• Published 2nd Aug 2015
  • 4,089 Views, 371 Comments

The Teal Changeling - MrAlterad

Princess Chrysalis was born a queen, but she has much to learn about becoming one. The war between her hive and Princess Luna may provide the lesson, assuming what follows doesn't destroy her kind...

  • ...

20. Smiles and Snowfall

Under a warm, dark canopy, stood Sledge. His eyes darted from side-to-side as he made his way through the woods, occasionally dipping over the leaves to keep track of his direction. He’d spent three days her already, not getting a wink of sleep since arriving, and he wanted out.

He thought the monsters of The Badlands were dangerous, but the rumors he’d heard of the Dark Forest didn’t do these woods justice. He dared not catch up on his rest in this place, for he suspected he’d never awaken if he did. Despite the danger, and the number of scars he’s gained since arriving, he’s had the chance to add several forms to his roster. No longer was he a one trick changeling.

Finally seeing light through the trees ahead, he let out a sigh as he made it outside, revealing a cold rocky plain that seemed indifferent to the warm air hovering over the Dark Forest. As he was about to look for shelter, he felt a shadow pass over him. His ears darted up as he glanced to the sky, his heart starting to accelerate as he began to picture what new hassle had found him.

Flying up, he broken the canopy to take in this new threat, his agitation ready to give this foe more than it could hope to chew. That agitation instantly melted. Sledge’s mouth hung open, ears falling as the monster curved around towards him. And for one of the few times in the Royal Guard’s life, he felt a terrifying sensation.



A ray of light pierced through the clouds, melting its way through the frosty window pane, making its presence known on the changeling princess's face. Chrys's brow furrowed. Her eyes slowly opened before she directed a glare at the offending sunlight. Naturally, staring at the sun in protest only helped to dispel her sleepy haze, making her sit up. It was the first time the sun's ever greeted her from her sleep, and despite the abruptness of the welcome, it was still warm and pleasant, if annoying.

Chrys looked toward her clutchling, humoring the idea of waking her up, before hopping off the bed. She then winced from her loud landing, causing Momo to shift slightly, rolling onto her other side, but otherwise remained asleep. Chrys smiled at her, before quietly trotting to the window. With a passing thought, she brought a stool over, and hopped on it to glance outside.

To the left, she saw the furry back of her temporary royal guard, sitting, watching the passing ponies, ready to come to her aid at a moment's notice. Past him, were open, snow covered plains. There was a pair of large tents set up out there, past the northern edge of town, which was home to a unit of doctors.

To the right, she saw the buildings running parallel to the place she'd called home for almost two weeks, Joy's Clinic. They ran in a row south, each sporting a large wooden banner over their front balconies declaring their purpose. So and so's saloon, somepony's smithery, various shops, the line of buildings went on beyond where she could see from her perch, the buildings clumped together with barely any room left between them.

Buildings she'd never given the time to consider. For the last two weeks, the contents of this room was the only thing on her mind. She frowned at nothing in particular as that realization came to her. Turning back to the bed, a note pinned to the wall above it caught her eye, which she levitated over as she approached Momo. She wasn't too used to reading pony, so it took her a moment to process.

Out. Be back by sundown.

*Patient must eat slowly. Recommend soft foods.

*Bandages stay on. No exceptions.

*Don't make a mess.

*Taking a walk is encouraged.


Ps. Close the door this time!

Chrys eyed that final remark, rolling her eyes as she glanced to the door, a feature ponies seemed to love separating every single room in a building with. Levitating the note over to the desk, she noticed a pair of bowls left on it; a cold breakfast left by their hostess, and a small pile of bits. Chrys adopted a smile, before turning to her clutchling. She'd rested long enough.

“Hey, get up,” Chrys said, giving Momo a gentle push with her magic, causing her clutchling to roll over. She mumbled something, the sunlight catching her face as she began to stir. Propping herself up, Momo rubbed her eyes, appraising her location before looking towards Chrys.

