoku that you forget what and who are around you.”

“Fair enough,” Nightlight agreed before smiling. “But look at you Twilight! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were applying to be a Disney princess or something with how amazing you look.”

Twilight blushed a bit out of embarrassment as she was getting a bit overwhelmed by the compliments. “Thanks Dad, but I don’t think I look that good. But if I can barely manage the attention in my house, I can only imagine what it’s going to be like at the dance. And here comes the butterflies in my stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea.”

“Just relax sweetheart. I’m just glad you decided to go,” Nightlight commented before he snapped his fingers. “Oh, we’ve gotta find the camera before your date arrives! Velvet, do you know you where it is?”

“It’s in the study room!” Velvet exclaimed before rushing off. “I’ll go get it!”

Just as she rushed off, Twilight heard a knock on the door. “I got it.” She went to the door and looked through the peephole. She could see Flash wearing a black single breasted jacket with a red tie and matching pants along with black classic dress shoes. His car was parked out right behind him and he seemed to be holding something behind his back. Twilight took one last deep breath to brace herself.

I can do this. It’s going to be a wonderful night. Twilight smiled and opened the door as she looked at Flash. “Hey Flash!”

“Evening Twilight! You look … whoa….” said Flash, looking completely taken aback.

“Do I look alright?” Twilight worried slightly with a bright blush as looked away.

“You look incredible!” Flash smiled brightly as he complimented her. “The outfit really suits you with all the constellations and all. I really dig it! Also, this is for you!” Flash held out a bouquet of pink roses.

“Oh Flash.Thank you so much. Both for the flowers and the compliment.” Twilight took it with a warm smile before sniffing it. “Come for a minute while I find a vase to put these in!”

Flash stepped inside and immediately heard running from upstairs as Velvet came rushing down camera in hand, startling Flash a little. “I found it and I heard Flash come in!”

“Y-You must be Twilight’s mom.” Flash gave a nervous chuckle before giving a little wave. “It’s a real pleasure to meet you Ma—”

“The pleasure’s all mine, Flash!” Velvet immediately took his hand and shook it vigorously, causing Flash’s body to shake in return. She heard Nightlight give a forceful cough to get her attention and once she glanced over, he was pointing out what she was doing to Flash before immediately letting go of his hand and composing herself. “Sorry about that. I’m just feeling a little—”

“Exhilarated?” Flash interjected while fixing his suit.

“Joyful?” Nightlight chimed in.

“Rapturous?” Twilight added as she walked over.

“I’d say all of the above,” Velvet confirmed. “I’m just excited for my daughter. But I have to say, you look pretty dashing. Guess my sweetie really knows how to pick ’em.”

“Mom, please stop.” Twilight blushed more.

“Oh, I’m only teasing,” Velvet laughed. “But that’s enough out of me, I know.” She stepped back and motioned Nightlight to chat with Flash.

Nightlight got up and walked over to Flash and offered him a handshake. “Sorry son, I hope my wife didn’t startle you much.”

“It’s alright sir, she’s not as lively as a certain party girl in my school.” Flash took Nightlight’s hand and shook it gently. “It’s nice to meet you. Say … you look familiar.”

“Do I?”

“Yeah. Do you know anyone that’s in the police force by any chance?” Flash wondered as he tried to recall his face.

“My son, Shining Armor. He got promoted to the Chief of Police just a few months ago during a big ceremony at the station. Someone in your family’s a part of the force, I take it?” Nightlight deducted as he rubbed his chin.

“Yeah, my dad was a crossing guard before he got moved up to be a patrol office—” Flash suddenly remembered something and a smile crept up on his face before covering his mouth to try to hold back a laugh. “Wait, so, that was you!?”

Nightlight was confused for a moment before he suddenly realized what he was talking about. His whole face flushed red as he covered it with his hand. “And just when I thought everyone had forgotten….”

“What? What happened exactly?” Twilight wondered.

“At the ceremony, your brother started getting super emotional just as he got promoted, but he managed to suck it in,” Velvet explained before giggling at the memory. “But just as everyone started applauding, your father shouted, and I quote, ‘My precious baby boy!’ at the top of his lungs while bawling.”

Twilight blinked a few times. “Well, that doesn’t sound so—”

“And then some of the officers had to drag him out of the room since he was making too much of a scene.”

“Never mind,” Twilight said as she didn’t find it too funny given that she was used to Shining and her father being emotional during ceremonies, yet her mother was surprisingly able to keep some level of composure during said events. “Flash. Let’s get our picture taken and get to the dance soon, okay?”

“Sure thing!” Flash stood by Twilight and made sure he looked okay, so Twilight did the same. Once they were ready, Velvet got her camera out and grinned.

“Now say cheese!” Velvet exclaimed as she raised her finger over the button. Flash smiled as he wrapped one arm around Twilight’s waist, making her jump a little as she wasn’t used to this. She hesitated before placing a hand on his chest and the two of them smiled, giving Velvet the chance to snap the picture and a few more. “Alright, now get out there you two and have a blast!”

“We will!” Flash resounded before he headed for the door and opened it for Twilight like a gentleman. “It was really nice meeting you two.”

“And I, you, Flash.” Nightlight nodded. “You two have a good time!”

“Thanks Dad. And Mom, I’ll keep what you said in mind,” Twilight reassured as she waved goodbye. “I’ll call you if anything happens.”

“Of course sweetheart!” Velvet gave Twilight a quick hug before whispering in her ear. “But don’t have too much fun. I know he’s a cutie, bu—”

“Mom, please stop,” Twilight interjected, almost hissing. And in the moment, she worried Velvet caught on, but she just let her go with her normal smile as she didn’t seem to pick up on her tone.

“Oh I’m just teasing and you know it,” Velvet said as she kissed her forehead. “Go get him, Tiger.”

Twilight looked at her hesitantly then followed up with a nod as she hurried into Flash’s car as they began heading off to the dance. As much as she was worried about what was in store for her at the dance, she was distracted by a variety of mixed, though mostly positive, feelings swirling about in her head. But as time went by, she began dismissing the irrational fears of something going wrong, in favor of the feelings that felt strongest, one of which Pinkie would probably describe as nervouscited. The other strong feeling she felt, however, contradicted the previous, and she couldn’t narrow down the reason as to why.

It was some lack of interest.

As Barrier’s car rolled up to the front entrance of the school, Zero stepped out and looked around. He could see several of his classmates walking up to the entrance and waiting in line to give Cheerilee their tickets so they could get in. They were all well-dressed and much more enthusiastic that normal, given the event. Zero actually started to get cold feet and gulped until Trixie pinched his arm and snapped him out of it.

“Ow!” Zero cried out as he flinched and rubbed his arm.

“Don’t just stand there, you zombie,” Trixie said as she placed her hands on her hips. “Let’s join the line before it gets too long!”

“Well excuse me. After you, your majesty.” Zero rolled his eyes before bowing and motioned for Trixie to lead the way. She smirked before walking on ahead.

“Remember son, mind your manners and have fun.” Barrier gave his son a thumbs up before smirking. “And please don’t do anything that’ll get Spectacle and your mother to team up and destroy you.”

