• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 3,586 Views, 109 Comments

Animals - Blaze Fury

Me and my cousin have been called freaks our entire lives just because we have animal ears and a tail. Well luckily we can get a second chance, but is it really?

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Chapter 1: A visit to the Vet

All I could see was black as I floated through my mind. I drifted there thinking of everything that has happened until a thought popped into my head. 'Oh my I forgot to tell you guys who I am, didn't I?' I asked no one inparticular. Well I'll go ahead and tell you guys. My name is Cole Witman and I'm thirteen years old. I'm a tanned Caucasian, I have a fairly toned body and I'm a little over four feet tall. Though I highly suggest you not talk about my height or you'll be on the end of my fist. I also have a prosthetic left arm because of a close call I had about seven months ago. My hair is a shiny silver and I have red eyes, and no they aren't contacts. If you want to know what I was wearing before I passed out I'll just tell ya, I had a pair of black jeans, a red zip up jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, and finally a pair of worn out sneakers.

Nate or Natalie Wilcox, she's my cousin, shes eight years old and she's the same color as me, thought a little whiter. She is about a foot or so shorter than I am, and she has blond hair along with green eyes. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a pink jacket with a white spaghetti strap shirt beneath it. Now that is out of the way for you guys I'm just gonna continue to float in the void of my mind. So if you'll excuse me,

"Weeeeeee!" I shouted as I floated away.

2 hours later from first contact

It didn't take long for the two guards to reach the edge of the Everfree and the outskirts of Ponyville. When Strict looked up she could see Celestia's sun setting and she knew what came next. The night. When she was young her Father was murdered by a human when he came home, and ever since then she hated the night and humans. Since that night she vowed to herself that she would find a way to get justice on the human that killed her father. About two and a half years later they found him and had him executed for killing a guard captain. Though Strict still felt that all humans were to blame for her father's death, not just that single human. That's why she had a small sneer on her face as she looked back at the human on her back. 'I bucking hate you all.' she thought to herself as dropped her sneer and looked forward at the small town of Ponyville.

"Come on Iron. The sooner we drop these animals off the quicker we can get some shut eye." Strict said getting a nod from Iron as they continued there journey to the vet's office in town.

The trip was seemingly calm as the trotted through the streets and occasionally getting looks from the public. But they soon looked away because the ponies carrying the bloodied humans were some of Celestia's guards. So obviously nopony would care, and they all just went about their business as if nothing was wrong. Though there was the occasional pet human that would look at them with curiosity, anger, and fear. About forty-five minutes later they reached the vet's office and luckily it was open for a few more hours. So with that they walked in.

On the inside was your typical vet's office. There was paw and hand stickers all over the wall, and there was a lone pony sitting behind the desk was a earth-pony mare. Her coat was a pale orange and she had animals as her cutie mark; her name was Mane Goodall, and she was Ponyville's best vet. When the two guards entered Goodall looked up and smiled, but that smile soon disappeared once she got a look of the two humans on the guards back's.

"Oh dear. What happened?" she asked.

"Don't really know. All I do know is they need medical attention." Strict said as she and Iron arrived at the front desk. Goodall looked down the hallway that was to the left of her.

"Gentlehoof! Soft Touch! Come here!" She yelled. A few seconds later a white coated and pink maned earthpony mare came from the hallway along with a blue coated, two toned maned unicorn mare. The blue coated one was Soft Touch and the white coated one was Gentlehoof. Goodall looked at them before speaking.

"I need you to to get the these humans so medical attention." she said causing the mares to look at the guards and gasp before leaving back down the hallway they came from. When the came back, they had a stretcher and lifted the male of it before they left the room. 'Thank Celestia.' she thought. A few seconds they came back in with the stretcher and grabbed the female before going back. Goodall then gave Strict a clipboard with some paperwork that needed to be signed before heading to the back for her work.

Location: operating room
Perspective: General POV
Time: 9:36 pm

Goodall walked into the operating room and saw that Soft Touch and Gentlehoof were already setting up for the operation.

"Alright, whats the damage?" she asked.

"Patient seems to have a concussion to the head, along with a wound in his leg. There might be a foreign object in there, but that's only speculation." Gentlehoof said not ever looking up from what she was doing. Gentle decided to take his clothes off and had only taken off his shirt when Goodall came in. Now she was taking his pants off, along with his under garments. When she saw what he was packing, she blushed. They also took note of the left metal arm, but left it alone.

"Don't get distracted Gentle. Work comes first." Soft said as she brought some medical supplies to the table.

"Where did you put the female?" Goodall asked as she trotted next to the table and looked at the male.

