• Published 2nd Aug 2015
  • 4,087 Views, 371 Comments

The Teal Changeling - MrAlterad

Princess Chrysalis was born a queen, but she has much to learn about becoming one. The war between her hive and Princess Luna may provide the lesson, assuming what follows doesn't destroy her kind...

  • ...

8. Close Words

“How are you going to convince the queen?” Darrin asked as they walked back to the Royal Halls, getting an odd look from Chrysalis. “I'm assuming you've got something in mind?” he asked, making her pause for a moment.

“...Darrin, it's the queen's job to lead the hive, right? To work towards a better tomorrow?”

“Well, yes.”

“If I'm being forced out of the hive, then I thought, perhaps I should start doing that,” she said, getting an amused smile from Darrin. Chrys adopted a flustered look. “What? What is it this time?”

“Isn't that why you argued with Her Highness about the Moon Princess' 'power'?” he asked, making her pause for a moment, realizing the truth of it. She then heard Mantis’ words from earlier play in her head, making her release an aggravated huff.

“Mantis. He said I wasn't fit to be queen. He never gave me the chance to prove otherwise.” She then looked to Darrin, a determined look in her eyes, “He didn't intend it, but once I get away from him, I'll finally get that chance,” she declared, getting an appraising look from Darrin.

“You mean, you're going to Equestria?” he asked, getting a nod in turn.

“I'm going to see if the power this 'Luna' has is genuine. And who knows, maybe I can do more once I'm there. Like, enthrall her, or something,” she added, half serious, half uncertain.

“Well, it isn't gonna be any safer than staying in The Badlands, living off of supplies,” Darrin replied, giving a small glare towards no one in particular. “You'll need to find Ghost in Canter Town. If you're caught by the Moon Princess—”

“I won't,” she quickly affirmed. “And besides, we need to know just how strong she is.”

“Right, but first you have to convince Her Highness to let you go,” he added, making her wave a hoof dismissively.

“Let me worry about that,” she replied, bring their conversation to a close, shortly before reaching the Royal Halls.

When they arrived, they were directed to the queen, finding her in the hatchery. Chrys paused at the doorway as she saw a slightly sad look in Amber's eyes, her gaze focused on the empty chamber, a look that melted away when she noticed she had company. She turned towards Chrys and Darrin, Bastion and Aegis standing close to her as she let out a small sigh, before composing herself.

“Mantis told me about the fight,” Amber began as she gave her daughter an appraising look, “Is it true that you started it?” she asked, making Chrys frown for a moment, before nodding. “And it's because Momo's gone missing?”

“Yes. I thought he did it.” She then shook her head. She wanted to tell the truth, but Mantis' threat was still fresh in her mind. “I still think he did it,” she added, before her ears fell. “And now, Bulwark's hurt,” she finished, prompting Amber to walk towards Chrys, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

“Don't worry Chrys. We'll find Momo, and Bulwark will recover.” Her demeanor then darkened, “Which can't be said for the other one.”

“Sledge?” Chrys asked as she tilted her head, making Amber scowl.

“Forget his name!” she stated coldly, a heated look in her eyes, “A royal guard that attacks a queen, or a princess, is a traitor to the hive, to his role, to his very self,” she declared, getting a heavy nod of agreement from Bastion, with Aegis' brow furrowing in kind. She then waved a hoof dismissively, “He'll be taking his last breath before sunset.” A fact that didn't bother Chrys, not after getting an uncomfortably close look at the bottom of his hoof.

Amber's gaze then softened as she eyed her daughter, “It's terrible that Bulwark was wounded, and I'll admit that I'm a little disappointed in you. But, your actions brought to light a terrible changeling, so, I'm not going to punish you,” she said as she nodded to herself, getting a surprised look from Chrys.

“You're not mad with me?”

“No.” Regardless, she frowned. “Don't get me wrong. Attacking Mantis was a terrible idea. He's done so much for the hive, and I know how much you two can't stand each other, but you must learn to control yourself.” She then let out a sigh, “Seriously, you couldn't even wait a few more months.”