“I’m not that dumb as to knock up Trixie, Dad!” Zero argued.

Barrier only laughed. “You never know kiddo, but good luck.” He drove off now that he’d gotten the last laugh.

Zero shook his head before taking a deep breath and walking over to the line. He saw some students had already gotten in line immediately after Trixie did. Just as he was about to ask them if he could cut ahead to reunite with his date, he recognized the three girls and smirked a little before clearing his throat and making his voice purposely deeper.

“My, oh, my. If you three sexy ladies don’t mind, can I join you?” Zero said in a very flamboyant tone. “Then tonight we can have a harem party at my place.”

One of the girls scoffed as they slowly turned around. “Blueblood, don’t make me shove my heel right in your di—” She stopped as she recognized Zero as it was Twinkleshine. She was wearing a dark purple empire waist dress and had let hair down. “Oh, you little clown.” Her annoyed demeanor quickly changed to an amused one as she punched Zero’s arm playfully.

Zero snickered as he kept the flamboyant tone. “I guess that’s a ‘no’ then. And here I was hoping for some action.” He started laughing and Twinkleshine immediately did the same. Lemon Drops and Minuette turned to look at the two. Lemon Drops was wearing a one shoulder teal dress with matching heels and Minuette was wearing a white mini skirt dress with a strapless top, white lace sleeves and white high heels.

Once he stopped laughing, Zero looked up and noticed the two girls. “But look at you three. You look pretty … good,” he said as he realized Trixie was right in front of them.

“Just good, eh? I’d say we look pretty sexy if anything!” Twinkleshine argued as she posed. “Right ladies?”

“Heh, yeah! But we appreciate the comment Zero.” Lemon Hearts blushed a little.

“Yeah … thanks,” Minuette replied a little dryly.

“But who would’ve thought you actually put on something that didn’t make you look like a hooligan?” Twinkleshine teased. “I swear, as each day goes by, I recognize you less and less. By graduation, you’ll be a teacher’s pet!”

“Like hell I will.” Zero stuck his tongue out. “I’m not gonna be some egghead who thinks learning and stuff is fun. I’m a bad boy through and through!”

“Honestly, I think that it’s good that you’re changing,” Lemon Hearts added with a smile. “Now you don’t get into as much trouble and will grow to be more than just some punk rulebreaker. But at the same time, you’re still the reckless and carefree firecracker we all know.”

Zero smiled and scratched the back of his head. “Well, you know what they say: the more things change, the more things stay the same. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. But who knows, maybe little Twinkle will cool it and finally land herself a boyfriend.”

Twinkle’s eyebrow twitched as she grabbed Zero’s ear and pulled it. “Care to repeat that, you hedgehog?! You have no room to talk when you came here by yourself!”

“Ow, ow, ow! I didn’t, you doofus! I’m here with Trixie!” Zero cried out in pain as he wiggled free.

“You’re here with Trixie?” Twinkleshine said before she, Lemon Drops, and Minuette looked at Trixie, who had her arms crossed.

“Indeed, he’s here with the one and only Trixie!” Trixie as she pulled Zero over and wrapped an arm around him. “Now hands off and don’t bother him!”

Twinkleshine huffed as she rolled her eyes. “We’re just clowning around, geez. No need to be clingy.”

“Don’t mind Twinkleshine, Trixie,” Lemon Hearts fretted as she tried to defuse the tension. “She’s usually like this. B-But you two do look cute together! Right, Minty?”

“Huh?” Minuette said as she looked like she was only half paying attention. “Y-Yeah. They look pretty nice,” she mumbled.

Zero raised an eyebrow and was about to say something. But Trixie pulled him forward as they were at the front entrance. “Anywho, it’s time this majestic duo be on our way!” Trixie beamed as she gave Cheerilee and Zero their tickets and was about to head inside.

“Z-Z-Zero, before you go,” Minuette quickly called out as she reached for him.

“Yeah, what’s the matter Minty?” Zero asked, concerned. “Everything cool?”

Minuette nodded. “I’m okay, but … have you talked to Night at all tonight or have you seen him?”

“He got here a while ago with AJ from what he texted me,” Zero explained. “Along with everyone else. Why do you ask?”

“No particular reason, but I’ll catch up with you later,” Minuette said with a smile.

Zero smiled back, but just as he turned away, he thought he saw Minuette go back to her melancholy look for just a second. But given how excited and somewhat anxious Trixie was, he didn’t want to risk making her mad, so he begrudgingly decided to leave it be and text Twinkleshine later to find out if something was up.

After going down the hallway and feeling the vibrations of what was Vinyl Scratch’s pop music, Zero and Trixie entered the gymnasium and they saw all the main lights were off and replaced with party lights all over the room, illuminating the entire gym. The students were jamming out, dancing among their friends and dates, helping themselves to some of the snacks and refreshments, or just chatting it up with their classmates. Generally, everyone was having a good time.

“Wow, the Party Planning committee really went all-out,” Zero complimented while being taken aback by it all. “Like … damn.”

Trixie glanced at him before gently patting his back. “This is your first dance in a while, right? Try not be so nervous and just loosen up. This isn’t like you.”

Zero looked at her and nodded as he slapped his own cheeks twice to snap himself out of his trance. “Sorry about that. Formal stuff like this isn’t my style so I’m a little nervous. I should’ve prepped myself mentally for this.”

“Oh relax.” Trixie gave him a comforting smile. “You’re here with me, so let’s try to have a good time. Don’t let something like this shake you up. You’re stronger than that.”

Zero smiled back at her and took a deep breath. “Thanks Trixie. You know, you really know how to bring my confidence back up.”

“Well, if you’re not confident, you're definitely not yourself, and I’ve noticed that recently,” Trixie explained. “Fluttershy told me that much.”

“Wait, Fluttershy did what?” Zero wondered as he raised an eyebrow.

“HE MADE IT!” a very energetic and familiar voice called out from nearby. “ZEROOOO! OVER HERE!”

Zero immediately turned his head to see Pinkie on Swift’s shoulders waving at him with her usual grin. Zero smiled brightly as he rushed over while Trixie rolled her eyes as she followed him.

“Gotta say, I wasn’t ready for such an amazing party. Nice work you two!” Zero beamed. Pinkie was wearing an azure, plus-size prom dress and matching blue heels with a yellow hair tie to pull her poofy hair into a ponytail. Swift was wearing a white V-neck, a dark blue waistcoat and black pants with a bright blue tie and black clark shoes. “Say, you guys look cute together. Especially you, Pinkie. I’m almost jealous of Swift!” Zero chuckled.

“Heh, yeah.” Swift nodded. “But you look pretty nifty and sharp tonight yourself man. It’s … a little shocking actually.”

Zero crossed his arms. “Oi, what's that supposed to mean?”

“Well, I kinda expected you to come in something less fancy is all. Something more like what you usually wear,” Swift admitted as he scratched the back of his head. “N-Not to say you don’t look cool and all, but … getting dressed up seems a little out of character for you.”

“Yeah! If anything, I almost thought you’d come in looking like a badass edgelord with a cape or something alongside Trixie!” Pinkie added in.