“Morning,” she said with a smile, which Chrys reflected.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I just finished sparring with Darrin,” she replied, stretching out, wincing and trying to rub her side. Pulling the blanket off, she got off the bed, appraising herself. Besides the bandages around her middle, she looked completely fine. Said bandages were wrapped around her mid-torso, completely covering her wings. “Am I ... grounded?” she asked, a worried, almost fearful look in her eyes.

“Only for a couple weeks,” Chrys quickly assured, “The nurse said that the feathers need to heal.” Chrys didn't even pretend to understand what that meant; pony anatomy wasn't her strong suit. “It'd probably be best if you didn't shapeshift while they're healing. The damage will transfer over if you do, and we're not gonna find any of Aid's healing resin out here.”

“Gotcha,” Momo replied with a sigh, before looking to Chrys. “What happened? Are we in Dodge? Where are the others?” she divvied out, prompting a slightly guilty look to flash by Chrys's face as she held a hoof up.

“One at a time,” she said, before glancing to the side, “You and I were hit by lightning, Aegis carried us to Dodge, and Dud led him here,” she explained as she motioned to the room, “Joy, the nurse who looked after us, this is her place. Aegis is right outside the window-” she indicated as such, seeing him looking into the room in time with her comment. Momo blinked as she took what she saw of him in.

He was a big furry buffalo. Though to Momo, he was just a big bundle of brown fur with two small horns on his head. After taking him in for a moment, she gave him a small wave, and though she wasn't too sure, she was under the impression that he was smiling.

“And Dud?” Momo asked, making Chrys frown.


“Oh, uh, okay,” Momo replied, unsure what to read from Chrys's mood shift. “So,” she continued, eyeing her bandages, “what's next?”

“Canter Town, but we're gonna wait a few days before leaving.”

“...Because of me?”

“Because I said so,” Chrys replied flatly, “I want to take a look around, and Joy recommends taking a stroll,” she pointed out as she waved the note, getting a curious look from Momo.

“I think I'd like that too,” she said, getting off the bed, stretching before letting out a sharp gasp. “You ... look a lot better than I do.”

“Guess I'm made of tougher stuff,” Chrys replied smugly, getting a small laugh from Momo. She then walked to where her coat and scarf were hanging, wobbling slightly.

“Well, this is an odd feeling,” Momo replied, trying to straighten herself out as Chrys came to her side, helping her balance. “Th- Thanks.” Momo then blinked as she gave her clutchling an appraising look. “Chrys, you've gotten taller!”

“I have?” she asked in surprise, realizing her gaze was higher than Momo's back, rather than shoulders. “I have!” she repeated excitedly.

“Looks like your short days are finally numbered,” Momo replied, getting a happy nod from Chrys.

“Amber said my growth spurt would be fast. Pretty soon I'll be taller than you!”

“Now there's a sad thought,” Momo said with a small sigh, getting an odd look from the princess. Momo then blinked as she looked to her clutchling, an odd string of memories coming to her attention that made her blush. “L- Listen, Chrys, there's something I want to tell you,” she began hesitantly. “I, I feel as if I almost lost the chance to ever tell you this, so I want you to know, before something bad...” she then shook her head as Chrys's ears fell. Momo then adopted a determined look, “Chrys, you asked me once why I stick my neck out for you. W- Well, it's because I want to see you become a mother, and that's because I want to be one too,” she admitted, her face taking a deeper shade as Chrys gave her a surprised look.

She wants to see me become a mother?

Chrys found herself blushing at the notion. It's part of being a queen, but it was something she'd never really given much thought. And Momo wanted to be a mother too? But, she's a drone...

“But, you're-” Chrys began, before shaking her head. “Wait, is that why you were talking to Lores about being Caretaker?” she asked, getting a small nod from Momo. Silence fell between them for a moment, making Momo shift in place nervously as Chrys considered her words, before letting out a small chuckle. “That's so you,” Chrys said, giving her clutchling a warm smile. Momo looked at her, a little surprised, as Chrys went to the table. “I'm surprised, I mean, I know you love hatchlings and-” she then shook her head, “What I mean is, I'm really glad you told me,” she added, before wrapping the two bowls of food in her magic. “I, I was scared that I'd lose-,” she hesitated, her eyes stinging. “Momo, we had a really close call at Thundercloud,” she said as her ears fell, “Tell me, is that worth it?”

