• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 3,586 Views, 109 Comments

Animals - Blaze Fury

Me and my cousin have been called freaks our entire lives just because we have animal ears and a tail. Well luckily we can get a second chance, but is it really?

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Chapter 4: Sailing on the Seas

It had been a little over a day since we left the cave on our way North. We hadn't received that much trouble other than the squadron of pegasi that were following us about a few hundred yards back. I haven't ordered for them to shoot them out because I don't want to start a fight with a large nation and I wanted to stay as a non-hostile. But seeing how we have a large moving weapon in our grasp, it was going to be hard not to stay friendly with others. I had gotten word that the griffins knew of what we did back at the old castle and had declared that they will be coming after us, and that they will kill us as sport. My thoughts on the matter was that they can sure as hell try. I mean I may be close to being fifteen, but I'm smarter than most people give me credit for. Plus with the fact that I have a battleship as a weapon against anyone whom would try and harm Natalie and I, along with Erinna. But I'm not going to hurt any other creature with this thing rather than use it as a means of intimidation, though I will destroy other ships when I get the chance.

So I had found a map of the world in the castle before we left and we were headed down the river that connected to Horseshoe Bay. From there we would head north and go to the frozen north and try and find the lost city that was cursed so long ago. The book I found the information in was terribly damaged so I couldn't get the full picture on the subject, but it did tell me there was an inspiring city up there and one day it up and vanished as if it just disappeared. So I set out on finding it, though with the griffins declaring that they will try and kill us and the fact that they are an ocean away will make this a little difficult. All in all everything is going according to my plans, I just wish that griffin king would get that stick out of his ass. I'd never use that as one of my wishes from Erinna because one I doubt it will ever happen, two it's a waste of a perfectly good wish, and three I love the feel of being chased.

Speaking of Erinna, I used a few wishes on her. One of them I asked for her to be our size seeing how she was the size of a barbie doll before. The second was for her to be free and a part of our crew, and the last was free will. I hated seeing her so limited to just what her master said so I set her free and I was shocked when she accepted my offer of joining our crew. That was yesterday and I'll say this, it is really quiet on this ship right now.

Right now I'm walking down one of the many corridors in the ship as I had just finished my nap, and I was headed back to the bridge. I mean I could just teleport with Nightmare's help but I want to see the whole ship. I was just below deck and I finally reached the stairs and I had to pass by a few more of the ship's crew before I was on top. After that I walked towards to bow of the ship and leaned on the railings as the wind blew through my hair. I stared off in front of us and just thought about random stuff and a boring conversation with nightmare, but that was interrupted when I heard someone walk up behind me. I didn't have to look behind me to tell who it was because I could smell her.

"Hey Cole." Erinna said.

"Hey to you too." I said as I continued to look forward.

"So what have you been up to today?" she asked.

"Well I made a plan as to where we're going. We'll head to Horseshoe Bay and after that we head north and go around the Frozen North and build a base in the Luna bay." I intentionally left out the part of staying with Natalie in the medical bay. I have no idea as to what that pony had on his hoof when he hit her but for some reason so just won't wake up.

"That sounds easy, so why do you sound like it's gonna be a pain in the ass?"

"Because you remember the threat the Griffins declared?" she nodded. "Well they're off of Equestria's east coast, and the only thing separating them is a body of water called the Celestial Sea. And guess what body of water we're using to go north?"

"The Celestial Sea."

"Correct. And I have no idea how far Equestria's jurisdiction stretches past their borders. Doesn't matter really, if they start a fight with humans you can bet we'll gladly finish it." I said before we stood there in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the view. I then looked at Erinna and I have to say that she did look kind of cute at times. With her tanned skin, black hair and magnificent blue eyes it just made her so beautiful. I shook my head as I tried to get those thoughts from my head.

"Someone's in love~" Nightmare said.

'Shut up dude.' I thought before striking up another conversation with Erinna. "So Erinna what have you been up to?" I asked.

"Well I have been guiding the robots-" she started.

"Ship's crew." I corrected as I interrupted her. They may be robots, but for some they look like humans now. I had asked Erinna about that and she said that it's an upgrade she gave them so we would be able to fit in better, and some other thing that they think they're humans. I don't really know but if they pull their weight then that makes them one of the crew.

