• Published 2nd Aug 2015
  • 4,087 Views, 371 Comments

The Teal Changeling - MrAlterad

Princess Chrysalis was born a queen, but she has much to learn about becoming one. The war between her hive and Princess Luna may provide the lesson, assuming what follows doesn't destroy her kind...

  • ...

12. Heritage

It all changed again, for the seventh time. A different cage. A different occupant. A different villain. A different location. Between those changes, there was only one constant, and that was the pony carrying the cage.

He hurled his side into the glass pane as hard as he could, his hooves wrapped protectively around a golden birdcage. The phoenix inside let out a nervous chirp. The window didn't budge, making the yellow pegasus' eyes widen in surprise.

“Thief! Thiieef!! Somepony stop him!” a stuffy, self important voice called from the opposite end of the room, making the teen-aged colt slam his side into the window again, frowning in effort as it refused to give. As a pair of bulky butlers entered the room, the thief noticed something about the window that made him want to facehoof.

With a quick swipe of his hooves, he unlocked the window. With a simple push, the decorated pane swung open, making the colt flap his wings, jumping out of reach of the approaching stallions as he took to the air.

It all changed again.

He was now sitting in the corner of a back alley, the iron birdcage being home to a rare snow dove. He was several years younger now than the moment before, but it transitioned from one segment to the next without him even noticing. He was now covered in grime, dirty from a life choosing to spend his time in the shadows of Thundercloud.

“So, little fellow,” he began, leaning against the wall of an abandoned cloud-home as he took a tired breath, eyeing the white and blue bird, “Do you know your way back home?” he asked as he unlatched the cage's door. “It'd be really swell if you did,” he added with a small smile. The dove eyed him, shaking its head briefly. At least, Grumpy Gust was pretty sure it just shook its head. He considered the bird for a moment, eyeing the dark alley he hid in, before giving the snow dove a small nod. “Well then, luckily for you, I know the way. So, I guess I'll just have to show you!”

Before the next change happened, the dream seemed to freeze, as if some greater power was placing its influence over it. He paused, noticing a tall figure blocking the way out of the alley. It wasn't the fact that she was blocking his way that stopped him, after all, he could fly, it was more of who she was that trapped him.

Standing a head taller than most ponies, there was no mistaking that dark blue coat, or her star laden mane.

“Forgive me, Mr. Gust, for spying on your dream like this,” Princess Luna said, bringing a hoof over her heart, “I assure you, I wouldn't have done so without great cause.”

Dud blinked, her words making him aware of the dream, and as if waking up, his colt-self was switched out for his true self. The cage in his hooves was now empty, its occupant having returned home long ago. He put the iron trapping down, adopting a big smile as he gave Luna a brief bow.

“Think nothing of it, Princess Luna,” he said with a smile, “Is it ... before midnight?” he asked curiously, getting a very brief look of confusion from her as she nodded. “This really is the best day ever!” he said, his wings spreading out as he let out an energetic cry, making the princess raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“Mr. Gust, I require your focus,” she said, a hint of impatience in her voice.

“R- Right. Sorry about that, Your Highness,” he replied sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, “Didn't think I'd ever get to talk to Equestria's one and only alicorn,” he added, making her glance to the side distantly, before looking back to him with a determined look.

“Mr. Gust, you were among those missing since Neighgarou was destroyed, presumed dead,” She then tilted her head, “Clearly, that's not the case. What are you doing in The Badlands?”

“Well, I'm in The Badlands to get out of The Badlands,” he explained, making her tilt her head in thought.

“So, you're leaving. And you're coming home?” she asked, getting a confused look from him.

“If you mean Equestria, then yes, I am,” he replied, nodding to himself before pausing, realization dawning on him. “Wait, you know who I am?” he asked as he adopted a bashful look.

“Seeing your dream told me that much.” She then took on a slightly sly smile, “I also recall that a number of years ago, several ponies of high standing begged me to send the Shadowbolts to capture a certain yellow pegasus. One that loved to break into their homes and free rare pets.”

“You … seem a little happy to say that,” he pointed out as his grin grew, “Nopony likes being in a cage,” he added, before adopting a contemplating look. “Well, nopony normal anyway.”

“And were you put in a cage? Perhaps by a group of pegasi that reside in The Badlands?”

