• Published 2nd Aug 2015
  • 4,089 Views, 371 Comments

The Teal Changeling - MrAlterad

Princess Chrysalis was born a queen, but she has much to learn about becoming one. The war between her hive and Princess Luna may provide the lesson, assuming what follows doesn't destroy her kind...

  • ...

13. Scent of Hope

Hunger is a terrible thing. At least, that's what Chrys has been told. Over their travels to The Badlands' northern mountains, she never had the chance to experience it. A fact that meant someone else was abstaining their share of the nectar. Dud and Momo refused to come forward, both backing the other when she tried to corner them on it, making it difficult for her to pick out the 'culprit'.

Their food concerns at this point seemed to be their only concern. After all the trouble her first day in The Badlands presented, Chrys was a little disappointed, and relieved, that nothing noteworthy happened in the subsequent days. No lamia or antlion encounters worth mentioning. No run-in with pursuers. Just rain, and white skies.

Besides their food, there was another thing eating at her. Their journey north was becoming colder with each passing day, making her exert more effort with her heat enchantment than she liked. Dud seemed fine with the cold, while Momo complained every once in a while, before she stopped doing so entirely, never once hearing Dud do the same. It also helped that she dubbed herself the 'Official Princess Carrier', meaning she got to enjoy the warmth radiating from her clutchling's magic.

While feeling a little drained of magic at the end of the passing days, since the nectar was now almost gone, carrying the barrel had become almost effortless. A fact that worried Chrys, a worry that was shared between the three of them, but never mentioned out loud. That concern would only hold until they reached Thundercloud, where they'd get more food. Pony food; a fact Chrys was more than ready to settle with, considering their 'supplies'.

Knowing they were getting close, Chrys had her eyes on the horizon. The sun was getting close to setting, its low height starting to turn the white sea a lite shade of orange as their eighth day in The Badlands was drawing to a close.

The northern mountains were in sight, piercing through the cloud cover like islands of stone, their peaks topped with caps of white. The mountain range was thick enough to dominate the horizon, besides an obvious break in the stony wall. That break being the valley leading out of The Badlands, into Equestria.

With daylight starting to fade, they became more aware of what lay beyond the mountain range. Still a great distance away, they could make out a line of tall clouds, higher than any of them have ever seen before, being illuminated by flickers of lightning.

“Is that Thundercloud?” Chrys asked, eyeing the wall of white and orange with a raised eyebrow.

“Can't tell from here,” Dud replied with a frown, “But it's definitely not a good thing.”

“Why?” Momo asked.

“The clouds are too tall, even for me. Flying over them would be bad, if not impossible. If Thundercloud is stuck somewhere in the middle of all that, we'll have a really un-fun time trying to find it.”

“And here I thought all the hard stuff was behind us,” Chrys replied sarcastically, getting a small smile from Dud. “If it's gonna be like that, then we should worry about it tomorrow and look for a place to sleep.”

“I vote the mountains,” Momo offered, indicating the range that they were quickly approaching. “We won't have to worry about being rained on.”

“Yes, but it'll be cold,” Chrys mumbled, before looking to Dud, “So, you gonna tell us about Thundercloud now?” she asked, getting a sheepish look from him. “You've told a lot of stories in the last few days, but you've never mentioned Thundercloud, and I get the feeling you've been there before.”

“You could say that,” Dud replied. “Let's find a place to sleep first,” he requested, “I don't like talking about home,” he quickly added, making Momo and Chrys share curious looks.

Flying on, they continued north, reaching the mountain range as the sun started to touch the horizon. Before reaching the valley, Chrys caught something in the air. A sweet scent. It was faint, coming from the west, and for some reason, it made her feel nostalgic. She didn't understand why it made her feel like that. She was certain she'd never smelled this aroma before.

Though she didn't quite understand what she was smelling, any pony could quickly pick it out. It was the sweet smell of crisp apples.

“What's that smell?” she asked, getting a confused look from Momo.

“Smell? You mean the earthy mountainy smell?” Dud asked, making Chrys shake her head.

“No, it smells sweet, it's coming from the west.”

“I don't smell anything sweet,” Momo pointed out, getting an agreeing nod from Dud.

“How can you not smell that?” Chrys asked, taking in a deep breath before looking to the mountains on the left.