", ship's crew on what to do and what we're doing and going in the next few days; other than that nothing much really. How about you? Anything else you've been doing?"

"I've been by Natalie's side. I don't now why she won't wake up, and I've tried every spell and herbal remedy she taught me but nothings working. Why won't she wake?" I said as I started to cry, and I felt Erinna hug me as the tears fell from my eyes.

"Hey it'll be fine, I'm sure she'll pull through. Ya know she's stronger than you think." she then started to rub my back and I let the tears go for sometime before regaining my composure.

"Yea I guess you're right. But I can't help but worry, she's like a sister to me." I said as I wiped my tears away.

"I know." she said as she stop what she was doing and back away. I stood straight up again and looked out on the river in front of us. It won't be long until we reach Horseshoe Bay and have to pass by Baltimare. I knew that Equestria's military will try and stop us, and I'm not going to use any of the weapons on board this ship to move them and I'm sure as hell not gonna order to stop this thing either.

"So how much longer until we reach Horseshoe Bay?" Erinna asked.

"With the way the current is, about half an hour." I said.

"I don't know why you won't use the engines. We'd get there faster." she grumbled.

"We can't. We're on limited supplies as it is, and the current is moving us along just fine."

"But you could wish for more sup-"

"No. I'm not going to use you for that." I said as I looked at her. "You're a dear friend Erinna. And I may not have been with you for my entire live but I trust you with it, just know that. Now I need to go to the bridge, we'll be at the bay in about ten minutes." I said as I walked off and I heard Erinna mumble something before she teleported off somewhere else. Even with my enhanced hearing I didn't catch what she said, and part of me really wants to know what she said and the other doesn't really care. I walked past the torrents of the ship and over to the bridge structure and entered.

"So how are we doing this?" Nightmare asked.

'We're just going to sail right by them. I'm not going to instigate a war with a powerful nation.' I thought as I reached the stairs that lead to the next floor.

"Okay I can see that but what about after? The Equestrian military won't leave us alone, not with this thing in our possession. Since they don't know what the battleship can do they won't leave."

'I know. Then we also have to deal with the griffins when we get into the Celestial Sea, and knowing them if they attack us and we retaliate they'll declare war on us. Plus with the League of Nations meeting together in about a months time we can't start anything, least the griffins get other nations to help attack us.'

"I still don't see what the big fucking deal is. I mean no offence, but you're just a human. One Human. What would they gain from defeating you? Other than this ship."

'Oh they won't get their filthy talons on my ship. In the event that Natalie and I were to die I had a fail safe added to the systems of the ship. If I give the command this ship will self-destruct. I'll be damned if I let those egotistical bastards get their talons on something this revolutionary.' During our little conversation in my head I had cleared three floors and was on the one with the bridge.

"You know I just now realized this, but you are really paranoid." Nightmare said as I finally reached the bridges entrance. When I entered all the robots in the room saluted me, and I said to them to be at ease as I walked over to the windows and I could see the entrance of Horseshoe Bay not a fourth of a mile away. But in the bay was about five wooden ships and on their sails was the Equestrian logo, so I'm guessing those are military ships. I crossed my arms behind me as I watched us get closer to the bay, and I heard one of the robots walk up next to me. She was the same robot that asked me why we were heading north when we started to leave, and I made her Second in command. She decided to call herself Denise Hally; she was around white with brunet hair and green eyes. I had no idea what she thought her age was because one every one of the robots are around my height and two she hasn't told me. I know I said that I was going to talk with Erinna and have her remove the militaristic talk but I kind of like it. Makes me feel important to other's. Anyways back to the situation at hand, Hally had just walked up beside me and looked out at the bay as well.

"Sir what are your orders when we reach the bay?" she asked.

"Before we do I want the engines started up and ready to burn. Next I want us to start speeding up to a nice cruising speed." I answered.

"If the Equestrian ship's get in the way?"

"It's their fault, not ours." I said and she nodded before walking back over to where she was before I came in and relayed the orders I gave.