“What? No,” he quickly replied, before he frowned slightly, looking to her. “My friend's ... father? I think he's her father. Anyway, he did put me in a cage. Oh, and they're not pegasi.”

“Then what are they?”

“Afraid I can't say,” he added sheepishly.

“Why not?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Because I'd betray my friend if I did,” he added, giving Luna an apologetic look.

“Your friend? Did...” she started as she gave him an expectant look.

“Oh! Her name's Chrysalis.”

“Did this Chrysalis free you?”

“She did!” he added as he approached Luna, “She was caged too, but she's free now. I think she wants to talk to you,” he said excitedly, getting an appraising look from Luna.

“Where is she?”

“Um, like a few paces away from me,” he replied, before his eyes widened in alarm as he stopped moving. “Unless, she ditched me. Did she? She might have! She did not want to sleep in that cave, after all. Then again, maybe not,” he added, before looking straight to Luna. “So, what took you so long?”

“Huh?” she asked, before adopting a frown, “And just what is that supposed to mean?”

“Well, you haven't been in my dreams before now. I've been in The Badlands for a while...”

“You have?” she asked, before adopting a troubled look, “You're the first pony I've sensed inside those lands. Some sort of magic must have been hiding you.”

“Well, that’s interesting,” he replied, more to himself, thinking about how the hive's remained hidden despite having several towns of sleeping ponies in it.

“What’s that?”

“I can't tell you. Not right now anyway.”

Why?” she asked, looking none too pleased.

“Because, it's important to my friend. If anyone's gonna tell you, it'll be her.”


“Call her Chrys. That's what she wants her friends to call her. She's a princess, just so you know.”

“A princess?” she said in surprise, before shaking her head, “Mr. Gust, I'm gonna need more than that. Equestria is at war with some faction that we know almost nothing about!”

“Umm,” he said as he brought a hoof to his chin in thought, “This faction is desperate. Their very survival is at stake. They're scared of Equestria, and haven't even considered seeking alternatives to survive. Chrysalis' father has set her people on the edge. I can see her being the one that determines what side of the edge they'll fall over. I want to help her, and when you talk to her, I think you'll do the same.”

“What makes you so certain?” she asked as her eyes narrowed, making him give her a smile as he sat down, raising both hooves, their flats pointing up as if he was carrying something in both.

“Because, Princess Luna is a wise and loving pony who will open her heart to compromise,” he said as he raised one hoof up and down, “Chrys has a good heart, and her world is growing bigger with each step she takes,” he added as he shook the other, before gently bringing them together. “And when you two meet, something is bound to change for the better. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out,” he finished, giving a sheepish grin, making Luna think over his words for a moment, before glancing to the side.

“...These days, it's rare to converse with a pony that sees the glass as half full.”

“Having a glass in the first place is the most important part,” he said with a small smile, getting a considering look from her, before she nodded.

“Yes, I suppose so,” she replied, mirroring his smile, before adopting a more serious expression. “Mr. Gust, because of everything that has happened, I won't be able to send the Shadowbolts to help with your departure of those flooded lands. If possible, there's something I'd like you to take care of. You may trust your friend, and I'm happy that you believe in my integrity, but I have very little to trust you on.”

“You want me to prove myself?” he asked, before adopted a more guarded pose, “I'm not gonna turn on Chrys.”

“I'm not asking that,” she quickly replied, “There's a matter you'll have to deal with if you want to leave The Badlands from the north. In fact, I want you to use the north road.”

“A … matter? Can I talk to her about it?”

“You're free to tell her what you will. Now, concerning this task...”


Chrys awakened with a start. The back of her head then flared in pain, followed by Momo letting out a small cry. Chrys rubbed the back of her skull as she looked to her clutchling, who was cradling her nose, her eyes watering from the impact.

“S-Sorry Momo,” Chrys whispered.

“Why'd you do that?” she asked sleepily.

“It was an accident, go back to sleep, I'll do the same shortly,” she assured, making Momo eye her for a moment, before giving her a smile as she lay her head down. Chrys lay there, her side nestled next to Momo's, waiting as she looked over the others.

