• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 3,584 Views, 109 Comments

Animals - Blaze Fury

Me and my cousin have been called freaks our entire lives just because we have animal ears and a tail. Well luckily we can get a second chance, but is it really?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Evil Within

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I'm going to be honest here and not sugar coat things. I lost all interest in writing. But I guess that might have been some bit of writers block and my laziness into that stuff, idk. Anyways I'm back I guess, just dont expect chapters coming out like they used to. Between doing stuff at home, having to walk across town for work and yea know... work I might not be able to get these chapter going out the way they used to.

I also had lost interest because I had rewritten this chapter a few times. Left out ideas I thought were good at first but then turned them down. Stuff man. But here you are fam, a chapter ready for you to read and criticize. I'll try and post as soon as I can though, just for you guys.

I've noticed that some people might get confused by the last bit, but that will be explained in due time. It's part of the plot.

Also, I love making references. Peace and May the Tides of Revolution Carry You My Friends.

I awoke the next morning in the hooves of Celestia, and I gave a groan as I felt her rubbing against me. I found it uncomfortable, and I slowly inched myself out of the bed. I was unsuccessful as I was pulled back in and having a sleeping mare whisper in my ear. After a few attempts I was able to free myself form her grasp. I went and sat beside her bed for a good hour before she woke up, and in that time I may have dozed off again. I awoke when I felt someone nudge my shoulder, and when I opened my eyes I saw a bed-headed Celestia with a pink mane looking at me.

"I hope I didn't do anything regrettable." she said as she looked my in the eye. I hope she isn't stupid because I'm playing as a human so there would be no way for me to respond. I continued to look at her as she got out of her bed and went to another door in her room. "I'm going to take a quick shower before the day, don't go no where."

I waited until she went into the bathroom and shut the door before letting out a sigh. God this is tiring, and I still have no idea how long I'm going to still be here. This was such a drag, really need to get into touch with Natalie or Erinna and tell them that I'm done here. I honestly can't stand this place. I mean don't get me wrong the ponies are nice and all, it's just that the nobles here are rubbing me the wrong way. Always looking at me with hungry eyes like I'm just some piece of meat. A prize, something to use. I could see why those guys were pissed, but killing everything in sight wasn't the smartest way to go about it.

I also need to figure out what has happened to Nightmare, he hasn't talked to me in a week. Well other than the times he tells me something is bad, other than that he doesn't speak much. It actually has me worried. I could try and talk to him again, eh its worth a shot.

'Nightmare you there?' I thought to myself as I continued to sit in the same spot.

"Yes what is it?'' I heard him ask.

'Where have you been man, other than the little helpful advise you haven't talked to me since I got shot.' I thought as an angry expression came to my face.

"Yea about that, there has been somepony scanning equestria looking for me. I have no idea as to why, but I'd rather not be found by them." he said, causing my expression to go back to an expressionless one.

'And why's that?'

"Because the magical wavelength is the same as someone I'd rather not deal with."

'Is it a cult?' I asked.

"Yes and no. Yes it is a cult, and no it wasn't the cult searching for me."

'And who is this person?'

"Well it's someone I tried to take over before I went to Luna, and he was as crazy as Luna was when I took over her. Add that to the power he would have gotten, and he would have been severely homicidal. Maybe even genocidal."

'Was he that bad?'

"Well I make him sound like a saint, but he was alot worse than I described him. I don't want to ruin whatever innocence you have left. Plus I was trying to take over the world, not destroy it."

'If I have to lose it to protect Natalie, so be it. Anything is worth losing if it means she's safe. Specking of Natalie, is there anyway for us to get into contact with them? My mission seems to be over so I best head back.'

"It'll be tricky but I can get into contact. With the small amounts of magic I have been siphoning from others it should be possible, the only problem is that it admits a small magical signature from you. My signature. So we'd need to be about a block or so away from those alicorns." he said.

'How do you suggest I do that?' I asked.

"Ask to go to the training areas, act like a dog and beg to go for a walk I don't know. Just figure something out." he said as the door Celestia closed earlier opened. "If you'll excuse me I need to leave, she'll detect my magic if I continue to talk to you."