“My reason for being by your side?” Momo asked, getting a short nod from Chrys, which made her clutchling frown. “What, that's not good enough for you?” she asked sarcastically, making Chrys blink, “Chrys, I love you. You're my clutchling. Even if I didn't have such an odd wish, I'd still want to come with you.”

“...Thanks, Momo,” Chrys replied, giving her clutchling a small hug, which was quickly returned, “So, you want to be a mom, huh?” she asked, making Momo blush anew.

“If possible...”

“Let's get through this whole thing first, then we can see what can be done about that, okay?”

“O- Okay!” Momo replied, caught off guard by Chrys's words, but being filled with happiness all the same.

“Now, you'll want to try this,” the princess said as she brought the food over, “it's called 'Oat Meal', and it's the best when it's warm,” she explained, her magic dying down as the bowls started to steam.

Indeed, Momo found the meal quite pleasing, though not quite as good as the desserts they had back at Thundercloud. After downing their breakfast, Momo gave Chrys a curious look.

“So, we can go out?” she asked, seeing the snowy land outside.

“That's right!” Chrys replied energetically, before turning to a coat rack next to the door. “Here, this is yours,” she added, levitation a new coat to her clutchling, getting a confused look from Momo.

“Where’s the old one?” she asked, making Chrys’s ears fall briefly.

“It was burnt beyond use, because-” she then shook her head, “Enough of that,” she added, tossing the coat, which Momo caught, “C- Come on, let's go see the town! It's a lot different from Thundercloud!”

“R- Right!” Momo replied, quickly following, and almost falling over in the process. “C- Can we do it slowly?”

“Just for you,” Chrys replied. The princess then put on some winter attire, before joining Aegis outside.

“It's good to see you walking again, Momo,” Aegis said in a cool tone, getting a confused look from the mare. He then kneeled down, letting Chrys hop on his tall back.

“Gah-” the princess let out, “There's snow up here!” she complained, her magic working to clear off the embarrassed bovine. It was snowing lightly as Momo glanced around, taking in brief shafts of dawn that broke through the clouds. She saw a large number of ponies further into town. Dud wasn’t joking. They liked to wear big hats. Many were wearing cowcolt hats, ponies that were busy doing this and that, leaving the changeling under the impression that the clinic was on the quieter end of the settlement.

Looking to the sky, she blinked when she noticed a flurry of activity. A large number of pegasi seemed to be at work, shaping and molding clouds over a wide area not too far from Dodge. The number of ponies in the air easily outnumbered those on the ground. And down on the far end of the buildings, Momo could barely make out a populated field of tents.

“What's going on?” she asked as she indicated the pegasi, making Chrys glance to the side.

“Refugees,” Aegis answered, getting a surprised look from the others.

“Ahh, Aegis!” a passing pony let out, coming close, taking in Chrys and Momo with a soft smile, “I'm glad to see Crystal's sister has awoken.”

“As are we,” he replied, trying to hide a blush, which got a chuckle from the pony.

“Try not to exhaust yourself dearie,” the pony added as she addressed Momo, getting a flustered look from her, “A lot of ponies will be happy to hear you're up and about.”

“Huh?” Chrys and Momo replied in unison, getting another chuckle from the old mare.

“You may not look alike, but you're definitely sisters,” the mare added, before nodding to herself, “We here in Dodge could use some good news. A lot of ponies were holding out for you, even though you came outta the blue.” Her warm smile persisted as she started to turn away, “If you two need any help, don't be too shy,” she said, before trotting off.

“...Ponies are too nice,” Chrys said in a bothered tone, before eyeing her ride, “You talked with them?” she asked incredulously.

“More like they talked to me,” Aegis replied, trying to look troubled by the notion. “I can't tell you how many inane questions I've been pestered with in the last two weeks." He then shook his head, "I can imagine Dud has had his fair share of questions too.”