"I placed her in a kennel after placing the male down." Soft said causing Goodall to look at her.

"Please tell me she's alone."

"Of course, Im not stupid. Now let's get started." Soft said before pausing. She looked over the patient and this seemed to catch the other nurses attention.

"What is it Soft?" Gentle asked.

"I don't know but there's a powerful spell that's been placed on this guy." she said before an idea popped into her head. "Hold on, im gonna try and get ride of it." she then took all of her concentration on a special spell breaking spell that she learned from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Once she flared her horn she shot the spell on the mysterious male and that caused a bright flash to engulf the room causing everypony in the room to cover their eyes with their hooves. When the light died down the nurses brought their hoofs down and gasped. On top of the humans head was a set of fluffy ears and he seemed to be laying on something, and when Soft went and moved him she found he had a grey tail on him.

"Are these natural?" Goodall asked and Gentle tugged on his ears then looked at Goodall and nodded. "Well we'll worry about that later. For now we need to heal him." she said as they all got professional again. "Patient seems to have a foreign object in his left upper leg and a small concussion. Cause of both are unknown and there is no data on how he received them." Goodall said before looking to Gentle. "Could you pass the surgical pliers and scalpel." she asked. Gentle gave them to her and Goodall went to work.

An hour and fifteen minutes later

Goodall, Soft touch, and Gentle hoof were able to properly heal the human and get the foreign object out of his leg. The object in question seemed to be a small ball of metal and judging on how bad it damaged the humans leg he must have been running from griffin poachers and he must have been defending the smaller female from them.

Goodall walked out of the surgery room and back to the front where she saw the female guard from earlier bringing the papers, that she asked her to sign, to the desk. She was a few hoofsteps from the desk when she caught sight of Goodall.

"So how are they?" Strict asked, not because she cared but out of curiosity.

"The girl seems to be fine, though she does have a small concussion. The male was severely injured and could have bled out if you didn't bring him in." Goodall said.

"So they're doing fine right now, good. We need to get back to the guard post and file a report." Strict said as she turned around and started to trot towards the door, with Iron following.

"Though there is something else that happened..." Goodall said nervously as she trialed off. This caused Strict to stop and look back at Goodall with a glare.

"What do you mean 'something else happened'?" she asked caused Goodall to shrink under her stare.

"W-well you wouldn't b-believe me if I told you..." Goodall trailed off again.

"Well then I guess we will have to go see it." Iron said as he walked towards Nurse Goodall. Strict let out a huff and rolled her eyes as she went to follow Iron and Goodall to the surgery room. The walk there was short and quiet as here was nothing to be said. When they got to the doors Goodall stopped them and looked at them with a small frown.

"What's on the other side is human, but he seems to be different and I'd advise you to be calm about it. We don't know when he'll wake, and I don't want him to get aggressive." Goodall said getting nods from the guards, meaning they understood. With that Goodall pushed the doors open and walked in with the guards behind her.

As Strict trotted in with Iron and Goodall she got a good look at the naked human and saw something on him that wasn't on him before. "He has ears on his head." she said with a weird look on her face.

"I guess he does." Iron said as he went over to the human and rubbed his chin with his hoof.

"Yes he does, but he also has a tail." Goodall said as she lifted his rear up and sure enough there was a light grey tail that seemed to need some grooming.

"Do you know what type of species tail this is?" Iron asked.

"It seems to be canine in nature, but we couldn't get an exact answer." Soft said as she walked back in the room.

"Well what of the female?" Strict asked as she had finally came back to reality.

"She's seems to have the same thing as the male, but her's seem to be feline in nature." Soft said as she stuck a needle in the males arm and drew some of his blood before taking it out and placing a small cloth where she penetrated the skin.

"So what are we going to do with them?" Goodall asked.

"Well we'll have to file a report to the higher ups and figure out what to do with them." Strict said as she turned around and stated to walk to the door. "Come on Iron we need to head back to the barracks." she said as she left the room, and she could hear his hooves on the tile floor as he raced to catch up.

"So what are we going to do, sir?" Iron asked as he finally caught up.

"Well I'll send a letter to the princess telling her that we have some strange humans, and she will most likely tell us to send them to HASA for testing." she answered.

"I guess that sounds about right." Iron paused, "So who's doing the paperwork, sir?" he asked.

"Both of us." Strict said causing Iron to groan.

"Sorry Iron, but we were both there so we have to to give our story on what happened. Now lets hurry, I want to get that paperwork done so we can go to bed." Strict said as they quickened their pace to the barracks. They walked in silence as they both thought about the strange humans and what they though was going to happen to them. Strict could care less what happens to them as long as they suffered, but Iron hoped they would be alright.