"I hope I didn't take too long." she said as she left the bathroom. I just pawed at the ground like an idiot as my response. I watched as she went over to the stand to the left of the balcony and looked herself in the mirror as she started to work on her hair, that of which I just realized was pink instead of the three color rainbow. I made my way over to her on my hands and knees, something that felt more natural to me than walking on my feet, and watched her get ready for the day. "About last night," she said with a blush. I don't know why, nothing was done other than the cuddling. "I know I was under the influence but I hope that what I did doesn't make you hate me." She continued to get ready and I guess after ten or twenty minutes she was done.

But before she left she did something to her hair with her magic and made it go to the three rainbow ethoral hair that it usually is. I am normally not in her room in the morning; I am usually in the Human barracks, which is just a large barn next to the guards barracks. Anyways last night was weird and I hope that I don't have to do it again I mean Im not saying it was bad, it was actually pretty nice but I barely got any sleep.

"Okay that should do it. Come on my little human." she said before pausing. "You know before we go to breakfast, I think I should name you since i haven't already. Can't call you my little human all the time now can I? Anyways..... what name should I call you?" she asked herself as she sat on her hunches in thought. After a few minutes she points a hoof up. "I know, how about Alex? That sound good?" she asked. I just looked at her indifferently seeing how I didn't really care what she called me, well as long as it wasn't anything demeaning, I was fine with it. "I hope you'll grow to love it," she said before giving a small pause. "Alex." she finished with her motherly smile.

I have no idea what it was, but I just felt so comfortable around her. To be honest I have felt a hole that i have had filled in while i was around Celestia, and I don't know what it is. Nightmare says its just a ploy for her to get close to you and make sure you aren't a problem, but would she know it was me? I knew that her, Luna, and Moon were weary of me seeing how they knew next to nothing other than the fact that i am abnormal compared to other humans, they can't enter my dreams, and Nightmare sometimes gives off magical signature from me for about a millisecond. My musings and whatever Celestia was talking about was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in." Celestia said and the person on the other side opened the door to reveal a guardspony.

"Princess you are needed in the throne room for Day Court." he said as he looked at her with an even gaze.

"I'll be right there, come on Alex." she said, and from the corner of my eye i could see the guard give a slight sneer when he heard the name Celestia had given me. I knew right there that this guy seemed to hate humans, and to be honest a lot of ponies do. Traumatic experiences and all. I followed Celestia as she walked out the room on her way to the throne room for her court.

Since I have been here I've noticed that Celestia has held court during the day, and Luna as well as Moon hold court during the night. I have also noticed barely anyone goes at night. It might be because they are all sleeping or it could be that they are still afraid of those two. I just hope that they can get rid of that fear and learn to love those princesses. They all seem to favor Celestia; but that could be since she has been on the throne for the past thousand years while her sister, Luna and now Moon, where imprisoned in the moon because of the elements. Truth be told when i heard that these two where close to immortal and that they have been here for millennia I lost my marbles, for a short while anyway. I was brought out of my musings by a soft touch on my right shoulder.

"Alex, are you alright?" Celestia asked me. I still don't know why this woman asks me if i'm okay, I can't respond. Well i could but that would reveal my cover. But still, I can tell she cares about me and everything around her. I just patted her on her hoof as a way of saying yes. She gave a soft smile before turning around, and strangely enough i smelt this weird smell again. It happened the last time i was in the kitchen with Celestia and she had just had what she said was 'the best cake ever'. "Come on, we have court to attend. And I want you to stand up front by my side."

Location: Canterlot Castle, throne room
Perspective: Cole
Time: 12:45 pm

After about four hours court closed, and thank god it did. I couldn't stand another minute in there, just full of nobles that where so full of themselves that it was toxic. There where a few ponies that came in that were nobles that weren't like that but it was a slim number. I tried to ignore what was going on but the pony grabbed my attention, and it was in a bad way.