“Good question,” Dud said as he adopted a considering look, “Maybe only a changeling queen can smell it?” he asked, sound a little excited by the notion, “Wanna check it out?”

“Yes,” she quickly replied, making him bow towards her, while flying.

“Lead on, Your Highness.”

“Right. Momo, that way,” Chrys said, feeling a little energized as Momo shifted course. Was it the smell's doing?

As they shifted west, unbeknownst to them, several sets of eyes followed. Seeing them change direction, they left their hiding place in pursuit...


Chrys guided them for almost half an hour, following the scent where it was stronger, diving them into the mountain range in the process. Their path led them below the clouds, almost to the bottom of a small valley nestled between two large peaks.

The twin peaks had an odd shape about them, almost as if they had once been a single peak that had cracked and broken down the center, leaving a thin valley in the process. As if guided by an unseen hoof, Chrys' eyes spotted a cave's entrance, which they quickly reached under her guidance.

They paused when they reached the opening. It was an old, broken cavern nestled on an outcropping of stone. It was placed in such a manner that reaching it on hoof would prove quite difficult, if not impossible. Not that it mattered to the fliers. The cave was spacious, the opening easily thrice as tall as Momo or Dud. Having found the apparent source of Chrys' curiosity, they landed at the cavern's opening, prompting Chrys to hop off Momo's back.

“So the smell is coming from here?” Momo asked as she eyed the broken cave, getting a nod from Chrys.

“This is convenient, we can use the cave to sleep in!” Dud pointed out, before blinking, “Hey, feel that?” he asked, his mane blowing back from a breeze exiting the cavern. “There's an air current! This cave must have an exit somewhere further in.”

“You think it's safe?” Chrys asked them both, eyeing the broken rocks and cracked walls.

“Don't know. I'm not a cave expert,” Dud pointed out, making Momo take a step forward as she eyed the walls.

“These cracks look old. It should be safe as long as we don't go around breaking things,” she said confidently, looking to the others. “If there's a breeze, then it's probably not flooded. Though, we won't really know till we go inside.”

“Alright. Let's check it out,” Chrys said, the smell stronger than ever as she started in, being followed by the others.

“Since it's getting dark,” Momo pointed out, “how about sleeping here, then check it out in the morning?” she suggested as they took in the interior, finding little evidence of anything wild having decided to make this place their home.

“Let's go a little further,” Chrys said as she placed the barrel to the side, “if it goes pretty far then we can wait till tomorrow,” she said, her horn giving off a little glow to light the cave for Dud as Momo came to her side.

“We don't want to spend too much time on this,” Dud added, getting an odd look from the others as he joined them, eyeing the barrel, “We're almost out of nectar.”

“Right,” Momo and Chrys replied in unison.

The light leaking into the cave suddenly darkened, make them pause. Chrys look behind her, a little confused. Momo and Dud however, quickly turned around, eyeing the two figures that were entering the cave. There was no mistaking the fact that one was a royal guard, the other being a manticore. Dud started to crouch low as Momo took a step closer to her clutchling.

“Momo. Take Chrys and run,” Dud said, placing himself between them.

“W- Wait-” Chrys began, being interrupted when Momo tossed her onto her back.

“Be careful,” Momo said, getting a small smile from him, before she flew further into the cavern, leaving him alone with Sledge and Aegis.

Aegis charged after the princess, his tail swiping at Dud as he did. The pegasus rolled to the side, making no effort to keep Aegis trapped near the door. Aegis passed, and didn't stop. Sledge however, was eyeing Dud with a happy grin.

“Oh, I've been looking forward to this,” he said as he took a casual step towards the pegasus, getting a disappointed sigh from Dud. “And what's with that?” he asked as his eyes narrowed.

“I thought you'd try and go past me. I was kind of looking forward to it actually,” Dud said, before his smile widened, “Did you know you can take down a changeling royal guard in one hit if you catch them right between the legs?” he asked, making Sledge's face turn red. The guard answered with a heavy stomp of his hoof, creating several cracks that stretched to the wall. “Oh, I guess you do.”

“I'm going to crush you. I'm gonna take my time with it.” Sledge said confidently, slowly approaching Dud, before stopping a step from the pegasus. “Then, the princess.” Dud simply tilted his head.