Location: Horseshoe Bay
Perspective: Celestia
Time: 11:45 am

I tried to reason with the human male and have him kept safe in Canterlot, but he did something else I thought was impossible for him to do. He blasted me and several of my guards away with magic. Magic! Humans can't perform magic, unless he's using Nightmare's magic. That's the only thing that I can think of. When I awoke after being knocked out from his blast I had to tell the elements that I could handle him and with my sister and Nightmare Moon I think we can handle him. I don't really like having to life with the thing that corrupted my sister but I guess what that human said was correct, she was born from Luna's jealousy so that makes her a part of Luna.

So Luna, Moon as she likes to be called, and I were standing on one of the several ships we had stationed in Horseshoe Bay as we waited for the humans to come. I had got word that when they left they headed further into the Everfree and a patrol of Pegasi had caught sight of a large metal ship leaving a cave and heading towards this bay. I had planned on stopping them when they get here, and hopefully it'll work.

"Tia are thou sure this is a good idea?" Luna asked me. She was smaller than she was a thousand years ago because of her absence to magic, but in a few weeks time she'll be back to her original size. Moon however was the same height as I was. Anyways Moon was to the left of me and Luna was to the right. All three of us were standing on the bow of one of the ships that was closest to the entrance of the river that entered the bay.

"I'm not sure. With the way he acted back at the castle I presume he panicked when I said he'd be sent to a facility." I said.

"Well I don't think that was a very wise thing to say. Especially since he was already surrounded by a few platoons of guards." Moon said.

"Yes We agree with Moon on that. It was not a very smart idea to act out sister." Luna said. I could see their ship coming down the river a few hundred yards away and it was getting closer by the second.

"I guess it wasn't." I said as I sat down on my hunches, my sisters did the same as I did and we watched the beast get closer. It didn't take long for the ship to reach the end of the river and I could see in the distance by Baltimare that there were many reporters trying to get a decent picture of the beast as it moved. A bright flash caught my attention and I could see on the very edge of the bow, where a little spot was, was the very same human that knocked me out about a day ago. I got up and walked to the edge of the ship so I could get a closer view. I could hear a crowd in the distance so I'm guessing this thing had caught a lot of attention, but that didn't matter as I needed to stop him before he left my, I mean my sisters and my country. If he does I won't have any say in what happens.

As his ship drew near I could see the determined look on his face that said he wasn't going to stop. I had a really bad feeling that he wasn't and whatever 'plan' he had forming in his mind, he'd do anything to achieve it. 'I have a very bad feeling about this.' I thought to myself before I placed a spell on myself that would make my voice louder.

"Human please stop this!" I shouted. He waved his hand in the air and then looked to the ship we were on.

"Sorry Celestia, but I can't do that." he shouted back.

"Please I beg you! The other countries will try and kill you!"

"And what, stay with you and be put in a research facility? I'd take my chances with several nations on my ass." he said as his ship passed ours. At that moment another one of my ships moved into the way of his ship and with his ship speeding up I don't think he's going to stop. The next thing that happened was his ship rammed into the one in his way and tore it in half. There multiple yells and screams coming from the ship he destroyed and I ordered somepony to go over and check to see if everypony was alright.

"Sister, he just destroyed one of our battleships by moving." Luna said in disbelief.

"How is that possible?" Moon asked

"It must be whatever metal his ship is made from, because there isn't even a scratch." Luna said as the human and his ship continued out of the bay. I stood there stunned at what just happened. He just destroyed one of our military ships by plowing through it. So I watched as his ship left and went around the edge of the Bay to the left and I ordered for us to move out and follow him. If I couldn't get him to stay then I'll watch him out.

We caught up to him with the help of my sisters and my magic helping increase the speed of the ships. The human seemed to be staying relatively close to the shore. I don't know what he had planned but he seemed to be trying to keep it safe, and luckily he was still in Equestria's boundaries. We were right in front of Baltimare's beach where the large crowd I heard earlier was and I'll tell you, it was packed. I then heard a sound off in the distance.

"Do you hear that?" I asked as I concentrated on the sound.

"I can barely hear it, but it sounds like..." Moon said.

"Something falling." Luna finished and just as she said that there was an explosion on the bow of the humans ship, right where he stood.