“But, Momo-”

“Is being looked for by a number of our soldiers. I know you want to blame him, but Mantis speaks highly of her, and Darrin,” she added as she glanced to Chrys' clutchling, “I can't see him willing to harm either of them,” she added, making a chill run down Chrys' spine as she looked to her mother.

She then mentally cursed Mantis as she glanced to the side.

“...Is that right?” Chrys replied, seeing another thread being exposed before her. Seeing that thread led her thoughts towards the reason she came here, making her look to Amber. “Mother, about what we talked about yesterday,” she began, making Amber arch an eyebrow.

“About becoming attached to ponies?” she asked, making Chrys quickly shake her head as the old stallion, and to her surprise, Dud, came to mind. “Then what?” Her eyes then widened, “You mean about the Moon Princess?”

“Yes. I've been thinking about it since last night,” she then hesitated. She was used to feeding her mother white lies, but something about this one felt wrong; it felt heavy. Still, she needed to do this, so she took a deep breath, and continued. “I've been thinking, that it's about time I did something to help out,” she finished, making Amber blink in surprise, before adopting a big smile.

“My little princess wants to help~” she said proudly as she got closer, nudging Darrin back with her magic as he did. He took the hint, and quietly left the room, giving Chrys a subtle nod, which she returned.

“Yes. But, I don't think you'll like it.”

“Oh come now, what's not to like about it?” Amber asked coyly.

“Probably all of it,” Chrys replied, wearing a weak smile, before taking another deep breath. “I'm going to Equestria, to see just how powerful the Moon Princess really is,” she affirmed, and her mother's smile persisted for a moment, before it started to fade away.

“You're- You're serious?” she asked cautiously, getting a small nod in turn, making the queen shake her head. “No. Not happening.”

“Mother. I'm going,” Chrys said sternly.

“No. You're not.”

“Yes, I am!” Chrys insisted, holding a hoof up as her mother was about to repeat herself, “Capturing her is everything, right? We need to know. I can get into Canter Town and check, I can fit in with the ponies and fool them, but you can't!” she pointed out, “You're too big to fit in. And, you need to conserve your strength,” she added, getting an exasperated sigh from her mother.

“Chrys, I appreciate that you want to help, but we're sealing the main tunnel in two days. Once the rains start, The Badlands will be flooded! Just to get to Equestria, you'll have to cross it! Even by air, at best it'll take you a week to cross, which means dealing with the creatures that stay awake in the monsoon. Then, once you get past that, you'll have to deal with the Equestrian winter. And all that is before even getting to Canter Town! It's too dangerous, and I don't want my little girl going through that.”

“Mother, I know it's dangerous,” Chrys replied, almost sounding insulted, “But, I need to do this.”

“You … need to?” Amber asked in confusion.

“Everyone in the hive works hard, playing their part. What have I done? How can I expect to be a queen after we've won against Equestria if I don't contribute?” she then shook her head, “And it's not just that. We need to know if this 'Luna' is as strong as ponies believe. Ghost can try his best, but he'll never know as well as either you or I can.”

“But Chrys, if we lose you-”

“You can lay another queen's egg,” Chrys replied bluntly, getting a shocked look from Amber. “You're more important to the hive than I am,” she added, making Amber glance to the side, a sad look on her face as Chrys took a step forward, “Mother, we all have our part in the hive. We each have a stake in this, a risk. Let me be a part of it too. Let me take this risk.” She then gave her a hurt look, “Or, do you think I can't do it?”

“I didn't say that,” Amber quickly replied, bringing a troubled hoof to her forehead. “Mantis. What did he say? Did he put this crazy idea in your head?” she asked, getting a surprised look from the princess.

“No. This is my idea.” She was being forced to leave the hive, but she intended to be productive while she was at it. “No one else’s. I'm going to leave, whether you want me to, or not. Though,” she added as she adopted a sheepish look, “I'd like it if you let me...”

A silence fell over them for several moments, both of the looking each other in the eyes. Chrys with a determined look, while Amber wore a worried look. Chrys' eyes then widened when she noticed her mother's eyes starting to get misty.