“I'm not so sure about that. The other one, he likes to call Chrys 'highness'. I'm sure Chrys and Momo can deal with him.” His brow furrowed. “You're the more dangerous one,” Dud assured, before rolling to the side in surprise, a hoof smashing into the ground where he just stood, sending out more cracks from the impact. “I gotta give them time, by wasting yours.”

“Hmph, nothing wasteful here. Master wants the pony that knows too much dead, and I'm more happy to carry it out,” he said, grinding his hoof into the stone, before pulling it out, sending rock and dust flying at Dud, who jumped to the air to avoid it. “And I'm not going to be caught off guard this time.”

“You mean when you completely and utterly failed to step on Chrys?” Dud asked as he smiled, flying around in attempt to get behind Sledge, who slammed his hoof into the wall, sending more cracks and stone flying, keeping Dud back. “You know, I can keep doing this all night,” he added, Sledge's glare making him smile wider.

Truthfully, he could only keep it up until it was fully dark. Sledge had the advantage of sight, which was growing with each passing moment. He then rolled to the side, in the air, dodging another crunching blow. He winced as rocks crashed into his wings, making him flutter back, deeper into the cave. “So do you just like to smash with your own hooves, or are you unable to shapeshift into something cool like the better guard-”

Sledge charged towards him, narrowly missing Dud as he crashed into the wall, sending large cracks that split up to the ceiling.

“I'm guessing not. You're just a big wrecking ball, unlike the other one,” Dud replied, giving Sledge a flat look. “I mean, this would a lot more fun if you were a dragon or something.” He then sighed, “But you’re not. How boring.”

“Shut. Up! That fool is not better than me!” Sledge shouted as he charged again, his body being wreathed in flames as Dud's ears fell. Dud jumped to the side, eyeing the forgotten barrel as Sledge missed again. Not that it mattered. He plowed right into the opposite wall, creating an explosion of rock and flame.

That was when the ceiling decided it had enough of this abuse, and came down on them both.


Aegis was hot on their tails, and Chrys wasn't open to having a heart-to-heart with him right now. Dud was dealing with Sledge, alone. She wanted Momo to go back, so they could help. Instead, she clung tight as she closed her eyes, her horn glowing to light the way, as Momo delved deeper into the caves.

Dud is going to be alright. Get away. Meet up later, and get away.

Those words raced through her heart, before opening her eyes again. He was going to be alright. He needed to be. How else was she gonna yell at him for selfishly staying put to keep Sledge off of them?

“Still with me?” Momo asked, getting a nod from Chrys as she continued through the cavern. It didn't help that the cave didn't show any signs of shrinking. It twisted and turned, all the while Momo ignored broken areas of stone and cavern, areas that seemed more natural than the wide path they were following.

When Aegis was close enough to lash out at her with his tail, she also flew closer to the ceiling, keeping to the young stalactites in an effort to slow Aegis down, which worked.

Having gained a small lead, she hesitated when the cave opened up into a wide cavern. At the opposite end of the cavern was a collapsed tunnel, the only other exit, a pile of rubble and stone too packed for anypony to get through. As she moved into the room, towards the collapsed path, Chrys found her eyes taking in the place.

Scattered around the room's edge were a number of paper thin, broken, smooth rocks that had a purple tint to them. In the room's center was a small pool of rare stones, which brought to mind Chrys' bed. Seeing those purple stones and bed together reminded Chrys of home. This room wasn't natural, and demanded attention, and thanks to Mantis' schemes and cronies, she wasn't in a position to look into it. They needed to escape.

She then cast her eyes forward as Momo flew closer to the collapsed exit. There was a small break in the rocks, big enough for a hatchling to barely squeeze through, that the scented breeze was blowing through. Chrys then glanced behind them, seeing Aegis enter the room, charging towards them.

“Momo, get down!” Chrys ordered, her clutching responding immediately as she ducked, making Aegis fly past them, almost crashing into the collapsed tunnel. As Momo started for the exit, the way they came in, Chrys came up with an idea, and let go of her magic, covering the cavern in darkness. Momo faltered for a moment, before catching on Chrys' intentions. She then quietly landed, hoping Aegis would leave the chamber in a false pursuit of them.