“So what was that about refugees?” Momo asked, “Does that mean they're from Thundercloud?”

“That's right, the ones that got away,” he said, getting a frown from his company. “Need I remind you what ponies are to us?”

“Yes, but they don't need to be,” Momo said, getting an agreeing nod from Chrys.

“So her highness has told me,” he added, not sounding convinced.

“And now Thundercloud is gone...” Momo pointed out, making silence fall over them for several moments. Their mood then shifted when another passing pony offered them their congratulations.

“It's troubling, how well they've treated us,” Aegis added.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Chrys asked in a dangerous tone.

“I- I've said too much. Forgive me, Your Highness, think of it as over-concerned ramblings of a guard.” Momo and Chrys shared a look at that, but let the matter drop.

Continuing through the town, they took in the sights and sounds of a settlement that was a little stuffed beyond capacity. There were several buildings devoted to visitors, bars, restaurants and taverns that were packed for breakfast and brunch. Some ponies were helping clear snow out of the way, packing it in the thin alleys. Others were helping in other places, putting up odd decorations on buildings. It seemed there wasn't a pony that wasn't busying themselves with some task. Watching them, Momo started to notice something around the time they reached the town's center.

“Do you guys feel that?” Momo asked, her head raised as if she were trying to pick up a scent in the air. It felt very pleasant, like a floating warmth that seemed to be lingering everywhere, with a small hint of a bitter taste to it that licked at her body. “What is that?” she pressed, “It's really nice.”

“It's love,” Chrys replied, getting a surprised look from her clutchling. “It's always been there. I guess love is like this when ponies aren't kept in cocoons.”

“It's not like this for Dud,” Momo pointed out.

“He is a dud,” Aegis replied, getting an embarrassed look from her, “It's also the population. This is lingering love coming from everypony here. I doubt we'd feel this if there were a third as many ponies around.”

“...Ponies are really amazing, aren't they?” Momo asked with a small smile, getting a nod from Chrys.

“They're a lot like us,” Aegis pointed out, getting intrigued looks from the others, making him blink at his own words. “I mean, well, forget it.”

“Aegis, explain yourself,” Chrys insisted, getting a troubled look from the guard.

“In over the last decade, they've lost so many ponies. Those ponies are gone, and never coming back—“

“That's not true,” Momo quickly pointed out, getting an agreeing nod from Chrys, “They're still alive, we just—“

“We just need them to live,” Aegis stated, making Momo blink, before she eyed the ground. “To them, those ponies are dead. You can see it in their eyes. That old mare, she was smiling, but there was a familiar look in her eyes. A look I've seen plenty of, back at the hive.”

“...Loss?” Chrys finished, getting a nod from Aegis.

“We lost a great number to hunger,” Aegis said solemnly, “And these ponies have lost many to a number of 'disasters'. And here they are, working earnestly.”

“Like our hive?” Momo asked.

“Exactly like our hive. I'm sure they've all got their own reasons for being focused, just like every drone has their reasons for what path they choose.”

“...I don't like this,” Chrys mumbled, getting a confused look from the others.

“What was that, Princess?” Aegis asked curiously.

“I don't like this,” she repeated, louder. “It wasn't the ponies’ fault that our hive was starving. But, it is our fault that everypony has that look in their eyes.”

“...That is why I didn't want to elaborate,” he said as he glanced to the side.

And now that it was pointed out, Momo and Chrys started to notice it:

A mare with shadows under her eyes, a smile on her face as she helped repair a wagon. A stallion who paused for a moment, looking to the pegasi in the sky, his ears falling briefly, before shaking his head and continuing on his way. Moments of depression broke through their daily routines, if only for a moment, and it made Chrys and Momo feel guilty.

It didn't help that every couple of buildings they'd pass, somepony would greet them, and congratulate Momo on her recovery. The looks they wore caused Aegis to glance between the two of them, before he let out a small sigh.

“Princess, Momo, this isn't your fault.”

“Aegis, it's our hive's doing, so how are we not at fault?” Momo asked, getting a considering look from Chrys.