Lin and Ren were still sleeping in their beds. Dud was in the corner, dreaming the night away with that strange sounding snore of his. Ssarah wasn't to be seen. When Chrys heard Momo's breathing steady out, she carefully freed herself from her clutchling. She wasn't in the mood to go back to sleep, for it had been a bad dream that woke her.

A dream of being chased by monsters. Of the Moon Princess finding her hive, her magic being used to shake the earth, causing the tunnels to collapse.

She wanted to get that haunting experience out of her head, so she left her sleeping companions to reach the nectar she left near the cave's door. She was going to have a small snack to ease her nerves, a fact she didn't want the others to know.

When she reached the chamber to the cave's exit, she was a little surprised to see Ssarah. The snake's body was coiled into a circle, the center of it opened up like a ring. She had a small flaremander, half the size of Chrys, resting on her lower body, which she occasionally pet as she eyed the center of the ring. She seemed to be interested with whatever lay in that center, fiddling with the point of her tail in it, failing to notice Chrys' presence.

She eyed the snake warily, wondering if getting the snack was worth getting her attention. She then glanced to the side as she realized something. All three of them had been asleep. If Ssarah wanted them harm, she would have done so by now. She let out a small sigh, before continuing to the barrel.

Ssarah flinched when she finally noticed Chrys, earning an annoyed look from the snake.

“What? Can't ssleep in a 'monsster'ss' cave?”

“No, I can't,” Chrys snidely replied, trying to get a glance at what she was working on as she walked past. Since Ssarah's body was as thick as Chrys was tall, she had little luck with that endeavor.

Reaching the barrel, she popped the lid, taking a gander inside. Before she could help herself, she hesitated, recalling that this was supposed to last them till Equestria. Half a barrel of nectar, for two adults and a growing queen, to last them for another six days at best. After thinking about that a few times, she lightly thunked her head against the barrel, before plugging the top.

“Thought better of it?” Ssarah asked curiously, getting another look from Chrys.

Dud said she wasn't the same snake from before, and he was right. Ssarah didn't deserve the animosity she was showing her, a realization that made Chrys frown at nothing in particular. Lin and Ren were cute, and they were Ssarah's children. Could a mother be a monster? Her dream was still fresh in her mind, so she was still wary, but, after what's happened, Ssarah deserved some trust, or at least, consideration.

“Yes, we need it to last,” Chrys admitted as she eyed the barrel, before looking to Ssarah, “Why are you still up?” she asked, not quite sure what time it was.

“Not your bussinesss,” Ssarah replied with a frown, patting the flaremander resting on her side as she did. Chrys gave her an indifferent look, before turning back to where Momo slept. “But, if you want to know, then take a sseat,” she added as she looked to the side, making Chrys pause, eyeing her for a moment. She then turned to her, ready to say something disbarring. Instead, she simply walked over, a curious look on her face.

As she approached, Ssarah's body began to shift, her snake portion breaking the ring as she opened it up for Chrys to see what lay inside. The flaremander rested lazily as she moved, and when she was finished coiling her body around her like a bundle of rope, she pointed to the ground with her tail. There, Chrys saw several rough drawings made in a pile of sand.

One of Dud, his eyes being swirly lines, as if he wasn't right in the head. Another of Momo, a smile on her face. And the last looked very similar to Momo, albeit smaller, and wearing a terribly nasty frown. Chrys happened to be wearing a matching look as she saw it.

“Why are you drawing us?” she asked, her horn briefly glowing as she blew the look off of her 'portrait's' face.

“Getting a firsst passs down for later,” she said as she began to redraw Chrys' face. She did it with dexterity and practice that impressed the princess, her new version complete in mere seconds. “My children were ssaved by a changeling princesss, her clutchling, and a pony. That'ss ssomething worth adding to the wall,” she explained, before motioning to the drawings surrounding them. “That, and it'ss been...” she said as she looked between them all, before her eyes fell to one not too far from the door. A drawing of a snake wearing a crown, with another bowing to her in respect. “A little over ssix hundred yearss ssince my family'ss lasst converssed with royalty,” she added, making Chrys' eyes widen slightly as she saw the cavern in a new light.

“How old is this home?” she asked curiously, wondering if it was older than the hive.