“My little girl wants to go and do her part,” she said as she adopted a smile, her horn glowing as Chrys was levitated into her mother's hooves, to her slight dismay. “She wants to go face danger and help make sure we'll win against the Moon Princess,” she then hugged Chrys, who blushed as she tried to look to Amber.


“Chrys, there comes a time in every drone's life, when they stop calling me that,” she began, making Chrys' ears fall, her heart sinking at where she felt where this conversation was turning. “It's the day they choose their name, and pick their role in the hive. It's a happy day, and an auspicious day. But, it's also a sad day. On that day, I'm no longer their mother, but their Queen.” She then held Chrys out at hooves length, tears in her eyes as she continued to wear a sad smile. “Chrysalis, going out, into danger, to do this, means you're no longer a hatchling.”

“I'm not a hatchling,” Chrys replied as she glanced to the side, getting a chuckle from Amber.

“Indeed. Not anymore,” She replied as she wiped her tears away. “Sweetie, you can go. I won't stop you from wanting to make your mark, to play your part in our future. But, it's going to be dangerous, so don't expect me to let you go empty hoofed.”

Amber's brow then furrowed slightly as she looked to where Darrin had been, “The trek across The Badlands will be rough. It'll be cold, and wet. A normal drone would need to travel as a pony, or be driven to sleep by the temperature. Especially as they got closer to Equestria. Traveling as a pony means needing to carry more nectar.” She then eyed Chrys curiously, “You still know that heat spell?” she asked, getting a quick nod from Chrys, prompting Amber to adopt a contemplative look. “I'll need to teach you how to cast that spell as an enchantment.”

“About that, there's another spell I want to know before going, if you could show me,” Chrys asked, making Amber raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“Someone seems to have really thought this through,” she said with a proud smile. “As long as it's not too complex, you've got two days till the rains began, and the sooner you leave, the safer the trip.”

“Right,” Chrys replied with a nod, not intending to leave any earlier than right before sealing the main tunnel. She wanted the hazard the rains brought present when she encountered Mantis. Whatever he may have had in store, his efforts could be compromised by the weather, and she'd take any advantage she could against him. Even if that made the trek riskier, she considered it worth the risk.

“So, what's the spell you had in mind?” Amber asked, making Chrys smile slightly.

Just a little surprise in store, for the one driving her out of the hive. After all, another advantage she had over Mantis, that he had no chance at matching, was her magic.


“Why are you here?” an unfamiliar voice asked, pulling the sleeping princess out of her dreams. Okay, not entirely. The air was cold, and Chrys was having a hard time convincing her sleepy self to open her eyes. “...I see. She didn’t command you otherwise,” the voice added. Chrys frowned weakly. That was Aegis’s voice. Who was he talking to? “It’s fine. I won’t stop you.” Chrys shifted in annoyance. It’d be nice if Aegis would stop talking. There were heavy, mismatched hoofsteps approaching her. She then felt something warm touch her cheek. A hoof? There was a low, assuring grunt over her, making her frown deepen as the sleeping princess finally opened her eyes.

Standing over her was Bulwark. He had a drained look to him, and there were tan, glistening wrappings around his neck. Despite his haggard look, he was giving her a smile. He had come to wake her up, like she asked. Her drowsy state still hung over her as she took him in, her body cold and sluggish. He looked hurt, and she felt as if she were at fault. It didn’t make sense, and she didn’t like that. Her horn sputtered to life, her body glowing slightly as she warmed her body. With the heat, it wasn’t long before her drowsiness faded, being traded in for alarm. She blinked, eyes wide as she got on her hooves, giving Bulwark a flustered look.

“Wh- What are you doing, you idiot!?” she asked, her eyes looking over the bandaging Aid had imparted on him. He simply gave her a sheepish shrug. “Don’t give me that look!” she said, her eyes starting to sting as she hit him, “You’re supposed to be staying down and getting better!” she added, his ears falling as she hit him several times, her little slaps doing nothing to her loyal guardian.