He was wearing a black cloak on his body and a weird aura around him. The color was pleasant as it was pitch black, which for a pony that means evil. Usually ponies have bright and colorful auras, but usually when they have dark colored auras they are destined for evil. He came to the court to give a warning to Celestia about the future, say that her time was coming and that the one closest to her would suffer because of it. She tried to capture the pony but before she could the pony started to decay and turn to ash. The only thing i knew could do that was a Necromancer.

I tried to ignore the bad feelings I was getting form that memory since I knew who sent that pony here, or at least a good thought. I had decided to keep that at the back of my mind as something to prepare for the future, but as of this moment i need to get alone so then I can telepathically call Erinna and Natalie. I need to tell them what has happened with the griffins and maybe the fact that a Necromancer has his or her eyes on Celestia. I don't know why but I still get these feelings about her and they confuse me, how could I have these feelings of another species. No matter, I just do what i usually do and push they feelings away. I'm on a mission right now and they will just get in the way.

In an attempt to get alone i decided to go to the training yards near the guard barracks at the castle. When I got there I noticed that it was empty, of both humans and ponies so I tried to contact them. "Nightmare you there?" I thought to myself.

"Yea I'm here, you sure your alone?" he asked me.

"For the moment I believe."

"Alright then I'll start the spell needed for you to contact Erinna and Natalie. Before we start this I must warn you; you will only have a few minutes, two at most, before the princesses notice my magic signature."

"Okay then get it over with, I don't know how long I can stay out here undetected."

"Alright," he said be fore giving a pause. "Starting spell matrix.... applying magic to matrix.... " After he said that he was silent for about a minute or two so in the mean time I just stood there standing on my left foot with my right placed against my left knee with my eyes closed. In my spare time I enjoy meditating, it helps keep my energy within my body balanced and it helps with my anger issues.

"Matrix is fully charged and stable, building connection no-" he said but I heard hoofsteps coming in my direction.

"Kill the spell now!" I shouted in my head. I fell to the floor clutching my head in pain as the spell came back and hit my mind. The hoofsteps I heard before got quicker as they rushed to my side.

"Alex!" I heard Celestia's voice yell. "Are you alright!?" she asked, but for obvious reasons I couldn't respond. She stayed by my side for a few minutes until the mini headache went away and I slowly sat up. I looked at her as she gave me a soft smile. for the briefest of moments i felt my heart flutter and a warmth in my face. "I'm glad your feeling better, and please don't scare me like that. I was really worried."she said as she got up on her hooves.

I watched as Celestia trotted in front of my and bent her neck down until she had her face in front of mine.

"On a side note I have wonderful news!" she said with cheerful smile. "I'm taking a trip to Ponyville to visit my student," she gave a pause. "and I'm taking you with me!" I wanted to give her a deadpan look since I have to go with her where ever she goes since I am her personal human guard. Darn ponies I swear; even being as old as Celestia they are still somewhere ignorant.

"Princess," a guard said gaining Celestia's attention. "your sky chariot is ready to depart to Ponyville."

"Alright Stone Wall," she answered before looking back at me. "come on Alex it's time to leave." I mentally shrugged as I stood and followed Celestia and the few guards to the sky chariot. I honesty find it weird to have the staging area for the chariots right next to the royal gardens, but hey what do I know. I'm just a prepubescent teen who is supposed to be a dumb human. We silently boarded the chariot before waiting a few minutes as they checked over everything. We took off after that, and let me tell you this. I HATE heights. never liked 'em, never will.

Anyways i closed my eyes and decided to sit there and focus my magic and chi as to keep them balanced. I was glad not to be disturbed by Celestia as we headed to this 'Ponyville'. Sounds cringy, but what do you expect from technicolor ponies. After about an hour or two of flying we started to slowly descend from the sky. When I felt us descend I opened my eyes and looked out over the town, which didn't look that bad. I do love a good rustic scenery. We landed down outside of town, and as soon as we touched down I watched as five ponies came rushing up to us.

I followed Celestia as she got off and then addressed these ponies as they bowed to her. "Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil."

"Hello Princess." said the lavender pony, whom I'm guessing was Twilight. I could faintly hear the sound of a band playing nearby, but for some reason it was getting louder.