Location: The Dreadnought, front deck
Perspective: Cole
Time: right after the explosion

"Son of a bitch that was close." Nightmare said as he lowered my arm.

"Yea nice take over there." I said as I took control of my body again, but kept my arm stretched in the air.

"Who do you think did that?" he asked.

"Definitely wasn't the Equestrians. Whatever hit us was the size of a sixteen inch armor piercing round, which is meant for this ships main battery cannons." I said as I started to get a bad feeling. I noticed the smoke was disappointing to where everyone could see me so I lowered my arm. I could hear the alarms going off on the ship as I looked around in the direction that round came from but I couldn't see anything. "Nightmare I need you to teleport me back to the bridge."

"Sure thing." he said and the next second I was on the bridge, and everyone in there was rushing about.

"Stop the ship and give me a Damage report!" I ordered.

"Nothing major sir!" a robot said.

"What hit us?!" I shouted as I picked up a pair of binoculars and looked out into the water that surrounded us.

"We don't know sir, there's nothing out there." another robot said.

"Check the thermals." I said.

"Yes sir." I heard Denise say. I continued to look out and around but couldn't see anything, and I hoped it showed on the thermals. "Ah sir you may want to take a look at this." Denise said after a minute or so. I put the binoculars down and walked over to the computer that Denise was using and looked at it. What I saw left me trying to think of what to say; on the screen was definite outlines of three battleships.

"Who the hell's on those ships?" Nightmare asked.

"I'd like to know the same thing. Can you please teleport me back onto the deck?" I asked him as I grabbed a walkie talkie I had connected to all the intercoms on the ship. The next moment I was back on the deck of the ship and I looked out in the direction that those battleships where in. The problem was that when I was looking at the thermal screen, all three of those ships looked exactly like this one. So someone must of snuck into the cave and copied the designs for the ship, and luckily I hadn't added any of the ammunition to the ship at that time.

"What do you think there armament is?" Nightmare asked as I brought the binoculars back up to my eyes.

"Well seeing how we didn't have any ammunition board at the time they may have spied on the ship, I'd say they're using cannon balls the size of a sixteen inch round. They maybe cannon balls but if they hit this ship in the right spots they can destroy it."

"I guess we can't let that happen can we?" he asked and for some reason my tail started to wag.

"No we can't." I said as I brought the walkie talkie to my mouth, "I want all main battery torrents trained at two, one, zero." and as I said that all the torrents turn to full broadside. "Now don't fire until I say."

Location: Off the coast on the ship
Perspective: Luna
Time: after the explosion

I have seen many things in my years but the shocking act of the one who saved me from the darkness get killed out of the blue left me speechless. I looked to my sisters and saw they had looks of shock as well, so I wasn't the only one. I sat there for a few seconds before I regained my composure.

"Sister is he alive?" I asked causing Celestia to come back.

"I don't know Lulu, but I doubt he still is." she said as the smoked started to clear and I squinted my eyes as I tried to look for him. As the smoke cleared I could see the outline of the human standing there with his arm out stretched.

"It can't be..." I mumbled.

"He's still alive!" Moon yelled as she hopped up, but quickly sat back down when she noticed hundreds of eyes on her.

"How can he do the things he does!?" Celestia yelled.

"It could be the nightmare." I said as he disappeared in a flash.

"Damnit!" Celestia said causing me to gasp.


"Sorry, sorry. It's just he's so different from the other humans." she wailed.

"And what will you do if you can get your hooves on him, hmmm?" Moon asked.

"I don't know, just..." Celestia said as a blush formed on her face.

"Oh Faust please don't tell us." I said and waited. My sister started to fidget and her blush grew. "Oh thou are! Thou have a crush on the human!" I yelled.

"Luna be quiet!" she whined.

"Hmm I wouldn't have taken you to be swayed by a single individual, Celestia." Moon said.

"Please don't rub it in." Tia said as she covered her face with her hooves. I then saw another flash and the human was back on the deck with what looked to be some black cylinders tied together.

"Sister he's back, and what does he have in his hands?" I asked.