“Three hundred and sseventy sseven yearss. My great-great-grandfather found it, and recorded our family hisstory in it,” she said, pride evident in her voice as she pointed to a drawing further along the wall that resembled the cave's entrance. She then let out a sigh, “Gonna have to replace thosse lower teeth in the morning,” she said, getting a confused look from Chrys. “Thosse teeth keep antlionss from wandering down the tunnel. That'ss why I'm sstill up, to keep an eye out. The door helpss, but having an antlion waiting at it iss nerve-wracking. Once there'ss light again, I can replace them,” she explained in an annoyed tone as she looked back to her rough sketch.

“Great-great-grandfather?” Chrys asked as she raised an eyebrow, “Shouldn't there be more 'greats'?”

“Heh. My grandpa wass quite the lamia, lived for over three hundred yearss. Rocksslide did him in,” she said with a bittersweet smile, making Chrys' eyes widen further.

“How old can you snakes get?”

“Keep calling uss ssnakess and I'm gonna sstart calling your kind bugss.”

“F-Fine,” Chrys replied, biting her tongue before she added something antagonizing.

“Now, for how old? Dunno. I heard there'ss an old mysstic out wesst that'ss been around ssince the lasst time we had a queen. Going off that, at leasst ssix hundred yearss.”

“There's a snake- a lamia, that's older than my mother?” Chrys inquired, trying to wrap her mind around the notion. “Is that common?”

“No, not really. It'ss rare,” she then adopted a far off smile, “Personally, I'd love to break one hundred.”

“Why's it rare?”

“Longer you live, the more likely ssomething bad will happen,” she stated matter-of- factly. “Though, it workss both wayss. There are good thingss too, and we lamia like to record both.”

“Working both ways?” she repeated, giving Ssarah a skeptical look, “It took far too long for something good to happen to our hive,” she added bitterly, before kicking the ground, “And that 'something good' wants me dead.”

“Ah yess, this Mantiss,” she said, getting a curious look from Chrys, “I guesss it'ss not eassy, being a princesss.”

“You called me princess earlier,” Chrys pointed out as she indicated the sand drawing, “So, what did Dud tell you?”

“Jusst about everything,” she replied, making Chrys let out an annoyed sigh. “Sso, it wass bad, before it wass good?”

“Yes. There was never enough food... I've never asked much about it, because no one wants to talk about it,” she explained as she looked off, as if trying to see what it must have been like.

“Sso then, it'ss not eassy being a changeling.”

“No, but it used to be.”


“The queen before my mother, Violet Widow, her hive had food. Supposedly, it was plentiful, and didn't involve ponies.”

“No poniess? What happened?”

“Violet, she left the hive. Went out to fight some sort of ghost. She left before mother's egg hatched. And she never came back. Months afterwards, there was an earthquake. A terrible earthquake.”

“My family knowss of a terrible earthquake,” Ssarah added, her eyes on the wall near the door, on a drawing of rocks falling over many lamia. “That wass right before Equesstria was founded. Ssound right?” she asked, getting a nod from Chrys, “Musst be the ssame calamity.”

“Anyway, the hive was practically destroyed. From what I've been told, only a few eggs, my mother, the royal guard left to protect her, and a small number of drones survived. Grandma's hive was the first, she was the first queen, and now, it's all gone.”

“But, now good thingss are finally here,” Ssarah said in an attempt to comfort Chrys.

“Assuming we win,” she replied, before adopting a determined look, “We will win. We need to.”

“Dud seemss to be of the mind that ssomething elsse will come from all thiss.”


“He sseemss to think that you'll find ssomething better.”

“He should mind his own business,” Chrys replied a she glared down the tunnel said pegasus was sleeping.

“Well, to each their own,” Ssarah replied with an amused chuckle. “Go back to bed, princesss, you're disstracting me from drawing your sstory,” she stated, making Chrys frown. She opened her mouth to object, and let out a yawn instead, making her blush slightly. Making to leave, when she was about to exit the room, she paused, looking over her shoulder. Her nightmare came to mind, and she didn't like the idea of going back to sleep with it waiting for her. So she turned to Ssarah, hoping to dispel this lingering fear that plagued her.

“Ssarah, what … do you think a monster is?” she asked, getting a surprised look from her, before she smiled.

“Hah! Up until a few hourss ago, I thought they were love ssucking sshapesshifterss,” she said with a beaming grin, getting a lovely frown from Chrys. “Now, not sso much.”


