• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,506 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Isolation, part 2

Jak sat back to listen to what Keira had to say. Keira, for her part, got ready to relive some of the most painful parts of her time in Haven City. This likely would be difficult for both of them. "Well, you know what the situation was once I took the job," Keira explained. "I was safe, as long as Baron Praxus thought I was working for him...but not safe if I was actually working for him, since there was already unrest about his rule in the form of a resistance group called the Underground."

"We're aware of them," Jak commented mildly.

"Thought so," Keira replied. "Anyway, I knew I had to do something to convince Praxus I was on his side while still protecting my own interests. Opportunity practically fell into my lap when I was invited to attend his birthday party. Not a showy affair, just close acquaintances and a few delicacies, rather understated for the ruler of a city...but it gave me the perfect opportunity to bug his private office."

"You planted a bug in his private office in the middle of his birthday party?" Jak demanded, shocked. "Are you insane? Do you have any idea how reckless that was?"

"Not very, considering he planted the bug himself." Seeing Jak's confused expression, Keira giggled. "He's even been kind enough to bring me the recording himself whenever it needs replacing."

"Wait...you mean that little gift...?" Jak began.

"The power source is designed to need replacing whenever the record tape runs out," Keira explained as she set up a device to read the tape for significant information. "And the lights and music it plays creates enough energy feedback to create a false positive on bug detecting devices when running...and I showed him that when I gave it to him. So that false positive he knows about hides the real deal."

Jak chuckled, shaking his head in amazement. "Not bad, Keira. What have you been doing with all that information you've been gathering?"

"I've handed off just enough to keep the Underground happy and not trying to actively recruit me, without actually giving them anything to use against the Baron," Keira elaborated. "They may not be happy about the situation, but without you here the Baron was the best chance this city had to survive. And after my first sighting of a Metalhead...well, I understand what the Baron was talking about with the struggle just to survive." She shivered at the memory. "If Ashelin hadn't taken it out, I would have been forced to build myself a new leg."

"Ashelin Praxus?" Jak asked.

"Yeah," Keira confirmed. "The Baron's daughter. She's...a friend of mine. Why, you know her?"

"...that's a complicated story involving time travel," Jak replied. "I'll explain-"

"So you are the lost Prince everyone's looking for, but older than they expected, aren't you?" Keira inferred. "Does she know you're the little boy she used to babysit all grown up?"

"...yes," Jak admitted. "That was...less awkward than I'd anticipated."

Keira smiled, remembering a few of the things Ashelin had mentioned of how mischievous Mar had been before the coup. Dispelling those thoughts, she continued her tale. "Anyway, I listened in on what the Baron was up to, while still trying to find out where you all were. But...a year after I arrived..."

Keira was actively working on some new Zoomer tech for the Baron, one for use out in the Wasteland that could hopefully supplement Eco Power by converting the heat of the desert into energy. The conversion engine was easy enough to produce, but making it work while the engine was running was proving more difficult.

It was as she was working on this that she heard someone unwelcome enter her workshop. "Keira, I need to talk to you."

Keira groaned in frustration. "Go away, Erol," she grumbled.

"Keira, this is important."

Sighing, Keira stood upright and glowered at the Captain. "Go ahead."

Erol walked up to her, his face a mask of concern and sorrow. "It's been a year, Keira. We've searched every inch of the city, checked every face. It's plain that your friends aren't in the city, which means they arrived somewhere outside the city...likely much further away than you did."

"So why aren't you searching out there, then?" Keira demanded angrily.

"We have been," Erol replied. "But...if they've been out there for a whole year, without food, a source of water, a means of contacting anyone, or any weapons...it's a foregone conclusion that they died out there, likely killed by Metalheads. And that's assuming they've arrived at all."

Keira had nearly stopped breathing when Erol laid out the likely fate of Jak, her father, and the others. She found herself latching onto the last sentence, however. "What do you mean, if they arrived?"

"You said you came through the rift," Erol explained. "Even our best scientists don't understand that part of Precursor science. And all records indicate that those who enter the rift without proper protection...do not return. It was blind luck you survived when your vehicle was destroyed. Your friends...likely weren't so lucky. That would be a better fate than...what would have awaited them in the Wasteland. Especially not after that...relatively fresh sets of bones Ashelin found, both human and not..."

Keira felt her heart beating out of tune. It...it couldn't be true. They couldn't all be dead...could they? Was she...all alone?

As tears rolled down her cheeks, Erol stepped forward. "I know this is hard for you," he stated softly. "So please, let me be here for you, to offer...comfort. To help you move on..." As he spoke, he reached out to stroke her cheek.

As she felt him touch her, the pain turned to rage. She smacked his hand away. "Get out!" she snapped angrily.


"Don't touch me!" she yelled, grabbing a wrench and hurling it at him. As he ducked, she grabbed hold of the auto-turret mounted on the experimental Zoomer and spun it towards him. "Stay the hell away from me!"

As Erol fled, Ashelin caught him as he left. "The Baron wants to talk to you...now." Her tone left no room for disagreement. Once Erol was gone, she came in, gently wrapping her arms around Keira as she broke into tears.

"...that was five years ago," Keira concluded. "Ever since that day, I've been...trying to rebuild the Rift Rider. While it was true if you'd arrived in the Wasteland, you would be dead...if you hadn't arrived yet, I thought I could go back into the rift and save you. But...two years ago, the rift waveform I'd been locking onto collapsed. After that...I feared you were gone for good..."

