• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,720 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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7: Out of Control

(Music plays)

As a new tune once more overtook the world, Mega Man found himself and Rush shot straight out of the world, somehow taking a road up to a space station, spinning in the star filled sky. The new space station was manned entirely by robots, and each and every one in sight had been warped to become monstrous, jaws gnashing to reveal sharp teeth and crimson tongues, even as they smashed against the doors that sealed them in. The only open path proved to be a looping track around the station, and only the highest speed allowed Mega Man to stay against the road rather than falling away towards the station's artificial gravity, or towards the planet below. The centrifugal force was aided only by a mild electrical charge along the road itself.

Mega Man steeled himself as Rush took a few laps around the path, staring up at the station and waiting for his opponent to arrive. He was glad the space station kept some sort of atmosphere around it reaching as far as the track, so he'd at least hear his opponent coming-

Rush veered to the side as balls of flame shot down, nearly engulfing the pair. Turning around, mega Man saw Turbo Man, his now fire red body more streamlined, riding a silent motorcycle, hurling balls of flame that orbited him on command. Mega Man cursed his overconfidence, as his opponent had used the sounds of Rush running to conceal his own approach, and he was now forced to dodge back and forth to evade the flames coming at him.

Deciding to address one problem at a time, Mega Man switched to Freeze Cracker, aiming back to try and hit Turbo Man. He didn't expect it to do too much damage to the Robot Master or his vehicle, but he wasn't actually trying to. As he'd hoped, the blast shattered against the cycle, icing the handles over even as the shards extinguished the flames that Turbo Man had generated so far.

Much to Mega Man's frustration, however, Turbo Man seemed unfazed by his flames being extinguished, as he simply started firing off more and more as he generated them. The only difference was that he no longer had a protective shield of flames surrounding him as he attacked, though that was slowly being corrected.

Mega Man cursed under his breath. There was no way he could outlast Turbo Man's weapon energy. Since his systems were designed around it, he wouldn't run out. Mega Man, unfortunately, only had so many shots of Freeze Cracker before he had to replenish, and he didn't have any Weapon Energy Tanks on him. He needed more breathing room to formulate a plan.

Staring down at the road ahead of him, he watched the shadows on the electrified path to see where the fireballs were flying, doing his best to avoid them as they came down. This proved rather effective, as the space station they were racing around was very bright, casting shadows even against the electricity of the road.

Eventually, that tidbit of information clicked in Mega Man's tactical centers, and he decided to try a new way to gain time to work up a plan. Turning, he switched to Thunder Bolt, tweaking the charge so it was the same as that running through the road, and fired it at Turbo Man's cycle. As he'd hoped, the matching charges resulted in the cycle being rapidly propelled away from the road, as well as sending a shock through Turbo Man.

His glee at the advantage was short lived, however, as the loud roar of an engine cut through the star filled air. Turbo Man raced up, now a crimson race car with flames running along his front and sides and trailing fire from his wheels. He zoomed up, nearly hitting Rush before leaving a trail of fire cutting them off.

Unable to react in time, Mega Man and Rush rolled right into the fire. Not only did the fire inflict damage to both of them, it slowed Rush down and broke the electrical charge locking him onto the road. Unable to stop, Mega Man found himself and Rush floating off into space, slowly rotating.

Taking the moments of peace this granted him, Mega Man turned his sensors up, trying to figure out what went wrong with his plan to put Turbo Man in this position. Seeing Turbo Man zip by underneath him, he did a deep scan...and discovered that Turbo Man was drawing power from the electrified road, giving him the same charge and letting him link to the road as part of it, giving off a much stronger charge than the road.

As Turbo Man raced around the tracks again, Mega Man swallowed convulsively as a frankly insane plan formed in his mind. "Are you ready, Rush?" he asked. "This is going to hurt..."

Rush tensed himself, then nodded. Leveling his buster, Mega Man fired an opposite charge of Thunder Bolt into Rush, causing him to be dragged back to the road, where he raced along ahead of Turbo Man, drawing attention.

Mega Man then prepared the next stage of the plan. Charging Noise Crush into one buster, he held a charge of the opposite Thunder Bolt in the other, holding it towards the road, the opposite charges dragging him straight into Turbo Man, bringing his other buster down into the canopy of Turbo Man's car form, releasing the fully charged Noise Crush into his internal systems.

Turbo Man reared, spinning wildly as he fell out of his car form, rolling across the road as Mega Man leapt free, landing on Rush as he wheeled around, once more drawing his sword. Turbo Man rose to his feet, gathering his strength to counter attack...but the blade sheared through his neck, and he erupted in an explosion that disrupted the highway, causing it to float away from the station, Mega Man and Rush at one end as the road uncurled, stretching out straight ahead as it fell towards the Earth below.

As Turbo Man's ethereal impression infused Mega Man, he felt eyes on him from behind as another engine roared, and the music changed again.

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