“You know….” Zero smirked as he tapped his chin. “That doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Could actually be kinda fun. But wouldn’t a cape get in the way of a big crowd like this?”

“Hmm … Oh! Then a tailcoat with a fancy suit!” Pinkie chirped as she snapped her fingers. “Put all that on and nobody would ever see it coming!

“Okay, now that I definitely have to try on.” Zero beamed as he started to imagine himself in such an outfit while walking onto the dance floor as acid jazz music played in the background. “I totally gotta ask Rarity to make me the outfit when I see her!”

“Not to worry, I’ll get to work on it next weekend for you!” said Rarity as she walked over with Clyde. Clyde was wearing a classic black suit and red bow tie with a white undershirt while Rarity wore a black mermaid dress with a blue diamond pattern. “But it’s nice to see the suit I made for you makes you look a like a proper young man.”

Zero’s face turned red a little as he looked at Rarity’s dress. “H-H-Holy shit. You look….” He hesitated as he glanced at Trixie who looked like was ready to kick him if he said something too nice. “....pretty!”

“I think ‘pretty’ is an understatement,” Clyde said while looking at Rarity and smiling.

“Indeed. But I appreciate the compliment regardless, darling.” Rarity flipped her hair with a giggle as she turned to Trixie. “But I must admit, Trixie, your dress is positively marvelous! Who designed it might I ask?”

Trixie grinned proudly. “Trixie designed it herself, of course! After all, Trixie wanted to look perfect once she becomes Princess of the Fall Formal.”

“You wanna be Princess?” Zero said as he looked in surprise, quickly replaced with a guilty expression on his face.

“What girl wouldn’t wanna be Princess of the Fall Fo—” Trixie read the expression on his face and furrowed her brow. “Did you not vote for Trixie?!”

“Well, you see….” Zero gave a nervous chuckle as he looked around to find an out, deliberately avoiding her gaze. “I kinda cast my vote the other day with some of the others. But, um….”

“Besides, even if he voted for you, there’s no way you’d win!” a raspy voice proclaimed as Rainbow Dash walked over with Rivet, Night, AppleJack, Soul, and Sunset. Rivet was wearing a dark green suit and pants along with a yellow tie, and his hair was neatly combed. Rainbow was in a long, high-low dress with a rainbow-colored design, complemented nicely by a thunderbolt necklace. Her hair was tied into a side ponytail and she wore yellow cross ribbons on her legs that began at the ankles and stopped near her knees with matching yellow strap heels.

“Oh, who asked you, Rainbow Dash?” Trixie huffed in annoyance.

“Come on Rainbow, let’s not start anything,” Rivet fretted as he motioned for her to chill. “We’re just here to have fun after all, right?”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Rainbow patted his shoulder before looking at Applejack with a determined grin. “But if there’s anything I gotta win, it’s our usual dance off! And this time, I won’t let Scootaloo and Apple Bloom walk away with the trophy without a fight!”

Applejack was wearing an orange wild night fringe dress with an apple pattern around the waist. She matched it with her usual boots but decided to braid her ponytail for the dance. She smirked at Rainbow. “Ah wouldn’t be so sure about that. Don’t be pickin’ fights you know you can’t win, Rainbow Dash. Ah’ve been practicing for this after teachin’ Night a thing or two. So ya’d better back out now before ah embarrass you in front of Princess Twilight.”

“Say, you don’t plan on dragging Rivet and me on the dance floor now, do you?” Night asked warily. He wore a red, long sleeve button-up shirt with a black tie, along with a grey vest with a light blue rose pattern on the side, black pants, and brown leather shoes. “Not that I’m scared of making a fool out of myself … but I’d really rather not make a fool out of myself.”

“You’re safe, track star,” Rainbow waved off. “This is between us. You can just sit on the sidelines and enjoy the show. You too Rivet.”

“As long as I get to see AJ in action, I’ll enjoy the show plenty,” Night mumbled quietly.

“What’d ya say?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at Night.

“It’s nothing important.”

Zero glanced at Night and remembered how Minuette had been acting earlier before speaking up. “Oh, Night, I forgot to ask, did you see Minuette tonight?”

“No actually, I’ve been looking around for her, but I haven't spotted her yet. Why?” Night wondered.

“Well, she asked for you earlier, and she seemed … kinda off, honestly. Did you screw up or do something?”

“I … don’t think so,” Night said as he tried to recall if anything stood out recently. “But you’re right, she was acting a bit off this week.”

Zero looked at him and pinched his forehead. “Just … try and talk to her later, okay?”

“Of course. Hope she’s not bothered about anything though….” Night started to worry a little.

“Speaking of the princess,” Rarity wondered as she glanced around the dance hall. “Do know happen to know if she’s coming or not, Sunset?”

“I’m afraid she’s not going to make it this time, guys,” Sunset stated. She wore a bodycon halter dress that flowed from red to yellow as it went down with a red and yellow sun necklace and yellow strap heels. “She said she’s got a parent-teacher conference going on tonight at her School of Friendship.”

“Wait, the pony Twi is a mom already?!” Zero sputtered in shock. “Damn, she’s making progress!”

Sunset only chuckled. “No. She’s the principal at the new school she built. She’s hosting it.”

“Oh … aw man. I was kinda hoping she’d make it,” Zero pouted as he crossed his arms. “Pony or not, I’d love to meet an actual princess.”

“Ironically enough, she’s no better a dancer than our Twilight,” Soul teased. He was wearing an all-white suit, a red tie with dark red stripes, a dark blue undershirt and black shoes. “I remember she came for a summer party and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone dance so bizarre.”

“Did you record it?” Zero raised an eyebrow with an intrigued expression.

“I did! Until Sunset and AJ made me delete it,” Soul sighed glumly.

Zero crossed his arms and pouted. “Drat. But that’s fair. But speaking of clumsy dancers, where is that egghead? And Flutters for that matter.”

“S-Sorry I was little late!” said a familiar soft voice. All the girls and Zero were quick to turn to look as they saw Fluttershy walking over with another young man. Fluttershy herself was wearing a light green maxi dress with a light blue butterfly necklace and earrings. The dress had a flower pattern on the bottom and matched her green high heels. She even wore a bit of pink lipstick. “Got a little lost finding Sandalwood’s house … heh…. But does the dress look a-alright?”

“You look thoroughly astonishing!” Rarity gasped as she clapped her hands together.

“Yeah, you look great Fluttershy!” Swift smiled. “I didn’t think you’d go with Sandal here though. Good for you, man!”

“Thanks bro!” Sandalwood smiled. He was a young man with amber skin and light and dark green dreads of hair and emerald colored eyes. He was wearing a dark green modern fit suit with a purple undershirt and a bright yellow tie along with dark brown shoes. “You and Pinkie look stellar together my man.”

“Sh-Shut up.” Swift scratched his cheek and looked away.

Zero didn’t say a single word, feeling a powerful sense of awe and a hint of jealousy as he looked at Fluttershy and this Sandalwood character. He couldn’t help the thought that he could’ve been the one to come with Fluttershy instead of him and shower her with appreciation as he danced the night away with her like something out of a fairy tale, especially when to him, she looked almost like a princess. To have some hippie take his spot and get her to himself….