Jak stepped forward and pulled her into a gentle, comforting embrace, letting her cry against his chest. "That was when Shining, Daxter, and I arrived," he explained. "In all likelihood, if the waveform collapsed on our arrival, then Samos either arrived before you or within the year before you locked onto the waveform. Unless you detected any spikes in the meantime?"

Keira shook her head. "No. The only spike was two years ago, when the waveform collapsed."

"It must have collapsed once all of us were here," Jak told her firmly. "Samos is here somewhere. We'll find him. I promise." He waited until he felt her calm down before he spoke again. "So why are you trying so hard to keep the Baron on the throne just now?"

"Because as inhumane as some of his decisions seem to be, without you he was still the best chance Haven - and humanity - had of surviving the Metalheads." Seeing Jak's disbelief, Keira smiled. "Will you believe it from his own mouth?" Reaching over, she triggered one of the devices on her worktable, which projected an image on the blank wall opposite. The image was date and time-stamped, marking it as being five years old, being filmed not long after the events Keira had described earlier.

And then the image began to move, and sound began to play.

Erol sauntered into the Baron's office. "You wanted to see me, sir?" he asked, his voice a little surly.

"Care to explain exactly what you thought you were doing over at Keira's garage just now?" Praxus demanded without preamble, or even turning to face Erol.

Erol blinked in confusion. "I...wanted to offer her comfort after the...bad news we had to deliver-"

"You wanted to catch her on the rebound, taking advantage of her in her time of grief?" Praxus translated harshly.

Erol bridled at the interpretation. "I'll have you know she attacked me!" he countered aggressively.

"Are you injured?"

"Well, no-"

"Then I'll consider the matter closed," Praxus proclaimed with finality.

Erol's jaw dropped, shocked. "But sir! She attacked a Crimson Guard Captain-"

The Baron spun, cold fury in his one human eye, the metal covering of the right side of his head sparking from the force of his rage. "And that's the only reason you are still a Crimson Guard," he growled out. "If she hadn't attacked you, then dealing with the incident would be in my hands, and you would have been out of the Guard before you could cough twice."

Erol gaped. "S-sir?"

"Erol, this is a war for survival," Praxus continued. "I know you can't grasp that, but I have to. And when it comes to survival, every living human being under my command is either a weapon or a tool for the survival of the species. And when it comes to those tools, there are four types: natural commanders like the former King, scientists like Keira, soldiers like you, and civilians. Natural leaders can see what people can do and what they need, and shape people and situations to get the maximum results for minimum effort. Scientists - those really gifted like Keira - don't just work with existing technology, but create new technologies. Soldiers are only good for following orders, or being turned into other kinds of weapons. In that regard, Erol, you've risen to the level of your incompetence, because you fail to see the truth."

Erol managed to get himself under control. "And...what truth is that, sir?"

"That she is worth 10 of you," the Baron concluded. "And if you do anything to interfere with her contributions to our survival, I'll kill you myself, because you are not worth her becoming an enemy." Having said his piece, he turned away. "This is a direct order, Erol. For the next three years, no interaction you have with Keira is to be anything but professional. Ashelin will be the judge of what qualifies there. If you violate this order, you'll have the choice of dishonorable discharge and exile to the Wasteland, or a transfer to the Dark Warrior project as a volunteer. Is that understood?"

Erol, quite pale now, swallowed convulsively and saluted. "Yes sir!"

"Now get out of my sight!"

As the video ended, Jak crossed his arms thoughtfully. "...okay, so the Baron kept an eye out for you?"

"Yeah," Keira replied. "To a certain extent, he treated me as a second daughter."

"...still doesn't make up for trading Eco to the Metalheads-"

"To buy time to perfect the Dark Eco control process and gather the Precursor tech needed to complete a superweapon that will wipe out all the Metalheads simultaneously."

Jak's jaw worked for a time. "...okay, that's...wow."

"While a good idea on paper, the damage to the Eco veins - even in their depleted state - could be catastrophic," Keira explained. "So, while a good last resort, not a good idea to use when there are other possibilities."

"...which is why you haven't fed that tidbit to the Underground?" Jak clarified.

"Yup," Keira agreed. "And now that you're here, once we find Dad..." Pulling back a sheet, she revealed a plan laid out in immense detail. Step by step instructions and back-up stratagems, leading towards three major goals: the elimination of Krew's influence on Haven; the destruction of the Metalheads; and the end of military rule over Haven, and Praxus' control of the city. "Then we can save everyone."

Jak stared at the plan in amazement. "This is...amazing..." As he looked over it, he found himself laughing gaily. "Keira, I love you!" he shouted out without thinking. Realizing what he'd said, he turned to look at her nervously.

Keira smiled up at him warmly. "Jak...you have no idea how long I've waited...to hear you say those four words. I thought...I might never hear them." Tears in the corners of her eyes, she stepped up to Jak, wrapping her arms around him and slowly leaning towards him.

"Yo, Jak!" Daxter called out, dropping between them with one foot braced on each of their shoulders. "Krew's been spamming our communicators, wanting to know when we're gonna be back. He's got more work for us, and Torn wants us to grill him for more information." He blinked in confusion as Jak glowered at him. "What'd I say-WHOA!"

Shining smirked at Jak as he telekinetically dragged Daxter out of the room. "I'll tell Krew we'll be there in an hour," he reassured the pair before leaving.

"An hour?" Daxter demanded. "Why so long? Shining, what aren't you telling me..."

As Daxter's voice trailed off with distance, Jak and Keira turned back to each other, once more slowly leaning in towards each other.

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