"So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends." Celestia said as the sound of a band got closer. Everyone went wide eyed as a pink pony with many sets of instruments on walked by, playing them all. I of course had a signature 'what the hell' face. I mean seriously, what the hell was that? I watched as they bounced on by, and during this Twilight walked up to Celestia.

"So how was the trip? Hit much traffic?" she asked.

"What is this?" Celestia asked as one of the bugs landed on her left wing before giggling. "These creatures are adorable." One of them landed on my shoulder but imminently flew away as I growled. I just had a bad feeling about these things.

"They're not that adorable." the cyan pony grumbled.

"I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit" Celestia said.

"Parade?" Twilight asked with confusion, before her face changed to that of when someone gets an idea. "Oh yes the parade!"

"Unfortunately that visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there have been some sort of infestation." Celestia added. 'What, like this one?' I thought to myself as I continued to watch the little bugs hop by.

"An infestation?" Twilight asked with a worried expression.

"Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town." Celestia said with a motherly smile. "I'm sorry Twilight to have to put you all through so much trouble." 'Why do I feel like I'm off screen?' I asked.

"Trouble?" Twilight giggled. "What trouble?"

"Before I have to go; would you care to give me your latest report of your findings about the magic of friendship in person?" Celestia asked as she started to climb back into the chariot. Really? That's it? I thought we were visiting your pupil not just stopping by and then dealing with a problem. And when did you get news about Fillydelphia? I never saw this or even heard about this. I don't even know why I'm ranting about this.

"My... report?" Twilight asked.

"Haven't you learned anything about friendship?"

"Actually I have. I've learned-" Twilight started but was cut off as an ear piercing scream rang through the hills. It wasn't a sapient scream I know that, and I looked to the direction it came from and saw the bugs running back this way, as well as the pink pony.

"EVERYPONY RUN! THE BAD HUMANS ARE COMING!" she screamed as she bolted past me. I watched as a large group of humans exited the forest, some looking alight but others looking paler than a vampire. The pale once seemed to be leaking black ooze coming from different spots on their body. Some of it was coming from their eyes, mouths or an open wound on their body. I didn't have time to ponder anything else as I was lifted with magic before the land around me moved.

"Everypony to town hall!" Celestia yelled as she teleported all of us to the town square in front of the town hall. For the first time teleporting with conventional magic I was on the ground holding my stomach. Never again. no more teleporting for me. Anyways when i slowly got myself off the ground and rubbed my stomach with my right arm. I looked around and saw that Celestia as well as Twilight and her friends were ushering ponies into the town hall. A minute or two later and everyone seemed to have gone inside.

"Princess," Twilight asked with worry in her voice. "What do we do? I've never seen a pack of humans this large."

"I'll have to message Luna and have her and Moon bring in a squad of guards with them." Celestia answered with a slight lase of fear in her voice. I'm guessing she hasn't dealt with something like this before. In her pause of speaking I could hear the inhuman screams getting closer. Really wish I could talk to Nightmare with out him getting detected. "In my long life I've never seen so many infected humans in one place. One, two maybe but not this much."

Before anyone else could say anything a few humans started to come to us, but they seemed to be running in fear. Behind them was the rabid group of humans we saw earlier. I walked down the steps of the town hall and stood there at the bottom and waited as the infected came closer.

"Alex NO! Get back up here!" Celestia ordered and I just balled my right hand into a fist. "Alex you can take them on! Please! I can't lose you again." she said but mumbled the last part so low that even my ears had trouble picking it up. I turned my head to look behind me and say Celestia sitting at the top of the steps on her hunches with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. All I did was give her a winning smile causing her and the other mares to gasp. I ignored them as I turned my attention back to the oncoming horde.

I knew this was going to be a bad idea as I went and undid the sling arm was in. And I bent down and unclasped the weights I have had on my ankles for a few months. I knew this might blow my cover but I'd rather do this then die. I doubt Celestia's sisters could get here in time to save us.