“Musst have ssomething to do with ssaving my children,” she replied sarcastically. “Assking me, I'd ssay a monsster is ssomething we're sscared of, ssomething we don't undersstand. Well, now I undersstand a little more of changelingss. And, it lookss like you undersstand a little about lamia,” she finished with a small smile, making Chrys reflect on her words, adopting a small smile of her own. Ssarah's tail then reached out, grabbing something hanging from the ceiling.

Chrys watched as she unhooked one of the string decorations, before it was presented to the princess. It was a thin ring wrapped in dried grass, with an interlacing spiral of string connected to a smaller ring in the center. From the outer ring's bottom hung several strands with beads and feathers attached to it. Chrys grabbed it in her magic as she gave Ssarah a curious look.

“Hang it over you before going to ssleep. It'll help you resst eassy.”

“What is it?” Chrys asked as she eyed the mundane trinket skeptically.

“A dream catcher.”

“...Why's it in here?” she asked a she indicated the lobby.

“To help me ssleep. But, I won't be needing it tonight,” Ssarah said as she adopted a distant look, before making a shooing motion towards Chrys. She looked from Ssarah to the trinket for a moment, before giving a small shrug as she continued down the hall.

Returning to the others, she glanced at Dud as she walked past him, hearing him mumble something as he adopted a smile. He was still asleep. Shaking her head in wonder, she returned to Momo's side, hanging the dream catcher on the ceiling before curling up next to her. As she closed her eyes, the last things she wondered as she faded into sleep, was a question. Just what was Dud dreaming about?


The slight giggles coming from Lin made Chrys stir from her dreamless rest. Opening one of her eyes, she saw Momo standing before the children, as some hot pink earth pony mare. Lin was trying to mimic the color, while Ren was looking away.

“That color hurts,” he said in annoyance, getting a small laugh from Momo as Lin let out a triumphant cry. She was now the same shade of pink, and Chrys had to admit, they were painful to look at. “Where'd your wings go?” he asked as he dared a glance.

“You know, I'm not really sure,” Momo admitted as she glanced at her back, “Never liked being an earth pony, I like flying,” she stated, before being wreathed in amber flame, returning to her very light purple coated pegasus form. “This one's my favorite, since the mane is pretty close to my natural one,” she said with a smile, getting an envious look from Ren, which was mirrored by his sister.

“Wish I could fly,” he said.

“Me too!” Lin added, before letting out a small gasp as she noticed Chrys was awake, watching them with a small smile on her face. When Chrys realized she was smiling, she quickly switched it out for a frown. “Can Chrysie fly too?” she asked wide eyed, making Chrys look a little taken aback.

“I-I see no reason to answer that,” she quickly replied.

“She can fly,” Momo quickly added, getting a disarmed look from Chrys. Momo then came to her side, nodding to her back as she gave Chrys a wink. She hesitated for a moment, catching the excited look in the lamias' eyes, as she hopped on Momo's back. With a few flaps, Momo stated hovering in the low room, making Lin clap her hooves together. Ren however, wasn't impressed.

“You're not flyin', she is,” he said as he pointed to Momo, who adopted a sagely look.

“And I can't use magic, but she can,” Momo pointed out, “We help each other, working together to do things we couldn't do alone. I'm helping Chrys fly, and her magic helps us in all sorts of ways. Understand?” she asked, getting confused looks from the lamias.

“Work together?” Ren asked, right before they heard a particular snake clearing her throat at the door. They all looked to Ssarah, who had a small smile on her face.

“That'ss ssomething poniess and changelingss do to be ssafe and happy,” she said as she looked to said outsiders. “Sso, how long you three gonna sstay? Ssun's been up for an hour.”

“Let's wake up Dud, we gotta get-” Chrys began, pausing when she noticed that Dud was in fact awake. With that grin on his face, she was left with the impression that he had awakened first.

“Before we leave, I need to tell you two something,” Dud began as he approached Momo and Chrys, “I just talked to Princess Luna,” he admitted unabashedly, making Chrys and Momo give him an odd look. When they realized he was being serious, their expressions shifted to surprised confusion.

“Wait wait wait, what? When? What did you tell her!?” Chrys asked, making Dud put his hooves up defensively as Ssarah and her children looked on curiously.

“I talked to her while I was asleep. She came to me in a dream,” he said matter-of-factly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“In your dream?” she asked.

“Yes. I did say she looked after our dreams when I told you she rose the sun.”

“You … did?” Chrys asked, looking to the side for a moment before looking back to him. “So, not only can she supposedly raise the sun and moon, but she can also go into ponies' dreams?” she asked skeptically, getting a nod from Dud. “You're serious?” she pressed, truly hoping that this was indeed a joke. A shake of his head dashed said hope. “But, if she can actually do all that...” Chrys began, her dream of Luna crushing the hive with her magic coming to mind. “A- And you're sure it wasn't just a dream? You're not spouting some nonsense to throw me off, right?”

“Pretty sure it was her,” he said, doubt now showing on his face before his eyes widened, “I mean, I did feel awake in my dream when she appeared, so it must have been real. Oh! About your questions, I didn't tell her about changelings, or the missing ponies. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't,” he added with a hesitant smile.

She stood there for a moment, letting his words sink in as she took in the new notion. Princess Luna could see the dreams of ponies? And Dud talked to her, and didn't give anything away. She looked to him, a confused look on her face.

“Why didn't you say anything?”

“Because that'd be bad for you,” he said as he nodded sagely. He then raised a hoof, “But, because I didn't talk, the princess doesn't trust me. So, when we're about to leave The Badlands,” he then hesitated for a moment, a bothered expression flashing across his face as he continued, “When we're about to leave, we need to make a stop at Thundercloud.”

“The pegasi city Mantis crushed?” Momo asked curiously, getting a small nod from him.

“The weather factory's been tampered with. It's gonna make getting into Equestria very hard if we don't fix it.”

“And you can fix it?” Momo asked, making him shake his head.

“Do I look like a weather expert?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, “Well, won't know till I try. If I can't fix it, then we'll just have to break it till it stops working. That, and there may be food there that'll help us get the rest of the way,” he pointed out, all the while Chrys looked on, her mind racing.

Thundercloud. Weather factory. Resupplying. It all went over her head as she looked between the pony and her clutchling. Was it all a lie, or was Dud being genuine? She couldn't tell. Some small voice in her head doubted him, his words, his affirmations. Momo didn't seem bothered by his words. Neither was Ssarah. So, why was she finding it hard to believe him?

He helped her realize her feelings for the old stallion. He helped her get away from Mantis. He even helped Ssarah, an act that earned them shelter through the storm. So, why wasn't she able to trust him? Hadn't he earned it by now?

Was it because he's a pony?

As she thought this, she realized the others were looking at her curiously, making her blush as she quickly glanced to the side.

“Er, you mentioned food in Thundercloud. I guess you mean pony food?” she quickly asked, trying to drive away her confusion as Dud nodded.

“Yep, and it's better than nothing,” he replied with a smile. “I told her your name, and that you wanted to meet her, but very little else.”

“I see...” she replied, before her eyes widened, “Wait, she decided to talk to you now? Why not earlier?”

“I'm guessing those cocoons in the hive do something that blinds whatever magic Princess Luna uses to sense dreams,” he replied, though he didn't sound all that convinced about it. “So, Chrys, are you okay with this?” he asked, his tone and the way he glanced to the side making her appraise him for a moment.

If she had to guess, she'd say that for whatever reason, Dud didn't want to actually go to Thundercloud. But, he still pitched the idea. Once again her suspicion was flaring up, casting doubt over his intentions again. She frowned at her own thoughts, making her take a step back as she closed her eyes. She then took a deep breath, pushing aside the unneeded noise in her head, before looking over the situation his information presented in a more composed manner.

Even if only for supplies, they'd need to go through that abandoned city anyway, before reaching Equestria. Coming to this conclusion, she opened her eyes, before looking to Dud.

“Where is it?” she asked, ignoring the concerned looks Momo and the others were giving her.

“Well, Princess Luna said that it wasn't too far from the northern mountains,” he then stood tall, his voice sounding more feminine as he tried to radiate a regal aura. “'You should be able to spot it, when you see it,'” he said, his act putting even more distance between her troubled thoughts as she gave him an unamused look.

“Don't ever do that again,” she said, getting a small chuckle from Momo as Dud gave a sheepish grin.