She then shook her head, his body glowing teal as she tried to push him away. “Go back and get better!” she ordered, getting a small, unhesitant nod from him, as he turned away. She blinked in surprise as he left her side. He never left so easily. She looked to him, seeing him limp towards the door. A limp he was trying very hard to hide. And though he still towered over her, for some reason, he felt small. Her heart ached at the sight, a simple, unanswered question making her frown at nothing in particular. Was he ashamed of their loss? “B- Bulwark, wait!” she added, making the guard pause in confusion. She looked over him. Soaking in his injuries. Recalling the fight. Feeling the fear she felt when she saw him fall.

He was hurting. And not just physically. Despite that, he came to wake her up, just as she had asked of him. Any doubts regarding what came next were swept away by that act.

He mustn’t know of her plan. Not yet. Not in the state he’s in. The last thing she wanted to do was make things worse for him. But, she also didn’t want to just leave him high and dry. He deserved far better than that. She glanced to the side, silence falling between them as she considered what she should do next. She then walked up to him, eyeing the ground as she rested her head against one of his legs.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. There was a moment of silence, before Bulwark let out a deep, odd sounding laugh. Chrys’s face turned red as she frowned at the guard, who quickly succumbed to a fit of coughs. He raised an assuring hoof at her alarmed expression as he collected himself. He then took in a slow, careful breath, before mouthing something to her. She frowned, unable to understand his silent reply. Still, it wasn’t too hard for her to piece together his intent. “No. It’s not alright!” she added, making him glance to the side. He then mouthed something she could easily read, making her ears fall. “You don’t have to apologize…” she added, before adopting a determined look. “Next time, we’ll win. Right?” she asked, getting a fired up look from him as he nodded. He then swayed slightly, his eyes closing briefly, before he caught himself. He shook his head as Chrys slapped him. “Good. Now get back to Aid, dummy!” he nodded to her, giving her a small bow before turning back to the door.

“Bulwark,” she said again, feeling something dangerous nearly slip off her tongue: Please come with me. Instead, she said: “Thank you. See you later.” He nodded at that, none the wiser, as he limped out, an aggravated Aid waiting for him outside her room. Chrys eyed the doorway for several minutes after he left, her mind sifting through all manner of emotions over what she’d caused to her first friend. Sadness, regret, self-loathing, and anger flowed through her, before she settled on the one she found the most important to her.



What remained of the two days leading up to sealing the last tunnel passed at an alarming pace. Making plans, learning new spells, giving goodbyes, keeping her guardian in the dark, securing freedom. She had so much to occupy her time that she had little chance to sleep, making those two days seem as nothing more than a blur to her.

The time to leave arrived.

She yawned as she looked out towards the grayish light of day illuminating the far end of the tunnel. She then shook her head, the path ahead of her coming to mind as she tried to dispel her fatigue. Her horn was giving off the faintest of glows, her magic keeping her warm despite the cold breeze blowing down the tunnel.

Standing close to her was Aegis, her guardian on this trek. He had a barrel strapped over each shoulder, carrying enough nectar for their journey to Canter Town, plus a little extra, at Chrys' request.

The chill in the air made her departure a quiet one, with only her mother, and a small number of changelings seeing her off. Mantis wasn't there, despite her efforts to keep him locked inside while she left, making her let out a small sigh as she looked to her onlookers. Among those faces were the clutchlings she'd held close before, and seeing them standing there made her heart ache, a bittersweet pain of sadness and joy. Darrin wasn't among them, a choice she had enforced. She wanted him to stay behind.

She then eyed her mother, who was standing at her side, having just finished speaking of Chrys' reasons for leaving the hive. Amber then turned to her daughter, a smile on her face, tears in her eyes, which also made Chrys' eyes start to sting.

“You'll stay safe, right, Chrysalis?” Amber asked, getting a nod in turn.

“Yes, Your Highness,” she replied, making Amber shake her head.

“It's Amber now. Not highness, not mother. A queen is equal to another, and when we next see each other, it'll be as queens. Understand?” she asked, making Chrys' chest ache even more, making her rub her eyes as she gave the queen a fiery look.