"That my dear sister is a pair of binoculars. They're used to look at things that are far distances away." Celestia said as her blush vanished and it took a second until it seemed something dawned on her. "What's he looking at though." she said as she summoned a pair too and looked in them for a minute or so.

"Well?" Moon said.

"Nothing. There's nothing out there." she said. I heard the sound of something moving and saw the three big things on the ship turn towards the starboard side of the ship, out in the direction he was looking. The next thing that happened was a deafening boom as explosions erupted from the ends of the cannons. Since we were right next to the ship on it's port side, all I could hear was a constant ringing. My vision was blurry but I could still see, and off in the distance I saw several more explosions go off. After the smoke cleared from them, sitting out there in the water, was three more ships that looked exactly like the humans. Although when I grabbed the binoculars my sister had used and got a closer view at them , they had a red and gold theme on them and their flag was drastically different from the one on the human's ship.

"Since when did the griffins get battleships like that?" I asked as the ringing finally stopped.

"I don't know, but there will be word of this at the next League of Nations meeting in a month. They kept information on technology that, even though for war, could've helped other nations." Celestia said as she stood on her hooves and looked at the three ships.

"What do you think the humans going to do?" Moon asked.

"If I was him, I would destroy them." my sister said just as another deafening boom rang out from the cannons again. I placed a spell bubble on all of our ships that would decrease the amount of volume let in the bubble. I didn't want to admit it but my sisters helped me with the spell. I hate being like this, all weak and almost powerless. The only thing I can properly do is levitate an item. I will also not admit this to anypony else but I also have a crush on the human. A knight in armor that rescued me from the nightmare that had infested me so long ago, and now he's on the front lines with a great weapon. I'd love to have a talk with him alone, 'Maybe when I get enough of my powers back I can talk to him in his dreams.' I thought to myself as a smile grew on my face.

Location: The Dreadnought
Perspective: Cole
Time: after the second volley

"Reload, reload." I shouted into the walkie. Not that far away I could see another volley from them heading this way.

"You know it's not a very smart idea to be standing out in the open where they could easily hit you." Nightmare said.

"Yea but I feel as if this is more exciting standing out here, and with your help I won't die." I said in a cheery voice as I looked in the binoculars and saw that one of the ships was listing to the right too much. "It seems we hit one." I said as my tail started to wag even more and a smile grew on my face, which showed my fangs.

"You are one crazy son of a bitch you know that? And would you stop wagging your tail!" Nightmare yelled.

"Sorry can't help it." I said just as their volley hit my ship, and I pulled the walkie back up. "Damage report?"

"A few dents in the hull sir." came a male voice.

"Well since the ship to the far left is sinking, aim at the middle ship's torrents." I said and the torrents moved a little to the right before they left out a deafening boom and another explosion. I felt the ship kick back a few inches after that and I guess I'm starting to feel that thrill my dad always said his dad had in time like this.

"You're insane!" Nightmare yelled in my head.

'You're one to talk!' I said in my head and I watched our second volley hit the middle ships torrents and I saw another explosion erupt from there. "God damn I love this!" I yelled as I started to laugh. My laughing was cut short when the next volley of theirs came and hit directly where I was at. Nightmare was able to put up another shield put the force of it knocked me onto the deck, hard. I tried to break my fall with my hands but that ended badly for my non-metal one.

"Fuck." I grunted as I pushed myself up. I felt pain flair in my right arm and I tried moving it, but that was a bad idea as more pain came to my arm. "I think they broke my arm." I said and I really wanted to cry out in pain but I was in front of the leaders of a large nation and a few thousand citizens of said nation. "What kind of rounds was that?!" i shouted.

"They seemed to have been high explosive rounds." Nightmare said as I stood back up. "Are you alright? " he asked.

"Oh I don't know. How about you ask my broken arm that!" I said. "Dammit that hurt like a bitch, and still does." I grabbed the walkie off the deck and looked at the ships in the distance before speaking. "Load in the HE rounds and aim at the ship to the far right. I want that damn thing at the bottom of the ocean." I said in a very calm voice which was laced with hatred. The torrents moved a little bit to the right and I waited for a few seconds before another boom rung out and I watched the volley soar through the air and hit the target dead on. Several of the rounds hit the bow of the ship while others hit the bridge.