“You weren't a part of any of the attacks,” he said as he looked to Momo, “You stayed back and helped the hive. And Chrysalis, well, she isn't a part of our hive.”

“H- Hey!” Momo replied as she rounded on the guard.

“He's right, Momo,” Chrys said, “When I'm a queen, I'll have my own hive,” she added, trying to sound composed as she did. “We may not be at fault, but that doesn't make us free of responsibility.”

“Highness?” Aegis asked in surprise.

“...We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Tampa Neigh. We were born because of that. We may not be at fault, but we definitely benefited from their suffering. And we still do. I didn't think anything different about feeding from the cocoons.” That is, until the old stallion passed away. “Ponies are our food, and even though I could see them, and talk to them when I fed, I naively kept myself distant...”

She glanced around, eyeing the ponies they past, her ears low. “Dud once said that ponies would see us as monsters, and I told him ponies were the monsters,” she added as she rested her chin on Aegis' furry head. “Tampa Neigh was enough, we didn't really need to capture any more ponies after that to live happily, and yet we pressed on. We … really were the monsters in all this, weren't we?” she asked, getting no answer from her company.

Silence fell over the group as they continued their slow walk through town. Thinking to themselves, it wasn’t long before they reached the southern end of Dodge, revealing another large plain of snow with a scattered tree here and there. The three of them found their thoughts distracted as they took notice of what was in the field.

A large number of tents, arranged in an orderly grid. There were ponies wearing armor in the camp, their numbers easily larger than the number housing the town to their back. Many soldiers were practicing drills, strengthening up, and preparing for a coming storm. Not too far above the camp, an organized arrangement of clouds was parked, lining up with the setup on the ground. Armored pegasi were practicing aerial maneuvers, and utilizing thunder clouds on dummies. Their combined numbers easily out-matched the Amber Hive. Chrys frowned at the sight.

“Looks like Mantis' plan worked,” she said with a small sigh, “Assuming that's the bulk of Equestria's forces.”

“You think there could be more?” Momo asked, a little shocked and worried.

“If so,” Aegis began, “Hopefully they'll join up with this lot before spring,” he then blinked as a troubling thought came to mind, “Highness, you're not going to tell this Princess Luna about the attack on Canter Town, are you?”

“No, I won't,” Chrys quickly replied, “She has so many ponies under her, ready to fight. I'm not going to trust her with something so important just because Dud trusts her,” she added, giving Aegis a frown. “Did you think I'd ruin my moth- Queen Amber's plans so readily?”

“I- I'm sorry, Your Highness, I was simply concerned,” he replied, getting a small scoff from the princess. He then adopted a guarded look, his eyes focused on a pegasus approaching from the side. He surprised Chrys and Momo when he turned to directly face the pony, his posture lowering defensively.

“Whoa there,” the old pegasus replied, holding his hooves up, “I didn't mean to startle you, big guy.”

“Aegis?” Momo asked, the guardian not taking his eyes off the pony.

“Something about him feels dangerous,” the guard said with a small hiss, heard only by Chrys.

“Who are you?” Chrysalis asked, getting a small bow from the pony as he landed in front of them.

“Just a civil servant who couldn't help but notice that our guests were out and about.”

“And what do you mean by guests?”

“Quite the inquisitive filly you are,” he replied with an amused look, “What else would you call a small group of injured travelers that flew in from an impassable snow storm? A group whose arrival coincided with information that Thundercloud, my good home, was destroyed?”

“I'd call them guests,” Momo replied hesitantly, before glancing at the side, “At best.”

“Aye, guests at best. Lot of nasty rumors flew around with your arrival. Thankfully, Princess Luna dissuaded those rumors from taking root. Kind of considerate of her, if you ask me.”

“Who are you?” Chrys asked, getting a small chuckle.

“Name's Arrow Twine, and it's a pleasure to meet the three of you. Dud's talked a lot about you.”

“He has?” Chrys asked in surprise.

“Where is Dud?” Momo stepped in, making the stallion blink.

“He's helping with the cloud-shaping,” he said as he pointed to the cluster of clouds north of them, “They're calling it Lost Pegasus.” He then shook his head, “Hopefully they'll change the name before the new town is christened.”