“Yes,” she replied stalwartly, as Amber knelt down and kissed Chrys on the forehead, making her blush as the queen placed a hoof on her cheek.

“I'll see you, in Canter Town.”

“In Canter Town,” Chrys replied with a nod. Amber then turned to Aegis, who was silently watching.

“Her life is your priority, don't disappoint me like Sledge did,” she said coolly, getting a nod from Aegis. She appraised him for a moment, before turning back to Chrys, “Well dear, take care of yourself.”

“I will, Amber,” Chrys replied, taking a step forward, before hesitating a moment, “Take care of yourself.” She then raised another hoof, but hesitated again. There was something she wanted to say, something she'd never felt comfortable saying before. The very thought of saying those words made her features turn a shade of red. Despite that, she wanted to say it.

Because, a small part of her was afraid. Afraid that this would be the last time she talked to her mother. Afraid that Mantis would win, that the journey to Equestria would claim her. So the fact that her pride was getting in the way of saying two little words was starting to upset her.

“Chrys?” Amber asked curiously, making the princess flinch, before cursing her own pride, as she turned around to face the queen.

“L-Love you!” she managed to spit out, making her blush deepen further as she eyed the ground, her mind racing in embarrassment at having said that with a number of witnesses present. Lost in how flustered she was, she didn't notice the queen approach her until she was scooped up in her mother's hooves, being given a tight hug.

“I love you too, sweetie,” Amber replied, making Chrys' eyes water as she returned the hug. They held each other for a minute, both of them hoping for the best with all their hearts before their embrace came to an end.

Chrys was placed on the ground, and after standing there for a moment, collecting herself, she turned to the exit. Again, she hesitated. Her ears popped up when she was given a light push, making her look to Amber, who was giving a proud smile. Chrys nodded, and after taking a deep breath, cast her eyes forward, intending to no longer look back, as she marched forward.

Walking out, she passed a bottleneck in the tunnel. Nestled a little past it rested a large boulder, waiting to plug the entrance. She kept going forward, climbing closer to the light, and as she did, she felt a strong presence of magic emanating behind her. She didn't look back, as she heard the boulder shift from its resting place, and with a dull boom, closed off the main tunnel.

Continuing up the tunnel, Chrys took note of a small drone sized hole that'd been opened up on the floor recently. A tunnel that connected to the Windtrap, now open to receive the water that would soon come to flood this path. An alternative way into the hive. A fact that briefly played through her head, before she looked forward again.

Mantis didn't intend to let her back in once summer came, but she'd already planned for her return as well, and that hole was a small part of it. Keeping her thoughts to herself, she avoided the hole as she squinted at the growing light ahead of her. She then paused as they reached the tunnel's opening, her eyes widening at the vista before her.

It wasn't the same landscape she saw when she sunbathed with her clutchlings at their spot on the cliff earlier in the week. The land of cracked earth, colored orange and tan with stark blue skies, was now dully colored, the sky completely overcast by a blanket of gray clouds. She felt a drop of water hit her on the nose, surprising her by the small stimulation as she noticed specks of rain drizzling here and there. The rains were beginning, and somewhere out there, Mantis was waiting.

“Aegis,” Chrys began as she looked to her guard, but was interrupted when she saw someone flying towards them. A lone drone with yellowish wings whose presence confused Chrys, as she took up a guarded pose. The drone landed before them, and when his eyes met hers, she let out a small sigh, the glow in her eyes showing her that the drone before her was in fact her clutchling. She then gave him a harsh glare.

“Darrin, what are you doing out here!?” she snapped, him being the last drone she expected to see. Darrin eyed Aegis, who had a guarded look about him as Chrys looked to her guardian. “Aegis, can you hover around and keep an eye out? I want to talk with him alone.”

“Understood, Your Highness,” Aegis replied as he took to the air, prompting Chrys to give Darrin a bothered look.

Well?” she asked.

“I'm going with you,” he replied resolutely, getting a small glare from her.