When I looked in the binoculars at the ships I saw that the far left one was gone, the far right was being claimed by the ocean and the middle one was burning up. Thank god we were able to destroy them but the question still remains, who did they belong to? So with that thought in mind I turned around and looked for the ship with the princesses on it, which wasn't hard seeing how they were all looking right at me. I summoned a sling for my arm before I took a running start, jumped into the air and landed on the deck of their ship.

"Hey, I need some answers from you guys." I said in Equish. They seemed to be looking at me as if I was something impossible to be. And it seemed Luna was the first to come around.

"What do you want to know?" she asked, which set me on edge because they were willingly giving me information. What was their plan?

"I want to know who those ships belonged to." I said as my expression got serious.

"It was the griffins." Celestia said and I felt anger well inside before I turned around and punched the mast with my left arm, creating a dent in it in the shape of my fist. When I turned around I saw them looking at me in shock.

"Sorry. Kind of got angry."

"It's..... alright. What else would you like to know?"

"Yea, are you going to follow me where ever I go?"

"Of course not. We have a nation to take care of." Moon said.

"Good because I need you to stop following me now. I don't need unnecessary casualties. With me retaliating to their attacks, the griffins will sure as hell declare war on us. And there is no telling how many more battleships they built from my design." I said but paused for a second as I thought on something. 'I could give them a cell phone to call me if they ever need help.... hmmmm.' I thought.

"Are you sure that's a wise Idea? They'll take the cell phone and try and copy it so they can use it you know." Nightmare said.

'I kind of figured that, so I guess I'll leave them two then.'

"Still don't think this is a good idea." he said as he spawned to smart phones in my hand.

"Here. Use one of them to stay in contact with me if my help is needed, and the other do whatever you what with it." I said as I turned around and proceeded to head back to my ship when I felt a tug in my shirt.

"Wait, where are you going?" I heard Luna ask.

"I'm heading north, and that's all you need to know." I said as I crouched down and jumped to my ship. When I landed I headed straight for the med bay because this broken arm was bothering the hell out of me.

Location: Near the Griffin Isles
Time: A day later

A lot has happened since we left after the fight with the griffins. Remember when I said they might have more battleships, I wasn't lying. We had come into contact with at least four more of them. They did considerable damage to the dreadnought, as we are down a torrent and have two compartments full of water. We were lucky to have gotten past the last one as it seemed to be larger than the others, but we weren't able to sink it. That ship had fled the battle and went back to where ever it came from, which didn't settle good with me. When I went to the med bay Erinna was there waiting and she was crying her eyes out. She told me that if I wasn't there she wouldn't know what to do seeing as I've been leading everyone this whole time. she also confessed her feelings to me and I really didn't want to hurt her so I'd say we try but in truth I wasn't really looking for love, well for now at least. But if it made her happy I'd do it.

I'm still wherry as to how many more battleships they built, and I'm still shocked as to how many they have now. The only way I can think of them having that many is if they forced people to build them. But we have defeated them all since we left the bay and no doubt defeat the rest, but I can't get too over confident. We're running low on torrent ammo and food. There is a town on the Griffin isles that I plan on stopping at when we get to it. It's going to take a long time to head to Luna bay but we'll get there eventually, all I hope is that we do make it.

Location: Trottingham dock
Perspective: Cole
Time: 11:30 am, a half day later

We had stopped here at Trottingham to restock on what we can. The only things we could get from here was coal for the ships engines and food, and I would use those wishes Erinna said she would do for the ammo but I don't want to use her for that. Plus I feel this rush when we're like this. Natalie finally woke up from her sleep and I was so happy as to finally hear her voice again and for her to tell me she was okay. She told me that she had the strangest dream, one that where I died and she was trapped in a nightmare as she was stuck in a research facility back on Earth. I knew she knew that we weren't there anymore but it seemed that it still haunted her. I asked Nightmare as to why she asleep for that long and he said that it was because when I took him from Luna that some of his nightmarish influence may have entered in her and the only way for her to wake up was for her to overcome her fears.