It’s almost not fair. Zero gripped his fist, only to uncrumple it soon after. But no use in crying over the moment. So long as this punk treats her right, Zero admitted to himself before speaking up with a little more sternness to his tone than he wanted. “Who is this guy anyways?”

“Oh! You two haven’t met properly?” Fluttershy sputtered as she placed a hand on her date’s shoulder. “This is Sandalwood. He’s in my woodshop class with me and helped me make birdhouses for the little birdies at the shelter and used to work at the pet store in the mall with me before deciding to go help his mom in her gardening shop.”

Sandalwood offered a fistbump to Zero and gave a friendly smile. “Pleasure to meet you, dude. Fluttershy here told me about you and how totally rad you are. Plus, I sit two rows behind you in math class.”

Zero fist bumped him back. “Oh yeah. You're also in my class for English and go on and on about peace, love and spirit guides in your essays. Won’t lie though, I actually kinda dig it.” He smiled before turning to Fluttershy. “But Fluttershy, you look so amazing that I … I can’t even find the words to describe you, or if there’s even a word that fits properly.”

Fluttershy blushed a little as she smiled. “Thank you Zero, you look really nice too.”

Trixie remained quiet as she only gave an unsatisfied glance between the two.

Sandalwood looked around for a second. “Say, Swift. Have you seen Flash by any chance? He said he and his date just got here too.”

“And you’d be right, Sandal!” Flash and Twilight wiggled through the crowd together before giving two finger guns at Swift and Sandalwood. “Duuudes! What’s up?!”

“Heh, about time you showed up.” Swift smirked before giving Flash a high five. “You’re looking super fresh though.”

“Yeah, dude. The rest of you don’t look so bad either. All together we probably could be in a cool spy movie!” Flash grinned at the thought. “Like Spy Kids!”

“Y-Yeah,” Twilight agreed with a scrunched up smile as she was trying to keep her nerves in check. She couldn’t help but glance away immediately with a faint blush when she saw Zero.

“Damn, Egghead.” Rainbow smirked. “Way to bring out that inner beauty tonight! That dress is so awesome on you. You even ditched the glasses!”

“Yeah Twilight.” Swift grinned. “You look like if you were your own pretty constellations with that dress on you!”

As everyone else started showering Twilight compliments, Zero felt completely caught off guard by Twilight’s appearance as he couldn’t help but stare at her with his mouth agape. Unlike Fluttershy, where she looked prettier than normal, Twilight almost looked like a completely different person. He wanted to say something to her, anything really. He felt a tightening in his chest as several conflicting feelings bounced around inside him. Soon his eyes actually watered and he continued to stand there, not even slightly sure as to what he wanted to do.

Zero took a massive gulp and after what felt like minutes to him, got ready say something. “Tw—”

Trixie suddenly cleared her throat deciding finally to say something. “Excusez-moi!” she huffed as she got everyone’s attention. “While Trixie doesn’t mind if you all continue your little social gathering, she’d like to remind you all that this is a dance!”

“Trixie does have a point,” Clyde agreed. “Let’s have some fun while we’re here and spend time with our dates. This is our last Fall Formal anyways.”

“Yeah, let’s go make some memories!” Soul smiled. “And who else could capture the moment better than Photo Finish?”

“Um, that might take a while,” Flash said as he pointed to where Photo Finish was taking pictures of each couple or group of friends as there was a long line forming.

“Bummer.” Sandalbar tapped his chin. “What if we try and make an appointment and go then? Think that’ll fly?”

“It’s worth a try! We simply can’t spend the entire evening waiting in line, but I will not miss this opportunity!” Rarity hurried over to Photo Finish.

“Couldn’t we … you know, use a selfie stick or something?” Night suggested. “You can’t tell me you don’t have one hiding in that forest of hair, Pinkie.”

“Of course I do! But Photo Finish takes the fanciest and most memorable pics!” Pinkie explained. “Rarity usually prefers her pizzazz and zee touch and the zee magics!” she said as she mimicked Photo Finish.

“Plus, if we schedule an appointment, it shouldn’t be too bad, right?” Rivet pointed out with optimism.

“Only one way to find out,” Clyde said as he saw Rarity making her way back over.

“We’re in luck!” Rarity announced with a confident grin. “I persuaded her to get me the appointment for ten o'clock! Which is … three hours from now.”

“Well hey, that’ll give us plenty of time to party like there’s no tomorrow!” Flash declared. “Let’s all meet back up later!”

“Good idea!” Sunset agreed as she headed off with Soul. Soon afterwards, everyone started to split off with their dates. Zero and Twilight glanced at each other for a moment before they parted ways as they were about to say something, but Trixie tugged on Zero’s arm and lead him away.

“Come on! I gotta show Lavender and Fuchsia how incredible we look together.” Trixie beamed as she looked a little ecstatic.

“H-Hey! Take it easy on the suit!” Zero whined. “I don’t want Rarity to chew me out over it!”

Twilight sighed at her missed chance to talk to him while Flash picked up on the mood and placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Something up Twilight?” Flash asked in a concerned tone.

“U-Up? No! Nothing’s up, besides the ceiling and the colorful lights that is!” Twilight stuttered frantically as she she gave a forced laugh. “I-I’m chill!”

“You know you’re a bad liar, right? And I’ve only talked to you on a few occasions, and ‘chill’ isn’t in your wide and vast vocabulary,” Flash said bluntly. “It’s alright to talk to me.”

Twilight gulped a little before sighing. “It’s just that … this is my first dance and I’m a little nervous. Sure, I’ve participated in more hangouts recently, but going to an event like this is a little overwhelming.”

“Oh, is that all then?” Flash grinned. “Everyone’s somewhat nervous during dances … aside from Pinkie. I don’t think nervousness exists in her world,” Flash said before holding Twilight’s hand gently. “But don’t let it all get to you and just enjoy yourself. Don’t focus on the crowd, let’s just focus on us for now. This is a big night and we shouldn’t waste the moment.”

Twilight looked at Flash and gave a small nod as she smiled. She felt bad for giving him such a half-truth. She was a bit nervous, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t fight off at this point. In truth, she’d just wanted a moment to say something to Zero. But Flash did have a point: there’s time later, and she should focus on the two of them for now.

Or at the least, try to.

As the night went on and just as one of the songs ended, Vinyl Scratch grabbed a nearby microphone and turned the volume down on the speakers before speaking up. “What’s up Canterlot Hiiiiiigh!?” she bellowed as everyone cheered and raised the fists in the air as they faced her. “Now, before we start getting into the slow dances, cuddling, and the crowning, we’re gonna kick off a little mini event at the request of the majority of you! Rainbow Dash, Applejack, hit the center of the gym and everyone be sure to give them some room!”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack faced off in the center as the both of them gave a determined grin. Everyone gave them some room as Vinyl instructed. Night and Rivet watched near the front of the crowd while a few of their friends watched as well.

“Try not to be a sore loser when I blow your mind with my dance moves. I’m sweeping that trophy tonight!” Rainbow boasted as some of her fans started cheering for her.

