• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 3,584 Views, 109 Comments

Animals - Blaze Fury

Me and my cousin have been called freaks our entire lives just because we have animal ears and a tail. Well luckily we can get a second chance, but is it really?

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Chapter 7: Chaos all Around

Location: Human Assessment and Safety Administration; Research and testing building, Canterlot
Perspective: Cole
Time: Unknown

After I regained consciousness when the incident in Ponyville was over I was in a blank white room. Time passed before I was greeted by ponies in lab coats, and I knew automatically this wasn't going to be good. I then spent the next few weeks going from test to test. I was treated like an animal, since I was one in their eyes. I was tested on my physical capabilities to the way I could apparently handle magic. They even opened my body while I was awake, but at least they had the decency to put me on pain killers.

The princess had made time to visit over the weeks, but she knew nothing about what they had been doing to me. The cuts that they had made were healed with magic so they left no marks, so the Princess was none the wiser. Really wish I could tell Celestia about the stuff going on here but it would blow my cover, and said cover is already being stretched thin.

The stories Celestia told me while I was there were helping me, would help if I didn't have to wear a muzzle and a straight jacket. From her telling me about her students adventures about learning the magic of friendship to the mundane things she had to deal with on a day to day basis. The funniest thing was when they had the Grand Galloping Gala, meant to be a party for the top of society, but turned into a shit show when her students friends turned everything around.

The last test was meant to be today, and hopefully it'll be different. My morning was spent in relative silence after i was given food as the usual schedule would play out. Wake up, wait, be fed, wait again, be strapped down and taken to testing, come back wan wait some more, eat, then go to sleep. I don't feel anything towards these ponies, well some anyways. There are some here i'd wish nothing but the worst towards them. I may be an animal in their eyes, but i am still a living creature. As i sat there in my cell after eating it didn't take them long before they came in and and knocked me down.

"Stay down and be a good little mutt." one pony said before placing a cloth bag over my head and restraining my arms.

"Solid you don't have to be mean to him." the other said.

"All he is is a stupid mutt that knows nothing besides mating and doing Celestia knows what else." Solid said, and i could hear the sneer on his face. After that the walk was silent and i tried to memorize the way so in cast i need to go back to my cell, but the walk ended after a few minutes when i heard a door open to my left.

"Ah test subject 735, how are you today?" im guessing a doctor asked.

"Doctor you do know he can't talk right?" Solid said rhetorically.

"Yes he can, abnormals can do a lot of things ordinary humans can't." the doctor chided causing Solid to suck in his teeth.

"Whatever. Here's you bucking mutt." he said before shoving me. Since it was unexpected i fell to the ground. Not a second after I felt that I was being picked up in what I'm assuming was the doctor's magic aura.

"Go do what you need to do Solid wall, before i have you tested next." The doctor said with venom in her voice. Listening to the sound of hooves hitting tile i waited for about half a minute before they grew distant and eventually disappeared. "Alright 735, lets go and get your final test done." she said as we went into im guessing the room she came from.

Last test? This could be it, and i hope to god i don't even come back to the nightmare of a place. It may not have been grim dark and torturous, but it borderline was. I just went alone with everything until they sat me done before removing the bag on my head. The first thing i saw was blinding light as my retinas were assaulted by the brightness. When my vision returned i saw a young female human across from me. As i looked her over i saw she was chained to the wall across from me as she tried to come to me, pulling the collar tight around her neck in the process. I also noticed that there was something wrong, i could smell something in the air which made me uncomfortable. Her face was flush and she was panting as she tried to get to me. I was knocked out of my thinking when i heard the sound of the doors to this room shut and the sound of a microphone coming to life.

"Alright test subject 735, you will now engage with this human." the same doctor from before said. I raise an eyebrow at that, before i heard a click. Said click caused the chain connected to her collar to drop to the ground, which caused her to start charging me. I took a defensive stance as she rushed me, but i was caught off guard as when she got near me she circled me before presenting herself to me. 'Oh hell no!' I thought to myself. I try not to curse but this is a big NO. I just ignored her and walked over to where the window and doctors were. As I neared i heard the sound of hands and feet hitting hard tile. When the sound got close i ran and did a back flip off the window. With me now behind her she crashed into the window, creating a small crack. I watched as she slumped down upside down. She was still panting and i could tell she was in dire need of relief, but sadly I wasn't going to relieve the heat within the moist cavern. Nope, this adventurer isn't the proper rank yet.

Sirens went off as I heard the sound of cracking, and looking towards the window i saw that the small crack was spreading. I gave a toothy smile before walking up to the original crack. Bring back my right arm back and shattered the window.

"ALERT! CODE RED I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL! ABNORMAL HUMAN IS FREE! CONTAIN IT AT ALL COSTS AND DO NOT KILL IT." I heard the speakers blare. I really couldn't run since even though the window was wide open this damned female would let me go. I kept dodging her as she tried to tackle me to the ground. I wasn't about to lose my vcard like this. It felt like eternity as i tried to dodge her before everything just froze.

"What do we have here? A human not from this world, and making so much wonderful chaos." a voice echoed around. I got into another defensive stance as I turned around and around, trying to find the source. "But you weren't the one I wanted." I heard before i felt something grip my neck and choke me. I blinked and when i opened my eyes again I saw a monster. It look like a mismatch animal from a child's coloring book. I dint bother looking at it in greater detail as I tried to loosen the grip on throat.

"Even though you did give me a good meal with the amount of chaos you made a few months ago, i'm going to have to get rid of you." I looked at him in horror as i gagged. "You see, you weren't the one, a fail experiment, nothing and something that should have been disposed of when you failed." he continued before tightening his grip even more. "You just had to keep on pestering the cat girl didn't you? You just couldn't leave her alone! No matter you don't need to know anything. I'll let my past self deal with you." He said before he trow me against the wall. Pain arched into my side on impact and i think i may have broke something, but it was hard to tell as i tried to breath. But every time i breathed in I felt a searing pain in my chest.

'I guess I broke a rib or two.' I thought as I sat there trying to breath. I didn't get to contemplate anything else as I started to sink into a swirling black and white portal.

Location: Unknown
Perspective: Unknown
Time: Unknown

A portal opened up in the middle of a clearing in a forest in the middle of Equestria. The swirling black and white portal remained open until Cole fell through, causing it to close immediately. As soon as he hit the ground, screaming could be heard as he rolled from side to side. The screaming was cut short as a being landed next to him and grabbed his throat.

"I've been waiting to see you." the being said as it lifted Cole up and brought him face to face with the same creature from before. "

"You are -argh- one ugly motherfucker." Cole said as he tried to get free from the beings grasp.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is that any way to treat someone who is allowing you to live? You may have the ability to use magic, maybe even my form of magic; but you are nowhere near the power that I posses." the being said as he summoned a chair atop a hill near them. Said chair was weirdly shaped and had antlers on top and red shapes that looked to be eyes at the center piece of the chair.

"Who are you?" Cole asked as he stopped struggling, knowing that it was useless to struggle any longer since this being was right. He was weak compared to him.

"I am the only Draconequus in this version of existence and I am known as Discord. Lord and God of chaos." Discord responded with a theatrical bow. "And like i said before you arrived, or well i will say I guess, you don't need to know anymore since it'll be pointless to tell you. Dead men can't talk so..." he said before dropping Cole at the base of his throne.

"What are you going to me?" Cole asked.

"I guess I can humor you on that." Discord said as he smacked his lips. "There's this fun little thing that I like to do is to overload peoples magic and let it consume them. Turning them into mindless feral beasts."

Cole's eyes widened and fear lased into them at that thought. He knew that he couldn't corrupt him with his magic since it was a form of good magic, nightmares magic however, was a different story. His was pure dark magic, magic for the evil and wicked and any who unleash it in it's entirety will be consumed by the abyss. Discord looked at him and gave a smug grin.

"W-why are you doing this?" Cole asked.

"Because I can, and nobody or pony can stop me." Discord said before he started humming in thought. "You know I think I'll be merciful for once in my existence. Once i cause you to go feral I'll keep you as my pet instead of killing you. Never know, these ponies might resist me and rebel against my chaos."

"What?! Y-you can't do that!" Cole nearly shouted. For once he thought that dying would be better than going forward. But he knew, he knew that he had to go on and find a way back to the future to save his cousin. He just hoped that he could survive this endeavor.

"Who decided you had a choice?" discord asked as he looked at Cole with a hard cold glare. "They way I see it, you have no damned decision here; no choice what so ever you piece of shit." A kick was delivered to his chest, causing him to scream in pain as he fell to the ground once more. "Don't ever question me or my thoughts, least you want to be punished."

He sat back on his throne as Cole slightly pushed himself up with his arm while clutching his side with the other.

"Now then," Discord began as he brought his right talon up and prepared to snap his fingers. "say goodbye to your sanity. If you do survive this it'll be hell for you."

After that Discord snapped his talon, and nothing seemed to happen for a few moments before Cole started to struggle to keep himself up. Slowly it worsened until he was screaming while clutching his head and thrashing back and forth. His torso started to emit a dark mist that wafted off as he continued to thrash. If you watched closely you could see the gradual change in his body as the darkness too over. The most noticeable change was that he was forced into his wolf form, but instead of being a bright silver it started to darken before the hackle of his fur tuffed out and became thicker. His transformation into becoming a feral continued until he stopped fidgeting around on the ground.

Slowly Cole rose from the ground before opening his eyes and looking at Discord. His once normal red eyes had turned a deep blood red color along with a purple mist coming from the edges of his eyes, as well as white slashes of fur that were cut in half by his right eye. Upon seeing Discord, Cole bared his fangs at him.

"Someone still needs to learn his place, and I guess I could use you as entertainment until something else happens." He said right before Cole lunged at him. "This will be fun."

The next few days were chaotic to say the least around all of Equestria. Day and night schedules were thrown out of proportion, animal became things they were not meant to be, temperature fluctuated, clouds became cotton candy, the ground became checkerd floors, fish swam in the air, houses and chunks of land floated in the air and so on. Sitting upon his throne sat Discord as two ponies approached him. Both had wings and a horn as well as some armor that protected them somewhat and complemented their colors. The taller one was an alabaster white with a tricolor pastel mane and tail with a sun on her flank while the other was a close color between navy blue and a midnight purple; she had mane and tail that seemed to flow like the night and had twinkles of light floating in it as if they were stars, and she had a black splotch on her flank with a crescent moon within. As they neared Discord he spun his chair around and faced them while laughing.

"This is so much fun," he said as he lifted his paw before lowing it. "how about a game of pin the tail on the pony?" he asked as he brought his paw up, said paw was holding a tricolor pastel tail. One the white pony saw she freaked and looked at her flank before going back to Discord, giving him a glare as did the other pony.

"Play time is over for you Discord." she said.

"Oh I doubt that." He said as he munched on some black beans within a small bag, flinging them everywhere. "Hungry?" he asked as he showed them a paw full. Both mares just looked at him with unchanging glares. "Suite yourselves." Said handful was then thrown into his waiting maw. As Discord munched the two mares used their magic to bring out six gems that were hidden within their satchels. Doing so brought the attention of Discord causing him to stop eating and look at them.

"Oooo what do you got there?" he asked as he grabbed his goatee.

"The Elements of Harmony." the white one said as the gems began to circle them ever so quickly.

"With them we shall defeat you." the dark blue one said as the gems created a dome around them and as they started to float. This act made Discord laugh; arcing over the arms of his chair as he laughed out to the world.

"You should see the looks on your faces right now, so intense." he said, causing them to squint their eyes. "So sure of yourselves." While he was laughing they touched their horns together, activating a spell. A rainbow shot out of their dome and begun twisting around before becoming one and heading towards Discord. He either didn't care or was too busy laughing as the beam struck him, causing to turn to stone but not before he let out one final sentence.

"Have fun with my pet will you." With that he was turned into a stone statue for the foreseeable future. As their spell died down the dark blue one looked to the other.

"Sister, what did he mean by his pet?" She asked.

"I do not know Luna but-" She was cut off as a growling could be heard. They looked around until a pitch black paw came out from behind Discord's throne.

"Celestia look!" Luna said as she pointed a hoof towards the chair. Slowly the form of a wolf came out from behind the chair Discord was in. "What do we do? It might be Discord's pet." All Celestia could do was look at it as it came out into the open, and the biggest thing that she seemed to notice was it's eyes. Blood red irises and a purple mist. "Watch out!" Luna yelled as Cole lunged at them. He was successful in his attempt as Luna underestimated his speed, her mistake caused her left wing to be swiped at and injured "GAH!"

"SISTER!" Celestia yelled as she casted a shield around them and away from Cole. "How bad is it?"

"Not too bad, but i won't be able to fly. I underestimated this creature. It won't happen again." Luna said as she summoned several magic blades.

"Can't we just knock the thing out and subdue it?" Celestia asked.

"Do you think it'll give you the option?" Luna asked as Cole circled around the dome, looking at the sisters while showing his fangs. "You saw how fast it is and there is no telling how strong it is."

"You have a point," Celestia said as the wolf began to run into the shield, obviously getting tired of waiting. "I just don't want to kill it. What if it's some poor creature that was tricked into doing his bidding?"

"What if it's not, what if it's just something he conjured up?" Luna questioned. "Look sister I mean no disrespect by this, but in this moment it is either it or us and I'd rather us to live another day." As they talked, cracks formed into the shield as Cole kept bashing into it. "Now this shield won't last much longer, just follow my lead."

"I trust you sister. Let's do this." Celestia said as the shield fell after Cole rammed it for a final time. Falling to the ground as the shield fell he rolled to the side as a sword embedded into the ground where he was. He jumped back with amazing speed as two more were where he rolled to. "He sure is quick." Celestia commented.

"Less talking," Luna said as she continued to slash at the wolf. "More spells." This continued until Luna made a mistake, causing her to lose control of her magic and he falling to the ground. Cole slowly walked up to her before getting atop of her. He held her front hooves down as he eyed his prey. In that second Luna panicked, fear laced into her as she looked at its fangs. As she was trapped under him she looked him over before she noticed something large hanging between it's legs. It was a he. With that thought in mind she bucked him in the crouch before throwing him off of her. But by doing so caused Cole's claws to dig into her legs and tear muscle.

Celestia rushed to her sister as the wolf struggled to get up after being thrown away. "Sister are you alright?!" she asked as tears came to her eyes.

"Yes but now i won't be able to walk without assistance." Luna lamented. "We need to deal with beast now before he gets back up!"

"Too late." Celestia said with fear in her voice as the wolf descended upon them. As he drew near they noticed that he was almost as big as them if not bigger, this only caused the fear to rise. Cole kept looking between the both of them, deciding on which should he go for first. On one paw the blue one is injured and won't be able to do much meaning an easy meal, but on the other paw the white one was untouched by him.

"Celestia you have to do it, snap out of it and kill him!" Luna said causing Cole to turn his attention on her sister. Celestia for her part handled the situation as well as a prey animal could. Shivering in fear as they looked down the predator.

"I-i-i...." Tears began to pool in her eyes as he was upon her, maw right in her face. As he leaned into he face he started to sniff, and looking down he noticed she had started urinating. Thinking she was trying to claim his place he looked at her to the ground and back before he growled loud, but before he could bit a black blade came and swiped at him once more. Said blade was now caught in between his teeth.

"NOW CELESTIA!" Luna yelled. Celestia closed her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." she said as she charged a spell and fired. Once it hit Cole he lost consciousness and slumped forward right between the two sisters.

"Next time, kill it." Luna said with a deadpan stare. They looked at the wolf for a bit before it started to get smaller and changing shape. "What the..." When done it left Cole back in his human form, however, instead of his normal shiny silver hair it was dulled and had black streaks running through it. "What is it?"

"I have no idea, but we need to get back to the kingdom and let them know that Discord is no longer a threat. And get some medical attention." Celestia said as she picked the unknown creature up and had him leaning against her neck.

"What shall we do with him?" Luna asked as her sister picked her up with her magic.

"I do not know, but we'll figure that out after we are healed." she answered as Luna rested across her flanks.

"Amen to that."

With that the two sisters left the battle area in victory as they went back to where they came from. Being more preoccupied with the wolf and leaving to get help they never noticed the 'beans' Discord have earlier start digging themselves into the ground and vanishing Just leaving Discord there by himself in a weird pose.

Author's Note:

I don't know where im going with this im just going.

Comments ( 5 )

It is terrifying when Discord can really screw over the logics of reality, especially when turning Cole into an untamed, dark, chaotic feral. :twilightoops: However, what if Cole still retained part of Discord's curse and eventually found a way to control his feral instincts? Making him theoretically immune to Discord's Chaos Magic at a certain point or to the margin of error. Discord will soon realize that some souls can take advantage of chaos over time. Heck, regardless that chaos was meant to bring disorder... If chaos is found in a more better if not more efficient way, perhaps it can also bring order to those who intends to break it... Fighting fire with FIRE that is. :pinkiecrazy:

Opps. Sorry. Edited it with spoiler tag.

No you're good mate, I'm just saying that you need to either stop reading my mind or looking into the future lol.

And I thought Pinkie Pie was the fortune teller. :twilightsmile:

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