“Come on Darrin! We went over this yesterday, and now you're gonna change your mind!?”

“Yes, I am. I had my doubts,” he then shook his head, “I still have doubts. Trusting a pony to protect you?”

“So he's out of the hive then?” she asked, making him nod, before he gave her a shrug.

“Assuming he isn't halfway to Equestria right now, he's hidden in the clouds. Watching you,” he explained in a skeptical tone.

“You talked to him, right?”

“I did. He's odd. Too odd. Chrys, what if he likes to collect rare creatures?” he asked, making her falter for a moment.

“I … didn't consider that,” she admitted as she glanced to the side, before shaking her head, “Look, if that's the case, I'll trap him in a cocoon after we're past Mantis. So, go back to our spot, and stay with the hive.”

“About that,” he said as he looked to the south, his eyes on a particular cliff face, “After letting him out, and seeing our spot on the cliff,” he said as he turned his back towards Chrys, “Seeing it all by myself, made me think about how our time together earlier this week may be the last time—”

“It isn't,” Chrys quickly insisted, making him turn on her.

“Saying it doesn't make it true!” He then shook his head, “Just because you can believe that, doesn't mean I can. I can't trust that wishful thinking will make it happen,” he said as he looked her in the eyes, “I don't want it to be the last time. That's why I'm going with you,” he assured, making her hesitate for a moment.

“Darrin, you need to stay and keep Bulwark from chasing me. He's too big to blend in with ponies, and he'd have a tough time finding me anyway.” Darrin let out a small huff at that.

“He'd know where you're going; the castle at Canter Town.”

“And what about Momo?”

“If Mantis has her with him, we can rescue her,” he replied, making her shake her head.

“No, Darrin. Fighting Mantis isn't the plan, it's getting away. He's not going to just let us rescue her!”

“I know that!” he replied, a frustrated look on his face. “It's dangerous. We both know that. That's why I'm going with you, to help even the odds.”

“Darrin, you're staying. You need to. I don't want—”

“You don't want me to get hurt? What about you? What about Momo?” he asked as he slammed a hoof down, “This isn't about what you want, Chrys.” He then shook his head, “You can't always get what you want, so stop making it about you. I'm going with you, and we're rescuing Momo. Then, we're all heading to Equestria,” he declared, his words racing through her head as she eyed the ground, her shoulders trembling.

“Making it about me? Always getting what I want?” she asked, before glaring at him. “This is about me! Everyone would be just fine if it wasn't for me! And I know I can't always get what I want,” she replied in frustration, “I want Momo to be safe. I want Mantis to just leave us alone. I want to know the next several days are going to be safe and free of scary things!” She then shuddered for a moment, before eyeing the ground. “I want Bulwark to come after me. And, I want you to go with me.”

“Huh?” Darrin asked as he blinked in surprise.

“I want all three of you to go with me,” she stated, her eyes stinging as the drizzle started to pick up, “I don't want to go to Equestria with a loopy pony and a guardian I don't know that well.”

“Then let us come with you,” Darrin said in a calm tone, a slightly guilty look on his face.

“I can't,” she said as she looked to him, “Mantis isn't going to sleep through the rain. He's going to be mad when I get away.” Her brow then furrowed, “And I will get away.” She then shook her head, “He's gonna keep scheming. He's gonna try and make sure I'm 'taken care of'. And, if he can't do that, the very least he's going to do, is make it very hard for me to come back.”


“Darrin. I need you to stay because I need a way back in,” she said in a calm tone, making him pause for a moment, before his brow furrowed.

“And you feel like telling me this now?” he asked, getting an annoyed look from her.

“I figured you were smart enough to figure it out!” she shouted at him, making him take a step back in surprise.

“I mean, yes,” he replied bashfully, “Before letting the pegasus out, I was thinking of what to do during the monsoon.” He then shook his head before looking back to her. “I'm still going with you.”

“You stubborn shell-head!” she replied as she tried to hit him on the head, slipping past him as he effortlessly dodged her, making her slip on the now slightly muddy ground.