“The only thin’ your blowing tonight is hot air, but what else is new with ya nowadays?” Applejack quipped as her fans were cheering a little before going “oooooo” at her comeback.

“Come on AJ!” Night cheered. “Make that walking talking pride flag shut up for a change!”

“Is it right to really root for one over the other?” Rivet asked, looking a little unsure.

“Trash talking isn’t gonna hurt either of those two. They’re pretty tough, both in mind and definitely in body. Besides, it’s all in good fun!”

Rivet hesitated before turning to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. He took a deep breath and shouted along with the crowd. “Steal the show Rainbow! Make AJ, um … eat the dirt, that farmer is used to the taste by now?” he said as his taunt grew quieter as he said it.

“Trash talk isn’t your forte now, is it?” Night said as he raised an eyebrow at him.

Rivet gave an embarrassed chuckle. “I think I’ll keep quiet. I’m not trained in the ways of roasting.”

“I’ll teach you some day, young grasshopper,” Night said, pretending to sound like a wise old man before focusing back on the little showdown between the girls.

“Seems like everyone is getting pretty psyched up now!” Vinyl said before setting two records on the booth’s turntables. “Now then, Rainbow Dash, Applejack! I hope you gals are ready to dance your booties off, ‘cause here we go!” she said as she started playing some hip hop music. Rainbow Dash started moving towards Applejack as her arms and torso moved to the beat of the music. She gave her a little smirk before performing the butterfly dance move to start off simple, gaining an eye roll from Applejack as the audience cheered. Just then, she spun away from her as she snapped her fingers in her face to rile Applejack up as the song soon changed to a country tune.

“Yer messing with the wrong Apple, Rainbow,” Applejack fumed as she performed some line dancing moves on Rainbow Dash as she kept her hands on her hips and stomped occasionally to the rhythm, even crossing one of her legs behind the other and slapping the base of the heel in front of Rainbow before tipping her hat. Some of her fans cheered while others gave a “Yeehaw!”

“Go AJ, Go go! Go AJ, go go!! Go AJ, go go!” half the crowd cheered as they clapped on cue together.

“Rain-bow Dash! Rain-bow Dash! Rain-bow Dash!” the other half of the crowd chanted as they raised their fists in the air and shook them to the beat.

As Night and Rivet cheered on their dates as the music switched to hip hop again, Night spotted a familiar white- and blue-haired girl in the corner of his eye as she headed towards the snack table. Deciding to briefly sneak away from the dance off, he made his way out of the crowd and followed the girl before giving her a tap on the shoulder.

“I say, dost mine eyes deceive me or is Minuette actually gonna do the unspeakable and indulge in some soda?” Night jested with a sly grin.

Minuette actually jumped a little as she quickly turned to Night. “H-Hey, it’s not like I’m drinking a whole lot, dunce. How’s about I tell my mom to get you a root canal?”

“Easy there, Princess. Let’s not get hostile,” Night chuckled before examining her dress and giving her an approving smile. “Still though, wow. Gotta say, the dress looks jaw-dropping on you. I can barely believe that it’s you in all that. Guess it was worth the wait.”

Minuette blushed a little as she smiled. “Glad you like it. You look pretty dapper yourself. It’s not often I see you put on a suit considering you’re not a fan of them either. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if you wore a cowboy hat and overalls given your time down on the farm,” she flattered as she playfully knocked on his chest.

“Oh quit it,” Night waved off. “The day I wear any of that is the day Pinkie gives up parties. Say, where's your date?”

Minuette gripped her arm slightly at the question. “Oh, I don’t have one. Decided to come with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine instead and just go as gal pals. But what about you? How're things between you and Applejack so far?”

“Hm? Well, the dance is pretty cool,” Night said as the crowd behind him started getting louder as the energy shifted in Applejack’s favor. He glanced back and smiled. “And the dance off is pretty hype as hell. The moves AJ practiced with me actually made me look at country music and dancing differently. Dash is probably getting served right now.”

“That’s cool,” she said in an almost empty tone as Night finally picked up on it.

“You okay? Normally this is the part where you’d start getting jiggy with the music and drag me into your madness,” Night said as he looked concerned. “Zero said you looked off earlier when he saw you. Is everything cool?”

Minuette gripped her arm tighter as she felt herself on the verge of an outburst before recollecting herself as she took a deep breath. “Well … I wanted to come here with this guy I’ve had my eye on for a while now. But the next time I saw him, he was already taken by this other girl and I missed my chance to ask him and….” she said as her voice trailed off, deciding to discontinue.

“Ouch … that’s kinda rough,” Night said as he wrapped an arm around her to comfort her. “Is that why you were kinda weird this week? You didn’t talk to me much I noticed.”

“Yeah….” Minuette sighed before she hugged Night gently. “But at least I have you here.”

Night nodded. “Glad to hear it. But maybe this is for the best, don’t you think?”

“Of course.” Minuette smiled a little as she looked at him. “You’re all I ne—”

“I mean, I was in the same shoes as you not that long ago,” Night began. “That day when I competed with Zero to ask Fluttershy out and he beat me to it, I was pretty pissed off and hurt too.”

Minuette didn’t say anything and listened.

“But after, I managed to ask AJ out and spend some time down at Sweet Apple Acres. Not only did I get some good exercise, but she’s a ball to be around,” Night chuckles. “I’m just saying that maybe going with her was for the best after all.”

Minuette’s expression and eyes went blank as she slowly let go of the hug.

“So maybe going with your friends instead was for the best too is what I’m saying. I doubt this guy was that interesting. I mean, who is he anyways?” Night questioned curiously. “‘Cause if he can’t beat my mains in Smash, he’s not worthy of my approval,” he joked, but noticed Minuette was still quiet. “....Minty?”

“NIGHT!” Applejack rushed over to him as she grabbed his arm. “There you are! C’mon, we’re hitting the dance floor!”

“E-Excuse me, what?!” Night complained as he got pulled along. “Didn’t I say I didn’t wanna be caught in the middle of this dance off? The whole school’s gonna see me!”

“After all the practicin’ we did, we’ll be fine. Rainbow’s already got Rivet out there and ah ain’t letting her show me up!” Applejack glared as Night could see her competitive side was showing. He sighed, knowing there was no arguing.

“Fine, just hold down the fort for five seconds, I’m talking to Min—” Night turned back to see Minuette was gone. “Minuette?” he called out as he looked around to see that she was nowhere in sight. “Guess I’ll find her later. Probably went back to her friends to party.”

As Night reluctantly followed Applejack back to the center of the gym, Minuette was long gone as she was already out the front doors of the school with her high heels in hand as she ran home with tears streaming down her face.

Night, you big dummy, Minuette thought to herself as she gritted her teeth, getting sick of keeping her thoughts in her head as the feelings in her chest burst before shouting at the top of her lungs.

“YOU IDIOT!!!!!!”

After two more hours went by and the dance off concluded in a tie between Rainbow and Applejack, much to their dismay, everyone went about the rest of the evening having fun together. At this time, Pinkie and Swift were dancing the night away on the dance floor. Though Swift’s dance moves were questionable, he and Pinkie were having a good time. While this was going on, Fluttershy, Rarity and Clyde took a small breather from all the dancing to chat.