"Princess we should send that letter to your sister while Alex distracts the humans." Twilight suggested. Thank you Twilight. I thought to myself as I tossed the weights to the side. They were invisible but once they left my skin the were once again visible to the world, and they also dug into the dirt from their weight. I then started to do some quick stretches as the humans formed a semi circle around the entrance to hall. I glared at the humans from the weird behavior, and that glare increased as I watched two creatures come through the crowd of infected. One of the creatures was a tall and very buff human male, who seemed to be infected seeing as his eyes were red and he had a little bit of black blood on his face. The strangest part wasn't the blood, but the black collar around his neck. The other creature was a minatour a little taller than the human, and that was kinda intimidating to say the least since the human was around six or so feet. I'm guessing here by the way.

I'm also ready to piss myself and cry a river since I'm just a teenager dealing with this kinda stuff. I hate my life sometimes.

"Princess Celestia," The Minatour said with a gruff voice. "What a shock to see you in this shitty small town."

"What do you want?" Celestia asked with an edge in her voice that I've never heard before. I also heard the distinct sound of her magic powering up.

"Ah ah ah! I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you kill me then this big guy," the minatour patter the humans arm, causing him to grunt. "Will lose all control and go on a rampage, as well as the rest. And last time I checked infected humans are resistant to all magic, no matter how powerful the being is. I also seem to remember that you and the rest of this town don't have enough power to stop this many infected humans." During his talking I heard her magic cease.

"Again, what do you want?"

"I first came here to destroy your precious Elements of Harmony, and then imagine my surprise when i saw you here as well. I just had to hop onto that opportunity. I know im going to win too." He said as he smiled. "Cuz I doubt your little human right there can do anything. So I'm going to be nice and send the smallest of the group." After he finished talking a male human about five feet walked out from the crowd and then charged me. This is small? I thought as I calmed myself physically and mentally. When the guy was close enough I spun around and kicked him in the stomach.

I watched as he soared over the others and landed somewhere behind them.

"Damn he's made of tougher stuff than I thought. Alright if you can go against that guy then you can go against all these fine beasts." the minatour said as he gestured to all the other humans besides the big guy. "Get 'em boys."

I lowered myself into a martial arts stance as the humans neared me. I have no idea bow I'm going to get out of this situation safely, but I have to try. If I don't I'm as good as dead.

"Princess isn't there anythin' we can do?" I heard someone ask with an accent. I paid no attention to the outside world as I readied myself for this fight. I'm going to need full concentration for this. As the semi circle of humans closed in I waited until they were a few feet away from me until I went. I grabbed the first one to get to me and pushed him onto the stairs of town hall before stomping onto his back and I heard a crack as he screamed in agony.

I didn't hesitate to turn back around and dodge a lunge from another, and these guys were easy to dodge but I still couldn't get cocky. Arrogance can lead to downfalls after all. From there it went to dodging the humans and stomping on them when they fell to the ground. I'll be completely honest that I'm disappointed, seeing how I wanted a challenging fight. My thoughts were side tracked as the humans seemed to change tactics. I noticed that they had loured me further from the town hall so they could circle me. Smart. I cursed myself for falling for this but dealt with it. I then started to parry and deflect blows from the humans as they tried to hit me from all sides. I didn't notice it but they had nicked and scratched me, and for some reason I was starting to feel tired when I knew that I could last much longer than this. I decided to risk it and called forth Nightmare.

'Nightmare what's going on? why am I getting so fatigued?' I asked.

"You're slowly being infected with dark magic." he said in a very calm voice.

'Your making it sound like you know what's going on.' I thought as I continued to dodge, but I was getting slower. Though at least their numbers were thinning fast.

"I do." he said.

'You what?'

"I made this infection, that's why I know what it is. It's dark magic in these humans." he explained. "Since the other humans can not handle the magic at all like you can they go rabid, get sick and then die not long after."

I stayed quiet as I continued to do my best to avoid getting hit but my body was starting to feel like I was moving bricks. My arms and legs were starting to feel like lead and my head was staring to spin. I did notice that the biggest human in the group had started to head my way.

"This was originally meant as something else about a thousand and a half years ago but this happened. You should be fine since your body accepts magic, but since you have never had dark magic I don't know how it will effect you. Just don't let it consume you."

I gave a small nod as I sluggishly punched the last regular human, knocking him out. Now all that was left was the large guy right in front of me. I didn't have time to even dodge the attack from the big guy as his punch sent me flying into town hall. I smashed right through the wooden wall, and I immediately felt awake as a burning pain raced through my abdomen.

I laid there in agony as I looked at my stomach. Poking out of it was a small two by four, which was covered in my blood. I tired to move it but that made my agony even worst. I cried as the pain continued, but my tears slowed as I looked around. Ponies were huddled in the middle of the town hall with what looked to be a make shift fort. A scream from outside brought my attention to the hole I made on my way into the building. I knew that scream, and I started to panic.

"PRINCESS!!" several voices screamed.

What will tho do? The pony closest to thou is in trouble. Let me help. a voice said to me in my head.

"Cole ignore it that't the dark magic talking. Don't listen." Nightmare said.

'But what can I do right now?' I thought as my tears renewed. Everything I always love and care for leaves me when I fail them.

Allow me to help thou young Cole.

"Nightmare can you bring me back if I go mad?" I asked.

"Alright, if you can help me then go wild. Just don't kill any of the ponies." I said.

As you wish.

Location: Outside Town Hall, Ponyville
Perspective: Celestia
Time: Error

I fought with all of the earth pony strength in me as I tried to push the large human off of me. The element bearers wouldn't be any match to this beast. I continued to struggle before I heard hoof steps getting closer.

"You know I never know I'd get this chance ya know? But I'm not going to dwell on it anymore. Vlad please kill this bitch." the minatour said before a feral growl could be heard from in town hall. Everypony stopped and looked at the hold that Alex had made when he flew into the building as the growl got louder. A few seconds later a black flash flew out of the hole and smashed into the beast of a human that was above me. I scrambled to my hunches as I looked at the thing that knock ed the beast about ten yards away.

The memories hit me as I viewed the creature that had saved me. He was the same height as Alex, but the only difference was his forearms were covered in a shadowy black substance that went up to his elbows before turning into wisps. Instead of the usual hand, he had razor sharp claws. His hair was longer than before, and the scariest feature was when he looked at me. His eyes. It was the same man I loved all those years ago. No one could mimic his pale yellow eyes and slitted irises.

He gave a howl into the air before going over to the large human and grabbing him by his throat. I watched as Cole lifted the larger human up until they were face to face. Cole then bared his teeth at the human, which I noticed where sharper than they were before, causing the human to widen his eyes in fear.

Then the minatour started to walk towards Cole but before he could get close Cole punched the human in the face and threw him at the minatour. I then noticed there were more humans coming into town square, but they soon turned away and ran when they saw Cole standing in the middle menacingly. He then slowly walked over to the human and minatour. Grabbing the unconscious human and lifting him off the minatour.

"Ya know," the minatour said before coughing up blood. "it seems like you want me to tell you want my plans are. Am I right?" Cole nodded. "I don't know what's funnier. The fact that you think your scrawny ass intimidates me or that my boss is going to let me live if I failed." he said while slowly standing up and clutching his chest before bursting into blue flames. "And now I'm on fuckin fire!! So I guess it's fair game. The ones who sent me were demons." He finished before turning to ash. We all stared at what was left of him as all the other humans slowly went up in flames too.

I got onto my hooves and slowly approached Cole, and tried to remember what he told me on how to deal with him when he loses control. I slowly went up to him and hung my head low as I rubbed his stomach with my cheek. I felt him relax before beginning to hug me. After a few minutes I looked at him and saw he was back to normal, albeit having a larger sense of dark magic within him, but I guess that was from the other humans and the infection. His arms were back to their tan selves and his hair was back to the same length. I could see two little fangs jutting from his upper lip but other than that I couldn't tell if his eyes and teeth were fully back to normal.

All I knew was I was extremely glad to have him back, and that I was dreading the paper work when I get back to the palace. But I let that go as I wrapped my wings around him as I heard the sound of chariots landing.