I was standing on the bow of the ship as I looked out at the ocean and in the distance I could see the train bridge that connected the railroad to Equestria and the Griffonia. I crossed my arms as I knew something was wrong; it's been too quiet since the last time we ran into the griffins, and I don't like it.

"I believe they'll attack again soon." Nightmare said.

'Yea I can feel it.' I thought as I turned around and saw Denise standing there.

"Sir we have everything we need and are ready to go." she said.

"Thank you for informing me Hally. Let's get ready to go then." I said and she nodded before we went to the bridge where I found Erinna and Natalie standing there looking out on the city. Natalie looked so happy to see everyone so happy, and mainly there were no humans there at all. Which I found weird seeing how this was a pony settlement, but it doesn't really matter. The inhabitants weren't a problem so there was nothing to worry about.

"You girls enjoying yourselves?" I asked as I walked up to them.

"Yea cuz. I just wish that we weren't running from people again." Natalie said in a sad tone.

"Hey don't worry, they'll stop chasing us soon. I promise." I then looked to Erinna and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "So how have you been?"

"I've been good. I'm a little bored to be honest, since all there is to do is lay around or walk." she said.

"Well when we reach Luna bay and build a base there you can do whatever you want to it. All I ask is make it look militaristic outside and in important rooms. Now I need to ask you a very important question, do you feel uneasy right now?" I asked as I looked out the window.

"Yea now that you mention it I do." Erinna said.

"So do I." Natalie said.

"Yea I've had that feeling ever since the last griffin battleship we faced left. Griffins aren't known to run away from a fight, least they disgrace their honor."

"So you're saying they'll try and attack us again." Erinna said as she was starting to get the picture.

"Yes and I think they'll attack when we are close to the train bridge." I said.

"Well we'll leave you to do what you need." Erinna said as she picked Natalie up, "I need to go and teach this one some more spells and how to speak Equish." and with that they left.

"Sir we're ready to go." a male robot said.

"Have we pumped all the water out of the compartments?" I asked.

"Yes sir. We also repaired the torrent and it's back in working order." he said.

"Good. Let's move out; we have a lot of water to cross." I said as we slowly moved away from the dock. It didn't take us long to pass the Griffin Isles had head to the bridge ahead, but the peacefulness was cut off when the alarms went off.

"Sir torpedoes inbound." a robot said.

'Shit!' I yelled in my head. "Can we dodge?!"

"No sir! It's five seconds out!"

"Wait, it's just one!" I yelled as the entire ship shuddered, causing me to almost lose my balance, and an explosion erupted from the bow.

"Sir the first four compartments have been compromised!" Denise yelled.

"Seal them off! Where are the griffins at?!"

"They're off to the side the Griffin Isles heading this way." a male robot said.

"Okay, slow the ship to half speed and let them get ahead of us. I have a plan." I said as we slowed down and I watched as the large battleship from before past us. I saw them speed by and then turn around about a mile ahead of us. 'What are you planning.' I thought as I squinted my eyes. I picked up my walkie talkie in my left hand and turned it to the channel for the gun room. "I want all torrents broadside, starboard side." I said, and the torrents turned to the right. I then switched the com to the engine room before speaking again. "Hard to port." I ordered.

"Aye aye sir." came a voice from the talkie. The ship then turned to the left and I could see the griffins ship turn to us, before firing three more torpedoes ahead of us. 'Well they can think.' I thought.

"Drop port anchor." I said.

"But sir." a voice came back and I continued to watch the torpedoes getting closer to where we're going to be.

"Drop it now!" I yelled and I saw the chain for the port side anchor start to move, which then started moving even faster as we went.

"This is the end. We're going to die." Nightmare said as I felt him start to panic.

'We are going to die.' I said in my head.

"What! Stop being so fucking calm!" he yelled, and I could start to feel his anger. "Why did I choose to go with someone who's insane!" he whined in my head.

'You're gonna die, I'm gonna die.' I thought.

"I'm gonna die." Nightmare said as he started to cry.

'We are all going to die.' I then gave a pause, 'Just not today.' and as I said that the chain went taut and the ship stopped instantly. We then started to drift to the right and I watched as the torpedoes passed by. But one of the must have hit because a blast a water came from the port side of the tip of the bow. I then looked out the windows to the right and saw that us and the griffins were side by side.

