• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,720 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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Dr. Light and Dr. Wily sat across from each other, sipping tea. They did this every afternoon when they were working, and often when they weren't. It wasn't a full fledged tea ceremony - neither was dressed for such a thing, nor did they have the full accouterments necessary for it - but the calmness and peace was certainly there. It's why they did it...and why Bomb Man now insisted on setting it up for them since he was activated.

There were a couple differences between this day's ritual and all others. The first major difference was Vinyl's presence. She sat at the third side of the table, working her way around chewing a biscuit she'd dunked in the tea to soften it enough for her mouth, since not many teeth had come in for her yet. The way she clutched the biscuit with all four hooves as she nommed on it brought indulgent chuckles from both scientists.

What concerned Dr. Light more was the troubled expression on Dr. Wily's face, as though there was a weight on his heart and mind. Light thought he knew what it might be, so he decided to address it. "Parenthood is quite the responsibility," he pointed out.

Wily blinked, surprised by the subject being raised, but shrugged his shoulders. "I think I'll manage," he replied easily. "She's already imprinted on me. I can hardly deny her."

"True," Light replied. "I think she'll be good for you."

"She already has been," Wily replied mysteriously. "I think we'll be...good...for each other."

"Da!" Vinyl piped up happily, looking up at Wily adoringly. Wily chuckled as he smiled back at her.

Light smiled at their interaction, but the smile faded as Wily's troubled expression returned. "What's bothering you, Al?" he asked finally. "I could have sworn it was concern about Vinyl's attachment to you."

Wily was silent for a time as he sipped his tea. Finally, he lowered his cup. "I'm going to steal the Robot Masters to try and take over the world," he stated firmly, taking another sip of tea.

Dr. Light was silent for a time as he mulled over that. "Any particular reason?" he asked curiously.

"I intend to create a world where robots are treated as the equals of humans," Wily replied firmly.

"I thought that was our goal all along with accepting the contracts for the Robot Masters?" Light asked, somewhat confused.

"You genuinely believe humans will eventually accept robots as equals by having robots become so essential to society that humans can't imagine life without them, and by making them so personable that people are forced to see them as people," Wily explained. "I don't believe that will work. Humans don't change unless that change is forced upon them. I intend to force that change."

Light shrugged his shoulders. "I disagree, but we won't convince each other at this point," he replied. He decided to address his concerns about the matter in the order of importance. "And what of Vinyl?"

"She'll be coming with me," Albert replied. "She's already asked to help with the plans."

"And what if you get caught and thrown in jail?" Tom demanded. "What happens to her then?"

"I'll have taught her to act the cute and innocent child so the authorities won't know she was involved," Albert replied easily. "She won't be thrown in jail with me."

"And then who will take care of her?"

"Protoman," Wily pointed out. "He agrees with me in this matter, and she's already grown attached to him."

Tom smiled, remembering that time he caught Protoman gently stroking Vinyl's mane as she played that tune for him. "So why tell me, then?" he asked. "Surely you know I'll be compelled to try and stop you."

"I know you will," Albert replied. He sipped some more of his tea. "I genuinely believe in my mission with all my heart...but I am a scientist. I have to accept the possibility I could be wrong. The hypothesis...must be tested."

Tom nodded in understanding. "So, when do you plan on stealing them?" he asked. "So I can forget to lock the garage and deactivate them then. After all, it's only understandable I'd forget a few minor things when I have such weighty matters on my mind."

Wily raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're not going to try and stop me from stealing them?"

"You've probably already got a program installed in them that will let you remotely control them to force them to steal themselves," Light pointed out. "And you're probably going to activate it soon...far too soon for me to uninstall it, even if I knew what I was looking for. Given I don't have a choice at this point in whether or not they are stolen, I'd rather not have to repair the doors and security systems in addition to everything else I'll have to do to fight you."

Wily raised an eyebrow. "You could report me to the authorities," he pointed out. "They'd at least detain, if not arrest, me. That would give you time."

Tom was silent for a time as he sipped his tea. "I'm a scientist, too," he replied finally. "I believe in my ideals with all my heart...but my hypothesis must be tested as well." He smiled. "Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I turned you in for something you hadn't done yet?"

Albert smiled back. "I'll do my best to not cause unnecessary deaths," he promised.

"Thank you for that," Light replied. "And I won't program any superhero robot I send to stop you with lethal protocols. After all, not only do I not want to lose you...it would be a shame to orphan Vinyl."

"I knew we could come to an understanding," Wily replied. "So, do you plan to build a brand new robot to send after me, or upgrade an existing one?"

"Probably upgrade," Light replied. "Protoman showed us that I don't actually know what I'm doing when it comes to building a combat bot from scratch. I have a lot to learn if I'm to ever manage that."

"It's going to be Rock, isn't it?" Wily asked with a chuckle.

"In all likelihood," Light replied. "He'll probably even volunteer for it. He has a strong sense of justice. No idea which of us he gets that from."

They shared a laugh as they continued with their tea. "I'm looking forward to where this is going," Wily said finally. "I'll give you five days to get things set up on your end for the theft."

Light nodded his head. "It will probably take me about a month to fully upgrade Rock once he volunteers. Will you have a fortress prepared by then?"

"Already prepared it," Wily replied. "A nice little place, rather homey."

"With tons of death traps and other obstacles to deter a hero?" Light asked.

"And guardians," Wily replied. "Though the more fiendish obstacles are Vinyl's ideas." Reaching out, he stroked her mane, eliciting a purr like whinny. "I'm so proud of her."

"What could she have come up with that's so fiendish?" Light asked.

"Two words that will likely drive poor Rock insane before the end of this," Wily gloated, grinning wickedly. "Disappearing blocks."

Vinyl let out an adorably wicked giggle.

Author's Note:

The new cover art is by sanyo21 for those who saw it with this chapter.

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