“Why are you wasting our time?” Aegis asked in a guarded tone, making the stallion raise an eyebrow at him.

“Luna is anxious to talk to you,” he said matter-of-factly as he eyed Momo, making the changeling blink in confusion, “After what happened at Thundercloud, she was worried she'd lost our best shot at peace.”

“So, you know that we're—“

“From The Badlands,” he finished, glancing around to see if they were overheard, “Few do, and we'd like to keep it that way. Luna is aware of your injuries, so there's no need to rush. You can't rush a recovery after all, just don't be too...” he tilted his head in search of a fitting word, “You know what, I'm sure you know your timetable better than we do, so take your time. Just, do me a favor, and don't keep Luna waiting.” Chrys blinked at that, suddenly realizing he was the first pony she'd encountered that didn't refer to Luna by her title.

“...Are you a Shadowbolt?” Chrys asked, getting a small laugh from the old stallion.

“Oh goodness no! Me? A Shadowbolt?” he then shook his head, letting out another small laugh, before he started to lift off. “I retired years ago,” he added, giving them a confident smile, “Welcome to Equestria, Princess. We'll watch out for any troublemakers out to do you harm while you're here, so rest easy,” he then bowed again, and was about to fly off, before Momo stopped him.

“W- Wait,” she asked, making him pause, “Can you tell Dud I'd like to talk to him?” she asked, getting a small smile from him, before nodding, and leaving. Momo watched him fly away for a minute, before giving Chrys a bothered look. “They think I'm you?” she asked wide-eyed, getting a small chuckle from Chrys.

“It's because you're shape-shifted as a pegasus, while I'm a unicorn,” Chrys pointed out.

“But, didn't Dud give Princess Luna our names?” she asked, still flabbergasted.

“Perhaps they think you swapped names?” Aegis offered, before adopting a small smile. “If they think Momo is Chrys, than that gives you some breathing room, Highness.”

“They'll be watching me, instead of her!” Momo realized, a smile on her face. “Y- You don't mind, do you?” she asked, getting a considering look from her clutchling.

“Are you fine with it? It's not the same as being a queen,” Chrys pointed out, getting an odd look from Momo, before her eyes widened.

“Chrys, I want to be a mother, not a queen,” Momo pointed out, making Aegis blink at her words.

“Oh, right,” Chrys replied, blushing a little at that, “Well, it's fine. As long as I don't have to call you 'Highness',” she added, getting a mischievous grin from Momo.

“Aww, but why not?” she asked in a playful tone.

“Because that would feel weird!” Chrys replied, getting a small laugh from Momo. Her ears then perked when she heard laughter from somepony else nearby. Chrys noticed it too, the tone coming from a younger source. The clutchlings shared an intrigued look.

Chrys hopped off Aegis, landing expertly in the snow. She was immediately surprised by how it felt, and decided she didn't want to linger in the snow as she eyed Momo, who stood ready for her. Aegis placed a hoof before her, halting her hop, getting a flustered look from the princess. “Aegis, why'd you stop me?”

“Momo's wings are damaged, you'll hurt her if you ride on her back,” he pointed out, getting embarrassed looks from Momo and Chrys, who'd clearly forgotten that fact. Chrys kicked up some snow, blinking as she watched it scatter away in clumps, some of it sticking to her hooves. She considered enchanting herself with her heat spell, but discarded the notion. She made her way through the snow, following the source of the voice they heard as Momo followed.

As they rounded the corner, they were welcomed to the sight of a number of fillies and colts playing in the snow. Behind the line of buildings not too far from where the changelings stood, were two large snow forts. The one further away was bigger, a number of older colts calling home as they peppered the opposing fort with snowballs.

“What are they doing?” Chrys asked in wonder. Momo didn't respond, her eyes widening at the very sight of the children playing. Letting out an excited noise, she galloped off, leaving the others behind as she went to the closer fort. Chrys blinked in surprise, before following after her. Even without her wings, Momo was surprisingly fast; when Chrys caught up to her clutchling, she was already halfway through a conversation with a filly.