“You know, I’m still a tad bit surprised that you decided to go with Sandalwood of all folks, Fluttershy,” Rarity stated. “I could’ve seen you with Bulk Biceps or Big Mac like the last Fall Formals. Why settle on him this time around?”

Fluttershy twiddled her thumbs a bit before replying. “Well, I used to have a small crush on him for most of the school years, and he was a good friend of mine outside of you girls. The previous dances, he had a date already or just had plans and I didn’t want to bother him.”

“You had a crush on him and didn’t tell me?!” Rarity began hysterically. “But I could—”

Fluttershy immediately put her hand up to silence her friend. “You do have a bit of a track record of interfering with others’ love lives Rarity, which is nice and all, but you and Rainbow tend to get really pushy. So I wanted to keep it my own business,” she said bluntly.

“Not to rub salt in the wound, but she does make a point,” Clyde agreed with a chuckle.

Rarity gave an embarrassed blushed before making a forceful cough. “Yes, well, I must admit I can get a little carried away. At the least, it does seem like you’ve made very fair choices on how you want to handle your love life.”

“Not to mention it’s nice to see some of the other couples get together too!” Fluttershy praised with a smile as she looked at Pinkie and Swift dancing together.

“You’re telling me. About time those two hit it off after all this time,” Clyde stated. “I was starting to wonder if he’d ever do it this lifetime.”

“And here I was thinking the same, but you definitely snagged a cute one this time around.” A voice spoke up behind the three, catching Clyde completely off guard. He turned around to see a young man with similar black hair to Clyde’s but was buzzed off and had a more muscular physique. He was wearing a brown tuxedo and a black bowtie and gave off a bit of a smirk.

“S-S-Shale?!” Clyde gasped in disbelief. “What are you doing here?!”

“Clyde, is this—?” Rarity began to question as she was a bit surprised herself.

“Yup, I’m Clyde’s older brother, Shale, and you must be the lovely Rarity he’s mentioned to me over and over again.” Shale laughed. “I swear, all he ever talks about besides basketball is you. But now I can see why.”

“What are you even doing here, man?” Clyde smiled happily as he gave his brother a brief hug. “I thought I wouldn’t see you till Christmas if I was lucky.”

Shale hugged him back. “Well, that’s a bit of an interesting story, you see.”

“Shale! Where’d you go?!” another voice called out as Sonata Dusk hurried over to the group. She was wearing a light blue mermaid dress and clear heels and she decided to wear her hair down instead of in a ponytail for a change. She pouted as she huffed in slight annoyance. “Don’t go running off like that! So not cool!”

“Sorry, Sonata. I got a little bit sidetracked now that I found my little bro,” Shale said in an apologetic tone.

“Your brother?” Sonata looked at Clyde and scratched her head in a bit of confusion. “You never told me you had one.”

“Yeah … I did,” Shale corrected. “Though you had goofy and lovestruck expression on your face so you probably weren’t paying attention, heh.”

Fluttershy cleared her throat. “So, um … how and why are you here though?”

“Oh!” Shale snapped his fingers as he remembered. “Well, I earned a break from the Guard and was on my way home to Canterlot, but Clyde wasn’t home for me to surprise him. So I decided to go to the park and play some ball.”

“Then I was walking by, hoping to find a date to the Fall Formal and then a basketball hit me in the head and this cutie came to see if I was alright!” Sonata said as she wrapped her arms around Shale and nuzzled him.

“Then one thing led to another and bam! Here we are!” Shale grinned as he wrapped an arm around her. “Sonata’s been a pretty swell gal so far if you asked me. Man bro, you should’ve told me you were going to school with a bunch of cuties. Wish school back home was this great. And it looks like you snagged one of the best of them here!”

“Heh, you know it,” Clyde laughed.

“Well, I am happy to meet you at last!” Rarity beamed as she clapped her hands together in excitement. “If you’re going to be in town for a bit, might I suggest you, me and Clyde have tea at my place as we chat more?”

“Sounds like a great time to me. We can spend the entire day together and go out to eat,” Clyde suggested.

“Oh! Can I come? Pleeeeeease?” Sonata pleaded as she bounced. “I know this really cool buffet in the city that Aria took me to once!”

“Well … shouldn’t be too much of an issue, right? We can make it a double date!” Shale chimed in. “Sounds good, right?

“Eeeeh….” Rarity hesitated as she wasn’t too keen on the idea of Sonata being part of it, but as she glanced at her puppy dog eyes and then turned back to Fluttershy who gave a smile and a simple shrug, Rarity made her decision. “Oh, why not? Could be interesting if anything.”

Sonata beamed as she hugged Rarity tightly. “YES! You won’t regret this, I promise!”

Just then, Principal Celestia had gotten onto the stage and the colorful lights dimmed with only a LED light trined on her as everyone focused their attention as she turned on the microphone.

“I’d like to start off with saying that I appreciate everyone coming out tonight,” Celestia announced. “Things are looking livelier than ever, and I hope we can keep it all up till the end of the night! And now, without further ado, let’s announce the Princess of the Fall Formal.”

On cue, Vice Principal Luna walked on stage holding a box and an envelope. As she approached her sister, she passed her the first envelope as Celestia prepared to announce the winner. “And the Princess of the Fall Formal is … Sunset Shimmer!”

The majority of the gym erupted in cheering, whistles and applause all while Sunset looked completely surprised by the announcement as all eyes were on her. Soul grinned and gave her a pat on the back.

“Go on ahead! You earned this!” Soul effused as he motioned her to go.

Sunset looked at Soul and smiled before going on stage with a slight blush on her face. Celestia opened the box to reveal a faux gold tiara decorated with red jewels. She placed it on Sunset’s head as it shined in the light. “Congratulations Sunset, you’ve earned it this time around,” Celestia applauded with a smile.

“Heh, I suppose so….” Sunset blushed as she looked at all her fellow students thinking back to the other Fall Formals where she looked down on all of them whenever she was on stage. But now after her recent change, this moment felt well-earned. As she waved to everyone, she glanced back to Soul who was giving her a proud smile. She quickly shot him a grin before borrowing the microphone from Celestia.

“I won’t bore anybody with too long of a speech. But I just wanna say that I really appreciate everyone who voted for me tonight,” Sunset addressed. “I also I wanna thank all my friends since the last Fall Formal. I hit the lowest point of my life, but it also sparked the change I desperately needed, and they helped me become the Sunset you see before you. And as Princess of the Fall Formal, I’d like everyone to enjoy the remainder of the dance … and I’ll do the same with my closest friends … and with my prince most of all,” Sunset expressed before giving the microphone back to Celestia and walking off the stage. When she returned to Soul, she wrapped her arms around him as everyone watched with joy.

As Soul hugged Sunset back, Vinyl took it as a cue to play a slow dance song as the bright lines came back on. One by one, the majority of the student body started pairing up with their dates for the night.

Trixie, who was watching everything from nearby with Zero, huffed a little before giving an annoyed expression at her date. “So that’s who you voted for, hm?”