“C-Chrys, are you okay?” he asked, getting a ball of mud in his face for an answer.

“You're staying,” she stated as he wiped his face clean, giving her a small glare.

“I'm going.”


“Going!” Darrin insisted, making Chrys tremble again as she glared at him. They held each other’s gaze for a moment, before she eyed the ground.

“You, don't trust me. Do you?” she asked in a small voice, making him raise an eyebrow at her.

“You asked a 'loopy' pony who knows a great deal about changelings to help you reach Equestria,” he replied flatly.

“Okay, that does sound a little bad,” she admitted, before looking to him, “But he's, well, different from other ponies. Do you really think anypony would take him seriously if he flew off and ditched me to inform Equestria? That anyone would believe him explaining what we are?”

“Honestly, I'm more bothered by the idea of him ditching you,” he then waved a hoof dismissively, “That aside, it's not that I don't trust you. I do. I think you've got a good shot at getting out of Mantis' net. It's just, I don't like the idea of you taking him on by yourself.”

“Well, he's my problem,” she replied, feeling a little relieved to hear that he trusted her. “You and Momo are in danger because of me. I need to do this, and I don't want either of you to be more involved then you are. So, you're going to stay behind, you're going to play 'nice' with him, and you're going to make sure that when we've taken Canter Town, I'll be able to return without a problem. Got it?” she asked, getting a frustrated look from him as he eyed the mud, as if it were at fault.

“You're not going to yield on this, are you?” Darrin asked as he looked her in the eyes.

“No. I'm not,” she replied sternly, making them stare at each other for a moment, before he gave her a smile, which caught her off guard.

“Chrys, you once asked me why I risk my neck for you,” he began as he took off his soldier's helm, looking to the hole in the ground that was the hives main tunnel, “The reason that I kept from you, is because I've lost faith in Queen Amber.”

“Huh?” Chrys asked, not having expected that from him.

“Mantis the hero. Mantis the leader. There are some that even whisper the word 'king'. Mantis has gained too much power, and it's because Her Highness can't control him. This is why you have to leave. This is why Momo is missing. This is why we're ‘risking’ the hive against Canter Town instead of waiting for more intel on the Moon Princess' power.” He then looked to Chrys, a determined look in his eyes, “These wins that Mantis gave the hive has made Amber complacent. She's even yielded to your demands,” he stated, making Chrys brow furrow.

“Darrin, don't speak poorly of her,” she said in a threatening tone, making him nod as he glanced to the side.

“My apologies, Your Highness. The truth is, I don't see my future as a part of her hive. I haven't for a long time now,” he said, looking Chrys in the eyes, before kneeling. “Chrysalis, with your word, I wish to serve under you,” he said, making her take a step back in surprise, “I'll be your eyes, ears, and strength. I'll help you through your hardships, and will give my life to see the future you wish come to be." He then looked at her in anticipation, "Will you have me, as your first subject?” he asked, his words making her falter for a moment, caught unaware by how happy she was to hear his pledge.

If it came to you leaving the hive to start your own, we'd go with you, no questions asked.

Well, she wasn't quite going out to start a hive, but his sentiment still came across, realizing itself at this moment. A moment that brought a silly smile to her face, before she shook her head.

“Idiot. You can't be my first subject,” she replied, getting a surprised look from him that got a chuckle from her, “Bulwark's already taken first.”

“Oh. Right,” Darrin said, looking a little embarrassed as he cleared his throat. “Then, as your second subject—”

“Momo beat you to that one too,” she quickly replied, a small lie that made Darrin roll his eyes towards the heavens.

“And what about third!? Did Lores beat me to that one? Or was it the pony?” he asked in annoyance, making Chrys' chuckle blossom into open laughter, her eyes watering up as she let out the first good laugh in what felt like weeks. Darrin looked on, his annoyance shifting to a smile as he saw her mirth.

“Y-You can be the third, slowpoke,” Chrys replied after managing to compose herself, her breathing heavy from laughing. “And as my first order, you must call me Chrys.”