“Heh,” Ssarah let out, getting a 'what now?' look from Chrys. “Oh, I jusst pictured you being a pegassuss like the other two. You three flying like a little flock of birdss traveling through the sstorm. Ssoundss like a sstory worth writing,” she said with a small smile, “It would be a little better if that flock were a family though,” she added, a grin growing on her face as she watched their reactions.

“This joker would make a terrible clutchling!” Chrys pointed out as she indicated Dud, getting a small laugh from Momo as Dud nodded in agreement.

“I don't want to be a changeling,” he admitted, “If I was, then changelings would be less rare.”

“How's that?” Momo asked curiously.

“Well, being a rare thing isn't as rare as not being one. If I were a princess, I wouldn't consider myself being very rare, since I'd wake up everyday being one.” He then pointed to Chrys, “Do you wake up everyday thinking 'I am the princess!'?”

“W-Who would think something like that!?” Chrys said in exasperation as she blushed slightly. They must never know.

“That's what I mean.” He then indicated himself, “I don't feel all that rare, I kinda am, since I'm the only free pony in The Badlands right now,” he pointed out, making Ssarah shake her head.

“When I ssaid family, I wass more referring to the princesss being your daughter,” she said, her grin growing as she pointed between Dud and Momo.

“That's even less funny,” Chrys replied flatly, getting an agreeing nod from Dud, a frown on his face.

“I completely agree, me being a father?” he scoffed, “There are some things that you shouldn't joke about,” he added, before he blinked, his frown vanishing as quickly as it appeared, “After all, she's a princess,” he finished in a cheery tone, making Chrys and Momo exchange a curious look. He coughed into a hoof before starting to head out of the room, giving Ssarah a smile as he passed her. “So, shall we get going?”

“You're leavin'?” Ren asked in a disappointed tone.

“That's right,” Momo said as she turned towards the children, “But, sometime soon, we'll be back to visit, okay?” she asked, her eyes glancing to Ssarah, who gave a small shrug that got a smile from Momo and her children.

“Okay!” Lin and Ren said in unison, making Momo smile, as well as Chrys, before they followed after Dud.

In short order, the six of them were standing at the mouth of the cave, its teeth replaced. It was raining, but it wasn't as hard as yesterday's storm, and the lightning was less frequent. Feeling the cool air outside the cave, Chrys recast her enchantment, before picking up their barrel and hopping on Momo's back.

“I'm curiouss to hear the resst of your sstory. Don't be afraid to come back and fill uss in,” Ssarah said with a smile as she leaned on the cave's wall.

“We'll tell you, if I'm in the mood for it anyway,” Chrys said, not even looking at her as she tapped Momo's back. “Let's go,” she added, getting a nod from her clutchling as she took to the air, pausing and turning around to wave at the lamias, an act mirrored by Dud, which was returned by the three of them.

And without further delay, they ascended to the clouds, returning to the world of white as they made their way north.


Three days had come and gone since the princess left, and the hive had grown quiet. Hibernation was in full swing. But not all were asleep. The very drone that helped her escape let out a troubling yawn, one born of boredom. Lores glanced at the books on her shelf, considering taking another round at them, when the sounds of someone approaching caught her ear. She blinked as she took in Darrin, standing at the entrance to her home, a troubled look on his face.

“You and Mantis are clutchlings,” he said matter-of-factly, his tone making her ears fall.

“That we are,” she replied as stood up, “Does that bother you?”

“Yes. I wanted answers, so I went to the Silent Halls to learn of those he’d hold close to his heart,” he said as she started to approach her, “Consider my surprise when I found your name sitting next to his. Just what is your relationship?” he pressed, getting a sigh from Lores.

“The same as what’s between you and Momo. Clutchlings that respect each other, and care, in our own ways.” Darrin’s eyes narrowed at that, before he glanced to the side.

“If that’s true, then why did you help Chrysalis escape?”

“Heh,” she let out, her talk with Mantis coming to mind, “Just because we’re clutchlings, doesn’t mean we always see eye-to-eye,” she replied, letting out an amused chuckle at the small nod he gave. “I helped Her Highness because I like her. I see in her the potential of a bright future. And unlike my clutchling, her color doesn’t bother me in the least.” He considered her words for several moments, before taking a more casual posture.