“-and then you throw the snowball as hard as you can!” the filly said, prompting to throw her snowball across the gap, a satisfied glare greeting her when she caught an opposing filly in the face. Chrys watched curiously as Momo gathered some snow, rolling it into a ball, before chucking it across the battlefield. It landed harmlessly into the opposing fort.

“H- Hey! No adults! That's not fair!” somecolt cried out, getting a slight blush from Momo.

“S- Sorry!” she replied, before adopting a playful grin, “Can my little sister join in?” she asked the opposing team, getting a flat look from Chrys.

“Momo, what are you doing?” she asked.

“What, that shorty?” the colt asked, making Chrys flinch, her eyes latching onto the colt in question.

“I am not short!”

“Shorter than everypony on this side~” an opposing filly replied, making Chrys' eyes narrow.

“Aegis, this is my fight,” Chrys began as she eyed the snow clustered around them, “So stay out of it.”

“Understood, Your Highness.” Chrys then grabbed two clumps of snow with her magic, and with startling ease, nabbed the two offenders in the muzzle, making them sprawl back in surprise.

“R- Return fire! Return fire!” the colt cried out, making Chrys' eyes widen in excitement as snowballs started flying her way. She considered capturing them and sending the projectiles back, but how would that be fair? So instead she dodged them, her heart racing as she left the others behind.

Momo watched from the sides, happiness radiating from her. Chrys wasn't taking up all of her attention though. Her eyes were constantly darting between all the children. Many on the smaller fort were blank-flanks, leading Momo to guess that this was a battle of the ages. And though she wasn't too sure, she was under the impression that if she and Chrys were ponies, they'd likely be fighting on the younger side of the conflict.

She let out a small sigh. Because she had the stature of an adult, she was being left out of the fun. The feeling of love in the air was present here too, but it was a little less bitter. It was cheerful, and Momo began to notice that her and Aegis weren't the only onlookers.

There were a number of ponies sitting with their backs to the buildings. Some were conversing, while others were simply watching, smiling. Momo's eyes drifted from the onlookers, to the camp of soldiers to the south. She then nodded to herself as she looked back to the snowball fight.

“The way the hatchlings-” she began, before shaking her head, “Children, play and laugh, it's like they're completely oblivious to all the gloom around them,” she pointed out with a smile, getting a small laugh from the guard.

“Curses, we really are too similar,” he added, getting a confused look from Momo. “Your clutch, and those that followed were no different. You were all happy, playing and enjoying yourselves often, oblivious to the sadness that came before. You eventually learned of it, but it never really touched you. We, all the drones that came before you, we made sure of that.” He shook his head as he watched Chrys let out a maniacal laugh, a dozen snowballs floating at her command. “I'm guessing the ponies did much the same thing.”

“...Aegis, do you think it's wrong to want both changelings and ponies to be happy?” she asked, making the guard shake his head.

“No, there's nothing wrong with that,” he added, getting a small nod from Momo. She then frowned when Chrys made a large snowball, as big as a pony, and hurled it at the opposing fort, destroying one of its walls.

“Stay here, I'm gonna surprise Chrys,” she said, getting a curious look from the guard as Momo trotted over to the older side. He watched as she talked to the older colts and fillies, getting eager nods from them. Chrys looked confused, which shifted to surprise when Momo threw a snowball at her.

Caught off guard, Chrys hopped to the left, right into a shower of follow-ups from the opposing team. Chrys dodged as best she could, before Momo's second snowball found its mark, knocking Chrys down as Momo let out a hearty laugh. Chrys blinked as she took in her clutchling's mirth, which the princess immediately mirrored.

And so the battle of the ages continued, and the royal guard watched, unable to keep himself from smiling. A smile that was mirrored by the other onlookers.

Author's Note:

And that's the story of how Chrysalis became known as the Snow Queen...
Next chapter: What not to do when recovering from a coma, snowball fighting?
We've entered the Equestria part of the story. Much slice-of-lifes to come.
Thanks again for reading!