“I understand, Your Highness,” Darrin replied, mimicking Bulwark's voice as his did, getting a hurt look from Chrys which made him instantly regret it. “D-Don't worry Chrys, he'll be fine.”

“Yeah, he will,” she replied as she nodded to herself, before adopting a small sneer, “As your queen, I order you to stay behind and make sure I can return later,” she said, prompting Darrin to look as if her words had physically hurt him.

“But, Chrys-”

“Darrin. You trust your queen, right?” she asked as she gave him a side glance, making his brow furrow for a moment.

“That's not fair—”

“Darrin. Please?” she asked as she looked him in the eyes, making him falter for a moment, before he kicked the wet ground in frustration.

“I'll … stay behind,” he said in a slightly defeated tone, getting a smile from her as she looked up to him.

“Thank you,” she said, almost in a whisper, making his frown melt slightly as he nodded.

“I'll make sure things stay good on this end, and that he honors returning Momo,” he said with a determined look. “So just be sure to stay away from him, and don't get caught by ponies,” he added, getting a nod from her as they both looked to each other for a moment, “Oh. You don't mind if I do some recruiting, do you?” he asked with a sly look, getting a confused expression from her. “I know a number of changelings who'd also like to follow you,” he added with a smile.

“I- Well- That'd be great!” she replied enthusiastically, the news catching her unawares. “Darrin, will you be there?” she asked, getting a curious look from him, “Canter Town, will you be there with the attack?”

“Count on it,” he assured. "And, will you see it all the way through?" he asked, reminding her of the last time he asked that question, making her give him a determined smile.

“You know I will," she said confidently, getting a small laugh from him. "Then, till Canter Town?” she asked, a hopeful fire beating in her chest as he nodded.

“Till Canter Town,” he replied with a nod, both of them wearing a smile. He then blinked, his smiling fading away as he looked past her to the raining lands beyond. “We both need to get going. This rain is making me feel sluggish, and it's likely to make Mantis impatient.”

“How are you getting back in?” she asked curiously as he gave his wings a few quick flaps to get water off.

“Lores and some of our clutchlings are holding the door to our spot open,” he said as he gave her a small grin, “Just in case you convinced me to stay a second time.” And with that, he gave her a nod, and jumped into the air. “Till Canter Town, stay safe, my queen!” he added, getting a nod from Chrys as he flew off.

Almost immediately after he parted, Aegis landed at her side, getting a confident look from the princess as she hopped on his back.

The rain had picked up during her conversation with Darrin, and looking to the west, she saw the clouds in the sky darkening further. The rain would only get heavier, and the wind would pick up soon.

“Aegis, let me know if you get cold, I can use my magic to keep you warm,” she said, getting a surprised look from him.

“You needn't concern yourself, Highness,” he replied, a little flustered, “Cold weather doesn't bother a royal guard,” he assured, getting a small smile from her as she nodded.

“Also, we're going to be ambushed by traitors soon, so keep your eyes to the ground,” she said, making him pause for a moment as he eyed her. Seeing the princess offering no more words, he raised an eyebrow to her, before taking to the air.

As they ascended, her eyes looked to the cliff, watching Darrin as he flew away, heading towards a familiar landing. Her gaze lingered for a moment longer as he disappeared into a passageway that was supposed to be sealed. She then nodded to herself, before looking back to the main entrance of the hive.

Within that hole in the ground, her home, a question still bothered her, nagging at her from the back of her mind. A name she wanted to learn; a name that would offer her some sort of closure for the old stallion that thanked her. Now, she wasn't going to be getting her answer for a number of months.

Her brow furrowed for a moment, before she let out a sigh. The answer was waiting for her down there, she simply needed to return safely to find it. This thought assuring her, she cast her gaze forward.

Her eyes then widened as she noticed the ground growing distant from them, broadening her view of the lands beyond. At that moment, she really wished she could fly on her own, because of how open and inviting the air and landscape was compared to the hive. A small smile on her face, her gaze found focus on the ground.

Mantis was waiting for her, and she was ready for him.

Author's Note:

Thank again for reading, and I hope to see you in the next chapter!