With the only source of light lost, all three of them were just as blind as ponies. So Momo and Chrys stood there, in complete darkness, waiting.

Thanks to the small roar of the air passing through the tunnel. They couldn't hear Aegis, or each other. If it wasn't for the fact that she had a tight grip on her clutching, Chrys would begin to feel as if she'd lost track of Momo in the darkness.

Seconds grew into minutes as they stood there, both trying to hold their breaths as well as they could, waiting for some sign, some evidence that Aegis wasn't nearby. That he wasn't a pace away. That he wasn't breathing down their necks.

There was a flash of amber as Aegis shapeshifted, illuminating the entire cavern. He held a stone in his hooves. Momo took flight, but the sudden illumination blinded her from Aegis' attack. She lurched suddenly as his stone hit her, making her roll into the ground. Chrys was separated from Momo, her heart skipping a beat at the sudden absence. She rolled on the ground. Before Chrys could get on her hooves, Aegis's fire died down, casting them back into the dark.

“Highness, we need to talk,” Aegis let out, landing near Chrys, which made her scoot back from him, towards Momo. The cavern was illuminated again as Aegis shifted back into a manticore, revealing Momo rising to her hooves, clutching her side. Before she could jump away from him, he took a step forward, his tail coming around, before everything went dark again.

“Momo!?” Chrys let out, hearing a small yelp from her clutchling.

“It's okay, he just scratched me,” she replied, making Chrys eye the darkness, before hesitating.

“You want to talk, fine, but leave Momo alone!”

“That won't be a problem, Your Highness,” he replied hesitantly, making Chrys appraise where she heard him for a second, before something alarming came to mind.

Did you know a single drop of the poison in your tail is enough to paralyze five adult ponies for days!?

Chrys' horn glowed as she turned towards Momo. Her clutchling had a scared look in her eyes, her body standing rigid and unmoving. Chrys then hopped back, fearing she'd be stung next. To her surprise, Aegis made no effort to attack her. She eyed him carefully, before moving to Momo's side. She was trying to speak, her eyes looking to Chrys, as if telling her to run.

“I've scratched her, so it should only last a few hours,” Aegis pointed out, getting a glare from Chrys.

“You wanted to talk. Well?” she said as she stomped a hoof, “Out with it!” she demanded, getting a small nod from him.

“This last week, spending time with Sledge, has given me some time to think,” he then frowned, before glancing to the side. “Time to doubt. Mantis saved Sledge from execution. He recruited him to help apprehend you, and protect you,” he added, getting a small scoff from Chrys, “Your highness, you claimed Mantis intended to get rid of you. I should have listened more, but I had no reason to doubt his integrity.” He then frowned, mostly towards himself, “Not until I saw Sledge...” He then looked Chrys in the eyes. “Please, I know I'm asking for much, but could you shed some light on why you think that way of him?”

“Why'd you sting Momo, if you wanted to talk?” Chrys asked, giving him a dangerous glare.

“After you 'escaped', Mantis told me that Momo was a traitor that filled your head with lies.” He then looked to the side, a lost expression in his eyes, “I'm not certain if that's true or not. That's why I only grazed her.”

Chrys stared at him for a moment, her mouth hanging open. She then glanced to the floor, feeling herself trembling. Mantis called Momo a traitor? She wished she could smack the drone with a rock. She then recalled doing just that a week ago, the mental image calming her down a little, before looking to Aegis.

Now you want to be filled in?” she let out, pointing at him, “Dud's stuck with Sledge, Momo can't move, and you want to be told how stupid you've been!?” she added, before shaking her head. “Mantis hates me. He wants me dead. Gone. Out of his way. He threatened to kill Momo if I didn't leave the hive. I left because he pushed me! He pushed me because he wanted to kill me where mother couldn't see! And you're helping him do it!” she let out, getting a terribly troubled look from him.

“B- But, if that's true, then Sledge would have to deal with me first.”

“You think!” Chrys replied, getting an ashamed look from the royal guard. “And it is true! Amber trusted you to protect me, and what have you done to do that!?” she asked, before shaking her head. She glowered at him for a moment longer, before glancing to the side. She then took in a deep breath, looking back to him. “If you want to do that, then we need to deal with Sledge. I'm not a hatchling, Aegis. I had a plan, and having you help me was part of it. Are you going to take me back to Mantis, or help me reach Equestria?” she asked, a fire burning in her eyes. He looked over her for a moment, before giving her a nod, kneeling before her.