Time went by slowly for the to as they had to go though and sign about five hundred papers for the paper work, and they were exhausted afterwards. Their room room in the barracks was small and only had enough space for two beds, two desk, and a nightstand to go in between the beds but even then it was still small. when you walked into the room you could see the beds and the nightstand and both desks were on the walls that separated their room from the hallway. Strict let out a huff as she finally finished the paper work and she was about to work on the letter to the princess when iron let out a groan.

"What is it now, Iron?" Strict asked slightly annoyed as she turned around and looked at iron as he was laying his head and front forelegs on the desk's top.

"I'M BORED!" Iron said rather loudly.

"How many papers do you still have to do?" she asked.

"Seventy-five." he responded.

"Well you better get to work. The faster you sign those the quicker you can go to sleep." she said as she turned back around and paid attention to writing the letter to the princess. After about thirty minutes thinking on what to write in her report to the princess, it took her another thirty minutes to write it in full. With it done she read it to herself. When she was done Strict nodded to herself and folded the paper before putting it in an envelope and sealing it. She called in a rookie and asked him if he could deliver it to the mail office before they closed.

"Yes Mam." he said as he saluted her and grabbed the letter and trotted out and headed to his destination. With everything done Strict got up and turned her lamp off before going to her cot. When she looked she saw Iron was fast asleep on his own cot, and snoring too. She shrugged, as she had gotten used to his snoring, so she climbed into her cot sand pulled the covers over her as she slowly went to sleep thinking everything was alright. Little did she know that she had just given that letter to a dirty guard who worked for a underground fighting ring.

Location: Unknown
Perspective: Cole
Time: Unknown

I woke to the slow thumping sound of something as I felt a dull throbbing pain in my leg. Then my memories shot back to me as I remembered everything that had happened to me and Nate'. I recalled getting shot in the leg, to having to comfort Nate' after she shot that asshole, then speeding through the tear in space, crashing the hummer in the clearing, and finally falling unconscious. Then the small thumping came back and I recognized it to be a train. 'I hate trains.' I thought while grumbling. I then looked around and noticed that I was laying on a medical bed with my wrists and ankles strapped to the bed, but what shocked me the most was that I was completely naked. I started to struggle and loosen my binds when I heard a growl. I stopped and stretched my neck to look behind me and what I saw shocked me. There sitting in several cages were humans, but they didn't look like the humans I knew of.

They looked bulkier and more neanderthalish, well at least the males did. The females however looked to be the same, although they were naked. his caused me to blush and turn my attention back to undoing my bonds. After about a minute or so I heard something in the direction of the door and swiveled my ears so I could hear better, and I could hear what sounded like hoofs clopping on the ground. This caused me to stop, close my eyes and relax as I tried to be asleep. Next I heard the door open and then voices.

"Are you sure the human is secure?" I heard a female voice asked. She sounded as if she could play around and still sound serious and professional.

"Yes Captain. We have several spells on the restraints to make sure he can't break them." came a second voice. It was male and sounded of someone who was bored. I squinted my eyes as I tried to look at who was talking and what I saw shocked me. Standing at the end of my bed and on the side of it was two ponies, but what go me more more than the fact that there were ponies talking was that fact that one to my side had wings! Wings I say! Whats next ponies with horns!

"Well have a unicorn mage check them again I want to be sure they're secure." she said, and I saw her heading to the door before I saw another pony run up and she ran up, ...galloped?, to the door and I could barely see that she was sweating. "What is it private?" she asked. 'So I guess Nate' and I got captured by military ponies.' I thought with slight interest.

"Captain there are several unknown targets heading for the train, and they're flying to us." she shouted.

"Iron come on. We have to protect the package." she said as the pony at the end of my bed, or Iron ran out the train car with her. I watched as he shut the door and I could hear the distinct sound of him locking it. I then used my magic to undo the restraints before pausing.

"Dammit I could have done that from the beginning." I said as I sat up. I looked my self over and used my magic to conjure some black jeans. with that done and my genitals covered I hopped off the bed and I could feel the cold metal as it touched my bare feet. Though as soon as my feet touched the floor I heard a boom and then I was knocked off my feet and onto my back. I let out a sigh as one thought came to mind.

"I really hate trains."

Author's Note:

I am so sorry guys that this hasn't gone so fast, but I will tell you this. I'M BACK!! It's summer so I might not be on more than I was, because one I was grounded and two schools over!! Also I passed eleventh grade and now I'm a senior!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter and I hope to get the next one out in the upcoming week. So with that if you haven't already plz slap that like button and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.