“Well, Fluttershy and Rainbow came up with the idea and suggested to us and most of the other students, who better to be Princess than her?” Zero admitted sheepishly. “Besides, Sunset actually came a long way from being a rotten bully to a gal most should aspire to be. So naturally … I complied. Sorry.”

Trixie kept her brow furrowed and arms crossed until her expression changed into a smirk. “I suppose there’s no use in being spoiled. I’ve got you here with me. That’s all I need. Princesses are overrated nowadays anyways.

“I guess a princess means little to a queen like you,” Zero flattered.

Trixie giggled before placing her left hand on Zero’s shoulder and using her right hand to hold his left. “And what queen would be complete without her king?” she swooned, making Zero blush a bit as he placed his hand on her side as they began dancing like everyone else.

“Heh, I don’t know if I deserve to be one or to be in your presence, your majesty,” Zero joked as he smiled a little.

“Trust me, you’re more than worthy,” Trixie whispered as she gave him a warm expression with her eyes locked onto his, already getting lost in the yellow of his eyes as she was enveloped in the moment.

Zero looked back into her violet eyes as he followed her movements. He tried to think of something to say, but he quickly read the room and saw that everyone was lost in their own moment. Some of the students were lost in each other's gazes, others were just embracing each other’s warmth, and even a few of them were locking lips with one another like Rarity and Clyde or Soul and Sunset. He even spotted Wind and Button Mash dancing together. Button looked extremely nervous, making Zero wish he could take the moment to laugh, but Trixie was quick to place a hand on his cheek and gently turn his attention back to her.

“Don’t worry about everyone for once,” Trixie uttered in a soft voice as she smiled. “Everyone’s on their own stage, in their own moment, in their world. Just for right now and the remainder of the night … focus on us … on me.”

“Sure” was the only word that came out of Zero’s mouth as he obeyed Trixie’s request. He focused his gaze on Trixie and locked his eyes on hers and only hers. As he did, he started to recall some of the times he spent with her. All the walks to school with her, the banter, the roleplays he participated in with her, both at home and in the club—he had to admit, they were nothing but fond memories to him. Then he thought back to her confession the other day and the way she poured her heart out to him like that. After everything that happened between him and Fluttershy, it felt nice for a girl to feel such passion for him. To have someone want to share this enchanting moment in his arms and with him alone. It was astonishing, wonderful even. And he really appreciated everything that was happening right there and right then. And yet, he asked himself one question.

Why don’t I feel anything?

Zero wondered. It looked like almost everyone was lost in their own world, as well as Trixie. But he didn’t felt like he went anywhere. And the more he thought about it, the same question kept playing in his head as if it were on loop.

“Zero….” Trixie breathed, pulling the young man out of his clouded thoughts. “I wanted you to know that … I really appreciate having you with me. This night truly is magical … all because of you,” she said before moving closer to his face and closing her eyes, going in for a kiss.

Zero’s eyes widened and he gasped. His heart skipped a beat and he didn’t know how to respond to this. Not seeing what else he could do, he was about to move in.

Until he saw Twilight dancing with Flash on the other side of the gym. Her gaze met his for only a split second—and it was all he needed.

In that second, everything became clear to him. The uncertainty and indecisive feelings in his heart practically exploded, finally revealing the answer to his question.

“I can’t do this,” Zero spoke quietly, making Trixie open her eyes as she halted her advance with the kiss.

“W-What?” Trixie asked, looking completely confused and a bit hurt. “Am I moving too fast for you?

Zero only shook his head as he pulled his arms away from her. “No, no, you’re fine. Wonderful even. But … all of this is wrong,” Zero said as he turned away from Trixie’s face as he didn’t want to look at her hurt expression. “I messed up.”

“You can talk to me, don’t worry.” Trixie placed a hand on his shoulder as she looked at him with concern. “You and I can still—”

“No!” Zero exclaimed as he backed away from her, gaining a bit of attention from the nearby couples. “Just … stop already, okay? It’s just….” He couldn’t finish his sentence as his mind was clouded in frustration. He hurried off through the crowd and out of the gym.

“Z-Zero?” Trixie said as she stood there alone before looking down and biting her lip. “What did I do wrong?”

Meanwhile, around the same time as the slow dance began, Twilight was blushing as she danced with Flash, though the reason behind it was not for any romantic impulses.

“You know, you don’t have to feel that guilty about it,” Flash reassured as he smiled at her. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Still, I knew I was a klutz when it came to dancing, but I didn’t think I’d kick you in the shin … six times,” Twilight wailed as she kept her eyes on the ground and to her feet.

“Hey, I’m a big boy. I can tolerate a little bit of pain for a lady,” Flash laughed. “Besides, I don’t wanna get mad and blow up on you. That’d be uncool. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the dance.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Twilight said as she looked up to Flash and met his gaze again. “I really have to stop worrying about little things.”

“That being said though, are you having fun?” Flash wondered. “You’ve been kinda … out of it a bit.”

“I-I-I have?” Twilight stuttered.

“You’ve been kinda quiet for most of the night, really. You look as if you have something on your mind,” Flash analyzed. “When you said you were nervous, I figured it was just about the dance. But while we were dancing like no tomorrow, you seemed distracted and almost kinda upset about something. You were like that too when I picked you up earlier. It’s kinda written all over you face.”

Twilight only bit her lip for a moment before trying to think of some way to dismiss his worries, but thinking about how he’d been honest about his feelings with her, she sighed, deciding it was time to do the same. “Flash … I had a good time with you tonight, I really did … but—”

“I wasn’t the one you wanted to go with, right?” Flash guessed.

Twilight only nodded as she continued. “At first, I was actually really excited to go with you since you asked. But as the week went on, I still felt hurt for not getting the chance to ask him out since someone else beat me to it, and it really got to me and made me disinterested in what was going on. Now here I am ruining your night in the process,” she said before looking away from Flash. “And after you went out of your way to cheer me up over and over again. So much for being a good date….”

Flash stared at Twilight for a bit as they kept dancing before giving her a sad smile. “Hey … you did say that you had a good time with me, right?”

“Yeah, but—”

“Then it’s alright,” Flash interrupted as he didn’t sound a bit upset. “I’m just glad I could be somewhat useful and make this dance worthwhile. Like I’m the moonlight shining down on you on a cloudy night! Something poetic like that!”

“Heh, I guess that is one way to put it,” Twilight giggled.

“I’m not gonna be a jerk about it and fight for your heart when it seems dead set on someone else. I tried what I could, but being a man is about letting the girl follow her heart. So just go do what you have to do,” Flash conceded as he sighed. “But I really do appreciate you being honest with me. I was getting more and more worried myself. Thanks Twilight.”

“If it makes you feel better Flash, I think you’d make any girl happy, especially with how perceptive you are. That’s pretty handy,” Twilight stated as it was her turn to reassure him. Just then, she glanced over to Zero and met his gaze for a second as the feeling she had earlier was reignited. After hearing what Flash had told her, she was certain on what she had to do.

“So I was right then,” Flash stated as he noticed who Twilight was looking at. “Mr. Steal Your Girl himself, huh?”

Twilight blushed a bit. “Maybe.”

