• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,720 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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10: Sickness

When Mega Man reached the teleportation dock to get back to Light's Lab, he was surprised to discover it was on lock down, with Typhon standing guard over it. "Typhon, what's going on?" he demanded. "Why can't I teleport down?"

"Quarantine," Typhon explained firmly, his voice as monotone as ever. "No teleportation to or from Sky Lagoon until the situation is resolved."

"What situation?" Mega Man countered. "I need to get back to Light Labs for a retrofit and maintenance! How am I supposed to get there if I can't teleport?"

"You can jump," Typhon offered bluntly.

"Over here, Mega Man!" Albert called out before Mega Man could respond. "I'm taking a shuttle down to Light Labs myself today. You can ride with me. I can explain what's going on in transit."

Shaking his head, Mega Man raced over to join Albert on his way to the shuttle. "So what's this about a quarantine?" he demanded intensely. "And why didn't Vinyl mention it?"

"Because I haven't told her about it," Albert explained calmly. "Her entire focus has been on the Mars project, first trying to break through the communications static while you were on Mars, and then making sure nothing interfered with your shuttle's safe return. You have been gone for an entire month, after all."

Mega Man nodded as they reached the shuttle. "I know. That's why I need to get back for repairs and the like. But why a quarantine?"

"That's rather difficult to explain," Albert explained nervously. "It seems that a great many robots...are getting sick."

Mega Man stared at Albert flatly. "...what?"

"It's as surprising to me as to you," Wily explained as the shuttle lifted off, heading for the land below. "We've managed to determine it's a virus of some sort, at least as far as it interacting with robotics, but it appears to be airborne."

"That's impossible!" Mega Man countered. "A computer virus can't be airborne!"

"Thus the confusion and dilemma," Wily confirmed. "The physiological symptoms resemble the common cold amongst humans, but it only seems to be affecting robots...and not all robots at that. We've yet to determine a common factor as to the robots that are affected, or a method of correcting it."

"So why are you heading down to Light Labs?" Mega Man asked curiously. "And why the ban on teleporting?"

"Because as of yet, there have been no infections on Sky Lagoon," Wily explained. "We intend to keep it that way. No teleportations, and any shuttles coming up have to have robots on board. We know the incubation period of how long after exposure symptoms are exhibited, and each shuttle is kept quarantined that long. No one disembarks unless that time elapses with no symptoms showing. We aren't taking any chances. As for the trip to Light Labs, I've been working with Dr. Light to try and isolate the exact nature of the program causing these problems so it can be stopped, so we can create a cure program."

"While that makes sense, doesn't that mean you have a robot down there you're working from?" Mega Man asked worriedly. "Who do you have that's already infected?"

Albert was silent for a time. As the shuttle pulled into the Light Labs dock, he finally spoke up. "...Roll."

Rock stared through the quarantine glass at where Roll lay in a med scanner, groaning as she tossed back and forth. "Is...is she going to be okay?" he asked worriedly.

"She should be," Dr. Light spoke up calmly, working quickly with the data he and Dr. Wily had managed to gather. "She's in the early stages of infection, only been a couple of days since she started showing symptoms. If we're able to analyze it completely, we should be able to cure her before she goes into shut down...or further."

"Shut down?" Rock demanded in shock. "Further?"

"It's the progression of symptoms as we've recorded so far," Dr. Wily explained. "First, symptoms resembling the common cold. This is soon followed by weakness and loss of motor functions, resulting in what you see Roll demonstrating now. After that, internal temperature controls go awry, and any artificial bio-systems - such as the newer model digestive systems that more closely resemble the human digestive tract, like what you yourself have - shut down. Then the higher brain functions shut down. Then..."

Rock turned to face the doctors. "Then what?" he demanded.

"Then they reactivate in a berserker state," Dr. Light finally spoke up. "The first eight Robot Masters who showed infection have already gone rogue and are rampaging."

Rock staggered back in shock. "But...why haven't they been stopped?"

"And who would we send?" Dr. Wily asked flatly. "If we send other Robot Masters, they could end up infected. If we send ordinary robots...well, the Robot Master circuitry is still fully functional, so you know where that would lead. And unfortunately, the areas the infected Robot Masters are rampaging in have become too dangerous for human troops, and we've yet to get a mech unit in close enough to make a difference."

"Or in essence, this is exactly the same situation every time you or Vinyl were attempting world takeovers, except we don't know what's causing it," Rock translated. "Isn't that right?"

Dr. Wily bowed his head. "In essence..." he mumbled ruefully. "I don't really like admitting it, though."

"In that case, the solution is the same," Rock concluded. "I go in, defeat the rogue Robot Masters, and bring back data on their infections for a clearer picture on how to combat it."

"Not alone you don't," a familiar voice spoke up from back in the lab.

Turning, Rock's eyes widened. "P-Prometheus? Forte? What are you two doing here?"

"What does it look like we're doing?" Forte asked as he triggered his armor, preparing for battle. "Like we'd trust this to just you."

Rock smirked. "Well, it'll be interesting for us to be fighting together again...Bass." With that, he summoned his own armor units. "Let's go!"

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