“You’re an odd changeling, considering who your clutchling is,” he pointed out, making her tilt her head. “You kept a pony as a pet,” he then motioned towards her books, “You indulge in their knowledge, and you’re not afraid to stand up against Mantis.”

“We both know what we’ve been through,” she replied dismissively, before raising an eyebrow, “You saw the others, in the Silent Halls.” Darrin glanced to the side at that, before his brow furrowed.

“Lores, what do you believe Mantis wishes?”


“With the hive. With Amber, and Chrysalis.” Lores hesitated at his question, giving him a considering look.

“Where’s that coming from?”

“Curiosity. I want to know if I have the old drone pegged right. Who better to ask than his clutchling?” Lores frowned at that, before tilting her head.

“Mantis… He wants to secure the future for our race. He doesn’t trust Amber with the task, so he’s trying to do all he can while he’s calling the shots.” She then nodded to herself, “He wants to shape the hive into one that uses ponies as food. To be unafraid of Equestria. To be unafraid of the races of the world that frolic in the sunlight, and little else.”

“And Chrys?” Lores frowned, before glancing to the side.

“I don’t think he truly knows what to do about her,” she admitted, making Darrin raise an eyebrow at that. “He hates her, but he also respects her on some level. He doesn’t like that, which only makes him more irritated by her.”

“He respects her?” Darrin asked skeptically.

“She stood up to him. She beat him at his own game and got away. Say what he will, but he’s well aware that his blood runs through her veins. If she weren’t born teal, he’d probably have taken her under his tutelage.”

“And Amber would let that happen?”

“She let him have a Royal Guard. That’s never happened before.” Lores then frowned. “Mantis is smart, clever, and thorough, but when it comes to Chrys, he trips. His anger for her makes him act rashly, and no one is more aware of this than he.” Darrin gave her a small glare.

“If you’re looking to garner sympathy, you’re talking to the wrong drone,” he said coldly. “Hatred or not, he’s putting our hive at risk by attacking Chrysalis.”

“She’s expendable to him,” Lores said flatly, feeling a chill run down her spine as Darrin took a heavy step towards her. “It’s true. He doesn’t fear the Moon Princess. He’s confident in his schemes. Amber will be fine, and if Chrys falls in Equestria, he’ll be able to convince the queen that he is far from fault.” Lores then shook her head. “No, I don’t think Mantis even needs that. He’s a hero to our hive. Amber can’t just get rid of him. Not now. Not without causing an incident.” Darrin frowned at that, “...However, if something did happen to Chrys, I suspect it wouldn’t be long before Amber birthed another queen. Should that happen, Mantis will make sure she’s raised to be what Amber wasn’t.”



“...Why does he hate her color?”

“Mantis has his reasons for hating teal. In those regards, she is beyond blame.” She then frowned towards Darrin, “And his hatred is foolish, but I think I understand where he’s coming from.”

“And what reason is that?” he pressed, making Lores shake her head.

“That’s for the princess’s ears, not yours. Suffice to say, it involves a pony, and Mantis’ pride.” Darrin frowned at that, considering what she said, having confirmed a number of his suspicions. He turned to leave, but paused before exiting.

“Lores, when Chrys becomes queen, will you join her hive?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder. Lores was caught off guard by the question. Growing up with a clutchling that likes asking odd questions like that made her practiced in quickly replying.

“I shall, once what’s between her and Mantis has been put to rest.”

“I see. Then I guess she’ll be counting on you a great deal more, come spring,” he said ominously, a smile on his face as he left. Lores’ ears fell at his words.

“There is a great deal she’ll be inheriting when that happens,” she replied offhoovedly, getting a confused look from the soldier. “Let’s just say there are some things Amber and I prefer to keep to ourselves,” she assured, getting a considering look from the drone, before he left. She stared at the entrance for several minutes after he left, his ominous words floating in her head. Despite Mantis’ hatred for the princess, he was still her clutchling. She truly hoped it wouldn’t end in the way Darrin just envisioned...

Author's Note:

"Hello everypony. Did I miss anything?"
"Oh hey Luna, it's only been twelve chapters since the story started. What took you?" :chryssmug:

Day 2 of The Badlands has finally begun!

~breezes past days 2 through 8~

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It had a lot of talking. :twilightblush: