• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Clean Sweep

Once out of the slums, the trio decided that Onin the Seer would be the best one to consult about the Seal of Mar fragment. Reaching her hut, they found that The Shadow was there waiting for them as well, Pecker on his head.

"The birdbrain and I were just talking about you," Shadow commented as the trio entered. "Onin is very proud of what you three did."

"What we did?" Jak asked, confused, not certain anything they'd done would make Onin that proud.

"What you did, what you do," Pecker interpreted. "It's all the same."

"Will you stop with the Deja Voodoo stuff?" Daxter demanded angrily. "It's creepy!"

"Onin says you must find the Tomb of Mar," the Shadow explained.

"Even now," Pecker began, translating directly for Onin, "Baron Praxus seeks-"

"We already know most of his plan," Shining interrupted. "So what's in the tomb that little Mar needs to fetch?"

"The Precursor Stone," the Shadow explained.

"It contains vast Eco Energies that can be used for great good," Pecker translated. "Or...great evil."

"So where are the other two pieces of the Seal of Mar?" Jak asked.

"One is inside the Lurker Totem at the dig site," the Shadow explained. "We haven't determined where the last piece might be."

"Easy enough to find," Jak confirmed, turning to lead the group out to the dig site. "Figure out where the third one is while we're gone."

Back at the dig site, the group found a few scorpion-like Metalheads wandering about, but they went down easily to the Scatter Gun. The bulkier ones took more than one shot, but still went down easily. The more concerning danger was the rivers of magma running through the site, adding an intense sense of danger to the mission, especially since the Jet Board wasn't properly shielded to coast over magma.

Moving deeper into the dig site, the trio found themselves confronted with a labyrinth of switches, rotating platforms, and rivers of magma. "Okay, this makes no sense," Daxter grumbled.

"What, that these protections would be here?" Jak asked.

"No, that they wouldn't have been dismantled when they were excavated!"

"Unless the entire chambers were excavated intact," Shining countered.

Daxter raised his paw in protest, only to yield. "Okay, there's that."

It took nearly half an hour of careful exploration of the site to find all the switches they needed to press to clear the path forward, and by that time all three were hot, sweaty, and tired. Jak then led the way across several pools of lava, allowing Daxter to ride his shoulder and Shining to teleport after him, doing his best to deal with the excess heat.

Towards the end of the dig site, they encountered some smarter Metalheads, which kept their distance and hurled Dark Eco grenades from above. Shining managed to find a clever way of dealing with them, using his Eco Blades to bat the explosives back at them.

Beyond that, a slope forced them to climb up platforms while evading spiked metal balls rolling down towards them. At long last, they finally reached the Lurker Totem, the Seal piece glowing near the top.

"Why don't you get this one, Jak?" Daxter suggested.

"Because I'm going to have to carry you two out of here," he pointed out, gesturing from Daxter's small size to Shining's near absolute exhaustion.

"...good point." Racing up the statue, Daxter carefully worked the seal piece - this one a round plate with two holes - out of the statue. "Wonder what makes it glow?"

"Maybe it's reacting to the blood of Mar in Jak?" Shining offered, panting for breath.

Shrugging, Jak pocketed the seal piece and slung Shining over his shoulders before making his way out.

"Hey Jak!" Daxter called out. "There's a portal behind the totem!"

"Talk about a welcome shortcut," Jak muttered, carrying Shining through.

After the three took a relaxing cold shower back at their apartment to cool off, they made their way to the saloon for some refreshing beverage. When they got there, they found Tess and Sig at the bar, with no immediate sign of Krew. Daxter immediately began to brag about a recent battle to Tess, painting himself as the 'hero of the day' while exaggerating the battle multiple times within the same telling. While Jak and Shining rolled their eyes, listening with tolerant amusement, Tess ate it up.

"Oh, Daxter, you're amazing!" she breathed, scratching his back just where he liked it.

"Quite the story there, golden boy," Sig teased. "Sounds like you're just the animal I need for a new mission. Combat Metalheads have been sighted in Haven Forest. These new bad boys have camouflage that make them tough to spot, but I'm sure with your 'killer instincts' you'll manage."

"Can we have a drink first?" Shining whined, only to be greeted with chuckles all around.

After getting proper refreshment, the trio made their way to the forest. The combat Metalheads were indeed tough to spot as Sig had suggested, though they tended to give themselves away when they opened fire. Not only that, the camouflage didn't work perfectly when they were moving, and also failed to fully conceal the crystals embedded in their foreheads. Though time consuming and nerve wracking, the trio was eventually able to eliminate all 30 of them.

"Wish we could have done this during the day," Shining muttered, shivering.

"Well, it's over now," Jak reassured him. "Let's head back."

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