“Your Highness, I have made a horrible mistake, and am not worthy of your forgiveness.”

“You're right!” she bitterly replied, looking to the side as she did.

“Please, allow me to stand by your side, and protect you.”

“Even if that means fighting Mantis?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Mantis wishes you harm. He is not my master. The Queen is, and to wish harm upon her princess is unforgivable. I will help you fight Mantis.”

“Then prove it, by helping us save-” she began, hesitating for a moment, looking to Momo, before nodding to herself. “By helping us save my friend, Dud.”

“As you wish, Your Highness,” Aegis replied, a strong sense of resolve radiating from him, making her smile.

Her eyes then widened as she noticed an orange glow coming from the way they came. Aegis saw the glow reflecting in her eyes, making him quickly turn around to see an large amber fireball flying their way.

Sledge was at the center of that ball, and his course shifted when he spotted the princess, making Aegis place himself between them.

“Princess Chrysalis. Forgive my use of force,” he stated, sweeping a hoof around, catching the princess off guard as his tail swept her and Momo up, and hurled them towards the far end of the cavern. He then braced himself for the coming attack.

Sledge crashed into Aegis, coming to a complete stop as their collision rocked the cavern. Both were obscured in amber flame, which spread out in every direction, threatening to reach Momo and Chrys as they slid into the rubble at the cavern's end.

The blast sent cracks from where it originated, through the floor and ceiling. Rocks were hurled. Stalactites fell. The rocky bed in the room's center was cleared out and destroyed. The purple rocks cracked into smaller fragments. And for a moment, the breeze leading into the room reversed directions. As the force of the blast died down, Chrys got on her hooves, looking to the room's center with a pained look.

“Aegis!!” Chrys shouted, her ears falling when she saw only one royal guard left standing at the destruction's center. The flames started to die down, the cavern growing darker with their passing. However, the ground glowed and smoldered with magic where Sledge stood, looking over Aegis's form with an indifferent look on his face, before kicking the fallen guard to the side.

Chrys's eyes followed Aegis as he slid across the ground. Another royal guard, laying on the ground, thanks to Sledge. Her eyes then focused on said guard, a hated look brimming within them.

Sledge looked battered. Like a cavern had collapsed on him. Seeing him like that made her think of Dud. She then eyed Momo, her heart racing as she recalled her last fight with Sledge.

“So, princess, you going to make this easy?” he asked, before eyeing Momo, immobile at Chrys' side, “Or really easy?” he added with a sinister grin, his intentions not lost on her. She looked between him and her clutching, her chest feeling tight, before she gave him a hard glare, and took a step forward.

“R- R- Run.”

Chrys' eyes widened, her step faltering as she glanced to Momo from the corner of her eye. There were tears running down her clutchlings eyes, her mouth moving slightly, mouthing the message Chrys barely heard.

Pieces of the day she fought Mantis flashed through her eyes. Her fear in not knowing if Momo was safe. Of seeing Bulwark injured because of her failure to keep calm. Now, she was cornered again. No less so than when she stood between Sledge and Bulwark.

She'd been lucky last time. She couldn't count on luck again. She couldn't win a fight against him. She'd have to run. But, she wasn't leaving her clutchling behind.

‘Save yourself’. Those were the words in Momo's eyes. Chrys frowned, shaking her head. She wasn't running without her. Even if that meant that Sledge would be the only one leaving the cavern.

Leaving the cavern...

Chrys gaze went from Momo, to the small gap in the collapsed tunnel behind her, and her eyes widened. Her mouth fell open for a moment, seeing their escape, just ripe for the taking. Sledge's explosion had widened the gap.

Her magic may not be at full strength, but what she had would be enough. It needed to be enough. Turning her attention back to Sledge, she gave him a fiery glare, before charging him.

He blinked in surprise, before adopting a small smile. She jumped up high, hoof raised to hit him in the face, and he smugly let her have the hit. Her horn flashed brightly, sending out a blinding pulse of light that stretched out through the cavern, causing Sledge to let out a cry of annoyance as Chrys hit him in the eye. He then let out another cry as he swung his head, hitting her, and sending her flying back.