"Aim for the hull! Just sink the damn thing!" I yelled on the talkie. I watched the torrents level out before I yelled again, "Fire!" with that we opened fire on the behemoth. Just like I ordered all the shots hit the hull of the ship, and I had no idea if they were doing any damage because I have no idea how thick their armor is. Luckily for us their front torrent was still destroyed but they still had three more, which is the same as us.

"You're fucking insane!!" Nightmare yelled.

"Release the anchor." I ordered. 'Would you chill. I just wanted to perform something from one of my favorite movies.' I thought as I continued to watch.

"Just because it's from a movie doesn't mean it will work!"

'Well it seemed to work for us.'

"Yea this time! You got lucky." he said as he seemed to calm down. The griffins fired off a volley at us and I watched as they soared to us. The crew did their best to shot the rounds but they eventually hit us. Several of the hit the deck, while a few of them hit the rear torrent. All exploded on contact, which meant they destroyed the torrent we fixed while we were back at the dock in Trottingham.

"Dammit we just fixed that! Fire four of the harpoon missiles!" I ordered and I watched and I heard the missiles launch off and head to the target. The RGM-84 Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile was designed to destroy ships, no matter how much armor. It has several platforms to be launched, and by sea is one of them. I watched the missiles hit the ship on it's port side and literally rip the metal apart, creating a large gash in the side. The griffins fired off a final volley as their ship listed heavily to the side before capsizing, and sinking. Their volley destroyed more of our deck and damaged two of the barrels in our front torrent right in front of the Bridge tower.

"Phew. Glad that's over." I said before I turned around and faced the crew in the bridge. "Damage report?" I asked.

"The first four compartments are flooded, the second torrent has two damaged barrels, the rear torrent is destroyed, the deck is on fire and the hull has several dents along the starboard side." one of the robots said.

"Are we still able to sail?" I asked.

"Yes sir." another one said.

"Good. I want that fire put out and set the ship to full steam ahead; we continue the preset course." I said as we headed to the bridge. I saw movement up there and what looked like a shitty tank up there. It had the boxy look to it and the long pole sticking out the front, and it also had a red and gold theme to it. Just like the ships. "Aim the front torrent at the hill up there." I said as I pointed to the spot where the tank was at. Not a second later, one of the torrents barrels moved up and aimed where it was and fired. Nothing was left of the tank and it seemed that the explosion may have caused too much damage, because the support beams that held the bridge up on the Griffonia side were splintering and the next thing that happened was the entire bridge just collapsed into the little nook that connected the Celestial Sea and the Frozen Sea up north.

"Well Celestia is going to chew me out for that." I said.

"Yea. She will, and those no telling how much paper work her and her sisters will have to do for this." Nightmare said and I could just feel the smile that was on his face right about now.

"Yea and I'm going to get lectured for it." I said aloud.

"Sir, who are you talking to?" Denise asked.

"No one Hally. Can we get through that?" I asked as I pointed to the spot in the water where the bridge had sunk into.

"Yes sir, but we'll have to be careful." she said.

"Okay, then let's head to our destination." I said as I crossed my arms behind my back.

Author's Note:

Hey guys and gals. Here is the next chapter for Animals. I hope you enjoy it and still like the story. Now for any of you lot that didn't want or like the battle's I can assure you that there won't be any for a long time. I just wanted to let the world of Equis know of the power of man kinds ingenuity, and I also made it to where the ship wasn't over powered. I know I used that move in the move Battleship where Alex Hopper made the ship drift before attacking the aliens. All I can say is that I wanted to implement that in my story and that will be the first and the last terrible reference in this story.

If there is anything you may want to see in the story in the future just post a comment and I'll get to it. I want you guys to have some say in the story progress, because let's face it. Sometimes I have shitty ideas and I can't believe they are good.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, please leave a comment telling me what you liked or hated about this chapter. Remember, the only way I can make it better is by your power. But in all guy I'm really glad you still like this still and I'll catch you in the next chapter, and remember May the Tides of Revolution Carry You My Friends.