• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 3,586 Views, 109 Comments

Animals - Blaze Fury

Me and my cousin have been called freaks our entire lives just because we have animal ears and a tail. Well luckily we can get a second chance, but is it really?

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Chapter 3: Sweet Dreams Young One

It's been close to two years since we first came to this world. I was hoping that it would have been a free world, one where you wouldn't be discriminated by what you look like but I was wrong. In this world, Equis as it's called, the humans here are the animals and are owned, hunted, showed off, or eaten by the other races. Ironic isn't it? The human race, once a unyielding force brought down to nothing but animals. Even though the others of my race sought to capture Nate and me for our powers, they don't deserve this. Plus I know that these are different humans because they are more neanderthalish. They act more on instincts than brains and they also seemed to have a pack mentality. I know all of this because since we escaped that day, I headed into the forest that was behind the small town and for some reason they didn't seem too keen on following us in there.

I made several trips into the town at night to gain information and luckily they had a library. Yes I did steal some books, but I brought them back. I learned that Natalie and I were in a country called Equestria, funny right? A country ran by ponies, called 'Equestria'! HA! What a riot!! All I really hoped for is that they don't have anymore horse puns about America besides Manehatten, Trottingham, Las Pegasus, Baltimare, Fillydelphia, and Vanhoover. I groaned so much when I read those names, and this got me thinking. How could they be so close to making their cities sound so much like ours? There might be some magical or dimensional anomaly somewhere thats causing this. I might be thinking about this too much, but I digress. This forest that we have called home is called the Everfree and it has that name for a reason, because these ponies control the weather but not in the forest. So Im guessing thats where it got it's name, plus all the animals in here are really weird.

Back to where I need to get we set camp in this old castle, that I later found out was the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters, where Celestia and Luna lived. I've been looking through all the history books that was at the library, but I couldn't find any pictures of this 'Luna', only Celestia. A huge shock came to me when I read that Celestia was over a thousand years old; I wonder how many cakes she has to have to fill it with those candles. Anyways I kind of went over to the Griffin Empire, in disguise of course, as a young dragon drake. Natalie and I had killed a few dragons that were deep in the Everfree and I went over there to commission a ship, a battleship. Though not the newest ones, but the ones from WWII. When I told them I wanted a ship I didn't specify on the details, all I said was that I wanted them to build a hull with the strongest materials they had, paint it light grey on top, have a black strip down each side in the middle and make below the black line red. After that I would handle the rest. Luckily for me there was a large cave at the edge of the Everfree where I could store the hull and build the rest of the damn thing.

In my adventures in the forest I ran into a tan pegasus, whom was scared of me. I saved her from a giant cat-thing that went by the name of Ahuizotl. I found a weird idol on a stand in one of the temples she decided to go to and it seemed to have a genie in it. Her name is Erinna and she may be a bitch, but I'm glad to have her on my team. I used one of the wishes to finish building the ship to the way I wanted it and I'll tell you this it looks badass. About two months went by and when I went back to the Golden Oaks library, as i found out later on, that this 'Daring Do' pony was actually an author for a book series that was strangely familiar to Indiana Jones form Earth. Ever since then neither Natalie nor I have come across any equines, though we did find a few packs of wild humans. There was also this time I found a large pack of humans with black spots on them, but they were easy to predict as they were even stupider than other humans. I later found out that those were infected humans and one bite or scratch and whom ever was hit would die in a matter of hours, in a painful death might I add. After that I decided to train with using a bow and arrow since we had very little ammo and firing a gun would attract too much attention.

Natalie spent her time in the forest training in mental magic, which meant that she had to meditate a lot of the time. She also learned to use herbs and herbal magic from a zebra that lived in the Everfree. I was there when we first met her, and she fainted as soon as we talked. I expected her to scream her lungs off, but I guess in a state of shock she still knew that it was best not to scream. After that rough encounter we became friends with her and she seemed very helpful. She also told us about a legend of the Mare in the moon when I asked about why there was a horse on the face of the moon. So in about four months she would return and try and plunge this world into eternal darkness, and Natalie and I wasn't gonna let that happen.

So to sum it up I found a genie and added her to our team, learned more about the land we've been in, bought and built a battleship, became a star in a popular novel series, and got good with a bow and arrow. Learned about herbs and made a new friend in the Everfree. Now we're waiting for the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, which is a day away and I was preparing for the fight that was going to happen. I don't know if Celestia has a plan to stop Nightmare, but I have to do something. Sorry if I didn't put all of those things in order, I'm the kind of guy to remember things that interest me at the moment.

Right now I was in the old castle and in an old room I turned into my little personal gym. I was throwing punches at a punching bag as I looked back on the past, but I was interrupted when something wet hit the back of my head. I stopped mid swing and looked back and saw Natalie there with a smirk on her face.

