• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,484 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Conference of War

The area of the city Jak and the others stepped out of the elevator into showed signs of the intense fighting that had been going on inside the city, an entire highway broken and crumbled into the lower streets and against buildings. "...things have really gone to heck since we've been gone," Jak murmured, staring around.

Turning, Shining shot a minor Metalhead - too small to have a focus crystal - that had been skittering towards them with a bolt of magic from his horn. "And those guys are everywhere," he grumbled.

"We'll just have to be careful, then," Daxter muttered, taking his usual perch on Jak's shoulder as he scanned the surroundings to watch Jak's back.

As they continued through the destroyed section of the city, they came to an energy barrier separating off a more pristine area. Samos and Keira were waiting for them on the other side. "See, Keira?" Samos proclaimed. "I told you I could feel Jak's energy...even if it does feel really different. What did you do?"

"The Precursors reacted much the same way when they saw it," Daxter replied. "Except they cursed about it."

"Are...are you really okay, Jak?" Keira asked worriedly, pressing her hand against the energy barrier as she tried to reach him.

Jak stepped up, putting his own hand against the barrier. He blinked as the barrier parted, a magical glow opening a doorway for him to step through to Keira. "Thanks bro-" he began, only to be cut off as Keira pulled him into a fierce embrace and a fiercer kiss.

Samos watched for a time, then turned away. Jak had just enough time to get into the kiss before Keira pulled back and started to harangue him over his recklessness. "You seem to have recovered from your Dark Eco poisoning," he commented to Shining.

"The Precursors gave Jak and I Light Eco," Shining replied. "It gave Jak new abilities, and restored my old magic." He gestured to Jak. "Keira's worry and the strangeness of his energy is because he combined Light and Dark Eco along with the other colors-"

Samos promptly fainted dead away.

Daxter stared down at the old man. "...huh. Didn't think anything could faze the old man. Guess it really is that big of a deal, Jak."

"As I was saying about recklessness," Keira finished, glowering at Jak as he hid behind his hands.

"Okay! Okay! I'll be more careful!" Jak promised.

Sighing, Keira nodded, accepting his words. "Since Daddy's unconscious, I'll pass on his message. The passages under the palace are of supreme importance. The Metalheads and the KG robots are advancing towards them. We can't hold out forever. Shining, you need to get over here so you and Jak can continue."

"Right," Shining agreed, opening a rift in the field again so he could step through. "Where to?"

"The Naughty Ottsel," Keira replied. "That's the new HQ."

"Lead the way," Jak replied, picking up Samos since the old man still hadn't woken up.

Once at the Naughty Ottsel, Jak found Torn leaning over a holo-projector, looking over the state of the city. "Never thought I'd see you three here again," Torn greeted.

"What'd you do to my bar?" Daxter demanded, mightily offended.

"We needed a second base," Torn replied flatly. He glanced away. "Look...I'm sorry we weren't able to stop Veger from exiling you-"

"I'm not," Jak replied firmly. "The timing was bad, but the plan worked out just fine. Dad's on our side now, too."

Torn stared, slackjawed. "You...you made contact with King Damas? He's still alive?"

"Yup," Shining replied. "Once we've dealt with the Day Star and the Dark Eco corrupted Precursors on board - assuming Jak's guess is accurate - we'll be able to work towards uniting Haven and Spargus and rebuilding the world."

"We just need to get to the catacombs before Veger does," Jak confirmed, laying Samos down on a couch.

Torn shook his head in wonder. "Wow...you plan the long game..." He managed a wide grin. "Up to taking care of a few small tasks in the meantime to keep us intact?"

"It wouldn't feel like Haven if we weren't!" Daxter replied. "Watch out, baddies! The boys are back in town!"

The holo-projector blared an alarm as it displayed a large, four-legged robot walker. "KG Blast Bots!" Torn gasped out. "Several of them, coming this way!"

Grinning, Jak primed his Morph Gun. "Come on Shining, Dax," he proclaimed eagerly. "Time to fix things up on this end."

"Let's work fast!" Shining agreed. "Don't want to take too much time before heading back to Spargus."

"Wait for me!" Daxter called out. He paused as he realized what he was saying. "Wow. I'm as eager as you two to get into battle. When did that happen?"

"Speaking of battle, where's the Baron?" Jak asked curiously. "I thought he'd be on the front lines."

"He is," Torn replied. "He's testing a new battle walker of Keira's design." He shrugged his shoulders uneasily. "Still taking a lot of getting used to, fighting on the same side as him." He braced himself over the holo-projector, dispelling those thoughts. "Still, he's better than Veger."

A Blast Bot slammed onto its back in front of the Naughty Ottsel, a large walker mech landing on it and smashing its control console with a metallic fist. "Keira!" Baron Praxus bellowed from the pilot's seat. "The new mech works wonderfully! I can hurl these robots like rag dolls, and I've yet to encounter any of the feedback issues you were worried about! How soon can you build more of these?"

"Depends on how many viable parts I can salvage from broken bots!" Keira countered.

"When do I get to drive that?" Jak breathed eagerly.

"Once the Baron's worked it enough that I can be sure it won't fry you," Keira replied logically.

"Your Highness?" Praxus barked out, surprised. "It's good to see you well and back! Care to join me on the front lines?"

Jak grinned widely. "Just try and stop me. Even with that mech, I bet we take out more KGs than you."

"Put your creds where your mouth is!" Praxus bellowed, charging back into the fray, the trio of adventurers hot on his heels.

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