The air was forced out of her lungs when she landed, but she kept it together, her horn still at work with another task as she ran across the room, to get behind him.

Sledge held a hoof over his injured eye, vision in the other quickly returning as he turned to the sound of Chrys' hooves. There was then a brief flash of teal light, and a small burst of heat, before the sound ended.

His eye looked to where she should have been. Now, the princess was nowhere to be seen. He blinked in surprise. He spun around the room, a heated glare on his face as he tried to spot her. Even with one eye, the amber glow from his explosion still illuminated the area, and she was nowhere to be seen.

“You think you can hide!?” he asked as he crashed his hoof through the ground, sending pebbles flying in all directions. He was certain she still couldn't fly, and that she couldn't have left the chamber so quickly. “Guess you don't care what happens to-” he began, looking to where Momo lay, only, she wasn't there.

Nothing there but a collapsed, and completely sealed tunnel. Had Momo been faking it? Did they both fly out when he was distracted? No. She'd been crying. Oh yes, he saw those tears. So how'd they both disappear? Was it the princess's magic?

“Fine. Hide if you will. There's only one way out of this cave. Don't worry, I'll make sure your pet pony screams before I end it,” he added, strolling towards the exit at a slow pace, hoping to draw the princess out. He then paused, his nostrils flaring as a familiar smell assaulted him, making him rear back.

Chrys tried to watch him as he moved back, but it wasn't easy. Her back was pressed to the wall, her coat and scales making her perfectly blend in with it. The stone was cold, sapping even, but she didn't care. What she did care about, was how genuine his words had been. If he was being honest, then that meant Dud was still okay. For now.

Her eyes shifted, trying to see Sledge, but the eyes of a lamia were less suited to darkness than a changeling's, to Chrys's surprise. She'd heard that they were good at finding things in the dark, but that was proving to not be the case. All she could make out in the chamber, was the hint of burning embers at its center, which was partially obstructed by Aegis' still form.

She wanted to know more. She needed to know more. Why did Sledge fall silent? Why was he stepping away from the cavern's entrance? Her desire to know made her mouth tingle in anticipation. Then, almost out of frustration, she stuck her tongue out, to her own surprise.

Her eyes widened as she was given answers. It was the strangest sensation she's ever felt, from a sensory standpoint. She licked the air, as if tasting it, and felt as if she understood the layout of the four figures nearby. Wait. Four?

There was Aegis, in the room's center. He tasted a little crispy, but there was also stale air leaving his lungs. He was breathing.

There was Momo, her scent carried on what breeze trickled in through the hole Chrys had plugged. She smelled scared, terrified even, making Chrys' heart ache for her as she turned her head in her direction.

There was also Sledge, near the room's center, who seemed to be on the verge of panic.

“No! Again!? Again!? Why are you hunting me!?” Sledge let out, taking several more steps away from the cavern's entrance. He had a sickly taste about him, as if he were about to gag, and her confusion to his actions cleared up when she licked the air a second time.

A sweet aroma hit her. A familiar smell, that reminded her of hiding in a gorge while the rain fell. Only, this time it didn't make her head spin, making her wonder if that was because she was shapeshifted as Lin. In fact, the scent had a strange feeling tied to it, that made Chrys think of her mother. Must be a lamia thing.

There was a small, hissing laughter coming from the entrance. She couldn't see it, but she knew it was there, and so did Sledge. The lamia from the storm.

Wait. If she could sense where it was, that meant it knew where she was.

It was waiting at the entrance, while Sledge stood put, at an impasse. Chrys took the opportunity to move, working her way back towards the rubble. She didn't want to be in this cavern anymore.

She found herself licking the air as she moved, a natural habit ingrained with her current race that she embraced, and when she started moving, so did the lamia blocking the entrance. She knew that, but Sledge didn't. It was going right for him. What Sledge did know, however, was that something was moving around the room's corner. Something that couldn't shift its scales as quickly as his hunter did.

She heard Sledge take to the air, flying directly towards her. She closed her eyes and stopped, not that closing her eyes made any difference, as Sledge's hooves crashed into the wall around her, missing her. She let out a sharp cry as she was pelted by debris.

