• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Rebuilding

Kor's head fell to the ground, the last remnant of the monster he had revealed himself to be. The cavern shook in response to the settling of the titanic energies unleashed during the struggle, and Jak only barely managed to stay on his feet. Shining and Ar-Mar had better luck, being on four legs. Young Mar allowed himself to fall on his butt, since he didn't have far to fall. He was the first to recover, and immediately noticed that the Precursor Stone was glowing brightly. Drawn to the light, he reached out and lay his hands upon the jewel.

A blue humanoid figure of pure energy leapt from within the stone, a silhouette filled with power. "A...Precursor..." Jak gasped out in amazement.

"It is finished," the Precursor proclaimed, its voice deep and echoing, though subtly different from what issued from the Precursor Oracle statues. "Our ancient enemy is no more." The figure floated there, hands spread wide. Though there was no face, a sense of joy and pride emanated from the figure, filling all who were in range to hear with hope. "Take hope, brave ones of the line of Mar, noble sons of Damas, for the terrible darkness inside you both is now balanced by a glorious light, drawn from the blood we share, waiting to awaken and serve you."

As Jak and Shining stared, stunned, the Precursor took note of the approach of the Lurker Balloon. "We will meet again..." the Precursor murmured softly as he sailed into the Rift Ring, vanishing into space and time.

As he vanished and the sense of awe began to fade, Daxter was the first to speak up. "So...am I the only one who thinks that dude somehow grows up to be Mar?"(1)

Jak and Shining were both silent for a time. "...and I'd just started to wrap my head around all this," Jak finally groaned.

As the Rift Rider arrived, Keira and Samos stepped back, letting The Shadow, Mar, and Ar-Mar get ready to ride the Rift Rider back to Sandover. Shining approached his younger self. "You take care of your brother, okay?" he insisted. "He doesn't exactly have the sense he was born with some days."

Giggling, Ar-Mar nodded before hopping into the Rift Rider.

"Hey kid," Jak spoke up, approaching his younger self. "You take care of yourself and your brother, okay? Oh! And trust me on this. Stay away from any Wumpy Nests on your ninth birthday."

Chuckling, young Mar handed Jak the medallion he'd been wearing around his neck all this time, an artistic representation of the Seal of Mar. Smiling, Jak pocketed it as the Rift Rider rose up to dive through the Rift Ring...before the ring itself fell apart, its ancient power finally spent.

As the group got ready to leave, Daxter suddenly spoke up. "Wait a minute...I'm the one who got stung by all those Wumpys on your ninth birthday!" he insisted angrily.

"And now you know why Shining and I kept our distance," Jak teased.

With Daxter fuming and the others laughing, the group rode the Lurker Balloon back to Haven, to let everyone know...the war was finally over.

With the news of the war ending, Praxus resumed his duties as Governor of Haven, and began drawing up the plans to slowly cycle the city back to peace time functions, as well as drawing up ideas for how the Wasteland might be reclaimed and restored, though that was a very long term project. He declined attending the party to celebrate the end of the war, as with Kor's death his mind had become completely clear for the first time since his skull had been damaged and repaired, and he had a lot of deep thinking to do. And beyond that, he hoped to delay the conversation awaiting him with Jak and Shining regarding Damas' fate.

Daxter, for his part, had found a new source of income for the group until such time as a new adventure overtook them. Taking over Krew's old saloon, he had renamed it The Naughty Ottsel, "The hippest, happenist, hoppiest joint in Haven City". Out of a sense of karmic irony, Daxter had affixed Kor's head over the bar in the 'trophy' style that Krew had enjoyed so much.

As Tess marveled at it during the party, Daxter had proudly bragged, "I bagged that big boy myself, baby!"

Pecker readied himself to translate a snide quip from Onin, only to stare in amazement. "What do you mean he's not bluffing?" Pecker demanded in disbelief, causing everyone present to burst into laughter.

"Well, he did deliver the finishing blow," Jak pointed out, shooting his old friend a thumbs up.

"Well, looks like I was betting on the wrong pony, then!" Sig suddenly proclaimed as he entered through the front door.

"Sig?" everyone shouted out in amazement.

"You're okay?" Jak gasped out happily as he strode forward.

Sig marched in with a huge smile on his face. "You cherries didn't think some nasty breathed, giant sized lizard-bug was going to keep me from the biggest party in town, did you?"

"You're tougher than you look, big guy," Shining praised. "And that's saying something!"

"And look who I found stuck in a broken down Titan Suit down in the lower levels of Under Port!" Sig proclaimed expansively, pushing Vin out from behind him. "He's not so bad himself."

Vin definitely looked the worse for wear and rather shell shocked, but he kept moving his arms as though trying to make a Titan Suit punch, kick, or jump. "Just survive..." he mumbled under his breath. "The unicorn will save me...just survive and stay calm, the unicorn will save me..."

"Vin!" Shining gasped out in shock. "We thought you fell at the Power Station!"

"Just survive..." Vin mumbled again.

"I think he could use a few calming drinks," Sig suggested. "When I found him, he'd just accounted for three of those guys that took me into the Abyss, and didn't even seem aware that his Suit was about to explode. He refused to let go of the controls, so I had to carve them free."

"...the unicorn will save me..." Vin muttered again. He remained catatonic even as Tess poured a jug of rather strong liquid refreshment down his gullet. He then promptly fell over backwards to snore.

"Just some of Bruta's sleeping potion mixed with some of the lighter booze," Tess replied to the looks she was being given. "He'll be fine once he wakes up after a good night's rest."

Deciding to let Vin rest peacefully, the group made their way outside to watch the fireworks as the city celebrated the end of a war that had gone on for far too long.

(1) While it's never stated outright in the games, the way things are phrased heavily implies that Mar was a Precursor and that the Precursor Stone was one of the last of his 'eggs', somehow. While not exactly accurate even within the game's own mythos - or how I intend to straighten out the mess of the game's mythos - still something funny to interpret from.

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