• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,720 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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Once Wily had Vinyl settled in the new Skull Fortress - built because, with the location of the old one compromised, he needed a new base of operations that Mega Man didn't know where to find - he immediately began work on eight new Robot Masters with which to take over the world. However, two things made building them take a lot longer than expected. The first he'd anticipated, being that he was working alone instead of with Dr. Light.

The second was that Vinyl was constantly underfoot, trying to spend time with him. She was very distracting.

"Vinyl..." Wily whimpered at long last after yet another Robot Master blueprint turned into a cape to play Supers, only to be ruined when Vinyl inevitably spilled something on it, this time iced coffee. "Vinyl, how am I going to ever build the Robot Masters to take over the world when it's been two months and not a single blueprint has survived long enough to start construction?"

Vinyl hung her head. "Sowwy..."

Groaning, Wily pulled her into a hug. "I know you don't mean it...but it's hard enough coming up with these ideas. I mean, if you could help somehow..."

Vinyl's eyes lit up, and she dashed out of the room before dashing back in with several household objects, a few dolls, and some legos. She then began assembling them.

Wily stared as she quickly assembled eight toy robots. The first was made of red and yellow legos with a buzzsaw decal stuck to its forehead. The second was a fan with arms, legs, and eyes stuck to it. The third was a frog plushy with a scuba mask. The fourth was a Viewtiful Joe figurine, recolored and having its V mask turned into a headpiece. The fifth action figure had its hands replaced with launchable drill missiles. The sixth doll had had its hand replaced by a flash bulb. The seventh was a zippo with limbs and a face stuck to it. The final one was a rain stick she'd attached eyes and limbs to. "Ta-dah!" she proclaimed proudly.

Wily stared at them for a time. "...these are your ideas for my next eight Robot Masters?" he asked, not sure whether to laugh or groan. When Vinyl nodded eagerly, he shook his head. "Not exactly the most impressive or intimidating of designs..."

Vinyl put her forelocks together over her head, then clapped her forehooves together a few times.

"Well, Cutman wasn't exactly designed for combat..." Wily countered.

Vinyl lifted her glasses off her head and proceeded to thrust downward with them repeatedly in a stabbing motion.

Wily chuckled. "True. Mega Man probably is still having nightmares about Cut Man's Freak Mode...assuming he has dreams." His eyes lit up. "Wait, are you saying the almost comical lack of intimidation factor on these new Robot Masters will lull Mega Man into a false sense of security, letting them tear him apart?"

Vinyl nodded eagerly. "Make a big boom!" she agreed.

Grinning widely, Wily pulled out a new blueprint sheet. "Alright. Let's see about making them actually work, shall we?"

"Vinyl, why would I deliberately design my Robot Masters to be weak against each others weapons?" Wily demanded after Vinyl had added something to the blueprints that left him completely poleaxed. "It makes absolutely no sense! Why would I make the fight easier for Mega Man?"

"Feek chip!" Vinyl proclaimed proudly.


Smiling, Vinyl dumped out a bag of computer chips, spilling them over the table. Picking one up, she plugged it into the design computer.

Wily stared at the code that was called up. "This...this is the code that triggered freak mode in the original six Robot Masters," he pointed out in amazement. "How'd you isolate it like this?"

"Magic!" Vinyl proclaimed happily, then sniffed twice cutely. She'd gotten the sniffles recently, which was why she was currently wearing a super thick woolly sweater, a scarf that was longer than her entire body, thick woolly socks, ear muffs, and had a cup of hot tea and a bowl of chicken soup sitting in front of her. Wily had drawn the line there, however, reminding Protoman that it was his sister, Roll, who was the housekeeper bot. He would have drawn the line sooner, but Vinyl looked absolutely adorable all bundled up like this, and she seemed to like the attention.

As much as Wily wanted an explanation further than 'magic', Vinyl wasn't speaking in complete sentences yet, so there was only so much she could tell him. Besides, he could figure out most of what she tried to tell him in other areas, and 'how' she made these chips work wasn't so important, considering there were at least 100 of them, hopefully far more than he'd ever need, no matter how many times he had to try to take over the world. "So...if I install these chips in the Robot Masters, they'll have Freak Mode?"

Grinning, Vinyl pointed to where she'd marked out weaknesses, lowering her head to noisily slurp up her soup.

Wily's eyes widened. "And rather than it being randomly coded to activate based on personality input, it'll be designed to activate when they're hit with their Weapon weakness? Of course! And with the weaknesses so obvious and logical, Mega Man would be an idiot not to try to use them...and then the Robot Masters Freak Out!"

Vinyl clapped her hooves happily, pleased to see that Wily got it...though apparently less than pleased at the way her socks muffled the sound of her applause. Her pout was absolutely adorable.

Wily chuckled wickedly. "This is going to make watching the battles so much fun, isn't it?" he asked. "Pity whoever Mega Man fights first won't go into Freak Mode..."

Vinyl frowned, scratching her head for a bit. Grabbing a pencil in her mouth, she began making sketches on a piece of blank paper. Wily was almost afraid to find out what she was going to create next.


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