“I should’ve known he was up to his old tricks as usual. Now he’s about to steal my date.” Flash shook his head, but just then, the two saw Zero making a run for it out the gym. He looked at Twilight and motioned for her to go. She gave him a determined nod and rushed after Zero. Flash only stood there silently as he watched her go before giving a defeated sigh. “You know what they say: if you love something, set it free. Story of my life.”

In the hallways, Zero was leaning against a wall as he was coming to terms with his feelings and thoughts, not sure how to even move forward as he was feeling furious with himself, mainly for putting himself in another hole when he knew he could have prevented such silly mistakes if he had just been honest with himself.

Feeling nothing but regret over the whole situation, he just stared at the clock on the nearby wall. It was nine-fifty and the dance was nearing its end, which meant it was almost time for the group photo.

“Just make it end already,” Zero mumbled in annoyance before seeing Twilight walking up to him. He quickly set himself straight as he walked over to her in return. “Well, done dancing till you drop? Or did you kick Flash again?” he teased, trying to play it cool.

Twilight’s face turned red. “Y-You saw that?”

“It’s important for a dance tutor to keep an eye on the tutee’s moves,” Zero admitted with a smirk. “But it look like you’ve got a waaaaays to go!”

Twilight huffed. “Well, if I’m that bad, it’s thanks to your poor teaching.”

“Hey, that’s a low blow!” Zero pouted. “That’s the last time I teach you anything decent.”

The two exchanged a glare before they shared a small chuckle to relieve the tension they felt a moment ago. Twilight only gave a small smile as her laughter died down.

“So … you couldn’t help but watch me, huh?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well, um….” Zero stumbled upon his words. “It’s hard not to stare at the prettiest girl in the room.”

Twilight’s face turned bright red as she went silent, not expecting such a comment. Zero stayed quiet in return as he blushed a bit as well, not sure what they would say to each other. The ticking of the nearby clock and the slow music from the dance drowned out the awkward silence until they both spoke up simultaneously.

“I wish I’d gone to the dance with you!” they blurted before getting taken aback by what the other said.

“Wait, seriously?!” Zero asked as he was perplexed. “Since when?!”

“F-For a while now,” Twilight admitted before raising an eyebrow. “But … that doesn’t make any sense. If you wanted to ask me, why’d you go with Trixie?”

Zero put his hands in his pocket and exhaled in a bit of annoyance. “Wind brought up an idea that if I passed my test last week, I should do something nice for you like taking you to the dance. But since I didn’t do too great, I didn’t think I had the right. So when Trixie confessed her feelings to me, I decided to go with her. But I was being too hard on myself and really screwed things up.”

“Guess great minds think alike.” Twilight gave a weak chuckle. “I was about to ask you to the dance as my way of saying thank you for making me come out of my shell. And you kept egging me to go … so I thought why not go with the guy I’m closest to here? But when I heard you were going with Trixie, my opportunity felt robbed. Then Flash asked me next, so….” She looked away.

“Well … it’s not like we can do anything about it now,” Zero stated. “I mean, I’d like to dance, but I don’t wanna hurt Trixie’s feelings any more than I probably did. Plus, it’s almost time to take the group photo before everyone starts going home.”

Twilight nodded. “Guess we should head back in and search for everyone else. Before we go … next time you wanna tell me something, just tell me okay? And … you look really dashing tonight.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Zero smiled weakly. “And … I’ll be honest, I hardly recognized you in that dress. It’s like you blew me through the universe and back with that look. You look just … breathtaking. But I do have one complaint.”

“W-What is it? If it’s about my dance techniques, I swear I—”

Zero shook his head as he walked back to the gym. “Nah … I just think you look more attractive with your glasses on. It completes you.”

Twilight thought about what he said before looking at her reflection in a nearby glass case. “Huh….” she said before heading back to the gym. Not long after the two reentered the gym, they saw that their friends had already met up near Photo Finish to get their picture taken and were waiting on them.

“Hey, right on time you guys!” Rainbow crossed her arms before raising an eyebrow at the two. “Where’d you both run off to anyways?”

“Oh, um … bathroom break?” Zero said with a nod, though Rainbow and some of the others weren’t buying it.

“It’s a long story. We’ll explain it later on,” Twilight said before looking around. “Where’s Flash and Trixie?”

“That’s what we wanted to ask Zero,” Soul said as he looked at his friend. “Because I saw Trixie leaving on her own through the back door in a hurry. Did something happened?”

“I….” Zero looked down as he felt guilty about what he told Trixie before running off. “I’d rather not talk about it right now, okay? A lot has been going through my mind tonight.”

“Oh … alright man.” Soul said before patting Zero’s back.

“And what about Flash?” Twilight wondered as she thought he might have left because of her as well.

“Flash actually came to me and Pinkie before leaving. He said he had to pick up Microchips from GameStop since his mom’s car broke down and had to go,” Swift explained. “And he wanted to tell you sorry, but he’ll come back to bring you home.”

“Oh … good,” Twilight sighed in a bit of relief.

“But now it’s picture time, let’s come on!” Pinkie pulled Zero and Twilight over to the picture and put them together, making the two feel a bit awkward.

“Is everyone ready?” Sunset asked as she was in the center with Soul and the two held hands. Everyone gave a quick yes or a nod, but Zero and Twilight stayed quiet, making Sunset asked once again as she looked at the two. “Twilight? Zero?”

Zero looked at Twilight and she gave a sad smile as she nodded at him. Zero then nodded at Sunset. “Yeah, we’re fine.”

“Then on three!” Photo Finish announced as she got ready to take the picture. “One! Two! … Three!”

As Photo Finish took the picture, most everyone gave their best smiles on cue, but Zero and Twilight couldn’t really muster any genuine happiness at the moment, so all they could really do was give a forced smile for the camera.

Photo Finish took a few more pictures so there could be copies for everyone. Just as she finished and handed the copies to the others, she looked at her watch and saw that the dance was beginning to wrap up. “Times is up! Now, I go!” she stated as she motioned for the gang to move along so she could pack her things up.

“Yeah, looks like it’s time to call it in for the night,” Clyde yawned as he saw most of the students were getting ready to leave. “Wanna get Sweetie Belle, Sonata and my brother and head out, Rarity?”

“Of course,” Rarity agreed before looking at the others. “I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the night and that my dresses and suits made all of you shine tonight! Also, congrats again on winning Princess of the Fall Formal, Sunset!”

“Heh, like I said, I couldn’t have done it without all of you.” Sunset smiled before looking at the photograph, though she raised an eyebrow at Zero and Twilight’s smiles as she detected something off about them. She glanced at Twilight out of the corner of her eye but ultimately decided to let things slide for now.

“Speaking of sister, I’d better go and grab Wind and head on out.” Zero waved to the others. “Thanks again for the suit, Rares.”

“Mmhmm! Though if you ask me, I think this was probably the best Fall Formal yet!” Rarity declared to everyone before kissing Clyde and walking off.

Most of the others agreed and started making their exits as well, but Zero and Twilight couldn’t help but stare at the photo that only served as a reminder that the night could have gone better if things went their way. They glanced at each other once more before going their separate ways for the night.

As it turned out, the dance wasn’t that great at all.