"You work yourself too much." she said as she walked over to the bench that was near me.

"I need to get ready for the fight. I'm going to be fighting an alicorn." I said as I whipped the sweat of my forehead before going back to hitting the bag. I had gotten into the martial arts fighting styles; which include karate, judo, muay tai, taekwondo, aikido, traditional boxing and a few more I can't really remember. Keep in mind I only know the basics, but I know how to preform all the styles I just need practice.

"Don't think your going to do this alone. I'm helping one way or another."

"Fine, but you listen to what I tell you alright?" I said because I knew there was no stopping her. When she has her mind set on something, she'll do anything to get whatever it is.

"Okay dad." she said with a groan.

"Natalie I'm being serious here. This mare can move the moon with her magic, and it's a freakin celestial body," I said as I let another punch hit the bag, but this time hitting it harder. "I don't want to be responsible if anything happens to you." I finished as I threw multiple punches, each one with more strength than the last causing the chains to snap and the bag to fall to the floor.

"Fine I'll listen." she said as she hopped up off the bench. "You're such a worry-wort sometimes, ya know that?"

"Better be safe than sorry." I turned around and started to whip my sweat. *sigh*"That was a good work out," I said before taking a deep breath and nearly choking. "and maybe now I can work on a shower."

"I wasn't going to say anything, but you are in a desperate need for one." Nate said as she pinched her nose.

"Yea you're right, but how come you weren't gagging since you came in?" I asked.

"I placed a spell on myself that takes my ability to smell for a short time." she then paused. "I'm not stupid you know. I did learn from last time." she finished as she walked out of the room and to somewhere else in the castle. I, on the other hand, got my white tank top and headed for the once old but now new bathroom to take a much needed shower.

I walked down one of the many hallways in the castle and had to step over some rubble as I continued on. The reason for the rubble still being here is because I couldn't risk the chance of the pegasi that sometimes fly over wondering why most of the castle isn't destroyed. I wanted to hide here until a little after Luna comes back. I finally reached the showers and it was one of the few rooms we fully rebuilt, for privacy reasons. The room was relatively big for a bathroom; as soon as you walked in to the left was a long sink that ended after about ten feet and after that was a weird toilet. I guess that was the toilets used by the ponies, but we added another one for us. Across the room was a shower and a tub, both separate. Although they're too bug for us, considering the tub could be used as a small pool for Nate and I, since they were made for the alicorns. I had added a few more shower heads in the shower, but only one was used at a time, for modesty reasons. There was even a closet next to the tub for a ton of towels, but I had put some of my new pairs of underwear in there so I wouldn't have to walk out in a towel, same for Natalie. You might be wondering why not a bra too, well the reason for that is because she is only ten. So she's not old enough for her assets to be there, and yes I know about this stuff all because I grabbed the wrong book at the library one night.

I closed the door behind me before stripping my clothing and looking myself in the mirror. Over the time I started to work out and practice the martial arts that I knew, I had gained some muscle mass. Not much but enough for it to be noticeable. I gave a small smile and a chuckle as I turned and got into the shower. It didn't take me long to clean myself so I stood there for a little while as I felt the water hit me on the head and cascade down my body. Thoughts of home started to resurface in my mind, and I hate having to remember these. The life I left behind, I mean it wasn't that bad but it still hurt to know that I left my loved ones behind and I'll never see them again. Sometimes I catch Nate crying herself to sleep because she misses her mom, and it hurts me when I do catch her.

I gave a sigh and shook me head; I really needed to not think of this. I needed to be calm and collective for tomorrow. I let a lone tear out from my left eye as I turned the water off. I couldn't tell where to tear went as it had joined the mass of water that had still been going down my face. I opened the door to the shower and grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I got a clean pair of under wear from it the closet next to the tub and put them on along with some socks, with them on I walked to the door, turned off the lights and exited the bathroom. When I entered the hallway I could see the moons light coming through the open roof and I looked up at the moon and had to resist the urge to howl. I maybe human, but I'm still part wolf mind you. I stopped looking at the moon and went to put some clothes on, and It doesn't take me long as I put on a pair if black jeans and a white shirt. So with that done I went about my night as usual, which included working on the hummer that we came here in.

Now even after the two years we have been here I still haven't fixed it, and the reason for that is because I have had more important things to get done. I mean I could use one of the many wishes from Erinna, but where would the fun be in that? The only things that needed to be fixed is the interior, front and rear axles and wheel mounts. I have already fixed the axles in my spare time, now all I need is to fix the wheel mounts and I can connect the wheels back onto the car. I spent close to four hours fixing the mounts but I finally fixed it so I clapped my hands together as I pushed myself out from under the lifted truck before standing.

"And tell me again why you didn't want to use my powers to fix this 'truck' as you called it?" a squeaky voice asked from my left shoulder causing me to sigh.

"Because Erinna I said that there wouldn't be any fun in that. I may be bad at fixing cars but that doesn't mean that I don't find any fun in it." I said as I looked at her.

"Yea, and that accounts for all the yelling?" she said with a sly smile.

"S-shut up. you know I have a short temper sometimes." I then felt my face heat up with embarrassment.

"I'm just messin' with ya. Now I think it's time for you to get some rest.... you have a serious fight in a few hours." she said with a warm smile.

"Yea I guess you're right." I said as I turned everything off and left the room. It was in a large storage closet at the back of the castle so it's going to take a little while to get where I wanted to go to sleep at.

"Well I guess I will see you tomorrow. I need to get some sleep too." Erinna said with a long yawn at the end.

"Goodnight Erinna." I said as I started to walk away.

"Goodnight to you too Cole." I just gave a wave as I headed back to the bathroom to take another shower. The shower I took was short as I was strapped for time right now. With that done I headed off to the room that was across from the room that withheld the elements form the world, and I went to this The walk there was quite and quick as I only had five hours to sleep and I needed to sleep. I was bone tired and I risked it with getting the truck back into working order. I arrived in the old room where the pedestal for the elements was located at and the room was heavily damaged, almost as if a battle had taken place here. I wouldn't know since non of the books I had looked at had any information about why the castle was abandoned. I really don't care for the reason this place was empty, it was somewhere me and Natalie could live safe for the past two years.

I looked around the room for somewhere to sleep, a place where I could be hidden and stealthy when Nightmare Moon got here. I spotted some rafters at the end of the room just above a large glass window and opposite of the large doorway that led to a set of stairs that went down, and I just shrugged as I jumped up there and laid down on the rafters and slowly drifted to sleep, strangely thinking about if the ponies will be nice to us.

I was awoken by a vibration that sounded almost as if someone was stomping on the ground. I looked down to see whom had woken me from my dreamless sleep saw a familiar purple unicorn and a large black alicorn. I gave a sigh before thinking, 'Welp, showtime.' The unicorn looked heart broken and I wondered why, that was until I looked back at the alicorn and saw what was left of the elements.

'Shit thats not good.' I thought to myself before creating a mental link with Natalie. 'Natalie are you awake?' I asked and I got nothing in return so I guess she was.

"You little foal. Thinking you could defeat me!" Nightmare said as she shot her head forward causing the unicorn to flinch back and look down. "Now you will never see your princess," at that moment her hair seemed to take a mind of it's own as it shot up. "or your sun." she said as she narrowed her eyes.

'Natalie Wake Up!' I screamed over the link, and after that I could hear several thoughts as I felt Nate wake up.

'The heck do you want?! I was having an awesome dream!' she yelled.

'Well Nightmare Moon is here and she might be about to kill a unicorn that is in her way.' I thought as I got into a pouncing position, and luckily the unicorn hasn't seen me yet.

"The Night Will Last FOREVER! MUAHAHAHAHA!" she said and I felt her power slightly increase.

'Nate I hope you hurry. I don't know how long I can stand this pony.' I thought as I resisted the urge to groan.

'Why? She can't be that bad.' she thought and I could feel her presence getting closer.

'Well she's cheesy, and you know how much I hate people being like that.' I thought as I heard multiple voices coming up the stairs yelling 'Twilight' repeatedly, and I guessing since the purple unicorn responded to the voices that her name was Twilight. My ears twitched as I faintly heard her gasp. She stood in the same place but turned her head to where she could still see the exit and also see Nightmare.

"You think you can destroy the elements of harmony just like that?" Twilight said as she turned around and stomped her hoof down. "Well you're wrong. Because the spirits of the elements of harmony are right HERE!" she finished and I had just noticed five new mares standing behind her. One was a unicorn, two were earth ponies and the other two were pegasi. I completely tuned them out as I watched Nightmare's reaction to the spectacle. At first she looked angry, but I watched as that anger slowly turned to desperation and it was strong enough for me to smell it.

"You still don't have the sixth element. The spark didn't work." Nightmare said as she continued to look behind her and Twilight. What was she planning? I really hope she doesn't know where I'm at right now.

"But it did. A different kind of spark." Twilight said with determination before turning around and facing the five mares. "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized you all," she turned around and faced Nightmare again. " are my friends!" After she said that I saw a bright light and had to shield my eyes, but when I got used to it I saw another element fly down to Twilight and hover there.

"You see Nightmare Moon," Twilight continued. " when those elements are ignited by the" she paused, "the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element. The element of MAGIC" she said and with that the final element started to glow even more until the entire room was encompassed with the light. I didn't see what happened because of the light but when it died down I saw the six floating in the air and then a rainbow beam shot out and arched into the air, headed straight for Nightmare moon.

The beam would have hit Nightmare but I watched her put up a shield, which blocked the beam from hitting her. But it seemed to be too much for her since when the beam ended her shield shattered and she was thrown back, and she skid across the floor until she hit the stone wall under the window. The six mares slowly floated down to the ground and when they touched down the light fully faded, and I saw the elements were now five necklaces and a tiara. They all gasped when they opened their eyes and saw that Luna was Nightmare Moon still.

"Why didn't the elements work?" Twilight questioned aloud. My attention was drawn to the six and saw their shocked expressions, and I felt sorry for them. They tried but it wasn't enough. A villainous laugh had drawn my attention and it seemed to come from none other than the cheesy one. She was slowly getting up and I'll tell you this, the look she had on her face somewhat scared me.

"Was that all the elements could do?" She said as she smiled, showing off her sharp teeth. "Because for them to defeat me once but not a second time is joyous!" Her smile then vanished and was replaced with a murderous look as she walked forward. "Now if you'll be so kind and die." She then charged her horn and I had no idea as to what spell she was going to use but I knew it wasn't good. I made a split second decision as I pushed off the rafter and pounced.

I let out a growl as I soared in the air to my target. My growl caused Moony to stop her spell and look behind her, and when she saw me her eyes widened in shock. I landed on her and with my momentum I knocked her off her hooves and I didn't want to be near her when she got up so I used my arms and flipped forward a few feet away from where she landed. I looked at the six mares and they looked back at me in shock and fear.

"Is that a wild human?" one of them whispered. I didn't pay attention to them as I turned back to Nightmare as she got up and let out a groan.

"I will admit human, you caught me by surprise. But YOU DARE ATTACK ME?!" she said, yelling the last part which caused me to cover my animal ears in pain.

"Damn ya don't have ta yell." I said as I shook my head. When I looked back at her I was met with a blast over magic, and luckily I had my arms up as a shield. The blast caused me to slide back a few feet, still on my feet I looked up at her stunned face and smirked. "That all you got? Because my grandmother could hit harder." She seemed to know I was taunting her because her pupils constricted and the next second she was in front of me. Her look scared the hell out of me and in that split second I jumped out of the way as a tendril from her hair created a crater where I once stood.

"Stand still so I can kill you!" she said with a creepy look.

"Sorry, not gonna happen." I said as I landed a few yards away. I looked at the six mares and gave them a serious look. "I need you lot to get somewhere safe. I'll tell you when I need you to fire that beam again." I said just as Nightmare came at me again.

"Now stay still!" she yelled as she conjured several different swords and tried to stab me but I just dodged every one of them. I continued to dodge until I could find an opening, and when she had the swords too far from her I found it. I shot forward and swiftly roundhouse kicked her in the face sending her sliding across the floor.

"Ready to give up?" I asked as I put my leg down and brought my arms up in a traditional boxing shield while I hopped from foot to foot.

"I've never had this much trouble with a single human before. Why are you so much trouble?" she asked as she got up and spat some blood on the floor.

"Because I'm smarter than the average human." I said with a smile.

"DON'T MOCK ME HUMAN!" she yelled, causing me to pause. Did she...? I think she may understand me in some way.

"Wait can you understand me?" I asked with caution.

"Now's not the time for idle talk." she said as she conjured another set of swords and shot them at me. I jumped out of the way but one of the swords redirected it's trajectory and hit me in the leg causing me to scream in pain. Since I was distracted I couldn't land properly and landed on my side with a thud. "Not so confident are we?" she mocked. 'Natalie I need you!' I thought in a slight panic.

'Hold your horses, I'm almost there.' I heard her voice in my head.

'Well I'm having trouble holding one horse, so please hurry.' I thought as I yanked the sword from my leg. Blood started to flow from the wound but I clasped my hand on it and pushed some of my magic in it, and within seconds it was gone. It may not be there anymore but I can still feel the pain from it. I slowly stood up and looked at Nightmare as I flicked the sword down making the blood that was on the blade splatter on the floor. The sword in my hand looked to be a very simple looking katana, but it had this weird magic around it.

"How?" She said as she looked at me once again in shock.

"Like I said. I'm not your average human." I said in their language causing several gasps to ring in the room. I also heard a thud and when I looked over at the six girls, the white pony had fainted.

"You're him, aren't you?" Twilight asked, and I gave her a confused look. "The human form two years ago that was in Canterlot." she clarified.

"And you're the purple unicorn that was on the balcony." I said as I looked forward and saw Nightmare a few feet away from me and she was about to strike me with her sword, a double edged long sword to be exact. I brought the katana up in time to block her strike and parry it away. She then brought her sword back up and stuck again, and I parried it again. We continued this until I charged some of my magic into the blade and swung with all my might, and when my blade connected with hers it shattered into pieces. I then jumped back a few feet because I didn't know what she was going to pull next, but judging by her shock expression she's trying to figure out how I broke her sword.

"That was a heavily enchanted sword, one meant to not break or rust. How were you able to break it?" she asked with an unnatural calm.

"Because I used my magic." I said in English again.

"Be that way. I'll get rid of you one way or another." she said as she teleported somewhere. I then positioned myself to where I was in a seigan no kamae stance as I waited and listened to where she would reappear. I heard a slight fizzle next to me and I jumped just as she came back to this plane, and avoided another sword strike. She then rushed me and I stuck her sword again and broke it, and I followed that with another roundhouse kick to the side of her head. She shot to the floor and when she hit the ground it created a dust cloud and I'm sure I put a crater in the floor. I then threw my new sword to the side and saw it embed itself in the floor; I did this because I wanted to use my bare hands rather than a sword. A few seconds later the dust was blown away but a gust of wind and when I finally saw Nightmare again, she looked livid.

"No more foaling around, it's time I dealt with you." she said as she closed her eyes and charged her horn. My eyes hardened and I pulled a dick move as I ran up to her, but slowed down as I drew near her. When I was right in front of her I brought my hand up and brought it close to my face, and promptly bitch slapped her across her muzzle. Her spell fizzled out and she opened her eyes in shock as she brought her right fore hoof up to her cheek.

"No." I simply said. Her shock turned to fury as her eyes started to glow and shine white.

"I've had about enough of yo-" I didn't let her finish as I slapped her again. She brought her hoof up and it connected with my gut, knocking the wind out of me and sending me a couple of yards back. "Stop slapping me." she said as I heaved in pain. Just then someone landed in front of me and I saw it was Natalie.

"B-bout *cough*damn time you got here." I wheezed out as I tried to regain my breath.

"Sorry for being late. I had to get everything ready to go since someone didn't do it." she said as she turned her back to my opponent. I was about to warn her to not turn her back to the nightmare but it was to late as she yanked backwards by Nightmare's magic and held right next to her face.

"And what do we have here? A mate?" She questioned.

"What?! Gross!" Natalie yelled with a blush, and I had one as well.

"Doesn't matter she'll be dead soon, along with you." as she conjured a dagger. I shot forward and was about to roundhouse kick her with my right foot in the face again but she brought Natalie up in the way. I stopped my foot just inches away from her body, but I wasn't going to stop. I was too pissed at her to give up so I redirected my center of gravity and quickly hopped onto my right foot and kicked the other side of her face with my left foot. She dropped Natalie and fell on her side as she lost her balance, and I went over and stretched my arm to Natalie who excepted it. I pulled her up and she gave me a nod and looked at nightmare, whom was laying on the ground unconscious.

"Did you have to kick her that hard?" Nate asked.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Don't be, now what do we do with her?" she asked as she pointed to the alicorn in question.

"I'm going to separate them." I said as I walked over to Nightmare and placed a hand on her head before casting a complex spell I learned a while ago. This spell allows the caster to go into the mind of whom ever he or she is touching. When I finished casting the spell I closed my eyes and I couldn't feel the anything around me.

When I opened my eyes I was on what appeared to be the moon, and I'll be completely honest I freaked out a teensy bit. When I finally realized I wasn't suffocating or going to die I took in my surroundings. I was indeed on a moon and it seemed vacant besides the giant planet next to this thing, but I could feel two presences close by. Without asking who it was, because I already knew, I ran to where I felt them reside and found them in a large crater. In the center of the crater Nightmare Moon seemed to be yelling at a much smaller Luna who was being held down by chains. I jumped up and slide down the side of the crater and ran until I was about one or two yards away, and when I got close they both looked at me. Nightmare's was one of hate and Luna's was of shock.

"How did a filthy human get in here?" Nightmare asked.

"I used a complex spell made by Starswirl the Bearded." I said as I came to a stop.

"Ha don't make me laugh. A human that can use magic.... is.... preposterous." she said and finished off in a mumble.

"What? Surprised to be taking to a human again?" I asked as I crossed my arms. She stayed silent for a few seconds and I'm guessing her brain was trying to compute what's going on right now.

"Very well. What reason do you have for coming into my domain?" she asked as she spread her wings, trying to look intimidating.

"I came to separate you and Luna." I said with a serious expression.

"You must be insane if you think i'll agree to do that. If you do that I'll be nothing else." Nightmare said a she slightly started to panic.

"Not necessary. You were born from Luna's jealousy so in turn are a part of her. There was an out side force that actually gave you life, an entity called the Nightmare. It's a parasitic creature that feeds off the fears and insecurities of others." I explained.

"So what does that make me, her daughter?" Moon said as she pointed a hoof to Luna who's face showed panic at that statement.

"You could be or you could be her sister, it's your choice. Now I need to find the parasite before I leave this plane."

"I don't think that will be a problem for you." a new voice said.

"Come on dude, when I take you out I'm not gonna kill you." I said. I needed to keep the parasite alive because I may need him in the future, and I'm gonna try and fulfill one of my plans.

"And what after? Use me as a science experiment!" it yelled.

"No, I'll let you inside me." I said, and none of the others said anything. "What? Was it something I said?" I asked as I was completely confused. Luna and Moon had blushes on their muzzles and I could distinctly hear someone trying to hold back laughter.

"Phhhahahaaha!! Oh Faust thats funny!" the parasite yelled as it continued to laugh.

"You know what I meant. Now do you want to come with me or face the judgment of Celestia?" I asked causing the laughing to stop.

"What would I gain if I joined you?" it asked.

"Nothing really." I stood there for a few minutes as I waited for a response and then a figure materialized in front of me. It was entirely black and the only thing that could make it look like it was a living being was the white dots it had that resembled eyes. It kind of freaked me out but I calmed down. I guess since it revealed itself that it wanted to go with me.

"Am I That scary?" it asked.

"Somewhat, but before we go can you do something about that?" I asked as I gestured to all of him. I'm just gonna call him a 'him' because it'll be easier on me.

"What's wrong with the way I look?" he asked with an annoyed tone.

"Because it may help with others, and it somewhat creeps me out." I said.

"Creeps you out? It doesn't even scare you?" he asked and I just shook my head. "Fine." With that he snapped what im guessing was his fingers and the next moment he looked to be a human with black hair and red eyes with white pupils. "Better?" I nodded.

"How are you going to come along with me?" I asked as I had no real idea as to how he would do that.

"Like this." he said as he placed his hand on my head and I saw a light glow and then go. "There I should enter your mind once we leave. Now lets go I would rather leave this places before sunbutt gets here."

"Before we go I need to separate these two." I said as I went up to Moon and slapped her.

"That wasn't separating me from Luna!" Moon yelled.

"No, that was for threatening to kill Natalie and I'll be frank, i'm very protective of her. I see her as a little sister and I'll do anything to protect her. But I will not kill." I said as I prepared to separate them.

"Why won't you kill?" Moon asked.

"Because I promised Natalie I wouldn't, but that doesn't meant I won't beat someone to an inch of their lives." I said as I finished making the spell that would give Moon her own body and separate Luna. The bad part is I'm gonna have to use some of Luna's magic for the spell to completely work. "Now be your own!" I yelled as I released the spell which caused a blinding flash.

I opened my eyes and removed my hand from Moons form. When I did, her body created a blinding flash just like in the mindscape and the entire room was filled with a bright light that no one could see through. When it died down in the place of Nightmare Moon was a smaller light blue alicorn. Her mane had the same look as Moons, a brilliant night sky. Next to her was Moon, both of them were still out cold. I took in my surroundings and saw that the same six mares were in the room..... along with multiple guards, who had spears pointed at me.

"Mind not pointing those at me?" I asked. I knew they couldn't understand me because I'm speaking another language but it's worth a try.

"Guards stand down." said a regal voice behind me. When I looked to the voice I saw the same alicorn from two years ago, Princess Celestia. All the guards that had their spears pointed at me took them back, if reluctantly. "Now little one why are you here?" she asked.

"I was here for the past two years. They trespassed in my home so I was going to help them get on their way." I said as I stood up. At my full height I only reached the point where her arms reached her torso, so I was fairly short compared to her. Heck I'm just as tall as a late teenage pony.

"Well thank you for saving my sister from that monster." she said as she motioned to Moon with her horn. "Now I think we need to lock her up for the crimes she has committed." she said the next part with a harsh glare before igniting her horn. I knew that Moon wasn't the culprit, rather the nightmare parasite that is in my head, whom is being suspiciously quiet. I jumped forward and tapped her horn causing her magic to fizz out, because I have learned that when you touch a unicorn's or alicorn's horn it will knock their concentration off. I have no idea why it does it but I'm not questioning it. My little stunt caused all the guards to surround me, so I'm guessing they are really protective of their princess.

After shaking off her shock, Celestia looked at me with a look that I couldn't tell what she was thinking, rather it felt as if she was trying to analyze me. "Tell me human, why did you stop me?" she asked.

"Princess why are you talking to a human? You know they-" a guard said before I cut him off.

"Because why would condemn your sister?" I said as I answered her question with a question. Some guards dropped their spears while other pointed them closer at me, it didn't matter to me no way. I needed to get the fact the Moon is her sister and that she didn't need to punish her that greatly for it. Actually I don't think she needs to be punished, the way that the populous will treat her will be punishment enough.

"She is not my sister! She's the reason why I had to banish my sister to the moon for a thousand years!" She yelled in anger.

"Is she? What if I told you that the parasite that corrupted your sister resides in my mind? What if I told you that the pony you call 'Nightmare Moon' was the by product and creation from Luna's jealousy."

"If that is true then why do you have that monster inside your mind? Is it allowing you to talk?" she asked seemingly ignoring the fact that I just said that Moon could be her sister.

"I keep him inside my mind because I plan on using him in the future to further my plans, and as for the talking..." I started as I made circles with my hand, "he allows me to talk your language easier so there isn't too much strain on my mind." I said as I turned around and had my back facing her. The way that it makes it easier is because of his magic and knowledge I don't have an entire language running through my mind as I talk.

"So you can speak another language?"

"Yes. It's called English." I said before wincing in pain as I felt a twinge of pain in my skull. "Now I need to go. I have plans that need to be set into motion." I said as I started to walk away and around the guards, but I was stopped as something tugged on the collar of my shirt causing me to look back and see Celestia's horn ablaze and an golden glow on the neck of my shirt.

"Your not going anywhere. You are a anomaly that needs to be researched and known." she said and panic started to set in as my fears started to come back. I really did want to be nice to them and not hostile but at this point my hands are tied because I really didn't Natalie and I to go to some research facility. They'll just treat us as animals, me as a piece of meat and Natalie as a brood.

"Celestia. I'll give you five seconds to let go of my shirt." I said.

"Please just-" she started.


"come with us. If-"


"you do I promise that they-"


"won't harm you in-"


"the slightest. Please!" Celestia finished and I could hear her pleading me to come along but I wasn't going to.

"Five." I finished as I stretched up and extended my arm before balling it into a fist. I brought my arm down and punched the ground, creating a shock wave that sent all the ponies surrounding me away. The guards went the furthest since they were the lightest, but Celestia only went about two yards. I didn't ponder on that as I looked over to the six mares and I saw them looking back at me in fear. I looked around and saw that Natalie wasn't anywhere and I wasn't going to get any information from the guards so I guess I'll ask them. I slowly stood up and walked to them and as I neared them they started to back up until their flanks hit the wall. When that happened I stopped and crouched down so I wasn't trying to intimidate them.

"Now I'm going to ask this once, where did they take Natalie?" I asked with a extremely calm voice. The blue pegasus decided to show some guts as she was in my face in a matter of a second.

"And what makes you think we'll tell a freak like you?! Huh?!" she yelled.

"Rainbow!" Twilight shouted from behind her.

"I know what you could be feeling at a time like this, however Natalie is someone I really care about. And if anything bad happens to her, well let's just say that it won't be very pleasant for you." I said but for some reason when I said 'pleasant' it seemed to have had a distortion to it. I don't really care seeing how it scared all of them and made the rainbow one back up again.

"S-she w-was taken by some g-guards n-not too long a-ago." Twilight said as she shook in fear. I let a smile grace my face as I got what I wanted to hear.

"See was that so hard?" I rhetorically asked. I stood back up and turned around before jumping through the holes in the ceiling and landing on the old roof. I could see the entire castle from here and I looked down to the old court yard and saw a lot of guards. What really caught my attention was Natalie being dragged outside, on a collar. Not a lot of people know this but because Natalie and I are part animals we take treatment like that much more seriously.

'Nightmare, I might need your help with this.' I thought.

'What will you need my help with?' he asked as I heard his voice in my heard for the first time.

'Well with all those guards down there it's gonna be hard to get her out of there. Plus when I jump down there they will be on me.'

'And where are you going with this?'

'I'm trying to say that I may need a magic boost if I can't get out on my own. Also why have you been quiet?' I asked.

'Because I've been awake for a thousand years. For some reason I couldn't sleep when I was on the moon with Luna and Nightmare Moon.'

'I just wanted to know what you were doing in my head. Now let's get this show on the road.' I thought as I ran and jumped off the roof and soared through the air. When I reached the arch of my jump I saw Natalie punch the guard in his head and he punched her back causing her to go limp. I aimed for the guard that had knocked Natalie out. I felt a rush that I always loved as I fell down and landed on the guard, and I seemed to have knocked him out cold. I stood up and looked around to see all the other guards picking up their weapons or pointing them at me.

"Be a nice human and be good." one guard said. I held back a laugh as I did a three-sixty and saw that I was indeed surrounded, just as I thought was going to happen. I slowly turned around and around taking in my surroundings. Even if I did get out of the several guards surrounding me I'd have to deal with all the others and have to protect Natalie. They slowly moved closer but I stood my ground as they neared.

'Nightmare I need that magic boost.' I thought. I was going to use the extra magic to try and stop time and get the hell out of here.

'You got it.' he said and not a second later I felt the magic within me times by five. My hair and nails grew longer at first but then I felt an excruciating pain as most of my bones rearranged themselves. I let out a scream as my body changed but that scream soon turned into a howl. When the pain stopped I was laying on my side and I was breathing heavily, but I pushed through and stood onto my..... paws?

'Nightmare the hell happened to me?!' I shouted in my head.

'I don't know! It happened as soon as I let some of my magic into your system. I'm guessing that your natural genes took a hold of my magic and boosted your animal side.' he said in a panic.

'Well you better hope that I can turn back or else I'll find a way to get back at you.' I said to him before I let out a growl causing the guards to run away. 'Nightmare can I get a mirror?' I asked and in front of me came a mirror and when I saw myself I couldn't help by gasp or at least something that resembled a gasp. In the reflection was a giant grey wolf with glowing red eyes, and I had to admit that I looked badass. But I couldn't dwell with what I looked like, I needed to leave so I put Natalie's body on my back and I felt her grab onto my neck. With her in my possession I wrote a little message in the dirt before I ran away and headed to where the hummer was stored. I didn't run into any of the pony guards as I avoided any of them when I got close so I got there relatively fast. When I got to the storage room Erinna came flying a me causing me to try and stop but ended up skidding across the floor. When I stopped she flew over and into my face.

"Cole is that you?" she asked, and since I was a wolf I couldn't respond so I just nodded. "What happened?" I shook my head and looked at Natalie on my back and then to the hummer. Erinna seemed to know what I was getting at and teleported her into the truck. Erinna looked at me with a look that seemed to ask me what she needed to do next.

'Really wish I could talk.' I thought as I looked from Erinna and then the driver door of the truck.

"What? do you want me to drive it?" she asked and I nodded again. "But I don't know how!" she shouted as she shot her arms into the air and I just gave her a look that said to get in the damn truck. "Fine." she then flew into the truck and not a second later the beast's engine roared to life. I saw Erinna stick her head out the window before she spoke, "Where are we going?" she asked. I thought of a way to tell her and I used my claws to claw the message into the stone in front of me. Of course I wrote it to where she could read it and I saw her squint her eyes before letting out an 'oh' and I just nodded before running off in the direction of the giant cave. As soon as I got outside I saw Erinna bust through the back wall and I looked at her as if she was crazy.

"I heard it come from over here!" I faintly heard. 'Shit their onto us.' I thought as I continued to my destination with Erinna and the hummer behind me.

I arrived at the back entrance to the cave after running from the guards for about half an hour. I told Nightmare to stop letting me use his power and I turned back into my original form, which felt just as bad as turning into the wolf and luckily my clothes were still on me when I turned back. I wasn't going to question it because I never question magic. Anyways I had to tell Erinna which direction to go to because I had to distract the ponies so they could get to the cave first. Natalie was still unconscious which was worrying the hell out of me, but I had to get us all out I directed Erinna in the secret entrance and onto the dock where the ship was moored. I used one of the wishes I had when I asked her to teleport the hummer onto the rear deck and for it to be strapped down, and I used another for an entire crew of robots that knew how to command this ship. I was going to be the captain of the ship because I needed to get to where I wanted to go and I had no idea how difficult these things would be, or the reason was because I really don't trust advanced technology.

But anyways I asked for a robot to take Natalie to the medical bay before heading to the bridge. Along the way there were robots running everywhere getting everything ready. From fixing the electric systems to arming the ships weapons, all those things were at work. I made it to the bridge and looked outside the front of the cave and at the bow. I haven't told you guys this for a reason but this battleship is an Iowa-class battleship and I made it resemble the USS Missouri, and the reason why is because I loved the battleships of that time and I loved this ship.My grandfather served in WWII and was stationed on the USS Missouri, but he was killed during the final battle where the empire of Japan surrendered. After staring at the bow of the ship for a while I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a robot standing there, and strangely enough it resembled a female.

"Sir, we are ready to set sail. All weapons are primed and loaded, engines are burning bright and the currents good. We wait for your call." she said. I say she because it had a very feminine physique to her body. I shook my head and looked back at the bow and river.

"Full steam ahead. We head out to sea and then we go north." I said.

"Sir, may I speak freely?" she asked. I'm going to have a word with Erinna later about the militaristic talk these robots have. I don't like it and it slightly annoys me.

"You may." I said as I crossed my arms behind my back.

"Why are we heading north?"

"Because," I said as I looked back at her with a hard gaze. "The ponies have left something there."

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter and I would really love telling me what you thought of the chapter. It would mean a lot. Also you may be confused as to why some of Cole's and Natalie's lines were italics, well the reason why is because when it is like that it means they are speaking english and when it's not in italics that means they're speaking Equish or any other language on the planet.
"Please to god tell me you didn't leave anything important back at the Castle."
"Sir I may have found something important."

Also the reason why Erinna can understand Cole and Natalie is because she is a genie and knows all languages in the universe. I hope that will whap your appetite for the information Anyways I hope that this was to your liking and I'll see you guys next time in Chapter 4: Sailing on the Seas.

I'm gonna be using a new phrase at the end of every chapter from now on and I want you to tell me what you think of it.

May the Tides of Revolution Carry You My Friends.