She could feel him standing over her, readying another attack. She dived forward as best she could, going between his legs as she was pelted by another near miss. He let out a frustrated grunt, she was still hard to see, even while moving.

Slithering away from him, she paused when she realized that the lamia was now right in front of her. It had paused too, taking in the figure before it as Sledge turned around. It then whipped its tail past her, catching Sledge in the face, making him stagger to the side for a moment.

Chrys stood there, caught between two giants. Momo and Dud seemed so far away, Aegis was down for the count, and now she was beginning to doubt she'd be able to escape the wall before her. It could see her, where Sledge couldn't.

She then flinched when she felt it rub its muzzle against hers. It was a warm touch. A reassuring touch. She was confused for a moment, before she recalled that she was shapeshifted as a lamia. Did it know Lin? Or was it simply the fact that she looked like a young lamia? She couldn't see its eyes, so she couldn't confirm such a connection. What she did know, or at least hope, was that the situation had just turned in her favor.

She was then surprised when it picked her up in its hooves, cradling her as it turned towards Sledge, who was moving from side to side, eyeing the darkness fearfully.

The lamia didn't speak. Not knowing if it knew Lin, Chrys kept quiet as well, fearing to alienate her guardian by saying something Lin wouldn't.

Sledge moved to the side, taking to the air as he tried to head towards the exit. The hunter grabbed Sledge’s back hooves with his tail, pulling down and slamming Sledge into the floor. The lamia then gave Chrys a brief hug, gently putting her down, and patting her on the head, before turning to give Sledge its full attention.

Chrys sat there, almost in a daze at the turn of events. Being pat on the head felt nice. She then shook her head, snapping herself out of the daze. She needed to get Momo out of here. As the hunter approached Sledge, Chrys approached the rubble. Quickly climbing to the top, she heard stone crash and break as the others went at it. She paid them no mind, moving the rocks she placed out of the way.

She crawled through an opening big enough for her, sensing Momo laying further ahead, before she hesitated. She looked back into the room, the breeze distorting what she could make out inside. The breeze was muddling her senses? Was that why the lamia didn't find her hiding behind that rock back in the rain? She then shook her head. Questions for later.

Though she couldn't sense him know, she knew Aegis was still in there, and there was nothing she could do to help. Talk to the lamia? Convince it she was friends with a changeling? She wasn't about to press her luck, but she still felt shame well up in her, as she sealed the way behind her, leaving Aegis behind.

Looking ahead, she sensed that this portion of the cave was significantly more constricting, barely high enough for a drone to walk through, and there were plenty of spots where a drone would need to lower their head to pass. Even better, she could tell that it sloped up a short distance away. Reaching her clutchling, she grabbed her with her tail, pulling Momo over her shoulder, moving as best as she could as she went further in.

“Don't worry Momo, it's me,” Chrys said in an assuring tone, “I- I'm sorry for leaving you in the dark. I'd try to light the way, but my magic's just about spent. But, don't worry, we're getting out of here,” she added, feeling Momo's head nod slightly in response.

She then glanced over her shoulder, trying to peer into the darkness beyond, seeing in her mind's eye Aegis and Dud, fallen, waiting to be saved. She wanted to go back. To help them both. But she was scared. Scared of what she'd find if she turned around. Scared of things getting worse if she did. So, she looked ahead, her chest heavy, her face wet, as she started forward.

Dud once said that he trusted Momo would be fine, because he had faith in her. Chrys was trying to do the same for the two left behind. But it was hard. So very hard, to believe. Still, she moved forward, Momo's weight on her shoulders reminding her of what she needed to do. They needed to get away. They knew where to meet up. Where they must go, even if it was never said.


And so she moved forward, noting the apple-like smell in the air, its presence trying, and failing, to comfort her. It was nothing more than an odd curiosity that drew them there, nothing more than a distraction from her thoughts. A distraction she wouldn't indulge, as she began to climb the dark tunnel, leaving the dull echoes of the clash between the hunter and royal guard, behind her.

Author's Note:

How to make a chapter 20% more intense. Just add Sledge.
I get the feeling the fights were still lacking description. I think I may need a separate editor for fight sequences. :applejackunsure:
Things are looking dicey for just about everyone, hopefully everything will clear up next chapter. Big thanks to Fourpony for help with editing, and thanks as always for reading. :twilightblush: